Boko No Hero Academia - Tumblr Posts

Another Adorable Collab To Add To The Books!!

Another adorable collab to add to the books!!

This is originally something on instagram that I’m sharing here because I think everyone deserves to see little Mahina in her Eraserhead costume. She’s so happy!!!!💛💛💛

For those who don’t know, the other OC belongs to @ratgumoffical and her name is Kiyomi. She’s a sweetheart.

These two would so be friends in high school if they weren’t a year apart.

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Part Two Of My Bnha AU?
Part Two Of My Bnha AU?
Part Two Of My Bnha AU?

Part two of my bnha AU?

I still don’t have a name for it, if any has suggestions please share cause I’m lost.

Mahina has no idea yet but she’s about to get adopted by a fiery extrovert with an axe.

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Colored Doodle Of Mahina Testing Some Gear She Made. Perhaps Making Something To Use In The Sports Festival?

Colored doodle of Mahina testing some gear she made. Perhaps making something to use in the sports festival?

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If anyone knows if there is a kiribaku fic inspired by TRON or Gaurdians of the Galaxy, please let me know. I’m on an 80s kick rn

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7 years ago
So I Finally Finished This Ive Meant To Post It Earlier But I Was Doing Stuff! Please Enjoy My Fave Bnha

So I finally finished this I’ve meant to post it earlier but I was doing stuff! Please enjoy my fave bnha otp colored sketch ( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ used a picture of theses two people with nice clothes for pose reference #tododeku #signedbykes

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7 years ago
New Picture Icon ( )!!

New picture icon ( ✧Д✧)!!

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3 years ago

OK but how about Kaminari and Kirishima with fem S/O that gets more confident the closer she is to them?? (like when they first met she's shy and quiet and after dating them she's cocky and flirty but still sweet)

Sure Anon! Sorry if this is short.

Kaminari and Kirishima with an shy Fem S/O who get more flirty after dating


OK But How About Kaminari And Kirishima With Fem S/O That Gets More Confident The Closer She Is To Them??

Kaminari thought you were hot the moment you walked into the classroom.

He immediately went over and started to flirt with you.

He clung to you like an koala

Remember that scene in the anime when he asked out Uraraka while carrying her book?

That but with you.

Kaminari loved to flirt with you before so the fact that the tables have turned shocked him (haha get it?)

Like for example, he’ll flirt and you’ll come back with something even more flirty.

He’d blush so much you could cook eggs on him.

Jiro makes fun of Kaminari when this happens but only in an teasing way.

Mineta is very jealous.

When Mineta flirted with you, Kaminari shocked him and he went to his yay state for an bit.

When that happens, you gotta hold him for an bit.

Kaminari isn’t ready but he’ll probably be just really happy that you love him.


OK But How About Kaminari And Kirishima With Fem S/O That Gets More Confident The Closer She Is To Them??

When he met you, he was shy too.

Kirishima couldn’t talk to you at all.

That’s why Mina had to jump in and save this boy’s heart

Mina sent you both up on an mystery date.

Kirishima was superrr shy during it and you were too!

I mean, Kirishima with an cute girl?! Crazy!

But you both had an good time and he was a happy boy when you kissed him on the cheek shyly.

As time went on, you became a lot more flirty.

AND OH MAN, Kirishima is dying of overheat.

He’ll just go as red as his tomato hair.

Kirishima will die when you say something even remotely seductive.

So have funny with your tomato manly blushy boy!

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2 years ago
Have A Very Old Drawing Of Kaminari, I Made, As An Apology For Being Gone For So Long.

Have a very old drawing of Kaminari, I made, as an apology for being gone for so long.

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3 years ago

You know? Today I woke up and decided angst. So I present to you the barest outlines of a songfic for the song It Took Me By Surprise, but instead of Bakugo's viewpoint being the song, it's Izuku's.

Warning: Victim Blaming Themself/Self Blame


I would react badly

To the slightest hint of hesitance

("Hey do you want to play heroes today?" Izuku asked, eyes flitting to Bakugo. Bakugo frowns, contemplating. "It's okay if you don't want to, really, we can play tag or hide and seek or pillow forts or-")

(Izuku as a kid going back on his words if Bakugo waits too long to answer, because of his insecurity and empathy. Think after Bakugo got his quirk but before Izuku got his diagnosis)

He'd bend awkwardly to suit my mood

No word from his defense

("Shut up! Of course I want to play heroes! Stupid Deku". Bakugo stood up, stomping over to the playground. "Are you coming or not?!")

(He feels as though Bakugo only chose the first one because he felt obligated to because that is what Izuku would do)

I'd cry knowing how my tears

Felt like acid burning through his skin

("Stop crying, stupid nerd! It's just a scrape. You'll be fine!" Bakugo leans down, eyebrows furrowed, and holds out a hand. "We're going to be heroes and heroes don't cry about getting injured. Come on!" After Izuku gets up and starts following Bakugo again, Bakugo's shoulders untense and his eyebrows relax.)

(He believes that it is his fault for not holding back his tears because he knows it hurts Bakugo to see him cry)

Pushed every little button

But the right one that would let me in

(Blames himself for not being able to react/read Bakugo’s feelings correctly)

Now he's afraid of me

Now he's afraid of me

(Bakugo pushes him away and his attempts to help because Bakugo is afraid to need help, to been seen as weak)

It took me by surprise

The hatred in his eyes

(Izuku remembering the first time Bakugo said he hated him, and meant it)

I've pushed this man as far as he could go

But he lacked the words to let me know

(Bakugo being too mad to gets his thoughts out You-You- You motherfu! I’m not- I’m not weak! Leave me alone!)

He acted out, now I can see it is my fault

(Izuku being pushed to the ground by Bakugo)

I made changes

That went unnoticed

Sang songs for deaf ears

(Izuku apologizing, Izuku getting out of the way, Izuku leaving him alone, Izuku changing his favorite things so Bakugo wouldn’t feel copied))

He mistook my silence for punishment

(Bakugo thinking that Izuku is doing this because he thinks Izuku looks down on him)

As it had been all these years

(Bakugo showing a consistent belief in this as they grow up)

I'd cry knowingly how my tears felt like acid burning through his skin

(Izuku crying even though he thinks himself weak for doing it because he knows it bothers Bakugo and then later he knows that Bakugo gets mad when he cried)

Now he's afraid of me

Now he's afraid of me

(Izuku knows that Bakugo sees him as a threat, even if he doesn’t know why)

It took me by surprise

The hatred in his eyes

(Izuku remembering Bakugo’s hatred during the U.A. finals/ first battle)

I've pushed this man as far as he could go

But he lacked the words to let me know

He acted out, now I can see it is my fault

(Izuku feeling as though his question in the Finals was a push too far, and that Bakugo only punched him because he could not articulate how he felt. Him feeling responsible for Bakugo’s actions in the rest of the finals)

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3 years ago

Things that are in canon that I find interesting: (Villains)

Both Afo and All Might use strength Quirks and a lot of them instead of any other? Like if Afo used the permeability for example, or even just Hagakure's. He had a plan that was well-thought out, but the end result was not smart at all? He was affected by the quirk discrimination, even dismisses Best Jeanists quirk as being too hard to control- doesn't want to spend time mastering things and basically has minimal control over his Quirks. Like if he had stolen Shinsou's he would only need one other quirk ( a quirk that forces one to respond to questions) (maybe something with electronics) and no one would be able to stop him. It's legit said that he has like thousands but the only ones we really see are these strength quirks.

His manipulation of Shigaraki- made him really immature and childish, which, kinda dumb, even if you just want him as a pawn.

Red Shoe Theory: Shigaraki was originally Quirkless and Afo gave him the quirk so he was conviently crying in an alley after people ignore him to be approached and twisted. Both Shigaraki and Izuku have same shoes, and they need the special shoes because of the extra toe joint. (Also stolen)

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6 years ago
Oh Great Fandom, Please Accept My Offering
Oh Great Fandom, Please Accept My Offering

Oh great fandom, please accept my offering

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2 years ago

Kaminari: Midoriya and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- Midoriya: Sentences. Kaminari: Don't interrupt me.

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2 years ago

Eri: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Shinsou: I'm a knife. Midoriya, from across the room: They're the little spoon.

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2 years ago

Shinsou: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase. Kaminari: Shinsou, that's a coma. Shinsou: Sounds festive.

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2 years ago

Monoma: So are we flirting right now? Midoriya: I AM LITERALLY STABBING YOU Monoma: That doesn’t answer my question

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