bambibitch liked this · 3 years ago
More Posts from Belchyra
ive seen some people speaking about it and id thought ill add my thoughts to it; please remember to play genshin responsibly. me, as well as some other people are scared that the kazuha banner is basically gonna be xiao 2.0. a lot of people were extremely distressed about loosing the 50/50, had breakdowns, said theyll kill themselves, etc. some people spent way more money than they should. please remember, genshin is just a game at the end of the day, not to mention a gacha game. it is supposed to make you spend money to get your favorite character. i know how heartbreaking it is to not get a character you want, especially if theyre your comfort character, but please know where it becomes dangerous. having breakdowns and falling into depressive states is not normal, not in the slightest. if you see yourself becoming like that, please try to take a break. it is dangerous. please dont whale on a character either, especially if youre a minor or its way out of your comfort budget. its an easy way to a gambling addiction. of course im not gonna tell you what to do, but please, before you make an impulsive decision, step back for a moment and think about what youre doing.
not to be a bad lgbt and i haven’t read little women nor have i seen the new adaption but idk why ppl are debating jo’s sexuality when—from every gifset i’ve seen—her struggle doesn’t seem to be with sexuality but the weight of expectations she has to deal with as a woman in her age and i don’t mean this in a mean way but i feel like focusing on her sexuality is erasing the very real, chest constricting, drowning fear of having society push and push and push you into the role of mother and caretaker and homely wife and not feeling but knowing you’re not meant for that and having to fight so hard against the expectation because you know you’re not meant for that so you fight and fight and fight because you can’t let up for one second because if you even hint at having an emotion people want to throw you back into that mother archetype but by fighting and yelling and building a wall between you and everyone it also closes you off from the prospect of romance and tenderness and you just want to have one without the other but the world says you can’t so then you’re just so lonely
and i think a lot of the debate i’ve seen on this site thus far is missing that
Can people who are telling the others to skip Kazuha because “He’s Bad” mind their own fucking business? You do realize people pull a character not just for the meta right lmao???
i’m left heartbroken and disgusted by the events that take place in this world. it leaves me questioning the existence of beings. what hurts me more is seeing how quiet this community is on the issue. you have platforms with a 1,000+ followers and willingly choose to stay silent.
please educate yourselves and take a look at what’s happening in palestine. i have friends with families who are fighting for their lives right now. these people have been fighting oppression for decades. use your privilege for something. use your platform for something. please i’m begging you. just because it isn’t directly effecting you doesn’t give you the excuse of staying silent.
a reminder that if you choose to stay silent in the face of oppression, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.
here are some resources:
educate yourself
petition to help palestine
another petition
educate yourself some more
watch this video to donate to palestine (3hrs)
another video to watch to donate (1hr)
(don’t skip ads + u can just leave these playing in the bg!!)
donation thread for palestinians in need
more donation links
please reblog for exposure!!
What does the arab in your carrd mean? Is it like afab and amab?
.. i’m palestinian