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Can You Multitask?
Can you multitask?
yes i can ignore several things at once
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More Posts from Backtoyuta
if you can't love me at my

you don't deserve me at my

![NCT As Songs Series:[Yuta] Single; The Neighbourhood--------------------------------------------------------------------------](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ba2d930037fe38bc9ae1910840a58edc/bf4319807cd2da91-76/s500x750/066be4b1c5618f0a2d59f44f23cfff83139b563c.png)
NCT as songs series: [Yuta] Single; The Neighbourhood --------------------------------------------------------------------------
I don't know if we should be alone together I still got a crush, that's obvious If nobody's around, what's stopping us?
❁ Having just moved back from uni, you were returning to your hometown to reunite with your friends and family, taking some time for yourself before you moved on to your next chapter.
❁ Yuta had been in your life for a while, though he was a little older there was the undertone of mutual pining that got put on hold when you moved away to pursue your education
❁ But now you were back, and seeing you again was stirring up feelings that never really went anywhere, feelings of wanting to be more than the static friend zone you were stuck in while you also dated around with other people.
❁ You and Jaehyun kind of had a thing just before you left, and it didn't escape anyone's notice when he greeted you with the most enthusiasm of anyone in your group.
❁ Despite yours and Jaehyun's fling, Yuta embodied the feeling of nostalgia; most of your fondest memories involved being with him and they made you feel so safe and content.
❁ Your favourites; the time he spent hours with you teaching you tricks on his skateboard at the skate park during dusk, singing acoustic songs while you lived the teen movie cliche of sitting around a fire with your friends at the beach before all shrieking while running into the water, mooching around the local shops together, perusing records and band t-shirts, before giving up and spending most of the day in the food court of your local shopping centre eating burgers and sneaking fries off each other.
❁ You stood together at the usual spot you and your friends always hung around at, by the skate park and sat on the sandy pier watching the tide of the sea inch in bit by bit.
❁ That mutual pining I was talking about before- yeah, that was stronger now than ever. He couldn't get past how much you had changed, how only three years had seen you go from a timid eighteen year old to a confident twenty-something year old that still looked up at him with sparkling naivety that he was so glad you hadn't out-grown yet.
❁ Being alone with you was risky, he couldn't ignore the need to feel his lips against yours for much longer, and if by the way your eyes kept flicking to his lips when he spoke meant what he thought it did, then you were both on the same page.
❁ The tension of unspoken truths hung around in the air, knowing that you felt strongly for each other but not having the verbal confirmation yet. "What's stopping us?" He muttered close to your ear, appreciative that you were finally alone together, his words accompanied by a symphony of waves crashing onto the shore below you.
❁ His hand found yours tentatively, fingers interlocking as he smirked at your bashful expression. "You make me go crazy Y/N... How did you grow up so fast?" He asked you amused, smiling further as you scoffed at his statement.
❁ "Jaehyun won't be happy though..." You spoke downcast, head resting against Yuta's shoulder as the wind whipped at your hair.
❁ "Do you think he could let his baby be my girl?" He replied sarcastically, a smirk tugging at his lips, knowing that you would stay with him and hold onto this feeling no matter anyone's opinion.
![NCT As Songs Series:[Yuta] Single; The Neighbourhood--------------------------------------------------------------------------](https://64.media.tumblr.com/90af5e1b949d0b972780f8c52cc2521e/bf4319807cd2da91-3c/s500x750/69de7bd5b56ca1166f804b8afab26ce98c000596.png)
When you're in a room, you get my eyes You open your mouth, I'm hypnotized I can make you laugh until you cry You know you got all my attention You know you got all mine
❁ You wiped the stray tear from your cheek, the anecdote Yuta told you and your friends leaving everyone in some kind of fit of giggles as the story unfolded.
❁ You sat around the living room of Johnny's house casually, pizza boxes discarded and beer bottles here and there as you met up for an overdue catch up. Yuta's hoody draped over your frame, soft and smelling like him, though you hadn't actually been all that upfront about your relationship.
❁ You knew you liked each other, there was just no label on your relationship yet, which you were fine with, you didn't need a label to know that the way Yuta was looking at you while you spoke was not how friends should look at each other.
❁ Knowing that you only laughed like that when he spoke did his ego no favours, any hope of Jaehyun or anyone else butting in and ruining what you had was squashed.
❁ You could feel others around you noticing the chemistry between you, glances being exchanged when Yuta flung an arm around your shoulders casually while he sipped from his beer bottle. Every time you spoke, fidgeted, coughed he would flinch or perk- you could only see it if you were looking for it, but once Jaehyun noticed how all of Yuta's attention was on you, he knew he had to let you go.
![NCT As Songs Series:[Yuta] Single; The Neighbourhood--------------------------------------------------------------------------](https://64.media.tumblr.com/27d314f95ea3ea19cf32fe8b5f0d6345/bf4319807cd2da91-a4/s500x750/1d3cc2fad6517fe4045e7dcd3d678f8f84167e52.png)
~"Baby, " I can't help but call her that~
❁ "Are we really one of those couples?" You asked jokingly, an eyebrow quirked at the pet name as you moved closer to him in your room, the distant sound of waves crashing due to the harsh wind travelling through your open window.
❁ Yuta looked far too earnest for joking though. Gathering you in his arms he pulled you close and rested his lips against your hair while you both stood staring at the storm out the window, the cast of angry grey clouds making the whole room dark.
❁ Despite the angry weather, the summer had felt endless, without the stress from school you spent hours at the beach with your friends, camping out late into the evening and only moving when the tide chased you away. The nights were spent in your room with Yuta by your side, reminiscing about everything and nothing with his hands running through your hair and humming to the tune of your record collection, always escalating into a lazy makeout session where his hands would slide under your t-shirt and lips would trail up and down your throat.
❁ "Will you be my girl?" He asked, a simple question but his tone dripped with sincerity. You peered up at his taller stance curiously, unable to ignore the feeling of his hands tightening around your waist possessively as his dark, expressive eyes burrowed into yours.
❁ You tilted your head and tugged his shirt down, hoping this was enough to convey your answer, and he of course caught on quickly, his lips pressing against yours in a hedonistic kiss.
❁ "My baby..." He muttered against you, his hand tangling in your hair, preventing you from any kind of escape, not that you wanted to. Your stomach flipped at the comment, the feeling of belonging to Yuta making your heart trip, unable to stop breathing him in you knew you could easily get lost in his lungs.
❁ All the time you had spent apart was worth it, he had told you: "I don't mind being patient," but you never held him to that. It was the rush of emotion that was akin to the waves that crashed along the shoreline of your hometown- retracting all the way back only to return with a new force. Being with Yuta felt like the safest place on earth, you were his baby, he was your soulmate, the dynamic between you was more than a wave... together you were a wipeout.
I play the same 25 songs everyday and them mfs hit every time

NCT 127: at a frat party
❁ [Taeil] Introverted confidant; Taeil is the guy you go to to seek solace in when you're not really feeling the vibe. Maybe the music sucked, the drinks weren't having an effect on you or it was too rowdy, whatever the problem was you could always sneak away or locate him somewhere a little quieter and just observe the mess from a distance. He'll laugh appreciatively if you took the initiative to sneak some snacks or drinks laid out and ruffle you hair playfully to thank you, making astute remarks about how drunk his friends are and groan about how he'll probably have to carry one of them home later. It's likely that you'll both be stuck with the task of making sure everyone gets home safe, shove bread in someone's mouth in hopes of it helping somehow even if you're not totally sober yourself. Maybe he gets really into the party once in a while, and when he does he benignly encourages you to let loose yourself and join in the fun, however it's almost always a guarantee that you'll end up taking a breather from the noise together in the garden, the part of the living room that isn't occupied, in desperate situations a random storage cupboard (Everybody got the wrong idea with that one) (No, you never quite lived it down). It's a nice feeling to see his expression perk when he finally sees you, the quick hug you always exchange, the knowing glances when your social batteries are already dying and its time to dip.
❁ [Johnny] Life of the party; Being the extroverted king he is, Johnny is the guy you might end up holding onto his sleeve for most of the night, figuratively. The guy that knows everyone, he'll happily adopt you if you look like you feel out of your depth and kindly make you a drink and usher you towards a group to try and let loose. Being with Johnny means a lot of attention, being introduced to people here and there and him playfully picking on you during drinking games, volunteering to make a fool of himself when someone dares you to do something a little too outrageous. Johnny is the comfort you need whilst simultaneously the reason for your death because drunk Johnny means a lot of shameless flirting and eye contact from across the kitchen counter, as well as keeping you close to his side and out of reach when someone else tries the same thing on you. At some heinous hour in the morning the rooms are considerably emptier, discarded cups everywhere and chiller music is humming from the bluetooth speakers, you could kid yourself that it was just you two even though you're sitting in a pool of people. His arm swung casually around your shoulders, "Did you have a good time?" Falling from his mouth slightly slurred and giving you an affectionate squeeze and a lazy kiss to the top of your head when you nod your head yes.
❁ [Taeyong] Hangover mum no. 1; We all know Taeyong has his maternal vibe going on, but lest we forget he too is a guy in his mid twenties looking for a good time. That being said, he wasn't surprised when Johnny dropped you off to his charge, the smell of alcohol radiating off of you, your appearance looking a lot more fragile from what he remembered when you first arrived that evening. He was incredibly patient, letting you rest in his bedroom while you sipped your water, salty pretzels at the ready for when you got the munchies and if disaster struck, he didn't judge when he pushed your hair back for a tactical chunder. He would assure you that you weren't keeping him from his friends when it had been a little while, and would keep a close eye on you when you rejoin the group, just a cup of lemonade in your grasp as a means of preventing a relapse. He's the guy that doesn't pressure you to join during drinking games, is perfectly content to give you his hoodie and let you sidle up to him as means of comfort and just observe everyone else admitting to disgusting truths during Never Have I Ever. At the end of the night he walks to your pace, will listen and hum attentively at any drunken musings that fall out of your mouth he knows you'll regret telling him tomorrow.
❁ [Yuta] King of the drinking games; Yuta isn't the type to shy away from a good time, and he's always front and centre when it comes to lowkey humiliating himself in Ring of Fire, truth or dare, or any of the classics. His confidence outweighs the most disgusting things he's admitted to doing, the embarrassment of what someone dared him to do and you've never seen someone chug a drink with so much gusto. Always manages to come up with the most evil questions, hitting right where it hurts and you dread when his turn rolls around again and his gaze lands on you. He's impressed when you take up his dares with dignity, or admit shamelessly to any hidden tattoos or piercings. If you caught his interest, will switch on the scorpio and keep his gaze trained on you for the rest of the night, will try and pry any information out of you by keeping you included in conversations and will 100% invite you to his room when the party is over. His demeanour reads as chaotic, he thrives being around his friends, but you somehow manage to unlock that calmer more intuitive part of him when he catches you outside the bathroom to check that he didn't go too far during one of the infamous games being played in the living room.
❁ [Doyoung] Hangover mum no.2; We've all seen the sweet and caring side of Doyoung jump out before, so if you're on your merry way towards being wasted he can't help but intervene to make sure you're ok. Don't be fooled though, he doesn't really have the patience of Taeyong, so expect a whole lotta tough love. He won't hesitate to flick you on the forehead when you get a little too in his face, though he deliberately doesn't do it too hard. Inadvertently gives off the impression that you're a nuisance as he scoffs and sighs at you weeping over a packet of crisps, has to later make a point of assuring you that "you're fine, you should just know better". There's an air of fondness that lingers when you settle down a bit and start to enjoy yourself at a more acceptable level of tipsiness and he insists that he walks you home. "Begrudgingly" hands over his jacket when you complain about being cold even though that was his plan all along, and takes mental notes of all the ridiculous drunken comments you make so he can torment you with them later.
❁ [Jaehyun] The guy who may or may not be responsible for your death; One thing about Jaehyun, he's the guy who's terrible at mixing drinks. Don't look at Johnny, he won't help you, when you asked for sex on the beach expect anal on the rocks because Jaehyun knows jack shit about ratio of alcohol to mixer. Don't worry too much, as much as it's his fault for accidentally getting you trashed, he takes as much responsibility for looking after you and making sure you have a good time. Lowkey turns into a frat boy cliche, the hat is on backwards and he's already tugging your arm to coerce you into being his partner for beer pong. He drinks most of the cups whenever you lose to make up for the terrifying concoctions he had you drink earlier and celebrates over excessively when you win by wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and lifting you in to the air slightly. His harmless nice chad vibes make for good company and there's the tingly feeling of chemistry when he laughs loudly at your jokes, eyes turning into little crescents and dimples popping, he watches proudly and thinks "that's my girl" when you make all his friends laugh with you.
❁ [Jungwoo] Level 300 clinger; whether you're moving between groups, leaving to get more food, or shifting to get a better view of the beer pong table, Jungwoo will find a way to squeeze in next to you some way some how. You can always feel an arm ghosting around your waist or around your shoulders, or hear his giggle right there beside your ear. After spending so much time on your feet, you both eventually flop on the sofa, a tangled mess of limbs whilst you try and catch your breath. People keep asking if you're together because of the excessive physical contact, and you hate how he thrives at you scrambling awkwardly for an answer to convey that wasn't the case while he just smiles innocently, making no effort to debunk the comments. There's a high chance that if either of you end up staying over in the other's house, he'll make sure he'll consensually sleep right there next to you, talking randomly about any topic that crosses his mind until you fall asleep. The mornings involve laughing at each other's bed head until you tune into your hangover's, sharing the one bottle of water while scrambling for painkillers and nagging at each other for not cutting either of you off when you went too far.
❁ [Mark] Lightweight; to keep it short and simple, Mark Lee proved himself to be a bit of a lightweight from the get-go, and now here you were, the room dim and bass thumping while Mark laughs loudly at whatever Johnny was saying and you haven't even been there for an hour yet. Mark is the guy that is kinda hard to keep track of, you thought you saw him in the kitchen but now he's messing around with Haechan in the garden and each time you regroup with him he's even more drunk than before. He always finds you eventually, maybe you were taking a load off at the snack table, munching crisps and replying to texts when a lanky arm swings over your shoulders and Mark's smily face is way too close to your line of sight asking if you're OK. If he feels he's neglected you for too long he overcompensates by ushering you to his current group and making a point of pulling a fold out chair right next to his, his laugh dominating the conversation even if the joke wasn't that funny. When the night draws to a close, he settles down, the lack of people taking a toll on his energy and that's where he engages in conversations way too deep for a frat party and way too personal for just friends, though you never worried, there was no way he would remember any of this tomorrow.
❁ [Haechan] Partner in crime; That one friend who you end up hanging with the whole night, even if that wasn't the intention. Haechan doesn't fear drunkenness, it doesn't seem like he fears anything, and he'll always without fail drag you down with him. He's the guy that cheers obnoxiously when you down your shot, always picks on you in the drinking games because he loves to see you embarrassed and the one you sneak away with to try cigarettes even if it turns out you don't really like them. His famous last words are always "I'll do it if you do it" and that's the story of how you both ended up jumping into a neighbour's pool completely wasted, and now hoarding the bottle of tequila. Haechan is the guy that kind of makes you make a complete fool out of yourself, but always assures you that nobody will remember by the morning and to just live in the moment. Your favourite part of these frat parties is always looking through your photos the next day and laughing at all the horrendous selfies and videos he took before you noticed he had your phone for the last 15 minutes.
Writing Advice: it doesn’t matter if an idea has been done before. It’s never been done by you. So long as you do it well, and in your own way, it’s a wonderful contribution.