Fan Fiction - Tumblr Posts

Lucifer & Alastor share a dance
All credits to the amazing JW2386 💕

First meetings between Lucifer and Alastor in the 1930s
All credits to the amazing JW2386!! This is a still from her comic "For The World"
![Pentagram City Is Under Attack! [toridesori]](
![Pentagram City Is Under Attack! [toridesori]](
![Pentagram City Is Under Attack! [toridesori]](
Pentagram City is under attack! [toridesori]
Stills from @toridesori's incredible fan comic of a_j_splatoon's Hazbin fanfic "Rise Of The Hell Empire"
![Hazbin Hotel Fanfic - An Angel Arrives In Lucifer And Lily's Life [@toridesori]](
Hazbin Hotel fanfic - An angel arrives in Lucifer and Lily's life [@toridesori]
Stills from @toridesori's incredible comic of biancaroseg77's Hazbin Hotel fanfic "Heaven in Hiding"! ❤️
We’re building a dedicated platform for creators to publish their fan comics! Upload your fanfics in minutes on Fanon!
Does anyone else read a lot of reader inserts but doesn't imagine themselves in the story? Like, it's my name, but they never look like me. It even changes from story to story, like I'm not imagining the same person everytime.
Hey LMK fans I’m writing a fic where Red Son gets the Samadhi Fire instead of Mei, here’s a preview for the first chapter called “Royalty with a Crown of Fire”

Yippee please give me motivation to finish this it’s like 8 chapters long /hj
// Fuck It I Love You • part 2 //

summary: after the party, you and wes talk more about your feelings for each other and things get a little heated

part 2 of this chap
❥༄ when i stepped out of fred's car, the night sky was jet black, accompanied with bright stars. i started giggling to myself because they looked like little specks of glitter. Fred gave me an irritated look, "get inside weirdo." i sneered at him while he pushed me towards the driveway, wes beside him laughing. I was still trying to wrap my head around the events that happened merely an hour ago. the whole thing happened so fast. it had me questioning wes's motives. i mean does he really like me or did he just tell me all that because him and harmony broke up? as we all stepped into the house, my thoughts were interrupted by fred's voice. "ah shit man, how are you gonna get home? me and y/n are way too drunk to drive you back, and i need my car tomorrow." i looked over at wes, he was looking at fred with a concentrated face. "i mean i could just crash here right? it wouldn't be the first time." fred looked down at his shoes, clearly thinking then shrugging. "yeah you're right, just take the couch." fred waved me and wes off, making his way to his room, leaving the two of us in the kitchen, alone.
❥༄ I awkwardly stared at my shoes, while wes scratched the beck of his neck. "well i guess that's my cue." i murmured along with a weak laugh. wes jumped up "oh yeah me too.." "well goodnight wes." i whispered. he looked at me and there was something about his eyes, it's like there was some kind of message in them, but i couldn't decipher it. "yeah goodnight y/n...sleep well." he gave me a small smile, i returned it and trutted up the stairs to my room. i shut the door with a sigh and changed into my pjs. i followed that up with brushing my teeth. i was about to wash my face, then i remembered i was probably going to have a gnarly hangover in the morning. i made my way downstairs where i saw wes on the couch, flipping through channels.
"whatchu doing?" i asked. He jumped a little, startled by my entrance. "nothing just racking up your guys cable bill. how about you? i thought you were going to sleep?" i leaned on the counter and sighed. "i was but i realized i'll probably feel like death tomorrow, so i came down here to get some water and pain killers. do you want any?" he shook his head "nah i didn't drink a lot, so i should be fine" i shrugged while grabbing a glass "suit yourself~" he laughed me off and returned to looking through TV channels. once i was done i began making my way back to my room until i noticed wes had no blanket, or pillow. really fred? "did fred not give you a pillow and blanket?" "nah hes a jerk" he said with a chuckle. i placed my water and pills back on the counter. "wait here." i went down the hall to get him his stuff.
i plopped the items down on the spot next to him on the couch. "thanks i appreciate it" he stammered. "n-no problem!" his nervous behavior was so cute, it was making me nervous as well! i turned to the tv and saw he was watching mtv downtown. "oh i love this show!" i said while placing myself on the couch. "can i stay and watch it with you? please!" he laughed at my pleading. his head was thrown back, and i could see the crinkles on the corner of his eyes, and how his smile curved up. how could someone be so effortlessly beautiful? "it's your house y/n, go ahead." i blushed in embarrassment, realizing he was right. "yeah i know...i just didn't want to keep you up." he looked at me, still smiling "don't worry, i'd stay up all night if you wanted me too." he confessed. i looked at him to notice he had a bashful look on his face. i smiled shyly in response and turned my attention to the tv screen in an attempt to stop myself from kissing him right then and there.
it was around 15 minutes later when the question began bouncing around my head again. did wes really like me? i let out an audible sigh, without meaning to, which made wes turn to look at me with a perplexed expression. "what wrong? are you cold?" he questioned while shoving more of the blanket towards me. "no i'm just...thinking." he raised an eyebrow. "about what?" i hesitated and began playing with my hair before i spoke up. " you really like me? or did you just do and say all that tonight because you and harmony broke up?" he positioned himself in a way that forced him to have hisbody fully towards me. "y/n...yes i really do like you. i mean i've known you since we were in elementary, why would i do something so cruel to you?" i sighed and ran my hands through my hair. "i don't know it's just...why now? why all of a sudden? i mean like you've said, we've know each for years, and i've liked you that whole time." i confessed, my voice getting more shaky as i continued, and my face reddening as well. "y/n look at me." i snapped my head towards him. if he was medusa i would still look. "first of all, i never knew you've liked me for so long, i'm flattered. second of all my-" he stopped to let out a light hearted chuckle. "my crush on you is kinda new..." i furrowed my brows. "what do you mean?" he began rubbing the back of his neck again "well i wanna say it started this year, i mean i've always just known you as my best friends little sister, but you've really changed. i mean looks and personality wise." i nodded at his confession. i guess you could say i had a "glow up." i didn't like bragging about my looks a lot but of course, i wanted to know more. "like what?" he looked at me, confused. "what do you mean?" i rolled my eyes at him. "what specifically about me changed?" he laughed dryly while turning away, a small tint of pink adorning his face. "come on, don't make me say it." i turned to him with a worried look. "what?" he sighed while looking back at me, then at my chest, then back at me. i scoffed and pushed his chest. "seriously?!" he threw his hands up in defense. "hey you asked." he said while chuckling. "i mean it's not like that's the only thing." he continued. "you've just really grown into your looks ok? and you've become such an...individual. you're just completely your own person, and i really dig that." my heart felt like it was going to jump right out of my chest, and i'm pretty sure my face was as red as a strawberry. with a shaky voice, i thanked him. "t-thanks wes that...means a lot coming from you." he laughed a little then asked, "what do you mean by that?" all while having a devilish smirk. i rolled my eyes "you know what i said...i've liked you for years."i looked up only to see he was already looking at me. i felt like he could see through me completely. see every secret and insecurity. every line and curve. he cupped my face and i was frozen, unable to speak or think, then our lips connected. the kiss was slow and passionate. despite it being the middle of november, his lips felt warm against mine. i felt like i had a wildfire all over my body. then he picked me up and sat me on his lap. i let out s small yelp, resulting in him pulling away and putting a finger over my mouth. "shh we don't wanna get caught " he said with a sly smirk. i nodded in agreement, i was like putty in his hands at this point. he put his hands in my hair and reconnected our lips. my hands found his chest and biceps. when did he get so buff? i moaned into his mouth, unable to contain the immense pleasure i was feeling he giggled into the kiss and began stroaking my hair, then he lightly tugged at it. "what did i just say baby?" my lip wobbled in embarrassment. "it's too much wes!" i said, my voice shaky and barely above a whisper. he began attacking my neck, littering it with love bites. i his myself in his arms and neck, my body was electric. "you're so adorable, it's driving me insane" // to be continued
// Fuck It I Love You • Finale //

❥༄ I was a whimpering mess, all of a sudden, we heard a door open. i jumped off of him and went to the other side of the couch, covering my entire body to hide my neck, wes fixed his hair and shirt and was staring intensely at the tv. a squinty eyes fred walked in front of us. "what are you guys doing?" i looked at wes, he turned to me, then fred. "well you didn't give me a blanket or pillow so y/n brought me some, and her favorite show is on so we've just been watching it." fred gave me and wes am unconvinced look then shrugged. "whatever. i came to get water so goodnight losers." he grabbed a bottle then retreated back to his room. i turned to wes wibt big eyes and a nervous smile. "close call." he said while having the same smile as me. "yeah." i got up from my position. "well i should probably head to bed, i've got school tomorrow." "yeah that's a good idea." he spoke, he had a bit of a sad look on his face though. i walked to the side of him and kissed his temple. "goodnight wes." he looked at me with a goofy grin. "goodnight y/n. don't let the bed bugs bite." i laughed and pushed his head away. he was such a dork sometimes.
authors note: IM SORRY FOR NO SMUT GUYS IDK HOW TO WRITE ITTT also the story had to be split up bc part 2 exceeded the character limit lol
So I am working on a fan fic idea. It’s of LPS Popular but with a twist. I had an idea for a series I call “Maverick No. 9” which follows a teenage prince escaping to earth after his home planet was destroyed and has to adapt to earth and protect it from the evil empire that wants to destroy him by using a mech he can summon through a device. It was inspired by Sym Bionic Titan since I like that show too. But the more I kept thinking ideas I then realized how a story like this could intertwine with LPS Popular since I want Maverick No. 9 to have epic kaiju battles with some pseudo realistic teen drama stuff. That’s when I had the idea for this.
This isn’t much of a passion project but more or less a warm up for me. And I can write an LPS Popular fan fic by also mixing in some other things that I like. I thought I’d share this since I don’t know where I should post this 3 part fan fic when I am done. But I am just glad to share it with you. I might post art of this fan fic. See ya!
A Chihiro and Haku fanfic, everyone ~
Hi, folks~ I posted a fanfic for Spirited Away a while back on AO3! It's a childhood-best-friends-to-lovers trope hehe~
Please do check it out! I'd love to know what you think of it!
Lots of love, Fae~
prepare to suffer kim hongjoong. i am going to project all my irritation towards my chronic pain onto you in the fanfiction i am planning
Another chapter of Teacher's Pet up with a second part I may post later today or tomorrow. Steadily escalating the ShinZawa relationship is giving me life, my sadomasochistic heart is thriving. But now it is starting to make me wonder... It is a multi ship fic and ShinZawa has always been listed as endgame (krbk as well) but the ShinBaku relationship is now pretty developed. Breaking them up is going to be a bummer!
(Alt ending: ShinBakuZawa lol)
(But then that begs for other alts: ShinKiriBaku, ShinKami, ShinBOWL, ShinMonoTetsu... I could go on. ShinJirouMomo. Sigh.)
reasons to write fanfiction (I'll start):
share a cool scene that popped into your head
evoke a particular emotion the canon makes you feel
song made you think of a character or idea from canon
make people feel the same way about a character you do
make dolls kiss for fun
explore ideas the canon hints at but doesn't do anything with
traumatize characters and make them suffer
coddle characters and let them rest
had an insane idea for a crack ship and now everyone needs to know
the author of the canon was wrong and must be fixed
use familiar characters to explore your own ideas and plotlines
canon is too short and you need to wallow in the universe of the story
What a treasure of a post this is! My heart belongs to AUs.
I always always always recommend "The stars move still" by BeautifulFiction. One of my all time favourites.
And I second the love for "You are a paradigm" by 1electricpirate. The whole series is 👌
Both of these can also be found as podfics! (by the loveliest voices consulting_smartass and aranel_parmadil)
I suddenly discovered my enthusiasm to give Johnlock AU FANFICTION a go.
Started with" Performance in a leading role "
but longing for more.
Do you know some good Alternate Universe fanfiction ????
But please no Vampires or Penguins 😅
I need the fandom experts 🙏❤️🙏
@anothermindpalace @abatchofcumberbatch @bluebellofbakerstreet @barachiki @cheekbonesofbenny @cumberchameleon @crobabies @discordantwords @fyeahfreebatch @gryssenielsen @gaylilsherlock @honeybeebatch @hellobitches990 @holmesianlove @im-sherlock-ed @johnlockfanficmindpalace @johntrashwatson @johnlock-fic-recs @lololollywrites @merillock @missdeliadili @only-johnlock-fic-recs @helloliriels @sherlocked-for-life @tendalee

• noun
the rush or inexplicable joy one feels after seeing or experiencing something romantic
Fanfiction is becoming people’s primary form of entertainment right now because most media right now is so cheap, bland, recycled, and sponsored by people who love money more than the source material. Fanfiction is written for free by people who genuinely love what they’re writing about. That’s why it’s better. That’s why it’s more satisfying. Fanfiction is a home-cooked meal made for yourself and for your friends. Media today is junky fast food spoiled by too much grease and the knowledge that the people producing it are being criminally mistreated and underpaid.
gonna start formatting my posts like fics on circa 2008
A/N: This is a post about my day!!!! If you don’t like it, don’t read it! Flames will be used to boil water for my tea, LOL! ^^”
~*~*~*~* CHAPTER ONE *~*~*~*~
I tried so hard, and got so far But, in the end, it doesn’t even matter I had to fall, to lose it all
(A/N: I don’t own the rights to Linkin Park!!!)
i made some bombass fried rice today fuck
~*~*~*END OF CHAPTER ONE*~*~*~
A/N: And that’s it :D I hope you guys enjoyed this update, I worked really hard on it!… If this chapter gets 10 comments, I will upload the next one ASAP. ^_^” This is a lot of fun–
My teacher: Hey, shouldn’t you be doing your homework?? -_-” Me: EEP O_O! Okay, see you later guys, GOTTA GO FAST! Please comment and remember NO FLAMES!!!