berisims - β™‘ A little sweet, a little spicy β™‘
β™‘ A little sweet, a little spicy β™‘

BeriShe/Her 31PTWCIF friendly Traits: 🌸 Creative 🌸 Clumsy 🌸 Bookworm Likes: πŸ“ Writing πŸ“ Birds πŸ“ Desserts πŸ“ Vampires πŸ“ Arts & Crafts Simblr dedicated mostly to townie makeovers and storytelling. Heavy on Caleb Vatore x Morgyn Ember. I blame it on neighbourhood stories. ❗WARNING: Might contain mature themes. Proceed with care.

102 posts

Espero Que Tenhas Tido Um Bom 25 De Abril!

Espero que tenhas tido um bom 25 de abril!

This was adorable, obrigada ;;

  • natiesims
    natiesims liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Berisims

1 year ago

Anon me facts about me that you think are probably true


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1 year ago
And If The Sun Comes UpWill It Tear The Skin Right Off Our Bones?
And If The Sun Comes UpWill It Tear The Skin Right Off Our Bones?
And If The Sun Comes UpWill It Tear The Skin Right Off Our Bones?
And If The Sun Comes UpWill It Tear The Skin Right Off Our Bones?

And if the sun comes up Will it tear the skin right off our bones?

Got a little enthusiasmed and gave the Vatores a proper makeover for my story 😌 (I still can't believe I finally bid farewell to Caleb's iconic emo hair)

Fun fact: Lilith feeds on willing "donors", while Caleb relies on a blood-free alternative diet (shocker), which is why her eyes are red and his are a pale, milky color.

Another fun fact: Blood consumption is totally a thing that vampires should do to maintain their forms and keep themselves sane, regardless of morals and dietary options. This means that when they've gone too long without it, they can get a little goofy and go on a blood crazed rampage in search of the tastiest (and closest) walking snack they can find. Caleb's dark form is a result of that. As he feeds, his eyes turn red, just like Lilith's. That is, until he basically starves himself again and the cycle begins anew πŸ₯΄

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1 year ago

πŸ‘‚πŸ‘ƒπŸ’˜ for flannery ember? <3


 For Flannery Ember?

πŸ‘‚: Does your OC have an attractive voice?

Oh yes, she definitely does. I like to think this would be her voice claim. It suits her character (even though I've revealed close to nothing about her).

πŸ‘ƒ: Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?

She smells kinda like Morgyn does. Like burning firewood and hints of cinammon. Though she's got an additional something, like dried flowers and cigarettes. Flannery is pretty much addicted to nicotine, having picked up the habit shortly after Morgyn's father (not her husband fyi, she's always been single) bailed on her just before she gave birth.

πŸ’˜ : Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?

Absolutely not a flirt, the poor thing. Flannery fell in love once and had her heart broken by the man she thought she'd marry one day. So she simply shut herself off from the world and pushed aside all matters of love and affection. She couldn't even love her own child like a proper mother.

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1 year ago

i'm in awe with your spellcaster's lore, i'm so obsessed, are you planning on doing a story? Also what was your inspo to build them? Specially Morgyn

Thank you SO much!! Everytime I get an ask like this, my heart gets closer to exploding from joy because it's always people I look up to around here and I just rfhakhfs. I MEAN, YOUR VLAD (both Vlads actually what the heck)?? HELLO??

Yes, I'm actually writing a story as we speak! It's gonna take a while before I start posting, but I have a few scenes ready. I just haven't posted any yet because I haven't been working on them in chronological order, so the timeline is a little bit of a mess right now, oops.

As for my inspo to build my spellcasters and their lore...It was totally a random thing. I was cc shopping for fantasy stuff and came across this halo (the one that Morgyn wears, with the daggers) and thought "Bet this would look great on Morgyn". I then opened CAS, put it on them and thought it looked so freaking cool I had an epiphany. So I just started to play dress up for literal hours and eventually came up with those two main looks. Obviously, Simeon and L. Faba had to be completely remade to fit their fellow sage as well, so I blasted on some Rammstein (I feel like Sonne may have been what really triggered my creativity here) and after a few more hours of looking for cc I thought would fit the aesthetic I was going for while still preserving their essence, I completely remade them. The lore actually came afterwards! For example, when I chose to give Simeon a prosthetic hand, I hadn't exactly thought about how he'd have acquired it (or lost his original hand, for that matter). It was only after that I sat down and thought it deserved some backstory, so I got to work on it. Simeon was actually the first sage I wrote some lore for!

I also created 3 other spellcasters that I haven't shared much about, but they'll take a big part in the story I'm writing. At least in one of its chapters πŸ‘€

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