NSFW - If you are under the age of 18, please leave this page. This page is where I vomit all the random ideas in my head into text form - muscle theft, body swap, possession, muscle growth, and more. If you are a fan of my work, feel free to shout me a coffee over at https://ko-fi.com/betweenthelines.
49 posts
Short Story: Break In
Short Story: Break In
Heath was pissed. He was driving home from a Tinder fling’s house when he saw a dark figure outside the door to his home gym. “Someone's trying to rob me,” he thought as he pulled his pickup truck into the driveway. The dark figure seemed unperturbed by the disturbance and continued to work at the lock of the heavy door. “Let’s treat this guy fucker a lesson,” Heath groaned as he hauled his muscular frame out of his truck. Any sane man would know not to mess with Heath. Heath had dedicated most of his life to the gym, resulting in a strong, powerful physique, part bodybuilder, part strongman. “Oi you!” he yelled as he charged towards the dark figure.
As Heath closed in, the door popped open, bathing the figure in light from inside. Heath barely managed to make out a slender teen, with boyish, delicate features before he disappeared inside his home gym, slamming the door behind him. “What’s he after?” Heath thought to himself as he tore open the door and charged into his gym.
Heath's eyes took a few moments to adjust to the light before he managed to make out the slender teen rounding the corner to the shelves where he kept his numerous bodybuilding and power-lifting trophies. “I’ve got you now runt!” Heath roared. The boy had cornered himself with nowhere to go. A subtle golden glow and the smell of black pepper appeared from the corner that the boy had just disappeared behind. “What the fuck?” Heath cursed.
As he crossed the gym floor, Heath felt a wave of weakness overcome him. With each step, his footsteps became lighter as the muscles he had worked so hard to craft melted away. He slouched as he lost inches of height and his bones thinned. He unknowingly stepped out of his enormous flip-flops as his feet shrank, their petite size no longer able to deal with the large footwear. His thick body hair fell from his body while his hefty balls shrank and pulled themselves up closer to his body. Finally, his sizable bulge shrank to what could only be described as an embarrassment that would never please a woman again.
As Heath rounded the corner, he was hit with the powerful aroma of musk and black pepper. The mountain of a man that stood before him tore the remains of a tattered hoodie off his torso, revealing a powerful hair-covered physique. “Who are you and what are you doing in my gym?” Heath squeaked, surprised by his higher voice. “I think you mean my gym runt,” the giant smirked as he clenched his fists and watched the veins in his meaty forearms swell with power. Heath gulped as a weird feeling overcame him. It was a feeling that he had never felt before. The feeling of being completely inferior to another man.

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More Posts from Betweenthelinesmtf
Balancing The Scales - The Ring (Part 2)
Here's part 2 of the second entry in the Balancing the scales entry. This part turned out to be longer then expected but hopefully it's worth it.
Part 1 is available here.
Mike awoke to the first rays of sunshine streaming through the window. The girl from last night was sound asleep on one of his meaty pecs, exhausted from the marathon fuck session that Mike had put her through earlier.
Mike slowly slipped out from underneath the girl, placing her head gently on a pillow before swinging his feet off the bed and onto the floor with a heavy thud. He paused for a few moments wiggling his meaty toes to get the blood pumping. After hauling himself to his feet, he stretched up to his full height, reaching his hands straight above him. This had become something of a morning ritual for Mike since he had taken over this body. As he stretched, his hands came to rest flat on the ceiling. Relishing in his superior height never got old for Mike, as even though they were several years behind him, he still remembered experiencing the world from a much lower viewpoint. He inhaled deeply, puffing out his chest and causing his core to tighten in an awe-inspiring display of virility.

Since taking over Drew’s body, Mike had pushed himself hard in the gym. This increased effort, combined with a raft of free supplement sponsors and Drew’s phenomenal genes had led to Mike packing on a tremendous amount of muscle, all while managing to shed the last vestiges of baby fat that Drew himself had found so hard to tackle. The result was a truly incredible physique that many hard-core gym rats were envious of, let alone the other seniors in his college. His lats flared wide, and the deep musky smell of sweat from the night's escapades wafted from his armpits.
Bringing his hands down to his sides, Mike pumped his biceps a few times, feeling the blood rush into his thick arms. Despite last night's session running until the early hours of the morning, he was brimming with energy - another perk of the incredible body that he now called his own. He seemed to have near-limitless energy. His substantial muscle mass and quick metabolism caused Mike to feel as if he had a fire burning constantly inside of him. He spent much of his time wearing little to no clothing, and naturally, he slept nude.
Mike’s attention was brought to the semi-hard monster dangling from his crotch. With the sheer volume of hormones coursing through his veins, Mike seemed to be perpetually semi-hard, his meaty cock slapping against his thighs as he walked. He massaged his thick shaft with one hand, while the other massaged his huge nuts as if to work out the kinks from their workout the night before. The act sent pleasure shooting through his body, but he held back from going further. If he spent all day playing with himself, he wouldn’t get anything done. Again.
Mike thudded over to his wardrobe and picked out his outfit for the morning - a form-fitting pair of orange shorts from one of his sponsors and a new pair of white runners. No shirt of course, it would be a shame to cover up a torso like this.

Mike exited his apartment and made his way down to the lobby of his building. Even though he was still in college, his lucrative sponsorship deals meant that money was no real concern for him and he had purchased a luxury apartment just off-campus.
As he exited his building, he began to jog slowly, before picking up speed until he was at a full running pace. He never used to do cardio in his old body since he was scared of losing the little mass that he had managed to build up.
Cardio in this body was an absolute joy. The first time he’d gone for a run in his new body, he was convinced he’d look like a goofy mess. But he soon realised the sheer physical prowess that this body possessed, moving with such power and athleticism. He just had to remember to wear an athletic jock or his cock would swing like a pendulum in his shorts, its thick tip poking out the bottom. Even running at the pace he was, his breathing was even and measured. His new body seemed to relish any physical pursuit. And the extra fitness certainly helped him in his marathon fuck sessions.

After an hour of intense cardio, Mike’s form was as strong as ever. His body, operating like a perfectly balanced machine, had run mile after mile, the only sign of exertion being a slight pump in his oversized muscles and a sheen of sweat covering his exposed torso. He slowed his pace to a stop as he reached his destination. A goofy grin was plastered on his face as he embraced the cocktail of hormones coursing through his body after his morning cardio. He drew in deeply, his nostrils filled with potent man stench that hung heavy in the air. “That fag’s going to love this,” he said to himself.
He walked a few steps and banged his meaty fist on the door. The door swung open to reveal Joey Simpson, a broad muscular man, around the same age as Mike. Joey was one of the biggest jocks on campus. As captain of the football team, he had built the strong athletic body of a college athlete. NFL teams were tripping over themselves to sign him ahead of his impending graduation. In his old body, Mike always tried to befriend Joey and become part of his entourage, but Joey would either tease and make fun of Mike’s short stature or just outright ignore him in favor of hanging out with Drew.
With his new body, Mike was the larger man. He was taller, stronger, and bigger - everywhere. And with Mike’s new cocky alpha personality, Joey had begun to look at the larger man with absolute reverence. Normally when Joey was out, he'd be showing off the impressive muscles that years of football had given him, but when he was around Mike, he covered his smaller body up to avoid comparisons to the larger man. When Joey was next to Mike, Mike had made sure to puff out his chest and subtly flex his biceps to assert his dominance.

The night Joey's team won state for the first time, Joey blew Mike at the team’s after-party. Even in his moment of triumph, Mike dominated the college athlete. Mike wasn’t gay, but knowing that the captain of the football team was submitting to him drove him wild. After being signed to the NFL ahead of finishing his senior year, Joey developed his athletic body further and had a string of model girlfriends. But Mike was still the alpha.
“Sup fruitcake, '' Mike said as he pushed his way into the apartment. “What are you doing here?” Joey said, his face full of concern as he quickly closed the door, “I said you're not welcome here anymore”. “I don’t care faggot, I was nearby and I need to get my rocks off” Mike said as he palmed his huge balls through his gym shorts. “No, not again. My girlfriend will be back any minute” Joey pleaded. “I said I don’t care faggot” Mike said. “Don’t call me that, I’m not gay!” Joey complained, raising his voice, and flaring out the muscles in his shoulders and lats to make him appear more intimidating.
Mike chuckled. It was true that Joey did have an impressive physique - he was a professional athlete after all. But Mike was a god among men. He stormed right up to Joey until he was mere inches away from him, the smaller jock only just coming up to Mike’s colossal pecs. Mike looked down on the shorter man and puffed out his chest and flared his lats, making his colossal frame even more intimidating. “What did you say faggot?”, Mike said in his deep rumbling baritone. Joey croaked something under his breath, his resolve shattering. “That’s what I thought, '' said Mike.
Mike grabbed the other man's head and rammed Joey’s nose into his sweaty, hairy armpit. Joey’s nostrils filled with Mike’s thick musk, destroying the last of the athlete's resistance. Joey moaned, and his cock instantly became hard in his pants before shooting a load into his boxers. “Pathetic beta fag” Mike said as he pushed Joey to his knees.
Joey came face to face with the obscene bulge that had formed in Joey’s shorts. He reached up and pulled down Mike’s workout shorts and jock before being confronted with Mike’s monster of a cock and obscenely sized balls. Seeing the massive cock in front of him caused Joey to monetarily hesitate. His hands absentmindedly fondled the much smaller member in his own shorts. “Come on fag, I don’t have all day,” Mike said as he slapped his swollen member against Joey’s face. The sheer weight of his cock left a stinging red mark on the athlete’s cheek.
Such a raw display of masculinity spurred Joey into action. He opened his mouth wide, taking the swollen mushroom head of Mike’s cock into his mouth. Mike shuddered as the man's warm mouth enveloped his cock. Although he wasn’t gay, he loved a good blow job from big guys like Joey. Their mouths were able to fit so much more of him in.
A gagging sound came from Joey as he struggled to get the whole head into his mouth. He looked up at the god in front of him. Mike looked down on the pitiful man. To think he had desperately tried to get recognition from this pathetic faggot. And now he was totally submissive to him.
Seeing the professional athlete look up at him with a mixture of fear and lust while he choked on his massive cock was such a turn-on for Mike that he grabbed the back of the jock’s head and forced him further down his fuck stick. Joey choked and wheezed as more and more of the colossal cock was forced down his throat. Finally, his nose made contact with Mike’s hairy pubes. His eyes watered, and he gagged and spluttered, impaled on the colossal cock of the god in front of him, his senses assaulted with the musty smell of pubes, the taste of salty pre on his tongue.
He placed his hands on the huge muscular quads in front of them. They were so serrated, that they looked to be cut from rock. He felt the muscle ripple and flex under the skin as their owner tensed and flexed, riding the waves of pleasure that shot through his cock. Using the colossal thighs for purchase, Joey began to force his head backward and forwards, repeatedly impaling himself with the monster of a cock.
“Fuck yeah”, Mike grunted as he used one of his meaty hands to guide the smaller jock’s head on his cock. With his free hand, he pumped his bicep, marveling at the size. Despite being in this body for years, it was still a turn-on for him.
Joey coughed and sputtered again. Mike’s cock swelled bigger as he became more aroused as he worshiped his own muscular form. Lowering his free hand to his core, Mike’s meaty fingers traced each of his powerful abs as he flexed and contracted them. He moved up to his pecs, palming one of them, feeling its colossal weight. He bounced it a few times in his palm, before he flexed, marveling at how dense the slabs of muscle became. Finally squeezed his perky nipple, sending more pleasure throughout his body.
His cock pulsed again. Joey, sensing his master was nearing climax, doubled his efforts. The extra sensation sent pleasure shooting through Mike’s body again, and his cock pulsed in Joey’s mouth. Mike began to moan. He moved his free hand up to his throat. He felt the vibrations of his low baritone as it rumbled in his chest and throat.
His balls began to churn. He was the embodiment of man. The pinnacle of masculinity. The alpha. With one powerful movement, he released his grip on Joey’s head slightly, allowing the man to come almost fully off his pulsing cock, before grabbing a fist full of his long hair and slamming him back down along the length of his shaft.
Cum erupted from Mike’s cock, straight down Joey’s waiting throat. Joey opened his eyes to see Mike’s muscle form, twitching and pulsing as it was rocked with orgasm. The sight made Joey climax again, shooting another wad of cum into his boxes while his mouth was filled with volley after volley of thick alpha cum. Mike pushed Joey to the floor, his muscles twitching and flexing as he basked in the post orgasmic bliss. His cock spewed a final few volleys of cum all over Joey's face and shirt as he lay dazed on the floor.
Mike finally opened his eyes and tp the sight of the star athlete dazed on the ground covered in his cum. “Pathetic” he chuckled as he pulled out his phone and took a snap of the footballer in a compromising position on the ground. “What was that?” Joey questioned, snapping back to attention as he heard the camera shutter. “Just a wee souvenir” Mike smiled, “and you know what to do if you never want it to see the light of day”. Joey’s face fell. Mike laughed at the defeated jock. “See you around fag” Mike chuckled as he shook his cock a few times in Joey’s direction, sending a few globules of cum towards the jock. Mike pulled up his pants and left the apartment, Joey still sprawled on the floor covered in cum.

As Mike made his way out of the building, he got a notification on his phone. It was a tweet from Joey, “Politics needs to stay out of sports” the tweet said with a link to a conservative blog site. Mike chuckled to himself. Even if the Man in Black hadn’t reached out in a while, he was still forging ahead with his mission. He pocketed his phone and began the run back to his apartment. Hopefully that chick from last night had recovered by now. There was just enough time for a quick round two before he tossed her out and went to the gym.
A short time later Mike arrived back at his apartment to find the chick from the night before waiting for him. “Hey stud”, she said in a sultry voice as he entered the apartment. She was wearing nothing but one of his workout shirts, the huge garment hanging loosely on her slender frame. In a few large steps, Mike made his way over to her, scooped her off her feet, and began to stick his tongue down her throat. He wasn’t messing around.

The girl began to run her slender hands all over his torso, feeling his sweat-soaked muscle. Her fingers roamed into his workout shorts, squeezing his rapidly engorging member before she broke away from the kiss. “I’m going to go get loosened up,” the woman said, staring deep into Mike's eyes as she walked away towards to bedroom, her hips swaying seductively as she went. Mike licked his lips, he loved it when a chick was so forward, it made it way hotter when he dominated them later. “I made you a protein shake”, the woman said as she exited the room. “You’re going to need the help you can get” she teased with a wink.
Mike spied the protein shaker on the counter. He popped the lid and gave it a quick sniff - vanilla, his favorite. He slurped the thick mix down his gullet before slamming the container down and letting out a huge burp. Maybe he’d keep this one around a little longer, he thought to himself as he began to make his way towards the hall.
“Hello Mike”, a voice said calmly from behind him. Mike turned to see a man dressed completely in white. “The name's Drew, and where the fuck did you come from?” Mike said. “That is not of your concern” the Man in White smiled at Mike. “Listen fucker” Mike said as he stomped over to the intruder. However as he reached the man, his vision began to blur and he lost his balance. “Ahhh, I see the drug is working,” the Man in White said, “we were unsure how much would be required of someone your size”. “What the fuck did you do to me?” Mike said before he feebly tried to take a swing at the man. The clumsy blow missed the man, resulting in Mike losing balance and crashing to the floor.

“I feel the better question is what did you do to him?” the Man in White said as he stepped aside to reveal a thin, blond man. Mike struggled to focus on the new individual in the room. Something about him seemed familiar. “Drew?” Mike slurred.
It had been years since he last saw Drew as he was hauled away in Mike's old body by the police. The years behind bars had not been kind to Drew as he had seemingly lost all the muscle that Mike had managed to build from his powerlifting days while in prison. His body was rail thin and pale with bruises on his face and dark circles under his eyes.
“My team found him in prison a few weeks ago”, the Man in White said as he paced around the two men. “He’s had a rough few years, being a bitch-boy traded between a series of gang members in prison,” the man in white explained. “Faggot probably liked it” Mike spat. “This poor man has stomached so much abuse that he hardly talks anymore and you don’t even care?” the Man in White said, kneeling down to look Mike in the eye. “Gods like me don’t care about beta fags” Mike spat as he attempted to lunge at the Man in White. But the effects of the drug were too strong and the Man in White casually dodged the feeble attempt. Mike landed in a sitting position on the ground, his head slumped and his arms hanging loosely at his sides.
“You took what doesn’t belong to you and committed acts of pure evil,” the Man in White said as he moved to stand behind Drew, “so tonight we are going to balance the scales”.
The Man in White nodded at Drew and the man began to inch himself towards Mike. He sat a small distance away from Mike’s giant form, hesitant to move closer. “It’s ok”, urged the Man in White “he can’t hurt you”. Drew crawled the remaining instance on his hands and knees before shakingly reaching out one of his small hands towards Mike’s muscular chest. Upon making contact with the large man he gasped. “You’re so much bigger” Drew whispered softly. “Damn straight fag, I took your body and used it to its full potential”, Drew bragged as he willed his limbs to move, “I’m bigger than you ever dreamed of being”.
Drew proceeded to trace his small fingers down Mike’s muscular chest across the ridges of his abs before resting at the waistband of his gym shorts. He grabbed the band with both hands and pulled the pants down, releasing Mike’s semi-flaccid monster. Drew cupped it gently in both hands, exploring the distantly familiar weight.
Drew pulled Mike’s shorts down completely so he was naked on the floor, before removing his own shorts. Mike laughed as he saw his former body's pathetic cock, “I think that little stub fits you queer”. The Man in White walked over to Drew and whispered in his ear as he placed something in his small hands.
Drew turned back to Mike revealing a small silver ring before slipping it on his finger. Mike burst out laughing again. “That’s your plan, using the ring?”, he jeered, his confidence in the situation building. “Well, jokes on you fuckers, the Man in Black gave me a wee upgrade” he bragged, “the ring won’t work on me anymore. This is my body for good”. “Ohh he won’t be swapping bodies with you”, the Man in White said calmly “He’ll be taking everything from you”.
Drew opened his palm and revealed what appeared to be a thin golden bangle. He twirled it in his hands a few seconds before reaching over and grabbing Mike’s cock. Instantly Drew felt a wave of incredible pleasure shoot through his entire body. Mike’s cock rapidly rose to full mast as Drew slid the band down his shaft. By the time it reached the base of his cock, Mike was harder than he’d been since that first night that he jacked off after taking Drews's body. His cock was so engorged that the bangle fit snugly around his raging shaft.
“What. the. Fuck.” Mike cursed as waves of pleasure continued to surge through his body. Drew calmly squatted over Mike’s throbbing tool, aligning his surprisingly perky butt cheeks over Drew’s precum-soaked mushroom head. “Enjoy it while it lasts” Drew said, surprisingly confidently as he lowered himself on Mike’s rock-hard cock.
Pleasure erupted along the length of Mike’s dick as Drew's tight hole enveloped it. Every inch that Drew lowered himself onto Mike’s pole sent shockwaves of pleasure through Mike’s body as if he was cumming repeatedly over and over again. Drew bit his lip as he took the insane cock deeper and deeper inside of him, waves of pleasure and pain washing over him. Mike was consumed in orgasm. It was like his former body's ass was made to take his dick. Most chicks couldn't take him this deep. It’s like his ass went on forever.
Mike looked down and gasped. Drew had lowered himself down so far that his ass cheeks were pressed against the base of Mike’s groin. But it seemed to keep going. The golden bangle began to glow with a renewed intensity as the flesh on Mike’s groin began to fuse with Drew’s ass. Pain began to shoot through Mike’s dick. It felt like the very atoms of his cock were being ripped apart.
Soon the feeling began to spread to his groin as Drew began to sink further into his thighs and hips. Looking over Drew’s shoulder, he noticed blobs of flesh move and rippled under the skin where the two men were fused. The mounds appeared to be coalescing around Drew’s groin where they began to shift into a solid mass. Drew moaned as the mounds of flesh added themselves to his tiny nub, causing it to double, then triple in size and girth, before eventually settling at a size that was even bigger than Drew’s former monster. It was soon joined by two heavy balls as they swelled in Drew's sack, sending a familiar cocktail of hormones coursing through his body.
Mike tried to fight back, slamming his torso against Drews's back in an attempt to dislodge himself from the smaller man. But as he made contact with Drew's back, he became stuck, his abs pushing into the smaller man's lower back while his muscular pecs rested on his shoulders. The pain began to spread to his abs and pecs as they began to sink into the smaller man. Drew lined up his arms with Mike’s, causing the pain to spread there as he made skin contact.
Mike felt as if his body was on fire. It was as if every single muscle fiber was ripped from his very being. He slumped forward in pain, causing his jaw to make contact with the back of Drew's head. For a moment, it looked as if Drew was wearing some form of Mike pelt before his jaw began to sink into the top of Drew’s head.
Mike’s pain was Drew’s pleasure. He looked down to see brick after brick of diamond cut abs appear from beneath the surface of his previously flat stomach before his vision was obscured by two rapidly inflating pectoral muscles. He felt stength surging into his arms as they began to grow in size and power.
In one last desperate attempt, Mike summoned all his remaining strength to throw himself backward, causing him to land flat on his back with Drew on top of him. The act only seemed to speed up the process, with Drew’s thin legs now in contact with Mike’s colossal thighs.
Mike’s pain surged as he felt as if his very bones were breaking. Simultaneously, Drew’s skeleton began to stretch and lengthen. Mike felt as if he was being stretched in all directions before he finally lost consciousness in a haze of pain.
As Drew began to absorb the last of Mike’s colossal form, his features began to solidify. His hands surged in size and developed the deep callouses of a serious lifter. His forearms became covered in veins and his biceps swelled. His back stretched across the floor as it widened causing his boulder shoulders to move further away from his heavy traps. The swelling of his quads pushed his legs apart and his feet grew wide and long. Finally, his face remolded itself into a handsome hybrid of both Drew and Mike, with strong masculine features. Every muscle fiber rippled and flexed under tanned paper-thin skin. Drew’s moans changed from a high-pitched squeal to a rumbling roar as he came load after load of thick cum into the air from his angrily throbbing cock.

“Not bad at all” the Man in White noted as Drew lay there in his post-orgasmic bliss, his titanic body rivaling top bodybuilders. He chuckled to himself as he saw Drew reach for his still swollen cock, beginning to stroke it with his saucer-sized hands. He’d let the newly grown titan enjoy himself for now, but there was still plenty of work to do.

The Man in Black had left a lot of pain and suffering in his wake. And it was his duty to right the wrongs of his other half. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to find an email from one of his researchers waiting for him. Another artifact had been located, one that was deeply personal to him. One he must secure it at all costs.
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Short Story: What's Got Into You?
“Holy shit man, this feels so good!” Luke says as he loads another 45-pound weight onto the already loaded bar. Grinning ear to ear, he lowers himself onto the bench of our basement gym and proceeds to pump out rep after rep. “It’s like my muscles are trying to burst out of my skin!” he says as he wracks the weight and begins to feel up his swollen pecs.

Luke was usually a bit of a show-off (you would be too if you were a college athlete with the physique of an amateur bodybuilder) but this was too far even for him. “What’s got into you bro?” I question. “What do you mean, this is the best fucking day of our lives” he laughs, “These bodies are the shit!”. “These bodies?” I ask concerned.
A dark look comes across his face momentarily before returning to his normal carefree look. “Sorry bro, my head’s a bit fuzzy after that intense set” he apologises as he bends down to get something out of his bag. “No sweat man,” I say as I turn to begin my own workout. Suddenly I felt someone grab me from behind and a cloth press to my mouth. I try my best to break away but my vision quickly turns to black.
I wake up to the sound of grunting. As my vision clears, I see Luke working out shirtless, the same amazed grin on his face as before. “Ohh good, you’re awake,” I hear a familiar voice say. I look up see my doppelganger towering over me. I look at my own body and realise that my previously tall muscular form has been replaced by a thin pale figure. “Looking for this”, my imposter says as he puts his hands on his hips and flexes his ripped core.

“Come on bro, let’s get you sealed in there,” Luke says as he makes his way over from the workout machines. “I’m going to enjoy this,” my former body says as he pulls down his gym shorts exposing my former cock. He tugs himself a few times as it surges to its full length, before positioning it inches from my face. I had never realised how intimidating my fuck stick was from this angle. “Open wide,” my doppelganger says as he playfully slaps my face a few times.
Overcome my strange sense of lust, I wrap my mouth around his mushroom head. “I know that mouth and you can do better than that,” he laughs as he grabs the back of my head and forces me further down his shaft. I cough and splutter as he begins to fuck my face. “Fuck this is hot,” Luke says as he stands nearby, playing with his own swollen member in his shorts. “FUCK YEAH” my former body roars as he blasts thick ropes of cum down my throat.
“It’s so much better with a real man's cock” he says excitedly as he turns to Luke, whipping a glob of cum from his oozing cock all over my face in the process. “Fuck yeah man, now let's see what these bodies can do,” Luke says as he grabs my former body by it's hips and bends him over. I watch on for hours as the two titans fuck and explore their bodies. I only snap out of my haze when the basement door opens to reveal Max, the starting linebacker. “I see you boys got started without me”, he smiles as he begins to strip down.

Unbeknownst to the four men, a shady figure watched from the shadows. The man dressed in black was pleased with his work.
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Short Story: Spotter
Devon was annoyed. His gym buddy Corey had ditched on their usual late-night gym session, so he didn’t have his usual spotter. This wouldn’t phase most people, they’d just mix up their routine a bit and avoid some of the heavier lifts. But with the colossal weight that Devon pushed around, he definitely needed a spotter.
Devon was a powerlifter. His genetics had blessed him with a solid, powerful frame that exuded strength and masculinity. He thrived on the feeling of blood rushing through his muscles as he threw around colossal amounts of weight. The feeling of blood coursing through his thick veins after each lift was almost orgasmic for him. His body craved the rush of being pushed to the limit. Even though he had just turned 21, pushing his body to the limit had helped him develop strong, thick muscles across his powerful frame.
Not wanting to waste a lifting session he loaded up a bar in the rack and got into a squat position. “Hey man, did you need a spot?” a voice asked quietly behind him. Devon turned to see a small man looking up at him expectantly. The man was skinny as a rail, with soft, boyish features. “Nah, I think I’m good dude” said Devon, “Not sure how much help a little guy like you could be”. With that Devon got back into position and took the weight off the rack, resting it across his huge back and traps.
As he went down into the squat position, he felt the weight shift suddenly to the side. “Fuck”, Devon cursed as he struggled beneath the overloaded bar. He had clearly bitten off more than he could chew. Blood was coursing through his thick veins to fuel his muscles as he tried to catch his balance and right the bar. The muscles in his neck were bulging and rippling under the strain. His face grew red and he began to sweat profusely as pressure built up in his body.

Suddenly, the man from before appeared in front of him. Unable to speak, Devon made shaky eye contact. As he stared deeply into the mans piercing blue eyes, his own eyes pleaded for help. “Let me take that off your hands,” the smaller man said as he reached up towards Devon’s head. Devon noticed a small silver band the man's finger, as the man the took both his small hands and placed one on each of Devon’s temples. The moment the man's slender fingers touched Devon's skin, a dark cloud began to pour out of his mouth. It hung in the air for a second before it began to rush into Devon's mouth and nose. As he smoke poured into him, Devon felt a sudden release. All of the pressure in his body seemed to rush to his head and out of through the points of contact where the man was touching him. It felt like his whole being was rushing out of his body, and his vision momentarily went black.
After a few seconds, his vision returned, and he realised he was looking up at his own face. Confused, he looked at his hands to find a pair of slender dainty fingers where his usual thick calloused ones would be. Horrified he looked down and saw he had a pale, thin body, that was swimming in a small sized t shirt. His attention snapped back to his own body in front of him as it let out a guttural roar. His body surged upwards, forcing the heavy weight back onto the rack in an astonishing display of power. “Fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!” his old body said as he pumped his swollen arms.
Devon could only watch on in horror as his body made its way over to one of the gym mirrors, peeling off his sweat-drenched tee as he went. “It worked, I’m perfect,” his body said as it groped his swollen muscles. As the imposter flexed his colossal form, Devon felt himself grow painfully aroused. A slight moan escaped from his lips and he released a pathetic load into his shorts.

The imposter was snapped out of his trance by the noise and turned to look at Devon. “I would have done the same thing, being so close to this”, he said as he gestured towards his impressive form. Devon’s senses were assaulted by the scent coming off the larger man as he made his way towards him. The hulking form appeared to grow bigger and bigger as he approached. Devon was mesmerised by the bulge inside the imposter's gym shorts as it it slapped between his meaty quads as he walked.
He slowly walked up to Devon, until the larger man was staring down at him, Devon level with the man's sweat soaked pecs. “I’ll be taking that”, the imposter said as he bent down and pulled the silver band off Devon's finger. The ring looked comically small in his former body's giant hands. The imposter slipped the ring into his pocket and pumped his biceps. “Fuck, I think these puppies still want to go”, he said as he stretched his swollen arms. The imposter made his way towards the free weights area before turning back at Devon. “Want to give me a spot?” he said with a wink.

1 month later
Devon Jones was eating his breakfast at his kitchen counter while scrolling through social media. He was shirtless as always - he hardly wore a shirt all around the house, preferring to have his impressive physique visible at all times unless he was taking a snap for one of brand sponsors. As he brought another spoonful to his mouth, the curve of his bicep caught his eye. He just loved the way the slight movement made the muscle heave and flex. He sifted his weight on the kitchen stool slightly as he rearranged his package. The small bar-stool that he was sitting on groaned under his colossal weight as he palmed his growing erection through his shorts.

His attention was snapped back to his laptop by the sound of a notification. It was from the man dressed in black. You’re behind schedule was all the message said. “Ohh fuck” Devon said out loud. He didn't want to risk angering his handler. He quickly jumped onto Instagram and typed up a caption to accompany a recent photo he had taken at the gym.

"Working. Growing. Improving. Real Men know their faults and work to better themselves. They don't sit around at home leeching off the hard work of others. Let’s grow together. 💪🦍"
Within seconds of posting, Devon's notifications lit up with comments and likes. But Devon wasn’t paying attention. One hand had slipped into his lounge shorts and was massaging his swollen member, while the other roamed the fullness of his colossal chest. A deep moan escaped his mouth as he worshiped his own form.
From the other side of the webcam, the man dressed in black watched on. His first asset had turned out to be an incredible success. Now it was time to move to phase 2 of the project.
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Short Story: All I want for Christmas is
Jacob was bored. He was being forced to spend the holidays with his Dad, his new stepmother, and his new stepbrother Kerry. His Dad had had many partners over the years due to his handsome features and athletic physique. Luckily Jacob had inherited his father's masculine genes, giving him the muscular body of a fitness model. Jacob had had to deal with many step-siblings over the years, but his current stepbrother was the worst. The boy was a couple of years younger and an absolute nerd. Jacob couldn’t understand how someone could stare at a computer screen all day, letting their body grow fat and lazy. If it didn’t get you laid, Jacob couldn’t see the value in doing it.
Jacob lazily flexed his biceps as he stared out the window. “It’s your turn Jacob,” Kerry wheezed. The act of learning forward off the sofa proved to be too much exertion for his pudgy body. Jacob sighed. He was being forced into playing some nerdy train game as a bonding exercise with the dweeb. “Sorry, I just can’t deal with this nerd shit anymore,” Jacob complained as he pulled out his phone to swipe through Tinder. “You should try to be nicer to me or your dad will be mad,” Kerry stammered on the verge of tears. He was doing everything he could to impress his god of a stepbrother. “Fine,” Jacob moaned. He didn’t want to risk having his dad cut his credit card off a week before the big New Years' festivals. “Do you want to come with me and work out?” asked Jacob, “Maybe you’d get a chick if you built up a bit of muscle”. “You know I have asthma,” Kerry said ashamed, "and you'll just make fun of me”.
Jacob rolled his eyes at the pathetic display, “Well I suppose we can just talk then”. The two sat in silence for a few moments while Jacob tried desperately to think of some small talk. “If there was one thing in the world you could have for Christmas, what would it be?” Jacob asked in an attempt to break the silence. His stepbrother went to respond before stopping himself. “I promise not to make fun of you,” Jacob encouraged, “Hell, if it’s something I can give you I will!”.
His stepbrother made a mischievous grin. “Well, since you offered so nicely” he started, “All I want for Christmas is you”. “What, is that some sort of gay shit?” Jacob spat. Kerry hauled himself to his feet and leaned over Jacob. “What the fuck dude, are you coming onto me?” Jacob cried as he tried to move away from Kerry's sweaty, overweight body. Kerry reached out and placed a hand on one of Jacob's hard pecs. Suddenly the air was filled with the smell of oranges, and Jacob found he couldn’t move. “What are you doing to me?” Jacob said through clenched teeth. “I’m just taking you up on your generous offer,” his stepbrother smiled. The smell of oranges got stronger, and Jacob’s vision went black.
Jacob opened his eyes and found himself on the sofa covered in sweat. “Fuck, I must have passed out”, he thought to himself. He felt tired and weak. “What the fuck,” he said as he looked down to see a pair of saggy man tits where his pecs used to be. Jacob panicked and started wheezing. “Kerry, what’s happening?” Jacob’s stepmother asked as she came to his aid, “Are you having another asthma attack?”. “My. Body!” Jacob wheezed.
“Harry, Jacob come quick!” his stepmother called, “Kerry’s having another asthma attack!”. Jacob stared wide eyed as his step-father ran into the room, closely followed by a mirror image of his own body. Jacob freaked out at the sight of his body standing over him and began to wheeze more. His doppelganger was shirtless, with his muscular physique covered in a slight sheen of sweat from the workout he had been doing with his Dad. Every muscle was pumped and swollen. “Here you go buddy,” his body said as it passed him an inhaler. “Take a couple of puffs of that and you’ll be better in no time,” the imposter said as he stood over Jacob, “Maybe when you're feeling better, you can join Dad and I for a workout?”. Jacob grabbed the inhaler and took several deep breaths.
“Jacob, you're so nice to your stepbrother,” his stepmother said fawning over her stepson. “What can I say, I feel a bit sorry for the dude” smiled the fraud. “Plus, he got me the best Christmas present I could ever ask for,” the fake Jacob teased as he absentmindedly rubbed his ripped core. “Come on Dad, let's go pump some more iron, I want to grow these puppies a bit more before New Year” bragged the other Jacob he flexed his already massive biceps. The new Jacob began to leave the room before turning to his old body and saying “Hopefully you feel up to joining us soon Kerry, it can be my Christmas gift to you”. With that, he laughed and ran to go join his new Dad in the gym.

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Short Story: Always read the contract

How are you holding up man? Daniel said, not taking his eyes off his phone. “I’m feeling a little woozy bro,” Geoff replied, swaying slightly on his stool. Daniel chuckled to himself as he put his phone down and inspected the gradual changes occurring in his body. His pecs were beginning to jut out from his chest and his arms were beginning to take on some definition again. “Having your muscle drained out of your body will do that” Daniel replied as he massaged his growing muscle tits. Shit, his pecs were already bigger than from his previous procedures and Goeff had so much more to give. Anxious to see the final results, he flicked the iv bag a few times, speeding up the flow of potent liquid into his veins.
He leaned back and closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling of his body growing larger, taller, and more muscular with each passing second. “But it’s only for three months right?” Geoff asked, concern in his voice as his physique drained through the iv line in his arm. He had agreed to loan his mass to Daniel for a handsome fee, but seeing the last few years of gains vanish down the line in his arm suddenly made everything very real.
“Sure, mostly,” Daniel said with a smirk on his face as he palmed the growing bulge in his shorts. Geoff was correct that Daniel would only have his size for a few months, but after Geoff's size faded from Daniel's body, it was lost to Geoff forever. And any gains that Daniel managed to make with his temporary size and strength boost would be permanent. And with Geoff’s physique, Daniel was sure he would be able to make some insane gains before his borrowed strength faded.
He opened his eyes to find his lower half obscured by his new huge pec shelf. Daniel chuckled to himself as he realised he had now surpassed his doner in height and mass. And this was only the first bag. Daniel was grinning from ear to ear. He only needed to convince a few more gullible bodybuilders to let him ‘borrow’ their hard-earned gains until he would permanently have the godly physique that he craved.
“Hey man, I don’t want to do this anymore,” Geoff said as he pawed feebly at the line in his arm. “Ohh I think you’ll be staying for the whole procedure,” Daniel said getting out of his chair to stand over his helpless doner, his body swelling with every step he took. Daniel towered over Geoff, his meaty hands placed on his hips to show off his swollen pecs and biceps. “You see we have a contract, and I have every intention to enforce it.”

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