Namjoon Scenarios - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Peppermint Bark | Mafia!Namjoon

Summary line: Candy cane sequel - The damned candy cane is moving and she’s causing a ruckus. On purpose.

(BTW: I had a big fan of the first story, wang-banana, but she’s deactivated now. If anyone who comes across this knows her, please let her know, there’s a sequel!)

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2 years ago

Candy Cane | Mafia!Namjoon

Summary line: Christmas Prompt #19: Character A doesn’t feel the Christmas spirit but Character B, who lives above them, keeps playing Christmas carols really loud.

(edit: Because I have a very clear idea of his home in my head, I decided to create it. The links you see as you read (just 3) will give you the perspective. Click it if you want, but if you choose to see his home with your own imagination, just don’t click on the link. The people you see in the room are supposed to be y/n and Namjoon, but it’s just a stand in so you know where the person is looking at.)

Namjoon sighs as he finally returns home after countless nights in the administration office. He’s pretty sure that a bit of cocaine powder is still on the underside of his black leather shoes and dried blood underneath his fingertips. He’s dead tired, but he’s still a clean man, so God forbid he walks into his home with cocaine powder.

He wipes his shoes down on his white welcome mat that contrasts against the black tiles of his entryway. It’s not really used to welcome people as much as it’s to disguise cocaine powder. The white mat is perfect disguise to hide the powder. But he’ll still have to wash it tomorrow.

He walks over to his fridge to check for any food. He has expired raw meat and old vegetables. He can still eat the vegetables, but he never had, and never will have, a meal without meat. He’ll go to the store and cook tomorrow on his day off; he’s too damn tired to cook now and there are no microwavables. Food delivery should be good enough tonight.

He loosens his tie and gets ready for a bath. He strips away all his clothing and relaxes himself into the tub. He looks at his own finger nails and starts to dig out the dried blood of his enemies as he meditates on his actions today in silence.

You know, maybe the screwdriver was a bit much. A bullet next time? Nah. The guy deserved it. A bullet is too fast, too simple. In light of Christmas, I should give it a little more oomph. Namjoon chuckles at himself at his twisted way to “celebrate” Christmas. There’s no Christmas. Never was, never will.

In these days, people come home to Christmas lights, trees, presents, and milk and cookies.

He’s a minimalist who doesn’t celebrate Christmas. Other than the lights already installed into his walls, there’s no other lighting in his home, if he can even truly call this a home.

Christmas trees are dirty and difficult to manage.

And that decorating crap? Forget that.

He doesn’t need gifts. He just takes what he wants. Those aren’t gifts; although, his victims offer to him what he wants on a silver platter because they don’t want to die. So, does that count?

He doesn’t give gifts to anyone. The closest people in his life are his boys, and his gift to them every night is not shooting them. He’s been more than merciful, benevolent, and generous by that alone; he doesn’t need Christmas to prove that.

He doesn’t believe in God or Jesus, so what’s the point for him to celebrate Christmas. He’s not the feeling type to spend “quality time” with anyone so why celebrate with or for anyone? There’s nothing to celebrate. It’s just another day.

All these list off in his head as reason why he shouldn’t celebrate Christmas, as if reminding himself he doesn’t want to.

But irony decides to greet him tonight, accompanied with obnoxious persistence.

By his fourth finger he cleans, music begins to play. But not in his home. And even if he were to play music, it’s definitely not this damn noise.

Christmas music? Christmas carols? You’ve got to be fucking kidding. He rolls his eyes as he looks above to the ceiling.

And in the bathroom too? I hope you slip and fall when you try to dance in your shower.

The phone rings and he calls out to his technologically-advanced home to answer the call. He tries to yell over the music, “Turn that fucking noise down!”

“Boss?” He hears Hoseok clear his throat.

“What?” He growls, glaring at the ceiling when the music does not desist.

“I’m coming by to hand you the package. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” Namjoon looks at himself soaking in the tub.

“You make that an hour.” He commands.

“Okay? I’ll be there in an hour.” Hoseok is about to hang up, “Oh, and doesn’t your neighbor know your rules?”

“Apparently he forgot.” He rolls his eyes. He thinks the music just got louder as it changed from one song to the next.

“God damn it. I can’t take this anymore. I’m going to remind him.”

“Killing him isn’t reminding him. That’s just ending the poor bastard’s life. Come on, in the spirit of Christmas, let him live.” Hoseok laughs. Namjoon rolls his eyes. If any of his boys could be close to holiday person, it would be Hoseok.

“Poor bastard? He should have seen this coming. I’m the poor bastard who has to deal with shit people who don’t listen. Christmas, or any holiday for that matter, is never a reason for leniency.” Namjoon hangs up with a growl. He clenches his teeth when he looks at his tub that’s filled to the brim. Damn water is wasted on this idiot.

He gets up and drains the water. He dries himself out and quickly puts on some clothing. He stomps around his house to his drawer and roughly pulls it out. There’s a mass of choice weapons. Bronze knuckles, guns of all types, knives, daggers. Namjoon looks at all of them and then at his hands.

He’s angry enough. He can probably finish the “discussion” with his bare hands.

Every step is heavy as he makes his way one floor above him. He memorized the residence number above his place. And if that isn’t enough, the music is louder up here.

He clenches his teeth and groans. When the man opens that door, the music is going to amplify by ten-fold. He pounds on the door and steps back, wishing that the space would become a sound barrier, but he knows it won’t.

When the door opens, it’s not the scrawny man he’s expecting, it’s you. And you is dressed in a short silky red robe and he can see a bit of a silky white night slip underneath. Your hair is slightly tussled, half-dried, and pushed to one side to reveal your neck. Why, the closest he’ll get to Christmas spirit is to compare you to a candy cane. What a delicious candy cane. But also here at the wrong place and wrong time.

“Where’s Yeonseok?” He asks you with gritted teeth. You’re not the one he’s looking for, but damn, he wished he was.

“Sorry? Um, I’m new. Are you looking for the previous owner?” You ask politely. You’re a new resident? And he wasn’t notified by the property manager or you? He thought he had an understanding with the property manager. Anyone who moves above, below, left, right, front or back of his home, he is to be notified so he can make discuss his rules with them. Looks like he’s going to have many tedious conversations tonight.

“I live below you. Didn’t the property manager tell you that if you move in within my area, you need to answer to me first?” He asks. You sense something tense about him, but you don’t recognize it as intimidation. Just a grumpy man who has a really rigid structure.

“Yes, I am aware. But I’ve been here for three weeks now, and I try to come down every hour I’m home. I haven’t been able to catch you. I am aware that you have strict rules, and I’m willing to discuss them with you. It’s just always been bad timing.” You explain yourself. With a rigid structure, you’re pretty sure he’s not an excuse kind of guy. But you also hope he’s reasonable enough to recognize the difference between excuses and reason.

He sighs and steps in. He leans in close to you, “Turn off that music and come with me. We have a few things to discuss.” You shiver and he smirks at his effect on you. But he’s mistaken; it’s just the draft he’s creating in the entrance of your home. You go and turn off your music.

“Let me change first, and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

“No. Come now.” Besides, he doesn’t mind you dressed like this. Not at all.

“I can’t go into another man’s home dressed like this.”

“You open the door to your own home dressed like that. Now, you can wear whatever you like in your own home, but you’re lucky someone with more restraint and respect knocked on your door. Now come along. No one’s going to eat you tonight. Unless you want me to.” You wrinkle your nose in disgust but he’s already out of sight, expecting you to follow him. You sigh and slip on the easiest shoe you’ve got.

You follow him down with your arms crossed over your chest the whole time.

You enter into his home and see that everything is just black and white with minimalist furniture. He sits at the center of his couch. He crosses his leg halfway over his other one and spreads his arm to the back of his couch. You’re not about to sit next to him when his arm is spread like that, but you really don’t want to stand in front him like this. You opt to his kitchen counter and lean against it with your arms still crossed.

“You’re not allowed to have parties, music, or loud animals into your home. Wear socks at all times so I don’t hear you walking around. Your media volumes are never to go above 40%. Don’t sing. Don’t dance. I don’t think I have to tell you this, since it’s basic home care, but if there’s anything wrong with your home, fix it automatically. A floor creek, a wall crack, plumbing issues, all of that. I don’t need those noisy issues disturbing me. You better not have a squeaky bed. Oh, and don’t you dare have sex. Find a guy who’ll take you back to his place. Your standards must be high enough to find someone who’s not living in his mother’s basement, right?” You uncross your arms in disbelief and your jaw drops.

“Are you going to pay my rent? Are you my boss? Are you going to pay for any of my losses or things I would have to fix if any of these issues cost money? If not, I don’t see why I would have to comply with any part of this deal based on your preferences. I can tell you’re a guy who likes his silence, and that’s fine, but these are unreasonable.”

“Did I ever say this was a deal? No. This are simply rules. If you don’t like it, move.”

“No, I like it here. It’s been just fine for the past three weeks. And besides, evident through the fact that I couldn’t even find you for three weeks, you’re rarely home. I’m not going to tiptoe around my home for someone else’s unreasonable demands, especially for that someone who isn’t even home.”

“How’s this offer? If you comply, I will not kill you.”

You raise an eyebrow and roll your eyes, “You don’t scare me. I’ve been through a lot. Even dressed like this, you won’t even get to touch me.”

“Is that a challenge?” He smirks. You glare him down, “No. It’s not. Don’t even try.”

He shrugs but his obnoxious smirk won’t wipe off his face.

“If we can’t agree, then you’re going to have to move.”

“I’m not moving because we can’t agree!” You throw your hands in the air.

“Then you’re going to have to agree if you stay.”

“I’m not going to agree to anything with you.” He sighs and throws his head back in frustration. There’s really only A or B with him. Why can’t you see that? Does he really need to go to C?

“Look. I’ll agree to reasonable home care, and that is it. I’m going to sing, I’m going to dance. I’m going to play all my damn music however I want. Here’s how I can meet you halfway. I can tell you early on if I’m going to have company. My family is visiting for the holidays, so for at least a week, I’m going to have company. I’m planning to get a cat, so at least it’s not a loud animal. I already don’t have a squeaky bed. I’m not going to wear socks at all times based on your request because I walk lightly enough. Besides, didn’t you just say I’m allowed to wear whatever I want at home? A-and that sex thing? It’s not going to happen, so don’t worry. At least not for a while.”

Namjoon studies you for a bit and then turns presses his lips downward, “Nah. No. Not good enough. Don’t sing, don’t dance, and no music. Get your family to stay somewhere else. Wear your socks because safe than sorry. I’m allergic to cats, so no.”

“You’re ridiculous! Did the previous guy leave because he couldn’t keep up with your demands either? Are there anyone who lives around you anymore, you lonely and rigid soul?!” He glares at you for so long and so hard you look down and apologize quietly.

“You are never allowed to speak to me like that again, you understand?” He threatens lowly. It’s the first time that you agree with him as you slowly nod.

You two don’t speak for a while.

“Now.” He begins again, just as low and threateningly, “Are you going to listen to what I have to say?” you clench your teeth but make no other move.

He takes that as affirmative so he begins to speak, “Get. Your family. Elsewhere. Carpet your floor so you can avoid wearing socks if it’s really that much of an inconvenience.”

Your eye twitches. How is that any less of an inconvenience?

“Don’t sing, dance, play music, or any loud sounds above 40%, or I will swear to fuck, that you will regret it. Do you understand?”

You clench you hand and look at him, “I apologized for my behavior already. Just because that was wrong of me does not mean I’m going to magically cooperate. I want to do what I want to do in the comfort of my own home. We don’t know each other. It’s unreasonable for either of us to meet such demands to accommodate one another. So no.”

He gets up so fast, you jump. He quickly makes his way to you and traps you against the counter between his arms.

“I’ve been very patient and cordial with you longer than I have with anyone for the past 15 years.” You raise an eyebrow and look him up and down. He can’t possibly be past his 20’s, “Yeah, well I wouldn’t have known that. I’m so sorry. That really changes my decision since you’ve shown such manners. Oh, wait. No, it doesn’t.”

He has his hand around your throat before you blink and tightens his hold on you, “I have no qualms killing a woman. Believe me.”

You quickly take your elbow and jam it into the inside of his arm, making him drop his hold on you, and you push him away.

“I said. You. Don’t. Touch. Me.” You glare at him. For the first time tonight, he wears a different expression on his face other than anger, frustration, or lust. It’s amusement.

“You know, you’re about as threatening as a baby rabbit. Ah, no, no. That’s too much credit. An ant. You’re about as threatening as an ant.”

You glare at him and he shrugs in amusement. The phone rings and he takes out his phone to answer it. He’s not about to have his mafia business be heard over by some candy cane.

“I’m here boss.” Hoseok says.

“Come back tomorrow. I’m taking care of my neighbor.” He watches you cross your arms.

“That’s still not over? Do you need a clean-up crew?”

“No, it’s fine. Just go.” He hangs up.

“It looks like we aren’t going to come to an agreement here.” You purse your lips together.

“Doesn’t look that way.” You two have a stare-down.

“Look,” He starts, “See if there’s another empty space in this building. One that’s not around me and we can avoid the mess. At least you don’t have to move out of the building.”

“You’re no different from a spoiled brat. You need to understand that you can’t have people doing what you want all the time!” You unfold your arms, “Especially strangers. You give me no reason to listen to you.” He sighs and walks away. You hear a drawer opening and slamming closed. He comes back with a gun and he’s twisting on a silencer.

You clench your teeth and fists.

He stands in front of you and points it point blank at your nose.

“Move, agree, or die. There is no door four. Personally, I’d choose door one or two.”

You make no move and he tilts his head. You must have really gone through something bad for you to not show fear, not in your eyes or in the air around you.

“I’ll move to somewhere else in this building. You rude piece of -.” You bite back your last words. You make your decision based on rationale that this is going nowhere. You’re not afraid of his gun, but it’s your self-preservation instincts. So, this is the only time you will ever let it go. You hate letting him think he’s won. You really, really do.

He smiles distortedly and presses his gun at your nose and points it upward so you look like a pig.

He sighs inwardly. You’re still a candy cane.

“It’s okay. Self-preservation is only human. I don’t blame you. I’ve seen a lot of people give in for that reason. But I’ll give you more credit because you’re not nearly as cowardly.” He chuckles. But he’s still mocking you by pushing your nose with his gun.

You dare to push his gun away and shock almost surfaces to his expression.

“Merry Christmas, Mr. Grinch.” You cross your arms and walk out of his apartment. He has his eyebrows raised in full amusement.

He realizes a couple things.

One, you two never exchanged names.

Two, he really wants a candy cane right now. And he’s probably going to start liking them as the only sweets he’ll eat in his life. And that sucks because it’s only going to sell seasonally.

And three. Damn. He likes you. He really likes you.

And that is the story of how Kim Namjoon, a mafia boss, gets the closest he’ll ever get to Christmas spirit.


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2 years ago

Peppermint Bark | Mafia!Namjoon

Summary line: Candy cane sequel - The damned candy cane is moving and she’s causing a ruckus. On purpose.

(BTW: I had a big fan of the first story, wang-banana, but she’s deactivated now. If anyone who comes across this knows her, please let her know, there’s a sequel!)

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1 year ago

things bts would love & do with their curvy s.o.

a little long author’s note - fluff and suggestive and a little smutty / ot7 scenarios / a bit of a drabble, because i didn't say everything i wanted to and i don't think i said it as well. but i had this in the drafts for a while & i was feeling a bit self-conscious about my curves recently & had to remind myself of my own words and scenarios. here’s to self-love in 2023, everyone! and just because this fits with what i’m saying and the post - don’t wait for someone else or a man to love every single thing about you! you deserve all the love on your own and everyone reading this is a lovable beauty <3 this goes for your inner and outer selves - even this post is mainly focused on outer (& isn’t meant to stereotype at all! this post also has no mentions of food - unfortunately, many authors only associate curviness to food and include stuff like "cooking together" all the time.). i made it more nsfw than it was at the last minute because i really realized we don't have enough curvy girl content here! on that note if anyone has any curvy girl scenarios with bts or an ot7 members lis like this they want to see me write about lmk - requests are open in general but i love writing about & for my fellow curvy/chubby girls 💕 lots of love - pen ✎


this is gonna sound a bit weird but I think namjoon would go crazy for

1. your silhouette - the CURVES WILL DRIVE HIM INSANE - he would literally write an entire song about being mesermized by your curves 

2. your boobs - sskskssk sorry nothing will convince me namjoon is not a boob man. i know curvy doesn’t always = big boobs but it’s the combination of BOOBS and curves that’ll drive him nuts, no matter their size. having his hand roam your body while his head is stuffed between your boobs? his idea of heaven.

sorry, i think i had just read a namjoon smut when i wrote that

anyways, he’s obsessed

and namjoon being namjoon, he’ll be obsessed with unique features that come with being curvy

which are, again, curves, but also: stretch marks, cellulite, love handles, a muffin top, etc - he’ll be fascinated and guess what? he will find beautiful ways to describe them, and he’ll make you see them in a new light as well

this would be his response if you complained about “imperfections” and called them as such, for example: “you know what type of art I find the most beautiful? the ones with quote unquote imperfections. those imperfections - or the unique details, i should say, showed an artist, a human was behind the painting. how boring would it be if all art was the same? if all bodies were the same? our ‘details’ and differences make us who we are, make us different.  ‘imperfection’ is perfection, honey. you, your body…. you’re a work of art.” (gonna end up writing a mini namjoon drabble with some of that)


seokjin would love every. single. thing. about you. 

like it or not i genuinely believe he’s the most likely out of bts to love a curvy girl and that they’re actually his type

you know how most guys see chubby girls as cute rather than hot? fuck that, to seokjin you’re incredibly hot AND incredibly cute. 

he’d be utterly obsessed with every inch of your body… i’m serious. 

butt? yes. waist? yes. hips? yes. thighs? yes. arms? yes. tummy? YES. cheeks? YES!

& a thing about seokjin is that he’s not just in love with you and your body, he’s clever. he knows that chubby girls can get a ton of shit. like he’ll be totally aware of that fact or it won’t take long for him to realize it. and it’ll make him mad

but mostly, he’ll keep his cool and be strategic about it

so something seokjin would love is hyping you up AND showing!! you!! OFF!!!!!!!!!!

though he’s not a fan of pda, when he’s out with you in public, he’ll show you off in his ways, like holding your hand, playing with your hands and hair... but he'll also have his arm around your waist, resting on your soft hips and he'll lovingly caress your cheek and pinch it and he’ll keep saying “my beautiful girlfriend / my fiancee / my wife” etc to literally anyone

someone's giving you weird looks? catch seokjin suddenly throw off the entire situation by yelling - just to no one - "MY GIRLFRIEND IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE HER" - the looks would frustrate him but he'll enjoy hyping you up and seeing you all flustered when he does that

he’d handle your insecure days and “low days” really well, but i honestly think that you spend enough time with seokjin and you’ll end up loving your body as much as he does.  he's without a doubt the type of boyfriend to make you feel as sexy as he sees you... well as sexy and beautiful as you actually are!!

anyways he’ll weirdly enjoy consoling you when you have those days though. he’ll be so so sensitive and understanding and clever as i said, but he’ll just love telling you how beautiful you are, he doesn’t tire of it nor does he get frustrated you do talk about your insecurities. like namjoon, he'll find some very unique way to see it

and he would LOVE tickling you and squishing all your soft bits <3  you can beg him to stop, but you will grow to love it…. he’ll make sure of it!

low-key the type to buy you lingerie and almost force you into it because he knows you'll look beautiful in it (it's not just for him, it's for you - he loves seeing you all shy when you get into it though.... but that shyness will wear off with time and your confidence will only drive seokjin madder)

on that note, he won't have that "i can't do this thing in bed because i'm chubby" attitude - he'll make sure he finds any way to ensure you do everything you want to....

and he will ask you to do things for him

would smother his face in every part soft and squishy part of you and will definitely definitely squeeze you during sex

and he will definitely ask you to sit on his face and suffocate him with your thighs... :)


coming up with an answer for yoongi was incredibly tough because

i think yoongi is so chill, something about yoongi screams “i really don’t care about what you look like, it’s the personality that makes a person attractive or not”

like no matter what, i think he’d love you for you.

love is love

no matter who the other person is or how they look like

BUT - he will fold and fall

and the intense physical attraction will follow once he gets to know you (again, this is not specific to curvy people, i think this is just how yoongi might be)

but this is about curvy people so let’s dive into that

if you wear something that shows a little more, perhaps lingerie or a form-fitting dress, and he’ll get so flustered and he will avoid eye-contact (especially if you don’t wear that style regularly)

like jin and jimin, yoongi would also be a person who knows that curvy/chubby women can go through so much shit just for the bodies being the way they are, and it’ll aggravate him just as much as it would jin… but it’s questionable whether yoongi would be able to keep his cool… because it’s you.

and low-key that energy could translate into his love for you too… in a very yoongi “harshly gentle” way. 

if you express any insecurity in regards to your body, he’d caress your face and stare deeply into your eyes & and just very seriously and quietly be like "??? so??? i love you more than anything in this world already, do you think i give a fuck that you have a lil belly??? hmm, why are you trying to hide it? i see you every day, do you think i don’t know what your body looks like? be fr, y/n. you’re beautiful (then he’ll poke your belly cutely, before the energy shifts and gets intense) don’t say that shit about yourself or about me. (then he’ll kiss you so softly)” <3 


hoseok would LOVE it when you show off your figure and your curves!!!

he's a hips and ass man, i'm sure of it.

he would AUDIBLY AND PROUDLY hype you tf up when you wear something a little more form-fitting!! 

and it’s something he always always encouraged, asking you to try bolder styles and colors

hobi simply will not take the “i can’t wear that because i’m chubby” saying


so when you as far as to dress in something a little risque? oof hobi will go crazy

do a lil dance for him? goodbye, hobi’s on the floor.

also we all know hoseok is a fashion expert, and chubby girls know it isn’t that easy to find clothes that fit our proportions/sizes/bodies…. but not if you’re with hoseok. this man will do whatever he can to make sure you can wear what you want, whether it's finding international brands that have your style+size or literally surprising you with a custom made outfit

"that brand doesn't carry your size? you like it but the proportions are just slightly off? don't worry about it baby i have your christmas gift sorted xx"

he won't be shy to hype you up just as loudly in public and on social media too

the type to encourage you to shake everything you've got in the club while grabbing onto you...


this is gonna sound cliched but bear with me

jimin will be incredibly attracted to your confidence and your energy

i think confidence is something jimin is attracted to no matter what, but if he sees the way you just radiate self-love and your confidence shining out of you through the way you dress, talk, carry yourself....

(i.e. “i can pull any man i want energy”, tight/skimpy dresses, STRUT instead of walking, good posture, etc while KNOWING the extra shit you could get for it & not giving a fuck??)

oh my god. oh my god.

to say jimin’s heart will flutter would be an understatement

you’d walk into the room, like you own it, and jimin would feel like he wants to do whatever he can to actually give it to you

and, similar to jin and yoongi, he knows curvy girls get a ton of shit just for existing - but it's almost double when they’re (loudly) confident, despite the fact that they should be that way!

so that respect and attraction he'll have for you will just be amplified and he’ll admire you even more (i hope this is coming off in a good way, the way I meant it - i can see this being misinterpreted but i can’t think of another way to word it - he’ll be like YES I’M SO GLAD YOU KNOW HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE AND YOU ALSO SAY FUCK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE!!! THAT’S SO HOT OF YOU!!!)

& if someone says something shitty about you in front of him… - he’ll pick up on even the slightest jabs or comments or looks - and there’s no way jimin would be able to keep this cool. good luck to whoever tried to insult you.  >.< jimin will make them regret their entire existence let alone their comment

jimin’s still jimin, so he’d try to flirt with you, and if you meet that with the same energy? OH MAN he’ll fold (maybe even a little more if you somehow reject him… and definitely a lot more if you bring that energy into the bedroom)

pls i can't shake the idea of jimin being so so so happily dominated by a plus size woman and dominatrix.... his idea of heaven, actually

and when you have an insecure day he’ll remind you of your beauty and your confidence in any and *every* way possible.

and even though it all started with the attraction to confidence, it’s not like the attraction will fade off if you have an insecure day!!! he won’t even be a little angry about it - i can especially imagine him being so gentle and understanding. in fact, he'll be all over you


i think taehyung would love your squishiness and your warmth <3 and more

i hope that doesn’t sound weird but let me explain the first bit

he would definitely squish your cheeks, in any scenario

like when you’re down and he’s reassuring you or taking care of you…

or even in a passionate kiss…. 

he will find any and every excuse to hug you, and his hugs are SQUISHYYY

it’s just so comforting to him

in taehyung’s eyes it’s all just warm and feel-good

he’ll love hugging you at the end of a long day - cuddles is just your default state together

but when he’s in ~the mood~ which I suspect is often, his hands will roam and he’ll go crazy…

especially for your hips!!!!

and your boobs, but mostly your hips

and when it comes down to ~ actually doing the dirty ~ oh he’ll think you’re BEAUTIFUL in the heat of the moment. he thinks you’re beautiful regardless, but ~during it~ he’ll  almost be in a high from just seeing you in that state…. he'll say that that's when you truly let go and feel like yourself and be yourself.

the type to swat your arm away if you tried using it to cover your tummy in photos

he’ll make you feel more loved than any other person, and he’d kiss and bite you everywhere…. especially your squishy bits. 

similar to jimin, he'd be incredibly attracted to your confidence

like if he just sees you shaking it at the club and calling yourself beautiful? loudly and proudly?

i honestly think taehyung would be so damn attracted to you that he'd be more clingy than he ever was

again, that energy and mindset of "the world gives me enough shit for existing so i might as well have fun and not give a damn" would be so refreshing to taehyung and he'll really respect and love you for it


this man will not leave you alone.

why? because he loves you, sure, but also because jungkook’s an ass man 

& he would be so obsessed with your butt

there’s!! just!! so!! much!! more!! to !! hold!! and !! slap!!!! and SQUISH!!!

and your THIGHS TOO?!?!??!? 

jungkook’s favorite places to let his hands rest while you’re making out.

i say “rest” loosely because guess what? he’s definitely squishing and feeling you up

he especially likes your thighs because they’re such a treat when he actually can squeeze them and hold them, whereas he has constant access to your butt, and your boobs, squeezing them on the regular. 

yeah, just accept that you're jungkook's sexy little stress ball

i mention squeezing and squishing a lot in this post but jungkook's the biggest criminal, he'll take any aNY opportunity to squish anything he can

which is why he'll have so much fun with you!! so much more to hold!! and squish!!

jungkook is a curious boy™️ so i think he’ll love tracing and feeling your stretch marks… he’ll be fascinated by them

something tells me jungkook won't easily pick up on slight jabs people make of you or even weird stares - but honestly it's just because he's too busy lovingly ogling you to notice.

but if you're ever insecure he’ll shower you with love… but if you ever doubt his love on any of your insecure days, he’ll be really hurt. 

also? I read this in a couple of pics but the idea never left my head:

jungkook would be determined to carry you. and like jin he will be determined to make sure you live out any sexual fantasy you had. he won’t take any shit about “I’m too heavy, etc etc” - he WILL carry you. first bridal style, then until he can lift you up during a kiss or during sex. then?…. he might just train to do the dirty dancing lift. this boy is determined.

he will simply refuse to let you miss out on anything just because you weigh a little more. so what? why shouldn’t he train a little more to carry you? especially considering putting on more muscle and making his girlfriend happy are two of his favorite things to do <3 

and if something in the world stops you from being able to experience a thing you want to, simply because you're chubby, he'll be so mad at the world that you'll have to end up consoling him.

he'll make sure you experience something even better though <3

Tags :
1 year ago

Silk and Fire - Chapter 1

Silk And Fire - Chapter 1
Silk And Fire - Chapter 1
Silk And Fire - Chapter 1

Read more about the series and find updates here (;

pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook

guest starring: jin, yoongi, hoseok

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

summary: it's your best friend's engagement party and you agree to meet everyone at the venue. however, you end up running late and in danger. fortunately, someone's there to offer a helping hand... or hands.

status: ongoing

warnings: mentions of anxiety

wc: 1.7k words

a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨

do not copy or translate

“Babe, you’ll look amazing no matter what you wear,” Namjoon puts his book down to look at you. “I love that dress on you,” he smiles, dimples showing. 

“You’ve said the same thing about the last six outfits I’ve tried on,” you laugh. 

“I am just being honest”. 

Namjoon leaves his comfy reading chair and walks over to your figure. You stand in front of the mirror and stand on your tippy toes mimicking how you would look in heels. Strong arms hug you from behind, and he buries his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. Namjoon has been quite busy with work lately and in moments like this he wishes he could whisk you away and take you somewhere secluded, nice, romantic, where only the two of you existed. But alas, this wasn’t that day. 

In a couple of hours, you two would be at your best friend’s engagement party, who would have thought she would be the marrying kind after all? Everyone would be there, including the one friend you have never met in person. You are quite excited to meet him finally, he has been travelling around the world for the past year, and in your eight months of dating Namjoon, all the group of friends can talk about is how much they miss their group of 7. 

“You smell so good, you always do,” Namjoon whispers and plants a kiss on your soft skin. 

You run your fingers through his hair in an attempt to make time go still, but your eyes catch the clock by your nightstand and you jump. 

“Fuck, Joon! Look at the time. I have to go to the salon, the dry cleaners, go get my shoes…” 

Namjoon laughs at the way you rush around your shared house, he asked you to move in while you celebrated your 7th month together. The question came abruptly out of his mouth, but it felt right. He knew you were very special from the moment he laid eyes on you. Your looks are breathtaking for sure, but Namjoon felt an intense attraction to you because of your energy and intellect. You are sharp and smart, in a very different way than he is, and that makes him head over heels for you. 

“Alright, alright… Sure you don’t want me to pick you up and get there together?” 

“The salon is right across the venue, I’ll walk there once I’m done. Don’t worry, love,” you smile at him. 

You should have listened to your boyfriend. You should have. Honestly, at least if he were here, you would not feel this stress. It is 7:30 p.m., and you should already be at the venue calming your best friend’s nerves. You are the maid of honour after all. But things went south from the moment the dry cleaners didn’t have your dress ready and you were far behind with your hair. 

“Please just do whatever… the easiest thing. Anything! I really need to go,” you beg at the stylist, and even though she does try, your anxiety isn’t going anywhere. 

By the time you finish, it’s 8:02 p.m. Your bestie sends you text after text. 

Where the fuck are you? 

Are you close? 


I’m freaking out please, are you ok? 

You feel too guilty and anxious to give a full explanation so you just text her one sentence. 

I’ll be there in 5. 

You quickly make your way out of the salon and cross the street. The night is a bit cold and windy, your cheeks hurt a little from the cool air brushing against your face. You run in your heels praying you don’t twist your ankle. As you try to look for your lipstick in your clutch, you find yourself already a few steps away from the hotel door. The revolving door activates as you step in but it stops, leaving a small space open between the glass and the entrance. 

“Fuck!” you bang on the door to try and move it, but nothing happens. 

A muffled voice comes from the outside. You turn around to find a cheeky smile, lip piercing, and big doe eyes looking right into yours. 

“What?” your voice is louder than usual since you can’t hear him properly. 

His face now comes closer to the reduced space between the glass and the entrance. 

“You need to step back.” 

You try to move but it seems pointless and your anxiety peaks when it dawns on you that you may be trapped here for a long time. Your breath is heavy and your palms start to sweat. Hell, your vision is blurry. The man watches you lose it in a matter of seconds, and he would be damned if he didn’t do something about it. Somehow, his large frame squeezed through the little space left, catching you before you fell to your knees. 

“Darling, if you are going to get on your knees for me it better not be like this.” 

You try to focus your eyes on the man that helps you stand. Your face leaning against his crisp white shirt, makeup transferring a little bit onto it. 

“Are you okay?” 

And now you get a closer look. His long dark hair falls graciously on his forehead and temples, the rest of it framing his beautiful face. It is a mystery how he squeezed in with those broad shoulders and big arms. Those same arms holding you in place. 

“Breathe,” he gives you a warm smile.

So you breathe and try to pull yourself together, but his hands reach your waist and pull you against him. A gasp leaves your lips. 

“See?” he points at a tiny red dot near the door. “That’s a sensor, if you stand up too close you might get stuck. You just need to move a little bit–” and he pulls you even closer to him, his hips slightly gracing your body. “--back,” and that does the trick. 

Finally the door moves. Just as hotel employees are coming to your rescue. 

“It’s okay, I'm fine!” you yell running to the elevator. 

The man calmly walks after you and watches you desperately run. 

“Thank you!” you yell. 

Elegance. Poise. Charm. Love. 

You find yourself in a small but beautiful space where ivory and gold decorate the room and the chandeliers shimmered light delicately down to the guests. You spot your best friend and her fiancé across the room. Luckily your little meltdown didn’t completely ruin your hair, so you make your way in saying your polite ‘hellos’ and hoping she doesn’t kill you for being this late. 

“You look beautiful,” you hug her. 

“What the fuck happened?” you can see worry in her eyes. 

“The question is, what didn’t happen? Everything went wrong today, I’ll tell you later.” 

“She was about to call the police and put together a search party in order to find you.” 

You look at the man who your best friend decided to marry. Min Yoongi is no ordinary man. He is respectable, admirable, handsome, and the most important thing, he is husband material and perfect for Camille. He loves her dearly, erasing past traumas and filling her with acceptance and reassurance. You couldn’t be happier for them. 

“I was not going to call the police, Yoongi,” she rolls her eyes. 

“Yes she was,” he gives her the fondest of smiles and kisses her temple. His PDA is rare, but when it happens it is from the heart and that makes you long for the perfect man for you. 

“Where is he?” you say scanning the room, and then your eyes meet his. “Please excuse me for a minute…” 

Namjoon smiles as he sees you. Black shirt neatly tucked into his gray pants. His black hair parted to the side. He makes his way to you and you to him, meeting him in a tight embrace that seems to cure all your anxiety. 

“I’m glad you’re finally here,” he gives you a peck on the lips. “Missed you,” 

“And I missed you too!” even though you don’t see him you know it’s Hoseok behind you. You give him a tight hug. To be honest you missed hanging with Namjoon’s friends as well. They bring a certain spark to all gatherings that is hard to match. 

Namjoon gives you a quizzical look. 

“The dry cleaners didn’t have the dress ready on time, then my hair appointment was delayed an hour and a half, and on top of everything I got stuck in the stupid revolving doors,” 

“No way…” and the most boisterous laugh you’ve ever heard in your life comes from one of the most handsome faces you’ve seen in your life. 

“It did happen, Jin,” 

“If it was going to happen to someone it had to happen to you,” he sweetly kissed both of your cheeks. 

“Have you seen Jungkook yet?” Hoseok asks, elegantly holding a champagne flute. 

“Oh is he here yet?” you ask intrigued, excited even. 

“You know he likes a big entrance,” Jin adds. 

Namjoon then offers to get you a drink which you accept. You stay with Jin and Hoseok making casual conversation, but you spot your saviour in the small crowd. What is ‘revolving door guy’ doing here? You excuse yourself and make your way to him, saying hello to Camille’s family as you cross the room. His doe eyes open wide and his lips curve in a smile. 

“You are here,” he says. 

“Yes. Why are you here? Are you following me or something?” you whisper, confused. 

“Maybe I am,” he smirks and takes a sip of his neat whiskey. 

“I’m okay, no need to check on me,” you do your best to smile and reassure him you are doing just fine.  “Thank you, again.” 

“Okay… I won’t check on you, but I will check you out,” and there’s that cheeky smile again.


“Excuse me?” 

“There you are!” Namjoon hands you a glass of white wine and puts his hand around your waist. “Ah! I see you finally met each other.” 

Your eyes go from your man to ‘revolving door guy’ and back to your man. 

“Babe, this is Jeon Jungkook.”

Tags :
1 year ago

Silk and Fire

Silk And Fire
Silk And Fire
Silk And Fire

pairing: namjoon x f.reader / jungkook x f.reader

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

summary: you seem to have the perfect relationship, but everything changes when a 'stranger' saves you from a revolving door

status: ongoing

warnings: this fic will include smut and cheating. any other warnings will be included in each chapter.

a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨

do not copy or translate

also english is not my first language

enjoy! (;

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Tags :
1 year ago

Silk & Fire

Silk & Fire
Silk & Fire
Silk & Fire

pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

summary: you seem to have the perfect relationship, but everything changes when a 'stranger' saves you from a revolving door

status: in progress

warnings: this fic will include smut and cheating. any other warnings will be included in each chapter.

a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨

do not copy or translate

also english is not my first language

enjoy! (;

Chapter 1

Tags :
1 year ago

Silk and Fire - Chapter 2

Silk And Fire - Chapter 2
Silk And Fire - Chapter 2
Silk And Fire - Chapter 2


pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook

guest starring: ot7

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

summary: you just met jungkook and he;'s already fucking up with your brain...

status: ongoing

warnings: smut, unprotected sex (big no-no), exhibitionism, voyeurism, cheating, pet names, fingering... (lmk if I forgot anything)

wc: 2.3k words | do not copy or translate

Jeon Jungkook is a man with very few regrets in his life, but he can be sure that Namjoon getting to you first can make it to his shortlist. He sees your eyebrows raise in disbelief, a nervous laugh escapes your lips. How adorable. One of your delicate hands extends towards him. Jungkook can only think about how lucky Namjoon is, having such gorgeous hands wrapped around his– 

“Nice to meet you,” you nod politely. 

It takes Jungkook a second to interrupt his train of thought and shake your hand. The entire party seems so distant now. His fingers brush against yours and your body is suddenly hot, it craves something… Jungkook feels your fingers caress his and then without even thinking twice he brings your hand to his lips. They feel soft and firm against your skin, you have the urge to touch his bottom lip, which is pierced with a silver ring. Before your intrusive thoughts get the best of you, Jungkook lets your hand go. 

“Nice to formally meet you,” Jungkook clears his throat and turns to your boyfriend. “Did you know she got stuck in the revolving door?” 

With concern in his eyes, Namjoon’s hold on your waist tightens. As Jungkook goes over your unfortunate series of events, your heart hammers in your chest, and your breathing quickens. Are your hormones acting up? Or is it just the way Namjoon possessively draws circles on your back and Jungkook’s eyes scan you up and down that’s fucking up with your head? Breathe. You take a sip of your white wine, masking your embarrassment. Three clinks on the expensive champagne flute Yoongi holds and everyone’s eyes are on them. The happy couple. However, you feel Jungkook’s eyes on you. So intense they may burn a hole in your chest. 

As Yoongi starts his brief but emotional toast, the 6 men gather together to see their friend profess his love. You greet Jimin and Taehyung, the inseparable duo, always so fashionable that it is hard to not stare at them when they walk into a room. They stand proud, cheering and smiling for his friend and his wife-to-be. You, on the other hand, can’t help but shed a couple of tears. Camille’s words are full of love, devotion, and respect for her soon-to-be life partner. You look over at Namjoon and to your surprise, you can’t read his expression. Is he longing to have what Yoongi and Camille have? Are you the one? Silently, you doubt yourself even though you are sure you love him. 


To make up for the fact that you were late, you decided to stay until everyone left and help Camille and Yoongi with the engagement presents. Even though she already had help, you insisted. Namjoon was of great help too, he is strong and athletic. You stare a little bit too long when he squats down to get one particular heavy gift. The way the muscles of his thighs support him as he squats down makes your imagination run wild. You picture your hands barely touching them, a thing you do when you want to tease him. Then you would kiss his inner thighs and he would let out the most exquisite moans, his cock already leaking for you but still trapped in his underwear. 

“I know what you’re thinking,” he stands. 

“Do you?” 

“I’ll put this in Yoongi’s car and we are getting the hell out of here. Will you like that, babe?” his voice low, seductive. 

You slowly smile and nod. 

“Wait for me outside, babe, I’ll get the car,” and with a wink, he makes his way out. 

You know the night is just about to get even more interesting so there is only one thing you have to do. Say your goodbyes to Camille and Yoongi. You are pretty sure you saw Camille heading back to that one narrow hallway. The lights are dim and a chilly air current travels south of it. Voices can be heard from a tiny room where the door is ajar, but the lights are on. You slow your pace, the voices seem agitated now… no they are panting, out of breath. There’s a rhythmic clapping sound that leads you to the door. 

“Fuck, please… please,” a high-pitched female voice cries. 

His doe eyes land on yours as he mercilessly fucks one of the kind waiters from the party. Her pencil skirt lifted all the way to her waist, exposing her ass as Jungkook kept her head down and back bent over a tiny table. His eyes never leave yours, his lips curve in a wicked smile and his eyebrows furrow in pleasure. Your brain commands you to leave but your wanting, wet cunt is begging you to stay, secretly hoping you could get fucked like this. 

Another moan comes out of the waitress's lips and you cover your eyes in an attempt to erase the sinful image before your eyes. 

“C’mon, darling I know you want this,” Jungkook says breathlessly and you don’t know if he is talking to her or you but that’s your queue to get the fuck out of there. 

Heels clicking rapidly, you sprint down the narrow hallway and crash into Camille with so much force you almost bring Yoongi down as well. 

“Shit, babes, what the fuck?” Camille says almost falling on her face. 

“Nothing. I– You don’t wanna go down there,” you manage to say out of breath. 

“Was it a ghost?” Yoongi jokes. 

You apologetically look at him and wonder if he has any idea what his friend is doing in there. Not that is any of your business, but this was his engagement party after all. You decide not to mention what you really saw inside there. The way your heart raced and your skin burned wouldn’t allow you to speak of it. You need Namjoon and you need him now. After hugging Camille and Yoongi goodbye you rapidly walk through the same revolving doors. You made sure to not get stuck again by following Jungkook’s advice. 

Jungkook… a flash of images floods your brain. His hips snapping against that waitress’ ass. One hand surely bruises her hips as he holds her in place, the other one with a fist full of hair keeping her head down. The lust in his eyes. Without even noticing your imagination takes you to the nastiest places. How big is he? Did he prepped her before fucking her so fiercely? Did he cum inside her? 

Two honks and you jump, scared, pulled out of your forbidden thoughts. Namjoon gets down from his car to open the door for you, such a gentleman, but what you need right now is anything but that. He leans closer to make sure your seatbelt is fastened. His face close to yours, alcohol-scented breath fanning over your face. He knows you too well but he is positive you can wait until you are home to do whatever that horny little brain of yours is thinking. In reality, you can’t wait, you pull him towards you and hungrily kiss him. Namjoon supports himself with one hand while the other cups your face as he kisses you back, matching your energy. 

His lips part and so do yours, tongues meet in urgency and desire. Your hand is already reaching Namjoon’s clothed cock when he covers your hand with his and pulls away. The smile on his face tells you you might not make it home that fast. 

The ride is slow and smooth, but Namjoon knows this is not over yet so he decides to tease you, his right hand on your thigh. Little by little that hand makes its way up your legs, fuck you would touch yourself right now but want him to do it. You need him to do it. 

“Just fucking touch me.” 

The car screeches and Namjoon makes a sharp right, taking you into a backstreet with little traffic. He makes sure to park somewhere secluded. Namjoon pushes his seat back and unbuckles his belt as you pull down your panties and then straddle him. 

“Mmmmm what do we have here?” he asks. 

“A really wet cunt that needs pounding,”


He brings your mouth to his. Namjoon kisses you with love, he wants you to be one with him. Taking each kiss as if it's his last. That’s what drives you crazy about him. His strong hands go from your thighs to your back as he praises you between kisses. 

“You are so pretty… ngh– breathtaking…” 

Butterflies dance in your stomach as his kisses get sloppier and his fingers start to rub on your soaked hole. You grind onto him, trying to get more friction, anything really, you need everything he can give you right now. Taking his hard cock in your hand you stroke it slowly, his pupils blown from the excitement and anticipation. You wish you could take it in your mouth, edge him, make him whimper, and beg for his release… but you can do that later in the privacy of your house. In the present moment, you need him inside you now. 

You align yourself with him and sit on his perfect, rock-hard cock. Your eyes roll back as you take him inch by inch, giving you a feeling of fullness so exquisite you can barely articulate any words, let alone breathe. You have been craving this feeling all night. His hips buck upwards making you curse under your breath as he finds the pace that makes your moans louder and louder. Sweat covers both of your bodies as his cock slides so deliciously in and out of you. The feeling of your climax approaching builds more and more. Namjoon places his hands on your hips to help you match his thrusts, up and down, up and down. His lips plant kisses on your neck, your collarbone, and shoulder. 

“Babe, fuck, fuck, fuck… cum with me, will ya?” he pleads. 

“Yes, yes, keep fucking me like that, just like th–that,” 

Namjoon’s cock twitches inside you. Your thighs are burning but you chase your high anyway, you fuck your needy cunt on his cock like a champion, getting praise after praise and curse after curse from him. Your breath quickens and you repeat your boyfriend’s name like a broken record. Your eyes close as you reach your high, the overwhelming feeling is so good you could swear you see stars. Right after you, Namjoon cums spilling into you, the warmth of his release filling you. He throws his head back and a laugh escapes him. 

“That was…” you begin. 

“Yes, I know,” he kisses your forehead. 


You have always considered yourself neither a light nor a heavy sleeper, making it always perfect to sleep at Namjoon’s side. His snoring barely bothered you, probably because you were used to sleeping with the TV on when you were younger. Even when he’s asleep, he is handsome. His lips slightly parted and his broad, muscular chest rose and fell. What a peaceful sight, who would ever imagine this man fucked you in his car a couple of hours ago. He looks innocent, angelic even. 

You hear something break in the living room. Normally you would wake up Namjoon on a moment like this, however, you see him so fuck out waking him up doesn’t even cross your mind. You tip-toe to the living room and you expect anything but this. 

“What are you doing here!?” you whisper in an attempt not to wake up Namjoon. 

His tattooed hand picks up the pieces of porcelain and he delicately places them on the table. 

“I didn’t mean to break it.” 

“Oh no, not that one… Joon is going to be so upset,” You know putting it together won’t make it perfect but you could try. This was one of Namjoon’s favourite porcelain antiques. 

“Jungkook, how the hell did you get in? Why are you even here?” 

“I had to check on you… you–well, looked very disturbed earlier,” he chuckles. 

The audacity. Did he really break into Namjoon’s to mock you? 

“I don’t need you to check on me,” you answered annoyed. 

“Now, now, darling why are we so upset?” Jungkook says getting closer to you. 

There is tension and danger in the air, you can just feel it. He should leave, he needs to leave. But his hand reaches the small of your back and he pulls you towards him. 

“Namjoon is sleeping in our room, what the hell are you–” 

Hot. Impatient. Lustful. These are the only words that come to your mind when Jungkook kisses you… and you kiss him back. He cups your ass and sits you on the table, the pieces of fragile porcelain long forgotten. His hands are under your silk pajama dress and noticing you have no underwear on his middle finger glides on your folds. 

“I bet you taste better than heaven, but you’re going to cum on my fingers first,” his husky voice in your ear travels directly to your wet entrance. 

One finger. 

“Oh, mmmm,” your back arches, head spinning. If only his fingers can do that, what would his cock do?

Two fingers. 

“Fuck, ah–” your breathing gets heavier until Jugkook’s hand covers your mouth. 

“Shhhh, please be quiet now, darling… can you do that for me?”

You nod. 

“That’s a good girl… Now cum,” his wicked smile showed again. 

His fingers curl inside you, your hips rutting against his hand. You can’t think, it’s all him and the amount of pleasure his fingers are giving you. You are so fucking close and you can’t make a sound. Jungkook’s eyes stare directly into yours. You are about to give in to the intense orgasm but–

“Fuck!” you scream opening your eyes. You sit, panting, the sun is coming out, gold light softly bathing your shared room with Namjoon, but he is nowhere to be seen. 

“A dream... It was a dream,” you repeat again and again to calm yourself. 

You look for your cellphone to check the time. 

1 notification. 

A follower request from Jeon Jungkook.


Chapter 3

a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨

thank you so much for reading! feedback and reblogs are much appreciated :3

if you would like me to tag you for the next chapter please let me know (;

Tags :
1 year ago

Silk and Fire - Chapter 3 Preview

Silk And Fire - Chapter 3 Preview
Silk And Fire - Chapter 3 Preview
Silk And Fire - Chapter 3 Preview

pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

status: in progress

You can read about this story and other chapters here.

You go about your day as usual. Why wouldn’t you? Oh right… You had a dream in which Jungkook fingered you until you were a babbling mess about to cum. If that was not enough, in your dream, Namjoon was sleeping in your shared room while his friend made you moan and squirm under his touch. But that was it… it was a dream. You need to get over it so you stay busy. 

Big breakfasts were not your go-to thing every morning, however, today it needed to be. You blast music on your speakers as you cook and eat, your phone facing down somewhere in the living room, Jungkook’s follower request still there. It’s already too late for an elaborate outfit to go to work, so you just put on your nice jeans, a pink pale blouse, and your comfy work flats. 

Luckily for you, the day runs by with lots of things to tend to. Meeting after meeting, a full inbox, chitchat with coworkers. Great! 

“Hey, there’s someone here to see you,” Marcia interrupts your typing. You like Marcia. She is the best assistant one could have. Attentive, caring, amazing in what she does, and a true confidant and friend. 

“Huh? My next meeting is not until 3:30, I was about to take my lunch break. Is Mrs. Tang early?” you start fixing your makeup. No matter if you already met a client, you always double-check your makeup before a meeting. 

“Um… no, this is not Mrs. Tang. It’s a Mr. Jeon?” she raises her eyebrows, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 

Walking in what appears to be slow-motion, there he is, Jeon Jungkook. Hoseok was completely right, he does like making a big entrance. He dresses in a casual black t-shirt with ripped jeans, glasses, and a messy hairstyle that gives him a look to die for. 

“Thank you, Marcia, you are so attentive,” he smiles at her. Marcia is a giggling mess, especially when Jungkook opens and closes the door for her, making direct eye contact.

What the actual fuck? 

“Wh-wha-what are you doing here? Wh-why? No,” you say standing up. 

He scans you up and down taking his time. 

“This is not… you can’t just barge in, there is a procedure and why are you here?” your tone getting more and more guttural in annoyance.

“I am here to take you to lunch.”



a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨ I hope you enjoyed this little preview for the chapter to come... lmk if you would like to be tagged (;

tags: @paramedicnerd004 | @darkuni63

Tags :
1 year ago

Silk and Fire - Chapter 3

Silk And Fire - Chapter 3
Silk And Fire - Chapter 3
Silk And Fire - Chapter 3

pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

status: ongoing

word count: 2.1k

You can read about this story and other chapters here.

warnings: mentions of sexual activity, masturbation, cheating, a little angst (lmk if I missed anything)

You go about your day as usual. Why wouldn’t you? Oh right... You had a dream in which Jungkook fingered you until you were a babbling mess about to cum. If that was not enough, in your dream, Namjoon was sleeping in your shared room while his friend made you moan and squirm under his touch. But that was it... it was a dream. You need to get over it so you stay busy.

Big breakfasts were not your go-to thing every morning. However, today it needed to be. You blast music on your speakers as you cook and eat, your phone facing down somewhere in the living room, Jungkook’s follower request is still there. It’s already too late for an elaborate outfit to go to work, so you just put on your nice jeans, a pale pink blouse, and your comfy work flats.

Luckily for you, the day runs by with lots of things to tend to. Meeting after meeting, a full inbox, chitchat with coworkers. Great!

“Hey, there’s someone here to see you,” Marcia interrupts your typing. You like Marcia. She is the best assistant one could have. Attentive, caring, amazing in what she does, and a true confidant and friend.

“Huh? My next meeting is not until 3:30, I was about to take my lunch break. Is Mrs. Tang early?” you start fixing your makeup. No matter if you already met a client, you always double-check your makeup before a meeting.

“Um... no, this is not Mrs. Tang. It’s a Mr. Jeon?” she raises her eyebrows, cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

Walking in what appears to be slow-motion, there he is, Jeon Jungkook. Hoseok was completely right, he does like making a big entrance. He dresses in a casual black t-shirt with ripped jeans, glasses, and a messy hairstyle that gives him a look to die for.

“Thank you, Marcia, you are so attentive,” he smiles at her. Marcia is a giggling mess, especially when Jungkook opens and closes the door for her, making direct eye contact.

What the actual fuck?

“Wh-wha-what are you doing here? Wh-why? No,” you say standing up. He scans you up and down taking his time.

“This is not... you can’t just barge in, there is a procedure and why are you here?” your tone getting more and more guttural in annoyance.

“I am here to take you to lunch.”



This was certainly not the plan. You were supposed to be here with Namjoon, the reservation was made for two, that plus one being your boyfriend not Jungkook. It seems almost funny how Namjoon couldn’t make it and you would have known this earlier if you didn’t keep your phone buried in your desk drawer specifically to avoid thinking about Jungkook’s follower request or any flashbacks of that very explicit sex dream. Now you are being walked to your table with the same man you’ve been trying to keep off your mind.

“Here are your menus. A waiter will be with you shortly,” the host smiles and leaves you alone with Jungkook. The air suddenly feels too heavy and you fight the urge to run away.

“Namjoon was really bummed he couldn’t make it, that’s all he whined about in the group chat. I just took the liberty to step in and get to know you better,” he takes a sip of his water.

You slowly nod and have some water as well, your eyes glued to the menu.

“Hello, my name is Tiffany, may I get you started with some drinks?” the waitress interrupts. She is beautiful. Gorgeous long, black, hair, full lips and breasts, her brown skin smooth, and a smile that could certainly get her anything she wanted.

“I’ll have your strongest cocktail, thank you,” you blurt out.

Jungkook can’t help but laugh, his eyes on you. You are waiting for him to flirt with pretty Tiffany, but that moment never comes. He orders whiskey instead. Neat.

“You didn’t have to come, you know,” you start, but Jungkook waves his hands dismissively.

“I wanted to see you,” and with that simple sentence you feel your heart beat faster, your hands sweaty, and let’s be honest, your cunt needy. “I– know you saw something the other night...”

“I didn't see anything,” you lie.

He smirks. He better stop doing that or you’re going to lose it. Thankfully, now your drinks are here and you chug half of it in an attempt to make the lunch less awkward. Tiffany hands Jungkook his drink, their hands slightly touching. You see her walk away, waiting for Jungkook to follow her with his eyes, but he never does. Once again those doe eyes are on you, he looks at your lips as he drinks his whiskey, shameless.

“I was hoping we could break the awkwardness now that we are alone... tell me, did you like what you saw?”

You’re shocked. What is he trying to do? You ignored his comment and called Tiffany who kindly took your order. The faster you eat, the faster you get out of there, but at this point, you were getting annoyed, annoyed by Jungkook’s audacity.

“You are missing your chance there, you know,” for the first time today, you look at him in the eye. “She is really pretty, and your type, right? Pretty waitresses?”

Jungkook almost spits his drink after your bold observation. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and leans closer to you, the table acting as a barrier between your bodies.

“My type is sitting right in front of me,” he whispers. “Oh please... stop that. What are you trying to do? I’m with Namjoon, did you forget that?” “Yeah, and where is he now?”

This is it. You stand up and grab your purse. Anger blinded you as your legs took you as far away from him as possible. You were angry with Jungkook, but you were even angrier at yourself because he was right. Where the fuck was Namjoon? He does this often, he promises he’ll be there but then something comes up. You miss him.

Jungkook runs after you.

“Please, don’t go I'm sorry! I’m sorry.”

You are already about the leave the restaurant.

“What is it Jungkook? Leave me alone!”

“I’m just trying to– shit, I don’t know...”

“Just go and fuck the waitress, would you?” you snap walking out, but he follows you and grabs your arm.

“I fucked her because I couldn’t fuck you!” he yells. Frustration in his eyes, you can see how his chest seems even bigger and his breathing gets heavier.

Your heart stops.

“I’m sorry, fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell,” he runs his fingers through his hair as he closes the distance between the two of you.

There’s an unspoken apology, an understanding that just comes by looking into each other’s eyes. You don’t know why but there is something pulling you towards Jungkook, like you need

him. A battle between the brain, the heart, and raw desire. Your hand lands on his arm and your lips slowly come closer to his face. Jungkook turns his face, wanting to capture your lips on his, but he fails, your objective met to give him an apologetic, chaste, kiss on his cheek.

You linger too close to his lips, the faint scent of whiskey mixed with his own signature scent intoxicating your body and soul. Both your lips almost grasing you can almost taste him.

“I should go,” and betraying how much your body wanted to kiss him, you pulled yourself away from him and stormed down the street.

Jungkook watches you leave, wishing he could run after you once more and kiss you senseless. Fucking hell, how bad he wanted to kiss you, make you forget you were spoken for... his fingers wanting to touch you, his eyes wanting to see you melt for him, his ears wanting you to beg for him. How perfect must your lips feel on his, how perfect you must taste. Why Namjoon? Of course, he understood why Namjoon. But still... why?

Betraying your sense of righteousness, you look over your shoulder to see Jungkook’s face light up, his chest inflating with hope, just to deflate with dismay as you continue to walk away from him. ______________________________

When Namjoon gets home you are already in bed, begging for the sleeping pills in your system to work. He gets into bed his body craving yours.

“Babe, I’m sorry I’m so late, sorry I couldn’t be with you today,” he whispers as he kisses your temple, then your shoulder. “Let me make it up to you...” he waits for an answer but you don’t give him one. “Please...”

“No worries, babe,” you finally say, but you don’t truly mean it. However, you still give him a peck on the lips. Namjoon is an understanding man, so he gets that you are not in the mood.

Maybe you should have taken another melatonin pill. The soft buzz of your phone wakes you up. Unknown number. You always answered these no matter what, you feared it was an emergency.

“Hello?” you croak, your voice raspy, half of you still asleep. “I want you to walk to the bathroom, and close the door behind you.” Jungkook.


“Baby... do as you are told, you don’t wanna wake him up,” he coos.

In what appears to be a trance, you obey, making your way to the bathroom, a few feet from where Namjoon lies fast asleep. You lock the door behind you, the only source of light being your phone and the city lights that creep on the window.

“You’re in?” “Yes...” you await for his next instruction, nervous. Tempted.

“Turn on the shower, I don’t want anyone else to listen to our after-hour conversation,” and he waits until he listens to the background noise of water running.

“Good... Now I want you to touch yourself,” he starts, eliciting a gasp from your lips. “Sit and spread those gorgeous legs, for me baby.”

You sit on the closed toilet seat and you open your legs. His voice gives forbidden commands that your body just does naturally like you are under his spell, but you don’t want to break it.

“Are you wearing any underwear?” “N-no...”

“Just how I like it, I knew you would be ready for me,” his chuckles audible from the other side of the phone. “I’m going to guide you through this, okay? You are not allowed to do anything if I don’t command it. Got it, darling?”


“Pinch your nipples for me. I bet they’re already hard...”

You are possessed by the way his voice makes you twist with pleasure in the darkness. Your moans are forced to be kept to the minimum as he teases you.

“You have no idea how much I want to touch you, my hands teasing one of your breasts and I flick your nipple with my tongue. Would you like that, baby?”

“Y-yes, please,” you can’t help it.

“Use only one finger, but don’t put it in yet. Rub it up and down your folds, tell me, how wet are you?

“Mmmhhh... very wet, I’m wet.”

“Good. I want you to cum for me through the phone, would you do that for me?”

No answer. You are lost in pleasure as you tease yourself, rubbing just as he said.

“Already too pleasure-drunk to speak? Get one finger in... deep. In and out, baby, pound that pussy really good for me,” his breath hitching as he fists his cock on the other side of the phone.

“Ah– ah– fuck...” your little moans fuel him to get to his release as you are close as well and the palm of your hand hits your clit again and again.

“Yes, baby, just like that... are you feeling good?” “Y-yes. Good.”

Your middle finger soaked in your juices now quickens the pace, the sound of your wetness masked by the shower running beside you. It seems like there is no other place you rather be than here, fucking yourself as he orders you to. Blinded by desire, submissive to his spell. You are close, right there with him, as his voice encourages you to finish.

“C’mon, baby, cum... cum... please, I need you to cum,” and you can hear in his voice he is waiting for you to give in to his orgasm.

With a muffled cry, you give in, the tension in you shattering into a million pieces, the ecstasy of your climax engulfing you into a blanket of bliss. Jungkook curses under his breath. Fuck. This was hot. You can’t think straight, you can’t process what just happened.

“You did so well... y-you did s-so good,”; a fucked-out Jungkook says.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

A knock on the bathroom door.

“Babe, is everything alright?” Namjoon.

“Goodnight, baby... See you tomorrow.”

The call ends.


a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨ updates will be every Monday(: ... lmk if you would like to be tagged (;

tags: @paramedicnerd004 | @darkuni63 |

Tags :
1 year ago

get ready for the roller coaster of emotions with the newest chapter, lovelies <3

Silk and Fire

Silk And Fire
Silk And Fire
Silk And Fire

pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

summary: you seem to have the perfect relationship, but everything changes when a 'stranger' saves you from a revolving door

status: in progress

warnings: this fic will include smut and cheating. any other warnings will be included in each chapter.

a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨

do not copy or translate

also english is not my first language

enjoy! (;

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Tags :
1 year ago

Guess who’s updating this later today? ☺️🥴 finally…

Silk and Fire

Silk And Fire
Silk And Fire
Silk And Fire

pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

summary: you seem to have the perfect relationship, but everything changes when a 'stranger' saves you from a revolving door

status: in progress

warnings: this fic will include smut and cheating. any other warnings will be included in each chapter.

a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨

do not copy or translate

also english is not my first language

enjoy! (;

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Tags :
1 year ago

Silk and Fire - Chapter 4

Silk And Fire - Chapter 4
Silk And Fire - Chapter 4
Silk And Fire - Chapter 4

pairing: namjoon x f.reader , jungkook x f. reader

guest starring: ot7, Camille, Seri (new character)

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

status: ongoing

word count: 3.1k

You can read about this story and other chapters here.

warnings: drinking, sex shop, sex toys, drinking games, thigh riding, finger sucking, cheating, kissing (lmk if I missed anything)

“I told you to wake me up whenever you couldn’t sleep,” Namjoon’s soft voice echoes in your head while he prepares tea for you. 

The knot tied in your throat won’t let you breathe properly as the adrenaline from finding pleasure in what's forbidden keeps finding ways of pushing you toward Jungkook’s arms. You couldn’t stop thinking about him. How could you? If that man’s velvety voice alone had turned you on in such a way that made you betray your instincts and let him talk you into cuming so hard through the phone, what other lustful things would he be able to do in a dark room when it's only the two of you? 

You press your thighs together in an attempt to quiet those heated thoughts. After all, Jungkook was just a fantasy and your boyfriend was right here in front of you. He pours tea and warm milk into your favourtie mug and then drizzles it with honey. A bit leaks from the bottle and Namjoon picks it with his finger and that same finger then goes to your lips. He expects you to lick it, but not to suck it as you are doing right now. Your precious lips wrapped around his honey-covered finger, tongue pressing on it as you suck and suck his finger making Namjoon gasp. 

“Shit, babe,” he clears his throat. “Are you playing with me?” 

You shake your head and release his finger. Now there is an evident problem inside of your boyfriend’s pants. 

“Drink your tea, you need to sleep. We are expected at Hobi’s later tonight. You’re coming right?” 

Your heart skips a beat and you pull him into a kiss. It is not one of those desperate, sinful kisses. Your lips are pressed to his. They’re firm, but you still feel him. You feel how he smiles against your lips, his body bringing you closer to him and your hands travel to his hair. 

“Mmmmm,” you say delightedly. This is home, this is where you’re supposed to be. You want to hug Namjoon and never let him go, to be honest, you are scared of what you would do if you let go. 

Namjoon breaks the kiss and his lips curve into a smile. The smile that made you fall in love with him in the first place, dimples showing and his eyes sparkling as they look into yours. He watches you as you drink your tea. Sweet and warm, relaxing your muscles and releasing the tension built up by that phone call with Jungkook. 

Shit, Jungkook. You make a wish silently for that sinful carnal moment to never cross your mind again and once you are cuddling in bed with your boyfriend you remember. You are both expected at Hobi’s later. Will Jungkook be there? 

It was a simple, basic thing, you thought. Texting Jungkook is not a big deal, it shouldn’t be, you just want to know if he will be there tonight. Why? You always liked to know what exactly to expect. So you go to your last call entry and decide to save the number as “JK”. You take a deep breath before your fingers tap your screen writing a friendly “hi (:” and pressing send, which you immediately regret. What was with the happy face? Was “good morning” better than “hi”? You put your phone down, there’s no way you’re going to obsess over some silly little meaningless fantasy. 

You eat your lunch in your office as sometimes you do when busy, however, there is no response from Jungkook. How dare he bring you to such a state at ungodly hours of the night just to not text you back the next day. You are doing the one thing you promised you wouldn’t do, you are overthinking because of Jeon Jungkook. But wasn’t he satisfied? Wasn’t he pleased? Your thoughts are interrupted by your phone’s buzzing. 

With your heart racing you reach to it only to see Camille’s name pop up on the screen. She’s video-calling you. 

“Hello?” you say as you bring a big spoonful of food to your mouth. 

“Hey!” Camille takes a pause to read your look. “You looked annoyed, am I interrupting something?” 

“Not at all,” you say after swallowing. 

“I hope I am not close to your work, wanna help me shop for something honeymoon related?” she raises an eyebrow. 

“That sounds like a great idea, actually,” anything to keep your mind off Jungkook not replying. 

“See you in ten.” Camille winks and ends the call. 


You wonder how you did not expect this, but you find yourself in a sex shop. It’s not your first time there, you’ve even come here with Camille before. Nonetheless, due to your current state of horniness and an apparent addiction to the forbidden, you find it now hard not to think about sex and Jungkook. 

“Oh and I can't keep these with me, I want to surprise Yoongi,” she puts a butt plug with a very soft-looking tail attached to the little basket you’re holding. 

“Since when have you used these?” you laugh. 

“It’s a little thing we like to do every now and then,” she purrs. 

“Stop it,” but you can’t stop laughing. 

“Now, babes, you would look smokin’ hot in these…” 

Bright red, lace, see-through. Camille takes the lingerie and places it on top of your work clothes. You replace her hands with yours, picturing you wearing only this. How the panties would accentuate your ass, the pattern of the bra creating friction on your sensitive nipples, now hardened by the mere look on Jungkook’s face. Camille moves towards the back of the shop and as you refocus your sight you see the flash of his smile way too fast, eyes covered by his long, fluffy hair. 


But it seems like he is gone in the blink of an eye and now Camille adds more items to your little basket, completely unaware of the shock in your face. But was that really him? You can’t go and find out. It would be weird, besides, what would he do in a place like this? Scratch that. You know exactly what he would do in a place like this. 

You take a look at the new items in your little basket, a black crotchless thong and a ring vibrator. Camille likes to try new things, maybe that is what you’re missing in your life. Seeing the ring vibrator makes you feel instantly hot and agitated. Before you can filter your thoughts they are already picturing you on top of your newest fantasy, Jungkook. Your new red lingerie is set on the floor as you ride him, the ring vibrator hitting your clit every time you bounce on his manhood. The prominent veins of his cock dragging along the sides of your walls as they clench around him, the aftermath of raw, magnificent pleasure. His hands are on your hips guiding you to the thing you want the most, to cum on his cock. 

“Babes, you okay?” thank god for Camille’s intervention, you could have started moaning any minute. 

“Yeah… I– forget the lingerie set, I think it’s not my style,” you lie. 

“Hmmm okay, then how about these?” Camille shows you the cutest bullet vibrator. It is a hot pink colour. “To use with or without Joonie,” she smiles. If she only knew the sinful thoughts that were coursing through your head just now… 


You try to shake any idea and memory of Jungkook from your head. There is a friendly gathering you have to attend with your loving boyfriend, Namjoon. You can’t afford to succumb to the little silly fantasies in your head. It’s not right. It’s not fair. So you take the cute little sex toy from Camille’s hands and decide you’ll take it. Maybe you need to spice things up in order to move on from JK, who still hasn’t responded to your earlier text. 

Friendly gatherings at Hobi’s are always to die for, and this was no exception. Even though it was a small get-together with friends, he just had to be over the top. How couldn’t you love Hoseok? The life of the party with the biggest heart, he is selfless and you appreciate the kindness and warmth he radiates. He was one of the first friends Namjoon ever introduced to you and you got along so well that he insisted you should hang out with the group more. 

So now here you are, Hobi’s house is massive and elegant. The dark curtains that decorate the minimalist living room give a romantic yet dangerous vibe. The fireplace is on, dimly lighting the entire space. A gust of wind creeps in from the opened glass door that leads to the patio. You shiver, but Namjoon’s arms hug you even tighter to him. You breathe in deeply, no sign of Jungkook. 

Jin pats your head and you look up from the spotless, pale gray couch you’re sitting on. A glass flute, topped with the finest champagne. You extend your hand to accept it and Jin rolls his eyes. 

“I’m bored,” he sits opposite you and Namjoon. 

“But you are always bored, even when you are doing something,” Yoongi adds.

Camille and Yoongi stay by the bar. Your friend sits on a stool with her long legs crossed as one of them brushes against his teasingly. In response, he calmly rests his hand on her bare thigh, drawing circles with his thumb. They both casually sip on their neat whisky. 

“What should we do, Jin?” Camille leans forward, curiosity in her eyes. 

“Nah, but why would you ask him that? He will come up with something insane,” Hoseok says, pointing at Jin. “Last time you made us all jump into the pool and I am not doing that again.” 

“Let the man speak,” Namjoon’s voice, deep and raspy, caresses your ear. 

“Okay, okay,” Jin stands where everyone can see him. He is indeed the centre of attention everywhere he goes. Standing tall with his ashy blonde hair slightly curled and parted to the sides. He smirks as he scans the room, making sure everyone’s eyes are on him. “We are playing a drinking game, simple, never have I ever? Who’s in?” 

“I guess I arrived just in time.”

The tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand and your heart races in your chest as Jungkook makes an appearance. His black, fluffy hair was now tied, bags framing his face. A leather jacket, casual black T-shirt, black jeans and boots. How can he manage to make such a simple outfit the sexiest thing ever worn? You can’t seem to take your eyes off him as he makes his way around the room greeting everybody. 

“We want to play as well,” Jimin and Taehyung emerge from the staircase. You were wondering where they went. 

“About time you showed up,” Taehyung teasingly hit Jungkook on the shoulder. 

“I know…” he smiles and his eyes find yours. You impulsively look away finding some type of comfort in Namjoon’s arms. 

“Honey, come out here, we’re gonna start the game,” Hobi calls Seri, his latest conquest. You and Camille have had long talks about this, and are rooting so much for them. She is as fun as Hobi so they are just meant to be. 

Seri comes out of the kitchen with a tray of shot glasses. The message is understood, take one before the real fun begins. Hobi gives a quick peck on the cheek once she’s done. 

“Bottoms up everyone!” and the tequila burns your throat but you are grateful for Seri’s act because that’s exactly what you needed. Especially when Jungkook decided to sit on the chair right beside you. You do your best not to turn and see him, but only knowing he is there makes your cunt ache with wanton. 

“Well, now everyone’s ready,” Seri says flashing her perfect white smile and batting her long eyelashes at Hobi. 

“You know the rules, if you’ve done whatever the person in turn says, you drink,” Hoseok raises his champagne flute. “Be nice, everybody… or not.” 

“I’ll start! Jimin says. “Never have I drunk-dialed my ex…” 

Jin, Camille, Hobi, Seri, Jungkook, and you drink. You feel Jungkook’s eyes momentarily on you, but you fight the urge to look back. 

“Okay, my turn!” Seri says from the corner of the room. “Never have I ever kissed more than one person in 24 hours…” 

“Oooohhh…” Hoseok says intrigued looking around the room. 

Taehyung, Jimin, Seri, Jin, and Jungkook drink. 

“Really?” Yoongi laughs looking straight at Jin. 

“Don Juan!” as these words leave your mouth you know the alcohol already kicked in. 

The rest of them laugh as Jin shows off his beautiful face. 

“Please, have you seen me? Yoongi, even you want to kiss me,” Jin blows a kiss to Yoongi. 

He rolls his eyes but catches it. Camille laughs uproariously. It seems the three neat whiskeys she had plus the shot are getting to her. She winks at her fiancé, and Yoongi hugs her from behind, waiting for whoever is next. 

The game goes on and on and it gets spicier, you have to drink a couple of times but not as much as Jimin or Jungkook, who both seem to be handling their alcohol pretty well. 

“My turn,” all eyes are on Jungkook now. 

“Give us a good one!” Namjoon says, and in that moment you want to disappear. 

Jungkook nods, looking at both of you. How you sit now facing him, fearing what words will leave his mouth. Namjoon’s arm possesively around you, as he occasionally leaves little kisses on your temple. Why Namjoon? Why not him? 

“Never have I ever had phone sex,” he lets out a devilish smile. 

Fucking hell. Your eyes widen in horror, you are not sure if you should drink or not, but Jungkook’s eyes don’t leave yours as he takes one big gulp of his drink. 

Yoongi and Camille look at each other. Your friend giggles as she drinks, a secret memory replaying in their minds. 

You slowly bring your drink to your lips as your hands shake, closing your eyes as you welcome the taste of it and how the alcohol burned travelling down your throat. Everyone else drinks but Namjoon. 

“Really? Am I the only one missing out?” he looks at you. “Maybe we gotta try it sometime,” he whispers into your ear and you snap jumping off the couch. 

“I need a bathroom break, I’ll be right back,” you make your way upstairs as fast as you can. 

The hallway upstairs is dark, but the lights from the living room are enough to make it safely to the bathroom. Locking the door behind you, you attempt to calm yourself by taking deep breaths. You have to get out of here, tell Namjoon a silly lie, and walk hand in hand with him out of this madness. You splash a little water on your face and you tell yourself everything is fine. 

This is the plan. You will leave the bathroom and play for 10 more minutes. Then, you will tell Namjoon you are tired and you will leave, no questions asked. Both of you will get safely home and have a lazy morning the next day. That would be perfect. 

You open the door and it is so fast the way he pushes you in and locks the door behind him. 

“What the f–” but one of his hands is on your mouth, and the other one holds you by your lower back. 

“Shhh baby, leave the screaming for when I’m making you feel really good… I wanted to see you alone, sorry for scaring you,” he lowers his hand now, but you are too stunned to speak. Jungkook chuckles. “It was fun out there,” he continues. “Wish it was me holding you tightly,” his hand now moves to cage you between him and the door. 

“Jungkook, please d–” but your words are caught in your mouth as he spreads your legs with his knee and then presses it directly to your core. “Mmmm– fuck…” 

“Yeah, that’s what I want to hear…” he continues rubbing his knee between your legs, your panties getting wetter and wetter. Your nails scratch the door’s surface and you feel Jungkook’s breathing in your ear. “I dreamt of your beautiful moans last night…” 

Now your hips rut against his leg, wanting more of him… but you can’t and it takes all in you to stop. You open your eyes and blink through the tears of pleasure that were already pooling in your eyes. 

You slightly push Jungkook away from you. 

“We can’t… I can’t– and stop following me and you didn’t even answer my text–” 

“You want me to stop, but you are upset about a text? …and are you sure I was following you to the sex shop, wasn’t it a happy coincidence?” he smirks. 

“No, it wasn’t,” you protest but his lips are so close to yours. Those juicy, pierced lips you want on every square inch of your body. “Wait before you go downstairs.” 

So you manage to unlock the door and run back to Namjoon, who is sitting with Jimin and Taehyung now. 

“There she is,” Taehyung gives you a cheesy smile. 

“Leave her alone, don’t you see she is not feeling well. Are you okay, beautiful?” Jimin asks his adorable eyes on yours. 

“Babe you look a bit pale, should we call it a night and go home?” Namjoon stands and puts an arm around you. 


You are grateful for Namjoon, you have to be. He took care of you last night, helping you take a hot shower and cuddling you to sleep. In the morning he left your breakfast packed and some aspirin in case you had a headache. He is perfect, you can’t do this to him. You comically slam your head against your desk at work. What the fuck are you going to do? 

“Ummm… are you okay?” Marcia interrupts. You nod, it is not the first time your assistant finds you doing something stupid in the “privacy” of your office. 

You take a closer look at Marcia and she carries a medium-sized, flat, black box. It is tied with a black silk ribbon, no card. 

“This is a delivery for you…” she says, leaving the box on your desk. 

“Do we know who sent it?” you ask. Marcia shakes her head. 

“Maybe is from Mr. Kim,” she winks and leaves your office as quietly as she came. 

Your fingers delicately open the box and you let out an audible gasp. Inside, the red lingerie set you saw at the sex shop. 

Bzzz! Your phone vibrates on your desk. 

JK: Hi! I really liked the colour red in you (;


a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨ stay tuned for next week's update(: ... lmk if you would like to be tagged (;

tags: @paramedicnerd004 | @darkuni63 | @bangtans-momma

Tags :
1 year ago


Silk and Fire

Silk And Fire
Silk And Fire
Silk And Fire

pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

summary: you seem to have the perfect relationship, but everything changes when a 'stranger' saves you from a revolving door

status: in progress

warnings: this fic will include smut and cheating. any other warnings will be included in each chapter.

a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨

do not copy or translate

also english is not my first language

enjoy! (;

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Tags :
1 year ago

Silk and Fire - Chapter 5 (Preview)

Silk And Fire - Chapter 5 (Preview)
Silk And Fire - Chapter 5 (Preview)
Silk And Fire - Chapter 5 (Preview)

because I am impatient af and this is not ready yet, here's a preview (:

pairing: namjoon x f.reader , jungkook x f. reader

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

status: ongoing

You can read about this story and other chapters here.

warnings: smut as soon as the chapter starts --

It’s been two weeks. 

Two weeks since you’ve seen or heard from Jungkook, or anyone from the group, even Camille. You decided you should fill your days and nights with that one person, your one and only, your significant other, Namjoon. It was a mistake to let Jungkook trap you in Hoseok’s guest bathroom like that. You should have never let him touch you, the way you basically melted under his touch was wrong. Very wrong. 

So now here you are, feeling another man’s touch. Your man. Lazy make-out sessions with Namjoon are a slice of heaven on Earth. The way his fingertips dance on your skin creating patterns along your arms and thighs is mesmerising and you are drunk on him. His essence, his smell, his lips on yours… Everything about Namjoon is warm and safe, it’s home. 

The sun barely creeps into your shared bedroom, your curtain blinds blocking most of the light. Namjoon smiles against your lips as your hands palm his very evident erection. 

“What’s with you lately?” he asks, but continues kissing you. 

“Mmmmm… nothing. What do you mean?” you lie, you know exactly what he means. 

“You are all over me lately. Am I being rewarded for something?” 

“… being the best boyfriend ever,” you reply and kiss him deeply. Not letting him question anything else. 

Namjoon surrenders to you, his strong hands slightly pushing you down to the bed. Pepper kisses land on your jaw, your neck and shoulders. He strips you off your pyjamas and the look on his face when you are completely naked under him is glorious. Lips curved into a smile, his adoring eyes turn dark with lust as he moves his mouth to your core. 

Namjoon starts slowly and temptingly, his dangerous tongue licking your entrance, taking his time. He goes all the way to your clit, subtly sucking on it and then his attention is returned to your needy cunt. He hums in approval as he tastes your arousal, your folds already covered in it. It’s the most perfect nectar to his lips. 

“I wanna drown right here,” he dips his tongue inside your warm cunt. His tongue, expert on how to make you cum again and again, goes in and out of you as his nose presses on your clit with every movement. 

Namjoon spits in your hole, a combination of his saliva and your juices make squelching sounds as he adds two fingers inside you. 

“Fuck, Joonie…” you let a breathy moan out. 

With his fingers curling inside you, the tension in your lower stomach grows and your pussy clenches around his fingers.

“Not yet, babe, I want you to cum with me.”


a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨ lmk if you want to be in the taglist. hopefully this will be ready tomorrow.

taglist: @paramedicnerd004 | @darkuni63 | @bangtans-momma | @diorh0seokie

no but the namjoon smut scene i just wrote for silk and fire made me fucking sweat— i feel like i’ve never written something like this 🙃🙃🙃

Tags :
1 year ago

Silk and Fire - Chapter 5

Silk And Fire - Chapter 5
Silk And Fire - Chapter 5
Silk And Fire - Chapter 5

pairing: namjoon x f.reader , jungkook x f. reader

summary: you try to spend all of your time with namjoon but things go south once jungkook shows up at your house

word count: 3.3k

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

status: ongoing

You can read about this story and other chapters here.

warnings: use and mentions of alcohol, cheating, consensual intercourse, oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex (pls don't), cursing, mentions of jealousy, reader goes to a bar, LGBTQ+ themes.

It’s been two weeks. 

Two weeks since you’ve seen or heard from Jungkook, or anyone from the group, even Camille. You decided you should fill your days and nights with that one person, your one and only, your significant other, Namjoon. It was a mistake to let Jungkook trap you in Hoseok’s guest bathroom like that. You should have never let him touch you, the way you basically melted under his touch was wrong. Very wrong. 

So now here you are, feeling another man’s touch. Your man. Lazy make-out sessions with Namjoon are a slice of heaven on Earth. The way his fingertips dance on your skin creating patterns along your arms and thighs is mesmerising and you are drunk on him. His essence, his smell, his lips on yours… Everything about Namjoon is warm and safe, it’s home. 

The sun barely creeps into your shared bedroom, your curtain blinds blocking most of the light. Namjoon smiles against your lips as your hands palm his very evident erection. 

“What’s with you lately?” he asks but continues kissing you. 

“Mmmmm… nothing. What do you mean?” you lie, you know exactly what he means. 

“You are all over me lately. Am I being rewarded for something?” 

“… being the best boyfriend ever,” you reply and kiss him deeply. Not letting him question anything else. 

Namjoon surrenders to you, his strong hands slightly pushing you down to the bed. Pepper kisses land on your jaw, your neck and shoulders. He strips you off your pyjamas and the look on his face when you are completely naked under him is glorious. Lips curved into a smile, his adoring eyes turn dark with lust as he moves his mouth to your core. 

Namjoon starts slowly and temptingly, his dangerous tongue licking your entrance, taking his time. He goes all the way to your clit, subtly sucking on it and then his attention is returned to your needy cunt. He hums in approval as he tastes your arousal, your folds already covered in it. It’s the most perfect nectar to his lips. 

“I wanna drown right here,” he dips his tongue inside your warm cunt. His tongue, expert on how to make you cum again and again, goes in and out of you as his nose presses on your clit with every movement. 

Namjoon spits in your hole, a combination of his saliva and your juices make squelching sounds as he adds two fingers inside you. 

“Fuck, Joonie…” you let a breathy moan out. 

With his fingers curling inside you, the tension in your lower stomach grows and your pussy clenches around his fingers.

“Not yet, babe, I want you to cum with me.” 

Namjoon slips his fingers out of you making you whine at your now empty cunt. But that ends when he licks his fingers and then places them over your parted lips. Your tongue mimics what he did before, however, you end up sucking your boyfriend’s fingers, tasting yourself in the process. 

You take off his boxer shorts and your entire body seems to be on fire when Namjoon’s cock springs free. His red tip begging for attention and he is hard, you don’t want him inside you, you need him inside you. 

Spreading your legs you welcome him to enter you. This hand taps your thigh for you to wrap your legs around him. The tip of his cock grazes your clit and you are done with the teasing. Taking the matter into your own hands, you reach Namjoon’s rock-hard cock and you guide it to your entrance. Both of you moan as he completely sinks into you. 

Deep and slow, his cock glides in but not entirely out of you, keeping your cunt full– so full of him. The feeling is so good, so pleasurable, it is hard for you to form a coherent sentence. Your full focus is grabbing Namjoon’s ass, pulling him as close to you as possible. You want to feel every single inch of him. How a veiny cock pulsates inside you, making you scream for it, scream for him. 

Your hands, desperate now, reach for Namjoon’s hair, pulling him into yet another kiss that goes from sweet to sloppy. His lips and tongue land on your jawline, chin, and back to your lips as your hips now raise to meet with his. The groans that were once stuck in his throat are now very audible as you both increase the speed at which you chase your climaxes. 

“You gonna cum with me, babe? You close?” he says in your ear, his voice incredibly low and hoarse. 

“Yesyesyes… make me cum,” you leave little kisses on his neck. 

As your climax approaches you shut your eyes, heightening the feeling of your boyfriend’s weight on top of you and the little moans he lets out as he fucks you. Namjoon’s hips thrust hard and as you open your eyes, tears fall. You cry as a string of curses leave your lips, you are cuming, harder than last night. Harder than yesterday and harder than the day before that. 

“Babe, fuck– ugh fuckfuck!” Namjoon cums with a muffled moan as he plants kisses to your temple and cheek. 

Namjoon looks at you, cock softening, his load buried in you. His lips curve in a smile, eyes again lovingly scanning your face, trying to read your expression. You can’t help but cover your eyes with your hands. You’ve decided to restrict yourself to only interacting with Namjoon these two weeks because he deserves the world. Your little JK thing had to stop. Nevertheless, you can’t shake the thought of the red lingerie set he sent you, which is now hidden in your side of the cupboard.

Guilt makes your skin crawl, but that goes away when after such a mind-blowing orgasm, Namjoon gives you a chaste kiss on the lips. You could stay here forever, but that was not the case. 

After a long hot shower together, it dawned on you that you couldn’t stay in this Namjoon bubble forever. Someday you had to face reality and that day was today. Namjoon is going away, on a business trip, and even though your love for him is real, you don’t trust yourself. 

“Do you really, really need to go? Can’t you have a video call or something?” you sit on the couch watching as he puts his luggage near the door. 

“I do need to go. Only three days ok, babe?” he gives you a smile. That beautiful smile warms your heart and makes you swoon. 

“Okay three days,” you reply. 

Namjoon walks to you and cups your face. He lets the image of you engrave on his brain for the days he is going to be away. He wishes he were more present, he really cherished these two weeks where it felt like the two of you just started dating, but he just had to leave. So he pulls you into a kiss, firmly pressing his lips to yours. 

As you wave goodbye, you feel that heaviness in your chest and you just know it is time to go back to bed. Trying to sleep it off might help, after all, and there is nothing urgent that needs to get done. 

Your bed is cold as you climb on it. Has it always been this cold? You make yourself comfortable, putting pillows around you in an attempt to feel less lonely. Blinds now closed, you let yourself sleep, trusting that three days will fly by. 

The subconscious never lies and it loves to play tricks on one’s mind, and you are no exception. Your dreams get steamier and you are not exactly aware of what’s going on. There are hands all over your body. One specifically makes its way to your mouth, getting two tattooed fingers in it making you moan as drool starts to fall down your chin. You feel the opposite side of your bed sink at the weight of your new companion. 

With your eyes still closed, your hand reaches the body that now lays beside you. 

“Jungkook?” your voice is sleepy and tired. 

“Jungkook!?” Camille answers perplexed. 

Your eyes rapidly open at the sound of your best friend’s voice. A rush of thoughts comes to your head, thinking about how to excuse yourself. 

“I– I just…” 

“It’s time to stop your personal house arrest. We are going out,” she pats your head and wink. 

“Ugh… honestly, Cam, you scared me,” you rub your eyes, trying to fully wake up. It’s been hours since Namjoon left. Where did time go?

“I miss you, I haven’t seen you in forever. I know you miss Joon and all, but we have a date, and people are expecting us,” Camille hops off the bed and starts going through your clothes which hang perfectly neatly on your side of the cupboard. 

You decide to get up, there is no fighting Camille. Besides, you could use the distraction. 

“Ooh but what do we have here? Oh My God, babes, you got it!” 

Your head spins so fast to find Camille with the delicate red lace underwear in her hands. Yes, Jungkook’s gift. 

“Ummm, yes,” you lie. “I got it,” you make your way to her and put them back in their hiding place. 

“Well, put some makeup on. We leave in 20!”.


For the entire cab ride you kept asking Camille what was she up to and she didn’t reveal much. You figured you would go to a bar and she would make you dance your worries away. The good thing is you were actually right, in a way. To your surprise, you were joining two lovely people at the bar. 

“So why did you put yourself on house arrest?” with a smirk drawn on his lips he sips his drink. 

“She said she just didn’t feel like going out,” Jimin answers Taehyung the same question for the nth time, earning an eye roll from him. 

“Okay, okay. But we were looking forward to seeing you! You know you are my favourite,” Taehyung winks at you playfully. 

“I thought I was your favourite,” Camille comes back to the table with drinks… 8 shots to be exact. How did she manage to carry these? It will always remain a mystery. 

“No, you’re my favourite,” Jimin adds laughing. 

Camille sweetly kisses his cheek and then proceeds to give each one of you two shots. 

“Don’t ask what’s in them, just drink. Cheers!” 

You watch as everyone takes their shots, grateful for this moment where you truly feel blissful. For the first time in days, you don’t feel anxious or guilty. Namjoon has great friends, despite his agitated life. It would be wrong if you ruined everything. You have no idea how you could forgive yourself if you did anything remotely close to breaking that man’s heart. These sober thoughts get mixed with the alcohol in your system as more drinks come to the table. 

“Let’s dance?” Taehyung extends his hand to you. 

You can feel the alcohol slightly teasing your brain now. The vibration of the music gives you goosebumps, and the lights are a tad bit brighter. Accepting Tehyung’s hand, you are guided by him to the dance floor where other groups of friends and couples are dancing. A couple catches your attention as they seductively make out right in front of you. The two men shamelessly grope their bodies together not minding the crowd around them. 

“You know them?” Taehyung’s voice is in your ear now. 

“No,” you resume your dancing. 

Taehyung keeps his careful eyes on you the entire time, making sure you don’t bump into anyone else. His hands are carefully on your waist as he spins you to the music. You look back at the couple who are not less handsy. The temperature seems to rise by the second when you feel a pair of eyes looking intently. Jimin’s eyes look at you from the table as he takes another shot with Camille. His expressionless face makes you turn to Taehyung. 

“Is he… jealous?” you ask. 

“He is always jealous, don’t worry,” he laughs. There is a spark in his eyes and now you understand why everyone is so obsessed with these two. 

From the distance, you see another girl approach Camille. Are they friends? She seems a bit too handsy. 

“Shall we head back?” you ask and Taehyung is already leading the way back to the table. 

“...yeah, sorry but I’m engaged,” Camille says a bit too loud showing off her ring. “You’re gorgeous by the way!”

The girl in the pixie haircut apologises and joins a group of people on the dance floor. It seems she does know the hot steamy couple you saw earlier. 

“You are getting married and still have people flirt with you,” Jimin says with his eyes glued on Taehyung who pretends to not notice such an intense glare. 

“What can I say… I still have it, but I am joining your chosen family forever,” Camille pokes Jimin on the shoulder. 

The tension could be cut with a knife now as silence falls over the table. Jimin now looks down, thinking if he should let his intrusive thoughts win, and of course, they do. 

“If you had to choose anyone but Yoongi, who would you choose?” he finally says. 

You cough in response, not expecting this question at all. 

“Hmmmm… between the seven of you?” Camille asks. 

“Yes,” Taehyung answers as he leans towards her, getting interested in the new turn the night has taken. 

“Well… probably Seokjin–” 

“Jin!?” you exclaim. 

“Yeah, he is really fun,” 

“He is like the complete opposite of Yoongi,” Jimin laughs. 

“Well, who would you choose?” Camille asks. 

Jimin shakes his head. 

“Taehyung should go first. Who?” and there is something in Jimin’s voice that makes you even more intrigued by what Taehyung has to say. 

“I’d choose her,” Taehyung puts an arm around you. 

Jimin rolls his eyes but smiles at you. 

“...from the seven.”

“Maybe Namjoon.” 

Your mouth falls open as you turn to Taehyun. 

“Really? Namjoon?” you ask quite surprised, to be honest. But Taehyung only gives you a sweet smile. 

“Your turn!” Camille says, but you shake your head, which makes everything suddenly spin. The alcohol has caught up with your night. 

“C’mon, beautiful. We’ll say it at the same time. Deal?” Jimin encouraged you and although you know they mean no harm, you know this is dangerous territory. 

“One… Two… Three…” 

“Jungkook,” you blurt out at the same time. Your voice overlaps Jimin’s making him laugh uproarously. 

“Huh! Who would have thought?” Camille looks at you impressed. “The tattoos?” 

You just cover your face in embarrassment and everyone knows at this point it is time to go home. 


The next day came with plenty of things to do around the house and you worked from home. Camille had sent a list of things to help out as part of your Maid of Honour duties, you were more than happy to do these because one, this is your best friend's wedding and you want it to be just as she wants it. Two, it will keep your head from overthinking. 

You’ve Facetimeed Namjoon twice already, making sure he confirmed he was coming home tomorrow. It is not the healthiest thing to be so dependent on him, you already know that. But the fact that he is away is almost making you physically ill. 

Your phone rings and you’re sure it’s him. As you reach out to answer: 

Incoming Call: JK

You have to be fucking kidding me. 

You put the phone down and walk to the kitchen to get water. He can’t be calling you right now. What the hell does he want? 

The ringing of your doorbell startles you as it echoes around the house. You don’t need to ask or check who it is, you already know. As you open the door he turns around to meet you. His hair was long enough to be put in a ponytail. He shows you a big smile which is erased as soon as you don’t return it. 

“Hi,” his voice is small, almost completely muted but the motor of his car that is parked outside.

“You shouldn’t be here, Jungkook–” You reach to close the door but he stops you. 

“Please, I just want to talk. I need to show you something,” his eyes pleading. You try to avoid looking into them, you know you would say yes if you did. 

“I don’t know… it’s very very late and it looks like it might rain.” 

“It will take 10 minutes I promise…” 


A 6-ish minute car ride later, you find yourself at the top of a little hill in your neighbourhood. You had no idea it had such an interesting view of the city lights. It even had two wooden benches for people to sit down and admire the view. You could easily drive by and not pay much attention to it, but the way the trees aligned in this specific part of the hill, created a natural arch that blocked some of the street lights. This made the spot perfect for stargazing as well.

“Why are we here?” 

Jungkook is the first to sit on the bench, but you don’t follow—the greater the distance the better. 

“I wanted to show you my favourite place on this side of the city. I used to come here often to think or when I couldn’t sleep… I– also owe you an apology.” 

He stayed silent for a minute, gathering his thoughts, and trying to find the right words to say. 

“I am sorry for–” but Jungkook stops himself and for the first time in the night you look at him in the eye. 

“Actually… I am not sorry. Like I am, but I am not. Not really. I have always loved and respected my friends, but when I want something– someone… I fight for it.” 

“Jungkook?” you take a step back as his fingers brush yours. Jungkook stands up to have a better look at you. 

Little droplets of water start to fall from the sky. They land on your head, your shoulders, and suddenly everywhere. Probably a heavenly warning that you should run far away from this man, but your feet seem to be glued to the ground as his fingers now intertwine with yours. With his eyes staring into yours he raises your hand to his lips as he starts planting kisses on the back of your hand. 

“Jungkook… no–” you whisper. But even though these are the words that leave your mouth, your body doesn’t obey. 

Your free hand caress his cheek, an invitation for him to come closer. Rain pours now, cold, hard, the raindrops almost hurting you, but neither of you seems to care. So you firmly plant a kiss on his lips. You hear him moan as his lips part to kiss you as he has wanted to kiss you since he first saw you stuck on those revolving doors. 

His hands on your back pull you closer to him, he wants to cover you with his body. You finally parted your lips for him. You don’t think. Everything happens so fast, your heartbeat quickens as you get to taste him, to feel almost consumed by him. Jungkook prays his will is strong enough to wait until you ask him to fuck you. But now his hand is on your neck, giving him better access to deepen the kiss. 

The heavy rain muffles the little cry that escapes you, but sinning never felt so good, it shouldn’t feel so good. Tiny sparks of electricity course through your veins and it seems you’ve never felt this alive before. The kiss breaks, leaving you both breathless, speechless. Until– 

“Do that again,” you say.


a/n: This is pure ✨fiction✨- this took me a while but I truly had a blast writing it. lmk if you want to be in the taglist.

taglist: @paramedicnerd004 | @darkuni63 | @bangtans-momma | @diorh0seokie

Tags :
1 year ago

Preview - Silk and Fire - Chapter 6

Preview - Silk And Fire - Chapter 6
Preview - Silk And Fire - Chapter 6
Preview - Silk And Fire - Chapter 6

pairing: namjoon x f.reader , jungkook x f. reader

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

status: ongoing

You can read about this story and other chapters here.

His strong hands lift you off the ground, hugging you so tightly as he spins you, once, twice. Time seems to stop as he puts you back down. Nervousness invades your being, not knowing what’s going to happen next. His hot breath on your ear made it almost impossible to think about anyone else. Namjoon smells your scent, one of his favourite things in the world. He missed you so much, three days was not long, but he craved to have you this close. He needed it like oxygen.  

Namjoon lips find yours and he takes his sweet time with you. Kissing you softly, slightly tasting you, just a tease. Now he has plenty of time to be with you and make up for these three days when he couldn’t touch your warm, soft skin or kiss your beautiful lips. He grabs you by the shoulders, pulling you closer and that’s when your mind, body and soul remember– Jungkook. 

“Babe?” you say, breaking the kiss. 

Namjoon looks into your eyes, a loving smile drawn on his lips, making his cute dimples show up. Your heart accelerates. 

“I love you,” you hear the sheer excitement in his voice. That excitement that boldly punches your gut and makes your heart sink in anguish.

“Love you too,” you kiss his cheek. 

In all honesty, you loved him, you couldn’t deny that. But you also can’t deny the fact that Jungkook is in your life now, you crossed that line with him last night– well not entirely. Nonetheless, a kiss is a kiss and the way his lips seemed to own yours was addictive. You secretly hope you end up nowhere near Jungkook in the next couple of days while you detox from last night’s encounter. 

“Where did your mind go?” Namjoon asks puzzled. 

“Huh? No… I am just tired, that’s all.” 

Namjoon nods, he is always so understanding. 

“Put on something cute, we are going out,” he gives you a little push and you just know you would do anything for this man. 

From Namjonn you expected anything… but maybe not this. The place is small but quite elegant with white table clothes and candles. The dim-lit French restaurant had an alluring atmosphere and the food smelled beyond amazing. Camille and Yoongi sit and you can see them in their ‘bubble state’ where they act as if no one’s watching. Your friend is talking effusively. Bright eyes, her voice a bit louder than usual, a thing she does when she’s excited. Yoongi’s face rests on this hand, admiring, all ears, just for her. It is curious, you think, did Namjoon bring you here just to remind you of what you are when your pussy isn’t leaking for Jungkook? 

“Oh hi!” Camille waves. 

You rapidly find yourself sitting before the soon-to-be newlyweds. This is not your first time on a double date with them, but you assumed Namjoon would like some time alone after spending several days apart. Underneath, you are grateful, being alone with him makes your guilt surface and that’s the last thing you need. 

Grateful for the change of scenery for the evening, this ‘special outing’ was great. Food was better than you could have imagined and you had time to catch up with Camille’s out-of-the-ordinary ideas for the rehearsal dinner and bachelorette party. Yoongi seems to be happy she is happy, and if this isn’t love… well– 

“Hi, sorry I’m late,” that voice… you could feel the vibrations of that voice and know who it is. 

Why is Jungook here?



a/n: this is all ✨fiction✨ - I am swimming in chores and work, but I am committed to finishing this tomorrow. I am so excited! I hope you are too!

taglist: @paramedicnerd004 | @darkuni63 | @bangtans-momma | @diorh0seokie | @gimeow

Tags :
6 months ago

Silk and Fire - Chapter 6

Silk And Fire - Chapter 6
Silk And Fire - Chapter 6
Silk And Fire - Chapter 6

Read more about the series and find updates here (;

pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook

guest starring: yoongi

genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI

summary: after sharing that steamy kiss with jungkook, things get out of hand and your self-control is tested.

status: ongoing


warnings: cheating, oral sex (f. receiving), mentions of sex, female orgasm

wc: 3k words

His strong hands lift you off the ground, hugging you so tightly as he spins you, once, twice. Time seems to stop as he puts you back down. Nervousness invades your being, not knowing what’s going to happen next. His hot breath on your ear made it almost impossible to think about anyone else. Namjoon smells your scent, one of his favourite things in the world. He missed you so much, three days was not long, but he craved to have you this close. He needed it like oxygen.  

Namjoon lips find yours and he takes his sweet time with you. He kisses you softly, slightly tasting you, just a tease. Now he has plenty of time to be with you and make up for these three days when he couldn’t touch your warm, soft skin or kiss your beautiful lips. He grabs you by the shoulders, pulling you closer and that’s when your mind, body and soul remember– Jungkook. 

“Babe?” you say, breaking the kiss. 

Namjoon looks into your eyes, a loving smile drawn on his lips, making his cute dimples show up. Your heart accelerates. 

“I love you,” you hear the sheer excitement in his voice. That excitement that boldly punches your gut and makes your heart sink in anguish.

“Love you too,” you kiss his cheek. 

In all honesty, you loved him, you couldn’t deny that. But you also can’t deny that Jungkook is in your life now, you crossed that line with him last night– well not entirely. Nonetheless, a kiss is a kiss, and how his lips seemed to own yours was addictive. You secretly hope you end up nowhere near Jungkook in the next couple of days while you detox from last night’s encounter. 

“Where did your mind go?” Namjoon asks puzzled. 

“Huh? No… I am just tired, that’s all.” 

Namjoon nods, he is always so understanding. 

“Put on something cute, we are going out,” he gives you a little push and you just know you would do anything for this man. 

From Namjonn you expected anything… but maybe not this. The place is small but quite elegant with white tablecloths and candles. The dim-lit French restaurant had an alluring atmosphere and the food smelled beyond amazing. Camille and Yoongi sit and you can see them in their ‘bubble state’ where they act as if no one’s watching. Your friend is talking effusively. Bright eyes, her voice a bit louder than usual, a thing she does when she’s excited. Yoongi’s face rests on this hand, admiring, all ears, just for her. It is curious, you think, did Namjoon bring you here just to remind you of what you are when your pussy isn’t leaking for Jungkook? 

“Oh, hi!” Camille waves. 

You rapidly find yourself sitting before the soon-to-be newlyweds. This is not your first time on a double date with them, but you assumed Namjoon would like some time alone after spending several days apart. Underneath, you are grateful, being alone with him makes your guilt surface and that’s the last thing you need. 

Grateful for the change of scenery for the evening, this ‘special outing’ was great. Food was better than you could have imagined and you had time to catch up with Camille’s out-of-the-ordinary ideas for the rehearsal dinner and bachelorette party. Yoongi seems to be happy she is happy, and if this isn’t love… well– 

“Hi, sorry I’m late,” that voice… you could feel the vibrations of that voice and know who it is. 

Why is Jungook here? 

“When have you ever been sorry for being late?” Yoongi laughs, making room for his friend to sit. Now you are stuck between Namjoon to your right and Jungkook in front of you. 

Jungkook’s lips curve into a smile when his eyes meet yours, but your breathing seems off now that Namjoon holds your hand. Is the room spinning? 

“Ah, Jungkook I’m glad you could join us,” Namjoon adds as he squeezes your hand endearly. 

Tension could be cut with a knife, but this just seemed to be in your head. Camille relaxes, leaning over Yoongi’s shoulder as she laughs at Jungkook’s goofy grin. 

“Isn’t it weird for you?” your eyes find his. 

“What do you mean?” Jungkook replies, bringing his broad chest forward. Close enough for you to get the magnificent view of his firm, broad chest. 

“I– don’t know. I thought this was going to be a double date thing,” you mumble quietly. 

“Ah, don’t you worry about him. Bet he already has a hot babe as his date for the wedding,” Camille adds. Yoongi agrees by nodding quietly and shooting a mischievous look at his friend. 

“Oh, no… no,” Jungkook starts, dismissing the comments with a wave of his hand. “I have someone I can’t take out of my mind though. She is so fiery, and feisty. The type I dream of again and again,” 

“You’re so screwed…” Namjoon laughs, innocently sipping his drink as your heart is about to shoot out of your chest. 

Jungkook keeps his mouth shut, reminiscing on what to say next. He is confused, for sure, the way he wants to turn your world around and get lost in you again and again until the only thing in your brain is his name… Call him doomed, if you must. He can smell you from across the table, you don’t notice but his nostrils want to inhale your scent forever. How could he do this to Namjoon? One of his closest friends, an older brother figure who has protected and counselled him throughout the years. 

This is crazy. 

A thoughtful smile finally appears on Jungkook’s lips. 

“You have no idea how screwed I am,” his eyes avoid Namjoon’s. Instead, he looks directly into yours. Eyes so deep you wish you could just shut your eyes and erase this from your memory. But how can you when his mere touch electrifies your entire being? Is a fascinating thrill you’ve never experienced before, and now, you crave it again. 

Your anxiety peaks as the dinner passes and now Camille orders dessert. Yoongi agreed to split it with her and Namjoon wanted some ice cream. It seems like the only people who were not hungry for dessert were you and the tattooed man across the table whose eyes looked at you as if you were the most exotic prey. Not exactly to eat but to keep captive, submissive to his thoughts and desires. You hate to admit this, but somehow, your legs start to tremble and the wet feeling between them cannot be stopped. 

A familiar, yet irritating buzzing sound of your boyfriend’s phone interrupts your train of thought. Namjoon excuses himself to take a work call and you are not even surprised. Late work calls have begun to come a little bit too often, he worries you will get upset, but to be honest, your mind has other concerns. What are you going to do about Jungkook? There is not much you can do, just ignore him. Ignore the way he makes you feel. Ignore the way your lips tingle and the thought of him kissing you again. Ignore the thought of his strong hands travelling from your back to your hair, fisting and pulling it as the result of mere passion. 

“I promise it won’t be long. Babe?” Namjoon’s eyes look into yours. 

“Sorry, I was lost in thought.”  You come back to your senses to see that the check has already been paid thanks to your boyfriend’s card. Camille and Yoongi are already up getting their coats. Jungkook seems to be waiting outside. 

“I need to stop by the office real quick. Would you come with me or I can drop you off and maybe we’ll watch a movie later?” His smile is so beautiful you want to say yes. Yes to everything. You have the most considerate, amazing person on Earth, this is what you need to focus on, but suddenly it wasn’t so easy. You need time to think and decompress. 

“I’ll just walk home. I’m in for the movie later if you promise you won’t fall asleep,” you answer playfully. 

“See you later.” Namjoon lifts your chin and plants a firm kiss on your lips. It’s sweet, yet has a force that makes your knees weak. 


Because the restaurant was six blocks or so away from your house, you had no problem walking. It was your idea. It was refreshing even, the night was cool but not too windy. You needed to move and release all temptation. Nevertheless, it was quite unfortunate when all that peace was interrupted. You were so lost in thought you almost missed the deafening sound approaching you. It was like deep screeching announcing that you had just arrived at the gates of hell. It was a bike. No, it was the bike and riding it, Jungkook. 

Your hand quickly covers your heart in shock as Jungkook grins cheesily. His helmet still on, black visor up. 

“You like it?” 

“Gosh, don’t scare me like that!” 

“I can’t believe you are walking home. Let me give you a ride,” he innocently winks at you. But deep down you know there is nothing innocent about that wink or that invitation. 

“I rather walk,” you answer a little bit louder, the noise of the motor a little bit too loud for your liking. “Helps me clear my mind.” 

“Why does your mind need clearing?” 

Damn, he is so persistent. You don't answer right away, but you do observe the way his chest rises and falls under his shirt. How his pecs were outlined, his arms holding his body in position to ride… Ride… Before your brain can process it, you find yourself getting on the back of the bike, Jungkook putting a helmet on you. Your heart is pounding in your chest, this is a thrill you’ve never experienced before but somehow you needed it. You want it again and again, the euphoria, the never-ending high. 

Without turning his back, Jungkook carefully reaches out for your arms. His mind is alert and sharp, he believes the wrong move will send you running for the hills. So he takes his time, to take your hands in his with a sweet but tantalising demeanour. Your hands finally land on his torso, barely touching him, but your chest against his back feels how tense he is. 

“Now, just hold on tight, baby.” 

He speeds and the scream you were holding back finally comes out. Jungkook can barely hear you, but the way you now hold on to him for dear life is the way he has dreamt of since he first laid eyes on you. Fuck, the way he wants you to be his is sinful, wrong, even perverse. Would he be the bad person for wanting you this much, if so, then he’ll be damned. He is willing to risk it all. As your smell mixes up with the wind, Jungkook feels in heaven, while your wanton gets worse and you are sure you are in hell. 

It took you about 5 minutes to realise you were not heading to your house at all. Instead, you were going in the opposite direction. You were getting further and further from the city’s downtown. You tried not to panic, but when Jungkook drove that bike from the top of a hill, you clutched so tightly that your hands were clawing his chest. 

“Hey… hey…” he laughs. “It’s okay, we’re here.” 

You open one eye and only then do you catch up with reality. You are outside Jungkook’s apartment. 

“Come in, it’s getting cold.” 

Speechless. Are you going into his apartment? Are you ready to confront whatever the fuck is going on between the two of you? But when he extends his tattooed arm and helps you out of the seat like a gentleman, you secretly wish he’d fuck you right there. No shame. 


Jungkook’s apartment is nice and neat. Minimal decor, a lot of earthy tones, feels empty but just enough at the same time. Still holding your hand, he takes you to the kitchen. 


“No, thank you. I would stay up all night if I have coffee,” you kindly answer, giving his hand a little squeeze. Ugh you know it is dangerous when he looks down at his hand and then his eyes land on your lips. 

“Okay, no coffee…” but then he closes the space between you and suddenly the air is sucked out of the room and there’s only him. “You sure about not wanting to stay up all night?” his breath combined with some liquor courage he had with dinner was now inches from your face, he was too close, way too close. 

“Jungkook…” you hesitate, but little did you know the mere action of saying his name like that turned him on. 

Fire engulfed him as you turned your head away but still gave him so easy access to your neck and shoulders. How easy would it be to rip you out of that pretty blouse you are wearing… Hmmm and that flowy skirt has to go. 

“Be mine,” he breathes against your skin, planting then a wet kiss on your neck just below your ear. Sealing his actions like a death sentence, he repeats himself again and again while trying not to burst into his pants. What is it about you that makes him want everything you are, possess you. 

“Be mine,” his tongue now freely travels from your shoulder to your earlobe, sucking it. 

Your body gives in. Like a moth to the flame, your lips find Jungkook’s and in an instant, this growing heat forms in your belly. His kisses are urgent, forbidden, and lustful, his hand fists your hair so painfully good you can’t help but moan into his mouth. Everything about him is exquisite. His other hand grabs your waist now, and you find yourself sandwiched between the kitchen countertop and Jungkook’s body. His body gets so hot listening to your tiny cries and moans as he lifts you for you to sit in front of him. This is how he wants you, mind crowded with filthy thoughts of him only. Desperate for his touch, wishing he was there day and night to please you again and again until you can’t take it anymore. 

Jungkook breaks off the kiss and takes a look at you. What a fucking wonder. Your lips are puffy, breasts are slightly exposed from the rough makeout session. They move with your accelerated breathing which makes him feel somewhat proud. Your eyes are blown with lust and even though he feels he can cum right there with merely the sight of you this is not how he wants it to happen. No. You have to use your words, you have to agree. 

When Jungkook kneels, your brain seemed to stop working, but when he put his head between your legs, shit, you were in big trouble. His arms grab your thighs for you to stay still for him, and then he licks your entrance already dripping for him. Your panties stuck to your pulsating pussy. Jungkook looks at you with the charmiest of smiles. 

“You are using the ones I bought. I knew you would look so fucking good in these…” with each word, he would lick your entrance, the poor fabric just soaked in your juices and his spit. 

“Be mine,” he says again. This time, he bites your inner thigh, licking and kissing it right after to soothe the sudden pain. 

But you loved it, every single touch is like a current that travels under your skin and ends in your clenching hole. You hand grabs his hair and you pull him to where you need him most, and with a swift move of your underwear to the side, his tongue is deep inside you. 


You have to be honest, he eats you out like no one has ever before. That thought will be tormenting you for weeks, you know that. It is wrong, you should stop. But then, one of his fingers slides into you making your eyes roll back in pleasure. The moaning of his name involuntarily escaping your lips, you are louder now. Hips rocking back and forth as his lips suck your clit. With a little curve of his finger, you jolt. 

“Right t-there, yes,” you whisper. 

“Are you gonna be good and cum for me?” 


“Do you want me?” he inserts another finger in. 


The heat that once resided in your belly is now all over your body. Tears already threatening to leave your eyes as your orgasm approaches. So you close them. His tongue presses hard on your click and with one more thrust of his perfect fingers, you cum for him, your body shaking under his touch as he slows down his pace. 

You reopen your eyes to find Jungkook leaving little kisses on your thighs. His eyes search yours and you see something in them you never did before. Pure bliss. 


“Can you believe the wedding is in a week?” 

Camille’s voice echoed in the changing room while both of you tried your dresses for the nth time. She looks gorgeous, the dress fits like a glove. You, on the other hand, are still trying to slip into the dress. 

“Well, someone has been occupied! Miss, is that a hickey on your thigh?” Camille acts shocked and you can’t help but feel embarrassed and hide it. 

“This week isn’t about me, this is all about you!” 

“Oh shut the fuck up. Are you spicing things up in bed?” 

“Something like that…” 

And God you want to tell her, she will snap you out of it, but how can you deny yourself of the most exciting oral sex you’ve ever had? This will all be over as soon as the wedding ends, you hope. 

Your phone chimes. 

Wanna come again? 

Shit. What are you going to do about Jungkook?


do not copy or translate

a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨ hiiii I am back after being mentally and physically ill for months. I am not completely healed, but I felt inspired and this came out. Message me if you wish to be in the taglist <3 next chapter is on the works.

taglist: @paramedicnerd004 | @darkuni63 | @bangtans-momma | @diorh0seokie | @gimeow

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