19 posts
OK But How About Kaminari And Kirishima With Fem S/O That Gets More Confident The Closer She Is To Them??
OK but how about Kaminari and Kirishima with fem S/O that gets more confident the closer she is to them?? (like when they first met she's shy and quiet and after dating them she's cocky and flirty but still sweet)
Sure Anon! Sorry if this is short.
Kaminari and Kirishima with an shy Fem S/O who get more flirty after dating

Kaminari thought you were hot the moment you walked into the classroom.
He immediately went over and started to flirt with you.
He clung to you like an koala
Remember that scene in the anime when he asked out Uraraka while carrying her book?
That but with you.
Kaminari loved to flirt with you before so the fact that the tables have turned shocked him (haha get it?)
Like for example, he’ll flirt and you’ll come back with something even more flirty.
He’d blush so much you could cook eggs on him.
Jiro makes fun of Kaminari when this happens but only in an teasing way.
Mineta is very jealous.
When Mineta flirted with you, Kaminari shocked him and he went to his yay state for an bit.
When that happens, you gotta hold him for an bit.
Kaminari isn’t ready but he’ll probably be just really happy that you love him.

When he met you, he was shy too.
Kirishima couldn’t talk to you at all.
That’s why Mina had to jump in and save this boy’s heart
Mina sent you both up on an mystery date.
Kirishima was superrr shy during it and you were too!
I mean, Kirishima with an cute girl?! Crazy!
But you both had an good time and he was a happy boy when you kissed him on the cheek shyly.
As time went on, you became a lot more flirty.
AND OH MAN, Kirishima is dying of overheat.
He’ll just go as red as his tomato hair.
Kirishima will die when you say something even remotely seductive.
So have funny with your tomato manly blushy boy!
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More Posts from Babygangsta11037
King Dark Cacao gets paid

Hello!! Can you please write some fluff for Kirishima with his S/O who just really wants to become his sidekick once he becomes a pro?
AWWWW! I love Kirishima. He is one of best boys.
H/N = Hero Name
Kirishima with an S/O who wants to be his sidekick!

•Kirishima was shocked when you told him honestly.
•I mean, U.A students wanted to have their own agencies when they were heroes, right?
•Not you though!
•Kirishima blushed a lot when you had boasted that he was going to be the number one when he was a pro.
•But he didn’t expect that you would go out of your way to be his sidekick.
•He thought you were too good to be his sidekick and he told you that.
•“S/O! No, you should be number one! You deserve it! Imagine it! H/N, the number one.”
•But you wouldn’t take no for an answer.
•Kirishima eventually gave in because he believed it wouldn't be manly to say they couldn’t.
•Class 1-A was shocked when you told them what you wanted to do when you were a pro.
•But they accepted.
•Even Bakugou, who just told you that he didn’t care what you did, just as long as he was number one.
•Kirishima really respected you and loved how much you cared for him to give up the chance of being number one just to be his sidekick and stay at his side.
•He believes you’d be a WAY better hero than him with your quirk.
•Kirishima is one of the best bois and will always be your number one hero.
Chihiro, Sayaka, and Aoi with an s/o who is affectionate but shy when given affection.

Chihiro liked how kind you were to him when he told you his secret.
He feel for you easily because of that.
Chihiro absolutely melts when you give him affection and wanted to give you the same amount. But he was too shy to do so.
He first found out when you two were cuddling for the first time.
You were watching a romantic movie and he decided to kiss you on the cheek.
When he looked at you, afterwards, he thought he killed you.
“Y/N?!” After you calmed him down, he hugged you.
Now that Chihiro knew how to make you flustered, he would take every chance he could get to give you affection.
He will hug you from behind, just anything
He loves you so much.

She loves how you always give her love even on during times where she is upset and down.
The idol business is hard and can be a handful. But when she comes back to home to you, her problems melt away. She doesn't know how but they do.
One day, when she was having an hard day at her studio and she came home. She was frustrated and clearly upset.
Thankfully you were there to help.
You came over and hugged her while she was venting.
When you whispered in her ear that you loved her, she hugged you. Very tight.
When she let go, she was shocked about how red your face was. She giggle and decided to cuddle more.
Sayaka from then on was never hesitant to get cuddles or affection
So watch out for her

Aoi is sweet girl and when she met you, she was even more sweet.
But the first time she found out about your shyness was at one of her races.
She had won again and you had came over with a box of donuts to celebrate.
Aoi was so happy she hugged you tightly.
Big Mistake
When she let go, Aoi thought she had knocked you out.
When you explained it to her, she started fangirling
So she hugged you again and got Mahiru to take a photo of you two.
She keeps the photo in her wallet and phone
At home, she will cuddle til you drop.
So like Sayaka, watch out for her.
(You can ignore if requests are closed)
Can I have Todoroki, Bakugo and Ochaco with a s/o that jokes about their childhood trauma and they really want people to laugh at the jokes
(Gender neutral reader please, they/them)
MY FIRST REQUEST!!!!! ;3 I‘d happy to Anon! I didn’t understand at first but I think I got it right. I’m sorry If I was wrong for any of these and also an trigger warning for swearing. Anyways……
Todoroki, Bakugo and Uraraka with an S/O that jokes about their childhood trauma

As we know, Todoroki is DENSE, so he wouldn't understand at first.
But the more you joke, the more the message starts to sink in….
Todoroki would see you talk about this with people and they would always walk away from you.
One day he confronted you about this, sitting you down on the couch to talk.
“S/O, are you ok? You have been making a lot of jokes about yourself in your childhood. What happened?”
When you explained how to just did it so that people would like you, he gave you a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
“S/O, you dont need to joke like that to be friends with people. In fact, you just being you right now is that reason I fell in love with you.”
Todoroki from then on went out of his way to make sure you were thinking positive about yourself.
He even borrowed one of Izuku’s notebooks just to show you how amazing everyone thought you were.
He loves you and doesn’t want you to be upset
(Guys I freaking love Shoto, help)

Unlike Shoto, he understands right away.
Bakugo would most likely yell at you when you say that stuff about yourself, claiming it was embrassing him because if his S/O thought like that, it would make him look bad.
Bakugo eventually got tired of your behavior and everyone running away from you and at home, he was trying to calmly talk to you.
After a while, he just was yelling again but that’s Kacchan for you.
instead of him calming you, you had to calm him.
After calming down, he asked you
”S/O, why in the damn hell would you say that shit?! You are amazing! And I know that because if you weren’t, Why would you be dating me?! The future number one hero?!”
After you explained that you wanted more friends and by telling the jokes you had thought they would want to be your friend, Bakugou took you out and y’all met up with Bakusqaud!
You and the Bakusqaud became best friends.
And Bakugo would happily beat up anyone whom tried to hate on you from your jokes.

She loves you! You’re her s/o! So why would you say that stuff?!
Most likely when you say something like that, she will pull you away from the person talking to you.
When she confronted you about it, she staright up cried on you.
“S/O? *Hick* Why would you *Hick* say that about yourself? I love you and *Hick* I don’t want you to be sad! You are the most sweetest, cutest person I know!”
When you explained to her that you just wanted to make friends with your jokes, she pulled you into a tight hug.
She than took you out.
You didn’t know where you were going but you came along.
You guys met up with Dekusqaud (or whatever it’s called)
You guys talked a lot and you eventually made friends with all of them. Even Bakugo!
Uraraka then cuddled with you at home for a very long time until y’all went to sleep.
Ok there you go! I’m sorry if it wasnt that good, but hey I tried right?
Can you write some fluff with Ishimaru and insecure S/O?
HELLo ANON! I’m sorry it took me so long to answer. My parents took meh phone away.
Ishimaru with an Insecure S/O

Ishimaru is also insecure so he understands
BUT! That doesn’t stop him from trying to help you!
If anyone insults you for your insecurities, Detention for them!
Mondo would offer to beat the shit out of people for you and Ishimaru would have to decline.
Mondo and Chihiro are close to you too.
Ishimaru would keep you around when they hang out to show how amazing you are.
He will parade you around lol.
Ishimaru will be more easier on you than everyone else.
But that doesn’t mean you can break the rules!
If you do break an rule, he will give an small gentle lecture so you don’t do it again.
He will cuddle you and draw circles on your chest.
He would be too shy to kiss you, so y’all have to give consent.
He’ll give you soft things, like an teddy bear to make you feel better.
This man just melts my heart ☺️
Sorry if this is short. It is fucking 11:30 pm.