Polyamory - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Obligatory intro post

Well hello there, welcome to my blog!

I'm Jav, but I go by Moony online. So you may use whichever. I go by he/him or they/them, so you may still use whichever.

I'm a 25 y/o latino ambiamorous panromantic demisexual demiboy. But I just say I'm a random guy, cause it's faster XD.

This blog is just a recolection of some of my thoughts about life, post about things I do and things I enjoy on this chaotic little corner of the internet. All in all, I may be screaming into the void, but I don't think the void minds it much.

Some of the things I enjoy are D&D, videogames (For now it's a lot of Final Fantasy XIV and Destiny 2), crochet or knitting things, plushies, fantasy and magic stories, quite a few tv shows and anime, and a million other little unassuming things.

Anyway, you're welcome to stay, have a cup of whatever you enjoy (I'll have coffee, for both our sakes) and chat with me if anything I say sparks some curiosity of yours.

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1 year ago
It's Fun Being Able To Make Fanart Of Your Own Characters

It's fun being able to make fanart of your own characters

(At some point I really do need a title for this project)

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1 year ago
I Meant To Do A Lot Of Writing Over The Break, But Injuring My Left Hand Put The Brakes On That. Thankfully,
I Meant To Do A Lot Of Writing Over The Break, But Injuring My Left Hand Put The Brakes On That. Thankfully,
I Meant To Do A Lot Of Writing Over The Break, But Injuring My Left Hand Put The Brakes On That. Thankfully,
I Meant To Do A Lot Of Writing Over The Break, But Injuring My Left Hand Put The Brakes On That. Thankfully,

I meant to do a lot of writing over the break, but injuring my left hand put the brakes on that. Thankfully, being right handed means I can still draw, so I've been making a lot of art of the main characters from my current queer romance project.

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10 months ago

War profiteering but for polycule drama

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3 years ago

Gotta learn to love yourself babies, I'm still leaning everyday.

Gotta Learn To Love Yourself Babies, I'm Still Leaning Everyday.

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2 years ago

Okay, I know this might be controversial in TOH fandom but... Willow has two hands. Let her date Gus AND Hunter.

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10 months ago

:33 < sick and tired of polyamory not being accepted in the lgbtqia2s+ community. come on. it is 2024 and we still cant accept our own community because "oh polyams are just weird straights who date multiple people" NO ?? MY GOODNESS THIS IS THE "aroace isnt valid in the community" ALL OVER AGAIN. WE AS A COMMUNITY DONT HAVE TO EXCLUDE. WE SHOULD INCLUDE. BE TOGETHER AS ONE. UNITY. NO FIGHTING AGAINST LABELS, GENDER, WHAT IS "VALID" AND WHAT ISNT. we spend YEARS fighting for our rights just to exclude LABELS ???! THIS IS NOT WHAT WE FOUGHT FOR. WE HAVE THE FREEDOM TO EXPRESS OURSELVES WITH LABELS, AND YET "reddit_user69" DECIDED "polyam isnt valid cause its actually like a weird version of straights"

B33 < in my eyes polyamory is a valid apart of the community

B33 < and no, idont mean as "cousins" of the community, or being "similar" to it, imean being apart of it.

:33 < if you support lgbtqia2s+ community then actually support it. support your community. "weird" identities. xenogenders. polyams. bipoc queers. disabled queers. gnc trans people. "obscure" and "contradictory" labels. yea youre accepting of the queer community, but are you actually ?? cause youdont sound too sure of it.

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10 months ago

:33 < youcannot support a community if youdont support everyone. youcant support the lgbtqia2s+ community if youdont support two spirits, or lesboys, or contradictory labels, or aplatonics, or xenogenders, or trans people who dont actively present as their gender whether by choice or not, and more. youcant say you support the community if youdont actually support it. either support the community as a whole or dont and get out.

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5 months ago

where do we draw the line at whos queer and who isnt. that trans hetero person is queer ? "but theyre not queer enough, theyre not gay !!" wouldnt make sense cause theyre trans, right ? that gay man ? "but hes cis, thats not queer enough !!" wouldnt make sense at all, would it ? so where is the logic in drawing fine barriers at what is and isnt queer. queerness isnt just for one person, queerness is the joy, sadness, anger, fear, and all emotions for us to experience and share together as a community. remember, the government doesnt care whether or not "polyamory is queer" or "kink is queer", because queer people are DYING EITHER WAY.

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8 months ago

We're hitting the final stretch of these dragons! It truly has been a journey drawing them and it brings me nothing but a smile to imagine sharing my art with you all!

We're Hitting The Final Stretch Of These Dragons! It Truly Has Been A Journey Drawing Them And It Brings

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3 years ago

Zill x Kayla x Jack x Jill x Spam x Vanexa handcanons

(For an anon)

[WARNING:Some of it, may be angsty]

(Some of these might not be so good, some may be a little out of character, I apologize for that. I hope you still like at least some of these though.)

Okay, so, there is this REALLY old drawing that I’ve kept for SO LONG

Basically, when I was younger, I liked making date spaces for fictional characters, like, make up stories in my mind, with the background I made, y’know?



Zill X Kayla X Jack X Jill X Spam X Vanexa Handcanons

This, is where they hang out. For their dates.

They usually just relax, talk, sing, dance, sometimes play games.

It’s the only place where Jack feels safe, and no harm ever comes to him.

The grass is soft, and the lights are beautiful!


The Headcanons You Asked For!

Spam, Kayla, and Zill are the ones who are normally singing, dancing, and playing games.

Jack, Jill, and Vanexa will sing with them every now and again, sometimes Vanexa will pull out an instrument and play.

Spam is always complimenting everyone on how beautiful they all look

He always leaves himself out, that’s why they all have to remind him that he’s just as beautiful

Spam writes songs about how much he adores his partners, and sings them when the moment is right

Vanexa really likes reading, and has been thinking about making some of her own stories. And her partners are supporting her! They’re her biggest fans on her books

Spam and Kayla are THE BEST at giving kisses and hugs, and are ALWAYS READY to show their partners some love and affection when they need it!

None of them are afraid to be honest with each other. If one of them needs space, the others will respect their boundaries. They know that they all still love each other.

Sometimes, when they are in their date spot, they end up falling asleep there.

They normally fall asleep close together, cuddling. Cuddle pile.

Jack sleeps in the middle of all of them. So nothing bad could get to him. It makes Jack feel comforted, safe, secure, etc.

Jack feels so lucky to have them all as his partners.

They’re all pretty competitive with flirting sometimes.

All of them had been in love with each other for a very long time, but, none of them had the guts to say anything.

With Zill and Kayla already dating, Jack and Jill having a thing, and y’know, Spam & Vanexa

It started with Zill feeling guilty about being in love with Jack, while also being in love with Kayla. He talked to her about it, and it made Kayla feel SO RELIEVED

“Aw, sweetie! You’re not alone! The truth is, I’m in love with Vanexa, but I’m still in love with you too!”

Zill and Kayla were so happy to finally get that off their chests

They both had to think about how they were gonna tell the others.

Vanexa had secretly been crushing on Kayla, Spam, Jill, and Jack

She felt, really sappy that day, and had written a song about them.

When she was singing, Jill happened to be near by.

Jill was flattered. She interrupted Vanexa. With Jill teasing Vanexa “Aww, you love us, that’s so lame! ❤️”

And Vanexa responding with “You’re lame. ❤️”

They spent the rest of that day bitterly flirting.

Jack and Spam, I feel, were for sure, already SUPER in love with everyone.

So when they all came together, they all kinda talked over each other about their feelings for one another. They all understood, and decided to just be in a relationship with each other.

If one of them is upset, the others are going to beat up whatever/whoever caused their partner to be sad!

When Rusty taunts Jack, you better believe they’re all going to beat Rusty’s ass senseless-

Like, “Hey! I don’t like how you’re treating my amazing boyfriend(s)/girlfriend(s). F**king apologize.”

And Autumn is CONSTANTLY trying to get Rusty to leave them alone. Before some bad things get out of hand, Autumn is always quick to apologize. “I’m so sorry, excuse my boyfriend, he can be SO ANNOYING a lot of the times.”

Spam still surprise lick-kisses his partners. They’re not really annoyed with it. Sometimes, at the perfect moment. They’ll surprise kiss Spam sometimes.

They have book clubs, I think that would be awesome!

Sometimes, they’ll watch musicals, name a musical, they’ve probably seen it! (Reason for this one is because I thought Jack would like Dear Evan Hansen, it just felt right, idk-)

Jill teaches her partners more self-defense, and will throw hypothetical situations at them, and it’s really fun for them. They’re all really strong, and Jill offers them a place in The Royal Guard from time to time.

Sometimes, Zill will still speak Spanish. And teach his partners some, when they need help understanding him.

And, of course, Kayla will teach her partners some Australian slang. So they understand her more when she tells her stories.

Ever since they started dating, Vanexa has been talking more often, it’s almost scary.

But they do enjoy listening to her voice when she speaks, even when it’s something so simple.

Spam, Jack, Jill, Zill, and Kayla, are the only people that can make Vanexa laugh.

Sometimes, Jack will still think about the worst. With him being Immortal, he’s so scared of all his partners, just dying the next day. It could happen any moment now. All his partners are there to comfort him, and always assure him that, it’ll take a long time before they leave him, and even then, he’ll still have them, in his heart.

Sometimes, Jack will think about finding a way, to make himself mortal, or, make his partners immortal. He’s got a lot going on in his head, it’ll take a while for him to accept things the way they are, but in the end, he’ll be okay, and so will his partners.

A lot of people assume that they’re just friends, and get REALLY confused when all of a sudden they all start pet-naming each other, give out kisses, and flirt.

Their relationship is like, a group of friends that have sleepovers all the time, going out, and being romantic with one another.

Sometimes, they’ll go on fancy dates, wear more fancy formal attire.

Sometimes they’ll go to couples dance parties, to show how crazy they are. Sometimes they’ll get kicked out of some places, but it’s always fun.

They’re in love!!!!!!

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7 months ago

Hi-hiii, I saw your requests open, so I am here to beg for some poly content!

Can I get a Cunning Hares x proxy!reader polyamorous relationship, please?

Idc if it's oneshot, headcannons, small pieces on each of the members, idc if it's sfw or nsfw

I'm desperate, I'll take anything, please😭🙏

Okay legit I had a double take seeing this, cause I swear I never saw this in my inbox until rechecking I wrote down all the ones I accepted. But! I felt I had to do this because it would be super cute, though they mainly give me found family vibes.

Warnings: none

Hi-hiii, I Saw Your Requests Open, So I Am Here To Beg For Some Poly Content!

Okay to be honest, you most likely would have to wear the pants in this relationship.

I can imagine you being the groups budgeter, but the position more so just…fell onto your lap then you actually putting yourself there.

Though also since Phaethon seems to be the hares usual proxy, I’m imagining you only get called to help when the siblings are too busy.

But that’s not to say they don’t appreciate you! They very much do and spoil you in their own ways.

Like Billy always being the one to cheer you up when upset, Anby being your go to bodyguard if needed, Nicole (trying) to be your sugar gf (though she ends up being the sugar baby most of the time), and Nekomata being a jack of all traits.

Actually speaking of Neko, I feel like it took some time before she was introduced into the poly. Mainly because she was unsure how she truly felt, but you four still accepted her with open arms!

Normally a lot of people confuse you guys as a friend group, which leads to some funny scenarios of someone hitting on one or two of your relationship and being confused when the rest speak at once saying, “They’re taken by us!”

Honestly they’re just a bunch of goofballs.

But they’re your goofballs.

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im just gonna say this, the main Fraggle Rock group is EXACTLY what i picture when i hear “Queer platonic polyamory”

Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic
Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic
Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic
Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic
Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic
Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic
Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic
Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic
Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic
Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic
Im Just Gonna Say This, The Main Fraggle Rock Group Is EXACTLY What I Picture When I Hear Queer Platonic

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2 years ago

I think a polyamorous relationship between Omen, Sova, and Viper or Omen, Sova, And Cypher would be pretty neat. I especially like the one with Viper because it’s clear that the three all care for each other, and I think there could be a lot of drama with it. But hate sex between Sova and Cypher with Omen in the middle? Yes please

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2 years ago

Can't stand how every newly dug up and talked about attraction type, gender, or relationship structure is overly seggsualized.

It's bad enough that there's so few ace/aro and minor friendly queer spaces, that there's more bars and clubs than cafes and hangouts.

But any time an orientation or expression of self is brought back into view, it's always hyper seggsualized.

It just makes everything difficult to talk about when everyone expects that what you're experiencing is all inherently about seggs. Completely looking past and around platonic and emotional relationships and identity, jumping straight to conclusion that it's mostly if not completely about doing the do.

That isn't to say that seggsy content isn't of value and appreciated in it's right time. It's to say that we need more representation of the less hot and steamy side of things. We need a lil more fluff and open spaces.

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6 months ago

Well damn I agree with this statement. This is the reason why I chose to ship Yanqing, Misha and Yunli together since I love my little goobers and they love each other back as well☺😋 Also cause I can't decide which to ship cause I'm a multishipper after all🥰

Always remember when you can't choose who to ship someone with, just make it polyamourous

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8 months ago

I know we're all crazy about Val and Andy being together, but hear me out! Hear me out!

What if... Andy x Gwen x Casper?

I Know We're All Crazy About Val And Andy Being Together, But Hear Me Out! Hear Me Out!

I mean, we've all seen the Last Place Hero videoclip, right? And this way, Gwen could get both the handsome one and the one that fucks well (decide which is which) while the boys get their enemies-to-lovers happy ending.

I think this is a win-win.🤷‍♀️

I Know We're All Crazy About Val And Andy Being Together, But Hear Me Out! Hear Me Out!

Also, I need my poly-representation.

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3 years ago

I posted? Well that was unexpected!

I drew the three of them cuz I didn't wanted to leave Hank out, he deserves the same amount of love they get, I love them 💕

I Posted? Well That Was Unexpected!

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