bangtanfairy - Bangtan Fairy
Bangtan Fairy


579 posts

Its An Affectionate Thing | J.jk

It’s An Affectionate Thing | j.jk

 Its An Affectionate Thing | J.jk
 Its An Affectionate Thing | J.jk

-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader (f)

-> genre. fluff, f2l (friends-to-lovers), pining, unrequited love, eventual romance

-> w/c. 2183

-> rating. 13+

-> a/n. this one was an excuse to write biting because 🤭

-> warnings. N/A

-> collection. mini-series

-> started. Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 18:21

-> fin. Jun. 30th, 2022 @ 22:23

-> edited. Jul. 5th, 2022 @ 00:46

-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn

 Its An Affectionate Thing | J.jk
 Its An Affectionate Thing | J.jk

Jungkook is… weird, to say the least.

He just randomly came up to you in class one day, sat his ass down on the edge of your desk, and started talking to you like it was a normal, everyday routine. Which it was not.

As you got to know him, he only got weirder.

If not for his clinginess (which was admittedly strange considering you’d never met a guy so touchy with a girl who wasn’t his girlfriend), you’d say his strange habit of rubbing his head against you was probably one of his weirder characteristics.

And it wasn’t even in a creepy If-you-don’t-get-away-from-me-immediately-I’m-going-to-call-the-cops kinda way, but more so a confused, what-the-fuck-are-you-doing kinda way. He’d hug you and not so subtly rub his cheek against yours, or he’d hold your hand and make up some dumb excuse to nose your wrist (he kept insisting that you were wearing perfume when he knew you didn’t).

One time—while hugging you—he pressed his face into your neck and just… inhaled. He hasn’t done it again after you unceremoniously shoved his face away with a warning not to do it again unless he wanted to keep both his eyes, but it was beyond weird and (dare I say) creepy (at the time)

He also quite literally growled at one of your classmates when he was being a misogynistic, sexist piece of shit and wouldn’t leave you alone. And sometimes, when he’s being a brat and moaning about how you pull away too quickly after giving him a hug, he whines. Like, back of his throat, puppy-begging-for-food kind of whine.

This in of itself would be somewhat bearable, if not for his friends. They were equally as weird, if not weirder.

There were eleven of them total, seven guys and four girls—all living in the same house near the edge of town. And despite already having such a large group, they were completely unwelcoming of outsiders, too tight-knit to allow others into their ranks. People had suspected that they were in a polyamorous relationship, or that it was some weird sex cult. They hadn’t ever specifically said that they were dating amongst themselves, and being the secretive group they were, they didn’t bother acknowledging nor denying any of the crazy school rumors.

You didn’t wanna bring the rumors up with Jungkook and make him uncomfortable, so instead you chose to ignore them and pretend they weren’t there. Jungkook tried to introduce you once, but you’d seen the way they looked at you—how they glared when you walked into the cafeteria with Jungkook glued to your hip. You’d come to the nifty conclusion that they did not like you, and as much as you wanted to make Jungkook happy by letting him introduce you to his inner circle, you didn’t wanna crush his little heart by being immediately rejected.

Coming up with excuses to avoid them was hard, but if they were anything like their youngest, it was probably for the best if you kept your distance, anyway.

How you wished you’d been able to stay away for longer.

“Jungkook, I really don’t wanna go to your house.”

“But we have to go somewhere, and you already told me that your parents don’t like me.” He whines, his big bambi eyes and pouty lips making you internally groan.

“That’s because they think you’re too clingy.” You state matter of factly, deadpanning your gaze to his arm, tightly wrapped around yours.

Grinning sheepishly, he tugs you in the direction of his housemates. “C’mon, it’ll be fun!” They walk a few meters ahead of you, shoving and pushing each other while talking, rowdy laughter echoing behind them. Your heart aches for a moment, watching them enviously. They look close…

“Are we gonna be able to get anything done? There’s like. Twelve of you in one house, thirteen plus myself.” You watch them retreat further and further ahead of you, your and Jungkook’s feet dragging as you fall behind. “They don’t exactly seem like the quiet type…”

Jungkook frowns at the (hopefully) unintentional dig, clearing his throat and hesitantly intertwining your hands. When you don’t pull away, he continues. “Just give them a chance. I know the rumors are weird, but they couldn’t be farther from the truth. I promise you you’ll like them once you get to know them,” he pleads, giving you his best puppy eyes. “Please?”

You sigh, nodding concededly and reluctantly letting him pull you along. “Okay. Can we at least do the assignment somewhere private? I don’t really think your friends—”


The correction throws you off guard, and you stare at him. Your voice betrays you, eyes soft. “Right, your family. I don’t… I don’t think they like me very much.”

He tsks. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. But,” he turns to you and boops your nose playfully. “If it really makes you feel better, we can do the project in my room.”

His room? Why his room? Why not outside, or in the kitchen, or anywhere else but his room?

You squint your eyes at him suspiciously. “What are you planning, Jungkook?”

He grins mischievously, batting his eyelashes in an effort to make himself look more innocent than you know he is. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

You scoff. “Pervert.”

Jungkook giggles in response, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and leaning into you while not so subtly sniffing your hair.


Jungkook drags you upstairs to his room before any of his housemates can snatch you away from him, not bothering to listen to their rowdy complaints. He knows that they’ll overwhelm you the second they get their claws on you, and he’d preferably not scare you away just when you’re getting more comfortable around him.

He practically throws you onto his bed, followed directly by his overexcited body knocking the breath out of you. Jungkook huffs weirdly before pressing his forehead against your shoulder, hands laying curled up into your sides. Groaning, your hands shoot out to his shoulders, trying to push him off. “Can’t— can’t breathe—“

“Sorry,” he sheepishly grins, pushing himself up by his hands to look down at you with his hair flopping over his head. You catch your breath, feeling the immense relief at not having his full weight on top of you, too preoccupied to notice the compromising position you’re in—him hovering over you with his knees slotted on either side of your waist. Jungkook looks concerned when he asks, “Can you breathe yet?”

“Yeah… yeah, I can breathe. Can you uh,” your cheeks burn and you avoid meeting his eyes, your hands sliding from his shoulders. “Can you get off, please?”

“Oh, I— sorry, I’m sorry.” He gets off of you faster than you expected him to, sitting cross legged on the opposite side of the bed to give you some space. You copy him, staring at one another awkwardly. It’s your first time being in his house, let alone his room, and your heart stutters when you realize he closed the door behind you on your way in. Just great. You look at him, biting the inside of your lip. Jungkook has proven to be a very sweet boy, but he is still a boy—and you are a girl. Alone. In his bedroom.

You don’t want him getting the wrong idea.

“Listen, Kook…” He perks up, listening to you attentively. Taking an encouraging breath, you continue. “I hope you didn’t choose your room for ulterior motives, because I came here for school. I’m not going to have sex with you—“

Jungkook’s whole face turns red, frantically shaking his hands in front of you. “No no no! No, I’d never—I don’t, I don’t see you that way, I promise!” He rambles, scooting away from you in an effort to convince you that that’s not why he chose this location. Grinning stupidly, you reach over and pat his knee.

“Okay, okay, I believe you. Relax.” He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest and sulking. He just wanted to make you feel more comfortable… he didn’t think you’d take it the wrong way. Rolling your eyes at the cute pout on his lips, you ruffle his hair playfully. “Let’s get started, hm?”

You turn your back to him so that you can reach into your bag and grab your things, rifling through the books inside to look for your laptop. What you don’t notice is the weight of Jungkook’s eyes on your back—watching you and admiring the annoyed pout on your lips with a soft smile.

“Found it! So,” you cross your legs and situate the keyboard in your lap. “What do you wanna start with first? I was thinking we could start with, uhm…” Your voice dies in the back of your throat when you catch sight of Jungkook’s dazed, strangely affectionate half-smile. You clear your throat, cheeks heating up because why the fuck is he looking at you like you’ve hung the stars?

“Uhm… Jungkook?”

“Right, sorry,” he shakes his head as if to bring himself back to reality. “Why don’t we start with research first?” He’s hesitant, and you feel bad. He must think you’re going to say no.

“Sounds good. My screen is pretty small, though.” You bite your lip, thinking about how you could share the screen in a way that he wouldn’t hurt his neck.

“Uhm. I—I have… can you scoot a bit closer to the headboard?”

You look at him questioningly but give in to his hopeful puppy eyes. Sighing, you scoot back until he places a gentle hand on your knee to halt your movements. You try and look at his face but he looks down so that it’s hidden by his hair. “Jungkook?” You whisper, hesitant to increase your volume.

Jungkook either doesn’t hear you or he ignores you, clambering toward you distractedly and shifting in behind you. You suck in a breath, the hair on your arms raising. He slots his legs on either side of you, pulling you to his chest by your waist and hesitantly resting his chin on your shoulder. The closeness freezes you to the spot, and you swear you can feel him eyeing the side of your face for a reaction.

You exhale through your teeth and will yourself to relax in his arms despite your racing heart. Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook smiles, locking his hands around your waist and inhaling your scent as subtly as possible. You ignore him and clear your throat. “Shall we start with origin?” You whisper, unable to raise your voice due to the suffocating closeness, cheeks red and heart beating ten times too quickly.

Jungkook hums next to your ear. If he notices your racing heartbeat, he doesn’t comment on it.

Y/N yawns tiredly, apologizing in a half-asleep voice.

“Just take a break,” Jungkook pleads, trying to move her arms out of the way and biting back a growl of frustration when she swats his hands away from the screen.

“I’m fine.”

“You can barely keep your eyes open!” He reasons, pulling away to look at the back of her head. Stupid, stubborn girl. “Come on, Y/N. We’ve been working on this for hours. Let’s just take a quick break. Please?”

“We’re so close to finishing…” She sounds dejected, another yawn leaving her lips. Jungkook frowns at her, trying to figure out how to get her to put away her stupid computer and just take a nap, for gods sake. Knowing that this is the only course of action that’ll direct her attention to something other than this stupid class assignment, he determinedly leans forward.

You yelp in surprise, turning to Jungkook with wide eyes. Did he just—

“Did you just fucking bite me?” Your voice is filled with newfound life and energy, jaw hanging as you look down at your shoulder. Looking at him, you find no remorse in those chocolate brown eyes… only a smug, satisfied expression.

“Yes.” He laughs at the horror on your face, shaking his head as if he knows something you don’t. “It’s an affectionate thing, I promise.”

“How is you biting me an ‘affectionate thing’?” You hiss, watching as he shakes his head, hair flopping around his face cutely.

“It just is,” he shrugs. You squint suspiciously, setting the laptop down next to you while silently planning his demise.

Jungkook eyes you warily and yells when you punch his arm, rubbing the spot furiously. “What was that for!”

“Would you rather I bite you back?” You snap threateningly, sitting on your knees to look down at him. Jungkook’s eyes widen at the threat, his cheeks and the top of his ears going beet red. You grin to yourself evilly, crawling towards him. Your eyes squint in a silent threat, prowling like a bloodthirsty animal. “Just wait until I sink my teeth into you… c’mere!”

Jungkook yelps, jumping up from the bed and running away from you while incoherently yelling that no, only he’s allowed to bite you.


“I— I can’t tell you!”

“Guess I’m gonna bite you, then—“

“—Y/N NO!”

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More Posts from Bangtanfairy

6 months ago

Something in the Way Pt. 1 (m)

CEO!Namjoon wolf AU

Description: When your student debts stack up too high, you decide to apply for a position to take care of Kim Namjoon’s heat for three days…

Part 2

Word Count: 6,866

“Miss ___? Is there a Miss ___ here?”

You immediately spring to your feet at the sound of your name and offer the secretary a short bow, “Yes, that’s me.”

In the waiting room, all the other girls giggle and exchange little snide whispers. Your face flushes from the way they eye you, eyebrows raised at your shabby appearance. The button-down you borrowed from your roommate clearly does not impress these modelesque girls in their skin-tight designer sheaths and sky-rocketing Jimmy Choos. You awkwardly squirm your toes in your worn down loafers, head ducked from embarrassment as you wish you’d thought to at least borrow a pair of heels as well. But now it’s too late.

The secretary barely manages to suppress a sneer as she eyes you up and down with condescension. But her professionalism barely manages to hold together as she clears her throat and forces a smile, “Mr. Kim’s office is down this way.”

Trepidation bubbles up your throat as you follow her down the elegant, modern hallway. Every click of the secretary’s stilettos on the gleaming marble seems to match a double beat of the rapid pounding of your beat. Why are you here? There’s no way the CEO will choose you. Every single one of the girls in the lobby could be a Victoria’s Secret model. What were you even thinking?!

Before you can turn to run for your life, the secretary stops you in front of door, “Mr. Kim, your next appointment is here to see you.”

It’s too late to run for your life now. You swallow the lump in your throat and anxiously wipe your palms on your pants.

“Let her in.”

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1 year ago


Clair De Lune (M)


↳ Title | Clair De Lune

↳ Characters / Pairings | Min Yoongi x reader

↳ Genre | Musician!Yoongi, Escort!reader, Smut/Mature content

↳ Word count | 23k words

↳ Summary | You were ready to leave a part of your life to move on to the next, and he is willing to give you a chance to end it glamorously. But at what cost? And will he be a part of the life you are leaving behind or will he be there for the next part of it?

↳ Prompts | ”I need—a muse.” “And you think I can help you with that?” “I have no idea if this could work. But what I do know is that I am going to need you there with me.”

↳ Author’s Note | Written as a part of #inthemoodproject with @bangtansmutcentral. Based on the amazing moodboard created by @meispace​ (Mei) as shown above.

↳ Warning | explicit sex scene, unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving)

↳ Cross-posted | Wattpad | AO3


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8 months ago

— buzz | 3.0—final (m)


pairing— min yoongi x reader genre/warnings— smut, non-penetrative sex toy (the vibrator’s back, bitches), and some fluff chucked in for good measure words— 6,529

summary—  you’ve been dating your best friend-turned-boyfriend for a few months now. What happens when he can’t nap because of a — as he so lovingly put it, raging boner…?

» 1.0 :: 2.0 :: 3.0  ✓  


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11 months ago

Belong (1.5: Rewind) | MYG


Pairing: Yoongi x (f.) Reader

Genre/Tags: exes-to-lovers-to-exes-to-lovers; actress!OC x basketball coach!Yoongi; summer romance; “long” distance relationship; parallel timelines; angst, fluff, smut

Chapter (Series) Warnings: foul/explicit language; alcohol consumption & passing out, family drama, sport injury; dreams & moving away; implied depression; basketball and acting talk; 2014 and 2022 Yoongi; shy and nonchalant cocky whipped Yoongi; kissing; explicit sexual content (specific warnings stated per chapter (18+)

Chapter Word count: 5k

Series Masterlist


Status: Complete

Series summary: Being an actor has always been your dream. Pursuing it meant many things - leaving the town where you grew up, distancing yourself from your family that had fallen apart, and saying goodbye to the man who made you feel what home was like. When you decide to finally return after being away for so long, you meet Min Yoongi again, and you’re reminded of the summer romance from 8 years ago with the college basketball superstar whose broken dream pushed you away. As you find yourself spending time with him, you’re left to wonder if love changes, if it gives second chances, or if it’s just another illusion that will hurt the both of you the second time around.


Listen to: You Found Me First by Jake Etheridge; Alone with you by Canyon City || Playlist 🎶


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10 months ago

best friends..? ❀ new perfume

Best Friends..? New Perfume

→ character pairing : best friend!Jungkook x fem!reader → drabble summary : in which you use a new perfume scent and jungkook is appalled. → word count : 2.2k → warnings : confusing feelings, both of them extremely flustered, jk's lisp mentioned hehe, jungkook is literally so cute in this PLEASE, unedited → genre(s) : fluff, crack → note : hii! i'm sorry i was inactive, i went through a block and couldn't find any motivation. anyways, let me know if u guys think i should do a mini series of scenarios like this :)) also if u want, lmk what you guys think of no capitalization, i tried something new → edit : this was made into a series due to requests!!


Best Friends..? New Perfume

you loved your best friend with all of your heart. you had been friends with him since birth practically, the result of having mothers who were also best friends. they had even started trying for pregnancy around the same time in hope of having children that could also grow up together. it was a miracle for them when they got pregnant within a whole month of each other, and an even bigger one when they found out that their children were opposite genders.

you both always knew what your parents wanted from the two of you. they had grown up always putting you guys together, almost never having a day where you didn't see each other. it was even easier for your parents since you lived in the same apartment building. only a single elevator ride away, and your parents were constantly sending you off together or to go outside and play together.

not that either of you minded. you both grew up to be close just like your parents wanted, but also not in the exact way that your parents wanted. you never developed a romantic relationship with each other. they were even worried at this point, the both of you 20 years old and sharing an apartment together to go to the same college. how could nothing happen between the two of you?

your parents had even been sure to raise the two of you to be affectionate to each other. hugs, cuddling, and kisses on the cheek were normal for the two of you. nobody else saw your relationship as "just friends" because of how close you were. jungkook only ever had one girlfriend in your last year of high school. they'd dated for two months before you met her. the moment jungkook greeted you with a kiss on the cheek was all she needed to flip out.

you didn't blame her, honestly. growing up, you didn't realize how unusual your physical contact was with each other for people who are only friends. it was only in middle school and shipping became a thing for you to realize. nobody did that with their best friends. they always ended up dating.

but you convinced yourself otherwise. you and jungkook hadn't dated each other in all of these years, so these people had to be wrong. even though every guy knew specifically to stay away from "jungkook's girl", and no girl could ever get through to "your man".

after that one incident with jungkook's now ex-girlfriend, the two of you seemed to come to an agreement. neither of you dated anyone, never wanted anyone to come between your friendship. they would only try to come between the two of you, and you never wanted to let each other go. it wasn't your fault after all, nobody else just understood that friends of opposite genders could be this close and not have feelings... right?

Best Friends..? New Perfume

"_____, hurry up! this is like the first free day we've had in weeks, lets go out already!" jungkook complained with a small whine. this was because you were currently in the bathroom, taking your sweet time getting ready for precisely the reason he just said. it was the first time the two of you had a day that wasn't plagued with any classes or homework. you wanted to look nice.

"i won't be much longer!" you called out through the bathroom door, hearing a dramatic groan all the way from the living room. you just chuckled as you looked back into the mirror, focusing back in on your eyeliner. you didn't usually have time to do your makeup like this, so you wanted to be precise about it. once you were finally satisfied with your makeup you leaned back, smiling at yourself.

you almost forgot that you could look this nice. wearing a flowery sundress with your favorite jewelry, even your hair done nicely which was rare for you these days. your makeup had been touched up perfectly with glitter on your eyelids and a lip color that perfectly matched your skin tone. it had been a very long time since you felt this pretty. you felt ready for the picnic now.

even though jungkook's had a rather alternative aesthetic which was compromised of only wearing dark clothes, having multiple piercings and tattoos, the rbf.... he was actually a sucker for cute things. he had actually been the one to come up with the picnic idea, excitedly sharing the idea with you once he had seen it on tiktok. there was no way you could deny the opportunity for food and taking good photos. he had even cooked all the food (save from you baking all of the baked goods) and bought a picnic basket to make it authentic.

you were subconsciously smiling to yourself as you reached for your usual signature perfume. you weren't really paying attention as your sprayed it on yourself... only to realize that nothing was coming out of it. you finally looked down and noticed that the bottle was completely empty. how had you missed that? usually you always noticed when you were getting low. you wouldn't be surprised if it slipped your mind though, exams were coming up and you were distracted.

you decided not to dwell on the empty perfume bottle - you didn't want anything to ruin the day you had planned. so instead you opened up your closet and took out a small sample perfume you had gotten in a gift basket from one of your friends. the scent was a bit different than your usual flowery, light smell. this one was sweeter, smelling more of vanilla and coconut. you didn't mind the scent, it just wasn't your thing.

you could still hear jungkook mumbling to himself about you taking too long, so you decided to just have mercy on him and not take any longer. all you had to do was put on your necklace. it was one jungkook had gotten for you on christmas the previous year. a silver necklace with a butterfly embellished with diamonds. you always told jungkook to never spend that much on you, but he was a happy spender. to be honest you were too, but his reaction was just too priceless when he unwrapped the new ps5 you bought him.

you almost forgot how impossible clipping a necklace was on when you had your nails done. you had your nails natural for so long that after getting acrylics a few days ago, you had forgotten how to operate with long nails again. luckily, you had someone who would definitely be eager to help with how much he wanted to leave.

"kook, come into the bathroom and help me put this necklace on! we can leave afterwards." you almost immediately heard footsteps slamming down the hallway, showing just how much of a rush he was in. he opened the door and you could already recognized the look of slight irritation, though you didn't mind. he would just have to wait, because you weren't going to hurry up.

"thank god, i think the food was molding while i was waiting for you." jungkook commented as he took the necklace from your hands. he was frowning as he said this but the moment you laughed, his expression melted and he was already smiling along with you. his eyes softened at the sight of the necklace he'd bought you. you wore it everyday. he thought it was adorable.

"okay, okay.. just put the damn necklace on before you grow any more gray hairs." you chuckled a little as you watched him move behind you through the mirror. he put the necklace around your neck and hooked it up almost instantly, already having his experience with helping you.

growing up with a girl as a best friend meant that he practically knew everything. how to do your hair, help you with jewelry, he even had the exact brand and size of pads you used memorized in case you ever told him you needed extras.

once he finished hooking the necklace, his eyes met yours through the mirror. his smile became even softer as he finally took the time to look at you. you looked beautiful right now, just how he thought you looked beautiful all the time. no matter how you were dressed or how you looked. he was never afraid to communicate this to you either, because it just felt normal when you two were raised to be so affectionate.

"you look so pretty. this is the new dress you ordered a couple weeks ago?" jungkook asked in a calmer tone, seeming to forget about his earlier hastiness now that he was able to look at you. you felt his hand gently brush your shoulder before it moved down your arm, and finally rested on your hip. touching you always helped him feel calm, no matter the time or place.

"mhm. i was waiting for an opportunity to wear it. i thought i wouldn't have a reason to do so, but luckily your usually stupid tiktok ideas were good." you answered, giggling when you saw the attitude return to his expression momentarily in the form of an eyeroll. jungkook leaned forward to rest his chin on your shoulder, something he had done ever since you were young.

"they aren't stupid, you clearly just don't get the... vision..." jungkook had been speaking sarcastically, but you watched as his nose twitched a bit and his speech faltered.

one thing about jungkook was that he was very keen on smells. he was very sensitive to them, and he only really loved a few scents. one of them was the smell of your perfume. so it was easy for him to realize that you weren't wearing it anymore. before you could ask what was wrong, he was already speaking again.

"you smell weird." jungkook said simply, looking up at you through the mirror with question in his eyes. why would you ever change your perfume scent when it was so heavenly? it was one of jungkook's comfort smells, his favorite aroma (other than the smell of your natural skin). not that he didn't like this scent, it just wasn't you.

you were about to reply with something witty, but you froze as jungkook practically shoved his face into your neck. you could feel him sniffing more deeply now, feeling the tip of his nose brushing against your skin. you immediately felt goosebumps rising on your arms, and it wasn't from the colder temperature of the house due to the AC.

"why did you switch perfumes?" jungkook questioned with a slightly apprehensive tone. he couldn't help it. he had always associated the flowery perfume with you. he felt slightly upset with this new scent. he couldn't just get used to you changing your scent when you had been using your old perfume since you first got gifted it at age 10.

"i uh.. i just ran out of my old perfume." you muttered, slightly rolling your eyes at how stupid you sounded. you couldn't help it when you could feel his lips brushing against your neck every time he spoke. he didn't even seem to notice this either, too busy scrutinizing this smell.

"i'll buy you a new one when we go out. i'll buy as many as you want." jungkook almost immediately replied, already formulating the plan in your head. as soon as you finished the picnic, the two of you were going to take a trip to the store and he would buy you two of the biggest bottles they had just so you never had to put a single other scent on your body. he would deal with this scent for now, but as soon as you got back he was forcing you into the shower.

"okay..." you said quietly, your voice sounding a bit strained as you spoke. jungkook was relieved to hear that, and now that his internal crisis was averted he finally noticed the state you were in.

he was about to ask why you were so stiff, but then he noticed the way you shivered a little when his lips accidentally brushed against your neck. he realized how close he was, how his hold on you had tightened and how your back was pressed into his chest.

he backed away from you as if he had gotten shocked by you, muttering out an apology immediately. he thought you were uncomfortable by what he did, but he had no idea that the real reason for your current state was anything but you being uncomfortable.

you were flustered instead. it flustered you knowing that your best friend had gotten that close to you.. and you enjoyed it. you two were obviously comfortable being physical together, but his touch had never been so intimate.

he was blushing as well, you realized as you looked at him. this time in person rather than through the mirror. he was already staring back at you but the moment you made eye contact, he averted his gaze.

"i'll uh- i'll be waiting in the car with the stuff. come out when you're ready." jungkook forced out the words, almost stumbling over them. you noticed that he was so flustered and embarrassed that his lisp was a lot more prominent. something that would make you smile fondly if it weren't for the unfamiliar warmth in your body.

he rushed out of the bathroom quickly after that, leaving you in the bathroom with nothing but the lingering feeling of his lips on your neck.

you weren't dense enough to ignore the fact that the feeling you had wasn't something you would normally feel for your best friend. but you were too dense to realize that jungkook was sitting in the car, feeling the exact same way.

end. ♥

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