Nct X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

[10:35 PM] “do you wanna know something?” he whispered.the both of you were lying on the couch of the living room cuddled up with each other cassually having a conversation about the rom-com you two had watched at the television when he suddenly decided to question you.

“you okay?” you leaned up from him and asked with an eyebrow!jeno looked at you nodding his head before opening his mouth to start talking.”i never expected to be so close to someone like i am to you.i thought we would just stay as best friends,but it was so amusing suddenly seeing you everyday,my heart out of nowhere would start racing and it was so…out of the blue.i had realised that i’ve fallen for you.i hope that we continue to stay like this with each other,” he breathed out.

you looked at him with a lovesick smile,can’t someone get anymore cute? your stomach was bursting with butterflies from the boy’s sudden confession.he looked at you right back with a small smile.he looked so cute you wished you could keep him right in your pocket.

“that was so corny don’t you think?” you ask.he hummed and nodded in return which made you giggle.“but,i think those are the sweetest words someone has ever told me,thank you bubs.” you remarked reaching over to give a peck on his nose.he flashed you his signature eyesmile before squealing.

lee jeno could be such a romantic at times,but who were you to complain if you loved every second of it?

[10:35 PM] Do You Wanna Know Something? He Whispered.the Both Of You Were Lying On The Couch Of The Living


please be sure to give feedback! i’d love to hear on what i can improve ^-^ !

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3 years ago



keywords ; (f) - fluff,(a)-angst,(d)-drabble,(t)- timestamp



nothing here yet !


nothing here yet !


la la lost you (d)(a)


lucky cat (currently on hold)


nothing here yet !


around (d)(f)

cherry blossom (f)


nothing here yet !


nothing here yet !


nothing here yet !


nothing here yet !


nothing here yet !


[12.31AM] (d)(f)


nothing here yet !

엔시티 (NCT):

nct 127;


nothing here yet !


[9.15PM] (t)(a)


[9.15PM] (t)(a)


nothing here yet !


nothing here yet !


nothing here yet !


nothing here yet !


[11.08PM] (t)(f)



nct dream ;


爱 (f)


[10.35PM] (t)(f)


nothing here yet !



nothing here yet !



nothing here yet !


nothing here yet !


nothing here yet !


[10.10PM] (t)(f)


nothing here yet !


[11.21AM] (t)(f)


nothing here yet !

Tags :
3 years ago
 | H.renjun !

爱 | h.renjun !

synopsis : you plan out a romantic picnic day for you and your boyfriend,renjun.

warnings : none except for mentions of food

word count : 1.13k

genre: fluffy fluff

note : it’s my first request! i really hope you all like this <3

 | H.renjun !

“where are we going? just give me one clue!” renjun whines for the umpteenth time.the poor boy was currently blindfolded,which was a little shocking but still tolerable to him.what really terrified him though,was you driving him across to who knows where.

it was a lovely sunny saturday,renjun had wanted to stay at home for the whole day and relax due to him finally ending his uni exams,but your plans had said had out of the blue asked him to wear the blindfold back at your apartment and he had instantly refused,but you kept insisting so he accepted and it led to where the both of you were now.

the car had abruptly come to a stop,startling the boy a bit.he heard the sound of the car door opening and closing.he really did hope you weren’t gonna kill him. “grab my hand,renjun.we have to walk a little bit more then we’re done and you can take the blindfold off,” you explain putting your hand out for him.renjun slowly grasped both of your hands and began to exit the car.

you had to slide up the basket filled with food you were holding in your hands up to your arm to support closed the car door and locked the car before making your way to your destination,a field of flowers

“i really hope you’re not going to murder me here,” renjun giggled and looked at him,his lips were quivering as if he was scared which he probably began to feel a little guilty,but you already had reached a tree,in the middle of the field.

it gave a beautiful view of the field which consisted of bright tulips,sunflowers,jasmines and much more you didn’t recognise.

you had discovered the place one day driving home from your university and instantly thought to bring renjun and you here for a date,but did not know when was the after hearing that his exams end today from his friend jaemin,you decided now was the perfect time to carry out the plan.

“we’ve arrived anyway.let me open your blindfold.” you say as you stopped untied his blindfold and stepped out of his direction so he could see where you brought him to,and he was instantly wowed.he had turned his head to then look at you with a bright smile which had you melting on the spot,how could he get so cute? he had then looked over to see the basket in your hand and his smile grew even larger.

“you brought me here for a picnic?” he asked you with excitement while walking closer to had just nodded while putting the basket down and taking out a blanket to lay on the grass.renjun had walked over to help you prepare the food but you swatted his hand.he hissed as he looked at you, “that really hurts,” he tsked before beginning to say, “i planned this day for you,for you to take a break can go look around the flower field and when i’m done i’ll call you over okay?”. renjun had just nodded while patting your head,he then had began to walk into the field to admire the flowers.

you continued to take out all the food and prepare drinks,and when you were finished you began searching for found him standing with the flowers surrounding him,admiring them.

he looked so cute with the small smile displayed on his face,his hair that framed his face perfectly,looking at him made you feel like time could have spent all your time admiring him if it weren’t for the food awaiting you two.“renjun,come on!” you called out to him.he turned his head to you and began running in your direction.

“come on,food is ready.” you said while walking back.

 | H.renjun !

“i’m so full” you whined dropping on the bed.renjun just sat down on the side of the bed,laughing while ruffling your hair.the two of you (mostly you)had devoured most of the food during the picnic,and then ran around in the field of flowers chasing each other.sure,it was a good experience but not until you got a stomachache and decided to go home.

both of you were dressed now in your pajamas, getting ready to sleep.

“you shouldn’t have ate all of the pasta you made,i told you it was too much for you” renjun turned your head to face him before getting up,renjun had just continued staring at your went to your drawer to pull out two face masks and headbands. “up for a face mask?” you grin.

“while we do that,why don’t we watch a movie?” renjun cheekily asks in return.he walks over to grab the computer on the bedside table lovated next to your bed, brings it to his lap to open netflix and choose a pull a headband over your head and applied the mask while bringing yourself to the bathroom so you could adjust it.renjun then walked over to you and placed his head on your shoulder.

“hm?do you need anything?” you ask looking up to him after adjusting your mask.renjun shakes his head to signify a ‘no’ and gives your cheek a peck,to then realise he kissed the face mask instead of your skin.his expression contorted from one of happiness to disgust,and you tried your best to hold in your laugh but sadly,it was proved impossible when you looked at his face.

“stop laughing at me!” he laugh even louder,his face looked so cute even though he was angry.“i can’t help it! you look so cute” you explain giggling.renjun pouts at you and walks out of the bathroom.

“i’m sorry for laughing at you! jun!” you say trying to catch up to him.

 | H.renjun !

with the movie credits rolling through on the computer and the couple cuddled up on the bed with nothing to worry about,renjun felt completely content and wished he could stay here forever.

you on the other hand,were fast asleep on his arm. you two had decided to watch a romance movie,the notebook to be two were conversing a lot throughout the first half of the film,but renjun had noticed how your sentences became even more slurred and you had started breathing steadily.

he turned his head to see you fast asleep,and he swore he could melt into mush right there.with your eyelashes fluttering,your soft cheeks that looked so plush,renjun thinks you look the cutest asleep.

“thank you for planning today for me,爱” he whispers to himself.“you always find ways to make me fall in love with you even more,it blows me away.” he continues then pecking your forehead delicately.

he then turns over to power off the computer,but he swears he can see a ghost of a smile forming on your face when he does.‘i don’t care if you’re awake anyways,you deserve to know how much i appreciate you’ he thinks to himself.

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3 years ago

Hey, so I saw you were accepting requests. I was wondering if I could request a fic with Renjun? Where his s/o plans a special/romantic day for him. I hope this is okay. I also hope you're doing well and taking care.

hi! i decided to change it up a bit if you dont mind.i hope you enjoy this,take care!

爱 | h.renjun !

Tags :
1 year ago

Presente de Aniversário — Lee Jeno e Park Jisung

Oi, oi, tudo bem com vocês? Espero que sim! Não sei como funciona as coisas no tumblr porque só uso para a leitura, mas ultimamente estou com uma vontade de publicar por aqui também já que gosto bastante da plataforma. Estou fazendo esse teste para ver como me saio. Eu realmente não sei como usar a plataforma, espero que me perdoem! Também espero que gostem da smut que antes eu tinha publicado no spirit, mas a plataforma barrou, então quis postar aqui... Não sou muito boa com o português, pode haver erros, me perdoem também! Beijos e boa leitura =

SINOPSE: Jeno e Jisung não precisavam das velas ou do bolo para te dar um presente digno, eles tinham uma ideia bem melhor.

Inspirado em: Birthday Sex ‐ Jeremih | masterlist

Presente De Aniversrio Lee Jeno E Park Jisung

「 Não foi planejado, muito menos algo que você sequer pensou alguma vez. Bom, não dessa forma. Lógico, manter amizade com Lee Jeno e Park Jisung provavelmente era algo muito excitante, principalmente sendo uma amiga tão íntima ao ponto de sair com eles, dormirem juntos — não de forma consensual — e até fazer parte da mesma fraternidade que eles faziam. Não porque você alguma vez pediu para participar, mas desde que se conheceram nos corredores da universidade, eles não desgrudaram de você um segundo sequer, te forçando a fazer parte de uma fraternidade com mais outros cinco integrantes. Então agora, as pessoas do câmpus te conheciam como "a cadela deles". Não foi algo para se orgulhar, mas você também não se importou muito, sendo muito bem treinada para fugir dessas provocações. Então agora, você estava parada na frente de seus dois amigos, tentando saber se eles realmente estavam te oferecendo esse tipo de presente, ou se sua audição estava tão ruim assim.

— Perdão, acho que escutei errado. — Jisung olhou para o melhor amigo, enquanto os dois riam juntos.

— Princesa, eu sei que você escutou muito bem. É seu aniversário, sabemos que você quer passar com a gente, por isso estamos aqui. Já te levamos para um passeio, tomamos sua bebida favorita enquanto sentamos no sofá e conversamos.

— Isso está ótimo, mas também sabemos que você quer gemer pela gente. — Jisung colocou a mão em sua perna, apertando sua pele e te olhando. — Isso foi o seu desejo, mas ainda queremos te dar um presente. E é isso que temos a oferecer a você.

— Sabemos que você não seria louca de recusar um presente desses. — se tivesse como escapar deles, você obviamente faria isso agora, mas estava sentada no sofá, com um em cada lado. Enquanto Jisung fazia carinho em sua coxa, Jeno estava com um dos braços em volta de seu ombro. Caralho, você nunca imaginou que ficar entre eles te deixaria tão nervosa a esse ponto.

— Vamos lá, não fique com vergonha. Sexo de aniversário é um ótimo presente não acha? — Por incrível que pareça, Ji Sung estava sendo mais ousado do que Jeno, agora beijando seu pescoço enquanto sussurrava isso em seu ouvido.

— Me parece um bom presente. — Você fechou os olhos, envergonhada demais em concordar com eles. De fato, era um ótimo presente, e você deveria aceitá-lo tão bem.

Os dois vêm até você ao mesmo tempo, prendendo os lábios em cada lado do seu pescoço depois de olharem um para o outro e sorrirem. Isso seria um presente bom, você teria tudo o que mais desejou, a única diferença foi que imaginou separadamente, os dois de uma vez não fazia parte dos pensamentos. E a única pergunta era, você aguentaria?

Você já estava ofegante demais enquanto eles te beijavam, arqueando-se enquanto as mãos deles se entrelaçam para segurá-la, soltou um pequeno grito quando Jeno, o mais ousado deles, mordeu seu pescoço, mas não o suficiente para romper sua pele, mas o suficiente para deixar uma marca. Uma das várias lembranças que eles queriam deixar em você. Jisung sorriu em seu pescoço quando você estremeceu nos braços deles, pressionando as pernas uma contra a outra para esconder o calor que já estava se acumulando.

A pergunta imaginaria que você mesma se fez foi respondida; de fato você não iria aguentar esses dois. Jisung estendeu a mão para separar suas coxas novamente e deixou você gemer entre sua boca quando te beijou. Ele até sorriu quando Jeno deixou um tapa em sua coxa e te fez gritar em seus lábios.

— Jisung, você quer começar com a nossa princesa primeiro? — Jeno falou, enquanto estendeu a mão para segurar as bochechas do mais novo com as palmas da mão. — Vai fazer tudo certinho como eu te ensinei, não é?

— Sim, hyung. Eu já aprendi tudo com você apenas para deixar nossa princesa satisfeita. — meu Deus, eles dois conversando assim te deixava ainda mais ansiosa. Jeno sorriu, enquanto deixava ele tirar suas roupas, as que eles mesmo escolheram para essa noite. Uma saia jeans, blusa e botas com salto. Agora, tudo isso estava fora de seu corpo enquanto você tinha eles te olhando, quase te devorando. Se não fosse pela excitação em que te deixaram, você agora estaria muito envergonhada. Eles deitam você, almofadas em sua cabeça para te deixar confortável.

— Parece delicioso, não é? — Jeno sorriu ao ver como Jisung estava de olho em sua boceta molhada. Você gemeu baixinho pela atenção, o barulho foi mais carente do que constrangido, fazendo ele voltar ao normal.

— Minha princesa. — Jisung cantarolou, passando seus dedos em seus clitóris, e você estremeceu quando ele fez isso. — Eu posso, princesa?

— Claro. Por favor! — o som do cinto de Jeno se abrindo foi abafado pelos barulhos felizes que Ji Sung fez antes de mergulhar em você, sem dar um segundo para se acostumar com sua língua. Você gemeu quando sua boca chupou seus clitóris enquanto deslizava dois dedos em você.

Jeno voltou a atenção para você, acariciando um pouco seus cabelos enquanto a outra mão deslizava em seu pau, até a plenitude e voltava. Ele encostou na sua boca, deslizando-o ao longo da umidade do seu lábio inferior. Você não sabia no que se concentrava mais, na rapidez dos dedos de Ji Sung e sua boca, ou no grande pau que estava em sua boca, precisando usar suas mãos na parte em que não cabia. Mas Jeno não te deu escolhas quando ele segurava seus cabelos e te empurrava com mais força, aproveitando a maneira como sua língua estava pendurada para gemer.

Eles estavam usando você de ambos os lados, perdendo a noção do tempo na segunda vez que chegou à boca de Ji Sung. Você estava tremendo e gemendo em volta do pau de Jeno, os elogios suaves e os gemidos profundos que ele estava soltando sobre você, em como fazia se sentir bem, como era sua ótima agora, nossa princesa. Isso te excitou tanto. Ele mantém sua cabeça no lugar quando movimenta os quadris profundamente em sua garganta, os dedos se enroscando em seus cabelos. Você engasgou um pouco, as lágrimas escapando de seus olhos, enquanto ele as enxugou com as pontas dos dedos. 

Jeno faz carinho em seus cabelos, quando você grita no pau dele, gozando na boca de Ji Sung quase desmaiando enquanto seus olhos flutuam para a parte de trás de sua cabeça.

— Ah, Ji Sung. — Jeno retruca ao ver a mancha molhada na calça de Ji Sung, assim que ele sai de sua boceta sorrindo.  — Você deixou ela gozar.

— Desculpe, hyung. — Jisung diz, mas se alegra enquanto te vê chupando o pau de Jeno, esperando para ser o próximo. Ele nota a força como Jeno se contorce sobre você, empurrando sua cabeça com mais força e gozando nos seus lábios com força, deixando você engolir tudo.

— Você é tão perfeita para a gente, princesa. — Jeno tirou o pau de sua boca, levantando seu rosto para olhá-lo por cima. — Veja, Ji Sung, ela engoliu tudo. Como esperamos tanto tempo para comer-lá?

— Fazia essa pergunta todos os dias, hyung. A gente demorou tanto. — você olhou para Jisung, ainda tentando recompor a respiração. — Mas agora prometemos que iremos te comer todos os dias, está certo, princesa?

Você confirma para ele, logo sendo puxava para levantar por Jeno, segurando seu braço e a puxando para ele, depois de conseguir beijar seus lábios. Ele passou as mãos pela sua cintura, te fazendo ficar na ponta dos pés para conseguir beijá-lo.

— É isso, querida, iremos cuidar de você essa noite e para sempre. — foi o que Ji Sung comentou, chegando por trás de você e deixando beijos em seu ombro, fazendo arrepios em sua pele. Você quase tem certeza de que suas unhas estão deixando marcas no pescoço de Jeno, pela forma como você segura.

— Quem você quer primeiro, querida? — Jisung perguntou. — Ou prefere nós dois? — Distraidamente, Ji Sung começa a apertar seu quadril, roçando o dele sobre você.

— Ji Sung primeiro. Por favor… — Você gemeu, suas mãos deslizando pelo corpo de Jeno.

— Você o terá primeiro, princesa. — Jeno sussurrou afirmativamente, ele mesmo usando suas mãos para movimentar seus quadris em torno de Jisung. — Você sente como nosso menino precisa de você? Ele será todo seu esta noite, anjo. Diga a ele o que você precisa.

— Sung, preciso que você… Me fode, por favor. — Você suspirou, tentando e não conseguindo impedir que os quadris dele se movessem.

— Vamos, Ji Sung, de o que ela precisa. — Ji Sung para de mover seus quadris, te virando para ele e esmagando os lábios contra os seus. Você sentiu vagamente Jeno beijando ao lado de sua têmpora. Mas a ferocidade e paixão de Sung se tornam difíceis de pensar em qualquer outra coisa, exceto em como era bom ter a língua dele em sua boca, os dentes batendo juntos com a força de seus beijos.

Ele finaliza o beijo para conseguir retirar as roupas o mais rápido que conseguia, jogando a última peça e sentando no sofá mais uma vez. Jisung se arruma, movimentando seu pau enquanto estende a mão na direção de Jeno. O outro garoto parecia ter entendido o recado quando tirou uma camisinha de sua calça que também estava jogada no chão e entregando ao amigo. Ele abriu o plástico e deslizou em seu pau, agora chamando você para sentar sobre ele.

Sung parecia apressado demais quando te puxou para cima dele e te posiciona perfeitamente em seu pau. O homem empurrou para dentro de você, guiando-o centímetro por centímetro em sua boceta molhada, enquanto você gemia e segurava nos ombros do mesmo, as coisas começaram a melhorar quando ele balançava os quadris. Os gemidos e os sons de pele com pele eram as únicas coisas que se ouviam naquela sala.

— Sung! Porra, Sung.

E por um momento, você começou a se preocupar em como lidaria ainda com Jeno, levando em consideração que só em sentar em Ji Sung você já estava ficando satisfeita. Os dois eram grandes demais para sua boceta, então aguentar mais um seria um pouco difícil. Mas esses pensamentos foram rapidamente empurrados para fora quando você sentiu o sofá afundar e Jeno sentou-se ao lado de vocês, colocando os dedos em seus clitóris.

— Você me parece tão apertada, amor. Tão perfeita para nós. — da maneira como Jeno murmurava elogios, você quase teria pensado que era ele quem estava sendo fodido. Mas as palavras também passaram através de você, muito focada na sensação que estava crescendo em sua boceta graças a eles dois.

Foi então que segundos depois você gozou, soltando com um grito abafado, seus olhos fechados enquanto os homens de cada lado continuavam a trabalhar em seu orgasmo. Dois pares de braços fortes imprensa você contra o peito, o peso familiar que o envolve era uma sensação de ancoragem de Ji Sung, alertando que ele também tinha gozado. Você abriu os olhos quando escutou algo abrindo, então percebeu que se tratava de Jeno com um pacote de camisinha enquanto deslizava pelo pau.

— Sung, agora é a minha vez. — ele entendeu, tirando você do colo e deitando no sofá, sua respiração ofegante e o corpo ainda trêmulo do outro garoto. Jisung sumiu de sua vista por um tempo, provavelmente para descartar a camisinha.

Então quando Jeno entrou no seu campo de visão, arrumou seu corpo no sofá e abriu suas pernas novamente e se posicionou contra você, colocando dentro de você. Os gemidos voltaram pela sala quando Jeno começou rápido demais, subindo um pouco seu seu quadril e tomando proporção para começar a te penetrar mais fundo.. Ele beijou seu pescoço, deixando pequenas marcas, pois independentemente de tudo, Jeno queria deixar lembranças desse dia, você nunca esqueceria desse presente.

— Jeno. — você mordeu os lábios, vendo quando Jisung entrou na sala novamente, se abaixando para brincar com seus seios, chupando e mordendo.

— Porra.. ah. — Jeno mordeu os lábios, subindo as mãos para o outro seio livre seus seios e apertando. Observando como Jisung chupava muito bem, te olhando e prestando atenção em todas as suas expressões.

— Veja, princesa, não precisamos da vela e do bolo. Só preciso do seu corpo para fazer um bom aniversário. — Jisung comentou.

— É o melhor dia do ano, amor. E esse é seu presente de aniversário. 」

Presente De Aniversrio Lee Jeno E Park Jisung

Obrigada por lerem, e se não for pedir muito, deixem um favorito/comentário/re-blog, isso me ajudaria bastante! Se quiserem que eu traga mais coisas do spirit, eu posso fazer isso 😁obrigada novamente e beijinhos. ♡

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9 months ago

The Purge — Kim Doyoung

misericórdia, a quanto tempo eu não posto? Me desculpa por essa demora, eu realmente esqueço que tenho uma conta aqui 😫 e como ainda não sei mexer no site, fica um pouco difícil também...

Sinopse: “Isso não é um teste! É o sistema de transmissão de emergência, anunciando o início da purificação anual aprovada pelo governo. Ao toque da sirene, todo e qualquer crime, incluindo assassinato, será permitido durante 12 horas contínuas. A polícia, os bombeiros e os serviços médicos de emergência estarão disponíveis amanhã, às 7h (sete) da manhã, quando a purificação estará encerrada.

Abençoados sejam os nossos novos fundadores, e o nosso país, uma nação renascida. Que Deus esteja com vocês.”

The Purge Kim Doyoung

「 Você conheceu uma pessoa nova, alguém que realmente gostou e chamou sua atenção, além do fato de ser extremamente bonito e atraente. Kim Doyoung era o nome dele, sempre estava com você esperando o metrô para o trabalho. Quando vocês se conheceram, era uma tarde chuvosa, havia terminado o expediente e esqueceu o guarda chuva em casa, pois não estava chovendo quando saiu. Ele estava fazendo o mesmo trajeto com você, e vendo seu desespero, resolveu dividir o guarda-chuva. Você ficou agradecida e iniciou uma conversa agradável com ele. Algo que durou o caminho todo até sua casa, já que desceu primeiro. Aparentemente, ele parecia ser uma pessoa legal, gostava de quase as mesmas coisas que você e tinha uma empresa não muito longe. Vocês gostaram do começo da conversa. E nos outros dias, sempre estavam se encontrando, seja na hora que saía de casa, ou quando voltava. Estava virando tão rotina que você achava estranho quando não se encontrava com ele, nos raros momentos que aconteciam.

Já faz quase um mês que vocês estavam conversando e se conhecendo, tudo parecia normal até então. Ele era solteiro, morava sozinho, não tinha filhos e completaria vinte e oito anos. Mesmo tendo uma diferença de idade de seis anos, ambos pareciam interessados em algo a mais. Dava-se para notar o tamanho interesse dele em você, assim como também deixou nítido o seu. Tudo seguia conforme imaginado, ambos não tinham pressa e ele parecia esperar o seu momento, sem querer apressar nada. O que foi bom, levando em consideração que você também queria deixar acontecer naturalmente. Entretanto, você parecia notar a diferença de comportamento dele de uns dias em diante, Doyoung estava bastante preocupado com a noite do expurgo, comentando sempre com você que esse ano cairia em uma sexta-feira, ou que estava se aproximando e o que você costumava fazer nessas doze horas. Você comentou que sempre passava em casa, esperando acabar e vendo nos noticiários todas as atrocidades. Doyoung já imaginou que você era assim, então te desejou boa sorte e pediu para você tomar cuidado.

Uma vez por ano, todo e quaisquer tipos de crime, incluindo assassinato, eram permitidos na Coreia do Sul, pelo período de doze horas seguidas. Desde o novo mandato de presidente, o expurgo, nova lei do país, permitiu que usassem uma noite do ano, para as pessoas cometerem seus crimes. Foi por isso que o novo presidente do país ganhou as eleições, os anarquistas ficaram ao seu lado, apoiando a lei e sancionando o mandato. Esse seria o seu terceiro ano lidando com todos os tipos de violência, se trancando em casa e esperando aquelas malditas horas acabarem. Esse ano, entretanto, você passaria com os seus amigos, em casa — aparentemente, ali era mais seguro e maior —, e assistindo alguns filmes. Uma noite apenas de curtição, aproveitando o final de semana no dia seguinte.

Quando o dia do expurgo chegou, você foi trabalhar normalmente, escutando das pessoas como estavam ansiosas para chegarem logo em casa. Pelas ruas, não se falava de mais nada senão isso. E você não teria uma reação diferente, fez tudo tão apressadamente que terminou no horário e voltou para casa no seu horário normal. Entretanto, hoje você não teve a sorte de encontrar com Doyoung, provavelmente sabendo que ele estava organizando sua empresa para terminar mais cedo e dispensar seus funcionários. Antes de voltar para casa, você passou no supermercado, comprando suas coisinhas para a noite de hoje e ansiosa para chegar logo. E quando isso aconteceu, resolveu tomar um breve banho, vestir suas roupas e arrumar sua casa brevemente, enquanto esperava a campainha tocar.

Seus amigos chegaram às cinco e meia (17:30h) e logo trataram de guardar o carro na sua garagem e trancar todas as portas de sua casa. Não foi uma segurança tão forte, mas um pouco razoável, dava para aguentar até às sete da manhã do outro dia. Não que isso fosse algum problema, a sua casa foi a escolhida justamente por parecer mais segura, e além do fato de quase nada acontecer no seu bairro. Tudo o que eles precisavam fazer era passar a noite toda acordados, rindo, brincando, fofocando e não fazendo muito barulho. Apenas isso, não seria tão difícil assim, certo?

E quando vocês sentaram no sofá, ligando a televisão e ficando um pouco tensos, já sabiam o que iria acontecer. Aquele som assustador saindo pela televisão enquanto o anúncio do começo do expurgo estava começando:

“Isso não é um teste! É o sistema de transmissão de emergência, anunciando o início da purificação anual aprovada pelo governo da Coreia do Sul.

Armas de classe 4 (quatro) foram autorizadas para uso durante o expurgo, o uso de qualquer outro armamento é restrito. Funcionários governamentais têm imunidade durante a purificação e não poderão ser feridos.

Ao toque da sirene, todo e qualquer crime, incluindo assassinato, será permitido durante 12 horas contínuas. A polícia, os bombeiros e os serviços médicos de emergência estarão disponíveis amanhã, às 7h (sete) da manhã, quando a purificação estará encerrada.

Abençoados sejam os nossos novos fundadores, e o nosso país, uma nação renascida. Que Deus esteja com vocês.”

Era assustador escutar aquelas sirenes disparando pelo país e na televisão, mas agora era a realidade de onde escolheu morar. Depois desse novo mandato, muitas coisas mudaram, incluindo o dia do expurgo, aprovado por muitas pessoas do parlamento e principalmente pela população sul coreana. Mesmo sendo contra, a grande maioria ganhou e com isso, agora estava convivendo com o dia da purificação, expurgo, noite de crimes, seja qual for o nome escolhido, ainda era algo difícil de conviver. Ver pessoas mortas nos noticiários, crimes brutais que não teriam culpados, pessoas matando por prazer, tudo isso era demais. Nunca imaginou que uma noite tão aterrorizante poderia se tornar real.

Pegando seu celular, você mandou uma mensagem para sua mãe, sabendo do enorme fuso horário, quis lembrá-la de que o expurgo estava começando e que você estava em casa, segura com seus amigos. Também aproveitou para enviar uma mensagem a Doyoung, avisando para ele se cuidar e falar com você quando pudesse. Ele ficaria bem, não é?

— O que vamos assistir? — você desligou o celular, prestando atenção na pequena discussão que suas amigas faziam. Você riu fraco, deixando que elas escolhessem o filme desejado. Não tinha pressa, tampouco preferência do que assistir, sua única preocupação era com a pipoca e a comida já pronta. Não sabia se daria para todos os cinco, mas iria implorar para nenhum deles se importar com isso.

Seus amigos, dois grupos de casais, sempre fizeram parte da sua vida desde que chegou em Seul. Conheceu primeiro Ah-ri e seu namorado, Jongho, eles eram seus vizinhos durante um ano. Depois se mudaram para outro bairro e casa maior e melhor. Depois, conheceu Yuri e Jay no antigo trabalho que você tinha. Ambos ainda não namoravam, mas se gostavam bastante, então você deu uma ajudinha nisso e conseguiu juntar os dois. Depois de tantos encontros e saídas, ambos casais se tornaram amigos também, e você gostou disso. Agora estavam aqui, todos passando o dia do expurgo juntos pela primeira vez, confiantes de que teriam como passar essa noite vivos.

Todos ficariam bem, afinal.

A noite parecia tranquila, as sagas de filmes passavam rapidamente, vocês estavam tão concentrados que mal viam as horas passando. Os filmes realmente entreteram todos vocês. Quando você ficou curiosa para saber das horas, percebeu que ainda era uma da manhã, logo ainda teria muito mais coisas pela frente. Sua rua parecia tão silenciosa que achou seriamente que todos estavam dormindo ou apenas saíram para curtir a noite onde tudo era permitido. Sua casa estava escura e provavelmente um pouco silenciosa, logo não teria como alguém notar.

Suas amigas estavam cochichando, enquanto você e os meninos eram os únicos acordados assistindo concentrados ao terceiro filme. Você aproveitava para responder sua mãe constantemente, já que pelo fuso horário ela estaria acordada no momento. Mas você ainda estava um pouco preocupada com Doyoung, ele não te respondia desde manhã e você não tinha noção se estava tudo bem. Ele costumava passar essa data em casa ou sair do país? Seja como for, esperava que ele estivesse bem.

— Ainda tem pipoca? — Você bloqueou o celular, levantando do sofá para pegar um pouco de pipoca na cozinha. — Você é a melhor, _____.

— Não por isso. — rindo, você pegou outra vasilha e entrou para eles, que agradeceram com um sorriso. — Vocês não estão achando tudo muito silencioso?

— Sim, mas é a primeira vez que ficamos no seu bairro. Não é sempre assim no dia do expurgo? — Jay olhou para você curioso, juntando as sobrancelhas.

— Costuma ser, mas não assim. Algumas vezes eu escutava pessoas gritando, carros passando, motos fazendo barulhos. Até agora, não escutei nada disso. Está tudo tão estranho.

— Relaxa, vai ver as pessoas só estão trancadas dentro de casa. Ou vai ver esse bairro não faz muita diferença. Sinceramente, aqui é bem esquecido.

— Tem razão, pode ser isso… — você ligou o celular, mas nada de alguma notificação dele. Já estava começando a ficar preocupada com isso, Doyoung sempre te respondia no mesmo minuto.

— E como vão as coisas com seu novo pretendente? Vocês ainda se falam? — Jongho perguntou, vendo quando Ah-ri acordava do seu cochilo.

— Estão indo bem, devagar, mas da forma como eu gostaria. Ele ainda parece bastante interessado em mim, assim como estou nele.

— Eu disse para Jongho que agora daria para convidar ele para sair com a gente, assim você não fica sozinha como de costume. — você revirou os olhos, escutando as risadas deles. — Onde ele costuma passar o dia do expurgo? Ele fica em casa, não é?

— Aparentemente sim, ele me disse que não costuma fazer nada nesse dia. Mas até agora não me respondeu, estou sem contato desde de manhã. — você respirou fundo, novamente olhando a tela do celular.

— Será que está tudo bem com ele? — Ah-ri olhou-a, vendo quando você pareceu ainda mais preocupada.

— Ou melhor, será que ele está matando alguém? Ou perseguindo alguma pessoa?

— Jay! — Você chutou-o do sofá.

— Estou falando sério! Ninguém conhece alguém realmente, nunca se sabe o que ele pode tentar fazer.

— No final, Jay realmente tem razão. Mas, vamos ser otimistas, talvez ele apenas tenha saído do país. Não precisa se preocupar, ele deve estar bem.

— Eu… — você paralisou alguns segundos quando escutou a campainha tocando. Ninguém esperava por isso.

Yuri acordou com o barulho e olhou para os demais, vendo como todos estavam sem reação, não era algo esperado. Você olhou na direção da porta, sem saber o que exatamente fazer. Esse era o pior momento para alguém aparecer, principalmente em uma noite como essa. Você não sabia como reagir porque isso nunca tinha acontecido antes, e quando tocou pela segunda vez, foi quando você começou a se desesperar.

— Fiquem aqui. — Jay falou, levantando lentamente do chão, junto de Jongho. — A gente vai lá. — você confirmou, ficando ao lado de Ah-ri e Yuri, que também estavam preocupadas.

Quando os homens chegaram à porta, Jongho olhou pelo olho mágico para ver a pessoa, mas não resolveu muita coisa. Logo, Jay também olhou para saber do que o amigo falava. Quando a campainha tocou a terceira vez, você resolveu caminhar até eles, olhando para cada um. Nem eles sabiam o que te falar.

— Não sabemos quem é. — eles sussurram, dando espaço para você olhar também. Quando fez isso, viu não só uma pessoa, mas no mínimo quatro, todos fantasiados, usando máscaras no rosto e o pior, eles estavam armados. O que tocava a campainha agora começou a bater com força na sua porta, você se afastou com medo. — Vamos desligar a televisão e subir, qualquer coisa ficamos no seu porão.

Os dois homens ficaram próximos das garotas, segurando a mão de cada uma. Quando Jongho pegou o controle para desligar a televisão, ele também travou no lugar, escutando quando um deles resolveu falar.

— Abra a porta, princesa. Eu sei que você está acordada, consigo ver sua sombra e a iluminação da casa. — Você congelou mais uma vez, agora com um misto de emoções. A voz era extremamente parecida com a de Doyoung, principalmente os apelidos carinhosos, ele adorava te chamar de princesa. Você olhou novamente pelo olho mágico, vendo ainda todos parados na porta. As metralhadoras nas mãos, facões grandes e machados. Agora, o número de pessoas aumentou, no mínimo oito. — Eu vou ser generoso e esperar sua boa vontade, mas quando me cansar vou acabar invadindo e matando seus amigos. Você quem escolhe.

Jongho desligou a televisão, falando com as garotas para subirem até o porão, onde era o local mais seguro no momento. Jay foi quem segurou seu braço, puxando você para trás.

— Vai para o porão, ______.

— Não adianta se esconder, princesa, eu vou te achar do mesmo jeito. Vai ser divertido, mas no final vou te encontrar. A propósito, se alguém te tocar, vai morrer. — você engoliu a seco, tinha quase certeza de que era Doyoung por trás daquela máscara, pelo menos a voz era extremamente identidade. Mas como poderia ser ele? Não sabia onde morava, só conhecia a sua estação, mas de restante não. — Você não vai nem me perguntar como eu te encontrei? — Jay te olhou.

— Você conhece ele?

— Eu acho que seja o Doyoung. — ele arregalou os olhos, quase dizendo “está brincando?”. Realmente você queria fingir que não era ele, mas estava ficando real a cada palavra.

— Não é difícil encontrar as pessoas quando se é o dono do país. — ele riu, colocando a metralhadora nos ombros, ainda esperando sua boa vontade. — Mas então, como vai ser? Você vai ser a minha boa garota e abrir a porta? Ou eu vou ter que fazer do jeito mais difícil? — você se soltou do aperto de Jay e caminhou novamente até o olho mágico.

— Doyoung, é realmente você? — sua voz ficou trêmula, o rosto pálido e a pressão quase caindo.

— Em carne e osso, amor. Estou aqui para te levar comigo, vamos ser felizes juntos agora.

— Porque você está fazendo isso? Você não é assim!

— Você ainda não me conhece, amor. Deixe-me entrar e então eu te mostro quem realmente sou. Agora, se fizer do jeito mais difícil, tenho certeza de que vai se arrepender.

— Vai para o porão, agora! — Jay te puxou outra vez, agora quase te jogando pelas escadas. Com lágrimas nos olhos, você subiu desesperada até lá, pegando as chaves e trancando as portas reforçadas.

Encontrou suas duas amigas, também desesperadas pelo acontecido e abraçando você. Quando você pensou em falar alguma coisa, escutou os muitos barulhos de tiros sendo disparados contra sua casa. Você sabia que agora seria o seu fim, iria morrer de forma trágica nas mãos de uma pessoa que jurou conhecer. Ou melhor, que confiava e gostava. Nunca em todos esses dias você iria desconfiar ou acreditar que Doyoung fosse esse tipo de homem. Ou melhor, se alguém te contasse isso dele, você não acreditaria nunca. Agora ele está aqui, entrando na sua casa, querendo matar todo mundo e provavelmente vai conseguir. Por sua culpa.

Isso tudo foi sua culpa! Se não tivesse conhecido ele, não aceitando sua ajuda, começado um assunto… Tudo isso teve uma consequência, mas não imaginou que seria tão forte. Doyoung fazia parte dessas pessoas que queriam purificar o mundo, como poderia? Logo ele, você jamais imaginaria isso. Mas então, porque ele estava atrás de você? Porque estava aqui? O que você tinha feito para ele? Doyoung iria te matar e tudo isso era sua culpa.

— Eu sinto muito. Sinto muito! Não queria colocar a vida de vocês em risco. — você chorava muito, as mãos trêmulas, corpo fraco e gelado. Era um verdadeiro colapso. Ah-ri foi quem te abraçou, alisando suas costas. — Ele vai matar a gente, todos nós.

— Não é sua culpa. — Era sim, tudo isso foi culpa sua, acreditar e confiar em uma pessoa desse tipo. Doyoung era completamente oposto de tudo o que tinha imaginado sobre ele.

Tudo foi sua culpa…

Você podia escutar os gritos, risadas, tiros e barulhos de motores tanto de carro quanto de motos. Nessa altura, já imaginou que eles tinham entrado aqui, portanto, não tinha mais para onde correr, você iria morrer em alguns minutos. Não só você, mas suas amigas também. Todos. Isso tudo era um pesadelo, achava que ficaria tudo bem, mas se enganou.

— Oi, amor. — você parou de chorar quando a voz dele veio detrás da porta, junto de duas batidas. — Eu sei que você está aí, não precisa se esconder novamente. — Yuri te olhou, em seguida trocou outro olhar com Ah-ri, todas sem saber o que fazer, principalmente você. — Você vai vir abrir a porta para mim? Ou eu vou ter que fazer da mesma forma?

Se você realmente fosse esperta, saberia que abrir seria a melhor opção, principalmente poupando tanto a sua vida quanto de suas amigas. Doyoung parecia extremamente sério enquanto te dava uma opção.

— Vou esperar dez segundos, caso não abra eu farei isso, mesmo que demore. — você engoliu o choro e soltou as mãos de suas amigas. Seguiu até a porta e acabou destrancado, abrindo lentamente. Doyoung ainda estava usando aquela máscara de Led, com um X nos olhos e a boca costurada. Você viu também quando ele sorriu, entrando cada vez mais no porão. — Ah, eu sabia que estavam faltando mais duas. Mas não importa, quem eu realmente quero está bem na minha frente. Tão pequena e inofensiva.

— Por que, Doyoung? — ele tirou a máscara e você finalmente pode ver aquele lindo rosto, seu sorriso magnífico e as roupas em perfeito estado. — Você vai me matar agora?

— Matar? Porque eu te mataria? Quero te ver viva. — Você juntou as sobrancelhas, caminhando ainda mais para trás. Nessa altura, Yuri e Ah-ri estavam atrás de você, se protegendo, mas esperando por Jay e Jongho retornarem.

— Eu não entendo…

— Você terá todo o tempo do mundo para entender melhor. — ele estendeu a mão para você, mesmo assim, algumas pessoas fantasiadas também entraram no porão e caminharam até vocês. Você ficou com medo, mas eles nada te fizeram, pegaram suas amigas enquanto arrastavam elas para fora. Ambas gritavam em desespero e você ficava ainda mais, tentando trazê-las de volta, mesmo Doyoung te segurando. — Calma amor, elas não vão se machucar se você cooperar, tudo bem?

— Deixe elas em paz, Doyoung. Nenhum deles não tem nada haver com isso.

— Tem razão, não tem, mas se você não se comporta eles vão sofrer as consequências. — você parou de tentar sair dos braços dele, começando a escutá-lo melhor. — Se você não se comportar, eu mando matar todos eles. Você quem escolhe. — Ele cheirou o topo de sua cabeça, aproveitando para deixar um beijo.

— O que você quer de mim?

— Quero que venha comigo, fique comigo na nossa futura casa, eu e você. Seremos felizes juntos, prometo a você. — Você não sabia qual era o nível de psicopatia dele, mas sabia que provavelmente já era algo bem avançado. Isso te fez chorar mais ainda.

— E se eu recusar?

— Já nesse caso, então eu terei que matar seus amigos e te trazer a força. Qual você escolhe?

Qual poderia ser a pior delas? Não era justo seus amigos perderem a vida por sua culpa, tampouco para algo que não estavam esperando. Mas também não viver mais sua vida parecia ser ruim, só que nunca pior do que a opção dos seus amigos. Doyoung levantou sua cabeça, olhando no fundo dos seus olhos.

— Eu vou com você, mas por favor, deixe os meus amigos vivos. — Doyoung sorriu, passando as mãos pelos seus lábios.

— Prometo te dar proteção, carinho e cuidados. Mas te peço uma coisa, sua submissão. Não para atos ou práticas, mas quero que você me respeite e obedeça, faça isso e teremos uma vida tranquila e pacífica. Você não terá com o que se preocupar. Entretanto, se fizer algo que eu não goste, farei algo que você também não gostará. Ações geram consequências, você entende? — você assentiu. — Você vai gostar da nossa casa, fica no campo, uma mansão completamente apta aos seus gostos. Teremos uma vida tranquila e segura afastados dos outros, sem ninguém para nos atrapalhar. — você se soltou dele, ainda tremendo e chorosa. Então olhou para o mesmo, vendo que esse não era mais aquele Doyoung que você se encontrava todos os dias.

— Porque você está fazendo isso? Não poderíamos ser duas pessoas normais apaixonadas?

— Jamais existiriam duas pessoas normais quando eu não sou. Querida, eu não queria te assustar de começo, estávamos se conhecendo e queria ter a certeza de que seria você. Eu me encantei tanto por você que esperei o momento certo. — ele colocou uma mecha do seu cabelo atrás da orelha. — Você é tão linda, chamou tanto minha atenção que foi impossível resistir, estou tão obcecado ao ponto disso. Agora, terei você apenas para mim.

— Quem são essas pessoas com você?

— Ah, é verdade, a melhor parte. Eu sou líder de uma organização criminosa e esses são meus funcionários. Todos os anos aproveitamos o dia do expurgo, acredito que você já tenha visto alguns. — ele sorriu. Mas então, tudo o que você conseguiu fazer foi chorar, tanto que quase não saia mais lágrimas. — Não chore, não precisa disso! Nenhum mal chegará até você se depender de mim. — lógico que não chegaria, levando em consideração que ele era o mal em pessoa. Sua vida estava completamente acabada, sem chances de escapar ou tentar, viveria com um criminoso a partir de agora.

— Você mentiu para mim, Doyoung! Disse que tinha uma empresa e trabalhava. O que você estava fazendo no metrô naquele dia?

— Eu não menti para você, realmente tenho minha empresa, mesmo sendo uma fachada para meus negócios, não deixo de trabalhar. Naquela tarde, eu estava esperando por uma pessoa bastante trabalhosa, estava me deixando com dor de cabeça, então fui resolver com minhas próprias mãos.

— E você resolveu? — ele assentiu, enxugando suas lágrimas. Segurando sua mão, ele te levou para a sala novamente, agora tendo a surpresa de ver seus amigos com uma arma apontada na cabeça, apenas esperando as ordens do líder. Jay e Jongho pareciam bastante feridos. — Doyoung…

— Ah, o expurgo. Não é uma maravilha? Poder matar qualquer coisinha insignificante sem sermos presos. Brincar de presa e predador enquanto imploram por suas vidas. A melhor coisa desse governo foi esse dia. — você via o desespero no olhar de cada um deles, esperando que você pudesse fazer alguma coisa para salvá-los. E por mais que tentasse fazer algo, não sabia o que esperar de Doyoung, afinal ele era um psicopata, tendia a mentir e fazer promessas. Ele te puxou para mais perto, segurando sua cintura com força. — Deixe-me provar dos seus lábios. Beije-me e então soltarei eles, prometo a você.

— Você promete mesmo, Doyoung? Vai soltar eles seriamente?

— Dou minha palavra a você.

Você ficou na ponta dos pés, passando as mãos pelo pescoço dele enquanto Doyoung cuidava do restante. Ele apertou sua cintura enquanto pousava os lábios nos seus, liderando aquele beijo vagaroso e sem pressa. A língua dele entrou na sua e te deixou completamente fraca, felizmente ele estava te segurando. Mesmo não sabendo que Doyoung estava mentindo para você todo esse tempo, e não sabendo sua real personalidade, você não poderia esconder a atração que sentia, como estava ansiosa para sentir seus beijos e carinhos. Então agora que estava tendo isso, ficava difícil lutar para não acabar gostando, quando claramente estava amando. Não só você, mas ele também estava muito animado e desesperado por esse beijo, tanto quanto você.

Foi você quem precisou parar quando ficou sem fôlego, puxando todo o oxigênio que conseguia enquanto ele sorria para você. Doyoung parecia satisfeito com o beijo, o que foi ótimo, assim não correria o risco dele matar seus amigos.

— Você é perfeita meu amor. Me escute, não sou o tipo de homem que quebra promessas, eu as cumpro sempre que possível. Mas seus amigos viram o meu rosto e sabem meu nome, facilmente conseguirão me denunciar. Minhas promessas perante a você não estarão valendo para essa, mas garanto que farei por você em dobro.

— Não, Doyoung! Por favor, não. — ele te virou, colando suas costas contra seu abdômen, apertou com força sua cintura e te levantou do chão.

— Podem matar todos.

Doyoung te arrastou a força para fora de casa, mesmo com toda sua violência e tentativas de fugas, foi impossível sair do aperto dele. As coisas só pioraram quando você escutou os tiros e gritos, ficando completamente desesperada para voltar e ajudar seus amigos. Ele mentiu para você, não ajudou nada seus amigos, e ainda por cima matou todos. Tudo isso foi culpa sua e aquela maldita hora em que sua vida se cruzou com a de Doyoung.

Havia um carro esportivo parado na frente de sua casa, um dos homens mascarados abriu a porta para o passageiro. Doyoung te jogou naquele lado, passando o cinto pelo seu corpo e travando, mesmo recebendo alguns golpes seus ou sendo difícil. Quando ele fechou e ainda travou a sua porta, você não conseguiu ao menos abri-la de volta, mesmo batendo ou tentando quebrar o vidro. Essa merda era blindada. Ele entrou no lado do motorista, fazendo a mesma coisa enquanto travava seu carro.

Doyoung agia naturalmente perante seus gritos e desesperos para sair, olhou para seu rolex no braço e viu que ainda eram três da manhã. Mas mesmo que ainda houvesse bastante pessoas para matar, isso não importava agora, ele já tinha conseguido seu maior feito do expurgo.

— Já chega disso! — ele puxou seu rosto com força, apertando suas bochechas com as unhas. — Você não vai sair desse carro, tampouco ver seus amigos. As coisas agora serão diferentes, você terá uma vida melhor, um recomeço. Então aproveite disso para esquecer o que ficou no passado e apenas viver seu futuro ao meu lado. Esqueça tudo e foque apenas em mim, pelo seu próprio bem. Você entendeu, meu amor? — Mesmo com medo e sem saber como reagir, você assentiu, desidratada de tanto chorar. — Minha boa agora.

Doyoung ligou seu carro, dando jogo de luz para os outros dois na frente que seguiram fazendo sua escolta. Você foi embora da sua casa, seguindo pelas ruas agitadas e violentas da noite, estava indo embora com um psicopata e viveria em um inferno a partir de agora.

— Seremos felizes juntos, meu amor. — Tudo isso foi culpa sua.

Maldita hora que conheceu Kim Doyoung. 」

The Purge Kim Doyoung

Favoritos, re-blogs e comentários sempre vão me ajudar bastante a continuar postando. Obrigada por quem leu até o final, espero que tenham gostado e até a próxima 🥰😘

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4 years ago

Jaehyun - Distortion


Genre : college!au || angst, fluff, smut

Paring: Jaehyun x female!reader

Word count: 8,6k

Warning: swearing, graphic smut/ sexual themes, mentioning of alcohol

Summary: Your life drastically changed after you met the boyfriend of your friend Carly and his friends.

A/N: I post this after one or two years in my drafts. So hope you like it and remember I did not re-read this, so there may be some grammar mistakes.

Lmao I suck at descriptions. So please don’t mind my nonsense I wrote there. Hope you have fun reading this. 😊💕 @bunniglow

It was a usual day in college. You were seated in the front row of the lecture hall. There wasn't much to say about you. You were just an ordinary girl. Well you heard other people say you were a nerd but that wasn't really you. They said those things because you always sat in the front row, hadn't a lot of friends and sat in the library when you weren't at your apartment or at your workplace.

You were a barista in a cafe near your college. Most of the people who came to get a drink were students. At first you found it good because they weren't much people who had a huge age gap. But after some time it got really annoying. Most of the people who ordered were rude. They had an attitude that made you ponder how they were treated at home to be this disrespectful. Customers that weren't students were nice, sometimes too nice. You hadn't anything against talking with a customer when you had time but you definitely were against their flirting attempts. The only thing they created was uncomfortableness. So you rushed to get them out of your view which was kind of hard sometimes. Overall you didn't like your job much but it was your only source of money and they paid well, so you didn't want to complain.

The things students were thinking about you were false prejudices. You sat in the front row because you didn't want to see other students in front of you. You wanted to have the least contact with them. The front row could secure you this. You weren't afraid of others but you just simply hadn't any motivation to talk to any person about things you considered as indifferent. This was also the reason why you had barely friends. The only friend you had was a girl you met on your first day in your first semester who introduced herself as Charlotte or Charly as she wants to be called like this.You actually didn't want to talk to her at first but she was so persistent that in the end you gave in. After your first talk with her you learned that she was also your roommate. You couldn't have been happier. You had guessed you would get the worst roommate.

She definitely wasn't the best roomate. She was the reason why you spent so little time in the apartment. She had a boyfriend and whenever he came over you were out of view after you learned it the hard way. The first time you thought it would be okay to sit in your room and learn for the upcoming exams but you were proven wrong. You didn't know they both would be this loud. So you had to take your earphones in. Even with the music in full volume, you couldn't veneer their voices. So you gave up and walked out of the door. Since then you avoided being in the apartment when he was present. But he was there most of the time so you just had the library as an escape.

As you sat in the front row and draw on the cover of your block, gasped could be heard. So you lifted your head to see what made people so shocked. A male student stood in the door frame and he looked like a rich kid who gets spoiled from his parents frequently. He had a ripped blue jeans and a grey polo shirt with a denim jacket over on. His shoes were from an expensive sport label. They were black with a dark blue hashtag on the sides. He had a watch on that was way more expensive than anything that belonged to you. His hair which was dark brown was styled back. He looked through the rows and halted when he saw you. He locked eyes with you and a small smile appeared on his handsome face before he started to walk to the back row.

Charly suddenly came from behind you and sat down next to you. You didn't question her why she was sitting behind you but you were definitely confused.

"Oh my gosh Y/N. He looked at you and he even smiled. You're soooo lucky." Your friend said with excitement and a huge smile on her face.

"What? Whom are you referring to?"

"Girl are you serious?" She deadpanned. "Jung Jaehyun just looked at you. Fucking Jung Jaehyun."

"Jung who? Who is this?"

Her smile dropped and she seemed to get a little annoyed.

"Jung Jaehyun. The hot guy that smiled at you like a minute ago." When she saw that you were still a little confused she added. "You know, the guy with the expensive clothes on."

"Ohh you mean the rich kid. Ahh yeah uhm what's with him? He can look at anybody he wants to. Maybe he saw something on my face or so."

She gave you a disapproving look but before she could speak again the professor came and the lecture began.

Not even five minutes into the lecture and you were getting bored. You just wanted to sleep. But this didn't seem like a good idea when you were in front of the prof. You didn't want him to think his lecture was uninteresting so you came to the conclusion to just continue your drawing.

When it finally ended you were the first out of the hall and went straight to the cafeteria. You were starving so much because you couldn't get to eat in the morning. You set an alarm on your phone and went to sleep but you forgot to charge your phone over the night. So the battery of your phone died and with that your alarm wasn't going to give any tone. You were woken up by Charly in the morning. She was already dressed and ate something. She thought you were already gone but heard you mumbling something so she came to wake you. You were truly thankful to her. If she wasn't there, you would have been in trouble.

You were the first to arrive in the cafeteria. The lady behind the counter already knew what you were going to buy. In the time you were walking to the counter, the old lady already had your order finished.

"Y/N nice to see you again. You weren't here for quiet a time." The old lady kinda made a pouting face and that brought both of you to laugh.

"I'm sorry. I was just kinda busy. But I promise I'll be here more often in the future. And thank you for finishing it up before I even arrived." You gave her a thumbs up and as you saw the people gathering in the cafeteria you quickly said your leave and made your way to the exit.

But before you left you saw Jaehyun shortly looking at you. You didn't gave it much of a thought but it stil didn't go unnoticed.

You sat on the rooftop and waited for Charly. For the first time she said she would bring her boyfriend with her. You didn't know what to say and you were kind of nervous.

You bit in your salami sandwich and enjoyed the view. You liked the rooftop a lot. You found yourself always interested in your surrounding. You wanted to take pictures of old houses or just a street full of people in the shopping area. The look down from the roof was facinating everytime you went there. The people going to their different lectures. You could already tell who was in his first semester and who wasn't. The people in their first semesters were kind of confused where they had to go. When you thought back to the time when you were in your first semester it was the same for you. Even after half a year you didn't knew what building you had to enter. A good thing was that Charly was there for you. And it was kind of strange that she always knew where they had to go. But you didn't complain.

Loud voices brought you back to reality. Even if Charly was coming with her boyfriend, they were too many voices...too many male voices. You turned around and saw your friend with 5 guys around her.

When she saw you looking at her she greeted you. The guys stopped talking and the attention was now on you. They were all really good looking and also had expensive things on. You recognized Jaehyun among them.

The first person that talked was a really tall guy. He had black hair and his arm was around Charly's waist. So he had to be her boyfriend or other ways it would have been odd. "Hey, I'm Johnny. I'm Charly's boyfriend. Nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you." He said smiling.

Charly prickled him in the side. She rolled her eyes at him and then turned back to you. "He says it like it was something bad we talked about. But dont worry, we just talked about good things." She winked at you and you couldn't contain a laugh.

"It's fine. I don't even know what you could say about me. I mean, I'm not that interesting." You said with a shrug but still with a smile plastered on your face. If Jaehyun wouldn't stand next to Johnny, you would've missed the frown on his face. It didn't last long and that made unsure. Maybe you just imagined it?

The next to speak was a guy with red hair. He wasn't as tall as Johnny but taller than you. You didn't know why but he gave you the feeling as if he was the leader of the clique. Could you say leader? But like the person that arranged most of the meetings outside the college. "I'm Taeyong. Nice to meet you." He was really polite as he gave you his hand to shake. "I mean I don't know if you already know my name but I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too." You said with a slighty timid attitude.

You didn't know why you were shy all of a sudden. But this was your first time to speak to so many people. It made you nervous as hell. You just didn't know why this feeling came only now.

A guy with dark hair spoke next. He kind of reminded you of a bunny. A really cute bunny to that. "I'm Doyoung." He came and gave you a hug. It took you off guard and you seemed to look as surprised as you felt because Doyoung apologized as soon as he saw your face. "I'm always like this. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." "What? No you didn't made me feel uncomfortable. I was just surprised. That's all. No need to apologize for your kindness." You briskly responded. This time you saw Jaehyun lifting an eyebrow at you. You quickly looked away from him and at ten only person you dodmt know the name of yet.

He didn't look like the other guys but still handsome. Your gut feeling was right and he introduced himself as Yuta. He came from Japan.

"Oh really you're from Japan? That's cool. I've always wanted to go there but I didn't had enough time or money to do that." You exclaimed happily.

"Hey if you ever go there just message me on Instagram and I'll give you a tour around." You nodded and smiled at this.

This caused an unhappy look on Jaehyun's face and you weren't sure anymore if you even wanted to be introduced to him. In this short time you saw him. He looked more pissed than happy. Didn't he smile at you hours ago? Why would he be like this then?

Even after a moment of silence and all eyes on Jaehyun, he hadn't said anything. Just looked at you. Which pissed you more off. As everyone could see the tension between you two, Taeyong decided to speak up. "So uhm this is Jaehyun. Well normally he isn't like this and actually the most hyper of us but today he seems off." Jaehyun shot a glare at Taeyong but still remained silent.

After uncomfortable silence you all decided to talk about useless stuff. You actually got really good along with Yuta and Doyoung. Between your conversations with them you felt your eyes always looking at Jaehyun. Even if he didn't say a word to you till now, he did seem to wake your interests. But you just shrugged it off as he didn't show any signs.

You learned a whole lot about them. They are called RSB which means 'Rich Since Birth'. Out of their pronunciation you knew they didn't like that name. A lot of people think they got to this university just because of money and that their grades are bought. They were also known as the prettiest group of friends on campus. Despite the number of people that hated them, they were a lot more that liked them. Liked them way too much. They got a lot of love confessions. Heck how old were the people who confessed? They weren't in high school anymore. They should know better. You never really understood people who confessed their love to someone who they barely knew.

You exchanged numbers with almost everyone there. Jaehyun was the only person you didn't feel to get quite along with and this wasn't how you wished it would be. He didn't even say bye to you and just disappeared from your view.

You said your goodbye to everyone else and went to your lecture. It was the first time you weren't one of the first people to arrive but one of the last. Thus there wasn't a seat available in the front row. You had to go to the middle. At first you felt uncomfortable but it got better with time. You looked around and saw Jaehyun in the front row. You probably scoffed too loud and also glared too obviously at Jaehyun as everyone was now looking at you two. He seemed to notice the unwanted attention on him and turned around to see you glaring at him. He still had this annoying look and this made you seemingly insecure as you took your back and exit the room right before the prof came.

For the rest of the day you just sat on your bed and read a book. You didn't really care about what you read and you also didn't concentrate while you read but you needed something to bring you on other thoughts. Tomorrow would be more miserable than today because you knew most of the people were going to talk about you and Jaehyun and what ifs could be between you two.

When Carly arrived she also asked you holes in your stomach. You said that you never saw him in the front row before and just on the day you couldn't sit in the front he sits there. Like he was provoking you. She responded, you thought too much into it and it probably wasn't on purpose. Moreover it was just a seat so what was the problem? And she was right. What was your problem to even begin with?

After almost a week the rumors about you didn't stop. You thought that people would have been bored after not being fed with more stuff but you were wrong. It was Jaehyun everyone was talking about. So this couldn't last just one week. It had to be longer and it annoyed you a lot. Not to your surprise Jaehyun ignored you. When he didn't ignore you he sent you glares over the room. You knew it was your fault but what could you do? The damage was wrought. The rumors were from Y/N just wanted attention from him to Y/N is pregnant with Jaehyun's child. Sometimes you laughed about their silliness but you were also shocked to what extent people thought of you. How you just were after his money or other stuff. Did people even thought before they talked?

You still held your contact with the other boys. They weren't about what you did but they found it hilarious. When you sat on the rooftop to tell them what happened they all laughed their asses off telling you, you did great. You didn't even wanted to understand what they meant with you doing great.

After like another month the rumors kind of shut down. They weren't completely eradicated but less than weeks ago.

You were on your way to the rooftop when Jaehyun wrote in the group chat you all decided to open a few weeks ago. You didn't even need to look to say what he wrote. The only thing he always wrote was that he didn't come to the rooftop.

You already heard a lot of people talking on the rooftop. You squinted your eyes as soon as you walked out of the door. The sun beamed in your face so you had to take a hand to cover your eyes. To your surprise Jaehyun was sitting there and chatting with the others.

You took out your phone and read the message he wrote in the group chat.

Today I'm coming to the roof - boy who always glares👀 (11:56am)

You felt your phone being taken away from Doyoung. Even with trying, you couldn't hold a grasp on your phone. "Ohhhh guys, do you know how Y/N saved Jaehyun in her contact list?" Everyone shoke their head and Doyoung jumped around like a hyper pony. "Doyoung, I warn you. Shut the fuck up and give me my phone back." You glared at him and the angry voice was audible. But Doyoung just shoke his head. "She saved him as boy who always glares. She even has two eyes emojis behind this."

Everyone laughed expect you and Jaehyun. You looked panicked at him and he seemed happy. He had a huge smile on his face.

You went to Doyoung and ripped your phone out of his hands. You glared at him one last time before you walked to the others and sat down.

Everyone seemed to have calmed down. So Jaehyun took the opportunity to speak first. "You all know Sicheng right? He's holding a party on Friday and he ask me if I could bring some of my friends."

"Uhhh Sicheng is holding a party? I'm definitely in." Said Yuta with a grin. He looked happier than you've seen him before. Did he had a thing for Sicheng?

You leaned in to Carly and hold a hand in front of your mouth before you whispered to her. "Who is Sicheng?"

"He's also in the clique. You just don't see him often."

"Ah Jaehyun I assume your also in for it." After Jaehyun nodded Doyoung added "So why do we all not just meet up at the party. A little fun can't damage, right?" Jaehyun looked at you and for the first time in weeks you didn't saw him glare at you or anything. He actually had a small smile on his lips which had you smiling unconscious. You weren't sure of what to say to the offer but Charly already agreed for you.

It was Friday evening and you were getting ready for the party. Charly put make up on for you.

When you were in high school you actually wanted to do stuff like this. But you gave up after months of trying. Whenever you made yourself pretty in your eyes and went to your parents they said you looked like a clown or something.

"Ok, I'm finished. You look amazing Y/N." Carly praised herself. You stood in front of a mirror. You put on a short black dress. You didn't have a lot of dresses in your wardrobe and this was the best and expensive looking, so you decided fot this one.

On the way to Sicheng's home ,where the party was on going, you kinda felt nervous again. You weren't much of a party type. Your bed was much more comfortable than a drunk people who collided with you. But Charly pleaded you the whole week to come with her. It wouldn't be fun without you. So you gave in.

When Sicheng's house was in sight you already saw a lot of drunk people in his dooryard. It wasn't even past 9pm and here you were struggling to even come to his front door because a dude had to fall in front of you and nearly spelled all of his drink on you. Thanks to Carly this didn't happen. She pulled you back a little and the red cup landed in front of your shoes. Due to smell the cup had to have vodka in it.

Finally inside it wasn't better. More drunk people could be seen. The only difference was that they also danced awfully to the music. They hadn't any rhythm to the beat but what do you expect from intoxicated students.

Suddenly a guy came to your side. He was tall and looked like someone who would spent his time with the " RSB " kids since his clothing looked just as expensive as from Jaehyun. But you couldn't deny that he still looked pretty handsome. The only thing didn't matching was that he was here. He looked too cute to even come to this party. So what was he doing here?

"Hey I'm Sicheng. I assume you're Y/N." Your eyes almost fell out from your staring. He was the person who throw the party. He looked like an introverted person and not someone with so many connections. Your prejudice was again wrong.

You felt Carly pinching your waist. Sicheng looked amused by you and you finally realized you just stared at him and not even said a single word. It would be too awkward to say anything now and to your relief Sicheng spoke again. "Well since Carly already told me about you, you don't have to introduce yourself, I guess. Do you two want to come with me to the basement? The others are already there. We play billiards. I'm not that good so I came up to look if anything is damaged." He smiled at the both of you and Carly dragged you with her to the basement.

Sicheng disappeared briefly in the kitchen and came back with three red cups. You rather didn't plan on drinking anything because you knew you hadn't the best alcohol tolerance. Nonetheless you accepted the cup amd followed both downstairs. The landing was small and it wasn't really illuminated.

The room was large. The walls were black which let the room seem smaller than he actually was. Paintings were on two walls. One was yellow with white and black mixed in it and the other showed a boy with his back looking. He sat on a stone and around him was water. It seemed like the stone was his only lifeboat. Further away in the background you could see a forest. It definitely didn't look appealing. The forest was dark green mixed with black.

Although it was the basement it had a big window. You could see the garden through the window. The garden was also large. The trees were organized after their length. There was a path between the trees that led to a shed. Other than this there was also a big pool were a lot of people were crowded around.

Back in the room was a billiard table and Yuta played against Taeyong. Taeyong was in lead. There was also a couch were Doyoung, Johnny, Carly and Sicheng sat. You didn't notice the two left your side. A table was in front of the couch and chaird were placed around the table. Even though most of the people were here, Jaehyun was missing. This made you a little disappointed. You were looking kinda forward to see him.

Your best option was to go to the others on the couch. Once you settled down Johnny suggested to play truth or dare. You weren't really in the mood for it but what exactly could go wrong. Yuta and Taeyong also gathered around the table and Doyoung placed an empty bottle in the middle of the table. The chair to your left wasn't occupied. You took the opportunity and ask where Jaehyun was. "We actually don't know. He was here a while ago and suddenly he was gone. He probably is upstairs kissing with some chick." This earned Johnny a lot of glares from the other boys and Carly kicked him. Johnny just looked questionable at the others. Sicheng whispered something into Johnny's ear and he looked apologetic at you. Now it was your turn to look confused. Taeyong opened his mouth to say something when the door opened and revealed Jaehyun. He sat down on the only chair that was left and drunk his alcohol mix. Nobody asked him where he was and instead Taeyong spun the bottle.

It stopped at Yuta and he chose dare. Doyoung dared him to call Mark and confess to him his love for Sicheng. Taeyong who sat on your right told you who Mark was. He was also part of the clique but a semester under them. They knew him since middle school. The phone ringing stopped Taeyong from speaking more. After the fifth ring Mark accepted the call. The whole thing was really funny because Mark had to be sleeping already as his answers made no sense. He wished the new couple congratulations although Yuta only talked about his love for Sicheng and not returned love.

Yuta spun the bottle and this time it stopped at Jaehyun. He chose truth. "Do you have someone who you like?" Doyoung briskly asked. Jaehyun stiffened for a moment before his eyes met yours and he seemed to get more nervous. He eventually looked back at Doyoung. "Yeah I do have someone." A lot of oohhhs could be heard and Johnny asked who it was but Jaehyun didn't spell any tea.

You felt Jaehyun's glimpse on you again but you decided to ignore it. You began to get nervous. Jaehyun spun the bottle and oh how predictably. It stopped at you. If you chose truth, you would have become a question like Jaehyun. You decided for dare which was the worse decision.

As the rounds before Doyoung talked. "I dare you to kiss the person to your left." You couldn't believe this. Why did it had to be Jaehyun? You didn't dare to look at him. Instead you looked around and nobody was really shocked about the statement expect you and Jaehyun. You slowly turned your head to your left and locked eyes with him. He seemed as nervous as you. You hesitated but you moved forward to him. You halted in front of his face. Your noses were touching, never breaking eye contact. Your heart beat a lot faster than you wanted and you were sure he could hear it from his position. As you appeared to not move forward anymore, he took the chance and placed his lips in yours. You closed your eyes. He moved slowly and you took up with his pace. He leaned back and you opened your eyes to see shocked faces of the others. You looked back at him and saw him trying to conceal a smile which brought a small smile to creep up on your face.

"Wow. I never thought you would really do this." Doyoung said as shaken as he looked. You took the first sip of your drink and it soured your throat.

You all didn't speak about this and just moved on to continue your game. After some time you excused yourself to get you a new drink. You weren't drunk but definitely a little tipsy.

You made your way out of the door and proceeded your way up the stairs. As you almost arrived upstairs a hand touched your shoulder. You turned around and saw Jaehyun behold you. His eyes were dark and it made him even more handsome. His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips as he came closer and briefly kissed you on the lips, just to examine your expression. When you didn't move away or anything, he kissed you again. This time deeper than in the game. His lips were soft as they moved against your own. He pushed you against the wall and your hands moved upwards his torso and around his neck. The feeling of his hands on your side sending chills through your body. One of his hands moved to your back and then squeezed lightly your butt. A moan escaped your lips before you could stop it. Jaehyun grunted at this.

"Do you know how long I've waited for this? I couldn't hold it in anymore. Why do you have to wear this short dress? It looks so fucking good on you." He said pressing you more against the wall. He kissed your jaw down to your neck and sucked till purple bruises began to form. He moved to your ear and nibbled at it. This let another moan escape as you moved your head back which gave him more access to your neck. Your leg moved around his and you felt a bulge touch the space between your legs. You felt yourself getting more wet.

"Hey what do you think about getting in one of the rooms upstairs?" He said in between kisses. You stopped and looked at him. "Isn't this Sicheng's house? Can we really do it?" You asked a little nervous because the bulge was driving you crazy and you actually couldn't really wait anymore. "It's no problem. We actually kind of a share the house."

So you two went upstairs in a room that also had his walls painted in a dark color. You couldn't really make your surrounding out since you were to busy undressing and then exploring Jaehyun's body.

He led you to the bed and laid you down, so he could hover over you. He undressed you whilst you slid your fingers along his abs. When he was done he kissed you from your lips down to your stomach. Every now and then he left hickeys on your skin. You whimpered everytime he touched your inner thighs with his fingers. He stroke your inner thighs slowly upwards till he was on your core. His mouth came in contact with your ear as he whispered. "You're so wet for me babe. I love how you react to every touch I make." His voice was deep as he pinched your left breast. You whimpered again and goosebumps were making its way down your arms. You arched your back when he suddenly inserted a finger. He nibbled on your right breast and massaged the other with his hand that wasn't occupied with your lower body. After little time he inserted the next finger. You couldn't handle all of this anymore and you felt a bunch forming in your stomach. "Jaehyun...I-" you couldn't finish your sentence. Jaehyun quickened his pace with his fingers and his tongue. It didn't need much and you road of your orgasm. He maintained eye contact while he went down and licked all your juice up.

When you came down from your high, Jaehyun opened a drawer next to the bed and fetched a condom. "You okay babe? You can take more?" He asked while he looked back at you. His dark eyes showed sincerity. Instead of just answering you kissed him passionately and one hand wandered down his stomach to his cock. You wrapped your hands around it and pumped a few times. He groaned and let his head roll back. His eyes closed as he whispered sweet nothings in the air. He stopped your hand movements and slipped the condom over his cock. He positioned himself in front of your entrance and slid without a warning inside. You cried out and felt a single tear roll down your cheek. He swiped it away and kissed your cheeks. He waited till you were ready to take more of him. He began with a slow pace and from time to time he quickened it. You kissed his jaw down to his neck. You started to suck at his neck and he moaned at the feeling of your lips on his skin. "Jaehyun baby...I think I'm-" "No wait just a little bit more okay?" You nodded along. His movements became loppier and you knew he was also close. He kissed you sloppily and you moaned against his lips when you road off your next climax. Jaehyun still pumped a few times into you before he also reached his high.

He collapsed on you and you two breathed heavily. You could feel his breath on your neck. He slipped off his condom and you laid your head on his chest. He swung his arm around your middle and you two fall asleep.

You woke up from the feeling of a body that pulled you closer. The person hid his face in the crock of your neck. You heard a knock on the door. "Jaehyun I know you're in there. Wake up. The others already made breakfast." Sicheng's voice appeared behind the door. "And don't try to hide the fact that Y/N is also in there. We know what you two did last night. So hurry up and come down." Doyoung added. You were red as a tomato thanks to Doyoung's remark.

When you two arrived at the table in the kitchen, 12 eyes looked at you. You just sheepishly smiled and sat down without saying any word that could lead to a conversation you weren't willing to have. Jaehyun sst down next to you and this made you even more nervous.

"So you two lovebirds. Aren't gonna say anything important to us that might as well should be shared by now?" Johnny interrogated with a goofish smile.

"Well..uhmm..Y/N and I are together, I guess?" Jaehyun stated or more like questioned. You knew he wasn't sure if you saw it the same way he saw it. You two could just had a one night stand and there wasn't feelings on your side. But you quickly vanished his thoughts when you took his hand in yours and said proudly but also embarrassed. "Yeah. Today is our first day as a couple."

The others laughed at your awkwardness and you released a breath you didn't even know you were holding. "Finally. Ohh I thought you two wouldn't check it. I mean how dumb are you two that- oww. That hurt." Johnny pouted at his girlfriend whereas Carly glared at him. "Wait do you mean finally?" you asked confused. "Did you really never saw Jaehyun staring at you. He did it like everytime you were near us. I thought his eyeballs would fall out." Taeyong laughed as Jaehyun's ears reddened and he looked down in embarrassment.

The first day you two went to school and hold hands on the way to your class, other students gasped and it was quickly gossiped all over the campus that Jung Jaehyun was dating Y/N Y/L/N. Even now you couldn't believe how fast information were spread around the campus. It all felt surreal. Jaehyun the hot topic ever since you knew about him and you the nerd who anyone never really cared about. Now you were the center from all. Some students said negative things like you were after his money or you just wanted popularity others said you two looked really cute or simply envied you. You weren't familiar with all this attention and it definitely wasn't something you ever wanted but you had to deal with it, so it had to work somehow.

Your first date was the cutest shit ever. He took you to a romance movie and hold hands the entire time the film played. Once the movie was over you two went to the Hangang Park. You sat on a bench and talked for hours. He was such a nice gentlemen the whole day you couldn’t belive it. Sadness was visible on both of your faces when you had to say goodbye. He gave you kiss and left.

After a month Jaehyun convinced you to come with him to a party one of his friends was hosting. If you remembered right his name was Ten. He was holding a party in the top floor of his parents' hotel. You didn't knew how you should dress yourself as you didn't have such expensive clothes that all of the people on the party would have. You couldn't tell Jaehyun about your problem because you knew he would buy you a dress and that was te least you wanted him to do. You didn't knew how to pay him back.

A knock on your apartment door made you jump off the couch and walking towards it. You opened the door a gap and looked at the guest. It was a old man in a black suit. He had a white shirt under the suit and a black bowtie on. He also had thick glasses on. You looked at him expecting. What was an old man doing in front of your door? And why did he look like a chauffeur? "Hello my is Bervald. I'm here to give you this present from Mr. Jung. He is waiting in the car outside. Please dress quickly." He bowed and left the gift on the doorway. You quickly took the box and opened it. It was a salmon ruched side jumper dress and next to the dress were matching ankle boots. You quickly changed and put some makeup on. Just so much that it wouldn't look too bad. You stumbled out of your door and saw Jaehyun waiving through the window. He was sitting in a limousine and you honestly were overwhelmed by the view of your boyfriend sitting in it. Bervald opened the door for you and you gladly thanked him before entering the car.

"Hey babe." He greeted with a brief kiss on the lips. "Hey. Did you buy this dress for me? I don't know when I'll be able to pay you back." You said with an uncomfortable look. "I knew you would say this. It's okay. I bought this because I love you and I refuse to get money from you for this." He took your hand and placed his soft lips on top it. Then he smiled at you and you saw those dimples you loved so much on him. You couldn't be angry or anything with him when he was like this. So you smiled at him and nodded along.

When you arrived at the hotel you felt kinda nervous. You only knew Jaehyun at the party as he said that the others couldn't come. He took your hand in his and led you to the elevator. The elevator drove all the up to the top floor and when the doors opened you already saw what felt lika a thousand people partying. Most of them were already drunk. Jaehyun guided you through the mass of people and you were going stairs upwards to a room.

A security guard stood in front of the door. He had broad shoulders and looked serious. Jaehyun said his name and the name looked through what you assumed was a name list. After he found the name he stepped aside and you and Jaehyun could go in. The room was quieter. It played a different music than in the entrance.

A man approached you who was shorter than Jaehyun. He looked like a instance of a rich kid. Neatly, and well the look on his face that proverbial said I'm rich. But nonethelessly he looked like a really nice guy. He hugged Jaehyun. "Jaehyun, Hey. Is this your girlfriend everybody's talking about?" He then looked at you with a wide grin. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ten. With whom do I have the honor?" He stretched his hand for you to take out. You took his hand and shoke it. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too."

He led you to a table with 3 other guys and 1 woman. You three sat down and Ten introduced them all to you. A man that looked as short as Ten was Taeil and he somehow sent the same vibes as Yuta. Right beside Taeil sat Mark. He was the same guy Yuta called on the party month ago. And Jungwoo was beside Mark. Mark seemed like a little boy and Jungwoo was really cute. The only other woman in the round was named Si Jin. She looked pissed off for no reason. Her attitude was rude toward you but to the others she was the nicest person altogether.

Jaehyun bend his head to you and said he would leave for a short time as Ten wants to show him something he just purchased. He kissed you on the cheek and then disappeared in another room. You were left with Si Jin.

"So you love Jaehyun?" She eyed you up and down. You couldn't feel more uncomfortable under her sight. "Yes, I do." You said more to yourself than to her. You never said those words to Jaehyun but he said it permanently to you. You disappointed yourself. Why was it like this?

“You seem more like the type of girl that is just after his money. Stay away from him.“ She said with arrogance. “I’m not after his money. And you’re not someone I obey. So don’t interfere in the relationship with Jaehyun because I don’t think you’re winning anything out of it.“ You snapped at her. She just laughed and spilled the drink she had in her hand over her dress. The others were coming back and Si Jin looked angry and sad at the same time. Ten was the first to arrive. “Si Jin what happened to you?“ “Y/N spilled the drink over me and insulted me because she thinks I’ve a thing for Jaehyun.“

Your mouth opened but nothing came out. You were shocked that she played such dirty tricks. You glanced at Jaehyun and he looked angry at you. Was he really believing her? “Y/N see what you did. Her dress is entirely transparent. How could you humiliate her like this?“ Ten yelled at you. “I wasn’t even the one who did this to begin with. Why would I do something like this. I now my limits.“ You said while feeling yourself getting angry. Your eyebrows furrowed and the displeasure of his words were truly visible on your face. “So are you blaming her? Why would she do this to herself hmm? She’s a good friend of mine and she wouldn’t do anything like this.“ Jaehyun rose his voice at you. It was the first time that he was so angry at you. Even the looks of his ignorance were better than this situation. Everyone in the room was now looking at the scenario that took place in front of them. Your heart shattered at the sight of your boyfriend. How could he have so little trust in you? You wanted to fight back at him but what would happen? He didn’t believe you indifferent of what you said. Tears showered your face but he didn’t care. “I would never do such a thing to a person and I thought you know me. But I guess I was wrong. You never trusted me in the first place. So bye Jaehyun. Have a good life.“ You mockingly said the last words before exiting the room and the hotel.

You walked all the way home. You couldn’t care less about the people that looked wary at you. You couldn’t stop thinking about the look you saw on Si Jin’s face before you left. She smiled mischievously at you. How come he didn’t notice this?

Back in your apartment Carly already waited at you. She expected you to come home smiling like an idiot or calling you and tell her you weren’t coming home. But she definitely never expected to see you crying like baby. She ran to you and gave you a heartwarming hug. “Hey, hey everything’s fine. Calm down.“ She ran his hand over your back in an attempt to soothe you. It just achieved the opposite and you were crying more and more. You missed Jaehyun and her hand on your back let you feel more miserable than you already were.

After you calmed down you told Carly the whole story. She couldn’t believe what she just heard. “You mean this bitch tricked everyone on the party? And Jaehyun didn’t took your side but instead hers? Is he this much of a dumbass?“ She was upset at Jaehyun. She suggested to wach a movie and she also brought ice cream. The two of you chatted the rest of the night away. You couldn’t stop thinking about Jaehyun but you didn’t want Carly to feel pity because she couldn’t help you.

The next day you weren’t in the condition to go to any lecture. You were heartbroken that’s for sure but you also had one of the worst headaches in your life. Thanks to your headache you throw frequently up. Besides you had to convince Carly to go to the lecture because she thought it would be better if she helped you. But you actually didn’t want to see anybody, so she gave in.

You slept most of the day away and when you woke up in the evening your headache thankfully mitigated. Carly left you a note on the kitchen counter. She went out with Johnny but she made you a soup. You just had to warm it up in the microwave. You looked at your phone for any notifications but the only persons that messaged you were Carly and Taeyong. Jaehyun didn’t wrote you nor called you. You ate the soup and answered Carly and Taeyong. After that you crawled under your blanket again and doze off to dreamland.

A slight touch on your shoulder woke you again. A part of you hoped it would be Jaehyun but it were Johnny and Carly. You looked disappointed at them and they took care of you for the rest of the day. They wanted to drag you out but you denied. So you just sat in the living room and they called the others over. Expect Jaehyun everyone was there. You played cards and you weren’t so good at it. You lost like every round but it felt not as frustated as you felt about Jaehyun. Your sadness kinds turned into frustration.

The next week you went to school like how you used to before you knew Jaehyun. Of course they had to be rumors about you. A girl came to you and said. “He finally realized what a hoe you are.“ Then she left. What the hell was wrong with those people? It wasn’t their relationship, so why did everyone want to be a part of it? When you met Jaehyun in class you ignored him. It wasn’t that hard because he did the same with you. But sometimes you would feel him glance at you. You didn’t thought much into it and just continued to listen to the prof.

Even if you were mentally exhausted, you still had to go to work. Every hour you spent there felt like torture. The customers were more rude than before since they knew about the break up. You snapped at a student one day because he said you were too bad in bed to be togehter with. Also you explained yourself to your boss she was beyond pissed. You couldn’t allow you another mistake like this. You smiled at everyone despite their nasty remarks. Your nights were spent crying in your bed. You didn’t care if Carly heard you. You just didn’t wanted this life anymore. Everybody turned their backs to her expect from her few friends she had. Although she was thankful for the friends she gained, she couldn’t help but feel sad. They were still Jaehyun’s friend and you still missed him to death.

Taeyong took you to a new opened cafe one day. He said he felt miserable for yu so he wanted to make you at least a litlle happy. You didn’t commented on this as both of you knew nothing would change your feelings right now. The cafe was rather full but it was nice decorated. There stood fresh flowers on every table and the walls were in a bright orange. It looked new but fancy. The atmosphere felt like the total opposite of the cafe your were working at. but before you could deepen your thoughts Taeyong spoke. “I ordered an Iced Americano for you. I hope you still like it.“ “Ah...yes I still like it.“ You said hesitant. You never talked with him about your favorite drink so why did he knew it? You sat with him for quiet a while before the order was finally ready.

When Taeyong wasn’t coming back with the orders you looked the cafe up for him. He was nowhere to be found. “Y/N, it’s nice to meet you again. I really missed you.“ You heard a very familiar voice saying. There he stood with the two orders in his hand. The person you missed the most out of all. Jaehyun. He had a black jeans and a loosely light blue t-shirt on. For once in the time you saw him he didn’t look like a someone who is rich. he looked like a decent human being. You couldn’t see his face because he managed to also hold a big bouquet of flowers. He hesitantly put the drinks on the table and sat the opposite from you down. The flowers were neatly placed in the middle of the table. “You know..“ he bagan “I was really dumb. I mean I knew you would never do this but I wasn’t thinking in that moment. I don’t know why I said those things to you and ...I’m really sorry. I know this isn’t enough but I couldn’t think of anything else. I just wanted to be honest to you.“ He took your hands in his “Y/N I miss you like crazy. There isn’t a night I don’t think about you and feel like crap. I know this is chliché but what I did was wrong and again I’m truly sorry.“ You could see the sincerity in his eyes but you still weren’t convinced. “If you were so sorry why didn’t you come a week ago?“ Jaehyun couldn’t look you in the eyes as he said his next words. “I was embarrassed. I thought you would hate me to death and...and I didn’t know how to approach you. You never looked at me and you were always the first out of the lecture hall. I was being cowardly and I’m sorry for this.“ A smile creeped its way to your face and you started to laugh. He looked confused at you before you answered his question that was visibly on his face written. “You’re just too cute Jaehyun. I know you’re sorry and I already forgave you but it was too funny to see your ears getting redder.“ You said inbetween laughs. He smiled at your silliness and you died internally when you saw his dimples you missed so much.

“I love you Y/N.“ He spoke up after a short pause. “I love you too, you idiot.“

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6 months ago

i actually have the no words, that was a humongous let-down for his fans. i’m honestly scared for what’s next to come, like there’s more to it than just Taeil. it’s embarrassing for us as fans and for them to act this way.

for there to be a list of 10-20 more idols/celebs/staffs and stuff that are including is unacceptable, i’m praying that none of my ults are on that list or im simply deleting myself from earth.

i won’t be surprised if i see shidong, super junior, and/or hyuna. i can’t believe this is something we have to worry about, especially since a lot of these idols have big fanbases.

why do that stuff and you have a platform? and to try to get her to not say anything by threatening to hurt her family is sickening. using your popularity in the wrong way, we didn’t give u a fanbase or all the popularity for you to use it by hurting someone.

this honestly shows, we don’t know these people and how they act in real life vs on camera. this shows that everything is on camera that you saw of Taeil was all a ACT.

who would’ve known such sweet souls are not so sweet, honestly hurts.

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2 years ago

[ Taeyong Hard Thought ] -

18 + Content


I keep having Taeyong thoughts and it isn’t healthy. So just imagine if you were the inspiration behind ‘Baby don’t stop.’ I mean, what if it was something that occasionally slipped from your mouth when Taeyong was making you feel particularly good. (Stretching you out, fucking you just right, and why would you ever want him to stop, so you tell him a little breathlessly. He’s absolutely a pleaser, so he’ll carry on, maybe even go a little harder than before.) A few weeks later, Taeyong invites you into the studio so he can share some of the tracks he’s been working on with you. There will be a producer there too, but you’ve met them all enough times that they’re happy to have you there. One of the tracks in untitled and when Taeyong hits play, you’re very aware of his eyes on you, gauging your immediate reaction. When you hear Taeyong’s breathy ‘baby, don’t stop,’ you flush and look to the floor as if deep in thought, as if not trying desperately to avoid the producer’s eye because Taeyong had written a song baring some resemblance to you almost begging for him to fuck you. Taeyong certainly isn’t shameless so maybe he’s going to be a little flustered now he has you sat in front him listening to it, but then he sees you looking at him with bedroom eyes and it’s over, he’s ready to pull you away just so he can hear you say those words all over again.


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2 years ago

[ Moments NCT 127 Realise They’re In Love With You ] -

AFAB Reader


➳ Taeil -

When you’re content with spending time with him, even with eight tag-alongs. Johnny and Jungwoo are in the centre of the living room making a fuss about something and it is enough to make everyone laugh. A quick look at you and Taeil realises that you’re already glancing his way and the fleeting moment your eyes meet is enough to cause warmth to swell in his chest. He knows he is one of the quieter members of the group and he often has nothing to say and yet, you look to him even in a room full of people. 

When you’re moving through a hoard of people and he feels your fingers cling to his as if you might get swept away if you let go. He takes great pride in knowing that you trust him to protect you, to care for you. He can tell you he loves you a hundred times over and it is still not enough. He’ll push through every crowd and gently guide you to his inside whenever you walk beside a busy road, all whilst holding your hand as if you might fly away. 

➳ Johnny -

When he wakes in the morning, the bed is empty. A quick check of his phone and he realises that it’s already ten o’clock and he’s suddenly grateful for you letting him have a lie-in. When he finally peels himself from the bed, he sees you sitting in the kitchen, nursing a coffee as you read through a magazine. You’re swamped in a hoodie that very much belongs to him and he can’t help but pause at the sight.

When you visit the SM Building to meet him, and his group mates, for a coffee. He sees you standing in the sunshine, wearing your prettiest sundress, happily chatting away to Haechan and the sight brings a definite smile to his face. You look so happy and so beautiful and for a moment, he falters. He’s faintly aware of someone, Mark probably, calling his name, but he’s unmoving, feeling soft for the scene ahead of him. 

When you’re curling yourself into his side and Johnny realises that Haechan has been slipping you extra drinks all evening. You’re tucked into the crook of his neck, entirely uncaring for the restaurant surroundings. You’re muttering something and when he leans closer to listen, he realises that you’re telling him just how much you love him. It’s with tired eyes that you look at him and he is unable to resist wrapping you beneath his arm, all he wants to do is take care of you. He’ll bundle you up in his jacket soon and guide you home. 

➳ Taeyong -

When he finally pries himself from the studio a couple of hours after midnight. He’d last received a reply from you half an hour ago and he assumes that you’ve long since fallen asleep. He stumbles through the dorm already half asleep, briefly acknowledging Doyoung in the kitchen, before he makes for his bed. It’s only when he flicks on the bedside light that he realises that you aren’t in your own apartment, but are curled up beneath his duvet. The sight immediately makes him pause because you’re just so soft and he hadn’t realised just how much he’d been silently wanting to see you and you seemed to know without him mentioning anything. 

When you agree to meet in the studio just to spend time together. He has a track to be working on and you are happy to just be in his company without disturbing him. This in itself is more than enough to bring a shy sense of appreciation from him. But, when you walk into the studio, two iced coffees in hand, his laugh is light and airy because he has two identical coffees sitting on his desk, one for each of you. He suddenly realises just how similar you are, how well you complement each other. 

➳ Yuta -

When you spend half an evening in the kitchen, pouring your heart into cooking his favourite dish from Japan. He offers to help and you politely decline, (probably for the best), insisting that he takes the time to rest instead. It’s when he takes the first bite and it’s as if he’s sat at his mother’s dining table and when he asks whether you had spoken to his family for the recipe, you flush slightly and turn your head away with the worry that you hadn’t replicated it too well. He insists that it’s just as wonderful.

When he’s deep in conversation with Taeyong and his friend warmly asks how you’re doing. Yuta appears to come alive as he discusses you, even sharing the story of the dish you’d spent so much time preparing for him. He tells Taeyong that it tasted just like home, and he suddenly realises that home isn’t a place after all. Maybe you’re home. 

➳ Doyoung -

When you seem to pick up on how he’s feeling before he’s even realised himself. After a hectic week of promotion, practice and everything else in-between, Doyoung is tense. When you place a hand on his shoulder, you feel his tight muscles. When he talks with Yuta, you hear the slight bite behind his words. Doyoung doesn’t realise until you’re forcing him to rest his head on your lap so you can run your fingers through his hair, and he suddenly feels drained. It’s a quiet conversation about your day to ground him in something other than his own work and it’s when his eyelids feel heavy that he turns to place a kiss on your wrist as a silent thank you.

➳ Jaehyun -

When you’re at a bar with Jaehyun and a few friends, some being his group mates. Jaehyun had been caught up in conversation - he’d been reluctant to leave your side given that you had only just been introduced to some of his closest friends. When he finally looks up from his conversation, however, he sees you across the space, your head tipped back with laughter at something Jungwoo has just said and Jaehyun is overcome with the feeling that maybe, this might just work out. You seemed to slip into the group as if you had known them as long as he had and you were kind, and confident, and friendly, but not too friendly. 

When he slowly opens the door to the bedroom he shares with Jungwoo. His roommate is out for the evening and Jaehyun had occupied himself with whatever Haechan had been watching in the living room whilst you freshened up with a shower. It’s after a soft knock that he opens the door. He sees you, dressed all in his clothing after his last minute persuasion to have you stay the night. There is music playing and you’re slowly moving around the little space, folding the clothes he’d thrown on the floor, even straightening Jungwoo’s duvet, and he almost doesn’t want to disturb you, let you know he’s there. He thinks of how wonderful a mother you would make. 

➳ Jungwoo -

When it is an ordinary Wednesday, nigh eight o’clock. The rain that has threatened all day has finally arrived, washing the city in grey. Jungwoo goes to the apartment building entrance to let you inside and when he opens the door, he sees you half-drenched but still smiling. You have thrown your jacket over your head, but your shirt is sodden. When Jungwoo reaches for you, the bare skin on your arms is cool to the touch and even so, you do not complain. In fact, you seem happier than ever, soaked through. He welcomes you inside and it is all laughter and doubling over. There is a teasing glint in your eye as you wrap yourself around him and when he laughs and half-heartedly tries to push you away, he figures that this is what love feels like. 

➳ Mark -

When you both collapse onto the bed at your apartment after a busy day exploring Seoul. It is early evening and the windows in your apartment allow golden sunlight to filter inside. They are open and a gentle breeze comes through. Mark knows that his schedule is full for the coming weeks and yet, spending time with you seems to make him completely forget about it. He looks at you, basking in the golden light and it is as if he has nowhere to be, but here. The feeling in his chest is warm, like the air, and time is irrelevant. He does not speak for a while and neither do you, content with carding your fingers through his hair.

When you finally turn to him, you trace your thumb over his cheek and the sensation has him closing his eyes if only to savour the feeling. For a while, it is as if he is only Mark, not Mark of NCT. Sometimes, the thought of ordinary is nice. When it is time for him to go, (he does share a room with a manager after all), you are gentle with your goodbye, as if the softness of the evening is clinging to the moment. You kiss his cheek as your final parting and send him on his way with a firm reminder of just how much you’re in love with him.

➳ Haechan - 

When he finds you sitting at the piano he so much likes to play. He sees your bowed head, your lower lip pulled beneath your teeth, as you try and replicate the ditty he had played for you earlier in the day. There is a knit in your brow and when you play a wrong note, you backtrack with the same determination that he does. Even when he moves to your side and you make enough space on the piano stool for him to share, you do not stop trying to play. At least until he offers to show you once more and it is when he finishes and looks at you that he sees your eyes, wide with awe. He lets the moment pass by teasing you a little, something about being with him for his talented fingers. Inside he knows he is young and he has an entire lifetime ahead of him and he wonders if he is spoilt for having found this feeling so soon. 

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2 years ago
Pairing: Johnny X AFAB Reader

Pairing: Johnny x AFAB Reader

Warnings: 18 + Content & Swearing, Nickname ‘Kid’ 


Johnny slowly tips his head in Mark’s direction as soon as the conversation about dating comes up as if it is a habit. You suppose that he really believes you’ll end up together eventually. He doesn’t tell you that it is Mark, always Mark and only Mark he points to because he doesn’t trust the other members of his group to not fall in love with you. Mark knows too much about him, about how he feels, to look at you in any way that isn’t friendship. But still, Johnny is unable to bring himself around to the idea of suggesting himself, as much as he wants to, as much as it pains him not to. So Mark is a safe alternative and he can continue playing the game, gently asking about your dating situation, before teasingly pointing out Mark as if it were the reason he asked in the first place. 

The same thought passes through your mind on every occasion. Mark is just, well, Mark. He’s attractive, you can say that with some certainty. And sweet, and soft, with a mean streak you’re sure arises at just the right times. He really is everything anyone should ever want for in a relationship and sure, he’s one of your closest friends. But, he isn’t Johnny. 

When you lift your eyebrows and shake your head, before diverting your attention to something else, the cycle begins again. Johnny does it all as if there isn’t a photograph of you tucked into his wallet, as if everyone does not know he is fighting off his feelings for you, except you. He watches as you turn away, he runs a hand through his hair and wonders how much longer he can continue like this, how much longer will you wait for him. 

When it is time for Johnny to leave, he stands, ruffling a hand through your hair and the movement is a stark reminder of the invisible line that is drawn between you. He says, ‘Hey Kid, I’ll see you later.’

He leaves with a heaviness in his heart that has become uncomfortably familiar. He tries to keep himself in check, telling himself you’re a friend he cannot afford to lose. Just a friend who doesn’t know what she wants. As he walks through the hallway, he hears you laughing at something and he steels himself. Mark, it should be Mark. 

It is three days later that he next sees you and it is three days too long. Between his busy schedule and your own, it is only when he finds a spare afternoon that he is able to invite you to tag along for coffee. You agree to meet outside the SM building, just as you have a million times before. As Johnny’s group slowly filter out from practice, he watches you through the glass, chatting to Haechan as if nothing in the world might disturb you. For a moment he wonders if he ought to nudge Haechan toward you, he’s a good one too and he would treat you just how you deserve. Something about the thought doesn’t sit right though and he quickly lets it go. He is faintly aware of Mark calling his name and he turns to meet him. 

‘Johnny, come on,’ Mark sighs with a shake of his head and a smile, ‘Just ask her out man.’ 

Johnny sighs too. Before he can protest, Mark is holding the door for him and he follows him into the sunshine, hearing your laugh. When you walk along the street, the curling of Johnny’s arm around your waist is too natural to be comfortable and if he hadn’t done it a hundred times before, it would stir butterflies in your stomach. 

At the coffeehouse, you insist on collecting the order from the countertop. Johnny’s line of sight follows you across the space, taking in the picture of you in the pretty periwinkle dress you save for when the weather is warm. He watches as the barista catches you in conversation and whilst you wait for the coffees, it is all laughter and friendly chatter. Johnny is familiar with the feeling that inches its way along his spine, pinning his shoulders. He wants to be angry with himself, how can he allow himself to feel such jealousy when he daren’t take the step he so wants to. 

When you return to the table, taking three trips to carry the coffees, Johnny gestures to the barista left behind. ‘He seemed nice,’ he mutters, the cheeriness to his tone entirely fabricated. 

‘Who?’ Is your reply, as if you hadn’t so much as noticed the guy, let alone his flirting.

Johnny’s laugh is genuine as he listens to you. ‘That guy. The one who just tried to get your number for fifteen minutes.’ 

‘Oh, right,’ You half-heartedly shrug, ‘Sure, he was.’ 

When Johnny glances at you, he realises that you are already looking at him. There is an almost unreadable expression across your face, but Johnny can almost read your mind, cursing him out for not making the move you’ve been silently begging for all this time. He shakes his head to dislodge the thought, ‘Not to worry Kid, there’s always someone else.’

Part of him wonders if he’ll ever push you far enough to confront him directly, but you brush off his comment with a soft smile and take a mouthful of your coffee. Just as the question of your dating situation, the moment falls away and Johnny is left with the same feeling of emptiness as before. As much as you laugh and lean together over the table, he is weighted by the simmering feeling that you aren’t really his. 

After leaving the coffeehouse, he is insistent on walking you to your apartment building. He has an answer for every one of your protests - he doesn’t care that it is the middle of the day, that there are a hundred other people moving along the street. He isn’t ready to say goodbye yet. He doesn’t tell you that he might never forgive himself if he simply waves and watches you step into the crowd, he thinks someone might fall in love and whisk you away. So he carries your cardigan over his shoulder and his hand hovers over your waist whenever people brush by until you are nearly home. 

He follows you into your apartment, grateful for the relief that the air-con provides. You immediately make for the refrigerator to pour two glasses of water and Johnny leans against the countertop. He’s told you a million times how much he likes your apartment and you can only suppose it’s because it is blissfully quiet in comparison to his shared bedroom with Haechan. 

‘It’s so hot,’ Johnny sighs, peeling the back of his shirt from his skin. He goes to say something more but catches sight of the hem of your dress flitting dangerously high against the back of your legs as you reach upwards for a glass. The picture casts any thought from his mind. 

He thinks back to the coffeehouse. Maybe it is because the city is sweltering, maybe the sight of an inch of extra skin, but he presses the matter. ‘That guy was into you, why don’t you give someone a chance?’

He hears you scoff as you hold a glass out to him, ‘I’m not dating Mark, Johnny.’ 

Johnny smiles at you, but his tone is serious, desperate. ‘I wasn’t going to suggest Mark. But, you know, you deserve to find someone.’ 


The mention of his name is meant to serve as a warning, he knows and he stays quiet. As he watches you, he realises that you look tired, not physically, but tired of the sticky, complicated situation you share. He thinks about taking his leave, but you seem to read his mind and speak as to stop him. 

‘Johnny, you know why.’

It is quiet again, save for the sounds filtering through the open kitchen window. Johnny meets your eyes and sees that your gaze is firm, unmoving, daring even. The expression is in contrast to your periwinkle dress, the laughter and the friendly affection he associates with you. He hears you acknowledge a million different moments all at once - the longing glances, the touches too familiar for friendship, the unspoken commitment to one another.

‘Kid,’ Johnny manages after a while, ‘You don’t know what you’re asking.’

Johnny is faintly aware of a shift in the atmosphere. He watches your easy-going manner twist into something more serious. The laughter that meets his ears is light and airy. 

‘No, Johnny,’ You protest, turning away from him in the small space. ‘I do.’

He watches as you step away, putting a few extra paces between you, a hand running through your hair. He can see your pinned shoulders and hear the waver of your voice. After a moment, you turn and make for him and he wonders how long this has been brewing.

‘You always do this Johnny, call me Kid and push me away,’ the words are punctuated by the press of your finger into his chest. 

Johnny looks to your face, but you seem unwilling to meet his eye. You are standing dangerously close. Your hand has fallen to your side in defeat and he can almost feel the heat burning across your cheeks, hot enough to cut through the summer air. He sighs heavily and for a second he panics the movement might cause you to flee, but you seem frozen. Slowly, cautiously, Johnny raises a hand to your cheek and gently guides you to look at him. He finally sees the tears that have gathered at the edges of your eyes and the sight causes his heart to lurch.

‘Kid,’ He murmurs, thumb softly moving over your skin. Your eyes are wide and waiting and Johnny sighs, ‘Fuck. I can’t break your heart.’ 

For a second you wonder if Johnny is going to do just that, whether you ought to have stuck with the silly unspoken game of before. But the sudden pull of his hand is slow, but firm, as if certain you might fly away if he lets go. His mouth is desperate against yours and strong and his other hand ghosts over your waist, bunching the material of your dress in his fingers. Before he can begin to question himself, you stumble forward until your chests are almost touching. It is a messy affair of clashing tongues and desperate fingers, at least until you break apart to catch your breath and then the reality of the situation seems to seep in. Johnny is standing closer than he has ever before, almost pressing you against the kitchen cabinet and his chest is lifting with each inhale of breath. 

You force yourself to speak first, but only manage a quiet whisper of his name. Johnny winces, ‘Y/N, this isn’t how I wanted this to go.’ 

Johnny sighs when he feels your mouth barely scratch over his neck and he slowly guides you against the countertop. The press of his hips against your own is slow, giving you time to slip away if you want to. The soft noise of appreciation that escapes from your chest at the first experimental roll of his hips is enough for him to continue. His hand moves from your waist, trailing to the top of your thigh to feel the bare skin beneath your sundress and as he shifts, you’re able to feel the growing hardness beneath his jeans. 

He is able to feel the lift of your mouth into a smile and he draws back to glance at your face. The smile across your features sends Johnny’s blood rushing southwards quicker than any amount of kissing and he finally allows himself to relax a little. Something about the seriousness of the earlier situation, of your firm tone and the sight of you moving away from him had set him on edge. 

This time it is him who trails his mouth against the sensitive skin of your neck, relishing the sudden exhales of breath each nip of his teeth draws from your throat. He is conscious of your wandering fingers, slipping beneath the hem of his t-shirt, slowly moving against his abdomen, daring to shift beneath his belt buckle. As much as he wants you to continue, the feeling sobers him and he pulls himself away, the loss of contact elicits a whimper from you that almost fractures his resolve. 

‘Y/N,’ Johnny smiles softly, his thumb tracing shapes on your hip, ‘I just don’t want to mess this up with you.’

His words cause your heart to flutter. If only you might tell him just how head over heels in love with him you are. ‘Johnny, I know. Why do you think I never said anything. I’d rather have you as a friend than not at all.’ 

Johnny’s smile grows a little wider. ‘Right. I just worry about you, about being with an idol and -.’ 

The gentle press of your hand against his chest breaks his train of thought. ‘Johnny, stop thinking.’

It is with something between adoration and absolute desire that he looks at you as you approach. He desperately tells himself to ingrain the image of you into his mind, standing in your kitchen, awash in the sunshine pouring through the window. Johnny’s hands reach for your waist and threaten to move beneath the hem of your dress and he is shameless as he presses himself against you. Your hands find purchase beneath his t-shirt, fingernails raking over his bare skin and it feels different touching Johnny like this, but better than you might have imagined. 

Johnny is soft and gentle, letting you guide him to your bedroom by his hand. At the foot of your bed, you look at him in an unspoken plea and he silently takes control, pushing you toward the duvet before settling himself between your thighs. He moves slowly, but with great purpose - grazing his teeth beneath your ear, spreading his hand on your thigh and forcefully pressing his hips against your own. The press of your nails into his shoulder blade and the breathy whines leaving your mouth drive him on, pushing him to pull the t-shirt from his back. His fingers slip beneath the straps of your summer dress and as he fiddles with them he pauses, ‘We can stop at any point, Y/N.’

He hears your huff and feels the tug of your fingers against the ends of his hair. When he finally removes your dress, he sighs against your neck and you relish in the feeling of bare skin against bare skin. Johnny raises himself onto his hands to have himself a shameless glance of your figure, ‘Kid,’ he mutters, shaking his head with a smirk playing at the edges of his mouth. 

He kisses along your stomach, on the inside of your thighs, dangerously close to your underwear. The movement riles you up exactly as he desires and he feels you fidget beneath him, whining his name. He hooks a finger beneath the waistband, but does not immediately move, giving you time to push him away, but you only stutter his name once more. Johnny is slow as he slips your underwear along your thighs, taking great enjoyment in the motion before he throws it to the side. He, at last, places his mouth where you most want him, smirking as he feels your hands move through his hair as his tongue flattens and rolls between your thighs, his breath fanning against your heat. His hand splays against your stomach to keep you in place and for a while, he is captivated by the sound of his name falling from your mouth and the tremble of your thighs. 

Slowly, steadily, he draws you to the edge, responding to each pull of his hair and jerk of your hips, until your thighs shake against his shoulders. He only stops when your fingers slip to his jaw and gently pull him away and he finally takes in your appearance. Johnny knew you were beautiful, but something about the sight of you, wide-eyed and needy for him strikes something a little deeper. He is aware of your fingers scooting along his abdomen, fiddling with the buckle of his belt. 

Johnny is big in every sense of the word - big as he nestles between your thighs, but even bigger when he lines himself up at your entrance. ‘Johnny,’ you mutter between kisses. 

At the mention of his name, he looks to your face and pauses, faintly aware of how achingly hard he is against your thigh. You look at him with hooded eyes, ‘It’s been a while.’

At first, Johnny just nods, before he lets out a breathy chuckle and his head falls forward to your shoulder, ‘I guess that’s my fault.’ 

Your laughter is a firm reminder of just how much he wants this, how much he wants you, the sex and the laughter. When he starts to slip inside, slowly because he wants to take the utmost care of you, he can feel your nails pressing crescent shapes into his shoulder. Part of him thinks he ought to be worried about someone seeing them, part of him wants everyone to know that you’re his, maybe he’ll walk around the dorm shirtless just to show Haechan, Mark, and everyone, that you’re only his. 

Johnny winces as he bottoms out, the feeling of you squeezing him making him want to curse himself for waiting so long to give in to his feelings. He furrows his brow and makes certain that you’re comfortable before he moves and you nod desperately, whilst pulling at his shoulders, searching for something to ground yourself with. Johnny smirks against your skin, moving with a little more force, reaching so deep that it feels as though he’s rearranging your insides. The feeling is so overwhelming that Johnny’s name falls from your mouth over and over again whilst you helplessly hold onto him. 

It is quiet as you finish, Johnny’s thumb tracing over your cheek, his breath fanning against your neck and he is slow to move away. He shifts to lie on his back and pulls you close, resting your chin on his chest as his fingers trail along the skin of your back. ‘Hey, Y/N,’ he murmurs, drawing your attention to his face, ‘Can I take you on a proper date tomorrow? Wine and dine, even though we’ve done things out of order.’

Johnny’s heart tightens at the sincerity behind your smile. There is a pause before you sigh, ‘I was actually thinking of asking Mark out tomorrow.’

Johnny immediately groans and fidgets beneath you, pressing his fingers into his eyes. ‘You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?’

Whilst you shake your head just to agonise him a little more, the sound of your laughter is enough - he can take a lifetime of teasing if it means he can grow old hearing it. 

Tags :
2 years ago
[ Date Night W/ Yuta ]
[ Date Night W/ Yuta ]
[ Date Night W/ Yuta ]

[ Date Night w/ Yuta ]

Warnings: Very Slight 18 + Reference 


It is not cold, but the golden warmth of the day has slowly given way to a slight breeze, not quite enough to make you shiver, but enough for you to subconsciously pass a hand over the bare skin of your arm. Even as he holds the doorway to the restaurant open for you, Yuta notices. He immediately slips the jacket from his shoulders and stepping close from behind, places it over your own, causing you to turn. ‘Yuta, hey,’ you smile softly, feeling the material between your fingers, ‘I don’t want you to be cold either.’

Yuta shakes his head, shrugs and smiles all at once and you know you cannot argue with him. For a second, you take in the sight of him in the fitted shirt, appreciating how it wraps perfectly over his wide shoulders and how it clings to his waist. It isn’t often you see him dressed so tidily and you can’t help but think he really is your Takoyaki Prince.

He wraps his arm haphazardly around your back as you meander along the street. He talks quickly and laughs loudly, maybe it is a result of the wine, maybe it is because has you wrapped in his arm and nowhere to be in the morning. When you pass a twenty-four-hour convenience store, he feels you tug at the cuff of his shirt and the moment he catches your eye, he knows he’s a goner. He likes the fact you pull him into the store in search of ice cream and an extra bottle of wine even after your fancy dinner date. It makes him feel grounded, like he’s really here with you, not half caught up in recording and filming and practice like he sometimes is. 

Inside, he offers to find something to drink like he has any more of an idea than you, whilst you spend longer than you should picking between a few flavours of ice cream. He leaves with a firm kiss on your cheek and a promise to be back in a minute. Yuta isn’t sure when this became a habit - inviting you out to expensive restaurants so you can wear those items in your wardrobe saved for special occasions, late-night visits to the convenience store on your way home to your apartment, but he knows lives for it. 

When he returns a few minutes later with a bottle Jaehyun had recommended beneath his arm, you are in the same position as he had left you. Yuta watches for a moment without speaking. Even he cannot catch the smile that lifts the edges of his mouth at the sight of you, peering into the freezer, the heels, the slinky scarlet number, the jacket that belongs to him. There is someone, another guy, standing at the opposite end of the aisle and Yuta can see clear enough that he too is enjoying the sight and he takes it as his cue to return to your side. As he nears, his hand slips beneath the jacket hanging loosely over your shoulders and settles dangerously low on your back, the tips of his fingers perfectly comfortable over the curve of your waist. 

Yuta does not care about the possibility of being seen as his fingers press gently enough into your skin to draw you nearer, close enough for him to find your mouth with his own. He does not care as he deepens the kiss, the hand on your back pulling you until there is little gap between your chests, until you’re pressed against him in the freezer aisle. 

It’s only when he hears a little squeak of embarrassment escape against his mouth that he pulls away. He takes great joy in the flush that has spread across your features, an intoxicating combination of a couple of glasses of wine and his brazen display of affection. Yuta tucks the pint of ice cream beneath his arm and reaches for your hand, threading his fingers through your own as he guides you toward the checkout. As you pass the stranger at the end of the aisle, Yuta smirks, taking pride in the fact he knows it’ll be him and only him slipping the slinky dress from your shoulders at the end of the evening. 

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2 years ago
[ Holding Hands W/ NCT 127 ] -
[ Holding Hands W/ NCT 127 ] -
[ Holding Hands W/ NCT 127 ] -

[ Holding Hands w/ NCT 127 ] -

Warnings: 18 + Content & Swearing


➳ Taeil -

Being the eldest means Taeil tries to take the best possible care of the younger members of his group. When he finds the time, he prepares food for the entire dorm and he’s always grateful for your help - it involves placing his hand over yours as he shows you how to make a particular dish, his chin resting on your shoulder. If you catch yourself with the kitchen knife or touch the boiling pan, Taeil puts everything on hold, taking your hand in his before doing anything and everything in his power to help. He’ll immediately retire you from the role of kitchen assistant, putting you in charge of the playlist instead. You can fully expect him to suddenly clutch your uninjured hand and whirl you around the space when a particularly catchy song comes on. 

➳ Johnny - 

Johnny is easy going and being in a relationship with him is essentially being in a relationship with your best friend. It is comfortable and without pressure. It is silent understanding and barely noticeable displays of affection. It is an arm slung around your shoulder as you spend time with him and his closest friends because it is a package deal. Johnny is not opposed to holding your hand by any stretch, he simply saves it for the quiet moments shared between only the two of you. When he is driving, he has one hand on the steering wheel and the other placed on top of your own in your lap. Whilst waiting in line at the coffeehouse, he subconsciously fiddles with your fingers and leans close to ask whether you’re okay. After a few glasses of wine, Johnny often settles down on top of his duvet and grips your hand to pull you over his waist, letting you know exactly what he has on his mind. 

➳ Taeyong -

The first time you hold Taeyong’s hand it is almost by accident. Something has caught your eye and you’re looking over your shoulder, but you’re faintly aware of Taeyong moving ahead through the crowd, so absentmindedly you reach for his hand a little worried you’ll get separated. Taeyong immediately pauses, a bit startled by the sudden contact, but as you move to his side, he doesn’t point it out, quite content with holding your hand. It isn’t until you go to point at something that you realise, looking down at your intertwined hands, before glancing at Taeyong wide-eyed. There is a slight flush across his face, but he doesn’t say anything, simply gives your hand a squeeze and presses on along the street, gently tugging you with him. 

➳ Yuta -

Yuta loves fiercely in shades of scarlet and sangria. He gives you everything, and more, and you give him everything in return. He holds your hand as if his life depends on it, he does not do things in half measures. When he catches someone looking at you just a little too much, Yuta’s hands immediately move to your body. He doesn’t mean to be so blatantly possessive, he just likes to make certain that people know you’re unavailable. Every single time your fingers move for his, prying them from your waist or your thigh, before linking them together. Yuta likes the little routine, he protects you from unwanted attention and you lay your love at his feet in return.

➳ Doyoung - 

Doyoung is a little bashful about holding your hand. As much as he adores you, he gets teased enough by just about every member of his group and he doesn’t want to add fuel to the fire. At least that is the case when he is conscious. Taeyong has lost count of the number of times he has come home in the early hours of the morning to find you and Doyoung asleep on the dorm sofa. Just about anything is fair game for teasing between them, but there is something so soft about the sight of Doyoung clutching your hand in his sleep that Taeyong doesn’t ever find himself mentioning it. 

➳ Jaehyun -

Jaehyun takes great pride in being the only one privileged enough to hold your hand at any moment in time. He is confident about it too, reaching for your fingers so everyone passing by can know that you’re his. For Jaehyun, being able to hold your hand is something to appreciate, it is intimate and meant to show how in love with you he is in many different scenarios. He will hold your hand when you walk, when you’re cuddling on the dorm sofa, when he wants to reassure you about something. But equally, he’s reaching for your hand when you’re naked underneath him and he’s stretching you out just right, even when he’s fucking just about every thought from your head, he wants you to know that you’re safe and adored.

➳ Jungwoo - 

There isn’t a single thought behind Jungwoo holding your hand, he just grabs and goes. If he sees something exciting in the street, you can fully expect to be dragged to it. (Mark is actually pretty pleased that it isn’t him anymore.) Jungwoo just lives in the moment and if he wants to go somewhere, he is, and he’s taking you with him. Sometimes Jungwoo can get a little nervous about things though, so if you catch him bouncing his leg, you quickly reach for his hand beneath the table. The feeling of your linked fingers does wonders for his heartbeat and he slowly starts to calm down, even if the action turns the tops of his ears an angry red colour. Being in a relationship with Jungwoo is all about taking careful care of one another and holding hands is a quiet reminder of that.

➳ Mark -

Most of the time, Mark doesn’t even notice that your hands are together. Even though he isn’t all that confident with PDA, it has become second nature for him to link his fingers with your own. When it is cold, Mark takes your hand and pulls it into his jacket pocket with his own. If he approaches from behind he’ll take your hand and tuck it into the back pocket of your trousers and place his on top. If he points at something and you’re holding hands, he’ll just pull your arm through the air without letting go. 

➳ Haechan -

Haechan is, well, Haechan. He’s whiny and flighty and it isn’t often he sits still. But, he’s doting and well-meaning and warmhearted and takes his time with you when it matters most. For someone highly-strung, he is careful, measured even, when his head is between your thighs, desperate to make you feel good. He moves slowly, his fingers linger on your bare skin, softly squeezing. As things begin to escalate, he feels your hands in his hair, carding through, pulling sharply when his tongue passes over your bundle of nerves. The way his name slips from your mouth in between each breath you take has him working a little harder, moving a little quicker. Haechan draws you closer to the edge until your fingers are slipping to his shoulder and desperately pressing into his bare skin, nails and all, searching for something to ground yourself with. Without stopping his movements, he pries your hand from his shoulder and threads your fingers together and whilst he’ll never admit it, he enjoys the softness of holding hands as you come undone. 

Tags :
2 years ago
[ Little Things NCT 127 Would Mention To Their Friends ] -
[ Little Things NCT 127 Would Mention To Their Friends ] -
[ Little Things NCT 127 Would Mention To Their Friends ] -

[ Little Things NCT 127 Would Mention To Their Friends ] -

Warnings: None


➳ Taeil -

He’d be shy about it, but Taeil will let slip how he’s going to marry you one day. His group mates are a little stunned as Taeil is usually pretty quiet about the details of your relationship. The moment passes when his friends collectively scream, but Johnny makes sure to ask him about it later when it is just the two of them. Taeil gives that bashful little smile of his and just nods because whilst he isn’t always sure of everything, he’s certain about how he feels. 

➳ Johnny -

How wonderful the bedsheets at your apartment smell after laundry day. For the first time in twenty-seven years, Johnny takes more than a second to buy laundry detergent. It is no longer a case of picking up whichever is cheapest, or closest, he wants the exact same as you have at your place, not only because the feeling of snuggling beneath fresh cotton is otherworldly, but because it reminds him of you.

➳ Taeyong -

Something as simple as how happy you make him. Being the leader, and de facto mother, to twenty-two other young guys can be exhausting. It is his, with some help from the managers, responsibility to get them exactly where they need to be at exactly the right time looking exactly as they are expected to, so yeah, sometimes he feels a little tired. That’s where you come in - TY mentions how comfortable your apartment is, the late night studio dates, the little trips in and around the city and he seems rejuvenated despite his busy schedule. 

➳ Yuta -

What you and him have gotten up to together recently. His group mates often ask how you’re doing and Yuta mentions the landmark you went to see on his day off, or the dinner date you took beside the Han River. Yuta sometimes shares the photographs he took of each moment - you laughing across the dinner table, or stood in front of whatever it was you went to see.

➳ Doyoung -

How at home he feels with you. Doyoung can be a bit particular, read: picky, about how certain things are done and you seem to just get it. The conversation probably comes up indirectly though - Haechan has just intentionally done something in a way that he knows will bother Doyoung and Doyoung is quick to whine about it, saying how no-one but you seems to do it the right way.  

➳ Jaehyun -

Jaehyun mentions things mostly to Johnny - how the wine you brought back from your recent trip abroad tasted, how you make your morning coffee. He’s also very fond of sharing the music you like with everyone - he often lies on his bed with nothing to do but listen to the playlist you sent his way and he’s always silently pleased when his roommate, Jungwoo, asks for the title of one of the tracks. 

➳ Jungwoo -

How it’s been three weeks since he last saw a particular sweatshirt. He playfully accuses various members of stealing it and he gratefully looks through their wardrobes, only to come away empty handed each time. It doesn’t occur to Jungwoo to ask you about it, but he does whine about it a little and when you tell him to describe it to you, you seem to realise at the same time that it’s been in your closet all this time. Jungwoo proceeds to tell his friends just what a nuisance you are as if he didn’t let you keep the sweatshirt. 

➳ Mark -

Just about anything and everything. If Mark sees someone doing something, whether it be Doyoung cooking, or Taeyong tidying up, he absentmindedly makes a comment like, ‘Y/N adds . . . to . . .,’ or, ‘Y/N uses this . . . .’ If everyone wasn’t so pleased to see Mark so cheerful and in love, it might be annoying, but for the most part, his friends just smile and nod. (Unless it’s a cleaning product, in which case Taeyong asks for all the details.)

➳ Haechan -

Probably something stupid like when the ice-cream truck plays a tune it means it out of ice-cream. Johnny finds it hilarious and knows you’re having Haechan on. He takes great pleasure in knowing that you tease Haechan just as much as he does, taking over his role when he is not around. First off Haechan whines to Johnny, then does it all over again when he next sees you.

Tags :
2 years ago
[ Soft Moments @ 3 AM W/ NCT 127 ] -
[ Soft Moments @ 3 AM W/ NCT 127 ] -
[ Soft Moments @ 3 AM W/ NCT 127 ] -

[ Soft Moments @ 3 AM w/ NCT 127 ] -

Warnings: 18 + Reference


➳ Taeil -

Taeil lives and breathes music and when you finally find time to spend together, he likes to share his playlists whilst you lie alongside one another on his bed. It is as if you have been together for a lifetime and know just about everything there is to know about each other. He links his fingers with your own and taps your thigh in time with the rhythm. Sometimes he is silent, appreciating the music, other times he talks about your future, about the house you’ll buy together one day, the pet you’ll adopt.

➳ Johnny -

3 AM sees you and Johnny leaning against the kitchen cabinets in your apartment, endlessly laughing at one another. The wine had dried up long ago, but its effect still lingers in your laughter, in the rosy colour of your cheeks and in the hazy look in your eyes. He tells you a hundred times over how in love with you he is, how happy he is to have met you.

➳ Taeyong -

When Taeyong doesn’t have to be up at 4 AM for schedules, he makes the most of being able to stay in the studio until the early hours of the morning. He enjoys the quiet of an empty studio, followed by a breezy walk home through nearly deserted streets. It has become a habit for you to slip inside to keep him company. It is silent except for the occasional click of his keyboard and the sound of him humming along to the music playing through his headphones. Taeyong glances over his shoulder every now and then to check on you on the studio sofa and the moment he realises that you’re dozing, he will take a million photographs on his phone because he thinks you look so cute.

➳ Yuta -

The early hours of the morning are meant for sharing showers after late-night visits to the gym. Yuta is touchy and teasing, but tired and so you use the time to catch up on your watchlist. It is fingers threading through damp hair and soft laughter at the television show. He insists on having your head resting on his bare chest even though he knows it will cause you to fall asleep, he secretly enjoys having to catch you up on what you’ve missed in the show.

➳ Doyoung -

After a busy day of schedules, all Doyoung can bring himself to do is pull you beneath his duvet and fall asleep. At first, you lie awake, catching up on each other's days, sometimes weeks when things are particularly busy. The television can faintly be heard from the living room and you suppose one of Doyoung’s group mates is unwinding on the sofa. Haechan can occasionally be heard tapping away at his computer keyboard. The soft sounds, partnered with Doyoung’s warmth are enough to lull you to sleep. Doyoung grows clingy after a hectic week - the hand around your waist is firm and he won’t shift for at least eight hours. 

➳ Jaehyun -

3 AM is a time you have grown familiar with because it is the only time of day that you and Jaehyun are able to be truly alone. It is fingers furrowing beneath layers of clothing, bedsheets against bare skin and quiet sighs. Jaehyun moves slowly at 3 AM as if he has all the time in the world and nowhere to be in a few hours. He just wants to make you feel good in the most gentle way possible. 

➳ Jungwoo -

Being with Jungwoo, you’re lucky if you’re ever in bed at 3 AM. It is as if you’re running out of time, the way he tugs you around the city by his hand that is threaded with your own. It is a time for taking half-blurred photographs beneath amber streetlights and eating ice cream from the twenty-four-hour convenience store. Normally he is shy and bashful, but he comes alive after midnight and it is nigh daybreak the first time he tells you he loves you. 

➳ Mark -

Given the timezone difference, Mark doesn’t often get to talk to his family and when he does, it is at 3 AM. When he has news or just wants to catch up, he collapses onto the dorm sofa, tucks you into his side and hits the FaceTime button. It took a while for him to feel comfortable introducing you to his family, even over the phone, but now he takes great joy in listening to you chat with his parents. He often thinks about the day he’ll next visit home and take you with him. 

➳ Haechan -

At 3 AM there is one place and one place only that you and Haechan can be found - he sits at his desk entirely engrossed in the game filling his computer screen. He has you in his lap, your head against his chest. Honestly, the position is a little uncomfortable, but he is warm and you’re sleepy and you’re not sure who will whine more if one of you moves. In between games he rubs his hands up and down your back and leans in close to listen to your quiet reminders of how much you love him. 

Tags :
10 months ago

just a reminder that my reqs are open !!! all you have to do is read my request guidelines and after that, you’re free to request anything <33

Tags :
2 years ago

↳ ❝ [𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔] ¡! ❞

 [ ] !

Pairing : yuta x reader

Summary: whereas siren y/n doesn't know saving the life of a drowning man could lead to love, love that might lead her to do crazy things, give up her life even.

Warnings: mention of suicide, blood, gore minor and major character death

a/n: this is my first time writing on Tumblr so it might be sloppy, sorry.



With wobbly steps, he got in the water with every step he went deeper and deeper until he couldn't feel the wet sand beneath his feet he exhaled a shaky breath as he swam a bit far.

he could feel the cold settling in on his skin.

He was completely oblivious to the peering eyes of another that stared curiously at the young man who dared swim so late despite knowing about the taboo that surrounded the sea.

Y/n could only watch with those eyes of hers which were both curious and alarmed, after all, no human ever liked sirens, killing them in cold blood if one was to ever find or stumble across one.


a/n: that's it I guess I'll finish it by October 7th I suppose and post it that exact same day please send an ask to be added to the tag list

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2 years ago

↳ ❝ [𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔] ¡! ❞

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Pairing : yuta x female reader

Summary: whereas siren y/n doesn't know saving the life of a drowning man could lead to love, love that might lead her to do crazy things, give up her life even.

Warnings: mention of suicide, blood, gore minor and major character death, implied sex (no actual smut)

Word count : 5,628 words ( I know it's short)

a/n: this is my first time writing on Tumblr so it might be sloppy, sorry.

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Murmuring could be heard within the crowded tavern where yuta sat having his nightly beer and dinner "didn't ya hear? Another man's body was found by the seashore last night" "what!!? Thats the 6th time this month".

Yuta huffed as he drank his beer already feeling a headache forming " another one john" he asked the tavern owner who prepared it and slid it over to him quickly chugging it down he slammed the glass on the counter and placed some coins beside it taking his coat from the rack he walked out.

He wasn't in the best state right now due to the alcohol in his body which made him walk with long strides not thinking at all about as to where he was headed he found himself by the seashore.

He faced the sea with vision so blurry he could barely make out what he was seeing he threw his coat on the sand and took off his shirt not caring about the fact that the night was chilly due to winter nearing.

With wobbly steps, he got in the water with every step he went deeper and deeper until he couldn't feel the wet sand beneath his feet he exhaled a shaky breath as he swam a bit far.

he could feel the cold settling in on his skin.

He was completely oblivious to the peering eyes of another that stared curiously at the young man who dared swim so late despite knowing about the taboo that surrounded the sea.

Y/n could only watch with those eyes of hers which were both curious and alarmed, after all, no human ever liked sirens, killing them in cold blood if one was to ever find or stumble across one.

She had seen it all, from the day she was born she had witnessed the population of her people decreasing each year it hadn't mattered where they went and settled, after all, the beautiful creatures weren't to be admired but feared.

Not what they thought themselves, no it was quite the opposite. sirens would grow up learning about the creatures that roamed the land called humans which were like them in many ways but they had differences which set them oh so greatly apart.

Sirens are very intelligent beings they can master any language the humans speak but they do have their language which can only be spoken by communicating through their minds which is one of their many unique gifts.

Their appearances aren't the only beautiful thing about them though they have richly enchanting voices, the same voices the humans fear so greatly but always seem to be attracted to it somehow.

And when the siren stops singing it is like a spell being broken and the human finally realises what it is witnessing somehow the simple act of singing close to the shore ends in a bloodbath sometimes the human is the dead one but most times the siren is the one who gives up the fight as it accepts it's faith.

So all y/n did was watch at first, she watched as yuta closed his eyes and stopped moving as he spread out his arms. Like that he sank into the deep sea and finally she realised what she was witnessing wasn't just a simple midnight swim.

Still cautious she swam close to the sinking man who had his eyes closed, she got close to him, and by doing so she could finally see him. and she found herself being entranced by his beauty.

Oh so gently she touched his face, by doing so she felt his emotions which were too strong for her to hold onto him so reluctant she retreated her hand before he ran out of oxygen she decided to save him.

So she gently hugged him and swam upwards and straight to the shore she went, she laid his body down on the sand as he spluttered out water but still lay unconscious, he had somehow regained his consciousness and opened his eyes still in a daze.

That caused the siren to panic as she decided to erase his memories, to do so she had to do one thing she knew was inevitable, so, she kissed him.

Yuta felt something soft yet moist graze his lips, he could make out the blurry figure of a woman with long flowing hair but before his vision could clear she was gone.

Leaving him there alone. When yuta gained his full consciousness it was morning, he looked around and found his discarded shirt and coat he quickly put them on.

He felt a sharp pain in his head which he dismissed as a hangover, grumbling he went to his house which he didn't consider home. After all the only person he shared it with didn't allow it to feel like a home to yuta, not after his mother died that is.

When he got into his house he was faced with the maids all scrambling around as he sighed trying to sneak past his father and father's hunter mates, he never really liked his family's business.

He believed hunting sirens wasn't right because they did have the same heart that humans had thus that should be considered murder not hunting thus his father was left disappointed with his only son who didn't follow in his footsteps as the best siren hunter to exist.

"And where do ya think you are going, young man!!" Came in his booming voice as yuta sighed turning around halfway on the stairs "to my room, sir" he replied through clenched teeth as his father scoffed "not after staying out all night you aren't" he yelled as yuta could only roll his eyes.

Not letting him continue his lecture yuta was already familiar with the continued walking up the stairs he could still very clearly hear his father's loud voice "you're just like your mother, WEAK AND USELESS" yuta could only clench his fist as he slammed his door harshly, the wood cracked making the sound echo throughout the long hallway.

It was the next day and yuta wanted to visit the seashore again, so thats what he did. He stood feet dunked into the wet sand as he thought about the previous day.

He recalled wanting to drink that very night due to it being his mother's death anniversary, but he didn't know getting drunk would end up with him almost drowning.

He gasped as he saw a beautiful tail splash in the distance, deciding to follow where the creature was headed it led him to the cave near the seashore.

And their yuta saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, he approached her to see her better but halted as he bore her start to sing.

Somehow he found himself being lulled toward the woman, not realising that there was a seashell in his way he stepped on it and made it crunch which halted the siren's singing as she dove into the water.

"Wait!!" He yelled as he slowly approached the shaking siren "I don't mean any harm I swear" he stood a few feet away from her as she looked at him as recognition settled in her irises.

"I feel like I've seen you before" he spoke more to himself than her as she furrowed her eyebrows not expecting him to say that "tha-that can't be, I erased your memories of last night" she whisper yelled as yuta looked at her confused.

"What do you mean erased my memories?!!, you do know me then!!" He stated firmly as y/n sighed finally sitting back on the rock still remotely cautious around the young man.

"I saved you last night" she spoke staring at him deeply as yuta let out an "oh" scratching his head "thank you, I guess?" He was conflicted between being thankful that he was alive or being upset that he was.

"Why are you not happy?" She questioned tilting her head as she looked at him curiously he sighed sitting down on the sand "I honestly don't have a reason to be thankful that i'm alive " "I believe you're alive because you deserve to be, and maybe you just haven't fulfilled your purpose of being born" she splashed her tail as a few droplets touched yuta's face making him close his eyes.

"You have a very beautiful tail" he complimented but realised how ridiculous it must sound to a possible fish with a human's upper torso but he snapped out of it hearing her laugh softly "thank you, to be honest, I don't have the most beautiful tail in my family that's why i'm considered the least attractive" and that had yuta gaping in surprise and disbelief "you are so beautiful i'm having a hard time believing that" and that earned him another soft laugh from the siren as he too couldn't help but grin.

"What's your name handsome?" The endearing term had yuta's ears turning red as he coughed "yuta" he replied as she repeated "yuta~ you have a very unique name" she spoke, "and what might yours be?" She hummed "well in the sea i'm called ianthe but I prefer to be called y/n" "y/n is such a beautiful name".

The two talked for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes but their attention went to a nearby commotion that indicated someone was coming, before yuta could say goodbye y/n had already dove into the water and was gone within seconds as yuta sighed in relief.

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It had become a routine for yuta to visit the small cave by the seashore and somehow she'd be there too as if she came to the rural cave in hopes of seeing him too. Just the thought of her feeling the same want to see him just as much as he wanted to see her sent his heart ablaze.

The two had gotten to know each other better, it would go like this, yuta would tell her about the land of his kind and she'd tell him about the sea of hers.

They both felt the same thing for each other, feeling comfortable in one another's presence the two couldn't help but fall for each other but somehow none of them told the other that.

Y/n hummed as she stared at the night sky " you know when I was younger my mother would tell me that the stars over there were me and her" he spoke as y/n gazed at the stars he was pointing at with such warmth in his eyes.

It had always been like this whenever he talked about his mother he'd have the softest of smile on his lips but whenever she'd inquire about his father he'd grumble and change the topic so she had stopped pushing for answers taking it as he didn't like talking about him.

"But look there's a new star between them" she gasped pointing as yuta too couldn't help but gasp as he realised what he was seeing "could it be..." "Could it be what yuta?" "... Nevermind" once again he brushed the thought aside as he grazed at her as her eyes twinkled under the moonlight.

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"No y/n you're not getting it you can't be falling for him he's a human and you're a siren" "but irene you don't get it!!, he makes me feel like we aren't so different after all" she begged for her sister to hear her pleas as irene could only sigh as she stared at her younger sister.

"You know what happens when a siren falls for a human right?" Y/n nodded as she bit her lip "if the human doesn't reciprocate the siren's feelings... The siren's heart stops beating with time as the heartbreak is too much for the fragile heart of a siren" she repeated the same words she had heard growing up, over and over her sister had repeated the same words to her until she had memorised the way she had spoken too.

Irene felt her chest tighten seeing the distraught look on her younger sister's face "here take this" she said taking off her necklace as she put it around y/n's neck who gapped at her sister "b-but it's mother's-" "well now it's yours, I can't stop you from seeing that boy now can I? Might as well let you in on the family secret, baby ,what you have around your neck isn't just some random necklace, it's a family heirloom which every mother passes on to her daughter which i'm giving to you seeing as you need it more than me it is charmed by a very powerful sea witch who made it so whichever siren wore it could transform her tail for leg's if she set foot on land".

By the end of her sister's rant, y/n could only laugh in joy as she hugged her sister who smiled patting her back.

With that y/n swam to the seashore being more than excited.

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Yuta once again came to the cave hoping to find y/n there but seeing as she wasn't there he became both worried and confused a nearby splash snapped his attention towards it as he sighed walking towards her.

"I thought something happened to you" he pouted sitting down on the sand as she giggled sitting on the rock with her tail still dunked in the water " aww you were worried about me" she cooed reaching for him like how one would do for a baby as he grumbled swatting her hand.

"Stop that, I was going to board a ship to look for you if I had to" that caused y/n to stop laughing as she felt her heart squeeze "what's that around your neck, it's really pretty" he questioned as y/n subconsciously fiddled with the necklace humming.

"Well this is a family heirloom, my sister gave it to me" she gushed proudly as yuta could only chuckle at her cuteness "that's nice" "that's not it!! She said it can give me legs if I step on land" now yuta looked at her curiously as she smiled widely "that's such bull- you're fucking with me" he narrowed his eyes at her as she pouted.

"Come on, my sister wouldn't lie to me let's test it out ok" yuta shrugged as he stood up with that she took her tail out of the water as she stood up feeling the sand on her tail yuta who had been staring at her face so far due to finally being able to be almost the same level as she gasped as y/n screamed falling on her ass.

Crimson faced yuta and looked away as the siren-turned-human girl tried to crawl back into the water panicking she cried as yuta too panicked "what is it!!- NO god you're naked" "yuta shut up and help me" she cried out making yuta turn around as she screamed, "you dimwit close your eyes and help me in the water" and so he did he extended his hands as she grabbed them making him pull her up.

He walked her backwards as she finally fell into the water did her tail reappear "you can look now" she spoke up in a small voice that was barely above a whisper as yuta exhaled turning around "well, now we know that isn't a lie, but, we have a bit of a situation here if you want to walk around the town with me you must have cloths" y/n could only sigh nodding.

"You wait here i'll go and fetch you some clothes" he grumbled stomping away as the image was still fresh in his mind he slapped himself "stop thinking about it you sick pervert"  he walked into the market and spotted a clothes shop quickly he went in and grabbed whatever dress and boots he could get his hands upon, not forgetting a corset and undergarment's which had to stop himself from staring at.

Finally, he had come back to the cave "I thought you weren't going to come to see me again" she let out cursing herself mentally for speaking before thinking.

"What! No !! I would never do that I've gotten too used to seeing you every day to suddenly quit" he stated as he put down the clothes "now, do you know how to put these on?" "Well yeah, obviously i'm not dumb I've seen the human women wearing them" she grumbled taking the clothes "well?!! Turn around you pervert" she scolded as yuta rolled his eyes.

After a few minutes of her struggling and him kicking rocks did he finally hear her say something other than cuss words "how do I even tighten this thing" she whined making yuta turn around to find her struggling with the corset "I can help you tie it if you want"  without a word she turned around indicating for him to approach her.

Which he did and as his hands touched her clothed back she inhaled sharply as she could feel his body heat radiate off him due to her being cold from just getting out of the water.

"Done!" He spoke making her turn around smiling "how do I look?" She questioned "you look ... Beautiful" he let out in a breathy tone which had her cheeks heating up "let's go then" she spoke enthusiastically making yuta smile as he took her hand in his.

Hand in hand the two walked around the town as yuta showed her everything from shops to homes and seeing her get mesmerised by such mediocre things only made him realise that maybe he did have a reason to live on if she was in his life.

"And this is a clothes shop, I bought your clothes from here" he smiled as y/n got excited she skimmed through the clothes and found a beautiful hat which caught her attention, she put it on and looked in the mirror.

"This is so pretty" she whispered admiring herself in the mirror as yuta couldn't help but stare with a lovesick grin on his face "do you like it?" He questioned as she only nodded in response with an unfaltering grin which made him make up his mind.

"How much for the beautiful hat?" He quickly paid for the hat and took her by the hand "come on I want to show you my favourite place in this town" caught off guard she could only let him lead her along.

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"How much longer do we have to walk" she whined feeling her feet almost give out on her "just a little bit more we're almost there" "how do you humans even walk on these things they're practically useless" she huffed "I give up I can't do much of this walking" with that she sat down on a rock making yuta sigh.

"Get up!" He demanded making her whine like a child "no my feet hurt" "y/n get up please"  he pleaded as she gave in and stood up but as soon as she did yuta quickly hooked his hands under her legs and arms and carried her making her yelp clinging on to him.

"What are you doing" she whined which only made him roll his eyes "what does it look like i'm doing? i'm carrying you up the hill of course" he spoke matter of factly while walking  "won't you get tired though" she questioned as worry filled her eyes.

"Do you think i'm too frail to carry you?" He inquired raising his brow down at her as she could only splutter out incoherencies "that's what I thought" he grinned cockily as it was now her turn to roll her eyes.

"And we're here" he gently let her down as she looked around the hill as the sun was setting "this is so beautiful" she let out in awe of the view which showed the setting sun over the town and sea.

The setting sun made her look even more beautiful than yuta had found her since he saw her when she turned around to look at him he was already looking at her with those eyes, those warm beautiful eyes of his that made her heart skip a beat or maybe even two, after all, who even keeps count.

Subconsciously they both got closer and closer until there wasn't space between them "y/n" he whispered as she looked into his softening gaze "yuta" she let out just as softly and with that, they kissed as the moon rose and the sun set fully.

The kiss spoke words they were both dying to say, maybe it even gave them the courage to finally say them out loud to the other.

Hands tangled in his hair she kissed him back with the same passion, the two broke apart when they found themselves at a loss of breath.

"I think, no, I love you y/n and I am certain because I have never felt this way about anyone. You make me realise that maybe life can be beautiful if it's spent with the right person" he took her face in his hands as she looked at him with tears welling in her eyes.

"I love you too yuta, so much," she replied as tears finally escaped her eyes he chuckled wiping them away as he hugged her close "I was afraid, I thought you wouldn't feel the same, and that I would die from heartbreak" she whispered against his chest as he put his chin on top of her hear.

"What do you mean to die from heartbreak?" He questioned pulling away "when a siren falls in love with a human they put their heart at their mercy to do whatever they want, and rejection ends in it stopping beating"  she explained as yuta felt his heart drop. "God that's... It's so unfair I could never do that to you" he whispered as he sat down on the grass patting the space beside him for her to sit.

Soon the two found themselves laying down on the grass as they gazed up at the stars pointing out the patterns and talking the evening away.

"It's too late don't you think?" He questioned as y/n nodded feeling herself get hungry "let's go to the tavern to eat something" he extended his hand and she took it making him hoist her up.

Soon the two found themselves in the tavern yuta usually went to "this is bread and this is soup" he explained and even demonstrated how it was to be eaten which she caught onto in no time soon they both ate enjoying each other's presence.

"Do you want to try the beer?" "Beer? What's that?" She questioned feeling curious" one beer please john" he ordered as the tavern owner put it on his table "this is beer, it's a drink that we enjoy after a long day" he gestured for her to take a sip which she did and the face she made had him chortling.

"Yuck!!, you drink this willingly? It tastes awful" she gagged pushing it towards him as he only laughed ruffling her hair "it's your first time that's why you hate it, maybe you'd like wine more" quickly downing the glass he paid the tavern owner "can I book a room?" The owner nodded giving him the keys which yuta gave him a small pouch containing coins not caring about how much he had given away.

He bought her inside the room "and since I can't bring you to my house I hope you'd settle here instead" he scratched the back of his head as y/n shrugged.

"I don't mind, but, I was uh... Kinda hoping you'd stay the night with me" she found her face heating up as she looked at yuta's face which was unreadable at that moment she was about to take the simple request back but ate her words back up hearing him, "Okay, i'll stay".

That's how they both found themselves in the same bed as they lay facing each other " aren't you gonna sleep?" He questioned as she hummed "I don't really feel sleepy" she spoke honestly yuta got close to her face as they stared deeply into each other's eyes without another word being exchanged they found their lips against one another, unlike their first kiss this one was more firey, more passionate, perhaps even lustful.

"Push me away if you don't want this" he whispered as grazed his lips down her neck causing her breath to get caught up in her throat. Feeling him tug at the knot of her dress did she finally release a breath as he undid her dress.

Helping her take it off he finally got the chance to admire her.

 [ ] !

Some days went by just like that, they both found themselves falling in love with each other more and more every day but y/n wanted to visit her sister missing her dearly which yuta didn't mind as he bid her goodbye with a kiss "don't forget to come back tomorrow or i'll have to go searching for you, and I mean it this time" he pouted as she laughed pecking him "don't be a baby, of course, i'll come back make sure to bring me cloths to wear okay" he nodded as she dove in the water.

What y/n didn't notice while swimming was that a nearby sailor had seen her and now was on his way to inform the siren hunter who was none other than mr.Nakamoto who was busy doing wood carvings for portrait frames.

"Master!!!" He came in panting as mr Nakamoto stopped the hammer mid-air "kihyun? what is it why are you barging in like some lunatic" he tsked eying the dishevelled man.

"I spotted a siren!!" He spoke catching his breath as soon as the word 'siren' had left the man's mouth it had quipped mr Nakamoto's attention as he hummed urging the man called kihyun to continue.

"And it wasn't just any ordinary siren, it was ianthe" now mr Nakamoto had completely abandoned his carving work as he quickly cleaned his hands with a towel "take me where you exactly spotted her" he demanded firmly as the man nodded already feeling the amount of gold he would receive for this rare discovery.

"I saw her here, master" he pointed out as the stern man looked around the seashore "I believe it's time we go on a hunt boys" he smirked as his ship crew cheered finally getting to hunt after a long time.

Yuta who had followed his father due to him always bringing his son along even though yuta had greatly shown no interest in the family business.

"My son will throw the harpoon" he laughed while firmly grasping yuta's shoulder as a warning which yuta chuckled along fakely as his heart twisted in worry.

The next day they had all boarded the ship as mr Nakamoto looked through his telescope trying to spot any signs of the siren yuta could only hope irene would keep her with her longer.

"What's that?! " questioned one of the huntsmen as they spotted a turtle struggling in a fishing net "looks like a turtle, we aren't here to fish people we're here to hunt and I best not find any of yall messing this up" spoke yuta's father voice booming as the whole ship of men saluted.

" that?!!" Yelled kihyun as he spotted a beautiful purple tail in a distance nearing the flailing turtle yuta's father pushed him aside snatching the telescope from him as he too looked at what he was seeing as a wry smile found its way to his face.

"Ya'r got that right it's her" he spoke spotting y/n try and help the poor turtle finally succeeding she helped the turtle getaway.

"Alright crew, get your harpoons ready, but, do not forget that yuta is the first one who gets to throw his" he instructed as he gave yuta a harpoon making his heart drop.

Not knowing what to do he decided to do what any insane person would do, he threw the harpoon beside her aiming for it to only scare and alert her which it did as she frantically looked around spotting the huge ship as she widened her eyes.

"ALRIGHT SHE'S ALARMED DO NOT WASTE TIME CHARGE AT HER AT FULL FORCE" he yelled making the whole ship of men to ready for their harpoons to aim at them.

Yuta didn't think twice before he snatched a huntsman's harpoon quickly impaling him with it.

Next thing he knew the whole ship broke out into chaos as the huntsmen got against yuta who had already charged at another man at full force successfully impaling him making the man drop dead with blood coming out of his mouth.

"HE'S TRYING TO PROTECT THAT WRETCHED MONSTER!!" yelled kihyun as yuta's father could only watch everything unfold, after all, he was never as fond of his son due to him having his mother's heart.

"Fuck it," yuta thought as he jumped off the ship trying to swim to the seashore with the men constantly throwing harpoons at him and now they had armed themselves with bows and arrows and were shooting at him causing yuta to duck under the water.

Y/n who had been staying down all that while because of fear saw what was happening due to her heightened vision and spotted yuta who had dove into the water.

Finally, she rose above to the surface as yuta did too, unaware of the coming arrow that was aimed straight in the middle of his chest y/n quickly swam in his direction and somehow she reached him on time not thinking twice before hugging him from the front as the arrow went straight through her back and stuck out her chest making her to slow her breathing as yuta could only gasp.

"THE SIREN IS DOWN!!, I REPEAT THE SIREN IS DOWN" yelled kihyun alerting the whole ship "what about the boy" yelled half the crew "yeah!! What about that traitor" yelled the other half "nothing, we got the siren and that's it we don't need to speak about what happened for all we can take this for, the huntsmen died a death of eternal glory " "but-" "enough help yuta on the ship" he commanded sternly making kihyun nod as he called for yuta who had been holding on to the bleeding corpse of his lover.

"YUTA!! leave it get on the ship" "NO" he yelled as a sob broke out of his sealed lips as reality struck him "don't make me use force!!" yuta only hugged the corpse closer as he cried feeling her limp body kihyun had enough so he got down a ladder and grabbed him by the collar causing him to let go of y/n's body which sunk into the deep sea "NO! LET GO YOU MONSTER" he yelled feeling hopeless.

 [ ] !

That had been weeks ago, now yuta sat by the window in his room staring off as he let his mind wander, he hadn't slept well at all since that day. Constantly replaying the day in his mind over and over he had become a hollow shell of a person.

He was barely there, after all simply existing wasn't the way of life.

So yuta did what he had put his mind to 2 months prior, he went to the seashore at night abandoning his shoes and coat once again he let the cold sand touch his feet as he exhaled shakily.

"I'm coming my love" he breathed as he walked straight towards the sea which called his name and once again he went until his feet couldn't feel the wet sand beneath them.

And once again he spread out his arms as his legs stopped moving, this time he didn't feel the gentle touch of hers, nor did he wake up to the feeling of being carried out and being laid on the sand.

He felt his lungs fill up with water as his breathing got slower and slower until he had finally stopped breathing completely.

"Yuta?!!" He heard her beautiful voice that he had been longing to hear "Yuta!! Wake up" he heard it again as he furrowed his brows finally opening his eyes he was faced with her face right in front of his.

"God I thought something happened to you, you were having a nightmare" she spoke worriedly as she wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with a towel "wait..nightmare?".

None of it was real?? He thought as he held onto his head " babe i'm hungry" she whined causing him to look at her confused as he scanned the room seeing a minimalistic-themed room which looked like it belonged to a married couple as he felt a headache approaching.

"We were craving blueberry pancakes" she pouted "oh ok I can make wait- "  finally he looked at her appearance and when his eyes settled on her protruding stomach that she had been rubbing due to hunger did he finally recall everything.

They were married and expecting twins, and of course, it wasn't 1870 but 2022 "are my babies hungry?" He smiled getting up as he pecked her cheek and got on the same level as her stomach "appa will make you some delicious pancakes" he spoke to her stomach causing her to ruffle his hair chuckling.

"Maybe it was all a dream" he had thought to himself as he shrugged going about his day.

What hadn't occurred to him was the possibility of it being his past life with his soulmate who had accompanied him in his every life.

The end

a/n: didn't proofread lol

Tags :
1 year ago
Pairing : Jaemin X Reader (mafia Au)

Pairing : jaemin x reader (mafia au)

Summary: whereas jaemin is tasked to kidnap the rival gang leader's daughter but ends up abducting the wrong girl.

Warnings: mention of violence, blood, make out sesh? That's all I guess.

Word count : 5,243 (short and fast-paced).

Pairing : Jaemin X Reader (mafia Au)

"Wait so i'm supposed to abduct this girl from a club?" Questioned jaemin as taeyong nodded "shes not just some girl, and I want you to keep that in mind. She's the heir to the black rose and therefore very treasured by the boss so make sure it goes swiftly or you'll be dead meat at their hands".

And thats how jaemin found himself sitting at the bar of one of Seoul's most exclusive clubs keeping an eye out for "the girl" he was supposed to abduct.

"How will I even know what she looks like? You didn't even give me a picture" he had grumbled which caused taeyong to rub his forehead already being done with the younger.

"Intel says she's going to be standing out due to her beauty and the dress she'll be wearing".

And soon enough the girl walked in wearing a red bodycon dress which caused jaemin's lips to curve up "voila" he whispered sipping his martini soon the girl was dancing with her friends swaying to the music and jaemin found himself being captivated by the sheer sexuality she was giving off.

And when she had come up to the bar did jaemin find it in himself to act "can I get tequila please" she had asked the bartender and boy did her voice do things to jaemin.

"Tequila? Feeling dangerous are we" he had whispered sitting right beside her which had caused her to raise her brow at him "and if I am? what's that gotta do with you" she sassed taking the shot glass and downing it in one go, she signalled for another and another.

Soon she was a bit more than tipsy and was being overly flirty "you know, you look like someone" she slurred pointing at him as jaemin watched in amusement" someone?" He questioned "like someone I'd like to take back home" she whispered grabbing his collar.

Too far gone to care she bought her face close to jaemin's but jaemin being the ever so gentleman-ly stopped her plastering a cocky smile on his face "oh yeah? Why don't I take you to mine" he had flirted and soon jaemin was leading her out of the club as y/n had waved bye to her friends.

What jaemin hadn't noticed was that another girl had walked passed him and straight into the club, she too wore a red dress but jaemin being jaemin hadn't paid much mind, too busy trying to get y/n to sit in the passenger seat.

When jaemin had bought her to the manor everyone (taeyong excluded since he was out for a deal) watched both amused and in awe seeing jaemin struggle with a drunk girl in his arms giggling about god knows what.

"Are you sure you can carry her to the basement?" Questioned jeno as jaemin grunted rolling his eyes "no I don't need your help jeno god- CAN YOU CUT IT OUT" he scolded y/n who had been poking at his eyebrow Piercing making her pout at him.

"No need to be that harsh jaemin" stated jeno which earned him a stink eye in return making him retreat to what he was previously doing. with a little struggle jaemin brought her to the small captivation room, tossing her down on the bed he muttered something along the lines of "such a pain in the ass" and "never taking a drunk girl home ever again".

Dusting the invisible dirt on himself he looked at her only to find her passed out on the bed causing him to sigh as he took the rough blanket he found discarded on the floor and throw it at her but surprisingly she had snuggled up to it causing his lips to curve up. but the small smile was quick to be replaced with his usual poker face as he grumbled.

With that, he walked out of the room and quickly walked up the stairs his ears had started to feel hot walking straight by jeno who saw right through him as he smirked.

The next day when y/n had woken up finding her clothes intact under the blanket which she threw off her body because of how worn down it looked "musty ass blanket ,the fuck!!" she mumbled looking around when she saw the room she was in, reality struck her.

But being her brother's sister, she didn't panic but stayed calm waiting for the said abductor to show up which he did, looking fresh jaemin walked in holding a tray of food "this is the only thing you'll get princess so better eat up" he spoke settling his eyes on the bed which he found empty causing his eyes to become as big as saucers.

Putting the tray down he looked around the room and even went to look into the small bathroom which he found empty.

When he came out of the bathroom he was about to alert the others but a hand grabbed him from behind twisting his arms behind his back she breathed near his ear "who the fuck are you!!" She spoke calm causing shivers to go down jaemin's spine.

"Well, what's the fun in that princess" he spoke with a teasing lilt to his voice which irked her "stop fucking calling me that!! if you don't tell me who you are and why you kidnapped me then" . "then what princess?" He questioned pushing her buttons.

Next thing he knew he was being pushed towards the bed as she pressed her knee down on his back "don't make me use more force " she seethed as jaemin tch-ed now starting to get annoyed he pushed back with force causing her to stumble as he flipped her now pinning her on the bed with ease.

"Now listen here princess, you look smart enough to know to not mess with people who hold the key to your freedom " grinding her teeth she tried to kick him in the groin but stopped feeling him grab her thigh "you'll have to do better than that" he smirked painfully squeezing the soft flesh.

The smirk was wiped off his face seeing her smile at him crazily "why-" his question hadn't even gotten out as she answered him, the headbutt had him seeing stars as he held his head which she took as an opportunity to push him off.

Seeing the open door she ran straight out of and up the stairs to the ground floor of the manor.

At the entrance of the basement stood an unassuming chenle whose eyes widened seeing a random girl come charging towards him, with that his fight or flight instincts kicked in and soon he was running away and straight towards jeno he went.

jeno who had been on a call with someone furrowed his brows as his eyes settled on chenle"No yangyang i'm telling you, ramen sauce does go on top of every- chenle?!!!" He yelled confused as to why the younger was running but seeing the dishevelled-looking girl running behind him he got his answer "yeah i'll call you back yang" he hung up.

Y/n had been trying to follow chenle in hopes of the goofy-looking man leading her to the exit but seeing as he was going nowhere but just running in circles she stopped huffing.

Wrong move, because soon she felt the wind being knocked out of her lungs as jeno tackled her to the ground ,and was now holding a knife to her neck as she blew a raspberry in annoyance "oh come on what's with you guys and pinning me down".

Jeno rolled his eyes as he grabbed her by the arms still holding the knife to her neck he questioned " why are you fucking running?!!" "Isn't it obvious? Some mafia you guys are ,can't even put two and two together" she sassed but stopped as jeno wasn't having any of it and pressed the knife harder against her skin making her wince as she felt a drop of blood trickle down her neck.

"Thank god you caught her jeno, or else ty would have had my head as a trophy in his office" came a panting jaemin who quickly caught his breath "damn she fucked you up" he snorted seeing the bump on jaemin's forehead . rolling his eyes jaemin pushed him away "i'll take her away you can resume whatever you were doing".

With that jaemin took her back to the basement not forgetting to bring handcuffs to restrain her " didn't take you as the bondage type of guy to be honest, you look quite vanilla to me" she snorted trying to get a reaction out of him as jaemin sighed noticing the blood stain on her skin "did jeno do that?" He questioned, "eh it's a dumb scratch I've experienced actual wounds though, curtsy to sparring with my brother" she spoke quipping his interest.

"You sparring? you don't look like you could hurt a fly" and that earned him a cackle as y/n grinned at him cockily "I gave you a nice bump on your forehead didn't i" jaemin rolled his eyes but he too couldn't help but smile hearing her laugh at such a thing.

The next day when taeyong arrived back from Thailand the deal being a success, he now sat in his office dialling a number with a cigarette in one hand while he held the phone to his ear with the other "jinhyung" he let out as the other line of the phone was silent for a few seconds "who's this ?" "I believe that's not important, what I do believe important is the fact that we have your daughter right here-" "i'm sorry you have my what ?!!" Hearing the humour in the man's voice caused taeyong's face to morph into a worried frown as jaemin felt his heart drop to his ass.

"Your daughter!!" "Oh really?" Jaemin was getting anxious by the second as the call progressed "yes and we'd like for you to pay the price to get her back-" "okay listen here buddy, I don't know what kind of dumb joke you are pulling because my daughter is sitting right in front of me". and that caused taeyong to smile wrily at jaemin with a crazed look in his eyes which made jaemin gulp already knowing what was to come.

"You PICKED UP THE WRONG GIRL YOU FUCKING DIMWIT" he yelled approaching the younger who said nothing in response, after all, he did fuck up and now he has to pay for it.

When jaemin left the boss's office he bumped into jeno who grabbed him by the shoulders halting him "I heard what happened " he whispered checking up on him and wincing as he saw the black eye and busted lip he had gotten thanks to their boss taeyong.

Don't get him wrong taeyong wasn't a bad guy he had strict rules that did not even himself as the boss broke.

When jaemin had gone into the basement later that night to give y/n her dinner she too furrowed her brows seeing the condition of his face "damn what did you do to have someone reconstruct your face" she joked but seeing the dead look on his face she decided to leave it.

"Jeno told me" she spoke while munching on the sandwich catching jaemin's attention," he told you what?" He inquired with a threatening lilt to his voice which didn't phase her but she still went on "nothing besides the fact that you were supposed to kidnap someone else and accidentally took me instead" she shrugged as jaemin gapped at the sheer audacity of the situation.

"Why" "why what?" She questioned "why are you so calm about the fact that you're in some basement, and might not get the chance to leave" he seethed now getting frustrated with her.

"Well if I were to run around screaming at the top of my lungs your mates would just beat me the fuck up, and I don't want any marks on my face, no offence pretty boy" she spoke "I have a name" "well yeah of course you do but you didn't bother telling me" she bit back causing him to roll his eyes.

"Jaemin" "that wasn't too hard now was it, i'm y/n by the way" she clapped in exaggeration as he pushed her over making her fall back on the bed dramatically.

"So what are we supposed to do with her now" questioned Yuta who sat in the meeting room along with all the other members who agreed with him "that is the reason I've called upon this meeting, I believe due to our rule of not harming innocent people we can make her a small part of nct".

That earned him a series of grunts of disagreement from every other member present in the room which taeyong raised his hand once causing the whole room to fall into silence" starting from today y/n is a part of nct and will be trained by no one other than jaemin, yuta and jaehyun, thats it you all can leave" he spoke dismissing everyone as they all grumbled on out.

And thats why jaemin now stood in the training room "see this? It's the safety of the gun you switch it off as this" y/n could only watch as he went over what to do and what not to do with a gun not bothering to tell him the fact that she was already well acquainted to the same weapons that were aligning the walls of the training room.

"Ok here take this and try to shoot that target" he handed her the small but heavy gun which she held with ease jaemin watched closely as she didn't even bother putting on the noise cancellation headset.

And without missing a beat she shot the target three times penetrating the poor manquin's head chest and leg, which left jaemin's mouth gaping." what the fuck" he let out causing her to let out an airy laugh.

The next one to try and train her was yuta who was teaching her self defence being overly surprised when she had swiftly knocked him off his feet and had given him a sweet bruised side.

When jaehyun came to check out her sparring skills he too was left speechless when the smaller girl had knocked him out cold with a sucker punch to the face.

"No taeyong you don't get it she-" "she's a goddamn sociopath with no empathy" spoke yuta cutting jaehyun off who nodded at the older's claim.

"Her shooting skills are better than mine too. It's almost intimidating" added jaemin as taeyong stared at the three with nothing but pure amusement dancing in his eyes "a small girl has got you guy's like this-" "don't take her size lightly i swear she uses it to her advantage throwing her opponent off guard " whined yuta earning him acknowledging huffs from the other two.

"Whatever you three, she still needs training until i feel like she can be tested by me, so now shoo" he waved them off as the other two dragged a flailing yuta out of the room "I DON'T WANNA" his voice faded off into the distance as taeyong rolled his eyes "idiots" .

Sighing he looked through the file he had gotten about her private information, and what confused him was the fact that there wasn't much on it, no background information nothing and it just made him more suspicious of her "just who are you" he questioned looking at the picture on the file .

Meanwhile, the said girl was walking around the manor now exploring it , she was accompanied by jeno ofcourse, they still didn't trust her enough to let her go around on her own without trying to escape.

"So y/n, what do you like to do when you're bored" he questioned as he showed her around the different rooms "well i like to play video games" she stated as jeno perked up "oh, then you're gonna love the gaming room" " the what now-" she was cut off by him opening the double doors to a huge room which was filled with mutiple arcade games and a huge television with a ps5 setup.

"Welcome to the fun dungeon" he snorted as he said the name "fun dungeon, really?" She asked snorting as jeno rolled his eyes "well blame jisung and chenle for naming it that" he scratched the back of his neck as she laughed "you up for a round of call of duty vs?" And jeno's eyes sparkled as he smiled "you're on pipsqueak" .

And that's how their hours long gaming session started which consisted of the two playing call of duty at first but then kept switching games to challange each other it wasn't until dinner time did they stop playing because renjun had scolded them for overheating the console .

"You sooo cheated during tekken" accused jeno as y/n rolled her eyes as she folded her arms "did not" she retorted making him stick his tongue out at her "did too" "taeyong?!!" She said looking shocked as her eyes were fixed behind jeno who whipped his head around to look "hyu- OW" he whined as y/n slapped the back of his neck and bolted.

The two ran around the manor running down the stairs, almost knocking an unassuming xiaojun down the stairs "jesus justin beiber" he whined clutching his pearls as jeno and y/n ran down not even sparing him a second glance "sorry" yelled y/n as she was successfully down the stairs.

Jaemin who was calmly sitting on the dining table furrowed his brows as haechan commented about how close y/n and jeno looked "just shut up and eat your food" he scolded as haechan rolled his eyes "jealousy doesn't suit you nana" he snorted as jaemin took a fork and threatend to gouge his eyes out.

"Fuck you donghy-" he was cut off by the pair that busted into the kitchen both panting from the chase "get here you little shit" said jeno as y/n flipped him off "only when i'm dead, you slut" she said as she spotted jaemin "NANA" she yelled as she threw herself at him, causing the pizza slice he was holding to fall to the floor as he quickly held her.

"Nono is being mean" she whined clinging to him as he looked confused "nono?" "She hit me and ran , all i did was point out the fact she cheated in tekken" he huffed as jaemin rolled his eyes "stop being childish and eat your food you two" he stated as jeno quickly went to wash his hands the two fighting over space on the sink as jaemin rubbed his forehead.

"I kinda ship it" said haechan sneakily to jaemin as he exited the kitchen, leaving a rather irked jaemin behind to look at the other two who finally settled down on the bar stools against the island and ate their fare share of pizza.

"Good game" said jeno as y/n laughed, the laugh made jaemin feel all warm inside as he forced himself to tune the two out .

Later on into the night jaemin was on his way to his room but halted when he saw the door to the extra bedroom beside his opened. Y/n and jeno inside "and your room is facing mine, and is right beside jaemin's, isn't that great" he smiled as y/n nodded that was all jaemin needed to hear as he rolled his eyes and went to his room.

"Right beside jaemin's room ey" she said as she saw his retreating figure go into his room "don't get any ideas pipsqueak" he teased as she snorted "oh i'll try" she said as she bid him goodnight deciding to freshen up she went to the bathroom in her room ,after a while she got out out the shower wearing her bathrobe as she dried her hair with a towel.

She facepalmed as she realised she didn't have any comfortable cloths to sleep in, deciding to go to jeno she went out of her room.

Already forgetting which one was jeno's she went into the room beside hers, finding 'him' asleep already made her groan "wake up dummy, i need cloths to change into" she stated as she approached the sleeping figure. jaemin made a sound which was a mixture of a groan and a whine as y/n rolled her eyes ready to pull the blanket off his face she approached him.

But yelped when she felt jaemin grab her wrist and pull her on the bed beside him, "for a newbie you sure are comfortable with walking around wearing a filmsy bathrobe in a place filled with men" he spoke beside her ear , eyes still closed he laid there with a tight grip on her wtist.

"Wha-what the fuck jaemin" she sputtered out as jaemin finally opened his eyes and stared right into hers "cat got your tongue snippy?" He snickered letting go of her wrist as he got out of bed and went towards his closet.

Grabbing a random pair of sweats and a a tshirt he tossed them to her as she caught them "i prefer you in my cloths than jeno's" he rasped, voice deeper than usual due to him still being sleepy as y/n felt herself getting hot "whatever" she hissed as she started untying the robe as jaemin's eyes widened, swiftly he turned around as his ears went beet red.

Y/n snickered as she put on the cloths, "cat got your tongue jaeminie~ she teased as she stood behind him fully dressed in his cloths as he still didn't turn around " i'm decent, you can turn around now" she said as he finally turned around and stared right into her eyes.

"A dangerous game is what you're playing darling" her whispered as he gently took her by the waist causing her heart to almost leap out of her chest, without thinking their faces inched closer and closer...

"Yo jaemin have you seen y/n- OH MY EYES" yelled jeno as he covered his eyes, which caused them to jump apart as they cleared their throats "do you mind knocking jeno!!" Seethed jaemin as jeno smiled his usual samoyed eye smile which made y/n snicker "i was looking all over for you to hand you some clothe to sleep in, but seeing as you already had jaemin give you his cloths- which is rare he doesn't even give me his hoodies talk about being stingy- " "are you done?" Questioned jaemin cutting jeno off who grinned.

"Whatever good night nana, let's go young lady" said jeno as he grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her away , jaemin watched his bestfriend drag her away , she looked back as they made eye contact, jaemin being jaemin he went red and looked away .

"What was that" whisper-yelled jeno as he sat down on her bed as she too flopped down on it "i think i have feelings for him jeno" she said as she faced the ceiling jeno too laid down beside her "then tell him not me" he stated as a matter of fact as she groaned.

"I'm not really great with feelings jen" she whined as he patted her head "it's okay, i'll help you, for now, sleep i know you're tired from all the training" he said as he left "Boy if only you knew this training isn't half as bad the one yixing makes me do" she snickered as she drifted off to sleep.

It was the next day and y/n woke up early to make breakfast for everybody , one by one they all came down stairs to see the huge dining hall table set yuta came down yawning and flinched when he was met with the over enthusiastic face of the girl.

"Jesus you scared me" he stated as y/n snickered "oh your reactions are priceless" she fake wiped a tear as she gestured for him to sit down beside the dream team "when did you even get the time to make this" he questioned as he eyed the breakfast sandwhiches and butter croissants as she smiled.

"I woke up at 8 am to make everything, oh and i made coffee it's in the coffee maker " she informed them. Soon the table was packed with all the members, the dining hall filled with loud chatter of all the guy's, jaemin found himself oberving how close y/n and jeno were sitting .

Her hand brushed his arm ever so slightly everytime he told her something funny, he narrowed his eyes at the duo as he bent the metal spoon , haechan snickered beside him "any minute now i feel like steam would be coming out of your ears" he whispered, loud enough so that only jaemin could hear him.

After breakfast the guy's did the dishes in pairs as a token of their gratitude for the hearty breakfast; y/n was on her way to the game room but felt someone grab her by the wrist and pull her into a nearby room.

"What- jaemin" she mumbled against his palm as he shushed her "you are treading dangerous waters, being flirty with my bestfriend, just to rile me up" he seethed as y/n rolled her eyes and pushed him away which caused him to stumble abit making him scoff.

"Quick fyi jaemin, if you weren't too busy drowning in your own jealousy you would notice that the interactions i have with jeno are nothing but platonic" she barked .

"You... You and that overly smart and sassy mouth of yours are so infuriating" he whispered as he held the back of her hair in a tight grip, not enough to hurt but enough to make her face him directly.

"Don't think i'm that easy to play with darling, if you want to bring a gun to a sword fight, go ahead, but remember i'm alway's two paces ahead of you" with that he captured her lips in a breathy kiss , consuming the words that were at the tip of her tongue.

Pulling away he couldn't help but stare into her eyes as she looked up at him "i think my feelings go deeper than just liking you, it's kinda scary" he whispered gently stroking her cheek as she leaned into his touch "i think i love you" she whispered as jaemin's heart soared as he smiled that silly smile of his "i love you too" .


Later on taeyong had told jaemin to sparr with y/n as she stood infront of him wearing her jump suit which was similar to his, he grinned "i can go easy on you if you want darling" he said voice velvety as she chuckled "no need bunny boy" she winked as they took their fighting stance.

The charged at eachother, jaemin swung at her as she blocked it with ease , he quickly kicked at her legs causing her to stumble forward."you did say not to go easy " he laughed as she blew a strand of hair out of her face.

Swiftly she got up as jaemin couldn't help but find her determination to be a huge turn on , this time she charged at him from up front which he dodged with a grin afcourse but that grin was knocked off his face when she did a mixture of a cartwheel and a handstand and wrapped her legs around his neck, making him fall backwards, she had her hand behind his head to cushion his fall.

The wind had been knocked out of his lungs as he laid there on the training room's floor. Her sat on his chest panting as he laughed "where'd you learn how to do that?" He asked as she calmed down her breathing "my brother-" "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE" came an angry voice from outside the door as they busted open.

Revealing a fuming yixing as y/n's eyes widened "GEGE!!?" she yelled as she quickly scrambled to get off jaemin's chest and threw herself at her brother, "brother?" "YOU'RE CHINESE??!!" queationed both jaemin and chenle at the same time as y/n laughed .

"Yes and yes, uh jaemin meet my older brother yixing , or as you all may know him as lay" she introduced them to each other as jaemin looked like he would pass out from fright.

"What were you doing with my sister" he questioned narrowing his eyes at the younger who gulped waving his hand around. "Sparring?" He laughed as yixing scoffed "did you hit my sister??" He inquired as jaemin frantically shook his head.

"She knocked me down hyung" he scratched the back of his neck as lay looked at his sister "did you?" She nodded "yup, just like you taught me" she grinned as he smiled ruffling her hair "that's my dumpling" she huffed and swatted his hand away.

And later on yixing didn't really do anything due to nct and exo being allies he sighed as he faced his sister "i was worried sick about you " he stated as she pouted and hugged him "i was in good hands though, i actually made some friends and well i also have jaemin now, besides i'm surprised it took you that long to find me" she teased as he rolled his eyes "minseok was being a little priss and went mia so i couldn't track you down without his help" .

"Classic minseok, was he in paris again to pester jia to take him back?" She asked snorting as yixing nodded laughing , "yeah exactly , that idiot won't leave the poor girl alone". He shook his head as he told her to get in the car " wait!!, i didn't say goodbye to nana" "what the fuck is a nana?" His question was left unanswered as she had sprined back into the manor.

She went to his room and found him sat on his bed, quietly she tried to sneak up on him but failed as he turned around to look at her "you can't really sneak up on a trained hit man darling" he grinned as she pouted and sat on his lap "i have to go my love" "i know" he whispered as he looked into her eyes while holding her as she put her forehead against his.

"I'll call you when i get home okay" she promised as he breathed in deeply, taking in her scent that he had come to love "i love you" she whispered as she kissed him as he sighed in content "i'll take you on a date soon" he whisperer against her lips as she grinmed "i'd like that" "yeah?" "Yeah" she whispered getting off , not before stealing a quick peck.

Smiling she ran out as jaemin sighed falling down on his bed dramtically , jeno peeked into his room and gagged "i can smell the hopeless romance from across the hall romeo, tone it down" he teased as jaemin threw a pillow at him.

Meanwhile y/n finally sat down in the passenger seat grinning like an idiot as yixing looked at her chuckling."i assume that went well?" She nodded as she looked down at her phone as it dinged with a messege from him "i miss you:^( " you'll live <3" is what she had sent and laughed.

A/n: this was a request but I can currently not remember their username 😭

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