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4 years ago

Helping Out A Friend: Part II

If you haven’t read Part I yet, check it out here!


As I began to feel a slight sticky dampness spread around my crotch, I knew I had to stop myself from admiring my body any longer just to make sure I didn’t accidentally cum before I could get some alone time with this body. Trying to quickly make my boner fade, I tried the childish approach that I often utilized whenever I was afraid or accidentally turned on by something. I spun myself around and faced towards the shower and closed my eyes as I began to think about schoolwork and the whole reason for this swap in the first place.

Once my boner receded, I finally departed the bathroom to check on Curtis, who was now just laying on the couch browsing on his phone. As he realized that I was finally back, he sat up, smiled and said, “This is so crazy, right?” 

I couldn’t help but awkwardly grin and respond with a simple “Yeah…” as I headed towards the couch and sat at the opposite end. I was still finding myself fairly shocked by his acceptance and immediate enjoyment out of the swap, which made me question how many times he’s used this device before. Before I could even bring up my inquiry, he handed me his phone and he took mine off of the coffee table. Then, he began to talk about the swap and our plan a bit more. 

“Well, given that you’re Antonio and I’m Curtis, we obviously need to swap phones as well. Also, we need to swap apartments as well so no one grows suspicious as to why Curtis is living in Antonio’s place and vice versa…” As I listened to him detail more of his plan, I couldn’t help but agree and slowly get more excited about the potential of living as Antonio. I mean, I’m definitely going to miss my solo apartment, but I also enjoy the concept of living in a frat house with all of Antonio’s friends. I could feel my dick begin to firm up once more as I thought about how hot it was that his friends would be oblivious to the fact that the nerd that they used to throw insults at just a few weeks ago is now the one they’re living with. While Curtis got to live alone and be himself, I found an odd excitement about having to be “100% Antonio” for the next few months. I was sure I’d be fine given that we swapped some mental aspects as well, but I still found the potential of trying to “fit in” rather thrilling.

Before too long, Curtis finished his lecture and I could only stare blank-faced as he told me about various details such as what keys in my jacket will be for my apartment, my motorcycle, etc. I felt myself go into autopilot and just naturally nod and follow his instructions given his clearly meticulous planning. After a few more minutes of lecturing me about the new aspects of my life, he wasted no more time and sent me on my way. Once he slammed the door shut  behind me, I awkwardly stumbled out of his place and began the journey towards my new home.

As I headed into the large parking garage, I wandered around aimlessly through several floors while searching for Antonio’s motorcycle. After a few more minutes, I felt a sense of intuition begin to direct me in my mind as I naturally moved and found my new mode of transportation. Getting onto the bike, I nervously put in the key and turned it on. Never experiencing a motorcycle before, I childishly gasped and flinched as I heard the motor roar to life. Knowing that I would need to rely on that “Antonio intuition” for a short while, I immediately let those instincts take slight control as my body seemingly went through muscle memory. I flipped up the kick stand, revved the engine, and sped off into the night towards my new home.

Once I finally arrived and parked at the frat house, I mentally prepared myself to encounter all of these douchebag frat bros as I walked up to the front door. Taking a quick inhale, I slid my key into the door and exhaled as I stepped inside. The place itself was what you would expect for a frat house; it was littered with beer cans, barren of any decoration, and filled with cocky guys walking around, taunting their friends and sitting on the couch to smoke weed. While looking around, my eyes met another guy in the house, who immediately called me over to hang with the rest of the guys. “Oh, sorry guys but I’m really tired. I should head up to bed!” I tried to explain, but it was all for nothing as the guys ignored me. Immediately, three guys came rushing over and dragged me into the living room. As soon as I got into the room, they tossed me onto the couch, where I fell right in the empty space between two guys who were passing around a blunt.

“You want a hit?” the man to my left asked, his breath smoky and eyes bloodshot as he exhaled the fumes into my face. I gagged and groaned with a forceful, “Oh, no thanks man, I’m good!”

However, as the smoke entered my mouth and nostrils, I was surprised to find that I wasn’t repulsed by it. It seemed that Antonio was no stranger to the drug, which was an interesting revelation given how clean-cut he seemed to me. There was a tingle in the back of my mind, with that intuition of the original Antonio begging me to take a hit. Both curious and eager to get this tingling to stop, I looked at the blond-haired man to my left and responded with a joyful, “Hey man, actually, let me take a hit of that!”

As he handed it over to me, I couldn’t help but smile as I sucked on the joint and took in the fumes. To this body, it felt amazing, as that little voice in my head slowly faded away after receiving what it desired. However, in my mind, I was both shocked and disgusted with myself for doing that. My parents were quite conservative and spent so much of my high school years giving me constant monologues about the hidden evils of drugs and alcohol. But as the blunt continued to pass around the group in several cycles, I felt those thoughts slowly dissipate with each round as the drug finally hit and relaxed me.

While talking with these guys, I felt my intuition begin to influence me a lot more. Mental notes began to appear, telling me more about who each of these guys were and if Antonio was friends with them or not. It was cool to sort of “tap into” my Antonio persona and become more comfortable with them as we chatted for a good hour or so. 

Eventually, one of the guys, who Antonio’s mind told me was named Brian, asked where I went tonight. “I went to go see my friend… Curtis. You’ve seen him before”, I say, remembering all of the rude comments these guys used to say to me anytime Antonio came to say hi to me on campus. 

You could imagine my surprise when they all laughed and Brian chimed in “I thought you hated that dweeb?”, adding a hearty chuckle as I was left shocked. 

Returning to complete awareness out of my marijuana daze, I gasped in confusion. “What… what do you mean? That’s my best friend from childhood.” 

“Dude, I know you want to be nice to him given how much he got bullied, but he’s definitely not your best friend. You’re always complaining about him approaching you anytime he sees you and about how much he keeps trying to hang out with you…” Brian pointed out, an intense tone heard in his voice.

Speechless, I just responded with a shrug of my shoulders and I took the joint once more, this time taking a much deeper hit. As I exhaled, I leaned back on the couch and looked up, watching the thick cloud of smoke float up towards the ceiling before disappearing just as fast as it came. 

With my mood quickly becoming sour thanks to Brian’s revelation, I decided to excuse myself and head up to my bedroom. I hopped up onto my feet and wobbled up the stairs, letting my mind rest as I let body lead me to my new bedroom. Both angry and frustrated, I couldn’t understand why Antonio even asked to swap with me if he “hated me” as much as they said. On the verge of both crying and punching a hole in the wall, I decided the best course of action would be to just sleep it off and figure it out tomorrow once I had a clearer head.

It was fairly uncomfortable as I began undressing, but as I removed my crop top and shorts, I couldn’t help myself from being turned on by this body, no matter how much I currently hated the man who owns this body. As I took off my shorts, I remembered the device in my pocket and fished it out of the pocket and placed it in my dresser drawer under a pile of clothes. Once I was finished hiding the device and getting into my underwear, I couldn’t help but sit on the bed and think about how pissed off I was at Antonio for being such a two-faced friend to me.


No matter how angry I was, I couldn’t deny that I was still turned on by being in Antonio’s body. Looking down after feeling a tight pressure in my crotch, I saw a clear picture of my throbbing dick stretching out the confines of my underwear. As I fell back into bed and turned off the light, I couldn’t help myself from sliding my hand down my underwear and feeling my new equipment once more. It was impossible to stop myself any longer, so I started wrapping my thick hands around my just as thick shaft and began running my hand up and down. “Jesus Christ…” I moaned, surprised by just how sensitive my new dick was. After a few hours since my accidental edging from when we first swapped, it didn’t take much more until I was gasping and climaxing, filling my black underwear with such a large quantity of cum.

As I finally finished shooting my load, I fell deeper into my pillow and thought about how I better clean myself up. However, as soon as I got comfortable and placed my head on my pillow, I was suddenly overcome with an intense feeling of drowsiness. Within seconds, I passed out after wearing myself out both physically and emotionally. I couldn’t help but have my last thoughts of the night be that I hoped that tomorrow would be a better day as Antonio than today had been…

My eyes snapped open as the alarm clock began screaming in the early hours of the morning. I sat up and looked around, my body tensing up as I recognized the bedroom before me belonging to Antonio rather than my own. Taking a moment to calm down, I reminded myself of my situation and why I was sleeping in just my underwear in my best friend’s bedroom. As I fully remembered the reasons behind such a predicament, I finally relaxed and sprang up from bed to start getting ready for my day. 

While walking around Antonio’s bedroom, I couldn’t help but snoop a bit as I looked around my new bedroom to try and understand more about my new life beyond the memories he gave me and the muscle memory that his body has. While looking through his desk drawers, my mouth spread into a wide grin as I stumbled across a thick and weathered notebook. Curious to see what he was writing about, I cracked open the journal and began to read the contents. My expectations of finding descriptions of his day and romantic sentiments were quickly dashed though, as I read the journal and came across pages of him describing in detail all of his sexual conquests. I couldn’t help but groan in disgust as he detailed all of the ways that he dominated both men and women and got them to service him in every way he desired.

As I was about to finish reading the almost fully completed journal labelled “Senior Year”, I gasped and jumped up at the sound of a bang on my door. “Yo, Antonio, it’s Sunday. Are you getting ready to head to the gym with me or no?” I heard someone say. 

“Uh… just a minute!” I cried out, glancing down and realizing that I was still shirtless apart from my jizz-covered underwear. As quick as I could, I ripped off the underwear and threw on a new pair of briefs. With not many options immediately at my disposal, I threw on my weed-scented crop top from the previous night as well. Thinking I still had my longer haircut, I quickly grabbed a cap and threw it onto my head to cover my non-existent bedhead. Opening the door, I was greeted by the sight of Brian in a tank top and pair of compression tights tapping his hand against the door frame. 

“So… are we going or not? I’ve got some plans to meet up with Amber from Delta Kappa Gamma in an hour and thirty, so I don’t want to be late for that,” he said, adding a devilish wink to make the implicit explicit with his clear hint towards sex. I couldn’t help but stare at his swimming-pool blue eyes that shimmered after his wink. Although I had no interest in Brian given his previous behavior towards me, I couldn’t deny the fact that he was attractive. With those blue eyes and curly blonde hair, he was quite a vision to behold. The sight before me was even impressive as his workout clothes clearly defined his ripped physique, with his thick biceps, meaty pecs, and thick thighs stretching the limits of his tight clothes.

Trying not to seem out of the ordinary, I agreed with a smile, adding “Yeah, just let me shower real quick and we’ll be on our way!” before closing the door and rushing to gather my shower materials and a set of clothes to change into. As I opened the door, Brian was already gone, so I quickly paced towards the bathroom and slammed the door behind me.

Immediately, I turned on the shower to begin heating it up as I began to take off my clothes. I started with my crop top and shorts, quickly stripping them off and setting them on the counter by the opposite set of clean clothes that I brought with me. As I looked into the mirror at my almost-nude body, I couldn’t help myself from staring at my reflection and admiring his bulky yet strong frame. Given that my day was about to involve a gym session, I felt it was appropriate to check out what I’m working with while waiting for the shower to heat up. 

Bringing my arms up, I couldn’t help but smile as I flexed and watched my thick biceps bulge out and show off just how buff I was now. Although not fully muscular, I wasn’t upset with how I looked by any means. While touching my pecs, it became clear that although they weren’t clearly defined from the softening of some chest fat, there was still a large amount of muscle apparent from just looking at them. As I cupped them in my rugged hands, I couldn’t help but squeeze and feel the mix of both soft fat at the surface and the firm muscle just a layer deeper. Turning my attention towards my legs, I looked down at my revealed thick thighs and spread my legs a little wider. I turned my leg so it faced outward, curled my toes and I watched the thicker thighs suddenly have a large amount of muscle become apparent as I held my pose. This body was incredibly dense, so I personally couldn’t wait to explore it more later as I brought my flexed arms down so I could finally get ready. I feared Brian’s wrath if I accidentally made him late for his hookup appointment with his sorority girlfriend, so I rapidly ripped off my underwear, set my hat down on the counter, and stepped into the shower.


It felt strange as I spent less time showering and shampooing my shorter hair and more time lathering up my body. It was fairly erotic to look down at my beefy frame and spend so much time lathering it up and making sure every inch of my body was completely washed. I also personally loved running my hands through my wet pelt of chest hair and treasure trail and watching the hair wave and wiggle as the soapy water ran through it.

Once I finished, I stepped out of the shower and quickly dried off and got dressed into some clothing that I felt was workout appropriate: a dark black tank top, a pair of blue briefs, and a tight pair of athletic shorts. On top of feeling workout appropriate, it also seemed like the perfect place to try and emphasize how buff I was with all of this form-fitting gear. The tank-top tightly displayed my pecs and slight gut with not shame, but pride.

As I walked out of the bathroom, my body grabbed a bag, which my mind soon told me was Antonio’s workout bag with a whole bunch of snacks, drinks, and towels. Thanking Antonio’s insight for saving my ass, I bounded down the stairs to find Brian waiting for me. I flashed a smile and offered a quick “Good to go”, but he did not respond. Rather than respond, he just gave me a weird look, which made me assume that he was either annoyed with my lateness or unsure why I was wearing this for our workout. He didn’t bother to explain his glare though as he opened the door and I quickly followed behind him as we jogged over to the school gym.

I followed Brian’s lead as we headed into the gym, swiped our college ID cards, and entered the locker room to put away our bags. Once we finished, we then returned to the gym and started our workouts. Brian began doing his own thing, so I aimlessly wandered around the gym waiting for Antonio’s intuition to tell me what I needed to know and what I should do. Once I got to a barbell set, my mind instantly informed me that I knew how to do this. Tapping into that newfound ability, I absentmindedly began to add weight on both sides of the bar. I initially felt stressed as I watched the total weight grow with each addition, but I put trust in my body and let it lead the way. Finally securing the weight, I crouched underneath the bar and watched as my body got immediately into the appropriate form. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and began to stand up with the bar behind my neck. I grit my teeth and mentally prepared myself for the strain of so much weight, but I was shocked as I slowly stood up and only felt some slight strain as I lifted the weighted bar up and down repeatedly for several sets. 

It was so unusual letting my body lead the way and just stop thinking about the process, especially given the fact that I’ve never done a single workout in my life. However, that strange feeling slowly faded as I continued to accept the nuggets of information that my mind delivered to me piece by piece as I tried out all of the various equipment in the gym. I couldn’t help but flash a big smile as I worked out as if I’ve been doing this for years. As I got onto a treadmill, Brian finally joined me and we used the final 15 minutes to do a quick little jog. Watching the clock, I stopped the machine and informed Brian of the time once we got to the end of our hour session. We quickly headed out of the gym and towards the locker room, grabbing our bags and patting our faces with our towels to cool off. Brian was seemingly in a hurry to go hookup with his girlfriend, so he quickly walked out of the locker room and gave me a simple “See you at the party tonight bro!” as he heads out. 

My eyes went wide as I imagined the concept of my original self attending at a frat party, but I did my best to relax and decide to cross that bridge later when it came up. After grabbing my bag and starting to head out of the locker room, I couldn’t help but pull out my phone as I passed a large mirror near the exit. I smiled as I took a few pictures and thought about how happy I was finding myself in Antonio’s body. I didn’t expect to enjoy it THIS much, but I was certainly having a blast as such a buff hunk. Deciding to check in on my old body, I ignored my anger towards Antonio and opened up my messages. Typing quickly, I shot off a text to Curtis with a photo from my gym session and added a quick little caption.

“Man, this body is so buff! How are you doing Curtis?”


After sending off the text, I finally departed from the locker room and began my trek through the harsh embrace of winter towards the frat house once again…

Click here to check out Part III

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4 years ago

Helping Out A Friend: Part III

If you haven’t read the previous entries, check out Part I and Part II.

I finally arrived back at the frat house, surprised that the frigid weather did not bother me during my walk. With my bigger build and how sweaty I was, the cold was welcomed with open arms rather than coldly rejected like how I used to feel about the weather. Once inside, I promptly kick off my shoes to get the snow off and quickly ascend the stairs. As I enter my room, I lock the door behind me as I drop off my gym bag just past the doorway. Heading over towards my bed, I groan as I fall back onto the mattress, where it warmly greets me with a slight bounce as I land.

I lay in bed to relax for a moment, the first break I’ve given myself since waking up. I shut my eyes as I exhale a sigh of relief and begin to reflect about my day so far. Thinking about my workout, I can’t help but still find myself in shock while considering the amount of weight that I lifted. I can’t deny that I begin to feel more of “Antonio’s” persona begin to spill out of me. After my first experience with the bar, I quickly found myself getting competitive with Brian throughout the session. I would quietly observe him doing a machine, and after he finished, I would take my turn. However, I found myself naturally trying to showcase my strength by adding more weight to a machine or doing more sets than he did. As Curtis, I wasn’t competitive in an athletic way. My competitive spirit was fairly tame, where the only time it was brought out was on academic-related options such as scoring the best on tests and leading a debate team or quiz bowl to victory. It was a strange feeling to allow all of that competitive nature to infiltrate me, but I can’t deny that it was cool to tap into a more manly form of competitive nature while still retaining the intelligence I had as Curtis.

Continuing to lie sprawled out on bed, I started to feel a wave of drowsiness wash over me. Thinking about my workout still, I begin to reason that the after-effects of my workout are finally beginning to make themselves known. “Well, it looks like I’m going to have to sleep in early tonight…” I say out loud, stretching my arms and legs out while attempting to stifle my yawn. “Oh fuck…” I angrily announce, suddenly remembering the frat party that Brian told me about. I knew that they would not let me miss it, but I was so tired that I needed to come up with some sort of solution to fix this drowsiness I felt. Deciding that it would be best to nap, I immediately sat up from my bed and stood up. Groaning because of my sore muscles, I quickly peel off my sweaty clothing so I could get ready to sleep. Despite my gangly frame that I despised, it was a natural step for me to sleep only in my underwear as Curtis. Luckily for myself, this habitual sleeping setup continued as Antonio. But with a body like this, it’s not really that strange of a desire anymore to show off my body (even if it’s exclusively for myself) given just how comfortable I’m finding myself as Antonio. Once I remove my garments, I smile as I look down and find myself only dressed in the bright red jockstrap that I wore to the gym. Falling back into the bed, I set my alarm for later in the evening and quickly drift off to sleep.


When the time comes, I’m awakened by the blaring tones of my alarm clock. Sitting up in bed, my eyes scan around the room until I reach the window. Looking out of it, I can see only darkness, sans the glowing ring light at the top right corner of the window belonging to a nearby street-light. Along with that vision, I hear the sound of deep bass echoing through the walls into my room. The party has already started, so I guess I better start getting ready before I miss it completely. Standing up and walking over to my closet, I grab one of the towels hanging and immediately exit the room to head to shower. With haste, I walk further down the hallway, where the music reverberates louder and louder along with a chorus of voices that slowly begin to emerge. I finally reach my destination and enter the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Immediately, I rip off my jockstrap and twist the shower knobs.

To allow the water to warm up, I head over to the toilet, where I sit down on the stool and unlock my phone. Curious to see how Antonio’s social media feed looks, I decide to open up Instagram to see who Antonio follows and anyone he finds attractive. While scrolling, my mind immediately ignores and swipes past any girls or any of Antonio’s frat brothers as my mind is exclusively curious to see what guys he actively follows. In previous discussions we’ve had, it seemed that his taste tended to be far different than mine, where his interests were primarily composed of beefy or bearish guys. This conversation seems to seem valid as I come across photos of other beefy and chubby guys that Antonio found attractive, but I soon go wide-eyed as I finally come across someone that I knew. “Oh shit!” I exclaim, looking at the screen and coming face-to-face with a selfie of the crush I had as Curtis… Gabe Simmons. 


To read Gabe’s story, click here.

While looking at the photo, I can’t believe that Antonio also found Gabe as hot as I did. I used to talk to him about Gabe constantly, but he never seemed to share the same interest in him as I did. From what I knew about the both of them, it seemed highly unlikely that they were friends given that Antonio wasn’t in a science major like me and Gabe were. On top of that, Gabe was in an entirely different social circle than Antonio, so I found it strange that he would be following Gabe. 

Continuing to scroll through Gabe’s feed, my eyes remain wide as I discover that every possible photo prior to the swap was liked by Antonio. While staring at his thick biceps, I can feel my dick slowly harden and grow wedged underneath the toilet seat. As I begin to feel the cool sensation of porcelain against my dickhead, I look down and begin to go into a vicious cycle of doubt. My mind goes rampant as I start to question everything and ponder what truly caused my dick to get hard. 

Was it just my attraction to Gabe or was it due to Antonio’s own muscle memory of staring at these same pictures and firming up at just the sight of the hunky nerd I was friends with? 

Was this another part of Antonio’s master plan of swapping with me? 

Was the whole fear of failing his last semester a ruse so he can get closer to the man we both seemingly wanted? 

My thoughts are soon interrupted as I look up and watch the steam from the shower slowly rise up towards the ceiling, notifying me that the water was finally warm enough. My boner still remains firm, but I decide not to take care of that right now as my mind continues to create conspiracy theories about what Antonio’s true intentions were for this swap.

In comparison to my first showering experience, this time goes quicker as my body goes on auto-pilot while my mind wanders to manic places. Once I finish, I twist the knobs until the water stops and then step out of the shower. After shaking the towel on my hair, I do a quick swipe down my torso and backside before finally tying the towel around my waist and leaving the bathroom.

Returning back into my room, I slam the door behind me and lock it. While I spent the majority of the day afraid of the concept of a frat party, I can’t help but be thankful for it now. The possibility of getting drunk and forgetting about my Antonio situation seems like paradise currently, so I move fast to get dressed and get downstairs. I rip off my towel and immediately begin to dry myself off rapidly. The majority of my body is dry, but there’s still one area left to lose some of that dampness. As I quickly pass the towel underneath my crotch, I polish off my crown jewels until my body is now completely dried off. I put on another jockstrap, a white one this time, and follow it up with a pair of denim jeans. I search through my closet for a shirt to fit the party vibe, but I’m unable to find one that truly stands out for me. 

Looking to compromise, I throw on a shirt for Jameson whiskey and shrug. “Parties involve drinking, so at least I’m somewhat on brand?” I think to myself as I pull the shirt down until it’s taunt around my biceps and over my pecs. When I look into the mirror, I look at my messy hair and decide I simply cannot be bothered with letting it dry it off completely. So, I grab a black cap off my dresser and place it on my head, twisting the bill towards my back as I finish my look. I pull out my phone and make a face as I take a few selfies to commemorate my first ever frat party. While looking at the photos, it’s clear by the look on my face that I’m not feeling in high spirits. However, eager to remedy my mood and not wanting to miss out on any more of the action, I left my room as I headed out down the stairs to the rowdy party that was already well underway…


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4 years ago

May I get the spirit of a dead jock, the meathead bro with an obsession with muscles and being manly to cohabit my body and basically force me to become manly too? It's like being my own personal trainer in my own body, since I can't mentally for the life of me start working out on my own and too shy to ask for help. I'd like it if his presence makes my body change to better serve him too.

A Special Kind of Athletic Supporter

For years now, you’ve imagined the concept of becoming a jock. To replace those spindly frail arms of yours with the ripped musculature of thick forearms and beefy biceps. To widen your thighs, not with fat, but with well-defined thigh muscles. However, every time you got close to putting this plan into motion, your fears got the best of you and you kept dropping the idea. This process happened yearly, but this year, however, was different for you. As your thin frame (and especially your gut) began to slightly puff out from the never-ending meal swipes you had at university, you knew you had to finally suck it up and begin the process of working out. It was just coming to the end of January and the situation was growing more prominent as you now struggled to conceal your growth with your larger clothing.

So here you were, standing outside the university gym and trying to get your social anxiety under control before you fully took the plunge. You knew you needed to do this for your own happiness. Although you were a fan of guys of all body sizes, you just always were enamored with the concept of being a muscular guy. The fact that you were not similar to your ideal appearance just made you lose even more of your already record-low confidence. Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you nodded in self-assurance as you finally stepped into the gym.

Walking in, you looked around as you took in the sights of the large intimidating gym. The sea of ripped guys and girls working out was even more intimidating to you, but you tried to hype himself up, thinking to yourself that one day you’d be like those guys. Eager to finally begin the process, you quickly swiped your ID card at the front desk and entered the locker room towards the right side of the building.

Once you entered, you had to steady yourself as you were given an incredibly sexy vision of a sea of buff men nearly naked sans their jockstraps and possible compression gear. Walking past them, you felt intimidated by both their size and height, as almost every guy was taller than your petit 5’2”. As you walked farther back into the locker room, it became a struggle to hide your engorged member.

Eventually, you made your way to the back of the locker room and breathed a sigh of relief as you found no one residing there. Setting down your backpack, you awkwardly look around to make sure no one is around. With the coast being clear, you begin to undress, taking off your buttoned-up shirt and jeans until all that’s left are your simple white briefs. Looking down, your nervous face turns into a slight frown as you look at the small section of fat prominently residing around your gut. You were thankful that you were able to hide it with your clothing for so long, but it wasn’t enough anymore. You needed to burn that fat away immediately and indefinitely.

Setting both your gym clothes and your street clothes into two piles on the bench, you look around once more as you gingerly prepare to take off your underwear. However, right before you switch into some boxer briefs, your eyes take note of an abandoned jockstrap on the floor near the other end of the empty bench. Walking down, you look at the undergarment and grab it, beginning to inspect the black jockstrap. It looks freshly clean, and as you decide to give it a slight whiff, you find that you cannot detect any scent that could resemble sweat. In fact, it smelled freshly washed, with the scent of a laundry detergent being the only thing you could take note of.

You couldn’t describe it, but the longer you held it, an intense desire to wear it began to amplify. It wasn’t used luckily, and you couldn’t deny that you found jockstraps sexy. For years, you had seen men in tight form-fitting ones online and in porn. You wished to be ripped like them, so you told yourself that you should wear clothes like them too. Making sure no one was around once more, you rip off your white briefs and quickly pull the jockstrap up over your genitals. Once it’s on your body, you can’t help but feel slightly attractive. You never would have worn a jockstrap on your own volition, so you can’t help but feel a little thankful for the mysterious jockstrap that you had come across. Given that you were about to work out and hopefully have a body worthy of the jockstrap, you also theorized that by wearing it, it could be your way of encouraging yourself to have the best body you could. 

Quickly putting on  your workout clothes, you can’t help but smile as you think about the fact that you’re about to begin the process you’ve been dreaming of for years. As you walk down each aisle, you’re surprised by the fact that there’s no longer any jocks in here. Right as you’re about to reach the doorway and head into the gym, you stop to take a look at yourself in the mirror. Once you stop, you look awkwardly into the mirror and give yourself a nod of approval. However, your eyes ignore your body as you begin to notice the dark smokey illusion that was residing behind you. Looking deeper into the mirror, you gasp as your eyes watch a pair of bright green eyes appear behind you. Turning around, you could only display a look of shock as you come face to face with a large cloud of black smoke that dominates you in both size and height. Screaming in fear, you have no time to react as the cloud rapidly twirls up and rushes at you. Watching it continue to consume your body in a whirlwind, you slowly lose consciousness as the smoke overtakes you....

Your eyes jerk open as you find yourself back in the locker room. However, something seems off to you. Looking around, the locker room is now much fuller, with a gaggle of guys playing locker room hijinks on each other around you. A man notices your look of shock and comes up to you. “Hey man, are you good?” the man asks, his face now sharing the look of concern. 

“Uh, I feel weird. I feel very strange, like I just woke up from the strangest dream…” you say, trying to figure out how all of these guys randomly appeared out of nowhere. The man’s face turns into a slight grin as he believes you’re joking. “Well dude, you should try to eat something then. You’re probably light-headed from how hard you were working out today. I was shocked when I caught sight of all of the weight you were re-racking. You’ve become quite the beast already! It’s crazy how much you’ve grown over these months!” He responds, a flash of a smile on his face as he puts his hand on your shoulder and squeezes.

Looking down, you follow your eyes towards the shoulder that the man is grabbing, where you gasp at the sight. You can’t help but stumble backwards and into a set of lockers as you take note of a strange observation. Your body is clearly not the same as it was before you passed out. Your once twig-like arms are now pumped with muscle, which is made even more apparent to you from the sight of the bulging biceps that are straining against the seams of your form-fitting t-shirt. 

The guys all turn to you in shock, where you just quickly excuse yourself and head into the bathroom. Running into the nearest available stall, you slam the door and lock it behind you as you sit on the stool and try to come to terms with the weird sights before your eyes..

“What’s wrong? I granted your wish” you hear, which causes you to jump and look around to find the source of the deep voice. “Stop looking around, you will not find me”, the voice continues, “You’ve already seen me anyway, young human”. 

“Who are you? What did you do to me?” you respond, your voice remaining slightly quiet to keep yourself from seeming like a lunatic to the other guys for talking to no one while inside a stall.

The voice begins to explain, stating the fact that he’s a lost spirit who previously died in the gym decades ago. For years, he had been stuck here and unable to escape or move on, but that all seemingly changed with you. He wanted to live again, so he figured the best way to do that would be to possess a young man by tempting him. His ghostly form took the appearance of the black jockstrap that you originally put on. He then describes that cloud of smoke as his true ghostly form, which was when he first took control of your body.

He continued, where he began to explain how he’s spent the last several months sculpting your body to become a more appropriate vessel for him to inhabit. Finally deciding that your body was in good shape, he finally allowed your mind to return to a shared consciousness with his so you could see the results. 

In fact, the ghostly voice was so happy with the results so far that he began to offer a deal with you. He vowed to no longer take complete control of your body as long as you vowed to allow him to remain there. His deal involved a shared body setup, where you would be allowed to live your normal life as you see fit, but you would be required to go to the gym at least 4 days a week, where he would take control for the time being to train your body to be the best it could be. It was a symbiotic relationship of sorts, as he offered you the potential of having a muscular body like you always desired. Of course, the one caveat was the fact that you had to sacrifice some of your life to this man’s workout regime. 

You inquired about what would happen if you refused the terms of the deal, which is where he just simply replied that he would just take full control and only allow you to reappear once a year. He didn’t want to sacrifice such a body ripe with potential and go back to becoming a ghost, especially since he had spent the last several months training your body to be its best.

Realizing that you’d be unable to get rid of the ghost no matter your choice, you gave in and agreed to his deal. Some control was better than becoming a passenger in your old body, so it seemed like a no brainer to you. The ghost was quite happy with your decision, vowing that you would ultimately find this partnership to be quite beneficial. It would give him the chance to live once more and allow you to be the ripped jock you’ve always wanted to be without even having to do the work yourself.

As the ghost retreated from the forefront of your shared mind, you found yourself back in full control of your body and thoughts as you exited the bathroom and returned to the now-deserted locker room. Walking around to make sure the locker room was empty, you headed towards the back section of the locker room to take stock of your new body. It felt oddly fitting to be back here to see the results of your new partnership given that this was the spot where you unknowingly let a ghost completely change your life.

You quickly slipped off your t-shirt and shorts until you were left in just the cursed black jockstrap. You stared into the mirror and admired your new body. It felt obviously foreign given how you weren’t used to navigating around the thick biceps, firm pecs, and well-defined thighs you now had. However, you couldn’t deny the fact that you were much hotter than you were prior. The ghost seemed to have some fun in your body as well, as you take note of the various tattoos that you now found displayed on your neck and chest. Most people would expect to be in complete shock and unaccepting of their new appearance, but you found that you were fully embracing it. As you pulled out your phone and took a photo of your broad muscular backside and perky ass, you couldn’t help but smile at all of the possibilities you now had.

This was the deal of a lifetime!


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4 years ago

Ouija Boards Don’t Have A Sense of Humor

This idea was a request by @leothunder21. If you have a story idea you’d like me to write, feel free to send it in here! ​

You originally scoffed at the idea of playing with the board with your friends, but after a few drinks and an open mind, you eventually gave into their pleas. You weren’t a believer in the supernatural, so you found it hard to believe that using a ouija board would end up with any fun result. To you, it was just a dumb parlor trick that was able to fool the lighthearted and those desperate for evidence of life after death.

When the game first started, the group began by asking for any spirits to make their presence known. After a few attempts, their questions were completely ignored and elicited no response. To try and join in on the fun, you called out “Spirit, make yourself known!” and chuckled. Out of nowhere, the planchette quickly slid across the board, pulling everyone along with it in a single swoop. Everyone else gasped and cried out in shock, but you were not convinced. Assuming that it was just a joke, you cockily declared “Well, what do you want then?” 

You and your friends meticulously watched the board as the planchette dashed across the board letter by letter. “B-O-D-Y” it spelled out, which made you chuckle at such a predictable answer then. Your friends were still sure that the board was real and begged you to leave it alone, but you wouldn’t give it up. “If it’s a body you want, come and take mine then. I’m not sure anyone would want a body like this though, even a ghost has standards...” you stated. And it was somewhat true, you weren’t the ugliest guy ever, but you certainly weren’t in the top 100 guys that someone would wish to look like. Overall, you were quite average and your clothing didn’t help your case, which only emphasized your lanky body and average demeanor. 

Apparently though, the spirit talking through the board was willing to take you up on the offer. Your face quickly drops from a cocky smile to a look of amazement as a billowing plume of smoke manifested out of the plastic viewfinder in the center of the planchette. Your friends gasped in shock, but both you and your friends could do nothing as the smoke darted towards you. It took only a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity for you as the smoke shot down your nose and throat. You could only gag and choke on the smoke, but right as you felt yourself reaching the brink of asphyxiation, you suddenly drifted off into a state of slumber.

When you wake up, you find yourself laying on a dark black floor. Unsure what was going on, you frantically search around as you find yourself lost in a seemingly endless dark void. Upon a second inspection, your eyes suddenly recognize a form manifesting out of the void. Within several seconds, you watch as a hulking brute of a man materializes in front of you and gives you a devilish grin. “Well hello there” he said, his husky voice echoing within this darkness you now found yourself in. “Who are you? What do you want?” You respond, your tone pointed to tell the man you weren’t intimidated by him. “You know who I am, you invited me into your body” he chuckled, which made you begin to realize that this was some form of ghost. 

As a look of panic began to spread over your face, the man directed you to remain calm. He detailed his story about how he was an up-and-coming jock who was killed in a freak accident. For years now, he’d been searching for a host to help him have an opportunity at life once more, so he was ecstatic when you willingly offered up your body to him. When you asked him if he was going to take control of your body and leave you here, he chuckled and curtly stated that he had no desires to trap you deep within the trenches of your mind. Instead, the specter proposed a new deal that would be beneficial to the both of you. By accepting his deal, he stated that he would be able to help you become an irresistible man that would demand attention and respect. By merging your souls, you would be given the opportunity to be the assertive man you had always longed for. The spirit’s demands were fairly simple, where he would be allowed to have access to all of your senses and thus get to experience life once more (even if he was permanently in the passenger seat). He asked for the ability to mentally communicate with you when necessary, where he would only offer tips and tricks when it came to becoming a jock like he once was. 

You stood there, thinking about your possibilities. If you refused, there was always the possibility that the ghost’s demeanor would change and thus punish you for not agreeing to its terms. As you considered the deal, you realized that it wasn’t a completely terrible one. By letting this spirit take up a residence within you, you’d remain in control and become a buff jock like you always wished. On top of that, you’d be allowed to maintain your intelligence and personality to become a truly triple-threat with a killer body, a high IQ, and an approachable yet cocky personality. 

After a few more minutes of thinking it over, you looked at the spirit and placed your hand forward. “It’s a deal then”, you stated with a smile. The ghost returned the pleasantry and shook your hand and flashed a bright smile.

For moments, everything went dark, but things were happening while you remained unconscious. In the real world, your friends began to gasp as your body began to contort and twist in a gruesome fashion. Your body let out natural grunts and growls during the contortions, but that wasn’t all that was happening. Your arms tensed up as fists clenched, but to your friends’ surprise, your arms began to explode with muscle. With the visual resembling a balloon being blown up, your friends could only look in shock as biceps inflated into existence and forearms thickened to create two intimidating arms. The changes continued downward as your body continued to inflate with muscle. Your thin torso soon began to explode, with hefty pectorals manifesting within seconds and stretching your shirt to the absolute brink of ripping. One-by-one, abdominal muscles emerged and popped into place down your stomach. With these changes finishing on your torso, your stretched t-shirt ultimately lost the battle and ripped in several places.

With your torso now completed, the changes move a few inches south as it begins to localize around your dick. Even down to the equipment, you were incredibly average. This situation is soon remedied as your dick begins to lengthen several inches and gain a little bit of girth as well. The changes move to your backside, which is clear to your friends as they watch you slowly rise up on the bed. Your ass begins to inflate with a healthy mix of muscle and fat until you’re left with a brand new bubble butt.

The changes once again continue its downward movement, with your legs becoming the new focus. Your friends could only stare at your jean-covered legs, watching as the flesh underneath rippled and waved in a strange fashion. It didn’t take long before your thighs began to grow a musculature that would have only been possible after years of hard work in a gym. Finally, your calves also inflated as well to show that your new body was quite the runner. Much like your t-shirt, your jeans were ultimately no match for your wide thick thighs and ultimately caused the denim to shred. To finish up the physical changes, your body tenses up as your height quickly grows from a normal 5’8” to an intimidating 6’4”. In response, your jeans now look like a pair of capris and your t-shirt begins to ride up until it more closely resembled a midriff shirt.

Now that your body’s musculature had completely changed, a final wave of cosmetic changes began to spread across your body. Through the tattered shirt and ripped jeans, your friends watched as jet black tattoos began to manifest all across your body. Your nerdy friends gasped in response, immediately growing intimidated by just the sight of the fresh ink. As the changes begin to dwindle down, your hair starts to magically recede into your scalp until you’re left with a look of a freshly buzzed hair that only adds to your now permanent look of dominance. While the hair finishes disappearing from your scalp, facial hair also begins to push out of your pores. The wiry brown hair quickly grows out of your face until you’re left with a modest beard. To finish, a little bit of trimming occurs around your mouth with your mustache and goatee area.

Now that your changes are finished, it’s as if on cue when your eyes jolt open. As you return to consciousness, you grumble and groan due to how heavy you feel. “Gosh, that was such a weird dream…” you say, tilting your head in confusion as you hear the deeper voice coming out of your mouth. When you bring your hand up to your face to wipe your eyes and stretch your arms behind your head, your eyes go wide as you see the thick hands and tatted-up forearms and biceps you now had. Watching your biceps bulge through your ripped t-shirt, you grin as you realize that the ghost truly did follow through with his promise. “Thank you” you thought, hoping that the ghost was able to somehow hear your appreciation. You jump at first as you hear the spirit’s voice echo within your mind. “Thank you as well, I appreciate you doing this for me!” he says, a surprisingly cheery tone being noticed in his voice. 

Standing up, you stumble and attempt to remain upright as you attempt to get used to your new weight and center of gravity. You hadn’t expected such a change, but it was understandable given all of the muscles you had just been gifted. Your friends have become totally forgotten in your mind as you head into a bathroom to check yourself out. After flicking on the light and turning towards the mirror, you gasp at just the sight of your new body. Tired of seeing the tattered shirt, you grip the fabric and rip it completely off your body, revealing your inked and buff body. You shift in the mirror and take note of your beefy pecs and flex for your own satisfaction. As you feel your now-larger dick beginning to firm up at the sight of yourself, you decide that it’s best to go out and explore the town. No longer in the mood with playing childish games, you grab your oversized winter coat that now fits perfectly and head out into the night. With a body like this, you were eager to see what the world had to offer you now.

It had been almost a year now since the change and life had only gotten dramatically better for you since then. As it turns out, the spirit used to be a football player, so upon him bring up this fact, you asked him to share that knowledge. Your brain became overstimulated as years of experience flooded your mind. Various plays, tips on how to be the best player, and even experiences that the ghost had in his past life began to spring forth to the front of your mind. After returning to a normal state of consciousness, you decided that it would be a shame to waste this knowledge and ultimately tried out for the team. 

With this built body and his shared knowledge, you immediately made the team and eventually became the star player on the team. In less than a season, you turned a failing football team into a championship winning team. With your meteoric rise, the college bent to any whim of yours to keep you from leaving them. As a result, you were given a full ride scholarship and the full backing of the college as they vowed to help you go pro once you graduate. It was obvious why they would do that, given your meteoric rise and already growing social media following, the opportunity of you going pro would only positively represent and promote their college. The partnership with you and the ghost had turned out to be mutually beneficial for the both of you. Now, you both were looking to accomplish things that neither of you would have ever done solo... 


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3 years ago

An Unexpected Kink

With a long day of press interviews planned as the football season began to kick off, it was safe to say that Buffalo Bills linebacker Matt Milano had a busy day ahead of him. However, before the insane press junket began, Matt knew that he had another video chat that he urgently needed to get done first. After sending a Zoom link to a seemingly random college email address, Matt eagerly waited for the arrival of the other party. 

As he took a look at himself in the camera of the laptop, Matt began to adjust himself so he was perfectly positioned in frame. Fixing his hat, he couldn’t help but stare at his bulky muscles. It was insane to have such an incredible physique, but he supposed it was an essential feature of his body if he wanted to perform his job well. Using a free hand, he smirked as he gripped onto his upper arms and squeezed to feel the intense power packed into those impressive biceps of his.


Hearing the ding of a guest joining the room, Matt blushed as he quickly realized that he had been caught admiring himself. As the camera for the other guest turned on and revealed a girl with frizzy purple-dyed hair, the two parties immediately began to chuckle at the implausibility of the situation. 

“Holy shit Andrew! I can’t believe it’s you in there!” the girl cried out, which caused the man to chuckle in agreement. 

“I know Laura, I can hardly believe it myself. I’m in the body of Matt Milano!” the man responded, a wide grin emerging onto his face as he once again realized the truth in the words he just said. Wow, I really am in another man’s body… As the two individuals began to continue talking, the college-aged girl eagerly asked the new jock to explain everything and how it happened to him. 

“Well, this writer on Tumblr announced this contest. He does body swap stories and shit, so I figured the prize would just be like a personalized story or something. Anyways, I won the contest and he immediately sent me a message to ask what I wanted. With little time to ponder the question, I quickly said that I’d love to be a hunky football player. Of course, when he asked for examples of players, I instantly gave him Matt’s name…” the jock said, which brought a look of shock and awe onto the face of his apparent best friend.

“So after that, he said that my wish would be granted soon and that I would immediately know when it had happened. I just assumed he would send it to the email address I provided, but instead, I blinked and suddenly found myself in the Bills locker room!” Matt continued, his voice getting higher as excitement began to fill his body. It was such a relief to talk to his best friend about it, but it was such a shame that she was still all the way in Nebraska while he was now in New York.  

“Of course, I freaked out and asked where I was, which caused a lot of the men to joke around and taunt me. Desperate for my own answers, I rushed into the bathroom and suddenly found myself staring back at the reflection of Matt Milano. So yeah, Soul-Controller actually made my dreams come true!” he exclaimed, which left the girl in absolute disbelief. 

Immediately, the girl inquired about this Soul-Controller user and how it was possible for such things to occur in the world. “Body swapping is just a thing in the movies, how could it be possible?” she asked, which elicited a head nod and chuckle from the man. As he leaned in closer to the camera, he began to offer up the only possible answer he could muster up.

“Of course, I freaked the hell out. I didn’t know where I was and there were all of these buff jocks laughing at me for acting like a crazy person. Long story short, I found the bathroom and bam, there’s Matt’s face in the mirror. That Soul-Controller guy - the writer I was telling you about - actually did it! Talk about a dream come true!” he said, taking a pause to think about his old life. It was crazy for the man to realize that just a few days ago he was a frail 22-year-old nerd with not a single athletic bone in his body. “But given that I’m in the body of my favorite football player, it seems like there was truth surrounding his hype. I don’t really care how he did it honestly, I’m just happy it was actually possible! I mean, could you blame me for wanting this gorgeous face and body?” he said, smiling into the camera as he caught his attractive visage. However, this smile soon shifted into a smirk as he looked at his friend’s camera and caught her also staring at him with a lustful look.

The girl soon caught onto her best friend’s awareness of her newfound attraction, quickly changing the subject to try and remember the former nerd that he once was. “Hey, have you reached out to the real Matt? I don’t think he’s adapting to his new life too well…” she cautiously said, which only caused him to give a slight shrug of his shoulders.

“Nah, I haven’t really checked in to see how Matt’s doing in my body. In all honesty, I don’t really care to find out. I’m Matt now while he’s stuck as some dweeb living at home with his parents!” he matter-of-factly said with not a care in the world. Appalled by this response, the girl couldn’t believe that her sweet and caring best friend had already been so corrupted by this new life.


Desperate to try and pull Andrew’s real personality back, the girl continued to discuss the subject of the body-swapped Matt. She desperately began to inform her friend about just how poorly the former NFL player was handling the swap. “Drew, I don’t think you understand, he’s freaking the fuck out and just blatantly talking about how he’s really Matt Milano! It’s so bad that your parents are even talking about sending him to some psychiatric facility to “get help”. We both know that he’s telling the truth, so why are you being so lax about this?” she cried out, her voice soon soaked with emotion as she attempted to get a response from her best friend. But instead, the man just sat there in silence and looked off into space. Despite the stoic expression on his face, the new Matt found the whole situation rather amusing. 


Given the fact that he wasn’t willing to hear about the other man’s struggles or sympathize, “Matt” interrupted his friend and immediately began to launch into the reasons why he’s had a hard time struggling as well. “You know, it hasn’t been super easy to adapt to this new body and life either you know! It’s been so strange waking up with such a bigger body, so much so that I feel enormous even though I know I’m just a buff dude now” he loudly said, watching as the girl’s eyes narrowed in confusion at the correlation of such a small struggle against such an insane downgrade of a swap like the real Matt had to deal with.

“It hasn’t been easy on the team either Laura. Like sure, this body has muscle memory that helps me succeed on the field, but that all goes out of the window once I’m in the locker room. It’s awful having to be so sociable and pretend to be Matt while talking to these people I’ve never met before. It’s not like I gained his memories or anything, I’ve had to study the playbook for the team nonstop!” he cried out, desperate to get his friend to get back onto his side of the situation. 

But unfortunately for Drew, his new inflated ego wasted no time ruining any sort of good graces he had begun to rebuild with Laura. Immediately, he began to go into detail about some of the positives of the swap. This mainly had to do with his sex life, which was clearly a hot topic given his former status as a total virgin. “But this body definitely has some perks bro. Like, it’s rare to NOT get lucky each night. I've got every possible hunk and babe throwing themselves all over for a chance to admire this bod. I don’t blame them though, how could they resist a stud like me?” he said, a cocky smirk forming onto his face as he continues to go into detail about his sexual exploits. 


By the time Drew finished detailing his dominant nature in the bedroom, Laura was clearly done with her former friend’s antics. This anger ultimately culminated in her suddenly stating that she needed to go. It was such a shame that her friend’s personality had already been transformed so quickly to be an egotistical prick, but it seemed like there was nothing she could do to pull him back. Resigning herself to this fact, the girl immediately decided to shift her focus by trying to assist the new Andrew with the ripple effects of the swap. She knew it would be a struggle for the former jock, so she truly hoped that she could help him adapt to his new life and prevent him from being institutionalized.

While Laura was formulating her plan, the new Matt was completely oblivious. Not only did he not take the hint and realize how angry she was, but he actually found himself eager to leave the conversation as well. The woman wasn’t a great conversationalist, so he wasn’t wanting to waste his time talking to her given the large amount of press he still had to do! As such, he just played off the woman’s statements and turned it into how her decision was actually a good thing for him anyway.

“Oh awesome, that works perfectly! I have an interview in 30 minutes anyway and I still need to read over my notes one last time before I do it. I guess I’ll see you soon Laura. I’m going to be quite busy for the next couple months, but I’m sure I’ll find some time to talk to average friends like you!” he merrily said, clearly too dense in the noggin to realize how offensive and rude his statement was. In response, the woman simply rolled her eyes and stated that she would just reach out whenever SHE was free and hung up. 

Why do I not remember her being such a bitch, Matt thought to himself as he began to prepare himself for the rest of his day. While he tried his best to play off his new identity as an NFL player, there were actually some troubles he had faced along the way. The main problem was having to shift back into “Matt Mode” whenever he was around his teammates and journalists. Given the man’s former identity being that of an antisocial nerd, it was quite the struggle to suddenly be so popular and in such demand. 

After taking a moment to compose himself and be reminded of Matt’s stats and the big names on his team through a stack of notecards, the new Matt returned back to Zoom and began to mentally prepare for the upcoming day. First up on the docket was an interview with some sort of dumb magazine that he couldn’t be bothered to remember the title of. His team had told him this interview was a big deal, but he truly couldn’t understand why a magazine interview held more importance than a full segment on ESPN. Trying to just forget about it and move on, Matt joined the Zoom room and adjusted himself in the camera as he waited for the interviewer’s arrival. As he fixed his hat once again, Matt couldn’t help but notice the bulging veins of his forearms. It was incredible to have such strength be so easily displayed from such a simple action, so awe-inspiring that Matt could feel himself instantly firming up at the sight of his new body.


As the interviewer finally joined the Zoom room, the nerdy looking man wasted no time introducing himself. “Hello there Mr. Milano, I’m Jeremy from Leather-Bound Magazine and I’m so happy to be interviewing you today!” he said, his thin lips cracking into a weak smile. While the magazine seemed to be something about kinky sex, Matt found it quite humorous to have such a non-desirable man be the guy to run the interview. While the frail man seemed to be in his mid-20s or so, his hairline had already travelled quite a bit up his scalp and his thick pair of rimmed glasses did little to help showcase that youthful age. 

“Hey there Jeremy, I’m happy to be here!” Matt eagerly said, trying his best to figure out why his publicist had scheduled an interview with some sort of BDSM magazine. He guessed he could understand trying to appeal to every possible demographic, but he didn’t really know how kink enthusiasts would want to go to see a game after an interview with Matt Milano. While he hadn’t been able to fully explore the jock’s closet after the swap, the new jock couldn’t recollect any sort of signs that indicated his interest in BDSM and kinky sex, so that only added to his inner confusion.

However, while the two men continued to exchange pleasantries as the interview finally got underway, Matt was just willing to play nice to get the interview over with so he can go back to enjoying his day. For the most part, it had consisted of him getting off multiple times while admiring his body, but he was also wanting to hit up the gym to exhibit his new strength and power. It never got old to him to watch those muscles flex and easily carry weight that Andrew’s former body could only dream of!

For the most part, he had been able to field the man’s general questions about Matt’s backstory and career in the NFL (sans being slightly off on some of his statistics). But as the interview finally shifted to the topic at hand, Matt grew immediately confused. “So Matt, how long have you had an interest in being submissive?” the interviewer asked, his face shifting back to that off-putting smile. 

“Uh, I don’t understand the question. I’m an NFL player, I’m one of the most dominant guys out on the field as a Bills linebacker!” he responded, his voice raising as he couldn’t understand why the man was asking these questions. 

“Sure Matt, on the field you’re dominant, but you absolutely love to be submissive in bed right?” the nerdy man continued, adding onto it by stating “Isn’t it true that you actually have a master you live to serve when not at practice or on the field?” 

The hell was this? Matt thought to himself as his mind was racing with questions. “Where did you hear all of that?” he said with a gasp. Given his previous status of a virgin, the sex he had in Matt’s body was rather vanilla still. There had been no urges to be a submissive man, the closest possible thing was when he enjoyed the concept of his sex partners (both women and men) knowing what they were doing in the bedroom since he was a total novice! So the thought of such kinky sex was both alarming and nerve-wracking for the man to even consider.

Seeing Matt’s confusion, the interviewer titled his head as he attempted to figure out what was going on. “Matt, I know that because I’m your master… You’ve been my submissive bottom for over a year and a half now,” Jeremy eagerly said, that sly smile now having a reason for making Matt so uncomfortable. There was no way that Matt would be submissive for this twig of a man!

“No, there’s no fucking way that you’re my master. There’s absolutely nothing kinky about my sex life!” he cried out, which elicited an eye roll from the journalist as he rustled around inside his duffel bag. “Dude, what are you doing with that pocket watch? Put that away and answer me!” Matt growled, annoyed as the man opened the watch and began to swing it up close in the frame of the camera.

“Clearly, you forgot your conditioning, so let me just start this over I guess,” Jeremy angrily stated as he continued to swing it. He chuckled as he watched Matt’s eyes begin to rapidly dart along with the movement of the watch. “Yes, that’s it. Give in to my power and let me remind you of who you once were!” Jeremy said as he continued to remind Matt of who he was.

“No, please sto-” Matt said, his words turning into a low grumble as he felt his mind going incredibly blank as he continued to stare at the spinning watch. Despite his best efforts, he found himself unable to move his head away from the object.

“It’s ok Matt, I’m here to help you. Just relax and empty your mind, you can trust me!” Jeremy responded, smirking as the hunk slowly began to follow his orders.

“I’m… not… Matt.” the hunk muttered under his breath as Jeremy finally got the man to fall unconscious with his eyes open. As his head dropped down slightly, the interviewer and part-time hypnotist knew that he finally had gotten Matt to fall under. He didn’t understand why the man couldn’t remember his conditioning despite giving his trigger word to fall back under his hypnosis spell, but the induction had happened relatively easily so he wasn’t too upset about the slight delay. Hell, he loved this part the most anyway, so he was totally content with reprogramming the now-drooling Matt again...


* * * * *

For the next twenty minutes, the interviewer and apparent master of Matt Milano reprogrammed the football star to become everything he desired. Given that the jock had seemingly forgotten the already intense orders from Jeremy, the hypnotist amped up both the punishments for disobeying Jeremy’s orders and also increased Matt’s rewards for following his master’s rules. With such a system in place, the interviewer hoped that the impact of the hypnosis would last much longer this second time around.

“Matt, can you hear me?” Jeremy asks, which elicited a groan-filled “yes” to escape from Matt’s mouth. “Good, so I just want to clarify some things with you. Firstly, I am your master. You must listen and obey anything I say, or you will face my consequences. Understood?” the man asked, which caused Matt to shake his head slightly in an attempt to break through the conditioning.

However, this didn’t last long as he eventually gave a simple “Yes” response. “Yes what?” Jeremy asked, eager to see just how quickly Matt will accept his new orders.

“Yes… Master,” Matt said, his voice now sounding incredibly robotic as his mind broke and thus made him incredibly willing to accept all of his master’s orders. 

After a few more minutes, Jeremy was able to successfully reintroduce the original mental commands for Matt along with bringing in some new kinks and interests. He was eager to get his hypnotized superstar back to full consciousness and see how his demeanor changes with the commands in effect. After telling the man that he will wake up and return to consciousness with the snap of his fingers, Jeremy slowly counted down from 10 to 1 before snapping and bringing the hunk back to full awareness.

While his body absentmindedly moved in his chair, the man quickly returned to the seemingly normal interview and chuckled as Jeremy silently stared into the camera. “Hehe, I’m so sorry bro, I totally spaced out there for a second! What were we talking about?” the jock said, his voice now oozing with stupidity. 


Hearing the man speak, Jeremy received the first indication that his hypnosis was finally working again. Given the man’s resistance to the hypnosis and slightly cocky behavior, Jeremy wanted to really lean into it. From the moment he came back into awareness, Matt was now the perfect stereotype of a dumb jock. His once-impressive vocabulary (which was solely due to Andrew being in Matt’s body) was hidden away in the deep recesses of the man’s brain, with Jeremy’s hypnosis now encouraging him to use simple words and start utilizing “bro-talk” with everyone he meets. Fuck, he’s becoming an absolute dream, Jeremy thought to himself as he began to remind Matt about the interview they were currently conducting.

* * * * * 

As Matt shook his head and attempted to try to regain his composure, he was relieved to hear the interviewer waste no time reminding him about his previous question. “It’s ok Matt!” he said, a wide smile beaming on his face. It left Matt’s dick quickly firming up as he looked up at his master, but his mind quickly reminded him that he had to keep it professional during work. Master said he would take care of me later if I did a good job… 

“So, we were just doing our cover spread interview for Leather Bound magazine. You had begun to mention something about being dominated, but you seemed to have lost your train of thought. Did you care to continue?” the man asked, which left Matt chuckling as he eagerly began to answer the question posed by the average man that Matt now found absolutely irresistible. 

Smiling and sitting up in his chair, Matt wasted no time beginning to talk about why he was the perfect candidate for this magazine. “Oh fuck yeah bro, I love getting dominated!” he said, looking into the camera to see his Master giving him his fully undivided attention. “I know most people would think that a hunk like me would think it’s embarrassing, but it’s such a fuckin’ turn on! There’s nothing hotter than that humiliation in the bedroom when smaller men tell me what to do…” Matt continued, his grin suddenly flipping down into a frown as he stopped his statement. With haste, he moved one of his hands down to fix the rock hard cock struggling against his underwear. He absolutely hated having such a thick and long cock, especially when he was an absolute bottom!

Upon letting the jock finish his sentence, Jeremy began to inquire further about Matt and his sexuality. “Wait a second here Matt, are you officially coming out for our interview? On my sheet here, it said that you were straight and not the most adventurous love-maker,” Jeremy said, faking shock as he was absolutely buzzing on the inside to watch Matt just so willingly abandon his heterosexuality and become his dream bottom.

“Uh, I guess I am dude!” Matt said, a dumb hearty chuckle escaping from his lips as he came to terms with the fact that he had actually said it out loud. He knew that his Master had encouraged him to be himself, but he couldn’t believe he had finally taken the leap! “But bro, why would I do this interview with you if I was only into vanilla sex. I love all kinds of kinky sex, especially when fucking with whips and chains. However, nothing turns me on more than leather, especially when my Master wears it…” Matt continued, his dumbed down chuckling continuing as he smiled widely before giving a wink to Jeremy. Sure, he knew that he would probably be punished later for revealing their secret connection, but Matt was feeling dangerous. What’s a little pleasure without a little pain as well? 


* * * * * 

For the next 30 minutes, the interview continued as Matt’s secret master asked him tons of intensive questions. Not rattled by any of the questions though, the new sexually-liberated Matt Milano eagerly answered every possible question about his kinks, favorite types of sex, and dream partners. Of course, Jeremy found it quite amusing when Matt had accurately described every possible attribute belonging to the interviewer when discussing his dream partner. It was hot to have such a flawless hunk of a man under his control. His mind was truly putty in Jeremy’s hands and he was incredibly eager to mold Matt into the absolute perfect man for him. Sure, he had the muscles and model-like face, but Jeremy needed a man to absolutely be subservient in every possible way. Luckily, the interviewer had learned a great deal about hypnosis to help create this dream man that seemed impossible to find.

Checking his watch, Jeremy soon found himself eager to end the interview with Matt and continue on with his day. While Matt was his own personal pet project, the man was still eager to have several other players eager to serve him in any way. As a result, he was also able to hypnotist the agents of Aaron Donald, Justin Pugh, and Jimmy Garoppolo to get him meetings with the hunky players. The thought of all three of those hunks admiring his body and turning into horny gay men was too good to resist!

Stopping Matt as he continued to speak, Jeremy informed him that their time had run out and he had to run off for other interviews. "Well, thank you so much Matt for speaking with Leather Bound magazine. It's going to be so great to have such a prominent NFL player do an interview about domination and all of your kinks. You're truly going to help break the stigma of BDSM, so Leather Bound is eternally grateful for your time and services!” Jeremy said, which caused Matt to smile and begin to say his own goodbyes.

“It’s no problem at all bro. I appreciate the opportunity to tell my story without judgment!” the hunk said, a look of true appreciation spreading onto his face as he gave his departing message. After the interviewer told him to have a great day, Matt was eager to toy with his Master. “Have a great day and I’ll see you later tonight… Sir!” he said, giving a giddy laugh before ending the call.


As he closed the lid of his laptop, Matt was shocked to find himself still rock hard. Incredibly eager to take care of the throbbing dick that had been constantly leaking pre-cum down his meaty thighs, his hands quickly began to move down to his waist. But before he could go beneath the waistband of his underwear and grasp onto his cock, his mind quickly told him to stop and reminded him of his orders. Fuck, Master said that I could only get off in his presence...

Leaning back in his chair, Matt could only sit there and wait in annoyance until his Master finally arrived at his place and allowed him to get himself off. After talking for so long about being dominated, Matt couldn’t help but wish that his Master would go all-out once he arrived. He was going to be edging for hours it seemed, so sitting back and closing his eyes, Matt began to imagine his dominant partner donning some leather and humiliating him for being the horniest bottom in existence. Little did Matt know that not only was he hypnotized into behaving like this, but he had really once been a nerdy looking guy just like Jeremy. Maybe the real Matt was the real winner in this situation after all, especially since he was now freed from Jeremy’s control. Sure, he was in the body of an incredibly average and nerdy man, but at least he was now a free-thinking one again...

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3 years ago

Beta-Testing Madden 2023

For years now, Richard had dreamed of being a football legend. But given his innate clumsiness and inability to pack on any muscle, his body had clearly disagreed on the man’s dreams and ambitions. Luckily for Richard though, the man still had an avenue that allowed him to be the superstar he had always longed to be: video games. He knew it was pitiful to play a game just so he could pretend to be a hunk, but it helped him live the dreams he had always wanted to experience. With a controller in hand, he could play any player on any team he wanted. He could help lead his team to victory to the point where he would be the sole individual responsible for getting the virtual AI-players to become Super Bowl champions.

While he enjoyed the sight of many hunks (even in their video game form), no one stuck out to him more than the Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. With his impressive physique, killer beard, and stunning face, it was understandable why Richard gravitated so heavily towards the jock… he was everything Richard had aspired to be! There were so many dreams that Richard could easily recall where he’d wake up to have the body and life of Travis Kelce, excelling on the field and then scoring in the bedroom with his girlfriend. If only dreams could come true...


As Richard arrived back at his family’s house (where he still resided in his childhood bedroom), he groaned as he heard the loud voices of his younger siblings hooting and hollering as they played on his gaming console. He loved the kids to death, but it was so annoying to experience such noise after just arriving home from a terrible shift in retail. The store was absolutely hectic given the Friday rush of customers eager to get their merchandise before relaxing all weekend, so it was safe to say that his register was constantly swamped with no relief throughout the eight-hour shift. 

Because of this, the 24-year-old man’s usual meekness quickly flew out of the window as he longed for some semblance of peace and quiet for one night. Peeking his head into the room with the two kids, Richard immediately yelled at them and told them to get lost so he could relax and play some games later. Despite the pair of 10-year-old boys’ whining, the man remained firm in his stance until the two boys admitted defeat and rushed upstairs to their bedrooms. Upon hearing the slam of their bedroom doors, Richard breathed a hearty sigh of relief and smiled to himself upon actually getting his way for once.

While he walked down the hallway to his bedroom, Richard stopped himself as heard the voice of his mother state that he had received a package in the mail. Hearing that she left it on his bed, he cried out a simple “Thanks Mom!” and finally closed the door of his bedroom. After peeling off his unfashionable uniform, Richard fell backwards onto his bed while letting out a deep exhale. Noticing something in the corner of his right eye, the man tilted his head to see a rectangular box laying next to him. Not remembering ordering any package, he sat up and pulled the box closer to him. Interestingly enough, the box had no return address, so the source of this delivery is a total mystery to the man. 

Using a pair of scissors on his desk, Richard wasted no time opening the box to discover its contents. As he pulled back the flaps and looked inside, the man gasped in shock at what he saw inside. After taking a second to verify that what he saw was true, he grabbed and pulled out a clear video box that had the text Madden 2023 - Beta Test Edition scrawled across it in black marker. How was this possible? The 2022 edition of the game had just come out a few weeks ago! 

Opening the box, he watched as a folded up note fell out and dropped onto the floor. Upon putting down the game and leaning down to grab the piece of paper, Richard began to read the note typed on the official Madden letterhead:

Congrats Richard, 

You have been selected to be one of the first players to try out a beta-version of our 2023 edition of Madden! This opportunity has been funded by S-C LLC, a major collaborator with the NFL. We hope to receive your feedback in two weeks about any sort of kinks that you experience while playing. 

Thank you for your assistance, 

The Madden 2023 Dev Team.

Finishing reading the note, Richard found himself in utter disbelief that he had been blessed with such an honor and privilege. The concept of getting early access was incredibly exciting to the man, especially given how much he enjoyed playing the game to live his football fantasies. It was understandable then as to why Richard found himself buzzing with excitement and energy to the point where he left his room to go try out the game. 

After placing the game into his console, the man grabbed his controller and fell back into his highly-cushioned couch. Watching as a basic loading screen manifested onto the screen, Richard waited a good 30 seconds before the game finally sprung back to life and brought him into the main menu of the game. While the graphics were clearly not properly mastered, it still looked surprisingly realistic for being just a beta version of the game.

Upon setting up his campaign and picking Travis Kelce as his character, the man began to spend hours and hours playing the new game. For the most part, he was relieved to see no real bugs or issues in need of fixing (besides the graphic remastering) since it helped him remain heavily invested in the game and focus on his team’s success. Given the late hours, it wasn’t a shock for Richard as he began to struggle to keep his eyes open and start messing up in the game. Pausing the game to take a slight break to rub his eyes, the man leaned his head against the back of his couch and allowed them to close slightly. If I only rest for a second, then I can just get back to playing the g-... 

Suddenly, Richard jolted back awake to find his ears assaulted by a symphony of loud noise. Opening his eyes and looking around, he gasped as he suddenly found himself sitting on a bench and leaning against a wall of lockers inside a busy locker room. Looking around in confusion, the players moved around in silence as they got dressed and began to head out of the room in a single line formation. 

Feeling both confused by what he saw and dazed from his drowsy state, Richard sat up and gasped as he looked down at himself. Not only was he now dressed entirely in a football uniform, but as he saw the large #87 on his torso, he realized that he was wearing the jersey of Travis Kelce! “Holy shit!” Richard exclaimed, stunned as he could hear a much different voice coming out of his mouth. With the click clack of his cleats ringing out, the man eagerly ran towards the restrooms to look into a mirror. 

Just as he had expected, the reflection of his football crush was staring back at him. It seemed unbelievable, but Richard had actually gained the body and life of Travis Kelce! Looking intensely in the mirror, the man was in awe of the jock’s striking features, impressive beard, and nice physique. Even while saddled up with all of this heavy bulky gear, Richard knew that this man was physically gifted. After taking a peek by lifting up the jersey to stare at Kelce’s abs and checking beneath the waistband of Kelce’s pants, he soon found himself rock hard at the body he was now in control of. However, somewhere in his mind, the vision of the empty locker room told him to stop admiring himself . The team was seemingly already on the field, so Richard knew he had to get out there ASAP!

Quickly grabbing his helmet, Richard jogged out the same way the players went and gasped as he suddenly found himself out in a crowded stadium. As he stepped foot on the well-maintained grass, Richard jumped as the crowd suddenly roared to life. It was strange to see such excitement for a Chiefs’ game, and by extension, encouragement and cheering to inspire his own performance as Kelce! Wandering throughout the crowded sidelines, he was confused as he saw the players of his team huddled up but not saying anything. Upon making his way over to the team, the arrival of their star tight end finally elicited the coach to begin hyping up the team and encouraging them to go out there and kick ass. With the coach’s parting words, Richard suddenly felt excited yet nervous to experience his first ever football game… in the body of a hunk nonetheless!


Despite his nervousness, there was a sense of calmness that had quickly settled over Richard as he made his way out onto the field after his team went on the offense first after kickoff. Luckily, this body seemingly had some sort of muscle memory, so the former average man was able to easily excel as Kelce. He was grateful for that though, especially since it just helped him better visualize his dreams of being a star NFL player! 

For the first three quarters, the Chiefs easily blew the other team out of the water as they’re able to score constant touchdowns. Richard had found great joy in these quarters too given the fact that he had been responsible for scoring several of the touchdowns while using this body’s skills to his advantage. As the final quarter finally began to start, it seemed unlikely to Richard that the other team would be able to catch up the astounding lead the Chiefs had. But despite this fact, he was still eager to work as hard as possible and further the team’s lead. 

Just as he got into position to prepare for running at full speed down the field upon the snap of the ball, the new Travis Kelce smirked as he felt incredibly lucky to be living such an incredible life. Hearing the sound of the ball landing in the quarterback’s hands, Richard wasted no time breaking into a hard sprint down the field. Just as he looked back and prepared for the ball to be thrown to him though, Richard gasped as he suddenly found himself stuck in place. “What the hell?” he thought to himself as he attempted to figure out what’s going on.

But as his eyes rapidly shifted around, the new jock soon realized that the players on both teams had also found themselves deeply rooted in place. Seeing all of this occurring brought his mind back to the various other strange things he saw after stepping onto the field. Why was the crowd so noisy, screaming at the top of their lungs even when nothing was happening in the game? Why did all of the players and the coach stand idly in place until he arrived to speak with them? It felt as though everything had been put on pause, much like what Richard did when he streamed his favorite show or played his favorite video game... “Oh shit! Am I stuck inside the game?” he cried out as the cruel truth of the new reality he found himself living in finally dawned on him.

* * * * *

“I’m coming Mom!” Richard’s little brother screamed as he put the video game on pause and headed off to see what was going on. He wasn’t sure where his brother went, but when he woke up this morning to see the console on and a single controller resting on the couch, he was eager to give it a shot. The kid had a slight understanding as to why his older brother was so stressed, but he still didn’t think it was fair that he wasn’t allowed to play on the game system. Just because his brother paid for the games didn’t mean that it was only his! Their parents got the system for all three siblings to share, so the younger brother was eager to use it as much as he could whenever Richard was out of the house.

While he wasn’t a big football fan, the game was already turned on and on the main menu screen, so the kid decided he might as well give it a go. Clicking a new game, he set up a game where his avatar was that of Patrick Mahomes II, the quarterback of the Chiefs. For nearly 30 minutes uninterrupted, the kid was a quick learner as he was able to throw touchdowns that had led the team to absolutely destroy the opponents with ease.

After doing the few chores that his mother demanded of him, the kid returned to the game and resumed the play. Luckily, the game allowed him to easily throw the back to a #87 player who easily brought it in with a touchdown. This process continued for the remainder of the quarter until his team had won the game. It was surprisingly quite fun, so the kid thought maybe it would be fun to play this more often. Although he was slightly confused by the cocky man who kept showboating after consistently scoring the team’s touchdowns. It was amusing to watch the man taunt the other team after scoring a touchdown, but it was quite strange since no other players had done those kinds of moves after scoring a touchdown or winning the game…


* * * * *

Despite the initial shock of becoming a video game version of Travis Kelce, Richard soon began to adapt and accept his new situation. While there was an annoyance about the fact that he couldn’t go beyond the realm of whatever stadium he had found himself playing in, he tried to focus more on the concept of being an incredible player. There was nothing he could really do to fix this, so there was no real use thinking intensely about it or searching for a solution. 

The few concerns that he had though were in regards to the long-term effects of his life as a video-game player. He remembered that the letter said that it was a two-week beta-test before the company came back and took back their copy of the game. Would he be erased with any potential updates and replaced with an AI-version of Kelce after this? Or would his personality mesh with the scripts written for the AI-character to essentially create a free-thinking character able to behave however he wanted? Was it possible for the game developers to find his soul and pull him back out of the game? There were so many questions that Richard had no idea how to answer, so he soon found himself thankful for the fact that when the game was turned off, he no longer had the ability to dream. He was enveloped into total darkness that provided him temporary relief from this life-concerning quandaries until the game was turned back on and he was put back into use in some way.

While he had wished to become Travis Kelce, this certainly hadn’t been what he had in mind. Despite this, Richard was still looking to find enjoyment given the fact that he knew how much time he had left. So, the new Kelce began to act more brash and wildly to the sea of adoring fans. Sure, he knew that they were just scripted to cheer him on, but it still made him feel good as he danced in the endzone and brought them up to their feet in either a roar of applause or booing!


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3 years ago

Creating The Perfect Top

This story was written specifically for the annual TF Story Exchange for fellow transformation writer @thegreatstoryteller based on the prompt he came up with. I hope he enjoys what I’ve come up with and I hope you, the reader, do as well!

As Jay lounged with merry holiday jingles playing throughout their living room on Christmas Eve, the short Asian man reflected happily on how he had essentially everything he could ever want. Not only was he spending his time cuddling up with his equally-twinky boyfriend Arturo on his couch, but this was also the first holiday that the couple would be spending in their shared apartment, after finally deciding to make the move over the past summer.

Being a hopeless romantic, Jay was understandably overjoyed to be spending his daily life with his lithe Latino lover. There was nothing he loved more than to wake up every morning with his partner by his side and go about their days together. But while Jay remained blissfully in the “honeymoon” phase, Arturo wasn’t as happy with their living arrangement. Sure, he loved his boyfriend and certainly didn’t want to leave him, but under the surface he couldn’t deny that the relationship was getting incredibly rocky. Although Arturo had convinced Jay to entertain some of his more interesting sexual kinks, this rarely mattered as the couple would often find themselves indecisive over who would be the top and the bottom in the scenario. These squabbles often lasted for over an hour, yet Jay just viewed this as a simple disagreement that led to them just opting to do something more fulfilling anyway, such as watching a movie while cuddling on their couch.

However, this was quickly reaching a breaking point for Arturo, as he primarily wanted to bottom for his boyfriend yet couldn’t convince Jay to take initiative and fuck him. As a result, the Latino twink ultimately dropped the conversation and sadly resigned himself to having a fairly sexless relationship due to this indecisiveness. 

Despite this fact, Arturo later found himself reinvigorated in sexual desire after a quick trip to the mall for Christmas present shopping. After hitting up his normal shops, Arturo stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing a sign for a new store called The S-C Shop. While he didn’t know why, there was something drawing him into the shop that he was unable to resist. By the time he left the small yet expansive shop, Arturo had an extra bag in tow, gift-wrapped with a promise to reinvigorate the couple’s sex life in ways indescribable…

* * * * *

As the couple continued to lie on the couch and enjoy each other’s company, there was an itching desire on Arturo’s part to give Jay his special S-C Shop gift. Not only was he desperate to see what it could do to his partner, but he was also in an intense bout of lust that left him incredibly eager to be topped. Tired of putting his carnal desires to the side, Arturo wasted no time sitting up on the couch and turning to face his lover.

“Babe, now that we’re living together… well, I had an idea…” Arturo said, a slight smile manifesting onto his face as he leaned closer towards his boyfriend’s nerdy yet cute face.

“How would you feel about giving each other one present a day early?” the nerdy Latino pondered, flashing some puppy dog eyes towards his boyfriend.

As expected by Arturo, Jay wasn’t too keen on breaking tradition and trying something new (a clear testament to how monotonous he preferred his life). Upon hearing Arturo’s idea, a look of annoyance and confusion manifested onto Jay’s face. “Why would we do that? Christmas is only one day away!” Jay said through pursed lips, which soon began to ignite yet another disagreement between the couple.

But after a slight back and forth and a stinging statement about how boring Jay was, Arturo was able to finally convince his boyfriend to start a new Christmas “tradition”: opening one present early. With the new plan seemingly in effect, each person made their way over to the tree as they riffled through a sea of wrapped presents to find the perfect gift to share with each other.

Starting off with Jay’s present, he handed his boyfriend a small box that contained a piece of jewelry that he had seen Arturo eyeing over multiple trips at the mall during their search for apartment furniture. Watching as his boyfriend’s eyes lit up, Jay felt quite relieved and happy to see his boyfriend so happy. As Arturo leaned in to give his boyfriend a passionate kiss, Jay found himself poked in the stomach by a moderately-sized gift-wrapped box.

Now getting ready to open his own gift, now Jay’s own eyes got to light up as he looked at the size of the box and began to wonder what would be contained within it. Would it be one of the books he had been talking nonstop to Arturo about? Would it be one of those Funko Pops that he had been gaining a large quantity of? As his mind began to run wild with the possibilities, Jay gleefully tore open the packaging and leaned in to see what Arturo wanted him to have a day early.

But as Jay saw folded black fabric within the box, the nerd’s mood immediately dampened as he realized that it was just a simple t-shirt of some kind. Lifting the piece of clothing out and letting it unfurl, this annoyance soon turned into anger as he realized that his boyfriend had randomly given him a tank top. Jay would never wear a tank top like this, but this was especially so given the fact that the article was clearly several sizes too big for his twinky frame.

Looking over to Arturo in confusion, the man was understandably upset as to why his boyfriend would give such an out of character gift to him. But before he could even inquire further about the shitty gift, his boyfriend gleefully smiled and seemed overjoyed about the gift he had given his boyfriend. In all honesty, it made Jay question just how well the two men knew each other for Arturo to think that this was an appropriate gift.

“Go try it on, I can’t wait to see how you look in it!” Arturo said, his face clearly displaying extreme excitement in ways that Jay hadn’t seen since their first few dates those years ago. While he was clearly annoyed by the situation and absolutely dreaded wearing such an ill-fitting piece of clothing, Jay decided to go along with his boyfriend’s desires. Although it would surely make him feel humiliated, Jay knew that it would keep Arturo happy and prevent any disagreements to dampen the cheerful Christmas vibes, so he got up and made his way towards the bathroom… completely unaware of his boyfriend’s horny plan.

Entering the bathroom and flicking on the light, Jay cringed as he saw his own reflection. While he certainly didn’t have piss-poor self-confidence, the oversized tank top clearly wasn’t helping in terms of making him feel small and insignificant. As he looked down at the fabric, Jay began to inspect the garment to even figure out where Arturo had even gotten it from.

Looking inside the neck hole of the tank top, Jay was quickly able to identify the size (XL) and also the manufacturer: The S-C Shop. While he had never gone into the shop himself, Jay had seen it recently having its grand opening during one of the couple’s mall excursions and thus could understand why Arturo would go to check the place out. While he was happy to see Arturo seemingly find a new shop he enjoyed visiting, Jay couldn’t help but wish that his boyfriend could have picked a better gift for him.

Despite these reservations and qualms about the garment, Jay was eager to get the whole experience over with. So with haste, the man quickly pulled off his pajama shirt and replaced it with the oversized tank top before he could get a good look at his weak physique. Unfortunately for Jay though, the oversized tank only emphasized his weak and small physique as the man found himself essentially swimming in the garment. Just as the man began to make his way out of the bathroom to allow his boyfriend to see himself, Jay audibly gasped as he suddenly found himself stuck in place.

Looking down towards his feet, Jay was completely confused as to why his feet seemed to be superglued to the floor. No matter how hard he tried to tug and pull his feet away from the tiled floor, there was no budging occurring. Looking into the mirror as he frantically tried to understand what was going on, the man was forced to stare at his weak and rather pathetic-looking body with no ability to look away.

The man desperately wanted to flee and cry out for his boyfriend’s assistance, but unfortunately the rigidity that had locked his feet in place had quickly spread across the entirety of his body. His limbs and vocal chords defied his every attempt to get them working. No matter how hard he tried, the man couldn’t even squeak out a single word due to how his throat had essentially closed up.

With nothing under his control except for his anxious hyperventilating, the man could only stare in place as his body began to change before his eyes. While it had been a depressing sight to see himself in the black tank top, that was evolving before his eyes as his body continued to bulk up. He could only watch in disbelief as each muscle group transformed and inflated in time with his rapid exhales. Those frail and tiny arms were expanding at an unbelievable rate, giving him thick forearms, bulging biceps, and impressive trap muscles that were befitting of a gym rat. Not only that, but as he continued to look at himself, a tingling in his hands alerted Jay about some more intriguing changes. While he didn’t know it exactly, his hands began to shift and alter to give him alternate fingerprints along with the addition of calluses that wouldn’t seem out of place on a weightlifting jock.

As the transformation progressed, his chest and torso were the next areas to undergo changes. While his torso initially lacked any sort of prominent musculature, this was quickly being fixed via the addition of pectorals and abdominal muscles. While he couldn’t really see the addition of the abs due to the fabric covering them, he could still feel the queasiness in his stomach that notified him of the warping occurring to his lower torso. But although he couldn’t see the growth of his abs, his pecs were another story as they were prominently growing before his eyes. With each breath, his chest grew thicker as his torso widened out to help make the shirt fit better on him. Looking intensely into the mirror, Jay was absolutely flabbergasted to watch the curved rectangles of muscle push forth from his body along with the sudden appearance of his nipples poking through the fabric due to his chest growing so grand.

For the rest of his transformation, he couldn’t get a good view of what was happening to him, yet he could certainly feel what was going on. His smaller cock began to grow longer, snaking through his sweatpants to suddenly give himself something he had often thirsted over: a visible penis line. While he wasn’t even fully hard, Jay couldn’t help but be thankful for this aspect of the change. Surely, he would never have to argue with Arturo about being the top!

However, this joy began to change to discomfort as his lower half began to undergo its final changes. His thighs thickened to extraordinary levels, giving him muscles that could easily rival those of professional wrestlers while also straining against the once incredibly loose lounging sweatpants he was wearing. By the time the changes were done, these would certainly be one of the few pieces that could fit on his oversized new body. While Jay didn’t exactly know how this was happening to him, he could certainly theorize a few possible reasons behind this but knew that there could only be one person responsible for the change. Given the fact that Arturo had picked this present to be the one given early, along with the glimmer in his eyes as he watched Jay head into the bathroom, the former nerd immediately knew that his boyfriend had done this to him somehow. And although he lacked the scientific explanation as to how this was happening to him, it was abundantly clear to Jay that the tank top was responsible for this. 

Distracted by his growing ire at his boyfriend’s actions, the man was completely unaware of the remaining changes on his legs. His calves were quickly packed with muscle, leaving the area diamond-shaped by the time they had been altered. Lastly, his feet cracked and contorted as they wiggled by their own accord. With the addition of several inches both in length and width, there was certainly no way that Jay could fit into his size 10 shoes any longer. Due to the lack of awareness of the continued leg growth, the man was completely unaware of the fact that he had grown several inches in the interim. The formerly 5’6” man had skyrocketed to an impressive 6’2”, which now made him taller than Arturo and the majority of his original friends and family.

But while this was going by unnoticed by the transformee, the sudden shifting in skin tone was quick to grab Jay’s attention once again. Although this was just assumed to be a tan at first, the Asian jock quickly began to realize this was not the case as the skin began to shift tone and race. With a look of pure disbelief on his face, Jay was absolutely flabbergasted to watch himself suddenly gain the appearance of a Caucasian male. While this was strange to watch as his still-strikingly Asian features remained in place, this was quickly remedied as his face underwent some significant restructuring. As his nose narrowed, cheekbones emerged, and a cut jawline manifested onto his face, it was horrifying for the man to lose every single semblance of his identity before his eyes. While this was certainly a “conventional” display of male beauty, Jay still loathed the way he looked and how he had lost his darker hair and been forced to deal with darker blonde shade that seemed wholeheartedly stereotypical of a white jock. 

However, as he attempted to lean in to look at himself, Jay quickly realized that he had gained some form of mobility yet again. While his feet remained firmly planted on the ground and he still lacked the ability of speech, the man was suddenly able to move his torso, arms, hands, etc. It was a great relief to be relieved of the shackles of this seemingly magical garment, but he still had no idea what to do.

Both curious and annoyed, the man’s eyes darted down in the mirror as he stared at his arms. While he hated jocks due to his experiences in school, there was this tiny voice in his head emerging that began encouraging him to accept this new body that he “deserved” to have. Although he wasn’t still 100% on board, Jay couldn’t help but experiment with his new physique as he tensed his arms and watched the biceps flex. There was something somewhat comforting in the thick veins that emerged from the action that made Jay begin to relax into a calmer state. As he lifted up the tank top to check out his lower torso, the man allowed a dumb grin to manifest onto his face as he popped his pectorals and ran his weathered hands along the ridges of his abdominals.  


Now quickly giving into the new voice within his head, the enchanted tank top began to implement the final step of the transformation - the personality rewrite. With each flex and pop of a pectoral, information about Jay’s life began to drain out of his brain and be replaced with more “relevant” information. Instead of knowing about organic chemistry and comic books, Jay’s mind was replaced with a rolodex of workout routines and diet plans. It was alarming at first as the new jock suddenly found himself recognizing that something was happening to his brain, but that one small hole poked into his persona quickly overpowered his resistance. Shrinking at an exponential rate, his mind became a black hole for every tidbit of nerdy information as his memories, knowledge, and general IQ was drained. After closing his eyes due to the sudden excruciating pain, the mental changes were finalized as Jay, the boring and unexciting nerd was fully erased and replaced with Jay, the confident yet dumb & arrogant yet charming jock. 

Upon opening his eyes, it was abundantly clear that the new persona was in full control based on the dopey yet cocky grin that emerged on his well-sculpted face. Despite such an intensive transformation, there seemed to be no remnant of the former Jay as the cocky jock persona began to make itself fully apparent. Immediately, the new man set his sights on his hunky reflection as he began to have an impromptu flexing session.

“Aw damn bro, you look good!” he said arrogantly to himself as he flexed his arms and felt the pure strength contained in those muscles that would surely struggle against any sleeves he wore. “Fuck, this bod is so swole!” he chuckled with his deep and booming new voice, quickly dropping his sweatpants down to the floor and revealing his nude lower torso. Tensing his legs, Jay was definitely impressed by what he saw: his quads were massive! After remembering all of those implanted memories of working hard in the gym, he couldn’t say he was surprised by the intense musculature he now possessed. He was a hard worker and determined to be the biggest hunk of the gym, as evidenced by the tree trunk thighs and diamond-shaped calves he now possessed. Clearly, the man didn’t skip leg day, unlike other chumps in the gym who only worried about filling out their t-shirts.

Jay’s narcissistic admiration of his body was quickly interrupted by the sound of his boyfriend’s voice, as he loudly sang along to some pop renditions of classic Christmas songs in the living room. Despite being a badass in the gym and in the bedroom, the superhero-sized hunk couldn't deny that his nerdy twink of a boyfriend was his personal Kryptonite. Along with the twinky nerd’s submissiveness in the bedroom, there was something about the natural twinkle in Arturo’s brown eyes that made Jay become even more dominant and physical (especially when Arturo looked back as the bodybuilder passionately pounded his ass). 

Now eager to get out of the bathroom and go back to spending time with his boyfriend of several years, the new Jay pulled on his clothes and made his way out of the bathroom. As he passed down the hallway towards the living room, Jay’s attention was temporarily caught by the various photos that hung along the walls. His quick trip down memory lane clearly displayed just how intense Arturo’s reality-shifting and body-morphing tank top was. Various vacation trips that the couple took were replaced with the new hunky Jay, wearing a near-constant outfit of various tank tops and athletic shorts. 

Moving further down the wall, Jay smirked to himself as he came across various framed photos of the couple at comic book conventions. But instead of two geeks in cosplay like the original couple used to do, Arturo remained in the same costume while the new bodybuilder was now clad in either skintight spandex or a revealing outfit that left little of his impressive physique to the imagination. Hehehe, I remember that night, the cocky bodybuilder’s dumb inner thoughts said as he looked at one photo, as soon as we got back to the hotel I tore him out of his Spider-Man cosplay and fucked his brains out! 

While originally the remaining photos on the wall were solely focused around their numerous comic book convention visits, there was now another type of photo added into the mix. Now, there were multiple photos that showcased a tanned Jay on a stage in a slew of different speedos. Given the reality shift and body transformation, it made more sense for the new Jay to spend the majority of his time doing bodybuilding competitions to further his professional career (along with the occasional silly comic book convention appearance to make his boyfriend happy).

However, as he began to finally make his way into the living room, there was one final image that fully showcased just how different Jay’s life was now: a photo of a wide-grinning Jay underneath a sign that read Jay’s Gym. Fuck, my biceps were looking big as fuck that day, Jay thought to himself as he leaned into the photo and saw those cannons for arms he now possessed. As new memories began to inform the new hunk, he quickly remembered the fact that he had opened his own gym within the past year. With the increased income from his business and the various sponsorship deals he got on social media, Jay was able to afford this spacious apartment that the couple had just recently moved into. It had always been a dream of his to own his own business, especially since he was such a piss-poor student. College was definitely out of the question given his poor intelligence and short attention span, so the man knew he had to come up with another way to make a name for himself. And I fucking did it bro, my gym is the best in town, Jay thought to himself in a self-congratulatory manner. After passing by this photo, Jay finally made his way out into the living room and stared directly into the eyes of his boyfriend.

* * * * *

As soon as Jay made his way out into the living room, Arturo let out an auditory gasp at the final result of his handiwork. Not only was his boyfriend now the hottest man Arturo had ever seen, but he had no memories of ever being a nerd (which made it even hotter)! Although he felt slightly bad for erasing the former Jay, those thoughts quickly were pushed aside as he realized just how much he had actually saved the relationship. There wouldn’t be any more arguments about sexual intimacy, as Arturo had actually paid the shop owner extra to make sure that the new Jay would have an increased libido and sexual appetite. Just the thought of multiple fuck sessions in a single night left Arturo’s modest cock beginning to immediately start leaking pre-cum.

“Hey babe… how do you like the tank top?” Arturo asked, looking up to his boyfriend and giving off a wide smile while trying to pretend as if nothing had changed since Jay’s life-changing trip to the restroom.

“Oh, it looks rad as hell bro! What do you think about it though, Ace?” Jay’s dimwitted voice replied, eliciting a mighty twitch in Arturo’s pants as the man cockily flexed his mighty muscles.

Now exposed to the whole package of the body, voice and attitude, Arturo was obviously quite turned on by what he had done to his twink of a boyfriend. Hell, even though he wasn’t a big fan of nicknames, there was something about the way that Jay called Arturo “Ace” that made him quickly accept his new nickname. 

“Well,” Arturo said, standing up from the couch and making his way over to his hulking boyfriend, “I think you look sexy as hell”. After using his right hand to feel up the man’s ripped physique, Arturo’s hand soon began to slide underneath the waistband of Jay’s sweatpants as he quickly did a tight grip around the man’s impressive manhood. Hearing his boyfriend’s deep voice moan and groan from his touch was quite amusing given the clear size difference, but it was even hotter when Jay quickly flipped Arturo around and pressed him against the nearest wall. 

“Oh fuck,” they both said in unison, with Arturo feeling Jay’s rigid cock rub against his bubble butt as Jay quickly felt up his boyfriend’s slender arms and toned torso. For both men, it was abundantly clear that the size difference between them was a prominent turn-on.

However, before the couple could pursue their intimacy further, an alarm ring of his phone caused Jay to pull back and fish out the phone from his sweatpants. Checking the notification and the time, he quickly realized that it was time to update his social media feed with some new content. While he was also a smart business owner, he was also a savvy social media influencer that knew how to weaponize his beauty for his own personal gain. “Yo babe, it’s time to take a pic for my socials. Grab your phone and let’s give my followers what they want!” Jay said to Arturo, which given the natural deep tone of his voice felt more like an order rather than a statement. But Arturo was more than willing to follow his boyfriend’s orders, he had actually been wanting that from the very start of the relationship!

With a gleeful smile on his face, Arturo bundled himself up in his winter coat as he took Jay’s phone and followed him out to the backyard of the apartment complex. Licking his lips in pure lust, Arturo watched with glee as Jay pulled off his tank top and revealed his shirtless torso. While the cold weather meant that they had to get the photo quickly due to the risk of frostbite and hypothermia, Arturo couldn’t help but wish he could savor this moment for as long as he could. The way in which his boyfriend naturally flexed his muscles for the camera like he was a lifelong professional was one of the most erotic things Arturo had ever seen. It was incredible to think that the modest and body-conscious Jay was now a white jock who had no problems lifting up his arms and showing off his torso and armpits for the camera.


But while the devious boyfriend was somewhat annoyed to watch the photoshoot finish up as Jay pulled on the tank top and hid away his impressive physique, this annoyance didn’t last long by the time they returned to the apartment. With haste, Jay took immediate control of his boyfriend, his naturally submissive Ace. After ripping off both Ace’s and his own clothes, the couple quickly found themselves entangled in sheets as they both admired each other’s bodies. It took no time at all for Jay to grab a condom, lube up his manhood and bury his thick cock deep into Ace’s needy hole to satisfy their shared sexual appetite…

As the two men continued to embrace the new power dynamic that had been gifted to them (now with much more defined submissive and dominant roles), both men felt completely content with their relationship. In many ways, they would both awaken on Christmas morning both having their wishes of a smoother bond manifested (although the new Jay would have no recollection of anything but his strong and highly physical relationship with Ace). Of course, Arturo was incredibly thankful for the last-minute present he had gotten that had revitalized his relationship. But by the time the horny twink would get around to returning to the shop to thank the clerk who helped him, it would be too late. By then, the store would be completely vacated and somewhere brand new to help the next worthy individual…

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3 years ago

New Year, New Jock

It was 3 AM on New Years Eve and college student Grant had spent the entire night drowning his sorrows in his empty apartment. Unable to leave campus and go home to rural New York due to his shitty manager continuing to schedule him shifts, his spirits had been effectively crushed since the week of Christmas. Not only was he forced to deal with a full work schedule during the holiday season (in retail nonetheless), but he also had to deal with constantly shitty customers taking out their anger and holiday blues on him. With no partner to spend his holidays with and a lack of social life due to his grueling classes and work schedule, Grant couldn’t help but wish for a way to escape the awful life he had been born into.

As the alcohol kicked in and his mind began to turn into a mixed mood of both horniness and sadness, the man pulled open his phone and began to scroll through his Tumblr dashboard. Almost immediately, he found himself captivated by the bulky and gorgeous football studs being displayed to him. Given his small frame as a nerdy psychology student, Grant had always been jealous of the intense musculature that these jocks possessed, so much so to the point where he had actively fantasized about them. While he usually fantasized about having bulging biceps or impressive abs, the holidays had brought Grant so down to the point where he wanted more than that: he wanted to completely become them. To him, as he drunkenly chugged on some more wine and stroked his modest manhood, nothing was hotter than the concept of fully taking over the body of any of these hunks and leading their athletic lives. With their physiques and good looks, Grant was sure that this would actually allow him to actually be proud of the life he would be living. Plus, the idea of being surrounded by someone else’s loved ones who had no idea that their relative had been replaced by a nerdy redhead made him quite excited and turned on by the possibility.

While he continued to scroll through his feed, Grant eventually came across an image of the hunky JJ Watt. The shrimpy nerd intently stared at the photo and imagined waking up in that ripped body, feeling his dick continue to throb at the concept of becoming the big and hunky brother to two other football stars. For Grant, JJ was the absolute dream. With a manly visage and a tall and muscular frame, it was safe to say that the hunk had been a recurring star of the nerd’s kinkiest of dreams. As his mind began to wander fantasizing about becoming each brother, his mind seemingly became dead-set on wanting to become one of the Watt brothers. Visualizing each of them, he tried to narrow down what brother he’d want, but he quickly found this to be an impossible task. He realized that he truly would be happy to become any of them even if for just a short while. 


However, the unintended extreme thirst caused by large amounts of alcohol left him opening up his possibilities to more guys. He thought about Derek Watt and considered the possibility of maintaining a football career but being in a more dorky and approachable appearance (despite the clearly muscular body). “He’s certainly not my top choice, but I definitely wouldn't be opposed to having that body too,” he thought to himself as he felt himself growing more and more turned on by the concept of being the middle brother.


Trying to take his mind off the sexual nature of the concept of transformation for a moment, Grant swished his glass around a few times and continued to sip on the wine he had been drinking. Last but certainly not least, Grant’s fantasies soon began to shift on becoming TJ the youngest brother in the Watt family. He drunkenly snickered to himself as he felt his manhood throbbing against his hand, begging for some sort of release.  Visualizing the younger brother’s incredibly hunky and buff body stripping out of his uniform and revealing his gorgeous ass and cock, it wasn’t a shock for Grant to immediately give into temptation by grasping onto his cock and beginning to stroke himself off.


Still in his wine-drunk state as he quickly rushed towards climax, Grant couldn’t help himself from boldly stating out loud “I wish I was a Watt brother” as he almost instantaneously shot his load all over his pale and thin torso. He chuckled to himself in between labored breaths as he fully grasped the fact that he had said it out loud. But unlike most of his declarations during his wanking sessions, Grant felt no shame about what he said. It was absolutely true, the thought of becoming a Watt brother was incredibly appealing to him still!

Unknown to Grant, there seemed to be some otherworldly entity that agreed with his desire. As Grant quickly cleaned himself up before jumping back into bed and downing the rest of his glass of wine, he suddenly felt himself grow very disoriented. Assuming he was just too drunk, Grant tried to be responsible and head to bed to prevent any drunken ramblings on social media. “I wish I was a Watt brother” he said once again, a bit louder this time as he suddenly began to drunkenly giggle while repeating the same sentence. He continued to smile at the notion as he felt himself continue to grow more and more drowsy. Within minutes, Grant soon fell out of consciousness, not knowing that this entity was working to fulfill that wish to the greatest of its ability. 

* * * * *

Grant groaned as he was suddenly awoken by the sound of a loud alarm clock. His hand aimlessly searched for the snooze button, but he found himself coming up with nothing but more and more of his mattress. Curious, he opened his eyes and turned away from his pillow to try and figure out where the hell his blaring alarm clock was. However, as soon as he removed himself from the large memory foam pillows he woke up face-first in, he gasped as he quickly came to the realization that he was no longer in his bedroom. As he did an inspection of the new bedroom he found himself in, he knew it was definitely a far cry from his normal room. Instead of a normal sized bedroom, he found himself in some grand bedroom that seemed straight out of some Hollywood film set. Continuing to sit there in a confused state, Grant tried his best to wrap his head around the events of the night prior. Did I somehow wander out of my apartment and into someone else’s house? No, that couldn’t be right, Grant thought to himself, remembering the fact that he had fully passed out in his bedroom after jerking off to football hunks. It was at that point when Grant suddenly remembered his wish to become a Watt brother. Holy shit, did my wish actually come true?

Although he had gotten himself incredibly wasted the night prior, he suffered no hangover and his mind was not groggy in the slightest. He stared down at his bed and gasped at the sight of the now Texas King he found himself sleeping in. However, even though he was not hungover, he still had trouble thinking due to the annoying loud sound of the alarm. Finally reaching over and firmly grabbing it, Grant angrily chucked it across the room. Given the fact that he had been an absolute weakling prior to his wish, Grant was not expecting the alarm clock to immediately shatter into a million pieces due to the newfound strength he now found himself in possession of. 

Looking towards his arms in disbelief, the former nerd gasped as he saw the much thicker biceps he now possessed. He flexed them and was unable to prevent a slight moan of pleasure from escaping his lips. Almost immediately, that moan elicited further response from his body as he could immediately feel his new dick beginning to poke up and stand out from underneath his bedsheet. Trying his best to remain calm and not immediately get himself off, Grant took a few deep breaths and decided to try to edge himself a bit longer as he tried to remember what all happened. He recollected his drunken night of browsing Tumblr and remembered his wish to become a Watt brother. Given the strength he now possessed and the apparent mansion he woke up inside, it seemed quite clear to the man had actually had his wish granted somehow. Now extremely curious to see whose body the universe had bestowed upon him, Grant gleefully hopped out of bed and started to pace around in hopes of finding a bathroom. 

While he searched for the nearest bathroom, he looked around his new house and couldn’t help but stare in awe at the décor spread across the mansion. Every possible decoration was football themed, causing the inner NFL fan inside Grant to immediately fan-out at the sight of all of the iconic memorabilia owned by this body he now found himself in. His consistent peeking into closed doors finally paid off as he peered inside and viewed the outline of a toilet. Relieved to finally find one in this large labyrinth of a home, Grant turned on the bathroom light and quickly pulled the door shut behind him. Excited but also wanting to savor the experience, Grant slowly walked further into the room and prepared himself for the big reveal. As he slowly turned into the mirror, he smiled with glee as he found the visage of TJ Watt staring back at him. 

It was impossible for Grant to not shout out in glee and scream “Fuck yeah!” as he looked at his new body more. He ran his hand across his throat as he heard the now deeper tone that made him sound just like TJ. He ran his thicker hands through his short hair and grinned wide as he couldn’t believe what had actually happened to him. It was truly a miracle that he had been given the chance to live the life of TJ Watt, one of the hunkiest players in the NFL! Almost immediately, Grant flexed in the mirror as he pulled his shirt off. In seconds flat, Grant’s admiration of his new body immediately began to focus on the set of rugged abs he now possessed. Understandably, the man’s face was in a joyful expression as he ran his hands along the muscles and felt every inch of his new and tight core. 

However, as his eyes followed his hands up towards admiring his pecs, Grant’s face turned into a look of confusion. For some reason, the chest tattoos that normally adorned TJ’s chest had been altered. Instead of having the initials of the three brothers (JDT), the tattoo had a different letter added onto the end of the tattoo: the letter G. “Now why would his tattoos change when I became him? This is… strange” Grant thought to himself as he shut off the bathroom light and began to walk back into the bedroom. 

Once he reached the bedroom, it was as if on cue that he began to hear a ringing start on the other side of the room. As he looked around, he finally found an iPhone going off on a corner coffee table. Picking it up, he looked to see that it said there was a FaceTime call from TJ waiting for him. Confused about how he was calling himself, he answered the call and watched as TJ’s face suddenly appeared on the screen as he flashed a bright smile. “Hey there Grant!” he said, his light brown eyes shining with happiness. “I was just checking to see if you were still planning on coming over for our New Years party tonight? Everyone else responded yes to my text but you hadn’t responded yet” he continued, with his happy smile suddenly turning into a more inquisitive look.

“Uh, yeah, I’m totally down!” Grant awkwardly said, trying his best to figure out what’s going on. He found it so strange watching TJ’s face fill up the screen as Grant’s identical face was also situated in the top corner of the screen. He continued, “I’m sorry I didn’t respond. I had a… very interesting night and morning here, so it totally slipped my mind,” attempting to apologize with a wide smile.

“Oh ok, sounds good man. I’ll see you at my place at 7 tonight, runt!” TJ said with a cocky smirk emerging as he emphasized the word “runt”. Before Grant could even attempt to inquire about it, TJ quickly hung up and left Grant even more confused than he already was.

Once the call ended, Grant couldn’t stop his mind from spinning in circles as he tried to figure out what’s going on. He thought out loud as he tried to comprehend his situation. “Ok, so I look like TJ but I’m not TJ… I wished that I was a Watt brother and I apparently am…. Am I TJ’s twin then?” he said with an unsure tone. “That’s gotta be it. I wished to be a Watt brother, so I’ve somehow just been inserted into the Watt family and made to be the twin of an already existing brother…” He continued as he walked back into the mirror and stared at himself in the mirror. “I could certainly get used to this,” Grant said, his voice dripping in both lust and cockiness as he flashed a smile and began to flex his biceps once again.

This wish was certainly not what he intended, but Grant certainly wasn’t complaining at reality being bent to benefit him for the first time ever. As he tried to think about his new life, he felt new memories begin to emerge and grow less blurry from the back of his mind. He still remembered his old life as a nerdy student, but he now had new and more prominent memories informing him of his career as a star football player. In fact, his new memories showed him just how much of a star he was. He saw himself on the covers of countless magazines as he was heralded as not only the best Watt brother, but one of the best players of all time. As new information continued to be fed into his mind, he found that he was a quarterback as well and there was quite a bit of healthy family competitiveness every time he had to play against his brothers. Not only did Grant enjoy those periods because of the bro-like banter he could have with his brothers, but he also enjoyed them because 99% of the time, he found himself victorious in those matchups against his family. Of course, this constant streak of winning led to a bit of resentment towards Grant’s meteoric success. In an attempt to try and knock Grant down a few pegs, the other Watt brothers then found great joy in calling him “runt”, mainly due to the fact that he was the youngest sibling due to TJ being born just a few minutes before him. 

Finally, now clear as to who he had become, Grant found himself chuckling at the notion of just how popular he now was. Whoever warped reality had been incredibly kind to him and made Grant eternally grateful for such an amazing opportunity. With all of these memories, the youngest Watt brother now realized that he finally had a life that he was proud of. Although it had only been a good hour since waking up, Grant already found himself quite pleased with the new life he had been given. Sure, he would miss his family and the few friends he had, but Grant Watt knew that he would always look back on those days fondly as he embraced his new career as a football icon. In fact, Grant found some relief to know that these old memories would at least always help him remain humble and grateful for the opportunities he gets in life given the miserable life he used to live. 

Now ready to start the day as the new Grant, he quickly showered and got himself psyched up for the Watt party starting in a few hours. He was also quite excited to experience first-hand what the life of a Watt brother would be like. He was sure it would involve some incessant chatting about sports and beer-drinking, but Grant was also hopeful to show off against his bros if they dared to challenge him in a little homestyle football match in the family’s backyard in Southern California. He mentally prepared himself for the series of faux-insults his brothers would send his way with the name calling, but if a “runt” is someone who has two Super Bowl rings, Grant felt no reason to prevent them from continuing to call him that. If they kept it up, the new football star knew that he could always just gloat about possibly getting a third one. Based on what his new memories told him about his skills, he felt fairly confident about the possibility…


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3 years ago

Superhero Shoot: Superman

To get the perspective of the man who transformed via the Spider-Man costume, check out his POV here.


When he first arrived at college, Eugene Peterson had been in high spirits. Being in a place where people actually paid to learn had the undersized young man thinking that he would be surrounded by peers with the same dedication to education as him. However, these dreams were quickly dashed during the first day of classes upon a chance encounter with Brock Watkins. Unlike Eugene, Brock had gained a full-ride scholarship to play football at the college, and the jock’s ego was so overblown that he seemed to view himself as a god amongst peasants.

Unfortunately for Eugene, their eyes met while passing through a path on campus one day and that was the start for several months of torment. Although the man was a sensitive soul, he was forced to quickly thicken his skin to handle the near-constant abuse he received from his tormentor. No matter how severe the punishment dished out by Brock, Eugene found himself too afraid to ever report the man. If this was what he was willing to do just for fun, the concept of what Brock could do to him with motive was incredibly worrisome. In fact, there had been many instances where Eugene’s nightmares were solely focused around this concept, where the hunky football player mercilessly beat up Eugene and hurled countless insults his way.

Although there was usually no way to escape his torment from Brock, Eugene’s luck finally began to turn around one day. After accidentally bumping into Brock upon making his way out of the Chemistry lab, Eugene instantly found himself in the man’s clutches and dangling several inches off the ground. However, just as he was mentally preparing for a punch to the face, Eugene found salvation in the form of a mysterious long-haired man on the campus that called out the brute. Whether the man was a friend of Brock’s or not made no difference for Eugene though, as he used the opportunity to weasel his way out of his shirt and flee across campus towards safety.

Even though there was continued ridicule from other classmates due to his pale and weak torso, Eugene found it to be the lesser of two evils in comparison to some physical ridicule. Despite not knowing what had caused him to be Brock’s primary target, the nerd had adopted a defeatist attitude and didn’t see any way to put an end to the jock’s unprovoked abuse of him. In many ways, it felt like he was still in high school with the torment he received, but things with Brock were somehow even worse.

After returning to his apartment and grabbing a replacement shirt, Eugene hurried across campus to get back to the library. He and his friends were doing a study session before a physics exam the next day, and although he was quite the intelligent man, physics was his absolute kryptonite.

So, after a two-hour session of Eugene trying his best to fully grasp everything on his study guide, the nerd and his friends finally packed up their bags and began to depart from the library. While all of his friends had various plans for the remainder of their night, Eugene had nothing going on and thus found himself trailing behind them as they all dispersed to go towards their various events. As he traversed down the staircase of the library and began to walk across campus towards his place, a loud voice stopped him dead in his tracks.

“Hey dude, stop right there!” The voice’s deep masculine tone immediately made Eugene think of Brock and tense up, but when he hesitantly turned to look towards the source of the voice, he was pleasantly surprised. Instead of his tormentor, it was actually the long-haired guy who had saved him from Brock just a few hours earlier.

“Oh, uh, hello there,” Eugene said, his nerves already getting the best of him as he was forced to be sociable once again. Looking the man up and down, Eugene took note of the man’s smaller physique, ultimately realizing that the man posed no real physical threat to him given his smaller yet slightly muscular frame.

“Hey there,” the man said, flashing a smile as he looked Eugene up and down. “Are you doing ok? That guy from earlier seemed like he was going to do something to you…” 

“U-Uh,” Eugene said, himself growing shocked that the man seemingly both remembered who he was and also seemed to care about his well-being. “I’m doing okay I think,” the nerd stated, although the slight wavering of his voice proved that Eugene’s statement wasn’t entirely true. “But uh, thanks for helping. Brock always does stuff like that so escaping unscathed for once was nice…” he continued, trying his best to divert his gaze away from the helpful stranger.

While this was mainly due to his social anxiety, it also didn’t help that Eugene found himself immediately swooning over the man. The man, who soon introduced himself as Logan, had a luscious mane of brown hair that ran past his shoulders, which Eugene found himself imagining running his fingers through it. Although the vision of his pale and gangly fingers running through the darker head of hair wasn’t the most appealing sight in Eugene’s mind, this soon mattered little as he couldn’t help but visualize passionately making out with the man while doing so.

In fact, these fantasies began to grow more and more prominent (and explicit) in Eugene’s mind as he continued to watch the man speak, caring little for the words he spoke as he focused more so on the movement of his lips and just how badly he wished to put his own against them. 

“So, would you be willing to do it with me?” Logan inquired, his pearly white smile on full display as he looked eagerly into Eugene’s eyes. 

As he quickly broke himself out of these sexual fantasies in his mind, Eugene immediately began to scold himself for not listening to what Logan had said. He didn’t want to ask for him to repeat, especially since that risked him thinking that Eugene didn’t care about what he said!

“Uh, so… could you uh, walk me through the plan again?” Eugene said, trying his best to save himself by getting a refresher without making it seem as though he totally wasn’t paying attention to what the man said.

“Well, I have this project that I need some assistance for,” Logan began, ”And I think you would be perfect for it!” Upon seeing Eugene’s raised eyebrows, Logan took the hint and began to continue speaking. “So, it would involve a visual component where you’d put on an outfit, we would just need to head back to the studio headquarters where I work at. What do you say?” 

Although the concept of working with Logan seemed to be a dream come true in terms of spending more time with the man, Eugene found his guard immediately going up upon the mention of being photographed or recorded. Just the concept of having to deal with that was enough to give him intense full body shivers!

“Uh, I don’t really know Logan. I’m not great in front of a camera, especially if you’re wanting someone to model an outfit for you…” Eugene began, but he was unable to finish his sentence as Logan immediately cut him off and spoke once more.

“Don’t worry, I think this will be something that you’d be up to. You’ve heard of cosplay right?” Logan said, offering a slight smile when Eugene began to cautiously nod. “Well, this is a cosplay shoot! I’d pay you $400 for just a few hours of work. All you’ve got to do is wear one of the cosplay costumes provided by my company. What do you say to that?”

Although Eugene was an anxious disaster, his heartbeat began to rapidly increase at the mention of cosplay. For years, he had always dreamed of going to a comic book convention decked out in a homemade yet expensive cosplay outfit, but his social anxiety and body image issues always squashed those plans. But with this opportunity, Eugene was more intrigued by it due to the concept of it being a free cosplay outfit along with a semi-private event where he would seemingly only be wearing it around Logan for his project. Just the thought of both the intimacy of being one-on-one with Logan along with the erotic nature of being decked out in a superhero suit left his thin and short cock to harden at a record-breaking pace for the nerd. As a result, the answer was a no brainer: “I would love to!” 

For several minutes then, the two men began to iron out the details for their work together. Given his lack of a car and funds to afford a Lyft to the studio, Eugene was forced to ask for a ride from Logan given the fact that the studio was seemingly on the outskirts of town. Luckily, Logan had no problem with the situation, smiling while stating that it would be a great opportunity to know more about his “muse”. Just the smooth and silky way in which he said muse was enough to get Eugene struggling to contain his emotions, as the declaration immediately came across as flirtatious. 

Trying his best to remain calm, Eugene attempted to steer the conversation elsewhere by talking about their favorite superheroes as they made their way towards Logan’s parked car. While Eugene was a big fan of Spider-Man (mainly due to the fact that Peter Parker was a nerd like him), Logan couldn’t help but give the highest of praises towards Superman. After being interrogated further by Eugene as to why he liked Superman, Logan matter-of-factly began to tell the nerd it was due to the fact that he was incredibly sexy due to being so buff. While the reasoning was justified and he agreed for the most part, Eugene couldn’t help but allow his smile falter as he realized this probably meant that his lanky self was certainly not Logan’s ideal type of man.

Throughout the drive towards the location as he sat silently in sadness, Eugene felt no real concern or anxiety. Logan’s inviting eyes and wide smile were great at calming down the antsy nerd, but as they finally arrived, this began to change. As he opened the door and followed behind Logan, Eugene was concerned by the fact that they were on the outskirts of town and also at a huge yet scary-looking building. Was it possible that there was someone on the other side of the door looking to grab me? Were Logan’s intentions not as pure as I had believed? No matter how many questions he found himself thinking about, Eugene refused to let his mind spiral any further as he grabbed onto the door and followed Logan inside.

To his relief, a quick flick of a light helped calm Eugene’s anxieties as a rather lavish looking studio revealed itself to him. Not only was the space fully furnished with nice leather chairs and various dressing rooms along the sides of the building, but the studio also had a nice-looking front desk that Eugene soon found himself leaning against. 

“Stay right there, let me go grab the costumes!” Logan said with a kind smile, setting his camera case onto the desk’s swirled marble countertop while quickly breaking into a quick jog past Eugene and into the darkness beyond. As Eugene cautiously waited, the nerd found himself attempting to calm himself down by tapping his foot against the side of the desk while looking around the studio to take in the view. 

As footsteps suddenly began to grow louder and louder, Eugene diverted his attention towards the dark abyss and watched as Logan quickly re-emerged, now with two tote bags in tow. Upon dropping both of them onto the table, the man took a moment to peek inside each bag before handing one to Eugene and putting the other one underneath the desk.

“Well, here’s your costume for the shoot. I think you’re gonna look great in it…” Logan said, his voice trailing off as a slight smirk emerged on his face. While there was a certain level of mystery surrounding the statement, Eugene’s frantic heart was pacing at lightspeed as he interpreted the interaction as just some extreme flirting. While it was true that Logan was flirting with Eugene, it was more in the sense of who he would become rather than who he was currently…

But Eugene had no idea of Logan’s true intentions, so his continued swooning just allowed himself to be blissfully escorted into the darkness towards a room marked Dressing Room #1. Upon entering the room and turning to close the door, the last thing Eugene saw was Logan’s inviting and wide grin before fully separating himself into the tiny room.

After taking a moment to calm down the wild butterflies running rampant in his stomach, Eugene slugged the hefty bag gifted to him onto a nearby couch. With intense intrigue, the man slowly began to unzip the bag to reveal the superhero he had been chosen to portray by Logan. As the red and yellow diamond-shaped emblem proudly revealed itself to Eugene, the nerd couldn’t help but grow confused. Superman was an absolutely huge and bulky hero, something that Eugene was most certainly not! Out of all of the superheroes possible, he was more of a nerdy Peter Parker type than a brutish man of mystery like Clark Kent! This fear and anxiety about portraying such an intimidating hero only grew as Eugene pulled out the rolled-up costume and let it unfurl down towards the ground. At a height of 5’5” and not even 100 lbs when wet, this costume absolutely dwarfed the nerd in every possible way. The sizing was all wrong (despite the tag saying that one size fits all), so much so the nerd knew that the costume would barely be able to stay on his weak body even if it was zipped up all of the way! 

As he laid the costume across the couch and looked down at it, Eugene suddenly found himself growing increasingly more confused and anxious. Should I just put it on or should I just find a way to sneak out and take a taxi back to my apartment? What if I put it on and Logan laughs at me due to me being so weak? As much as it was rather tame in terms of the torment he’s received at college, it would be absolutely heartbreaking to the man to watch his new crush laugh at him just like Brock and every other person on campus did.

However, no matter how badly his self-doubts and anxieties desired for him to flee and save himself from what seemed like certain embarrassment, Eugene knew in his heart that there was no real reason to pass up the opportunity. Logan seemed like a nice guy based on how he had saved him from Brock’s torment, so Eugene couldn’t believe that the man would willingly give him a costume for future ridicule. Plus, as a broke college student (on-campus tutoring didn’t pay as much as it should), he knew that the pay was too good to pass up. Hell, with that amount of money, he couldn’t help but eagerly visualize himself using the funds to help him make his own higher-quality cosplay outfit.

So, with his mind now made up, Eugene forced himself to calm his shaky hands down as he removed his clothes and let them fall to the floor in a small heap. After struggling a bit in search of getting a firm grasp, the nerd finally was able to pull down the zipper of the Superman costume and begin to step inside of it. As expected, the suit was quite roomy for the young man’s frail and weak body, with his legs immediately looking extremely malnourished by the way the fabric sagged and struggled to showcase any semblance of leg definition. 

Despite this depressing sight though, Eugene encouraged himself to keep going as he pulled the suit up past his pale and undefined torso and slid his arms into each sleeve of the light blue suit. Although he was all of the way into the suit and just needed to zip it up, Eugene was absolutely disappointed by the sight before him. His body was clearly not meant for such an oversized suit, as every inch of his body failed to properly display the level of strength and bulk required for such an iconic hero. The sleeves were oversized and running past his spindly hands and his lackluster chest had caused the proud symbol of the hero to be drooping downwards and all wrinkled up due to no bulk to proudly stretch out and display the red and yellow S symbol.

Although the sight was depressing to witness, it made Eugene become quite determined to get this shoot over with so he could just get paid and leave as soon as possible. So, as he used one hand to hold up the oversized cape that was grouping up onto the ground due to his shorter stature, the nerd used the other hand to quickly pull up the zipper until it was all of the way up to his lower neck. 

As he took a moment to move across the room to look directly at the full-length mirror on one side of the dressing room, Eugene suddenly found himself growing aware of multiple emotions and sensations emerging within him. Firstly, the full look at himself in the outfit immediately began to cause the man to grow annoyed and incredibly self-conscious as he looked so bad within it. Although he knew that he didn’t look good in the costume while putting it on, the complete visual left him feeling even more embarrassed and anxious. Just as his cheeks began to redden in response and a heat reminiscent of a panic attack began to emerge across his body, these sensations were then expanded upon via the sudden appearance of peculiar tingling throughout his body. 

Closing his eyes while attempting to calm himself down, Eugene made himself oblivious to the beginning changes emerging across his entire body. Starting in the weakest area, the changes first began with Eugene’s frail twig-like arms as they quickly were altered by the costume. After a few minutes of closing his eyes and doing one of his many relaxation techniques, Eugene’s arms had been completely reformed to extreme levels. His forearms were thicker than his thighs, with this section of the arm being stacked with more intensity via the inflated upper arms he now possessed. As thick muscle continued to manifest and fill in the loose sleeves of the costume, Eugene was gifted a set of impressive biceps and triceps. By this point, the sleeves of the costume now seemed to be glued to the nerd’s new arms as it easily displayed every vein and striated muscle.

After taking a moment to calm himself down, Eugene found himself with two strange sensations. Firstly, his arms seemed strangely heavy, but secondly, that intense heat and tingling he felt was still around him despite his now-grounded mental state. While he couldn’t understand why this heat and tingling was still so prominent, Eugene quickly found out the answer to the first sensation as soon as he looked into the mirror and saw the impressive arms and boulder shoulders he now possessed!

“H-holy shit!” Eugene said, his voice cracking as he struggling to comprehend what was happening to him. In just a few minutes, he had suddenly manifested arm muscles faster than scientifically possible. Given his status as a science nerd, his brain attempted to find some sort of rational explanation for what was occurring to him, but that search quickly came up empty. In fact, as he continued to look into the mirror, he realized that he was still continuing to change!

Although his arms were quite impressive in terms of size, they looked quite off-putting to Eugene as they slumped down to the ground as if he was a mid-stage Neanderthal. But just as he began to visualize himself in such a physical state, Eugene’s body was forced to undergo further changes as his torso began to reform. Like two balloons being filled, the nerd was absolutely stunned to watch as his chest began to puff out and bring with it a set of pecs. 

It was eerie to feel the muscle just manifest underneath the costume as it resembled warm water running beneath the skin and pooling in his chest, but Eugene soon found himself accepting the situation rather quickly. As his torso continued to widen as his pecs finished reaching their maximum capacity, a wide smile emerged on Eugene’s face as the Superman logo was now proudly displayed between two hefty pecs. It was as if Eugene was having his own real life superhero origin story!

As he looked down at the thick torso he now possessed, Eugene couldn’t help but chuckle loudly as he watched each abdominal muscle emerge over his formerly taut stomach and jut out against the fabric of the costume. Taking a moment to move his hands towards the shocking new muscles he possessed, he found enjoyment as his fingers traveled along the ridges of his new six-pack. While he was doing this, Eugene was oblivious to the fact that his hands had also shifted as well. Instead of spindly and dainty fingers, his hands and fingers had thickened dramatically while also gaining a more rugged and callused appearance. While Eugene would have no idea as to why his hands would look like this, it would soon become clear with time as being due to his new body’s intense gym routines to help maintain this new impressive form.

By the time he finally took a moment to look at himself in the mirror again, the suit was now skin-tight against his upper torso and the changes had begun to move towards his legs and feet. While he could feel his thighs beginning to expand in muscle while his calves thickened up to impressive levels, Eugene was still preoccupied with checking out the changes to his top half. It was initially difficult for the man to believe that he was now in control of such bulky muscle, but no matter how hard he pinched his beefy biceps, expecting to snap out of his daydream at any moment, it became increasingly difficult for him to deny a simple truth: he really was this buff now!

Through some trial and error, Eugene’s experiment in operating his new bulk was ultimately a success as he eventually found himself able to do a few movements that caused his muscles to flex under his command. It was peculiar to lift his arms and watch his biceps tense up and appear even thicker than previously! He had learned much about the various muscle groups in the multiple anatomy courses he took in school, but to actually have such an impeccable physique was mind-boggling to the nerd.

After finally figuring out how to flex his arms and pop his pecs, Eugene diverted his attention towards his legs as he tried to tense the muscle to see the result. His attempts proved to be fruitful after a few attempts, as intense musculature was displayed throughout both his tensed thighs and calves. Although he couldn’t really notice it, the shift in his legs had also brought forth several inches of height to the young man, as he went from 5’6” to 6’3”. With such a bulky physique and impressive height, Eugene felt himself growing more and more relieved as he stared at himself in the mirror. Although he was still the anxious man deep inside, the new physique he possessed clearly would make it so no one would ever mess with him again!

Although he tried to focus once again on popping his pecs for his own amusement, his attention quickly was diverted elsewhere as he felt the tingling heat centralizing on his crotch and waistline. Even though he couldn’t see his own physical body undergoing the transformation, its presence was still made clear to Eugene as he watched multiple changes bulk out against the already-tight Superman costume.

As a bottom, Eugene didn’t have much experience with using his manhood with another individual, but even he knew that something impressive was emerging underneath the suit as a thick and long outline began to press forth from beneath it. The thick and rock-hard cock he was suddenly manifesting was continuing to snake up towards his belly button, which meant that Eugene got an up-close-and-center view of the change as he stared at his reflection. Although he previously didn’t really know just how unimpressive his original 4” member was, it was made abundantly clear to the man as he found himself now packing a firm and girthy 8” dick. But despite this new increase in manhood, his perpetual mindset of being a bottom left him only visualizing putting the extra inches to work when he jerked himself off.

On the opposite side of his body, Eugene’s ass was undergoing an impressive change. The formerly bony and flat-as-a-board derriere was quickly inflating as a healthy mix of both flab and muscle expanded his cheeks. Turning towards the side and moving the cape to the side, the bottom within Eugene found himself amused and happy to see just how big and perky his ass now was. Although the man was still curious for answers and to know what happened to him, he couldn’t deny that he was extremely happy with the results of the change!

Turning his body back towards the mirror so he faced it head-on, Eugene took a moment to continue to stare at himself as he believed that the changes had finished up. But as a shock to the nerd, it quickly became clear that the changes weren’t finished yet as a few sudden hot spots began to emerge on his forearms, chest, and face. Unsure of what was going on, Eugene leaned closer into the mirror to get an up-close look at what was happening to him as soon as it began. With just a few blinks of an eye, Eugene found himself dropping his jaw in awe as he could see his facial features begin to shift and change piece-by-piece. 

While the thickening of his eyebrows and the emergence of bushy facial hair was a surprise by itself, Eugene was even more shocked to watch as his various acne scars began to immediately clear up to provide him with perfect skin. Even though his features were changing to give him a completely new face, Eugene wasn’t complaining about the various cosmetic updates he was receiving. With each passing second, he was looking more and more like a superhero ripped right out of the pages of his favorite comic books!

Continuing to admire his still-shifting face as he became a bonafide hunk, those various other hotspots of tingling were quickly tidied up via the sudden emergence of multiple tattoos. Underneath the costume, one of his pecs was adorned with a tattoo, but the most prominent cosmetic addition appeared via ink that traveled from Eugene’s hand up to the top of his lower arm. The half-sleeve provided an interesting pattern of ink on Eugene’s arm, but as he continued to look at it while finally checking out the brand new him, he found himself quickly accepting it. Tattoos could be viewed as cute or adorable for some people, but for Eugene as he put his hands on his hips and stared at his reflection, he felt that the new ink only emphasized the fact that his new exterior was even more of an intimidating badass!


Eager to both understand what happened to him as well as showing off his transformation to Logan, the newly buff nerd made a quick exit from his room and through the darkness towards the front desk area. However, just as he began to make his way into the fully lit area, he stopped himself as an all too familiar voice began to echo within the spacious studio.

“What the fuck dude, why did you give me some sort of superhero costume?” the disembodied voice said, instantly making Eugene physically cringe as he heard his bully Brock angrily yell at presumably Logan. Even though his body had clearly changed to monumental extremes, Eugene’s mentality as an anxious nerd remained consistent as he felt too afraid to step forth from the shadows and stand up for Logan. 

However, to Eugene’s surprise, it soon became clear that Logan needed no real help from him, as he was able to easily put Brock into his place by stating that he would get no money if he didn’t put the costume on. As he continued to sit there in the shadows lurking, Eugene found himself getting turned on by Logan’s tenacity against Brock’s cocky attitude. Not even paying attention to his actions, Eugene’s hand began to slide down his torso before slowly grabbing onto his thick rod of manhood and slowly stroking it.

As he continued to do so though, the disconnect between mind and body began to lessen via some mental changes. First to go was Eugene’s anxiety, instead giving him a personality with a confidence that allowed him to always be sure of himself regardless of anything he was attempting to do. Next, an insatiable sexual lust began to emerge within the man’s psyche, making him increasingly more turned on by both his own physique and the physiques of the other two men in the studio. As he found himself watching Brock turn away and head into a nearby dressing room, this admiration soon gave way towards sizing the man up. While doing this and comparing between each of their muscles, Eugene’s ego became extremely inflated to the point where he felt like he was a god amongst peasants.

Yet despite all of these various changes, the nerd remained crystal clear about both who he was and who he had once been. He remembered graduating as valedictorian of his high school, being incredibly shy and bashful, constantly being bullied by both high school jocks and college assholes like Brock, and even his first kiss in college with a man during a DnD party that soon turned into a rousing game of truth or dare. 

While he continued to massage his throbbing crotch, the man found himself consistently edging himself as he awaited for Brock to reappear. As if on cue, Brock could only watch in amusement as a man bounded out of the same dressing room that Brock had entered in a fury. However, this version of Brock yelling at Logan was quite different from how the man who used to bully Eugene consistently, as he had seemingly been stripped of all of his muscle and replaced with a frail and twinky physique.

Eager to get a closer look, Eugene walked in a cocky stride around the outer edges of the studio towards the back of the transformed man, his steps remaining soft as if he was a predator stalking his prey. This prey was extremely appetizing towards the new bodybuilder-sized hunk though, as he couldn’t help but notice the insanely-sized bubble butt bulging against the Spider-Man suit that Brock was now sporting. With his small frame and pumped up ass, Brock seemed like an absolute wet dream for the new Eugene. He wanted so badly to dominate someone, someone who would do anything to admire his impressive muscles, someone that wouldn’t mind being fucked senseless…

Still silently approaching from behind, the intelligent brain within his mind soon began trying to sort out the meaning of the transformations. Clearly, Logan worked for some sort of studio, but what kind of studio would involve a gorgeous twink and a ruggedly handsome bodybuilder like him? The size difference between them was familiar as it reminded him of some content he used to watch alone in his dorm room at night. While thinking more about these various facts, the reality of the situation quickly began to dawn on the transformed nerd as he made a mental note of his increased sexual desires… Logan was a sex film director!

While he himself wasn’t quite too sure how to feel about being a starring figure in one, those thoughts were pushed aside as he finally snuck up behind Brock and allowed his giant shadow to be cast over him. As he looked up at Logan and gave a knowing wink, Eugene tried his best to form an intimidating view for the down-on-his-knees man by tensing his leg muscles and looking down with an intimidating stare.

“Aw fuck…” the twunk cried out, providing amusement for Eugene as he watched the straight man look down and stare at the manhood tenting against the confines of his Spidey suit. 


Clearly, Brock isn’t as straight as he used to be, Eugene thought to himself, smirking as began to toy with the man’s confused sexuality even further. Using his previous crash course of learning how such bulky muscles operate, the gorgeous bodybuilder began to put on an impressive show for the new Brock. With each caress of a hand along his still-firm manhood, pop of a pec, and tense of an arm muscle, Eugene sent the twinkified man into a mental sexual frenzy as new desires and compulsions began to emerge. As the former football player continued to look up with wide eyes and agape mouth, it quickly became clear that the man was the submissive man Eugene had been looking for.

Circling back towards what Brock had said upon first seeing him, the cockiness of Eugene’s new ego began to immediately infiltrate the nerd’s speech. “Hehe, yeah bro, that’s the whole point… so let’s get to it!” he responded, flashing a wink towards the shaking twunk and immediately scooping him into his wide arms. The concept of dominating a man weaker than him was already an incredible turn-on to Eugene, but as he continued to walk towards a well-lit area deeper in the studio, he knew that it was going to be even hotter dominating his former bully! As he looked down at the man draped in his arms, the look on Brock’s gorgeous face only further emphasized how much he himself was into the idea as well. 

As Logan followed in with a handheld camera, the two transformed men wasted no time jumping right into the recording process. With his deep baritone voice, Eugene was able to easily command Brock to do anything he desired. Throughout the hour and a half, Brock found himself eagerly embracing the concept of becoming submissive with each passing demand from Eugene. While Eugene had quickly figured out the fact that the twunk was really his college bully, Brock had no reason to assume that the bonafide stud commanding him around used to be a weak and helpless nerd. With intense desires for domination, humiliation, and revenge, Eugene felt no desire to reveal his true identity to the horny twunk even as they proceeded to remove their suits and get into the more sexual aspects of the shoot. 

In fact, as soon as each man had removed their suits, the twinkified former athlete had wasted no time jumping onto the bed and presenting his ass to his bulky co-star. With his lustful desires reaching a peak, Eugene found himself eager to oblige with the man’s pleas for a “rough fucking” just so he could finally cum. After pulling on a condom, the man wasted no time giving Brock his thick rod of justice.

But as each man found themselves reaching climax, one final mental change began to afflict them. As each drop of cum shot out of their dicks, their original personalities began to completely dissolve away and be replaced with something new. Upon pulling his cock out of the twunk’s ass, the man formerly known as a nerd named Eugene had been replaced with Hugh the aspiring bodybuilder. While this was a more fitting name and life for a man of such strength, this caused some extreme changes for the former nerd. Firstly, the man lost a large chunk of his intelligence, as history was rewritten where Hugh had dropped out of school at 15 to dedicate himself entirely to a career in bodybuilding. So instead of calculus problems and chemistry equations, the man’s mind was now filled with essential bodybuilding information.

Unlike the impressive salary that Eugene would have gained for his career in the science field post-graduation, Hugh lived a life that was comfortable but would never reach the levels of salary previously planned for. As a professional bodybuilder, he had made a killing through personal training programs and merchandise deals, but on the occasional month in which he was low on income, he would take part on the one-off erotic film shoot to make ends meet. Although he himself wasn’t a gay man, the studio he worked for payed a hefty bonus for any man willing to be “gay for pay”. So, when the opportunity presented itself to allow himself to make even more money, Hugh couldn’t say no towards the shoot. While he wasn’t attracted whatsoever to the faggy little man he had just shot his scene with, his physique was small enough for Hugh to imagine himself topping one of the girls at the gym who were constantly trying to get in his pants. After finishing cleaning himself up and pulling back on the suit, Hugh took a moment to grab a spare of sets to give his muscles one quick little pump. He knew that both the director and his co-star thirsted over him, so the cocky personality he now had left him eager to show off. Once he did a few sets with some dumbbells while flexing for the two other men, Hugh lumbered over towards the long-haired film director and collected a huge wad of cash before continuing on his way out of the studio to do yet another late-night gym session and reaffirm his heterosexuality with some of his favorite girls…


By the time Hugh had exited out of the studio, Brock himself had also undergone his final transformation. Instead of remembering a life as a straight jock who bullied nerds, memories of living life as Brodie were all that came to mind. Unlike Brock, Brodie wasn’t into sports, instead doing the occasional gym workout to maintain a nice physique for dates. Instead of a straight man, this new life had Brodie be a loud and proud gay man who always was trying to make a statement via his clothing choices or through his various speeches at college-wide events as he rallied for inclusivity for people of every nationality, gender, or sexual preference. Instead of countless football plays and statistics, his mind expanded greatly to turn him into quite the intelligent fellow. He was easily in the top 10 of his college class and thus wasn’t afraid of being cocky in the classroom.

But while he was an absolute intimidating force of nature when it came time to making a statement either in class or on campus, the man was completely submissive when it involved sexual interactions. As a result, he was often ridiculed for being a total bottom by straight douchebag football jocks (not too different from who he used to be), but the man paid little attention to such foolishness. He was a strong supporter of sexual liberation, so he felt no shame for expressing himself and knowing what he wanted. This mentality was what had caused him to sign up for erotic film shoots after bumping into Logan one day while crossing campus. For over a year now, they had created a profitable partnership that left Logan and the studio overjoyed and Brodie completely satisfied. In fact, as he cleaned himself up and began to make his way over towards Logan, a sly grin manifested onto his face as he leaned in and whispered into Logan’s ear.

“When can we film together again? Hugh was great, but I’m still in the mood for more!” 

As Logan turned to Brodie and gave him a knowing glance, the twunk was overjoyed. Looking down to see Logan’s own manhood beginning to bulge out, Brodie couldn’t help licking his lips as he fell back onto the bed and began to feel his already rock-hard manhood. Continuing to watch as Logan began to undress and make his way over to the bed, Brodie found himself having an interesting thought. Maybe, just maybe, he could convince Logan to let him set up the camera so they could record their own film…


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10 months ago

Patreon Update (November '23 - April '24)

Hello there everyone! Whew, it’s been a WHILE since I did one of these update / personal posts (November if my eyes aren’t deceiving me)... This certainly wasn’t my intention or anything, it’s just that my personal life has been putting me through the ringer nonstop since that last post! In addition to leaving my last job and needing to find a new one, I’ve been struggling with other stressors like severe mental health issues in addition to illness. To make matters even MORE stressful, the lease was up at my boyfriend and I’s apartment and we’ve been spending the past two months just applying to different places and trying to get all of the specifics ironed out.

As May rolls around and we finally move into this new apartment / I get a new lighter work schedule, I’m hoping that everything in my personal life will settle down so I can focus on being more active both here and on my Patreon. With my Tumblr, I’m aiming to try and do two transformation stories per month (one new mini-story like the Selfish Top Bottom story and a normal full-length story pulled from my Patreon archive). As for my Patreon, I’ve got a lot of stuff in the works including a Star-Lord transformation, a bodysuit story, and a revamped / rewrite of Helping Out A Friend – a series I started on Tumblr in January 2021 but was never able to finish. For those who don’t recall, here’s a link to the series – which follows a nerd and a frat bro swapping bodies for a semester of college to help the jock pass his final courses before graduating. 

Now shifting gears from what’s going to be coming to Patreon in the near future, let’s take a moment to shine a light on the content that I’ve created and released since November 2023! 

Patreon Update (November '23 - April '24)

Usually, this tier included photo captions, but as my writing grew longer over the years, I finally realized in March that I was making things too hard on myself. Rather than trying to force a condensed story to fit the confines of an image, it’s easier for me to just write as much as I want and use the image as a supplement (or even gifs now with this change). As a result, I decided to change this tier where patrons now receive mini-stories that range from a length anywhere to 150 to 1.6k words. 

March Mini-Stories

Getting Lucky (350 Words) - Upon finding a green and yellow jockstrap in his underwear drawer, a gay man heads to his nearby gay club to celebrate St Patrick's Day. On the way, his inner Irishman is unleashed. Life Of The Afterparty (300 Words) - In the midst of cleaning up the aftermath of a prestigious award show, an aspiring actor discovers an abandoned award that causes major changes. Ginger God (150 Words) - A meek and overweight college nerd decides to head to the gym on St Patrick's Day for the first time in hopes that no one will be there. Upon swiping his card for the first time, he becomes the ginger god of the gym.

April Mini-Stories

Chris Gets Collared (650 Words) - When his dog begins acting strangely, Chris Evans enlists the help of an animal whisperer who has a unique way of helping animals be heard… Father-Son Bonding (1.6k Words) - A gruff and athletic father struggles to connect with his reserved and nerdy teenage son. Upon an argument one night, the duo wake up the next morning to learn what life is like in the other's shoes. Reforming The Police (350 Words) - Rather than helping an underprivileged area, the police force instead severely mistreats its citizens and ignores genuine problems. As a result, the community decides to reform the police in their own unique way…

Patreon Update (November '23 - April '24)

Whistling The Blues

After arriving home from work one evening, Adam finds a large gift-wrapped box on his doorstep. Unwrapping it reveals a silver athletic whistle, which instantly confuses the man. To add to the confusion, blowing into the metal piece causes an ear-shattering sound to ring out that not only causes him intense pain but somehow transports him into a coach's office with plaques and trophies listing his name. As he observes the décor in hopes of figuring out what's going on, his body and mind begin to transform to give him the athletic career and manly body he had always dreamed of having… Tags: Age Progression, Daddification, Man to DILF, Mental Changes, Muscle Growth, Reality Shift

Unleashing His Inner Daddy

Hopeless romantic Finn thought he had finally found the one when he met his co-worker Richard. Not only was the man incredibly kind and sweet, but he was also a total DILF! Despite their palpable chemistry together, their relationship had soured over the past few months due to Richard's refusal to top. On the verge of a breakup, a passionate plea magically allows Finn the chance to allow his body to match his status as the dom top in the relationship... Tags: Age Progression, Muscle Growth, Man to DILF

Unleashing His Inner Daddy II

After a passionate plea transforms the young twink Finn into the spitting image of his middle-aged DILF boyfriend Richard, the couple takes a moment to get reacquainted with each other and explore this bizarre new reality. Unfortunately for Richard though, sensually worshiping his own body via Finn allows him to not notice his own transformation into something much more submissive... Tags: Inanimate, Unintended Consequences

Watch What You Wish For

Eager to revamp his image into being a classy and sophisticated middle-aged man, Chris Pratt signs a partnership deal with a brand of luxury watches. Upon making his way to the owner's mansion to agree to the terms and do a press conference to announce the new collaboration, the actor suddenly finds himself body swapped where he's now the elderly billionaire CEO leading the press conference. Worst thing about it is that no matter how hard he tries, he can't tell anyone about what's happened to him! Tags: Body Swap, Celebrity, Middle-Aged To Elderly, Elderly To Middle-Aged

College Is Transformative: Family Weekend

Chase Richards was on top of the world. With an incredibly handsome and ripped body along with an extremely wealthy father, the college wrestler had never really encountered any problems in his 19 years of living. At least, until he was assigned Tyler as his roommate.  As the nerd and jock duo go from acquaintances to full-blown enemies, Chase struggles to comprehend why the nerd had books about spellcasting and transformations hidden under his bed... Tags: Male Transformation, Exposition Chapter

College Is Transformative: Family Weekend II

Upon finishing up wrestling practice after a fight with his roommate, Chase is shocked to find that his wealthy businessman father had shown up to surprise him for Family Weekend. As the duo head back to the dorm so Chase can change before they head to dinner, they have no way of knowing that Tyler was about to put his magical plan for transformational revenge into motion... Tags: Possession, Revenge

Patreon Update (November '23 - April '24)

Henry's Beta Test

In a depressive rut, Henry is given a beta version of the Chronivac by his friend to try out. Upon getting it, he decides to test it out by trying out a few new bodies in hopes of finding love… Tags: Chronivac, Muscle Growth, Shapeshift

Henry's Beta Test II

Despite getting access to the Chronivac and thus gaining the ability to transform his body and mind in any way possible, Henry finds himself still unable to land the perfect boyfriend. As he becomes more and more desperate and depressed, the man wastes no time stooping to treacherous lows to find love… such as meeting up with his favorite thirst trap couple to take over one of their lives and cause that man to undergo an inanimate change! Tags: Chronivac, Identity Death, Inanimate, Mental Changes, Muscle Growth, Reality Shift, Revenge, Shapeshift

The Scent of An Alpha

Going to college was supposed to be a fresh start for meek nerd Charlie Owens, but this plan is quickly derailed when he finds himself roommates with a hunky jock similar to the ones who bullied him back in high school. To make matters worse, the young man finds himself incredibly attracted to the Latino stud. After returning home one day and finding that his roommate is gone, the nerd decides to take a used jockstrap for personal use. Unfortunately, the scent of an alpha is contagious, which means that the young nerd will find himself becoming more like his roommate before he can realize what's going on… Tags: Mental Changes, Muscle Growth, Nerd to Jock, Racial Change, Reality Shift

Austin Theory's #1 Supporter

Upon being picked out in a crowd at a WWE event, a young man finds himself picked to get a free meet and greet with his favorite wrestler - Austin Theory. Unfortunately for him though, Austin has a secret plan that the man has found himself the main target in. Not only does Austin have a kink for humiliating other men via taunting and flaunting his immense physique, but he also has a transformation desire that he's eager to test out on the young man… Tags: Inanimate, Dominance and Submission, Humiliation, Body Swap, Revenge

Tricked By His Tutor

After making his way home from wrestling practice, Nolan is surprised to find his math tutor Arthur randomly waiting for him on his doorstep. Thinking that the man is lonely and just wants a friend, the wrestler invites him in to watch TV, order pizza, and just relax. Unfortunately for the jock, Arthur has a trick up his sleeve (and around his finger) that will change both of their lives forever… Tags: Body Swap, Jock to Nerd, Nerd to Jock, Revenge

The Meet & Greet

After years of fate seeming desperate to prevent him from seeing his favorite musician, The Weeknd, live in concert, Noah Stevens was ecstatic to find himself able to get his hands on a front row ticket the night before a nearby show. Upon arriving at the stadium, the mid-20s fan is in disbelief upon learning that his front row ticket is actually a VIP ticket that includes a meet and greet with the musician. Although Noah couldn't imagine a greater gift, he has no idea what the universe has in store for the duo once they finally meet each other… Tags: Body Swap, Celebrity, Shapeshift, Racial Change

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6 months ago

Tricked By His Tutor

As the sun finally began its descent one Friday afternoon, casting a warm, golden hue over a grand college campus, Nolan Campbell made his exit from the university’s gym. After finishing up a grueling wrestling practice in preparation for his team’s upcoming meet, it was safe to say that the blond-haired jock was eager to get home and relax. But no matter his desires, it seemed as though the universe was doing everything it could to prevent him from achieving that goal. Given the fact that the weekend was now officially beginning, the campus was abuzz as large crowds of students traversed the school quad with excited haste. Luckily though, Nolan was able to overcome the overbearing crowds due to not only his bulky muscular physique but also his tall 6’2” stature.

Tricked By His Tutor

Then, while waiting for a bus to arrive to take him back to his apartment, Nolan found himself forced to endure the constant staring and flirting from a slew of college cheerleaders. Despite his best attempts to turn them down, the girls refused to give up in their quest to be with him. Although to be completely fair to them, their desire was warranted. Out of all of the men on campus, Nolan was by far the perfect package. On top of that muscular physique of his, the man was blessed with a handsome face and an incredibly charming smile that formed an adorable yet manly set of dimples.

Yet while everyone assumed him to be this absolute beast of a man who easily dominated life like he did on the wrestling mats, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. For some reason, Nolan had always felt extremely unsure of himself and lacked the innate confidence that could have easily been corrupted into an inflated ego. Although there was a general sense of being unsure of himself when it came to his future, the one thing he was absolutely positive about was his happiness that he hadn’t ended up one of those stereotypical jocks who just bullied pathetic nerds or objectified women nonstop. 

After finally getting the girls to leave him alone and set their sights on another nearby jock, the wrestler was able to board his bus and take the ten minute ride to his apartment. After checking his mailbox, Nolan then gave himself one final workout as he rushed up the five flights of stairs until he arrived at his doorstep… where he found a peculiar surprise waiting for him.

Rather than the appearance of some package on his doorstep, he found Arthur, his math tutor, just sitting down waiting for him. Looking him up and down, the jock noticed just how disheveled the usually put-together man appeared. Instead of his normally styled mop of hair, Arthur looked incredibly disheveled on top of tired, at least based on the dark circles that Nolan noticed behind the nerd’s gigantic thick-rimmed glasses. 

In the two years that the duo had been working together, it was safe to say that Nolan had come to view Arthur as a friend of sorts. Nolan would bring his math assignments and questions every week, and Arthur would patiently guide him through the problems, breaking down complex equations and concepts in the simplest way that Nolan could understand. It was clear that Arthur had a gift for teaching, as Nolan found himself suddenly making progress in his math classes and avoiding the threat of academic probation. 

As they spent more time together, an unlikely friendship began to form. Nolan, with his easygoing and friendly personality, found himself opening up to the introverted and slightly awkward Arthur. With the jock opting to be vulnerable with him, it seemed to unlock something within the nerd that encouraged him to finally open up and grow comfortable around him. Over time then, Nolan learned about Arthur's interests and his daily life. Hell, he had even begun to view the nerd as a friend that when he found out that one of his wrestling teammates had been secretly bullying the nerd, the jock immediately put a stop to it! 

So although Nolan would easily describe himself as friends with Arthur given their work together over the past two school years, there had never been an instance where the twig of a nerd had just randomly shown up on his doorstep. After checking his watch and verifying that their appointment wasn’t meant for today, the jock flashed a smile as he tried to figure out what’s going on. "Uh, hey there Arthur. Is everything ok? I thought our appointment wasn’t meant until Sunday night?” 

In response, Arthur began to stand up onto his feet, which caused him to quickly readjust his glasses as they began to slide down his nose. "Oh, hey there, Nolan. I was just in the area and I thought I'd stop by and say hello,” he said, flashing a soft smile towards his client. Ever perceptive, the nerd quickly picked up on the gym bag slung around his shoulder and noticed Nolan’s damp and sweaty body. “Did you have practice or something today?" 

Nolan instantly leaned against the wall, loosening the strap of his gym bag. "Yeah, practice was intense. Coach is being a total hardass about this upcoming meet because it’s one of those rival schools. I legit feel so dead right now,” he responded, offering up a slight chuckle to lighten the mood. “But, how about you? How are your classes and everything going?" 

“Eh, it’s alright. This new segment of my math course is pretty difficult, but I’m always down for a challenge,” he replied with a lighthearted laugh. “I was tired of doing nonstop readings so I decided to just take a walk to clear my head. Before I knew it, I was here on your doorstep.” 

After eliciting his own chuckle, Nolan made his way past Arthur as he finally slid his key into the apartment door and unlocked it. Upon looking back, the jock felt oddly sorry for the guy. For some reason the frail shaggy-haired man was always taking the hardest possible courses each semester, which meant that he was too busy to go out and be social. As a result, Nolan couldn’t help but feel as though he was the closest thing to a friend that Arthur had. 

Given the fact that he was planning on just sitting on his couch and relaxing all night anyway, the man realized what would be the problem in having company then? “Ah, I see. Well, I was thinking of getting some pizza and maybe just chilling and watching some TV for the rest of the night. You wanna come in and hang out for a bit?" 

Arthur rapidly blinked in surprise, apparently not expecting an invitation from the jock. "Um, sure, that would be great. I think some time away from the textbooks would probably be good for me. I can’t stop seeing equations whenever I close my eyes,” he chuckled, which caused Nolan to do the same as he finally opened the door and allowed the nerd to walk in first. 

Upon shutting the door behind him, Nolan slumped to the side and allowed his gym bag to fall off his shoulders and onto the floor with a heavy thud. With that weight literally lifted off his shoulders, the man looked down at himself and realized just how sweaty he was. “Uh hey, if you don’t mind, I’m going to shower real quick,” he began, leading Arthur further into the apartment until the duo were in his living room. After reaching out towards an end table and grabbing onto the remote, the jock began to hold it out towards the nerd. “You can just go ahead and sit down and watch some TV I guess. I promise it will only take a few minutes and then we’ll order some pizza and just relax for a bit!” But to the jock’s confusion, the nerd refused to take ahold of the remote. 

Turning away from the TV and sofa, Arthur looked around the man’s apartment before beginning to speak. “Uh, before you go, can I say something,” he asked, which resulted in Nolan nodding his head in approval. “Ok, well uh, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you Nolan. I know this probably doesn’t come as a surprise, but I don’t really have any friends here. These tutoring sessions have been genuinely quite rewarding because I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as perfect as you.” 

Upon hearing that last sentence, Nolan’s eyebrows raised as he tried to understand what that meant. Was Arthur just being sweet to him or was he trying to be vulnerable and reveal a new piece about himself in terms of his sexuality? Although Nolan was quite comfortable with his sexuality as a straight man, he wasn’t actively homophobic or anything so the concept of his friend being open like that was quite sweet in his eyes. 

But before he could even respond, Arthur continued to speak. “So uh yeah, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your friendship,” he said, punctuating his sentence by extending out an open hand for a handshake. 

Finally, Nolan was given the ability to respond and he tried his best to be comforting to the man. “Aw, it’s no problem at all man. You’re a pretty great guy yourself and I appreciate all of your help. You’ve truly saved my ass so many times over the years that I can’t repay you enough,” he exclaimed, softly chuckling as he began to also extend his hand out for the handshake. 

“Oh really? Well now that you mention it, I actually do have an idea of how you can make it up to me,” Arthur replied, his grin shifting into a smirk as he suddenly grabbed onto Nolan’s hand and wrapped it in a tight embrace. 

Immediately, Nolan’s grin faded and his eyes widened as he felt a sensation similar to electricity rushing through his body. Confused about what’s happening to him, the jock stared into Arthur’s eyes, which remained narrowed and instantly made Nolan feel uneasy. Although he could have continued staring for a while in search of answers, the wrestler was stunned to find a bright flash of light suddenly fill the room up. Worried about blinding the light was becoming, the man clenched his eyes shut and grit his teeth as a sudden pain overcame his body. As he continued to scream, he could have sworn that he felt as though his body was being completely torn apart. 

But as quickly as the light and pain had emerged, they faded just as fast and Nolan found himself struggling to catch his breath. With each deep inhale and exhale he took, he couldn’t help but notice how high-pitched and labored his breathing sounded. But as Nolan finally peeled apart his eyelids to look over at Arthur, a sudden gasp escaped from his throat. Rather than staring at his tutor, he instead found himself staring at his own body. 

Unnerved and with no other option coming to mind, the man looked down and revealed a terrifying sight. Rather than his thick and muscular body, his glance down revealed Arthur’s lanky arms while his sweat-stained tank top had been replaced with an oversized and more nerdy shirt. As he held out his hands and looked at just how pale and unimpressive they were, the young jock couldn’t help but scream as he realized that he was now in the body of a weak nerd! 

Despite the ear-piercing scream he made, Nolan found himself unable to produce any words or move no matter how hard he tried. He couldn’t help but wonder if he was somehow stuck by whatever had caused his body swap with Arthur or if he was so petrified and in shock that his body had no idea what to do. But as he looked back across the room at the nerd now occupying his body, it quickly became clear that the new jock had no problem moving around. 

As he observed how Arthur looked around and smirked, Nolan got to watch in horror as the nerd quickly looked down before using his new wide pair of hands to pull off the damp and sweaty tank top to reveal the jock’s ripped and fully shirtless torso. Upon tossing the clothing onto the floor just a few feet away from the discarded gym bag, the former nerd grabbed onto his plump pecs before eliciting a maniacal laugh. 

Tricked By His Tutor

“You fucking idiot, I can’t believe you fell for that fake sympathy shit,” he bellowed, his tone drenched in a cocky and condescending tone. Once finished, the man then lifted up his arm and flexed a bicep, smirking as he gripped the rock hard muscle. “Fuck yeah!” 

Upon witnessing the nerd’s behavior, Nolan was understandably quite confused. In those two years of knowing him, he had never witnessed Arthur behave like this. To make matters worse, he was doing it in Nolan’s real body. Like, what the fuck did his so-called friend do to him?! 

Refusing to continue looking at the nerd flaunting and flexing those stolen muscles, Nolan forced himself to tilt his head down and observe his new body. After using his hands to rub his upper arms and feel no indication of any muscle, the man wasn’t shocked to lift up his shirt as well and find that there was no hint of muscle whatsoever. Instead, he only found pale skin with patchy chest hair and a slight sliver of fat around his stomach and hip area. Upon letting go of the shirt and allowing it to fall back down to cover his depressing new torso, the man’s new gangly fingers traversed up his neck, which ultimately led to an exploration of his new face. Allowing his fingers to graze along his bulbous new nose and bump into the thick pair of glasses that covered a good 30% of his face, the man was horrified by how peculiar and strange the entire experience was. Hoping that he was somehow having a post-workout nap, Nolan tried his best to wake himself up from this nightmare by pinching or slapping himself. But of course, that worked to no avail and only made it clear to him that this was all real and he had truly been betrayed by his friend. 

Speaking of this so-called friend, Nolan’s attention was once again caught by Arthur as the former jock watched the nerd lift up his new muscular arm and shove his angular nose deep into his ripe and sweaty armpit. “Fuck, you smell good,” he purred, allowing one hand to reach down and fondle the massive bulge that was now straining against the pair of athletic shorts Nolan had been wearing. “Well, I guess I should say I smell good now…”

Although watching such an obscene display was quite horrific to witness given the body swap element, Arthur’s behavior finally caused Nolan to break out of his stupor and demand answers. “What the fuck did you do to me dude,” he angrily asked, picking up but not acknowledging the higher-pitched and whiny tone he now spoke with. 

In response, Arthur allowed an oddly fitting dopey chuckle to escape from his lips as he turned his palm outwards and revealed a small little device that resembled one of those prank shock rings wrapped around his middle finger. “What do you think I did, dumbass? I stole that precious little body of yours and now there’s nothing you can do about it!” 

Immediately, the threat of forever being stuck in this body caused Nolan to jump into action as he reached out with haste to touch the device and cause the duo to swap back to their normal bodies. But unfortunately, the jock inherited the nerd’s poor hand-eye coordination and thus missed his foe’s hand entirely as he attempted to swipe it. 

“Damn, you suck ass now dude! I doubt you could even throw a football at this point with those twigs for arms,” Arthur cackled, smirking as he pulled the device off of his finger and held it up in the air. Before Nolan could attempt a second swipe at the device, the new nerd’s eyes widened as he watched the device get tossed down to the ground and a loud crack echo through the room. Just to rub in his defeat though, the new jock smirked before lifting up a foot and bringing it down hard on the device to shatter it into a million pieces. “Looks like those wrestling days of yours are far behind you now, huh?” 

Realizing that his chance of swapping back was now utterly destroyed, the former jock found himself suddenly breaking down in tears and falling to the ground as the gravity of the situation hit him. Rather than being a muscular jock who had the world at the palm of his hands and squandered it, now he’ll just be this average and meek nerd that has no friends and spends all of his free time studying textbooks! 

“Why?!” he blubbered in between intense sobs, “What have I ever done to you? I thought I was your friend!” 

In response, Arthur led out a loud guffaw as he leaned down to stare directly into Nolan’s eyes. Upon narrowing his eyes and finding himself staring intensely at his old body, a cheerful tone emerged in the new jock’s voice. “All of you muscular buffoons are all the same. Even if you didn’t fuck me like your teammates, you still refused to stand up to them! I’ve spent my entire life being ridiculed and tormented by asshole jocks and I finally had enough. I got one of my friends in the engineering department to help me build that prototype for me and now that it worked, I never have to worry about feeling worthless again!” 

Furious about how he had been grouped up with people he could agree were total assholes, Nolan immediately began to lash out in hopes of making sure that even if he was outpowered, he wasn’t outspoken. “You motherfucker,” he screamed, adopting the most aggressive tone he could manifest while rushing towards his friend-turned-enemy. “I’ll tell everyone what the fuck you did to me. You won’t get away with this, Arthur! Maybe you deserved to get your ass beat by those jocks all the time!” 

In response, the transformed nerd instantly reached out and grabbed the weakened jock by the throat. Hearing the man’s last sentence caused Arthur to snap as he instantly changed his plans about handling the body-swapped man. “You know that’s not my name anymore, Arthur… I was going to just let you go on and live your life without any interference, but fuck that. You’ve fucked with the right one nerd, and now you’ll be lucky if you don’t spend the next two years of your life getting tormented in the worst ways imaginable.” 

After holding onto the nerd and watching as his eyes began to bulge out, the new jock finally let go and pushed the man back until his light weight caused him to fly several feet before stumbling back even further until he slammed against the front door. “Now get the fuck out of my apartment before I beat your pathetic ass,” he warned, watching as the still-sobbing nerd instantly obeyed his order and fled as fast as his weak and frail body would allow.

“Fuck, that felt good,” the new Nolan moaned as he reached down and began to fondle his crotch once more. Although he knew getting revenge would be quite hot, he never realized just how hot it would be to humiliate and torment people in ways similar to what he experienced! Looking down and watching as a pre-cum stain began to emerge in the front of his shorts, the new jock smirked before turning and making his way towards his bathroom. Although he was eager to get started repeating the cycle of torment that he had endured, Nolan was more desperate to get acquainted with every part of his new and bigger body…

Tricked By His Tutor

Eager to read more stories like this? Head over to my Patreon to discover tons of hot transformation fiction including stories like this one!

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1 year ago

Scrawny teen vs. Bullies

Billy was a scrawny little nerd and most of the time he got picked on by the rugby team. He couldn’t do anything at all because the members of the rugby teams were huge guys. Huge is not even the best word, humongous throbbing muscle guys. They were close to pro bodybuilders; the gym was their territory. Other schools always tried to keep up with them but it was impossible. So Billy just tried to live through high school, but the rugby dudes always bullied him. He was bullied because of his nerd Star Wars t-shirts, glasses and shyness. In the afternoon, he was walking down the hallway when one of the big guys, Zero, pushed him and as he lost his balance, the new Hulk comic just fell out his bag.


Scrawny Teen Vs. Bullies

-Oh look, scrawny little Billy is into big green guys, such a little pussy. -Said Zero as he took a quick look at the comic

-Give me back. -Shout Billy and tried to take it back

-Oh no no little guy, I'm keeping this. You don’t need some magazine about big jacked guys. U can always worship me. - Zero flexed his big chest and put on a double bicep pose. Unfortunately, his t-shirt couldn’t bear the pressure and it ripped, revealing his chiseled abs.-OOPPSS, looks like u got a free show pussyboy.-

-Zero, please give me back the comic, I didn’t do anything. - Billy was close to tearing up.

-Maybe I will tomorrow, -he grinned- after I cleaned up my jizz with it. - and walked away laughing.


Scrawny Teen Vs. Bullies

Billy was extremely sad, he just bought that fresh comic and Hulk was his favorite superhero. Hulk was big, powerful, an alpha, everything what Billy isn’t. Billy sometimes dreamed about waking up one day and being able to transform into a big powerful muscle God and show his bullies the way. But it's impossible. Billy walked to his locker and changed books, put on his jacket and started to walk out from the building, when suddenly his only friend Mark stopped him.

-I heard what happened Billy, I'm so sorry. You can borrow mine if u want? -Smiled at him Mark with his crooked teeth.

-Thanks Mark but I just buy another one. -Billy looked at him with a sad smile. don’t know from me, but Zero put your issue in his locker.

-He did what!? Oh my God it will smell awful.

-But today the team will go and practice on the big court so you could go and took it back. Zero is pretty dumb, he won't even notice that it disappeared and the big court is 20 minutes from here so you have plenty of time. - explained the plan Mark.

-Mark, thank you. See u tomorrow. -Smiled at him Billy and started running.

The plan was easy, he goes home, puts down his stuff and comes back later tonight. It was the easiest plan ever. So Billy slowly walked home, put down his stuff and went up in his room. Billy’s room was the nerdiest room ever. Marvel posters on the wall, card and little figures everywhere. Even his computer was full of with comic content. But in one secret folder he hid videos about bodybuilders and big guys jerk off. He took a quick look if somebody tried to find them, but nothing.

Later that day

-I hope nobody is here.-thought Billy as he walked in the team’s locker room.

The room was filled with the smell of sweat and jizz. Billy immediately got a little hard on.

-OH COME ON, NOT RIGHT NOW. - screamed in his head.

The lockers were all the same, old white iron lockers but each and every one had a name on it. Billy was scrolling down the hallway with his eyes trying to find the name.

Dan, Derek,…....Harry,…..Liam,.....Peter,......ZERO.

Billy stepped closer to the locker.

-Geeee......should I open it? But what if Zero finds me and beats me up? Ohhh...let's do it! - The lock slowly opened and the door just opened itself.

-Oh wow.-Billy’s mouth just dropped. The locker was full of dirty jockstraps, hoodies, rugby gear and next to a little bottle, there was his book.

-Okay, it was easy, I take it and just leave.

Billy slowly pulled out the book, but the little bottle almost fell down with it so he dropped the book and jumped for the bottle. Fortunately, he got it.

-Uhhh I almost fucked it up, what is it anyways? - He read the paper on it, “ONE DROP IN EVERY YEAR”. -Drugs? Steroids? Maybe the whole team is on some kind of illegal supplement?

Billy was on the way to put the bottle back, but a little feeling came over him. So he held the bottle and asked himself. -Do I want to try it or just leave it there? Maybe this could help...hmmmm....well, we live once soo.- with that power Billy opened the bottle and drink 2 big drop. has a nice taste...but I feel nothing. - Billy put the bottle on the bench and looked at his phone, okay still 10 minutes to leave. But suddenly Billy felt dizzy.

-Okay, now I feel something, aghhhhhhhh.-Billy felt pain in his chest and he saw it slowly growing and pulsing in his S sized t-shirt. *RIIIIIPPPPPP* the t-shirt teared apart and his chest just kept growing but with veins on it. Now he felt the pain in his back, his back slowly started to expand to a huge perfect V shape, -OHHH GOOOD WHATS HAPPENING????- Billy screamed and he grew taller, now he was 7 feet.-OHHH ohhhh this is niceeeeee- as the feeling became pleasure and realized that he is becoming a real life Hulk. His calves and thighs grew and became huge almost the size of 2 tree trunk. -OHHHH NOW MY SHOULDERSSSSSS- Billy shoulders blew up with muscles.-MOOREE MORRREEEEEE-screamed and his abs became visible then 2,6, an 8-pack appeared. His clothes completely ripped apart. Now he stood at 7 feet, with muscles of Hulk, in a tiny boxer.

Scrawny Teen Vs. Bullies

-Oh my God, ohmygod my voice. - his voice was now deep and pleasuring to hear. -IM A MUSCLE GODDDDDD, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.- Billy ran to the mirror and put on a hell of a flex show.-I look hot but I think my dick didn’t grew. - when Billy said it, he felt a deep pain on his bulge that became pleasure as his dick started become longer and longer and longer. His balls grew to be golf balls then tennis balls then huge oranges. The boxer now was unusable, the penis of his stood now 15 inch long.

Scrawny Teen Vs. Bullies

-Zero found his competition. - grinned Billy and jerked his cock slowly and watched himself flexing in the mirror, he did a double biceps pose and some other pro poses. But he got scared when he heard a noise from the hallway.

-Guys we crushed it today, we were unstoppable- said the team not so far away.

-I need to disappear-. Billy quickly put on a used jockstrap from Zero’s locker and another used dirty t-shirt and started running to the door in the back, but before leaving he took the bottle and the book.

Scrawny Teen Vs. Bullies

Billy was walking home now as a real alpha thinking about the future and the potential use of the bottle.....

Scrawny teen vs. Bullies part 1
Muscle Growth
Hey guys, it was my second try to write something, because I absolutely love this site and I want to be part of it. I wrote this story very

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7 years ago

Awesome short “clothing” triggered tf. I love stuff like this and I’ve had similar thoughts and fantasies.

There Was Something Going On With The Guys At School. One By One, Theyd Start Acting Funny, First It

There was something going on with the guys at school. One by one, they’d start acting funny, first it was a sudden shyness, and they’d start to walk funny. Almost the same lumbering gait that the Jocks swaggering down the halls had, but more forced, awkward looking. Then as it progressed, it was like they’d get, irritated. Suddenly aggressive, lashing out. A Desperation in their eyes that no one seemed to understand the cause of. It usually ended with the same guy, entering the Locker Room during one of the teams’ practices, and leaving completely dazed, eyes glazed over, mumbling incoherently while groping themselves.

The rumor started after the fourth or fifth incident. Weeks apart, it seemed to only happen to the bookish, quiet guys. One day they’d be normal, then the next, the changes happened. I finally found out what was going on…. When it happened to me.

It’s called the Cup. A conversion method the Jocks are using now to recruit the lesser guys to their side. It seems coach, and the school board are desperate for money for the teams, and with some of the budget going to the more “artsy” activities, they found a way to lessen the herd and make sports a priority. They target a nerd, or even just a random non-sport obsessed student, wait for passing period, then one of the jocks walks up casually, not even looking at you. He waits for the halls to fill with people, before slipping his hand into the front of your pants, and installing, “The Cup”

It doesn’t matter what kind of clothing you’re wearing at the time, the Cup doesn’t falter, seamlessly attaching itself to your junk, irremovable, sealing away your bits. The instant smell is the dead giveaway. A Reeking, heady scent wafting up, the smell of virile balls and heavy effort. That’s when the Jock who Cupped you walks away as if nothing happened.

The shyness comes from not being able to remove the thing, as well as the ever-present smell, and the fact that you lost all access to your cock and balls. It’s a humiliating, embarrassing feeling, trying desperately in a bathroom to remove it, only to have it heat up to uncomfortable levels, or cool down until your bits shrivel in the chill. If you continue to struggle, it starts to vibrate at a maddening low hum that drives you insane with desperate, horny need.

The awkward lumbering gait is solely from the hefty bulk of the thing between your legs. Rubbing at your thighs, it forces you to adopt a sort of mock swagger, widened stance, sitting with your legs splayed. And it’s also where the aggression usually kicks in. The Cup keeps you from touching yourself, which, is bad enough in itself. As you’d expect, that doesn’t go over well with hormonal guys. But worse, at this stage, usually a week in, the vibrating hum doesn’t stop, ever.

Continuous, maddening, not enough to get you off, just enough to drive you wild, the cup seems tighter at this point, as if its full, more packed than typical. We assumed it was shrinking. It also stays at a constant, dank, warm temperature, causing you to sweat no matter how cold it is. Even an ice-cold shower doesn’t help.

This is why the agitated, aggressive behavior is prevalent at this stage. The utter desperation in your eyes comes from the defeat of being driven near insane with horny, desperate need, while having had your cock locked away from you for what feels like an eternity.

It’s at this point, sometimes a week, sometimes a few, that we all break and head to the locker room. Instinctually, we know where to go to get release. Making the journey feels like a walk to the electric chair. You start to go over your entire life, wondering why this is happening, until you make it into the double doors, and….. and I can’t really remember what happened. I know Coach and one of a few assorted team captains is there… I think they divvy us up, evenly spread to each team… then the lights, the cup buzzing increases, a chair, and screen…. Coach telling us… about out new life… commitment, drive… sports… play, love, love sports, be a jock… I’m a jock…

I think it was only a few minutes, but the last school bell rings, bringing me out of the daze, and Coach slips the cup off. Finally, after weeks of torture… FUCK! What the fuck is up with my junk?! Its… How?! Its fucking massive!!! How can I put this in my pants?! By fucking balls too!!! What the fuck?! But…. Coach hands me a pair of shorts, tells me to wear them, commando, and things just, click. I feel my mind slow as I slip them up my legs, feeling the silky material rub against my massive dong. I head out into the hall, talking to myself, bumping into a few people on my way to my locker.

I think I should talk to Kev about trying out for Football… Yeah, I think I should!

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8 months ago

The Society: Chad

The heavy, oak door creaked open as Eric stepped into the dimly lit room, his heart pounding with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. The invitation had been mysterious, arriving in an unmarked envelope with a gold-embossed seal. It spoke of a society that could help him achieve his greatest ambitions. Despite his reservations, Eric's drive to effect meaningful change compelled him to investigate further.

The room was lavishly decorated, a stark contrast to the dim lighting. Rich, mahogany walls were adorned with intricate tapestries and portraits of men from various eras, their eyes seeming to follow him as he moved. At the far end of the room, a long table stretched out, laden with an array of decadent food and drink. At the head of the table sat Jason, his youthful visage betraying an ageless wisdom. His eyes, sharp and knowing, locked onto Eric with a calculating intensity.

"Welcome, Eric," Jason said, his voice smooth and commanding. "We've been expecting you."

Eric hesitated, his instincts screaming caution, but he was determined to see this through. He had faced tougher crowds and more hostile environments in his political career. Taking a deep breath, he crossed the room and took a seat opposite Jason.

"You've come a long way, my friend," Jason continued, leaning forward. "Your work in New York has not gone unnoticed. Your passion, your dedication to equality and justice—these are qualities we value deeply in The Society."

Eric frowned slightly, unsure where this was leading. "Thank you, but I'm not sure what this has to do with your... organization."

Jason's smile widened, a glint of something almost predatory in his eyes. "The Society exists to elevate men, to help them achieve their fullest potential. We believe in harnessing the unique strengths of individuals like yourself to create a better world. But sometimes, the path to greatness requires a transformation."

"Transformation?" Eric echoed, his unease growing. "What kind of transformation are we talking about?"

Jason stood and began to pace, his movements graceful and deliberate. "We use a blend of ancient practices and modern techniques, a touch of the occult, to help men tap into their deepest strengths. It's a process, but I assure you, the results are extraordinary."

Eric's skepticism was evident, but he couldn't deny the allure of the promise. "And what do you expect in return?"

"Your loyalty, your commitment to our cause," Jason replied smoothly. "We have the power to amplify your voice, to expand your influence far beyond what you could achieve alone. But you must be willing to embrace the change."

A shiver ran down Eric's spine. There was something both thrilling and terrifying about the proposition. He had always believed in the power of transformation, in personal growth and evolution. But the idea of subjecting himself to the unknown methods of The Society was daunting.

"And if I refuse?" Eric asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

Jason stopped pacing and fixed Eric with a piercing gaze. "If you refuse, you continue on your current path, making incremental changes, fighting battles one at a time. But if you accept, you gain the power to reshape society on a grand scale."

The weight of the decision hung heavily in the air. Eric's mind raced, considering the implications. He had dedicated his life to making the world a better place, to fighting for those who couldn't fight for themselves. The opportunity to amplify his efforts was tempting, almost irresistibly so.

With a deep breath, Eric nodded. "Alright. I'll do it."

Jason's smile was almost triumphant. "Excellent. The process will begin immediately. Trust in the journey, Eric. The man you will become is someone you could never have imagined."

As the shadows in the room seemed to deepen and swirl around him, Eric couldn't shake the feeling that he had just crossed a threshold from which there would be no return.

As the room’s ambiance grew more surreal, a conservatively dressed man approached Eric, carrying a silver tray with a single, ornate goblet. The liquid inside shimmered with an ethereal glow, casting faint, dancing reflections on the dark wood of the table.

Jason gestured toward the goblet. “Drink, and the transformation will commence.”

Eric took the goblet, its cool metal sending a shiver through his fingers. He hesitated for a moment, then, with a resolve born of desperation and ambition, he brought it to his lips and drank deeply. The liquid was surprisingly warm, with a rich, spicy flavor that seemed to ignite a fire within his chest.

Almost immediately, Eric felt a strange sensation ripple through his body. His heart began to race, and he gripped the edge of the table to steady himself as an intense heat spread from his core. He watched in awe as his arms began to bulge, muscles swelling and expanding, veins rising to the surface of his skin. His fingers, once slender and artistic, thickened, the nails becoming more rugged and defined.

His shirt strained against his growing frame, seams stretching and then tearing as his chest broadened and his shoulders widened. He could feel his spine straightening, his posture shifting from the slightly stooped stance of someone always leaning over books or a guitar to the confident, commanding presence of an athlete. Eric’s legs, too, transformed, his thighs and calves gaining definition and power.

As the physical changes continued, Eric glanced at his reflection in a nearby polished surface. He watched, mesmerized, as the lines and wrinkles that had begun to mark his face vanished, replaced by smooth, taut skin. His features, once gentle and expressive, sharpened into a more chiseled, rugged handsomeness. His hair, which had started to show the first hints of gray, darkened to a rich, youthful hue.

Eric’s breathing quickened, a mix of exhilaration and fear surging through him. He flexed his hands, feeling the newfound strength coursing through his body. The sensation was intoxicating, yet disorienting. He looked down at himself, hardly recognizing the muscular, youthful figure he had become. His clothes, now in tatters, hung loosely from his transformed frame.

“What’s happening to me?” Eric gasped, his voice deeper and more resonant than before.

Jason’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “You are becoming your most powerful self, Eric. The potential that lay dormant within you is being unlocked. Embrace it.”

Eric took a step back, nearly stumbling as he adjusted to his altered center of gravity. He felt a rush of conflicting emotions—pride in his newfound strength, confusion at the rapid changes, and a creeping sense of loss for the person he once was. He touched his face, his fingers tracing the unfamiliar contours of his jaw and cheekbones.

“Is this really me?” he murmured, a mixture of wonder and trepidation in his tone.

Jason nodded. “This is the beginning, Eric. You are now in a position to wield the influence and power necessary to reshape society. The Society will guide you, but it is up to you to harness your potential.”

As the initial shock of the transformation began to wear off, Eric felt a burgeoning confidence rising within him. He straightened to his full height, feeling a sense of power and capability he had never known before. The memories of his former self—his ideals, his passions—remained, but they were now infused with a newfound vigor and determination.

“I… I think I understand,” Eric said slowly, his voice steadying. “I can do more. Be more.”

Jason’s smile was approving. “Exactly. You are now ready to embark on the next phase of your journey. The Society will support you, but remember, true change comes from within.”

Eric nodded, feeling a strange mix of excitement and apprehension. He glanced once more at his reflection, a sense of awe filling him at the sight of the powerful, confident young man staring back. The transformation was complete, but his journey was just beginning.

As he followed Jason out of the room, Eric couldn’t help but feel that his life, and his mission, had irrevocably changed. The world would soon meet a new Eric—one who was ready to seize his destiny and reshape the world in ways he had never before imagined.

As Eric stepped out of the dimly lit room, he was led into a spacious, opulently furnished lounge where several men were gathered, engaged in animated conversation. Their attire ranged from tailored suits to casual yet expensive-looking attire, each man exuding confidence and authority. The air was thick with the aroma of cigars and expensive whiskey, adding to the heady atmosphere.

Jason introduced Eric to the group, who greeted him with hearty handshakes and claps on the back. He could sense their approval, their eyes appraising his transformed physique. They began to talk, their voices a mix of joviality and intensity.

“So, Eric,” one man said, offering him a glass of whiskey, “what do you think about the state of masculinity today?”

Eric took the glass, his mind still buzzing from the transformation. He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. “I think it’s important to have a balanced approach, respecting everyone’s rights and identities.”

The men exchanged glances, a few smirks playing on their lips. Another man, broad-shouldered and brash, leaned forward. “Sure, but what about real men? Guys who aren’t afraid to speak their minds, take charge, and push back against all this politically correct nonsense?”

Eric felt a flicker of discomfort but also a strange pull. He had always believed in respectful discourse, yet there was something compelling about the raw confidence these men exuded. “I suppose there’s value in being direct and assertive,” he conceded.

The conversation shifted, each man sharing his vision of the ideal fraternity—a place for strong, outspoken men who didn’t shy away from controversy. They painted a picture of a loud, boisterous brotherhood, where camaraderie was forged through shared challenges and unfiltered honesty.

“We need leaders who aren’t afraid to ruffle feathers,” one man declared. “Someone who can handle the banter, the parties, and still keep everyone in line. A real alpha.”

Eric found himself nodding along, the initial resistance in his mind weakening. The more they spoke, the more their words resonated with a primal part of him. His memories of advocating for inclusivity and respect seemed to blur, replaced by an emerging desire to fit in with these powerful men.

Another man chimed in, his tone conspiratorial. “Think about it, Eric. A leader who can throw back shots, tell it like it is, and doesn’t give a damn about stepping on toes. That’s what we need. Someone who can rally the guys and lead by example. No more of this sensitive, touchy-feely stuff.”

Eric felt a strange warmth in his chest, a sense of belonging he hadn’t realized he was craving. The idea of leading such a group, of embodying this brash, unapologetic masculinity, began to appeal to him. His thoughts grew clouded, his previous convictions fading like a distant dream.

“Yeah,” Eric found himself saying, a new conviction in his voice. “Guys need to be able to express themselves without holding back. It’s about being real, being honest.”

The men cheered, raising their glasses in a toast. “Now you’re talking, Eric! Welcome to the brotherhood.”

As the night wore on, Eric’s transformation continued, not just physically but mentally. His language grew coarser, his laughter louder. He found himself embracing the crude jokes, the competitive banter, and the boisterous energy of the group. The liberal ideals he once held dear seemed naïve and distant, replaced by a burgeoning belief in the raw, unfiltered masculinity these men championed.

By the end of the evening, Eric felt like a different person. The gentle, artistic politician from New York was gone, replaced by a loud-mouthed, confident young man who was ready to lead this new fraternity. He reveled in the approval of his new peers, eager to prove himself in this new role.

As he left the lounge, Eric’s thoughts were consumed with plans for the future. He envisioned a fraternity that was strong, outspoken, and unapologetically masculine. He would be the leader they needed, the one who could bring their vision to life. And in doing so, he would reshape not only his destiny but the very fabric of society.

The Society had succeeded in molding him into their ideal—an agent of their grand design, ready to fight for what they deemed the proper way of life.

The following morning, Eric—or “Chad” as the men had started to call him—awoke in a luxurious suite, his mind foggy from the previous night’s revelry. The remnants of his former self felt like a distant memory, overshadowed by the new, overpowering personality that had emerged. He glanced in the mirror and saw not the thoughtful, compassionate politician, but a rugged, muscular young man with a carefree, almost vacant expression.

He flexed his biceps, admiring the bulging muscles and feeling a surge of pride. The faint echoes of his past ideals and passions were buried deep beneath layers of newfound bravado and arrogance. His once bright, earnest eyes now gleamed with a mischievous, almost predatory glint.

As he joined the other men for breakfast, the transformation was complete. They greeted him with hearty slaps on the back and crude jokes, which he met with a dumb, hearty giggle that surprised even himself. It felt good to be accepted, to be one of them. He reveled in their approval, the camaraderie intoxicating.

“Morning, Chad!” one of the men called out. “Ready for another day of setting the world straight?”

“Hell yeah, bro!” Chad replied, his voice booming with newfound confidence. He downed a shot of whiskey that was handed to him, not even flinching at the burn. “Let’s show these losers how real men roll!”

The men laughed, a raucous sound that filled the room. One of them, a burly guy with a thick beard, leaned over and started telling a crude, homophobic joke. Chad felt a flicker of something—perhaps a distant echo of the old Eric—but it was quickly drowned out by the need to fit in, to be part of the group.

As the punchline hit, Chad let out a loud, stupid laugh, slapping his knee. The others roared with laughter too, and he felt a twisted sense of pride at their approval. The thoughtful, compassionate Eric who had championed civil rights and equality was gone, replaced by this new persona that thrived on crude humor and superficial charm.

Throughout the day, Chad’s behavior continued to reflect his transformation. He ogled women openly, making lewd comments and reveling in the attention he received. His interactions were marked by a blatant disregard for the respect and equality he once fervently championed. Women were now mere playthings, objects for his amusement.

He started filming TikTok videos with the other guys, their content filled with dumb, crude jokes and obnoxious behavior. They staged pranks, made sexist comments, and mocked those who didn’t fit their mold of “real men.” The videos quickly gained traction, their follower count skyrocketing as they played to the lowest common denominator.

One afternoon, as they lounged around a pool, filming yet another video, Chad caught a glimpse of his reflection in the water. For a fleeting moment, the face staring back at him was not just the brash, muscular frat bro but also a faint echo of who he used to be. The guitar-playing, theater-loving advocate for equality and justice. But as quickly as the thought came, it was drowned out by the booming laughter of his new friends and the thrill of their approval.

“Yo, Chad, get over here! We need you for this next prank!” one of them called out.

Chad grinned, letting the remnants of his former self slip away completely. “Coming, bro!” he shouted, rushing over with a swagger.

The transformation was complete. The sweet, compassionate Eric was gone, replaced by a 22-year-old, dumb-as-nails frat bro who lived for parties, crude jokes, and superficial thrills. The Society had molded him into their ideal—a loud, obnoxious figurehead for their new frat house, ready to spread their vision of a “proper” way of life. And Chad embraced it all with open arms, leaving behind any trace of the man he once was.

He now stood tall and broad-shouldered, his muscular frame a testament to hours spent at the gym, sculpting his body into a vision of hyper-masculine strength. His biceps bulged under the tight sleeves of his shirt, and his chest stretched the fabric to its limits.

Gone were the casual, artistic clothes Eric used to favor. Chad’s wardrobe was now a gaudy display of designer brands and ostentatious style. Today, he wore a skin-tight, bright red polo shirt with a large logo emblazoned on the chest, the buttons straining against his broad pectorals. Around his neck hung a heavy, gold cross necklace that gleamed under the light, a symbol of his newfound conservative identity.

His jeans were equally tight, designed to show off his muscular legs and sculpted rear. They were distressed, with strategic rips that highlighted his tan skin. On his feet, he wore expensive, brightly colored sneakers that added an extra inch to his already imposing height. His belt had a large, flashy buckle, the kind that drew attention and signaled his new, brash persona.

Chad’s face had undergone just as dramatic a change. His once gentle, expressive features were now sharp and defined. He sported a meticulously groomed chinstrap beard, a style that framed his jawline and added to his overall look of a stereotypical douchebag. His hair was gelled back in a style that screamed for attention, perfectly complementing his overall appearance.

A pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses often perched on his head or over his eyes, completing the ensemble. His skin had a perpetual tan, either from hours spent in the sun or a tanning booth, further enhancing the look of a man who prioritized appearances above all else.

Chad’s demeanor matched his appearance. He moved with a swagger, his every step exuding confidence and arrogance. His loud, boisterous laughter often filled the room, accompanied by crude jokes and derogatory comments. He reveled in the attention and admiration of his new peers, basking in their approval.

To those who knew Eric, Chad was unrecognizable. The sweet, thoughtful young politician who once championed equality and social justice had been completely replaced. Chad was now the embodiment of the Society's ideal—a straight, Republican douchebag with big muscles, gaudy clothes, a cross necklace, and a chinstrap beard. He lived for the parties, the attention, and the superficial thrills, leaving behind any trace of his former self in the process.

The Society: Chad

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1 year ago

Never bullied again

Body a day - #5: Revenge

Never Bullied Again

Revenge… Feels good, Daniel thought to himself, zipping up the jacket that belonged to his bully Kurtis. There wasn’t much left of Kurtis once Daniel had helped himself to all his attributes. His big chest, his broad shoulders, his toned arms, his firm abs, his strong legs, his clear skin, his lush hair, his perfect vision, his stunning smile, his intoxicating confidence… The list goes on, Daniel had taken it all, except for the look of innocence, that was Daniel's own from the start.

He was never going to get bullied again – ever.

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1 year ago

Mason and the golden skin

A special thanks to @dulafer, who helped me come up with the idea after having hit a minor writer's block Body a day - #14: Battery

Mason had been envious of his classmate Chris since the first day he met him at Colchis University, so much so, that it had become an obsession. He envied him, he envied him so strongly that all he could think about was becoming him. Every thing about Chris, he desired and longed for, so much so that it became unbearable.

Mason And The Golden Skin
Mason And The Golden Skin
Mason And The Golden Skin

One of Mason’s former highschool classmates, Jed, was also studying at Colchis, studying both neurology and engineering. When Mason confessed his feelings towards Chris, Jed became lost in thought. The silence was eerie, but Jed was definitely contemplating Mason’s thoughts.

“If you really could switch places,” Jed said after the very long pause, “would you?” “Yes!” Mason blurted without hesitation. “Even if it meant giving your life to him?” Jed asked. Mason was a bit more reluctant this time, he hadn’t actually considered that, but if he had to swap places with Chris, it made sense, that Chris had to be somewhere else. But there would be no way, that Chris would ever accept that. “I’m sure, I’ll manage…” Mason said nonchalant.

Jed seemed very interested in the conundrum, but more out of curiosity than envy nor desire.

“If I come up with a solution – I want you to do something for me…” Jed said looking up at Mason. “What do you want?” Mason asked. “I want you, or rather you in Chris’s body as my boyfriend.” Mason blushed, “you have a crush on me?” “Maybe,” Jed answered clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable, not even looking at Mason anymore.

“Hey,” Mason began softly, breaking the awkward silence, he walked over to Jed, then pushed Jed’s chin up so that they had eye contact. “If you are really willing to do this for me… Then you might as well call me your boyfriend already,” he said, touched by Jed’s sentiment.

Two semesters later they came up with a prototype for a body-swapping device, technically it was a mind-swapping device. It would carry the full neurological pattern between two brains within a very short distance. Mason had to get Chris somewhere secluded, so that no interference was possible, and he had to take a clean shot. Jed was confident, it would work, but there were many potential risks. The device looked similar to a tablet with a camera attachment, except for the fact that the tablet part mostly consisted of batteries in a series. The device took an unbelievable amount of power, 75% of the device’s weight consisted of the batteries powering it.

Jed somehow managed to arrange a meeting with Chris at a remote part of campus. Mason wouldn’t have been successful if he had tried, after all Chris knew him, but Jed didn’t actually tell Mason, exactly how he managed to convince Chris to turn up at that place. But he did, and armed with the tablet-camera-thingy, Mason was prepared to welcome the unsuspecting Chris, who arrived on his bike.

Mason And The Golden Skin

“What are you doing here?!” Chris drawled as he noticed Mason, “is this some kind of joke?!”

Mason was nervous, almost afraid, but still infatuated and smitten with Chris. Mason let his envy consume him, he took some big steps directly towards Chris, aimed the device at his face, and pressed the button. There was a blinding light, and they both felt like they had been electrocuted, their bodies were shaking, but they couldn’t see anything.

Then Mason could see again, no longer blinded by the light, he could see himself, but from a taller perspective. He wasn’t looking in a mirror, the device had worked.

Mason’s body was still dazed and confused, the device fell out of his hand and hit the ground.

Mason was in awe. Chris’s body was all his, this perfect body was all his. He didn’t get to enjoy the moment for long however, he was ripped out by his stream of consciousness, when he heard his old voice shout at him: “What the hell have you done?!”

Chris had apparently already figured out exactly what had happened, there was a look of pure hatred in his eyes.

Mason’s body picked up the device. “You aren’t getting away with this. I’m gonna take my body back, and then… And then you won’t even live long enough to regret this!” Mason’s voice snarled, his words dripping with loathing and vindictiveness. Mason had a feeling something was wrong, he could smell burnt ‘something’, rubber or plastic maybe, the smell definitely came from the device, it was about to break down. Even a single use had put massive strain on the batteries, the device couldn’t handle another swap.

Mason in Chris’s body froze, blinded by the bright light, but also something else, it was like his mind was clouded by all sorts of unrecognisable impressions.

Mason’s body fell unconscious to the floor, but Mason was still looking at it from Chris’s perspective, he felt a bit of satisfaction seeing his former body collapse. But to make sure nobody would accuse him of anything, he picked up the foul-smelling device and stuffed it in Chris’s bag, then he begrudgingly called an ambulance. Then he went over to his unconscious body and more by instinct than choice began to perform CPR on it, then it dawned on him… He did not know, how to perform CPR, but Chris did. The faulty device must have transferred parts of Chris’s consciousness to him. He was still Mason at heart, he knew that much.

Mason And The Golden Skin

Mason’s body was taken away by the paramedics, as Chris explaining something about having witnessed Mason having a heart attack or something. With the ambulance gone, Mason could finally wrap his head around the other dramatic events. The faulty device had transferred Chris’s memories to him, he wouldn’t have any problem fooling everyone, he didn’t have to pretend to be Chris, he was Chris.

Mason And The Golden Skin

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9 months ago


Part of the new prompt-based writing challenge, hosted by @max-the-many

Body a day II - #1: Flour


To make a beefcake, you need the right kind of flour…

Six weeks ago I was skinny as a twig, but this stuff works wonders. It’s not your average protein powder, this is something far better, far more potent, so it has to be administered carefully.

With a little patience, the results will show soon enough. You can almost hear the sound of the muscles expanding, feeling your body grow ever so slightly. Looking down at your arms as they inflate is incredibly satisfying.


I’ll soon have reached my goal, my ideal body, then I’ll only need ‘the stuff’ to maintain my bulk.

Then the beefcake is done.


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2 years ago

Jock recruitment

There was no light in the locker room, except for one light bulb hanging from the ceiling that flickered from time to time. Three boys remained of a group of at least 40. They had all chained to the benches, and were all drenched in sweat. At least a day had passed with them being there. The first boy, Tyler had slim body build and had black hair which had not been attended. Tyler was sitting down on the floor legs spread out. He had his head down and was crying softly trying to figure out what happened and what was going to happen to him. The second boy, Milo was curled up in the corner frightened to death, he was also a slim body build, who had curly brown hair and wore glasses. The third and final boy, Patrick was severely obese, he had ginger hair and was currently eating all three boy’s meals that were provided by their captors.  

“Why do you eat so much?” Said Tyler

“because food is good, and tasty and lovely and everything to me” replied Patrick speaking with a full mouth

“Look at you though you’re a monster and you’ve definitely put on weight being here”

Patrick definitely had put on weight being there, since eating 15 trays of a weird pink mushy food.  

“Oh looks like the love birds are at it again bro’s” said Jeff mockingly as he entered

“I’m not gay, nor is Milo or Patrick so stop saying it” said Tyler furiously  

“Well not yet, come on then bro’s, Coach says the boys should be ready for dunking and fatso looks big enough” commanded Jeff to his other jocks who had all entered the room.

Two boys moved over to Milo and two went over to Tyler, the rest proceeded to try and lift Patrick up. The two boys at Milo and Tyler unchained them and then restrained them while bringing them into the next room. They were both brought before Coach. Coach was a big broad man in his mid-twenties, he had black hair which was styled as a thick comb over with buzz cut sides.

“well, well Tyler Goodhall and Milo Parsley, you two ready to be dunked….”

“I demand to know what is going on here” shouted Tyler even more furiously

All the Jocks in the room turned their heads to look at Tyler.

“What are you guys looking at, get back tending our new recruits.” Commanded Coach

“Ok Tyler, fine. I need more Jocks to get more funding for sports stuff. So far the deal is if I can find enough people for a football team, a soccer team, and a baseball team, the school will provide enough funding to build facilities for them on site. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough jocks for that so I’m gonna turn you guys and every other nerd into my new Jocks”

Tyler stood in confusion

“Don’t worry all we need to do is pop you in these plastic barrels and let you brew for a bit, and then once you get out, you get a free cap which we will give you and that will remove any bad nerdy thoughts. Now enough of that”

The coach looked at his clip board

“Milo I’m signing you up for Soccer by default but what do you think about doing football as well”

Coach lifted his head and looked at Milo

“ummm….” Said Milo quietly

“Great you will make a fine addition as quarter back and you can mid fielder for soccer. Tyler your being signed up for the same but I want you as the Lacrosse team captain as well”

“Sir I….”

“That’s good that you agree with me son, now boys these two need to be stripped down”

Immediately Jeff and three other boys proceeded to remove Tyler and Milo’s clothing. The boys wanted to do something but these jocks would knock them out instantly. Tyler looked over and saw Patrick fatter than usual sitting on the floor being given an odd red sweet by Coach, Jeff quickly slapped Tyler so he would look forward. Once all their clothes were removed they were given dirty musky jockstraps to put on.

“Ok boys you look ready to go”

“Sir…” Tyler and Milo said in sync

“Oh that reminds me I forgot one thing. Well you see I’ve got all these Jocks. Well they’re very straight and I can see that you both are also very straight too…”

“HUH I TOLD YOU I WASN’T FAG JEFF” shouted Tyler at Jeff

The room fell silent everyone’s eyes fell on Tyler.  

“Bro, that’s like homophobic” Said Jeff  

“You kept joking about it though”

“Joking bro, Joking. We maybe big buff bro’s but we’re not homophobes bro. Isn’t that right Tom?”

“Are saying Tom the Soccer captain is gay” Said Tyler butting in before Tom could speak

“Yes Tyler, Tom the Soccer captain is gay” replied Coach

“But I thought…”

“It doesn’t matter we will wipe out that homophobia from your head and well….”

“Well, what?”

“I need more diversity in the department and like…. well the school is 99% white, we got to make sure we can show some diversity, to get more teammates and more funding”

“what?” Tyler was still confused

“You and Milo are gonna be the new gay bro’s” Said Jeff sharply

“Thank you, Jeff. You are my best number 2”

“Thanks Sir” Jeff replied happily

“now that’s enough time wasted. Get these boys jocked up and then dumbed down”  

Jeff and Tom moved to pick up Tyler. They both had a hand on his back and one his legs, they proceeded to effortlessly pick him up. Tyler began to panic and squirm.

“Ok guys. I know this is some sort of prank but I’m scared now. please put me down”

The boys ignored his plea’s.

“Ok I’m sorry I was Homophobic earlier Tom it wasn’t me I’m not like that but please I don’t want to be Gay it’s just not me”

The boys continued to ignore him. They reached the barrel. Inside was water with cum in it. It had a strong musky smell. Tom and Jeff lowered his legs into the water and slowly slid the rest of him in. The water was cold and deeper then Tyler expected. Once in Tyler was on his knee’s trying to stay above the water.

“P…pp…pp…please” cried Tyler one last time

“One hour that’s all bro” said Jeff

Jeff gave a big grin and put the lid over the plastic barrel, Tyler was now in complete darkness.


Patrick was sitting comfortably on the floor in utter bliss. He didn’t care that he was now unnaturally fat to the point he should be dead, but Coach gave him that magic red sweet and all his pains and worries disappeared. His breathing started getting heavier. Slowly his insides started feeling weird, like they were lighter and not attached to him. Suddenly he felt empty inside. He began coughing manically, he could feel something coming up and out of his mouth, he caught and pulled it out. In Patrick’s hand was a clean, brand new Soccer top. He felt slightly confused before his eyes suddenly closed. his skin felt all tingly for thirty seconds before being nothing. All thought and feeling that was Patrick had now stopped.


1 hour Later

As Jeff and Tom lifted the lid of the barrel Tyler shot out of it. He was terrified but also strong, much stronger than he was before. He looked down over his body. He was buff as fuck now. He had abs, a big chest, big hands with muscly arms. His legs were also way more muscly and even though he couldn’t see them, his feet felt bigger. Jeff held a mirror up to his face. His face was more jock like and his hair was now better, instead of being unstyled and messy, it was now spiked up with short sides.  

“What have you done to me?” He said not realizing he had a new deeper voice

“Coach told you. We jocked you all up”  

Tyler looked around and saw Milo. He too was now buff, and his hair was styled in the same way as his. Tyler was slightly excited about this as he didn’t think any different than before, maybe they weren’t gonna make him a dumb gay Jock and just buff him up and make him play some sports. In his excitement he looked for Patrick but couldn’t see him anywhere.

“Where’s Patrick”

“Over there, there and there” Jeff pointed to three different neat piles of sports kits on tables.

Tyler looked at Jeff confused.

“Really bro, and you thought I was the dumb one. We turned fatso into our new sports uniform. That’s why we fattened him up so much, so there would be enough for all of you”

Tyler focused on the piles of clothes, and entered a trance. How did this happen?, what was going on?  

“Tyler, Tyler, TYLER” Shouted Jeff

Tyler snapped out of his trance and looked at Jeff. Jeff placed a cap on Tyler’s head. It felt weird at first, but a relaxed feeling came over him. Jeff spun it round backwards, the relaxed feeling became even better.

“Come on now Bro, out you get bro”

Tyler obeyed. Wait what? Tyler didn’t do shit for Jeff, Jeff was his intellec… his intel.. his in…., his Bro. Jeff and Tyler had always been Bro’s.  

Slowly the cap on Tyler’s head drained away any of his intelligence.

Tyler thought of all the cool stuff he would do with his new body, how he could party with his bro’s, play sports, and serve Coach. Then he remembered about Lily, she was the fittest, coolest girl in the school and he wanted to…. to get to know her as a friend, as he remembered that he wasn’t in to chicks. He remembered that his first crush was Tom, the soccer team captain and another gay bro. He remembered being fully accepted by all the bro’s in the school and by Coach. And Coach, he remembered him as his king, Tyler would do anything, whenever Coach wanted no questions asked.

Tyler walked over and picked up his soccer uniform. It looked Spectacular. Woah that was a big word, looks like some big words haven’t been drained.

Tyler tightly readjusted his cap and squeezed out what little intelligence he had left.

He felt the big words go and got changed in to his new uniform and went out to start his football training. Life for Tyler was gonna be so much more Lit now.    

Jock Recruitment

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2 years ago

Jock recruitment part 2: An unlucky group fall to Coach

There was chaos in the halls as Cody entered school. People all around him moving in all directions.  He got to his locker and got out his books. He waited for a bit for his friend Tyler. Little did he know that Tyler had now become a jock. Tyler didn’t arrive, so Cody went on to class. Cody sat down and waited to begin. A big jock came in, he had a usual jock cap and clothing style. He came over and sat in Tyler’s seat. Cody was confused. Who was this big jock sitting in his best friend’s seat.

“Umm I don’t know if you know but that’s my friend’s seat” whispered Cody

“nah its ok bro, I’m sure he’s fine with-it bro”  

“That’s Tyler’s seat though”

“I am Tyler bro”

“Tyler’s not a big guy like you though”

“I am now, Cody. I remember you, how you wet yourself on your own bday, bro”

How would he know that? Cody was shocked and put in his place, he sat quietly for the rest of the lesson when class finished Tyler left Cody alone. Cody decided to follow Tyler and see how he changed. The first thing he saw was his knew group of friends. He hung out with typical jocks and the girls that followed them about. He saw him talking with lily his crush. He thought lily must have changed him somehow, but then Tom came in and sat down next to Tyler. He put his arm around him, pulled him in and then they kissed. This was odd, Tyler had always been a bit homophobic, he didn’t go out of his way to mock gay people, but he mentioned feeling uncomfortable around them. Then milo came in, he too was a massive jock. He used to be the quiet kid, now he was relatively chatty, what’s weirder was that the pair were signed up for many different sports teams.

“you looking at your friends” came an effeminate voice

Cody turned to see Jasper. Jasper was a small boy, he was thin despite doing minimal exercise, he had short brown hair that had been styled nicely, he loved doing acting and would audition when given the chance. Cody and Tyler previously disliked Jasper, he was effeminate and gay.

“My best friend Charlie, he was a small guy like me, then suddenly became like them two days ago. He decided to throw a football at me and then said ‘acting is for girls’, he’s never done anything like that to me before and he’s never been sporty in his life before”

“You guys lost someone too”

Another nerdier voice came from the side. It was Harry. He was a nerd who played league of legends most of his time. He was a little bit bigger than Jasper, but he had a small belly, he had blonde hair which was unstyled, his face was pale and spotty and he had unfashionable glasses.

“My friend Gabe was turned like 4 days ago. But it’s like kids are here fine one day then the next they’re jocks.”

“We need to figure out what’s going on” replied Cody

“Usually the guys that turn get some kind of detention from coach, I think it’s after school, there’s like a group of ten staying later, all from coach” Said Jasper

“Then we need to come in after school find, out and report it” said Cody firmly  


The boys finished their lessons for the day. They met up in the toilets and remained until they were certain everyone had left, except for the kids in afterschool detention. They made their way over to class block C where they were held by coach. They looked around a corner and saw the last kids for detention enter the classroom. They were a mix of nerds, quiet kids and drama students.

“they’re all non-jocks, how could coach gain all these kids from different classes? I thought he only did sport?” Asked Cody

“He did until certain teachers went ill, then he covered their lessons. Yesterday he took over drama class” replied Jasper

As the last boy entered the room went dark all the blinds went down. Flashing lights came from the screen.  Four jocks including Jeff and Tyler came out and stood outside by the door.

“What do you think of this new batch, bro’s?” said Tyler

“They look good, Cory in particular, might be a suitable for lacrosse or maybe another soccer bro” replied another jock

“shut up Jason. We know you only think about Cory cos your single and need a BF, bro” said Tyler

The jocks all laughed at Jason, who went quiet.

“It’s ok, bro. I’m sure you will find a suitable, bro boyfriend. Coach is always looking for more gay bro’s. He said their special cos they bring in more money.” Said Jeff

“Anyway though, what about the rest of the guys” said Tyler

“I think the drama students would make good soccer bro’s and the League nerd at the back can join the Lacrosse team” replied Tyler

Cody had seen enough he turned around and moved past Jasper and Harry. He moved over to the nearby toilet, he looked behind him, Jasper was still staring at the jocks.

“Jasper come over” whispered Cody  

Jasper saw and went over. The boys entered the bathroom and quietly discussed.

“what were you thinking Jasper?” said Cody

“I’m sorry, I can’t stop looking at Jeff something about him makes me not want to look away” replied Jasper

“probs because you’re gay and you like him” said Cody  

Jasper decided not to respond to that, it was too dangerous and there was movement outside. The boys stopped and put their ears to the door.

“Ok bro’s walk down the corridor until you get to the wall then stop” commanded Jeff

Marching abruptly began down the corridor. As it died down they left. at the far end of the corridor the detention students stood in a single file line staring at the wall. The boys followed them down but went down a different corridor that would take them to a point so that they could see from the side. The kids were all standing zombie like, staring at the wall waiting to be ordered. A panel in the wall opened and bright light shone from within. Jeff commanded them all to go into this room and one by one the kids slowly made their way in. The boys videoed everything, once the jocks and the kids had gone they got together and talked.

“What the fuck is going on? We’re gonna be turned into zombies before being turned into jocks. I don’t want to be a Jock” Cried Harry, almost panicking

“Calm down we have evidence we can get this sorted, we now just need to get out” said Cody

“Yeah let’s bring it in and show everyone tomorrow” replied Jasper

“But… but what about in the room we need to try show that, what’s actually happening. Otherwise people will assume it’s just a joke” Cried Harry again now fully panicking

“Jasper go check the door, I will calm Harry down”

Jasper went around the corner to the nearby exit.

“OH GOD I’M GOING TO BE A JOCK, I DON’T WANT TO BE A JOCK” shouted Harry in panic

“CALM DOWN YOU MORON” shouted Cody

Harry was silenced abruptly. The boys stood in silence.

“Bad news guys, doors are all locked” said Jasper quietly

Cody looked at Jasper with anger.

“how can they be locked? It’s a school they should just open”  

“I don’t know?”

As Cody and Jasper argued Harry felt eyes watching him from the darkness. Fully panicked now. He ran in silence into the darkness, hoping to find a hiding spot. Instead he felt hands grab him, like he had just run into five jocks, which he had. He was silenced and brought into another room. Outside Jasper and Cody called out for Harry but no answer came.

“This is your fault” said Cody

“How?” cried Jasper, upset and panicking now

“you should have just told me quietly or tried harder to open the door. You know Tyler was right about you poofs, absolutely useless!” Said Cody angrily, he then marched off leaving Jasper on his own

Jasper with a combination of panic and insult and fear Jasper sat down and started getting emotional, he had a panic attack on the floor and began crying. He sat there for at least 2 minutes, before he felt a presence reach out to him in the darkness. As it got closer, he felt calmer. The same feeling, he feels when looking at Jeff. Two massive hunks sit down next to him and put their arms on him. It was Jeff and Charlie.

“What’s wrong, bro? Stop crying, you can trust me bro” said Jeff

“I’m useless” said Jasper now not crying, he obeyed Jeffs commands

“Yes, yes you are bro. But we can fix that now, get up and come with us bro” said Charlie

Jasper got up and the jocks walked him over to the wall. The panel opened and he walked in on request of Jeff. The lights were blinding, he put a hand over his eyes to block it out. He felt the light fade, he was grabbed by two jocks either side of him. He looked around the room. There were at least forty blue barrels all with kids in them.  

“What… what is this?”

“Ahhh Jasper Lewis, waiting for you. In honest I was going to get you on Thursday but better now then never” Said Coach, all excited

Jasper looked around and saw a barrel near him that said ‘Harry Penfold’.  

“What…. is this?” he repeated

“This? This is my dipping chamber, I dip nerds and other non-jocks, in my special mixture and an hour later, A fully obedient, sporty, jock arises. They forget their old selves and embrace the personality and life I give them. But don’t you worry, all we need to discuss is your new sporting career at school”

Coach looked down at his clipboard.

“Ah great! I’m putting you down for Soccer and football. But let’s make you focus on football I think. What do you think?”

Jasper looked at coach with complete defeat. He was lost he didn’t know what to do, until an odd feeling arose while next to Jeff.  

“Wait sir, maybe instead of soccer I can be on a swim team?”

“Good thinking, a swim team, well that’s another reason to get more nerds. One last thing before you get dipped. Your gay and your friends Harry and Cody aren’t, since you have been so calm for this process I will let you decide which one I couple you with”


“I can alter many aspects of people including sexuality, so far, I have Tyler, Tom and Milo as out bros. More out athletes are more money for us meaning more sports facilities and recruits.”  

“I see sir, then I choose Cody” said Jasper with a hint of cockiness in him. That bastard will now pay for insulting him.

“Ok good. I wait to see you on the other side. Jeff dunk him”

Jeff picked up Jasper, who had now given in. He was popped in the barrel and squashed down until his head was just above the murky water.

“one-hour bro” said Jeff as Jasper calmly accepted his fate

“now to get your friend”  


 Cody was running through dark corridors, he knew he was being followed.

“Who’s there”  

Cody looked all around him. He couldn’t see anyone. He moved around the corner to the main entrance corridor, these doors were always open and monitored by CCTV 24/7. Now he could make his escape, he ran with all his strength, which wasn’t very much. As he got half way there, he heard running behind him. He looked back five jocks appeared behind him still far away, but running towards him. As he neared the door he put out his arm to reach the door. He attempted to open it, but it was locked, he was shocked. He looked up, all the cameras were switched off. He turned around and all five jocks lunged at him bringing him to the floor. They brought him to the dunking room, to Coach kicking and screaming.

“well, after Jasper and Harry were so good, you just go and ruin my night” said Coach

“You won’t get away with this”

“I think I will, anyway I’m done talking for tonight, boys silence him”

Jeff put his hand over Cody’s mouth stopping him from making any comprehensible noises.

“Good, well let’s see. Yep. Your down for Lacrosse, Soccer and I’m putting you on the swim team as well. They ok for you”

“MMMMMPPHHHHHRRRR” Cody tried to make a noise but that was all he could get out.

“Great, boys you know what to”

The boys picked up Cody and walked him over to a nearby barrel which was open.  

“Ok guys, this not ok. I don’t want to be a jock, please”

The boys ignored him, they put him in the barrel, the water paralyzed Cody where it touched, but he still resisted.

“No no no no no no, I don’t want to become a dumb jock like you guys” he said as the boys pushed him down into the barrel. As he was fully in and ready for conversion he looked up at Jeff and pleaded one last time.

“Please, I like being a nerd, I can write all your homework if you want”

“I don’t care bro, you will join us and you will do as Coach asks, bro”

Jeff aggressively put the lid on and left Cody in to brew.


As the lid was removed from Cody’s barrel, he stayed in it, paralyzed until Tyler and Jasper got him out and stood him up. Control over his body came back to him quickly. He looked down over him and saw his transformation. His feet had gone from size 8 to size 11, he had packed on muscle to his legs, he had abs and he was hung, two massive pecs dominated his upper body, and down his arms to the tips of his fingers his body packed muscle. He looked around and saw everyone else was and they all had jock caps on backwards. They all conversed in ‘bro’ style language. Why were they all dumb and he not? Either way he played along.  

“Hey Jasper bro”

“How do you feel bro”

“like a bro”

“odd you shouldn’t be one yet bro, and did coach tell you what’s happening between us bro”


“ok well you’re my boyfriend now bro”

“What you can’t do that, fucking fag, no I won’t do that”

Charlie and Jeff restrained him lightly.

“Don’t worry bro, you’re gonna be chill about it now” Jasper put a cap on Cody’s head. Instantly he became calmer and more relaxed

“You chill bro”

“yeah bro”

Jasper spun the hat around and patted him on the head squeezing the cap down as far as it would go. As it squeezed on his hair tingled. His intelligence dropped sharply, nerdy interests faded and replaced by sports interests and techniques, party life and bro hobbies like working out now dominated his mind. He thought about his new cool body and what he could do with it. He looked at Jasper and he became instantly in love with him, he forgot his nerdy straight life and embraced a new gay masculine life with Jasper. He saw him now as his boyfriend, and saw everyone else as his bro. Although Coach, he was his master, whatever Coach wanted he would obey. He was now a dumb jock and he would never return to his former life.

“You’re a bro now, bro” said Jasper

“I am your bro now, bro” replied Cody lovingly  

“Oh, babe you’re such a flirt, bro”

“I know bro, but it’s because I’m so in love with you bro” Cody leaned over and kissed Jasper

Jock Recruitment Part 2: An Unlucky Group Fall To Coach

Cody looked in the mirror at his new body, his new life before leaving for training. Life for the nerds was definitely going to be more lively than before, partying, sports, sex and of course turning other nerds into jocks.

Jock Recruitment Part 2: An Unlucky Group Fall To Coach

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6 months ago
The Cycle

The Cycle

The Golden Army is more than just a team; it’s a cycle that begins with a seed. You might catch a glimpse of them practicing on the field, or perhaps stumble upon a Tumblr post promoting them. Maybe you encounter them at a recruitment drive, casually intrigued by their energy and charisma. You might brush it off, go about your day, and think little of it, but that brief encounter has already planted the seed.

As days pass, the seed takes root and begins to grow. The Golden Army starts to occupy your thoughts more and more. No matter how much you try to shake the feeling, their presence lingers in your mind. The more you resist, the stronger the pull becomes. The seed is maturing, thriving on your curiosity and desire.

Eventually, the seed blossoms into an irresistible urge. You find yourself seeking out the Golden Army, unable to deny the call any longer. When you finally meet them, they greet you with knowing smiles, recognizing the familiar look in your eyes. They lead you to the locker room, where you’re presented with a uniform that seems to be made just for you.

As soon as you slip into the jersey, a transformation takes hold. Your body shifts—perhaps you grow taller, your muscles swell, or your physique sharpens into peak athletic form. The old you fades away, replaced by a new identity, one that perfectly embodies the jock you’ve become.

Your old name is forgotten, replaced by a new one that suits your new life on and off the field. And if you weren’t already, you now find yourself fully embracing your attraction to your fellow teammates. The thought of “celebrating” after a hard-fought victory fills you with a rush of excitement that’s impossible to ignore.

The flower has bloomed, and with it comes the promise of new seeds, ready to be planted in the minds of others. The cycle continues, as it always has, drawing more into the Golden Army’s embrace.

The Cycle

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