bambuwu-writes - ~bambuwu~

A3! writing blog! she/her/her's call me bambu~

215 posts

One Season At A Time (SakuTaiTen)

One season at a time (SakuTaiTen)


Sakuya wouldn’t call himself adventurous, though he always did his best to try everything. One wouldn’t know otherwise, or he had always thought.

“Um, Taichi-kun, I don’t think-” His legs tremble like those of a newborn fawn, trying to maintain the form on top of the skateboard. “Whoa!” He tries to figure out some resemblance of stability going slowly back and forth a couple more times before gravity tries again to roll him back to the pavement.

“Hold on, Sakkun!”

Taichi’s hands catch his elbows and hold him steady from behind. “You gotta tuck your elbows and head in.” he instructs. “Also, if you feel the speed is too wobbly, keep your upper body over the board and position slightly forward.” 

“L-like this?”

“Yeah! Man, you look so cool!”

The spring member blushes, because if anything, Taichi is the one who does cool things in his opinion. "How did you get so good at this?" he asks curiously after a while.

He has always watched him skate at the dorm. Nothing too fancy, since Sakyo would have probably said something otherwise, but in Sakuya’s mind he was truly incredible. The backwards skating, the spins and jumps blew his mind everytime.

“Nah, I’m barely okay.” Taichi laughs embarrassed at the sudden compliment and scratches the back of his head. “You should see Ban-chan. He’s the real deal whenever he tags along!”

Sakuya hums, because it’s probably right since Banri is extremely athletic. However, part of him thinks that no matter how good he is, Banri’s eyes won’t really stare at the TV with sparkles in his eyes as he sees a person performing a cool trick like Taichi’s do.

He really likes it when that happens, because he likes Taichi’s eyes. Yeah, he would love to enjoy their warthm all the time.

“Whoah!” landing back to reality, Sakuya stumbles again, needing to support himself on the autumn member. He notices Taichi’s strong hold on him, and his heart skips a beat at the closeness. “I- sorry I got a little distracted. I-It won’t happen again!”

“It’s fine!” his voice doesn’t show any discomfort whatsoever. “You are doing amazing for your first time. Wanna take a break?”

Sakuya knows he’s probably just saying that so that he doesn’t get discourage, but there’s something about the energetic actor praising tone that makes him nod bashfully.

They leave the main part of the skate park and seat on one of the benches. As they do, Taichi looks around, soon finding the object of his search. “Sakkun! I’m gonna get us something to drink, kay? You stay seated and rest, I’ll be back in a second!”

“Ah, but it’s not necessary-” before he has time, the autumn member is already on his way to the vending machine. Without being able to argue, he sits back, using the time to take off the safety wear and helmet. While the place was a skatepark, many families and children walked by, allowing Sakuya to enjoy the distant voices and laughs.

He always hears Sakyo and Yuki sighing at the autumn member extreme energy, childness and clumsiness, but to Sakuya, Taichi felt like a breath of fresh air. His eagerness and genuine appreciation something he has gotten used to in his daily life, allowing him to forget years of side comments and fake, overly polite smiles. He looks down at the helmet, and caresses affectionately.

The silence crumbles as soon as he hears a familiar voice echoing in the distance. Taichi runs from the other side of the park towards him, carrying two sodas on his right arm while he waves at him.

And while this makes people turn and many would have felt embarrassed at the scene, Sakuya waves back and smiles. And of course, the action make a grin appear on the autumn member, who lights up everything around and Sakuya’s own heart runs a whole marathon in the few moments it takes the blue-eyed actor to arrive.

People say he’s never selfish, but he if he had the opportunity, he would wish for Taichi to always look at him the way he did just now.

“Here!” the red-head gives him the drink before slumping on the bench. Suddenly, his hand reaches Sakuya’s head, patting his hair. It makes his brain go fuzzy -shivering under his soft touch.


“Ah, sorry! You had some cherry blossoms on your head from the trees.” He laughs, lowering his hand. Sakuya wished he didn’t -proving to himself that he is indeed quite selfish-. “You know, spring vibes totally suit you!”

Sakuya feels his cheeks burning at the compliment. Should he be proud, as the spring leader?

“Man, this was so much fun than skating alone! Let’s come again soon, what do you say?”

At the bright sight the blue-eyed teen shows, Sakuya’s chest thumps once again quicker than usual, though it always happens when Taichi is around.

Sakuya enjoys the feeling.

“I’d love to!”


“You’re gonna get a sunburn like that, you know.”

Sakuya barely has time to lift his head when a cap clouds his field of vision. He blinks under it, and chuckles as he takes it off. “Sorry Tenma-kun. Thanks!” he secures it on his head.

The summer troupe leader sighs and sits next to him on the courtyard, leaving a plastic bag between them both. “Omi-san brought ice cream for everyone. You like strawberry, right? Got you some before the others finished everything inside.”

Seguir leyendo

“I do!” Sakuya confirms with a tone that matches the surprise and joy in his face. How’d you know? it sounds like, and Tenma chest rises slightly proud. “Thank you, Tenma-kun!”

Of course, the look he gets in return is a reward in and of itself. It lights up Sakuya’s eyes with a certain kind of softness that he wished was only for him. He opens his mouth and closes it right after, not really knowing what to say Of course I know what you like. He then clears his throat. “So, what are you reading?”

“Ah! I found this book at the library when Muku and I went this morning.” Sakuya leaves the book on the young actor’s hands while he himself picks up the ice cream from the bag. “If you want I could lend it to you after I finish!”

Tenma reads the title and opens it, moving the pages and reading some lines here and there as Sakuya seems to enjoy the cold snack.

“Is this the novel for that play you went to see?”

“Yeah! I enjoyed it a lot so when I saw it I couldn’t help myself. Ah, this part is really good! It reminds me of…”

Sakuys gets closer, and of course their shoulders end up bumping against each other. And once again, Tenma is reminded that just like Sakuya’s warm smiles -ones he has come to know well- his warmth tends to spread throughout the width of his body too.

Persistent, lingering on his skin like the sun on a hot summer's day. It simmers, burns, leaving prickles in its wake. Yeah. Sakuya’s touch is sometimes too much for his heart, and he can already feel his ears heating up. He coughs and moves away.

“Anyway, couldn’t you read this inside? I can’t believe you can stand the heat.”

“Now that you mention it has gotten hotter…” The red-head looks up, then back to him. “You don’t like summer, Tenma-kun?”

“Hmh? It’s not like I hate it, I just…”

Tenma knows people tend to enjoy summer. It meant going to the beach, no need for school and going out with friends until late. However it hadn’t been until now that he actually got to take part in those activities, and having no beach near, a series in the making and no air conditioner whatsoever due made the decision. He shakes his head and shrugs. “It’s just obviously sticky and hot all the time.”

Crickets sound in the distance. The red head hums, taking in consideration the arguments. Half the ice cream was already gone. “I guess. But I do love summer!”

Sakuya always saw the brighter side of things. And while part of him had expected it, Tenma lets out a snort anyway and offers the book back to its owner. “Of course you would say that.”

The spring member blinks. He leaves aside the stick of popsicle and leans back on the bench, caressing his book in thought, as if by doing so he could concentrate better. He then looks up at the clear sky again, and the corner of his mouth lifts up.

Tenma could have kept staring at him for another hour if he hadn’t spoken.

“It also reminds me of you, Tenma-kun.”

Always pure and earnest. Tenma will probably never know what to say to those things.

“How the hell do you not feel embarrassed after saying something like that”

Sakuya lets out a soft laugh that set a thousands butterflies in the summer members’ stomach. “Well, I thought it just now.” he scratches his cheek. Light blush decorate them. “It’s always shiny and vibrant and you know, it’s supposed to be the season of endless possibilities.”

It was too much for him. “I…”

“Tenma! Your manager has arrived!”

He jumps at the sudden yell from Izumi coming from inside. Right, he was supposed to be preparing for that photoshoot.

“I, uh… I gotta go.” The summer member stands up and falters before speaking. “Can you pass it to me when you’re done?”

Sakuya looks down at the book, and lifts his eyes excited. “Of course! I’d love to talk about it with someone!”  

I love Summer

It reminds me of you.

When they both links eyes once more, Sakuya touches the cap and secures it in his head smiling before waving at him as he leaves. Tenma waves back, aware of just how much hopelessly love-struck he probably looked.

Maybe summer wasn’t so bad.



Taichi laughs at the clumsy attempt of Tenma trying the warm snack. “It’s a steamed meat bun, Ten-chan. It’s supposed to be hot!”

“How am I supposed to taste anything if my mouth is burning?!”

“Aha!” he points at him loudly. “That’s when you gotta use the technique!”

Tenma frowns, clearly not convinced. Taichi is aware being with Yuki and Kazunari for so long only leads now to suspicion when trying things, so he’s far from offended. In the end, the summer leader gives in. “…What technique.”

“Oh man, you are gonna love it!” Taichi lifts his chest proudly, making Tenma roll his eyes. It’s not everyday he got to teach the young movie star something after all. “Okay, pay attention!”

Under the still suspicious, yet slightly focused look of the spring member, Taichi bites the meat bum and process to munch on it with its mouth open, making different chewing noises, allowing the cold from outside to enter his mouth over his loud and heavy breathing.

“Whaf- whaf wo you fhink!” he manages to ask. Tenma’s frown -which had lowered the more time he watched- lowers even more, making a disgusted face.

“That is absolutely gross.”

“Oh come on!” Taichi complains as he shallows the last bits. “Do it at least once! It won’t taste as good if it’s cold!”

“I’m not going to do that.”

“Come on, Ten-chan! You gotta experience this!”

Taichi knows it’s not the most elegant way to eat, but it’s the way he remembers from when he was young. And if there’s something Taichi would love more than anything, is for Tenma to experience things he clearly couldn’t before.

“Just one bite! You’ll see it’s worth it!”

Tenma sighs, and Taichi inwardly knows he has won. Tenma never likes to disappoint others after all. Is one of the things he found more endearing about him. “Ugh, okay! Just- make sure no one is looking.”

Taichi nods rapidly. “You got this!”

Tenma watches embarrassed the snack and looks around to make sure there are indeed no people to watch before biting a portion of the meat bum. “Oof!!“

“Now! Chew!”

The summer leader chews with his mouth open, pain visible in his eyes as white clouds of steam come out of his mouth. “You are doing it!” No sooner the red-head finishes the sentence, a few coughs come out of the actor, making part of the steamed bum leave his mouth. Gross indeed.

“Oh, no!” Taichi pats his back as the coughs get louder. Panicking, he reaches for the strawberry milk he had bought for Juza and offers him. Tenma however shakes his head and bends down, resting his hands on his knees. Taichi pales. Maybe this hasn’t been his best idea.

“D-don’t die Ten-chan! I’m sorry!”

After a few more seconds, the cough subdues. Tenma is red from the effort yet. He offers him again the drink and this time he drinks some of it.

“Sorry Ten-chan.”

“It’s… fine.” He sighs, putting back the cap on the drink. “I won’t be eating a steamed meat bum soon though… What are you doing now?”

“Mhm?” Seeing Tenma look at his feet, he lifts one of them to show him. “Sorry. I was stepping on the fallen leaves to hear the crunch unconsciously.”


“You have never done that before? Look for a crunchy leaf and step on it?”

“No. But I think I’ve had my share of trying things.”

”This is different! Look! Um… that one looks crunchy!”

“How can a leaf look crunchy?”

“Just do it, you are gonna love it!”

With anticipation, Taichi watches Tenma slowly places his foot on top of the first time. The action itself is quick, and the sound pale, yet a tiny smile reaching the summer member’s features when he does, and Taichi beams at the sight.

Because the earthy -and often a bit wet- smell of dry leaves feels cozy and comfortable, but nothing feels to him warmer than seeing Tenma smile because of something he offered.

“Autumn is a bit boring, but I guess things like Halloween and crunchy leaves can make up for it!”

At his words, Tenma stops looking down and frowns. “Boring?”

“Uh? Well-”

“Autumn helps people get used to change from summer to winter. It calms the weather and brings new things and while not everyone might like it, it’s…” he falters. “…anyway, autumn is important. Not boring.”

After the sudden answer, both resume their walk in silence, until Taichi hears the summer actor’s voice again. It doesn’t feel like it’s directed to him, yet he manages to catch it. “Autumn and you feel kinda similar, somehow.”

Taichi knows he has many flaws. He is messy, only plays half okay the yo-yo and skate, and has a hard time getting to know the timing of scenes when acting.  But Tenma has made him understand that none of these things were fully flaws. Not a single one. Because they were what made him him. And he has a million other things for what he was known and loved for, that he hadn’t been aware until now.

Taichi thanked him for that. So much his heart hurt.

“Do you really mean that?” His heart is about to burst out of his chest when he notices Tenma trying to hide the blush in his cheeks

“I- I haven’t said anything!”


Tenma has come to know from long afternoons, from nights like this spent too long chatting under the courtyard tree, sitting in the very same bench, that the two red-head in front of him were one of the most important people that have crossed in his life.

Taichi has claimed so too on more than one occasion – quite loudly, in fact. Sakuya agrees of course. Bright, unwavering. Their warmth is all-encompassing, from their smiles, voices, eyes and actions.

“Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas.”

“Hehe, merry Christmas you two!”

“So, should we start the exchange?”

“Sure! Want to start, Taichi-kun?”

“Oh man, this is big! Is this really your gift for me?”

Sakuya nods, and Tenma rises his eyebrows at the question. Taichi laughs, and can barely contain his excitement as he opens the present. Immediately, his blue eyes lift to look the the two practically beaming.

He quickly swifts, catching Sakuya and Tenma off guard. His hands cup their faces and lightly pecks their lips lightly against his.

“I love it!”

And as always, they blush.

Because they also love Taichi,

They love how vivid he explains his dreams every morning.

They love how because no matter how others see them, Taichi makes them feel special.

“Here Sakuya.”

“T-thanks, Tenma-kun!”

He opens his gift. And the next second he is so full of love, that he needs to take more air than usual. His eyes water, making Tenma and Taichi worry. Soon they pull him in, one at a time, and their lips meet yet again. Gentle and oddly vulnerable.

Because they love Sakuya.

They love how he looks so adorable when he sleeps.

They love how he inspires them and make them feel so much passion each day.

“Your turn, Ten-chan!”

“We really hope you enjoy it.”

“Okay, okay… dam it, why does this have so much tape?”

“My bad!”

Once he opens it though, Tenma feels as if his ribcage can’t hold his heart, and when he looks back into their eyes, he sees admiration involved in pure and utter love. The view of both waiting for his reaction is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. “I… thanks.”

Taichi and Sakuya look at each other, and giggle at the reaction while Tenma takes a few steps towards them. It’s all he needs to be close enough to pull them against him, wrapping his arms in a warm hug. He kisses them, of course. As if they were so fragile that they could break at the faintest touch.

Because they love Tenma.

They love how he calls them every day when he leaves to film for a few days.

They love how he stays true to himself against the adversity.

But above it all, they all feel just how much they are loved in return. Sakuya’s eyes soften, Taichi laughs and Tenma smiles intertwining their hands. Their hearts feel warm, fizzy. and content.

“It’s starting to get cold. Should we go lay in the living room for a while?”

“If you two want.”

“I do! Let’s grab some cocoa and some blankets too!”

The three walk inside, leaning onto each other, breathing one another scents.

They smell good. Familiar. Like home.

Most happy things do.


Little birthday present for amazing @skateboarding-poet!! 💕💕

Sorry this took so much longer than expected Viv. I still hope you enjoy it as well as anyone who reads it! This was so cute to write.

Now onto my daily sappiness: Thank you so much for being my friend, for being such a delight to talk to, but most of all for being you. You are amazing and never ever forget it 💕

Have a wonderful day. Muah!

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More Posts from Bambuwu-writes

2 years ago

sometimes the writing process is searching up slang for half used cigarettes and random uk websites about healing broken noses. sometimes it is also looking at a sentence and going ‘why the fuck are there 4 commas here what am i trying to say?’ sometimes it is also ‘why is omi here?? this wasnt about you sir! please stop being full of love and inserting yourself to help!! i am trying!! to be saaad!!’ and it is also go drink some water pleassee :) <3

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2 years ago

 another thought, it’d be so fantastic if omi was a giggler. like because of his gang days he’s mastered the practice of the allegedly masculine “haha” or maybe even the charming deep rumbly “heh” at a half-decent joke but the company soon finds out that his real laugh is this high-pitched wheezing “hihiHIHI” before he smacks a hand over his mouth and tries to force it back down, usually crouching on the floor while hiding his face as his shoulders shake with poorly repressed giggles. FURTHER, the ONE fucking TERRIBLE bit that has him breakdown without fail every single time is GOD AWFUL accents so you have taichi sauntering in wearing a safari hat and yelling GDAY MATES, NAUR CLOUDS IN THE SKY, CHEERS and kazunari cartwheeling onto the wagon with a DOWNRIGHT CRUMMY SORTA WEEK INNIT MILORD and the third person in the room is sakuya who traitorously pantomimes ashing a cigarette and bemoaning Zis whezar, I find it very, how do you say, déplaisant, and omi’s curled in the corner with his palms clamped firmly over his face two inches from death’s door

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2 years ago

Whenever tenma gets super stressed or upset about something he really needs to do something with his hands. He had a bad habit of pulling on seams and loose threads from his costumes so Yuki went looking for something to get his hands off his clothes and landed on woven lanyards! Yuki only taught him the 90 degree box stitch and Tenma ended up going online to learn a ton of other patterns too! So, pretty much every time they have shows coming up or Ten-ten has filming to do he ends up making fistfulls of lanyards and other little handicrafts! Yes, he made friendship bracelets for the entire summer troupe. Yes, he was very, very proud of how nicely they came out. Yes they made it into an entire ceremony when Kumon joined, and yes, Tenma officially dubbed him, ‘part of the squad’. He kept them in a shoebox in his room until he somehow filled it up. Lanyards were kinda ending up all over the floor and Yuki was filling up the natsugumi Swear Jar real quick from stepping on hard plastic so Tenma ceremoniously took his box into the common room, lined everyone up, and distributed lanyards to the entire company. 

So that's why Tetsuro has a baby pink lanyard for his house keys.

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2 years ago
Since I Full Bloomed Both Tenma And Tsuzuru (I Got 4 Tsuzu Lol), Im Doing An Art Raffle! Winner Will

Since I full bloomed both Tenma and Tsuzuru (I got 4 tsuzu lol), I’m doing an art raffle! Winner will get bust-up digital art

All you need to do is :

- Follow me

- Reblog this post (hell, put random thing on the tag, I love reading those!)

That’s all! You don’t even need to be in a3! fandom to join!

Deadline is 10 April 2022 (GMT+7)!

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