bbymingyv - Bookshelf

All my favorite fics in one place ♠Gyuldaengie

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Gingerbread House

Gingerbread House

Gingerbread House

; Jimin x Reader x Jungkook

; Candy Shop;AU

; Genre: Smut

; Word Count: 12.4k

; Warnings: Slight food play, dom!Jungkook, sub!Jimin, unprotected sex

; Synopsis: Do you have a sweet tooth? Or do you prefer a bit of spice in your treats? Gingerbread House has all your needs met with our large range of confectionery that’s sure to meet everyone’s tastes. For those looking for something a little more personalised, we’re always willing to create bespoke confectionery to suit you. Give us a call or visit our store, you’re sure to find plenty to sink your teeth into!

; A/N: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY @yminie!!! I’m sorry it’s late ;-; I hope you enjoy <333333


“Guess what!” Chaeyoung grins broadly, hands holding each other tightly on the table in front of you. Looking up with an eyebrow raised, you make an imploring look with your face while licking your spoon clean of ice cream.

“I got your birthday present, and you’re going to love it.” She squeals with excitement, clapping lightly and practically vibrating with happiness and anticipation at your reaction. You swallow the ice cream before putting the spoon down, the sundae in front of you now empty.

“Oh? Do I have to wait?” You ask with a smile, leaning forward as a twinkle lights up her eyes with excitement. Biting her lip, she leans forward too before shaking her head.

“No, actually I’m going to take you after we’re done here. You have no idea how hard it was to get this for you, I swear I kept asking about an opening for weeks!” She waves for the waitress and you watch as she brings over the bill for you to pay. Splitting it between the two of you, you’re soon grabbing your bag and coat and leaving the restaurant you’d both come to.

Today was your day to catch up with your best friend as you hadn’t seen Chaeyoung in two weeks, meaning it was definitely time for you both to spend some valuable hours with each other. She’d desperately wanted to try the new Greek restaurant that had opened in the city and so you’d agreed, enjoying pork souvlaki for you and a moussaka for Chaeyoung.

The food had been delicious and immediately taken you both back to your holiday to Crete and the hot sun that shimmered on the waves of the calm Aegean sea. It had been far too long since you’d had a vacation and you suddenly craved it once more, resenting the fact that you hadn’t taken advantage of your birthday to go seek some sun somewhere.

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More Posts from Bbymingyv

6 years ago

bts hybrid fic recs

Bts Hybrid Fic Recs

(just because i haven’t seen enough hybrid aus guys i promise i’m not a furry) (some of these are wolf!aus)

anything marked (m) includes mature and sexual content

♜ - series | ♛ - oneshot | ★ - personal favorite

Bts Hybrid Fic Recs

kim seokjin

↳ pink panther (m) | @gimmesumsuga ♛ ★

↳ bobsy-die (m) | @seokkbuns ♛ ★

↳ silly kitty ;; happy kitty | @seokkbuns ♛

↳ the pretenders (m) | @tayegi ♛

Bts Hybrid Fic Recs

kim namjoon

↳ wolf boy and snoopy girl | @ausblack ♛

↳ butterfingers | @seokkbuns ♛

↳ something in the way (m) | @tayegi ♜ ★

↳ tigerboy (m) | @joonbird ♛

Bts Hybrid Fic Recs

min yoongi

↳at your service (m) | @magicalsalamander ♛

↳ oh pretty kitty, this bath wasn’t meant for two | @milkguks ♛

↳ inheritance | @seokkbuns ♜ ★

↳ milk (m?) | @icyhobi ♛

↳ late bloomer (m) | @tayegi ♛ ★

Bts Hybrid Fic Recs

jung hoseok

↳ take it like a puppy (m) | @icyhobi ♛ ★

↳ orectic (m) | @gimmesumsuga ♛ ★

↳ perihelion | @seokkbuns ♜

↳ emotions | @btsreactsarchive ♜

↳ where is my mind? (m) | @tayegi ♛

↳ costume | @njhsmoon

Bts Hybrid Fic Recs

park jimin

↳ don’t care if it hurts (m) | @hollyhomburg ♜

↳ little bear (m) | @b-angst-tan ♛

↳ only you (m) | @kitten-dont ♛ ★

↳ timid | @seokkbuns ♛

↳ ragdoll | @ausblack ♜

↳ shy bunny | @closetedkpopfan ♛

↳ sunny day | @baepsaets ♜ ★

↳ the dark side of the moon | @dovechim

Bts Hybrid Fic Recs

kim taehyung

↳ the one (m) | @taetae-tea ♜ ★

↳ it takes two to make a thing go right 02 ft.jungkook (poly!au) (m) | @imaginethisbts ♛

↳ little dove (m) | @yminie ♛

↳ fever (m) | @lucbelle ♛ ★

Bts Hybrid Fic Recs

jeon jeongguk

↳ to own a hybrid (m) | @closetedkpopfan ♜ ★

↳ bedroom kitten (m) | @cherrynochu ♛

↳ kalopsia (m) | @erosjeon ♜

↳ felicity (m) | @nochugguk ♜

↳ safety | @guksthighs ♛

↳ ruska | @saturnmyg ♛

↳ in bloom (m) | @tayegi ♛ ★

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6 years ago

Bad For You (M)


Character / Genre / Word count: Jungkook x reader | Stripper! AU, Smut, Angst | 11,180 words

➽ Summary | His whole presence emits sin and danger, and you are not supposed to be attracted to him on the first glance.

➽ Warning | involving infidelity, male stripper, striptease, oral sex, explicit sex scene, usage of language, mentions of alcohol

➽ Music companion | Bad For You and Notice Me

➽ Author’s note | as requested by @the95liner who put the idea inside my head and I couldn’t stop thinking about it until months later I just have to write it down.

➽ Drabbles | One | Two 


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6 years ago

a green christmas | min yoongi

🎄 summary  🎄

the greenhouse was your spot. you never knew that someone inside it was  always watching you. 

harry potter!au, slytherin!yoongi, gryffindor!reader



🎄 .

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6 years ago

Act On It

Act On It

Summary: You learn that the cute barista you’ve been crushing on might have an…otherworldly disposition after you accidentally cut yourself.

A college, coffee shop, and vampire AU all in one!

Act On It

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut, and anything in between

Word Count: 15,639

A/N: This is the longest oneshot I’ve ever written. I found this vampire!yoongi fic sitting in my WIPS back at the start of the year. I did my best to pick it up and rewrite the story into something interesting.

Hopefully you guys like it.

Act On It

In your opinion, college is a fairly safe space. You go to classes, get along well with friends, enjoy sitting near the pond in the middle of your campus when the weather is nice. There are rarely any crimes—and when there are, it’s a stolen bike, a petty fight, or an…“attack”.

But! Attacks are rare.

Hell, sometimes they aren’t even acknowledged. Not everyone chooses to believe in folklore—that vampires are real and walking among us.

Some people are disbelievers because they’re too scared to give into the reality that every day they might be around someone who could pin them down and steal their blood in a split second. Others just…think it’s a hoax—the few and far between vampire attacks, that is.

“Those people just want attention. They can fake fang marks like that with special effects make-up.”

Society seems to be torn on their existence—just as some people refute the existence of ghosts or spirits, or even god and higher powers. You for one—well…you believe. At a younger age, in an event you’ll never forget—you had fallen off a swing at the park and gouged open your knee on the turf. In what seemed like a flash a shadow had appeared above you—a man looking to be in his late 20’s to early 30’s. When you glanced up he had knelt down—his eyes meeting your curious and slightly frightened stare. His eyes were crimson, and it had seemed as if his irises were pulsing with….with…

“You need to be more careful,” he had told you, his Adam’s apple bobbing heavily against his throat. He hadn’t bothered to help you up, instead stepping back— fingers trembling near his sides. “You can’t afford to get hurt around others if you keep smelling like that.”

And then he was gone. But despite his disappearance, his words stuck with you—lingered in the back of your mind for days—weeks, even.

What do I smell like? You had wondered, but had never bothered to search for the answer. Anytime you pondered potentially pricking your finger or making a harmless little cut, immediately those crimson eyes popped into your mind, and you found yourself weak at the knees—unable to follow through.

Years later, you’ve nearly forgotten about that man at the park—those deep red eyes and resounding words. You’re a college student—you’ve got papers to write, tests to take, applications to fill out—you don’t have time to worry about things such as ghosts, or higher powers, or vampires. As if. The only thing on your mind is class and the coffee you get every morning to help you through the day.

Also the cute, yet bored faced barista at the campus coffee shop you seem to face nearly 7 days a week, regardless of the time you leave to get your coffee. He’s charming in his own right—dark hair, styled a little lazily, and dressed in casual clothing that perfectly accentuates his body. He’s minimal effort good-looking, and you can’t believe how much you’re attracted to him sometimes.

“Morning,” you greet with a smile when you step up to the register, the line advancing forward. He doesn’t bother to look up, already hitting buttons on the screen in front of him and reaching to grab a cup to write your name on.

“Usual, right?” he asks in a low voice, sounding groggy, and you stare at the top of his head as he bends to grab a marker that had fallen on the floor.

“Tired?” you respond instead. He grunts.

“Long night.”

You hum in understanding as you watch him press the marker to the cup, however, instead of writing your name, with sloppy handwriting he ends up scribbling his own, and you break into a fit of giggles.

Cocking an eyebrow, the male glances up at you.

“Wow, suddenly our names are quite similar,” you say, pointing at the cup, and when he sees the permanent black Yoongi written he curses.

“Fuck, I’ll get you a new one–,” he begins apologetically, but you cut him off.

“No! It’s ok, it’s just a cup and you already know me, so it’s no big deal,” you laugh, smiling at him. He pauses.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, just draw a little heart next to it to make it cute and I think I’ll be fine,” you tease, and while Yoongi rolls his eyes, he can’t help the small smirk that comes to his face.

“I make no promises with that heart. Go ahead and swipe your card.”

Nodding, you do, and once the charge goes through you walk to the other end of the counter to wait, knowing by now that Yoongi will simply take your receipt and throw it away, since neither of you want it.

As you wait for your drink to be made, you pull your phone out and scroll through your twitter feed, trying to catch up on all the latest news and gossip before you run off to class. However, your finger only manages to swipe upward a few times before there’s a gasp behind you, and you turn to find a girl staring in horror at her phone which has just landed face down on the tile floor.

“Oh no,” you say, highly sympathetic as you squat down and gently pick the phone up since she’s clearly too petrified to do it herself. You peek at it, tilting the screen your way, and the hiss that escapes your lips is enough to let the girl know that she’ll be needing a new phone sometime soon.

“Shit, the glass,” you mumble as you return the phone to her, managing to mirror her thankful, albeit disappointed smile. She says that she’ll clean the glass up since it was her fault, but you tell her that you’ve got it, and reach over to grab a napkin.

“Don’t touch it, Y/N. We’ll clean it up,” you hear Yoongi’s voice command from the background, almost warning you to not do anything stupid, but you wave him off. You’ll be fine, it’s just a little glass.

So, putting the napkin next to the tiny shards, you gently use the side of your hand to brush the pieces onto the napkin. In the background Yoongi calls your name to get your drink, and then immediately sighs when he sees you bent down, trying to macgyver glass onto a napkin like a cave man.

“You’re dumb,” he grumbles as you stand up, turning to face him with the napkin full of glass in your palm.

“Hey, it worked didn’t it?” you grin triumphantly, but just as you transfer the napkin to Yoongi to be disposed of, a piece of glass tears through the thin layers of paper and scrapes your skin.

“Ow, fuck,” you curse, examining the damage as Yoongi hurriedly takes the glass from you and tosses it into the waste bin. You hold your palm out, fingers lightly pressing at the cut—red seeping at the edges—but before you can move to find something to clean yourself up, Yoongi’s hands are embracing your hurt one.

“Yoongi?” you say in surprise, watching as his thumbs brush against your palm, pressing down slightly on either side of the scrape. At the action more blood appears, and you glance up at him in shock.


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6 years ago

At Your Service


Pairing: BTS Yoongi/Suga (Doberman Pinshcer Hybrid) x Reader (human)

Genre: Fluff/ Slight Angst/ Smut/ Hybrid au/ Office worker (reader)/ Bodyguard au

Summary: Your Grandpa adopted him, ex-K-9 police dog hybrid, to kept the auto shop safe. He had to fulfill his viscous guard dog hybrid appeal, but he was putty in your hands. However, when an unexpected event happens you take ownership of Yoongi, your best friend…but when tensions build, will he want to stay with you?  

Words:10 K

Warnings: Death of character (family member), smut, knotting kink, oral (giving), switch/dom/sub, baby girl & baby boy, protection, cursing, and dirty talk. Rated 18+ (M)

A/N: Hi…I wanted to release this one shot as an intermediate while I’m working on other series. Thank you for being patient with me. This is supposed to be lighthearted~. Thank you for reading~ check out the other version to get a (slightly different perspective on this one shot!

Masterlist, Monsta X Shownu/Hyun-woo Version [Will be linked when issue is fixed, please access blog for mstlist]

The whine of drills and sparks singeing metal played in harmony with the sound of heavy rainfall. The toxic combination of gasoline, oil and fresh water bit at his sensitive nose. However, with the years spent in the auto shop the familiar smells have become comforting. He leaned against the steel service door frame, watching and guarding the entrance protecting the mechanics inside. The rain was thundering against the rooftop and metal awning shading the service doors. He closed his eyes, resting them just for a moment letting his six sense take over, as he was lulled by the cascading waterfall off the awning.

Wet footsteps sloshed against the asphalt, a new sound against the normal industrial noises. The shuffling of a paper bag accompanied the hurried steps. Inconspicuously, a floppy ear perked up towards the sound and when it got closer he pried open an eye. She was wrapped up tightly in a hoodie with her arms struggling over a large bag in her hands. She ran through the parking lot like she was running away from rolling lava. She broke thought he waterfall, her hoodie getting drenched, and pulled the hood of her hoodie back breathing a sigh of relief. He watched the pink and rosy burn on her cheeks and the tip of her nose. A smile radiated from her at him momentarily stopping Yoongi’s heart.

He closed his eye again, but a huff left you noticing his passive attitude. You pulled out a smaller bag out of the bigger paper bag you were carrying with a sly smile. You approached the grumpy, but docile pinscher. He seemed like a quite one with his stoic exterior, but he could yapp at times like a chihuahua. Yoongi put of this pretense of being an aggressor, a force to be reckoned with, but he melted like putty when it came to pets. He was all bark no bite…at least when it came to you.

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