bee2906 - Bee🐝🍃

.just someone who enjoys reading and watching films/shows !!

80 posts

Bee2906 - Bee - Tumblr Blog

10 months ago
Absolutely True.

Absolutely true.

10 months ago

Let’s talk about how important JJ is to the team, especially in earlier seasons

In the earlier seasons of Criminal Minds, every person has a role, Reid is the brains, Garcia is the tech genius, Morgan and Elle/Emily act as the tactical team and Hotch and Rossi/Gideon act as the leaders. Everybody talks about these roles but people don’t realise how important JJ really was

JJ acted as the communications liaison between the press and police and this role is extremely important. JJ was the reason the team heard any of the cases that they did, it was her who decided what they should and shouldn’t hear. She didn’t get to go on holidays (seen end of season 1) because she had to stay behind and keep looking at cases. She had to read hundreds of horrible cases, looking at the most horrific evidence and making the decision by herself as to which ones were the most important

She then had to control the press which is extremely difficult to do during any case because the press are like pariahs; they often don’t care about the moral implications as long as the story they are selling is successful. She had the job of controlling them so that they didn’t tamper with the case, on top of everything else she had to do

Then, she was in charge of telling the families that their loved ones didn’t make it; she took the brunt of any aggression and blame that they placed and had to keep her emotions completely in check whilst this happened

Finally, on top of all of this, she had to act as a field agent when needed

She did so much yet never actually got any credit from the fans for what it is that she did. If you want to be reminded about how hard her job is, season 4 episode 7 onwards gives you a good reminder

Lets Talk About How Important JJ Is To The Team, Especially In Earlier Seasons
Lets Talk About How Important JJ Is To The Team, Especially In Earlier Seasons
Lets Talk About How Important JJ Is To The Team, Especially In Earlier Seasons
Lets Talk About How Important JJ Is To The Team, Especially In Earlier Seasons
10 months ago

If there’s one thing Matthew Gray Gubler is gonna do it’s be a weird little critter and I respect him for it. Every day I lay in wake wondering wtf he’s gonna do next

10 months ago
bee2906 - Bee🐝🍃
10 months ago

i saw something on tiktok where the criminal minds account commented something about the actors knowing about the fandom.. god save us all matthew grey gubler we are very sorry

10 months ago

My mom showing me "hot", buff, alpha males she took from Google: "Do you think he's attractive? He looks really nice!"

Me thinking about stinky opossum guys who look like they've been out in the rain for 13 days: "Yeah I guess I dunno.."

10 months ago
bee2906 - Bee🐝🍃
bee2906 - Bee🐝🍃
bee2906 - Bee🐝🍃
bee2906 - Bee🐝🍃
bee2906 - Bee🐝🍃
10 months ago

The tragedy of Achilles isn't that he got mad and was punished for it through the death of his friend.

The tragedy of Achilles is that it took him ten years and a very stupid argument to realize that dying in a pointless war against people who never wronged him was a complete waste of his life and that he valued living over glory, but at that point it was too late to disentangle himself from the cycle of violence that would claim his best friend/lover and inevitably himself.

10 months ago
I Like My Men A Lil Unstable Though
I Like My Men A Lil Unstable Though
I Like My Men A Lil Unstable Though
I Like My Men A Lil Unstable Though
I Like My Men A Lil Unstable Though

i like my men a lil unstable though

10 months ago

It's a lot healthier to go for a daily walk than to sign up for a gym membership you won't be using because you hate that kind of exercise. It's a lot healthier to eat a frozen meal than to skip a meal because you were too tired to cook something healthy. It's a lot healthier to take a quick shower than to procrastinate an elaborate routine for days. Don't aim so high that you won't be hitting anything!

10 months ago

I want to see something.

Reblog this if you believe in bi and autistic Hotch.

10 months ago

Happy Autism Awareness month, remember that Dr. Spencer Reid studied human behavior to fit into Society™ because he naturally can't and that shit it's fucking canon.

10 months ago


reblog to give a strawberry to the person you reblogged this from

10 months ago

Hotch: we all have our demons

Hotch, smiling and holding out a picture of the team: these are mine

10 months ago

spencer reid can never have a normal bad day. my man goes into work and get poisoned w anthrax or kidnapped and tortured like can’t he just spill coffee on his favorite shirt or something ? damn

10 months ago

The most gorgeous besties

The Most Gorgeous Besties
The Most Gorgeous Besties
The Most Gorgeous Besties
The Most Gorgeous Besties
The Most Gorgeous Besties
The Most Gorgeous Besties
The Most Gorgeous Besties
The Most Gorgeous Besties
10 months ago

*plans reads for the next month*

*grabs random book off of the shelf to read instead*

10 months ago

season 1 spencer has my heart he’s just adorable with his sweaters and short sleeve plaid shirts

11 months ago

The two extremes of my ideal type: the dilf much older than my dad aaron hotchner, or the nerdy angel face boy spencer reid.

The Two Extremes Of My Ideal Type: The Dilf Much Older Than My Dad Aaron Hotchner, Or The Nerdy Angel
The Two Extremes Of My Ideal Type: The Dilf Much Older Than My Dad Aaron Hotchner, Or The Nerdy Angel

11 months ago

Derek: How did none of you hear what I just said?!

Reid: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.

JJ: I got distracted halfway through.

Emily: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.

11 months ago
bee2906 - Bee🐝🍃
11 months ago

James: Do you really hate Sirius?

Regulus: Yes.

James: So you're telling me you wouldn't save his life? What if he needed a kidney?

Regulus: James, he's my brother. Of course I'd give him my kidney. Just not my respect.

11 months ago

Every time JK Rowling says something transphobic a Harry Potter character becomes trans

11 months ago
Today I'm Thinking About The Biphobia Surrounding Laurent In The Fandom. "They Say He's Bisexual But
Today I'm Thinking About The Biphobia Surrounding Laurent In The Fandom. "They Say He's Bisexual But

Today I'm thinking about the biphobia surrounding Laurent in the fandom. "They say he's bisexual but then made him be with a woman!!" you not know what a bisexual is. "This is queerbating!!!!" He is canonly bisexual every episode...every second....The fact that he is a canon bi character in anime is such a big deal already but then you whine that he's not with a man like 🤌 They aren't even gay coding he's literally bisexual in canon. Can't you see how amazing that is? You cannot see Laurent and say he's straight because he quite literally is not and that's a fact. Laurents whole character is barstard bi man. Hold back me and my bi rage