bayothemayo - (Requests Open) BayoTheMayo
(Requests Open) BayoTheMayo

She/Her | Cis | LGBT+ Ally

78 posts

Whumptober Day 14: "Just Hold On." (Yu Narukami X Reader)

🎃Whumptober Day 14: "Just hold on." (Yu Narukami x Reader)🎃

Spoilers: Final boss fight

Whumptober Day 14: "Just Hold On." (Yu Narukami X Reader)

You stand in front of Narukami, who was laying on the ground. The area that you two both are in is filled with fog. It seems like this is the end. Izanami is far too strong for us. But you know that Narukami, and he is going to overcome that struggle. He just needs that little pick me up right now. You kneel down, "C'mon Yu...I know you can do it. You were able to save your friends and Nanako. You are the most powerful member. Probably because you can wield multiple personas." You softly chuckled, "You helped so many people, including me. You've helped me to being more comfortable on talking to other people and to accept myself on who I am and not to be ashamed of myself. I am sure that other people who you helped are cheering you on right now." You stand up, and you smile,"Besides, I know you are too determined to lose. Remember Yu, I believe in you. I love you and...

just hold on..."

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More Posts from Bayothemayo

1 year ago

🎃Whumptober Day 10: Miscommunication

(Phantom Thieves x Reader)🎃

Part 1

Whumptober Day 10: Miscommunication

It has been a few days since you last talk to your friends. You did what you told yourself to do and you left them alone. They didn't notice at first, as you expected, but they slowly start to notice. They were unable to talk to you in person due to you avoiding them in person, so they resort to texting you. Individually, they texted you if you are doing okay. You responded with a "Yes", "I'm doing good.", etc. After sometime you got a text from the dead group chat that you were in.

Ann: Hey (Y/N), can we talk for a little bit? ㅤㅤ‎(Y/N): Sure Ren: We want to talk to you about you and how you are been acting around us. Makoto: Since we are unable to talk in person we can talk in the group chat unless you want to meet up in person? (Y/N): No no it's fine. (Y/N): It's just that you guys seem a little distant lately. So I thought that it would be better if I just leave you guys alone. Ann: Have we been distant? We're sorry (Y/N) but we have been busy lately. Haru: Our schedules have been awfully full lately. (Y/N): That's fine. I don't want to be pushy. Futuba: You're not being pushy (Y/N). (Y/N): Oh, my bad. Ryuji: No worries dude, we can hang out if we have the time. (Y/N): 👍 Alright I can wait. Yusuke: Maybe we can go visit an art museum? Ryuji: Nah let's go to somewhere that is a little more fun. (Y/N): As long as it is fun, we can do that.

After a few minutes the chat soon died down. As you placed your phone down, you thought to yourself.

Maybe I overreacted. I always overreacted. Why was I worried? You thought to yourself. You then got a text message for the same group chat.

Ryuji: Whew! Thought they would be suspicious about our secret meetings. Ren: ... Makoto: ... Yusuke:... Haru: ... Ann: RYUJI!!! Futuba: Damn it Ryuji... (Y/N): Oh...alright then. lol. Ann: WAIT (Y/N)!

(Y/N) left the group chat

I guess I was wrong.

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1 year ago

🎃Whumptober Day 11: Aftermath of Failure(Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls)🎃

Whumptober Day 11: Aftermath Of Failure(Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls)

Silence fills the iron air. The tense atmosphere forever lingers. The Monokuma controller lays in front of Komaru’s feet. Then the silence gets replaced with cheers from below. Adults cheer over the headless bodies of children that litter the streets. Blood pours out of the little bodies into big puddles. Clothes being dyed red. But the adults don’t care. They are happy that their enemies are dead. Komaru stares blankly at the broken controller.

Despair truly is thrilling.

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6 months ago
Yu Narukami X Female! Reader (Headcanons)

Yu Narukami x Female! Reader (Headcanons)

Yu Narukami X Female! Reader (Headcanons)

The first time you met you don't really had an opinion on him. All you know that he is transfer student and only going to stay for a year or so.

He was the first one to strike up the conversation which later turned into a friendship.

You notice that most of the time he was silent, letting you talk for the entire time you two hang out. Even so he still makes good company.

Due to Inaba being small you two usually spot each other. Maybe you two do some chit chat or just wave to each other. The interactions would be brief if you two have somewhere to go.

Other than that the two of you's friendship is nothing really to take note about or something that is particular interesting.

Until you got thrown into the TV.

How fun.

Like the past TV victims, your silhouette shows up on the Midnight Channel. But due to plot reasons, Narukami didn't know it was you. He did notice that you weren't at school, or anywhere.

And then when your Shadow self was on TV, he finally realized that it was you.

Naturally, he was worried. He is always worried when with his now friends that got stuck in the TV with a chance dying is looming in the corner. But since he is your friend already he was a lot more worried.

Your dungeon went like how the previous ones went, fighting shadows, you rejecting your shadow self, them having to fight your shadow, and you accepting your shadow.

Naturally you needed to recover physically and mentally due to the TV world. So after a couple of days you came back to school. Narukami and the others were worried naturally, and they check up on you. They also ask if you remember who pushed you into the TV, which is you didn’t.

But you did joined the Investigation Team!

Narukami treated you like your other teammates but maybe with more care.

For the first couple of times when you all are in the TV world he kept a close eye on you just in case you needed help.

But nevertheless you were doing alright in the TV world.

Since you are now a part of the team, you have been hanging out with Narukami and the others more which you don’t mind. It was a nice change of pace.

Sometimes when you hang out with Narukami, the others who walk by join you. Again, you don’t mind.

Romantic Head canons

When you two start to date, the interactions are mostly the same but with an added ingredient called affection.

Most of the gestures are simple, kisses, small hugs, and holding hands. When it is more private situation, like home alone, you two mostly cuddle in the couch or bed.

You two share food from time to time, sometimes he hands feed you.

In the TV world he keeps eye closer eye on you, but he tries to make it fair for the other teammates so they won't feel like they are lesser than.

After finishing what you guys do in the TV World if there is time and if you two both feel like it you two cuddle in one of you's beds

When Narukami leaves Inaba you always call when you have time, mostly to just chat or maybe vent something. Depending how the two of you are busy you are, you two can chat for hours.

You two get a little more lovey-dovey, in private you don't want to make the others uncomfortable, when you two reunited.

Overall a very cute relationship.

...He also guards you from the dangerous and evil Mystery Food X, he doesn't want you to die from simply tasting it.

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1 year ago

Hi hi,

Thank you so much for writing those adorable headcanons of Yosuke!!

May I request Makoto Yuki [Minato Arisato)] x reader small headcanons of how Makoto would calm down a jealous reader.

Like how he would hold them, buy them of their favorite pastries or as a last ditch effort. He would kiss Reader to remind them that he loves Reader

Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki Calming You Down Headcanons (Minato/Makoto Yuki x Jealous! Reader)

Hi Hi,

It is pretty simple to calm you down

For a little bit of jealousy that you have, he holds your hand or puts his arm around you. A little peck on the cheek/lips

That is only when you are a little jealous. He gets more affectionate towards you the more that you are jealous.

Cuddles, more kisses, make/give you your favorite snacks. Basically showering you with love.

He would also give you sweet words of love, telling you that he loves you and will never replace you.

Sometimes he calms you down, often at night, or if he doesn't plan to go out, he just lays next to you on your/his bed and shares his headphones with you to listen to music. This is your favorite part of the day with him, even when you aren't jealous.

Maybe you should be jealous more often to get that extra affection. Though he won't mind that if you ask for more affection, he loves it too.

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1 year ago

If requests are available, can I please request head canons for an Akira kurusu with a s/o that's is a persona user but under the terms, of the s.e.e.s. Later on his s/o invites him over to their room then goes out for a bit then finds the evoker??

P.s I genuinely love you're writing .

Akira Kurusu x S.E.E.S! Reader Headcannons

If Requests Are Available, Can I Please Request Head Canons For An Akira Kurusu With A S/o That's Is

Warning: Swearing

Note: The reader doesn't know that Akira is a Phantom Thief but has suspicions.

He doesn't know that you were a persona user, due to him thinking that the only way to summon a persona is ripping off the mask and that the Metaverse is the only place where shadows can exist. So he was essentially clueless even if you two dated for a while.

When you invited him to your house to hang out he was excited, he was excited to see what your room was like and to see your personality shine through it.

And indeed it had your personality and your likes slapped all over it. Posters of your favorite band/game/movie and some of the items you own in your favorite color.

You have to excuse yourself to get something you left downstairs, so Akira was left alone in your room.

Akira just stood there awkwardly, he didn't want to snoop around but something caught his eye.

There was a sliver case peeking out under your bed, the blanket almost covering it.

It caught his interest. He kneels down and takes the case out under your bed. He wanted to respect your privacy but curiosity got the better of him.

He carefully open the case, and he immediately saw something that shook him to the core.

A fucking gun.

A unique-looking gun at that. Another thing that caught his eye was the red armband that was sitting there, waiting to be worn again. He didn't want to touch it in case you noticed that it moved once you opened the case. But he can see the letters S.E being shown while the rest of the letters are hidden.

There was something else that caught his eye, but it was a lot more innocent compare to the gun.

It was a group picture with people, a dog, and a robot? that he doesn't recognize other than you of course. The people in the picture were wearing a school uniform. You looked younger in the picture so Akira can guess that this picture was taken years ago.

"Oh shit I can explain!" You quickly shouted when you saw Akira looking at your Evoker case. You thought that you had hidden the case better.

"...Why do you have a gun?"

"It's not a gun it's an Evoker!" You try to explain but it didn't really help with another. You quickly responded, "Look, let me explain, and hope this won't change your opinion of me." You then explain on how you had gotten this Evoker, S.E.E.S the Dark Hour, the shadows, and a little bit of your teammates. You didn't tell him about the more... sensitive parts when you were part of the S.E.E.S. It took a while for Akira to process the information because he was shocked that there were other Persona users and something similar to the Metaverse. Akira did feel bad that you had to explain this to him which is probably one of the most private parts of your life. So Akira spoke up.

"(Y/N)," Akira said softly, "thank you for telling me this. To make things fair, I want to tell you a secret." Akira then mentally prepared himself for your reaction, "I am the leader of the Phantom Thieves."

Silence fills the room. You sigh as you run your fingers through your hair, "I had my suspicions...and I had a feeling that you were more special than others." You put your hand on his cheek, "You are being careful with being a Phantom Theif right?"

"Yes, I am..." Akira put his hand over yours.

You stay silent and then you spoke, "I want to join you guys." Akira stiffens but then slowly nods. Despite him not wanting you to join, you already have experience with shadows. More than him actually. So he reluctantly let you join.

You Had Join The Phantom Thieves!

Akira let you tell the others what you had told him.

When you all got to the Metaverse and started to fight the shadows, he (and the others) got a heart attack when you put the Evoker to your head. He felt a little better when your Persona came out instead of your brain bits.

It is going to take a while for him to get used to it, maybe never.

Despite you having more experience, he is still a little protective over you.

...and maybe gets a little flustered when you are being a badass.

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