Stede X Ed - Tumblr Posts
Man there's just something about those proper little gay men with British accents who don't fit into society and then find someone who accepts every part of them, especially the parts that make them "weird", that just gets me every time
Everything is fun and games until you fall in love with a cute blond

Our Flag Means Death ♡ David Jenkins casually killing us with every new interview

new official promo poster for OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH season two
god,,,the little “you’ve heard about me?” is making me all soft,,,and then the “i’ve heard all about you” OH MY GODD,,,my heart,,,blackbeard speaks way softer than i thought? i don’t think i’ve seen his actor in anything before (but i’ve heard of him ya know) and oh,,,my god,,
oh the hard exterior, soft inside character finding a person who they can be soft around and is willing to indulge them and their imaginations and oh,,,oh i’m going to be down hard for these two i can tell.
no im not near any soft stede and blackbeard content but like,,,already i can just imagine stede reading to edward and doing the voices and just. the soft domesticity of it all.
i see your “stede did ed’s hair and beard bows for the ep 5 party” and raise you “frenchie did ed’s hair for the ep 5 party in the crew quarters and then sent him off, and he stepped onto the main deck from one end of the ship at the same moment as stede stepped out from the other end of the ship and their eyes met and there was a soft, silent moment where ed was basically putting himself out there for stede’s approval and stede smiled and smiled and looked ed from toe to top as they walk forward slowly to meet in the middle of the deck and its like no one else exists in all the world
and stede said “that color suits you” and ed said “it’s just fucking–purple, man” and stede said, “do you know, some people might call this particular shade a royal purple.” and ed can barely breathe at this point and he’s like “oh yeah?” and stede says “or a french violet. it’s great with your eyes. and your hair–oh, you did use the silk flowers.” at this point ed is blushing so hard he’s so glad for the fuckin beard man and he says “frenchie did it, not used to having it all pulled up like this” and stede’s smile gets even softer somehow and he says “well it looks lovely. i mean, it always does, you have lovely hair, but it’s–nice.”
and then fuckin izzy who can’t stand this interrupts and he’s got these little purple ribbons and he barges in to be like “boss, frenchie says these are for your beard, i can add them in” and the moment is broken and izzy starts trying to tie them but he can’t manage it and ed keeps looking away from him and glancing over at stede and izzy is getting frustrated and finally stede steps forward and says, “may i?” and ed just goes to him instantly, just melts away from izzy and steps in close to stede and offers up his beard to stede, essentially putting stede into izzy’s place, so that izzy has no choice but to hand over the ribbons and it’s like the whole ocean and sky holds its breathe while stede fixes the ribbons in place
“there,” stede says. “you look lovely.” and ed sways into him a little before he gets a hold of himself and he finally manages to say, “you do too, the, eh, white is nice, like the white,” and stede grins again and they go to get into the dinghy and row over but as they’re standing at the rail stede leans over and says “i am rather partial to the leather look as well, you know” just before he climbs over and leaves ed standing there with his heart falling out of his throat after him”

And I've been meaning to tell you
I think your house is haunted
Your dad is always mad and that must be why
And I think you should come live with
Me and we can be pirates
Then you won't have to cry
Or hide in the closet
And just like a folk song
Our love will be passed on

I have drawn something and I love it 💋💋😘❤️
Love this scene.
On the comedy side, Archie is talking about how she imagined Stede being taller, muscly and charismatic, while actually describing Jim she's fallen for. (Yes to taller - even bending over a bowl of soup Jim is taller. Yes to muscly. And yes to charismatic - doing fairytale voices was just the tip of the iceberg)
On the tragedy side, there's Izzy bitterly watching Archie going on about how she thought the guy Ed is pining for would be taller, muscly and charismatic and probably thinking. Yeah. Thought so too.

In episode 2 the figurine representing Stede doesn't look so good as in episode 1.

It took me a rewatch to figure out Ed was most likely trying to burn it, but couldn't bring himself to do it. Hence the defeated look.

Izzy Hands: *muttering hateful comments under his breath about Stede and Ed*
Pete: c'mon man it's not cool to be homophobic
Izzy: I'm not homophobic. I'm just a hater