Hi! I'm Beetle! They/them This is my main blog where I just post whatever I'm into at the moment! I also do art sometimes!
891 posts
God,,,the Littleyouve Heard About Me? Is Making Me All Soft,,,and Then Theive Heard All About You OH
god,,,the little “you’ve heard about me?” is making me all soft,,,and then the “i’ve heard all about you” OH MY GODD,,,my heart,,,blackbeard speaks way softer than i thought? i don’t think i’ve seen his actor in anything before (but i’ve heard of him ya know) and oh,,,my god,,
anonphrog liked this · 2 years ago
just-a-little-unionoid liked this · 2 years ago
More Posts from Beetlethebug
made a uquiz to figure out what your basic assumption about the world is
what is the truth at the center of your universe?
there's 8 possible results and no song lyric or pop culture questions, enjoy
What if when we were born we were each assigned a Wikipedia page like a social security number would that be fucked up or what
hey man i haven’t seen a single similar post (concerning???) so i feel like it’s important to make this.
tomorrow is ramadan. your eating disorder will not magically disappear in ramadan.
allah will not hate you if you relapse in ramadan. be it that you faint or you binge, if you need to break your fast because of your eating disorder THEN YOU BREAK YOUR FAST.
You are not supposed to fast when you are sick. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO FAST WHEN YOU ARE SICK. IT IS HARAM TO FAST IF YOU ARE SICK BECAUSE IT BRINGS HARM TO YOUR BODY. If you start feeling horribly sick and you know, you haven’t had sufficient suhoor or iftar for a few days or anything of the sort, it is okay to break your fast and even go to the hospital if you need to.
habaybi that have eating disorders, PLEASE take care of yourself during ramadan. It is a month of cleansing and forgiveness, so forgive yourself if you relapse. You can always redo your fast after ramadan.
Jazakallah please reblog this post and ramadan mubarak to you all! ♡
god i’m loosing it at the intimacy ALREADY between these two. blackbeard finds him so fascinating and i have to fucking agree. god. i love this show it’s so good i’m having so much fun oh my god
he’s an idiot i love him i can’t wait for blackbeard to fucking fall in love and become his number one fan. i’m so excited. wearing all white to a pirate island??? sir even I, fashion illiterate, know that’s a bad idea. you buffoon. you imbecile. you absolute handsome disaster of a man.