multifandom blog + multimuse rp blog! selective + semi-active (admin is 20+)
17 posts
Ballad-of-encore - Encore - Tumblr Blog

oops it has now been way too long since i last posted 😭 and suddenly, i have less than two weeks to go before heading into my second year of university—i really did spend my entire summer just chilling and brainrotting too many pairings with my partner teehee
rewatching hunter x hunter made me realize that... i have a concerning taste for men chrollo and that i'm partially insane for that. absolutely terrifying, honestly—
eh i'll get back to replying soon LMAO

the second i finish my exams, finished up june and then went into july, my mind resetted so hard and i just relaxed like crazy—
apart from that, i finally finished the anime for kaiju no. 8, a sign of affection and 7th timeloop, but nothing compares to the absolute wholesome unit of a romance manga like kaoruhana (check tags pls)
like, just LOOK AT HER!!!

she's also so sweet too 😭 the communication between her, her canon bf/main boy rintaro tsumugi and basically the main friend group is SO GOOD. i'm only fifty-something (50) chapters in comparison to the around 115 chapters that are there, and so far there's no unnecessary fan service—just some real fluffy, cute and wholesome shit there 😭🩷
probably the first and only romance manga that i wanna recommend to anyone since it's so sweet and cute, and just a really nice read overall!
oh and, kaoruko's a new muse now, so that's another thing <3 BUT YEAH GOODNIGHT I'VE GOT SOMEWHERE TO BE THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON YIPPEE!!!

another low hum, almost rumbling in his throat, escapes his lips as he looks between his meal and the adeptus. zhongli ponders momentarily before getting up slowly from the table.
he smiles slightly at xiao, gesturing for him to remain seated. "would you like for me to take the dish back to the chef and ask if they could make it anew? or shall i ask for a separate plate of chicken, cooked to your specifications if you are at least comfortable with that choice," he offers, his hand reaching for the edges of the plate, eyes on the man and waiting for his answer. he didn’t want to pressure him, but he wouldn't mind doing so for xiao—he invited him out for a meal and time to chat, after all.
starter for @ballad-of-encore .

a (small) glare is shot at morax as the adeptus looks between both him and the meal on the table in front. ‘ are you positive this is prepared properly.. ? ’ knowing xiao, he would be eating his usual meal without any complaints-- that is unless it's a dish that includes meat.
his fork simply glazes over the plate of chicken and rice; the food itself smells alright but the looks and xiao's mind can't seem to shake something slightly wrong with the dish. ‘ my apologies, sir zhongli.. i understand you've invited me to this outing to eat and not scowl over the food before me. ’

a response to @adeptai

noting the reaction of the adeptus before him, zhongli's expression changes subtly, noting the changes in xiao's face as he reacts to the food. surely, the meal would've been prepared like how it usually was, but seeing that the adepti didn't seem too pleased with it, made zhongli lean over to examine the meal itself. he could smell that the dish was fine, but even he would agree with xiao's observations that it seemed off.
he turns to the adepti when he apologizes to him for scowling at his food, and he shakes his head, a low hum escaping his throat. "apologize not for it, young adepti. i do believe that this dish is... not prepared exactly for your tastes. it is likely a mistake with the chef," he told with a nod, looking at the plate with xiao's meal, looking back up at the adepti again.
starter for @ballad-of-encore .

a (small) glare is shot at morax as the adeptus looks between both him and the meal on the table in front. ‘ are you positive this is prepared properly.. ? ’ knowing xiao, he would be eating his usual meal without any complaints-- that is unless it's a dish that includes meat.
his fork simply glazes over the plate of chicken and rice; the food itself smells alright but the looks and xiao's mind can't seem to shake something slightly wrong with the dish. ‘ my apologies, sir zhongli.. i understand you've invited me to this outing to eat and not scowl over the food before me. ’

Having returned from her usual routine, tending to the people and walking around Inazuma City, Ayaka released an exhale from her lips, a smile gracing it as she was done with all her scheduled duties for the day.
But upon hearing from some of the guards and housekeepers that she had a visitor, Ayaka's head tilted, until she heard the familiar voice of the Traveler once more. Which surprised her, as it hadn't been long since she sent her that letter those few days ago. Not only that, but Paimon was also present.
Bringing her fan to her lips, a giggle escaped them as she started to walk in the direction of where the blonde and her floating companion were. She found them quickly, and with the fan still covering the lower half of her face, her eyes formed into crescents as she smiled behind the object, putting it away after a moment as she walked over to them, her smile fully visible.
"Traveler, Paimon! It's a pleasant surprise to see you, and perfect timing as I don't have much else to do today." She greeted Paimon first with a light pat on her head, but also pulling out a strawberry mochi from out of nowhere to give to the floating companion. She's been keenly aware of how gluttonous of a being Paimon was, so it was only natural that she gave her a snack.
Turning to Lumine, she embraced the blonde gently, holding the embrace for a moment before pulling away, smiling as her hands reached for the blonde's. "I'm assuming you both are here for the 'legendary' hotpot, yes? Then we might have to wait a moment to get the soup prepared, as well as the ingredients." A giggle escapes her lips as she start leading the both of them further into the estate.
"You both likely already have your ingredients ready, right? Considering that you seem to always be collecting and carrying various things all over Teyvat."

@ballad-of-encore said:
A letter from the far archipelago reaches the duo of the Traveller and Paimon, the crest of the Kamisato Clan stamped in a wax seal at the center. Should the letter be opened, the contents of the letter are followed, in elegant yet neat handwriting:
'Traveller, Paimon, it's a wonderful pleasure to hear of you two and your achievements over the time you have departed from Inazuma, and though I wholly miss you both, we would be honoured to have you both in Inazuma whenever you both have time. Until then, I hope to hear from you whenever there is a time to write, but also the time to breathe.
Please let me know when to inform Thoma to do another hotpot, where we'll fill it with wonderful (^^) ingredients once more.'
- Kamisato Ayaka

Even without opening the letter, Lumine already knew who it would be from - the seal giving it away. While she was acquaintanced with both Kamisato siblings, her relationship with Ayaka was considerably different from the one with Ayato. The latter was busy with his official duties as the head of his clan and while they got along just fine, the blonde always just felt a tad bit nervous in his presence.
Meanwhile Ayaka was born with a silver spoon in her mouth as well, but her overall attitude and demeanor was just so humble and modest, you would never assume she is actually what they'd call can 'ojou-sama' in the region of Inazuma. During her initial stay in the region of the Electro archon, the two of them quickly grew close to the point where she now dared call the other her 'best friend'.

"Paimon. Are you hungry for Thoma's famous hotspot? I was thinking of hitting up Inazuma to visit some of our friends there."

"Thoma's hotpot!? Say no more! I am ready to board the boat to Ritou!"
"Fufu~ I figured you'd say that! Let's get going then!"
Without further ado, the duo was on their way, arriving at Inazuma just a couple of hours later. She wanted to surprise her friend, so she headed straight to the Kamisato Estate, being recognized by the guards and housekeepers and therefore granted access to enter.
"...Ayaka! It's me, Lumine! Paimon and I are here to visit!"

Trying out a header for this!!!
Long ramble ahead about a somewhat poly ship LMAO
Slight spoilers for the final part of the Huanglong storyline
But my bf and I, roleplaying and wuwa fanatics we are, have decided three weeks ago that it would be lovely for us to throw Female Rover into a sandwich with Jiyan and Scar as the bread.
It's so LOUDLY obvious that Scar is Rover's biggest simp regardless of the gender, and the fact of the matter remains that Rover will roast the mf to hell and back, but in the end kinda likes the fact that he keeps following her around and talking in her face whenever he's in close vicinity of her, like a very aggressive "OOOO, YOU WANNA KISS ME SO BAD~" type of ordeal, but Rover WOULD kiss him to shut up, no strings attached 😭
Plus, he'd be so annoying when Rover mentions Jiyan quite a bit, so much so that (at least my bf's portrayal of Scar would do this) he would visit Jiyan himself and... Have a little 'conversation' with him. Because JUÉ KNOWS that bro is possessive asf
Jiyan, he's deserving of a partner 100% after all this time he's served as a Midnight Ranger from the time when he was just a medic, to the current time where he's a General.
between Scar and Jiyan, Rover would not lead the both of them on, but she DOES act like a tsundere with Scar, and very much a little bit more pathetic with Jiyan because... WELL, IT'S JIYAN
due to the complexities of their whole dynamic, and because the guys wouldn't like each other, they'd agree to just share her because... Rover cannot decide and she's pathetic for the both of them
oh and Rover's nickname for Scar is 'Sexual Harasser'
"Not psychic, but I really wish I was joking..." A sigh escapes her lips, bringing a tea cup to her lips as she judges the world for once.
Childe is gonna casually kiss her cheek and walk away

"What's everyone's deal today...!?"
She sighs. Well, at least that Harbinger had the decency to go for the cheek.
"I'm starting to wonder if today is a 'every man on Teyvat kiss the Traveler' day today... ^^;"
Childe is gonna casually kiss her cheek and walk away

"What's everyone's deal today...!?"
She sighs. Well, at least that Harbinger had the decency to go for the cheek.
"As a matter of fact, he did. It's almost as if he knew that the next moment of distress and to make dorayaki for it was going to be today." Ayaka nods, letting go of the blonde in her embrace as she smiles, her hand gently patting the top of the Traveler's head.
The matter of this moment was the involuntary taking of the Traveler's first kiss, as unprompted as it was, and the identity of the person remaining completely unknown to the both of them.
No matter, at least she was able to help a friend forget something she obviously didn't want.
"Actually, you don’t need to do that. I was on my way to sit down and have tea in another room. Plus, it wouldn't make sense if you were to set it up while you're attempting to cool down from a state of distress." Ayaka grabs the blonde by the hand, leading her in the direction of the room she was to have tea in.
"Please, have a seat and help yourself." She ushered the blonde, gesturing to the tea set on the tea table—chabudai—and a few small platters of dorayaki and daifuku, a sweet mochi treat with bean paste filling.
The appearance of the stellar Traveler was sudden but welcomed despite her surprise. The embrace being returned, a look of concern graced her expression upon seeing the foulness of the blonde's.
Ayaka's unasked question ended up answered, the corners of her lips betraying her almost in attempt to hide her amusement.
"Perhaps you're more desired than what the world says, and maybe the person in question wanted to have a... Let's say, curious test of the Traveler herself?"
Her hands reach into Lumine's short, blonde locks as she smiles reassuringly at her, though she herself was at a slight loss. Primarily because these interactions don't occur with her because of her status.
"If the thought bothers and persists in your mind, might I suggest we soothe it over with some tea? Amongst other things that can make you forget it ever happened, unless your kind heart prevents you from doing so." A smile was evident in her words, but she sighs nonetheless, soothing her dearest friend. "Just so that the one who occupies your heart and mind can finally take it when the time comes."
The appearance of the stellar Traveler was sudden but welcomed despite her surprise. The embrace being returned, a look of concern graced her expression upon seeing the foulness of the blonde's.
Ayaka's unasked question ended up answered, the corners of her lips betraying her almost in attempt to hide her amusement.
"Perhaps you're more desired than what the world says, and maybe the person in question wanted to have a... Let's say, curious test of the Traveler herself?"
Her hands reach into Lumine's short, blonde locks as she smiles reassuringly at her, though she herself was at a slight loss. Primarily because these interactions don't occur with her because of her status.
"If the thought bothers and persists in your mind, might I suggest we soothe it over with some tea? Amongst other things that can make you forget it ever happened, unless your kind heart prevents you from doing so." A smile was evident in her words, but she sighs nonetheless, soothing her dearest friend. "Just so that the one who occupies your heart and mind can finally take it when the time comes."

The blonde Traveler practically fell into her best friend's arms, her foul mood apparent by the expression on her face.
"Listen to this! Some random stranger came up to me, kissed me on the lips and then just ran off again! Can you believe that!?" She ranted, her voice a mixture a frustration, desparation and anger.
"That was my first real kiss too...I was hoping to save it for someone else..."
I have it in me to think that, at least for my Rover, she's all so cool and collected, but the second Jiyan's mentioned, she falters so hard and becomes so positively weak in the knees in the "SOB. WHY IS HE SO SWEET, COOL, STRONG, AND LIKELY A GENTLEMAN TOO—" way.
I'm just pathetic for the aero dragon general 😭
I have it in me to also think that she would secretly have a plush of Jiyan because she's secretly that pathetic and silly
I love silly girls

encore / edelweiss
20, she/her, aries, infj-a
about me but more extensive and detailed :>
all my roleplay info and muses are here!
multi-muse blog!
roleplay: symphonic encore
talking and whatnot: encore's rambles
answering asks: encore's mailbox
au talk: ballad of the stars
oc talk: starchild's creations
Do Not Follow/Interact If...
you're going to be extremely opinionated and say that [ship 1] is better than [ship 2] because NOOOOOO, we don't do that here
similarly to the previous, shipping wars are not allowed, and while i may not like certain pairings, i won't tolerate full on hatred and slander (unless that ship honestly deserves it HEL)
you age regress characters. i have a bit of a bad experience with someone in the past, so i honestly cannot get behind it for that reason ^^;
for some reason, you just HATE kpop and anime??? idk, but i'd like a reason as to why you hate either of them tbh
please don’t interact with me if you're going to start any kind of fight or wars, no one has the energy for fandom wars so please take your negativity out of my profile :(
more to be added as time goes on~

encore / edelweiss
20, she/her, aries, infj-a
about me but more extensive and detailed :>
all my roleplay info and muses are here!
multi-muse blog!
yes, this page will be mostly pink not because of encore, but because i embody that colour!
roleplay: symphonic encore
talking and whatnot: encore's rambles
answering asks: encore's mailbox
au talk: ballad of the stars
oc talk: starchild's creations
Do Not Follow/Interact If...
you age regress characters. i have a bit of a bad experience with someone in the past, so i honestly cannot get behind it for that reason ^^;
you're here to start a ship war D:
you're a toxic fan in whatever kind of fandom you belong to... no offense or anything
you're just here to be mean to an adult who wants to yap somewhere publicly of all the fluffy and silly things she thinks of >:(
more to be added as time goes on~

bf keeps comparing encore to the basketball kid so i drew this for him
okay i finally got all the rp stuff out of the way GAHAHAHDHAHSH
i'm just letting it out there that i'm a serial webtoon/manhwa/manhua faceclaim stealer for ocs because drawing capability? doesn't exist <3
maybe i should make a post to link to my rules and canon muses regarding my... what, 20, 30 something ocs? ya :D

i have no idea how much, but there's mostly females since i'm most comfortable with playing female characters asides from enstars and league HELLLLL
more hidden under the tab <3
please note that characters that are bolded are main muses!

An Shiraishi, Kohane Azusawa, Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Mizuki Akiyama, Haruka Kiritani, Airi Momoi, Emu Otori
Ritsu Sakuma, Natsume Sakasaki, Sora Harukawa, Shu Itsuki, Subaru Akehoshi, Izumi Sena, Hokuto Hidaka, Mao Isara
Female Rover, Encore
Lumine, Ayaka Kamisato, Arlecchino, Eula, Hu Tao, Xiao, Venti, Aether, Zhongli
Kougyoku Ren, Morgiana, Kouha Ren
Akane Kurokawa, Ai Hoshino, Minami Kotobuki
Ezreal, Aphelios, Kayn, Ahri, Seraphine — please note that all of them are meant to be roleplayed in their Riot Music alternate universe!
Atsushi Nakajima, Kyoka Izumi
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Kagami Tsurugi
Uta, Nami, Trafalgar Law (ONLY mlw pairings)
Maomao (Apothecary Diaries), Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail), Shinobu Kocho (Demon Slayer), Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia), Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan), Noelle Silva (Black Clover), Gen Asagiri (Dr. Stone), Anya Forger (Spy x Family), Kaoruko Waguri (Kaoruhana)

please comment on here first if you want to rp with me!
mlw, mlm + wlw and all gender-inclusive pairings allowed, but i'd rather have mlw roleplays preferably :)
rp asks allowed, but only sfw!
if you want to do an rp ask, please state which one of the characters above that you want to interact with!
in contrast, as i'm of age, i am capable of doing nsfw writing even though i'm publicly embarrassed to say so LMAO. i'd rather keep all the nsfw stuff to private/dms thanksies <3 (OR A GOOGLE DOCS. LORD KNOWS HOW MUCH THIS GIRL CAN TYPE.)
but in the event that the plot requires characters to be aged up (e.g., marriage, drinking shenanigans, college/university setting, etc.), that is ALSO allowed
OCS WELCOMED!!! i am NOT against cc x oc roleplay as i also have my own original characters i roleplay and yap about!!!
AUs are SO welcomed, genuinely
characters of all ages are allowed!!
romantic and platonic are highly preferred!
i don't do well with horror, nor am i all that great at action scenes, so i'm 100% more partial to a fluff and light-hearted setting!
you don’t always gotta give me a plot, just give me a character, the setting, and WE BALL!!!
crossover pairings, multiships, polyamory—all are welcome, but in terms of polyamory, i'd be fine if it's just between three people :'D
please also note that there are also canon ships from certain fandom/media that i prefer to not roleplay as i primarily see them as friends and nothing else! (eg., anhane, shin soukoku, atsushi and kyoka)
if you ask to roleplay on another platform, then it would be discord i'm most comfortable with!
if you're a minor and ask for nsfw roleplay, then i'm sorry, but i'm turning you down because i'd be comfortable doing that with an adult.
do NOT control my character, i will actually be turned off from replying for a long while if this happens.
this list will grow as i figure tumblr out more! (despite being a user for... several years now... sigh...)
RP CARD: symphonic encore
using some tags to just give a little hello :D
hiya, i'm edelweiss, but it appears that i have assumed encore's entire identity!!! and before anyone wonders, i'm legal (20), go by she/her pronouns and am just here to make friends and whatnot as a tired university student with too many fandom interests lol. i'll post my list of characters i roleplay soon!