BeriShe/Her 31PTWCIF friendly Traits: 🌸 Creative 🌸 Clumsy 🌸 Bookworm Likes: 🍓 Writing 🍓 Birds 🍓 Desserts 🍓 Vampires 🍓 Arts & Crafts Simblr dedicated mostly to townie makeovers and storytelling. Heavy on Caleb Vatore x Morgyn Ember. I blame it on neighbourhood stories. ❗WARNING: Might contain mature themes. Proceed with care.
102 posts
Hi, Hello, Good Mornin', Is It Just Me Not Getting Reply Notifs Or Are They Broken For Everyone?
Hi, hello, good mornin', is it just me not getting reply notifs or are they broken for everyone? 🙃
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Got tagged by @simarcana (thank you so much! <3) to show my Lock/home screen, last image saved and last song listened to, so here they are!

Shamelessly using my own screenshots as wallpapers because I...am obsessed. If there was an option for a third one, I'd have included Simeon too 😩
Last picture saved is ironically related to the sims as well lmao. I was playing in the Munch household while on discord with a couple of simmer friends and sweet little Lucas got a popup asking if he should embrace the change and swap his rightfully earned Good trait for the Evil one. Immediately I had to search for the perfect meme.
Last song listened to is basically just fuel for my writing. Also I love Motionless in White.
42 & 44 for Simeon :) I really like what you did with him. That hand is everything.
Still related to this post! (This is so overdue, I am SO sorry for how long it took ifafhafs) Thank you so much! He's grown on me quite a bit after I made him over, it's crazy 😭
Answers under the cut:

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42. What’s the typical first impression after meeting this person?
"Geez, what a bitch." Said every apprentice ever.
Simeon isn't the most approachable person in the Magic Realm and exudes the air of someone who enjoys to pass judgement on others as a hobby. Which he really doesn't (not that much, anyways) but still manages to put potential new acquaintances off. However, after you get to know him, it turns out that he just suffers from RBF (aka Resting Bitch Face syndrome) and is actually quite pleasant to be around.
44. Does this person try their best to be honest or are they not above lying to get their way?
Honey, Simeon is the epitome of honesty. The man cannot lie. He is simply unable to. He may be able to omit stuff until a certain stage, but once shit hits the fan, he'll be the first to spill the beans and he'll bawl his eyes out doing so (yeh he cries A LOT).
Got tagged by @alpine-lapine and after running a poll on who I should make this about, it turns out ✨Morgyn✨ won with 50% of the votes. Not my OC, but people seem to like them, so I shall deliver!

Questions & answers under the cut:
Are you named after anyone?
No idea. My mother never bothered to tell me.
When was the last time you cried?
I'm not sure. I haven't shed a tear in a long while. Though if I had to guess, I'd say the time I was told about Tess' disappearence probably being tied to her potential death was the last time I truly cried.
Do you have kids?
Not at the moment. Though Minerva keeps telling me how she has visions of me holding two curly haired children who look suspiciously like me and...an acquaintance. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that.
Do you use sarcasm?
Oh I live for sarcasm. To be fair, I think it's a Sage thing. *Snicker* Yeah, I'd say it comes with the job.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes. Not in the superficial "you've pretty eyes" manner, but in the "I now know your every secret" kinda way. You can learn so much about a person just by looking them in the eyes. You can find out if they're excited, scared, maybe intimidated by your presence. Some are subtle and others not so much. It's quite interesting, honestly. And telling of a person. Which is why I often use sunglasses when going out... Yes, even at nightime...I do the eye reading thing, not them.
What’s your eye colour?
Green, unfortunately. Most people think it's a lovely color, but to me it only serves as a reminder that I actually have a father who never bothered to make an appearance in my life. I'd much rather have my mother's brown even if our relationship is rocky.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I find happy endings to be cliché and far too boring these days. Bring in the horror. I'm all for it. I just won't guarantee it'll do a good job of scaring me.
Any special talents?
I can light things on fire and put them out with a simple flick of my wrist, but I suppose this so called "talent" is exclusive to spellcasters alone. If we're talking regular human talents then I'd probably say...acting. My fellow sages can attest to that.
Where were you born?
It's a blur, honestly. I know my mother was originally from Glimmerbrook and that I was raised in Windenburg up until I decided to run away at the age of 16, but I'm unsure if I was actually born there. I always had the idea that we simply moved shortly after my birth as a means to chase after my bastard father. But again, this is not something that I know for certain.
What are your hobbies?
There are a ton of things I enjoy doing, none of which I consider to be a hobby aside from reading, maybe. I don't have that much free time away from the Magic Realm, anyways. Simeon has been trying to get me into gardening though, but I don't think it's for me. After all, it's not like I can grow plants out of thin air like he can. He's the expert in Practical Magic, not me...and I wouldn't be caught dead digging through dirt and soil with my own bare hands.
Have you any pets?
I do. A 2 year old Dobermann. His name is Asmodeus.
What sports do you play/ have played?
I'm honestly not that much of a sports person anymore, but I used to do gymnastics as a kid. And it's fortunate that I did, because all that trained flexibility still comes in handy sometimes. *L. Faba snorts in the distance* L. take your mind out of the gutter, that's not what I meant.
How tall are you?
Around 5'7.
Favourite subject in school?
My memories of school are brief and muddled, but I remember I used to love biology. And physics. The irony of it all baffles me to this day.
Dream job?
I've never given it much thought, especially after dropping out before I could even finish high school. Years later, the..."oportunity" to become a Sage made itself known and I took it. It wasn't like I had much of a choice in the matter, with me being the one apprentice Tess left before she went missing. I was obviously still in training when that happened, but the Realm desperately needed a new Sage of Untamed Magic and so I had to rise up to the occasion and take the position for myself. At first, I was resentful and felt that becoming a sage was the equivalent of becoming a prisoner of the Realm. But I soon realized this wasn't the case and eventually grew to love what I currently do. There is so much more to being a Sage than just holding the Magic Realm in place. Today I can confidently say that this is, in fact, my dream job.
None of you has to do this if you're not feeling up to it, but just in case you are, I'm tagging @starlightthing , @trappedwell , @samssims and @edyavtostopom . The original template is in english, but if any of you feels more comfortable doing this in a different language, then go for it! Your blog, your rules!
Hi, hello, I'm alive and so is my game, but I've been obsessed with taking care of this bean that decided to be born when I wasn't looking.
Meet Lorelei Munch 💟

Bonus Gunther being a Good Uncle™️

Your Sages??? Are amazing??? 😳😳
Thank you so much! Seeing so many people reacting so positively to them fills my heart with a bazillion feelings and I just fkuhafkhf
It's honestly incredibly motivating <3