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Whats Your Favorite Part Aboht Writing Death Valeh? Or Who Is Your Favorite Characters To Write?

What’s your favorite part aboht writing Death Valeh? Or who is your favorite characters to write?

i can tell ya my least fav part is making fucking headers gODDD im bad at that stuff and it trusfrates me to no end.

characters…i don’t think i characterize too well in dv tbh it’s just chaos. jin? he’s a fun one.

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3 years ago

All Over You by The Spill Canvas. Honestly all the lyrics line up perfectly for Yoongi x OC. Specifically how he feels about her.

“In my daydreams, in my sleep / Infatuation turning into disease / You could cure me see all you have to do now is / Please try give it your best shot and try / All I'm asking for is love / But you never seem to have enough”

just listened to it. LOVE. this would totally be the kinda song dv!yoongi would write for jimin to perform too.

why cant you just love me back 🥺🥺poor yoongi awh i kinda feel bad for the guy he's jus lonely n wants love HAHAHA

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3 years ago

If you want an amazing BTS sci-fi fics I highly recommend the Personal Assistant series by @your-daily-biaswrecking. So far there is three different parts. The first part is centered around Hoseok, the second Yoongi, and the third part is Jimin and Jungkook. They all work as stand alone pieces, but it’s more satisfying to read them all together. I was blown away by the series and the author is amazing. She lures you in with smut, but you stay for the character driven plot.

THANK YOU. Ok I just read the Hobi one

Holy shit—the writing is so fucking good but also I was ON EDGE. This hobi is so like,,,scary but in a good way! I’m gonna read the other two asap 😭 so goooood

Also the concept of personal assistants like he’s whole purpose is to literally serve her which fuels the obsession and it’s so intriguing

I wanted oc to escape and when he found her I got CHILLS

Also rip joon lololol

Gosh and the way he manipulates her at the end to be like yeah I missed you and want you

Brilliant. Wow

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3 years ago

yay I’m so excited about your recommendation lists! Will you be adding these lists to your m.list in addition to your drabbles/one shots etc?

Also, any discussion of yandere is definitely incomplete if @sweetbunnykook is not mentioned! Only You is an absolute legend 😭

yessss I’ll add them all on there!

Only You is PHENOMENAL. I have read it many times it’s super good. will make an appearance on my possessive theme rec list for sure :) along with a few other fics from them :))))

3 years ago

can you do one where namjoon and jimin argue to fuck you while all the guys are watching? #death valley

hi omg yes. wait yes. can i... ok hear me out

like a threesome except its more like namjoon and jimin challenging each other & fucking you to see who can do give it to you better?

itd start out with jimin being like i bet i can make her cum first and namjoon is like wanna bet and they both just DIVE IN

or or or. maybe. they take turns? jimin would go first bc he's a brat and then you'd come and namjoon would go next. his ego is huge so he'd try to make you cum even harder

also if i completely misinterpreted it let me know but i love this and wanna write it

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3 years ago

Hi kara😊 Do you take noncon requests? Super ok if not I was just wondering! Feel free to ignore this!

read my req policy here !

it’s a matter of capability. im not sure i even can. send me anything you want. that’s fine, but like with anything else i could need to adjust it for my sake. but I’ll ask u if that’s ok first if I need to

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