NSFW - If you are under the age of 18, please leave this page. This page is where I vomit all the random ideas in my head into text form - muscle theft, body swap, possession, muscle growth, and more. If you are a fan of my work, feel free to shout me a coffee over at https://ko-fi.com/betweenthelines.
49 posts
Short Story: Come On Babe
Short Story: Come on babe
Calm down babe. What do you mean you saw a skinny guy break into the apartment on the door cam? Does it look like anyone else is here? Besides, if someone did break in, do you really think they’d be able to get past a guy as big as me? Just look at how big my arms are, I’d like to see anyone try and take me on.
Why are there candles on the floor? Ignore them, I was just tidying up. I swear babe, there’s no one else here, no need to check. And the handcuffs on the bed? They’re a gift from a friend, in case we want to do a little role-play.
So what if I’m rubbing my chest? It’s my chest, I can do what I want with it. I just love how my pecs fill out this t shirt. Just forget about it babe. I know it’s just you showing how much you care but I don’t need my twink boyfriend to protect me. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, come on, give me a hug. I know how much you like it when I wrap my arms around you like this, pulling you close to my chest, protecting you from the outside world. Yeah, I’m a bit sweaty, I had a bit of a workout just before you came home. But I know my BO drives you wild.
It feels so good when you grind against my crotch like that. The thought of ploughing your perky little ass is making me so hard babe. I love how my huge hands are so big that cover both of your perky ass cheeks. Fuck your hole looks so good. Just relax babe, I’m going to go in slow. Damn, your ass is so tight. I can’t believe you can take this monster balls deep. It's like your ass was made for my cock. Shit, you're close already? I feel like I can keep going for hours. Knowing I can give someone so much pleasure is such a turn-on. Fuck, you're cumming already, and haven't even touched your dick. I knew you’d forget about that skinny guy once I gave you something else to moan about. I know I have.

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More Posts from Betweenthelinesmtf
Short Story: Spotter
Devon was annoyed. His gym buddy Corey had ditched on their usual late-night gym session, so he didn’t have his usual spotter. This wouldn’t phase most people, they’d just mix up their routine a bit and avoid some of the heavier lifts. But with the colossal weight that Devon pushed around, he definitely needed a spotter.
Devon was a powerlifter. His genetics had blessed him with a solid, powerful frame that exuded strength and masculinity. He thrived on the feeling of blood rushing through his muscles as he threw around colossal amounts of weight. The feeling of blood coursing through his thick veins after each lift was almost orgasmic for him. His body craved the rush of being pushed to the limit. Even though he had just turned 21, pushing his body to the limit had helped him develop strong, thick muscles across his powerful frame.
Not wanting to waste a lifting session he loaded up a bar in the rack and got into a squat position. “Hey man, did you need a spot?” a voice asked quietly behind him. Devon turned to see a small man looking up at him expectantly. The man was skinny as a rail, with soft, boyish features. “Nah, I think I’m good dude” said Devon, “Not sure how much help a little guy like you could be”. With that Devon got back into position and took the weight off the rack, resting it across his huge back and traps.
As he went down into the squat position, he felt the weight shift suddenly to the side. “Fuck”, Devon cursed as he struggled beneath the overloaded bar. He had clearly bitten off more than he could chew. Blood was coursing through his thick veins to fuel his muscles as he tried to catch his balance and right the bar. The muscles in his neck were bulging and rippling under the strain. His face grew red and he began to sweat profusely as pressure built up in his body.

Suddenly, the man from before appeared in front of him. Unable to speak, Devon made shaky eye contact. As he stared deeply into the mans piercing blue eyes, his own eyes pleaded for help. “Let me take that off your hands,” the smaller man said as he reached up towards Devon’s head. Devon noticed a small silver band the man's finger, as the man the took both his small hands and placed one on each of Devon’s temples. The moment the man's slender fingers touched Devon's skin, a dark cloud began to pour out of his mouth. It hung in the air for a second before it began to rush into Devon's mouth and nose. As he smoke poured into him, Devon felt a sudden release. All of the pressure in his body seemed to rush to his head and out of through the points of contact where the man was touching him. It felt like his whole being was rushing out of his body, and his vision momentarily went black.
After a few seconds, his vision returned, and he realised he was looking up at his own face. Confused, he looked at his hands to find a pair of slender dainty fingers where his usual thick calloused ones would be. Horrified he looked down and saw he had a pale, thin body, that was swimming in a small sized t shirt. His attention snapped back to his own body in front of him as it let out a guttural roar. His body surged upwards, forcing the heavy weight back onto the rack in an astonishing display of power. “Fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!” his old body said as he pumped his swollen arms.
Devon could only watch on in horror as his body made its way over to one of the gym mirrors, peeling off his sweat-drenched tee as he went. “It worked, I’m perfect,” his body said as it groped his swollen muscles. As the imposter flexed his colossal form, Devon felt himself grow painfully aroused. A slight moan escaped from his lips and he released a pathetic load into his shorts.

The imposter was snapped out of his trance by the noise and turned to look at Devon. “I would have done the same thing, being so close to this”, he said as he gestured towards his impressive form. Devon’s senses were assaulted by the scent coming off the larger man as he made his way towards him. The hulking form appeared to grow bigger and bigger as he approached. Devon was mesmerised by the bulge inside the imposter's gym shorts as it it slapped between his meaty quads as he walked.
He slowly walked up to Devon, until the larger man was staring down at him, Devon level with the man's sweat soaked pecs. “I’ll be taking that”, the imposter said as he bent down and pulled the silver band off Devon's finger. The ring looked comically small in his former body's giant hands. The imposter slipped the ring into his pocket and pumped his biceps. “Fuck, I think these puppies still want to go”, he said as he stretched his swollen arms. The imposter made his way towards the free weights area before turning back at Devon. “Want to give me a spot?” he said with a wink.

1 month later
Devon Jones was eating his breakfast at his kitchen counter while scrolling through social media. He was shirtless as always - he hardly wore a shirt all around the house, preferring to have his impressive physique visible at all times unless he was taking a snap for one of brand sponsors. As he brought another spoonful to his mouth, the curve of his bicep caught his eye. He just loved the way the slight movement made the muscle heave and flex. He sifted his weight on the kitchen stool slightly as he rearranged his package. The small bar-stool that he was sitting on groaned under his colossal weight as he palmed his growing erection through his shorts.

His attention was snapped back to his laptop by the sound of a notification. It was from the man dressed in black. You’re behind schedule was all the message said. “Ohh fuck” Devon said out loud. He didn't want to risk angering his handler. He quickly jumped onto Instagram and typed up a caption to accompany a recent photo he had taken at the gym.

"Working. Growing. Improving. Real Men know their faults and work to better themselves. They don't sit around at home leeching off the hard work of others. Let’s grow together. 💪🦍"
Within seconds of posting, Devon's notifications lit up with comments and likes. But Devon wasn’t paying attention. One hand had slipped into his lounge shorts and was massaging his swollen member, while the other roamed the fullness of his colossal chest. A deep moan escaped his mouth as he worshiped his own form.
From the other side of the webcam, the man dressed in black watched on. His first asset had turned out to be an incredible success. Now it was time to move to phase 2 of the project.
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Short Story: Regifting
“Thanks so much for the shorts bro, they’re easily the best present I’ve ever received”, Doug said, as he relaxed his body by the pool. Cory couldn’t believe he had been so stupid.
Earlier in the day, his dorky flatmate Doug had surprised him with a container of expensive protein as a Christmas gift. Cory didn’t really think they were close enough to be on gift-giving terms, but not wanting to appear ungrateful, he quickly rummaged through his bag to find something to give to his skinny flatmate. Folded in the bottom of his bag was the pair of gaudy pink shorts that his father had given him for Christmas the day earlier.
Cory was the youngest of a family of hulking athletic men. He assumed that one day, his superior genetics would kick in and turn his body from a toned, athletic physique into one that was absolutely massive. It was Christmas day, and to Cory’s horror, his father had gifted him a pair of skimpy pink gym shorts. His hulking brothers acted as if it was the best present in the world, cheering and slapping him on the back with their huge hands to congratulate him on his present. But it was all lost on Cory. Why would he want some gross pair of pink shorts? Cory pulled out the shorts and threw them at Doug “Merry Christmas man, sorry I didn’t get round to wrapping them”.
“These are great!” beamed Doug as he admired the shorts, “I’ll throw them on and we can go for a swim”. Cory was relieved his deception had gone unnoticed. As Doug went to his room to get changed, Cory pulled out his phone and noticed there were dozens of confusing messages in his family group chat. Did you try them on yet? How did it feel bro? I remember when Dad gave me my stringer, it was sick! Make sure you send us an after picture big guy! “What are they on about?“ he said to himself as he scrolled through the chat.
The sound of heavy footsteps pulled his attention away from his phone. Had someone broken into the apartment? He rounded the corner to smack face-first into a pair of meaty pecs. Dazed, he looked up to find a smirk on Doug’s goofy face. Wait, why was he looking up? His view shifted down to see that Doug’s head was attached to a wide neck, flanked by impossibly thick traps and shoulders. Moving down, a huge chest and lats forced massive arms away from a ripped torso, each brick hard and clearly defined. Meaty thighs tightly filled out the pink pair of gym shorts, exposing the outline of a sizable bulge, the tip of which poked out one of the leg holes. Thick calves and huge feet rounded out the colossal figure in front of him.
“Cory, Cory!”. Doug snapped back to the present, greeted by the sight of Doug flexing his traps on the side of the pool. “As I was saying, it turns out that chick from the apartment across from ours is a real size queen, just seeing my package made her so wet, she practically slipped over as she dragged me into the pool shed!” Doug laughed, causing his pecs to bounce and flex. Cory still couldn't believe what happened. “Hey bro, I think I’m going to need that protein back”, Doug rumbled in his deep baritone “it was a gift from my sister, and it feels bad to regift a present from family!”

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Short Story: Change of Plan (New Year's Eve)
“I shaw yous” Kelsey slurred as she drunkenly pointed a finger at Joey. Joey stared nervously at his feet, his meaty toes spilling over his size 12 flip-flops. Size 14s must be hard to come by. “Saw what?” he said, keeping his voice low to try and deescalate the situation. “Three went into the bathroom (hic), but only two came out,” Kelsey slurred again trying to keep her balance. Shit, he’d been caught.
Joey turned up to the New Year's Eve party with a purpose. Throughout high school, Mark had made his life a living hell. Always being small for his age had made Joey an easy target for Mark, a jock was always taller and more muscular than his peers. It started with Mark roughing up Joey in freshman year but turned nasty when Mark found out Joey was gay. Roughhousing turned into outright venom, each punch laden with malice. “Your kind doesn’t belong here queer,” Mark would threaten before proceeding to punch Joey painfully in the gut. The beatings were so bad that no other guy in their high school would dare come out of the closet for fear of incurring Mark’s wrath.
But tonight that would change. Before everyone went their separate ways after high school, Mark decided to throw a massive New Years' party. One last time to survey his kingdom before he went off to college. Whilst not strictly invited, Jacob blended into the mass of intoxicated teens as just another face in the crowd. He scanned the room for Mark’s bulky frame. He spied the bully talking to his fellow jocks over by the keg, a cheerleader hanging off each arm. Joey moved closer, being careful not to draw attention. “Sorry girls, I gotta take a slash,” Mark said as he excused himself from the group and made his way upstairs. Joey moved closely behind Mark as he used the bulk of his wide shoulders to push his way through the crowd.
Joey marvelled at Mark’s physique from behind. Years of sports had built an impressive amount of muscle on his teenage frame. But soon all that hard work would have been for Joey’s benefit. Joey came from a line of powerful men. His family tree was made up of politicians, business leaders, and star athletes. But none of them were born that way. When each male in his bloodline turned 18, they would take over the life of another. The eldest son in a wealthy family, the valedictorian, and the school's top athlete were all common targets. By taking over the lives of truly talented individuals, his family had grown to wield immense influence across the globe. And this New Years' Eve, Joey had turned 18.
Mark slammed open the door to the toilet and began undoing his fly. Joey quickly slipped inside before the door closed. He had Mark alone and now was his chance. He had begun to mumble the incantation when the door slammed open, pinning him painfully against the bathroom wall. “Move it Turd, I need to take a leak,” barked a deep voice that Joey didn’t recognise. “Bro, I’m already going, just wait,” Mark complained, his voice sounding higher pitched than normal. “I don’t care little bro, get out of my fucking way,” the stranger's voice ordered. With that, he heard a quick scuffle and Mark’s panicked grunts as the jock was thrown painfully out of the room. As the door slammed shut, Joey was greeted with a sight that made him gasp. While Mark had the muscle tone of a teenage athlete, this man had the bulk of a seasoned gym rat. A man who spent hours in the gym building layers of thick muscle and lifting colossal amounts of weight,
He had to be at least 5 inches taller than Mark, and well over 50 pounds of muscle heavier. One colossal arm was braced on the wall in front of the man, steadying his bulky, singlet-covered frame, while the other wrangled a massive cock that hung so low, Joey could see it between the man’s legs as it sprayed a powerful stream of piss.
Glancing into the basin mirror, Joey could make out the profile of a face that appeared to be an older, more chiseled version of Mark’s. Joey realised that the hulk in front of him must be Mark’s older brother, Jake, who had left for college a few years ago. It looked like Jake had spent every moment of his college life taking roids and growing his body. Joey smiled to himself, he had been thinking too small. Why take over Mark’s life, when he could get revenge by taking over his bigger, older brother's life and using it to make his life a living hell? Joey smiled to himself and walked slowly towards the bigger man. He began to utter the incantation under his breath. Joey felt his body tingle as it disintegrated, leaving a spectral version of himself behind. As he neared the giant’s wide back, his spiritual form grew to match Jake’s larger stature. Pleasure flooded Joey’s form as he made contact with Jake’s wide back. He momentarily hugged the muscular frame in front of him, before it began to pull him in. He felt his spirit expand within its new flesh, growing to fill each muscular limb.
Joey felt flashes of ecstasy as he began to feel a wave of new sensations. The fabric of the singlet pulled tight across his pecs and traps. The toes of his heavy feet touching the cool bathroom floor. The hot stream of piss coursing out of his massive cock.
Jake moaned as he took full control of his new form. Using his free hand, he began to stroke his growing cock, as it surged to a full erection. With each long powerful stroke, waves of pleasure shot through his body. He turned to look in the bathroom mirror admiring the beauty and masculinity of his new form. The muscles in his powerful arm twitched as he approached climax. He leaned further towards the wall as his throbbing cock unleashed volley after volley of cum straight into the toilet.
As Joey basked in post-orgasmic bliss, he marvelled at his new hulking form. How his huge pecs heaved up and down with each breath. How his massive shoulders spilled out of the sides of his gym singlet. How a single thick vein pulsed down each of his huge biceps. He gasped as he lifted his singlet exposing his powerful core. While some skinny guys had abs, simply due to having low body fat, Joey now had 8 solid bricks of pure power jutting from his core.
Joey dropped to the floor and quickly did 50 perfect push-ups, his chest and arms developing a solid pump. As he got back to his feet, he lifted his arm and took a sniff of his hairy armpit, revealing in the manly stench his new body made. He put his semi-hard cock down one of the legs of his shorts, noting how its length slapped against his quad as he walked. He pulled open the door and left the bathroom, ready to begin his new life.
“That loser went into the bathroom and then you (hic), you came out of the bathroom grinning like you won the fucking lottery” Kelsey slurred as she poked Joey in his heavy chest. Joey’s mind raced as he tried to come up with an explanation. But then it hit him. He wasn’t Joey anymore. He was Jake. And Jake demanded respect. “This bitch is fucking hammered,” Jake laughed, pushing Kelsey away. “TAXI!”, he yelled across the party as Kelsey drunkenly lost her footing and collapsed to the floor.
“TAXI! TAXI!” chanted the crowd as Jake turned, the sea of people naturally parting to make way for his huge frame. He made his way to the keg, downing a drink or two along the way as people fought for his attention. Girls fawning over his muscles. Young jocks asking how much he benched. But he had his mind set on one thing. “Oh hey little bro,” he said as he towered over Mark.

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Short Story: A new fitness industry
“Can we take a before photo for a gram first?” the annoying rich kid asked in a nasal tone. “Sure thing man!” Jace said, feigning enthusiasm as he mimed a fist bump, making sure to flex his bicep to the camera.

Jace used to love coming to bodybuilding conventions. He had fond memories of being able to strut around the show floor showing off his hard-earned physique to admirers, getting free swag from all the sponsors that were begging him to post a picture of their product to his socials, and taking a booth babe or two back to his hotel afterwards. Those were the days.
But with the invention of mind chips, that all had changed. Invented as part of a shady defense programme, mind chips allowed users to stream their consciousness to another person’s body, effectively allowing two individuals to swap bodies as long as the chips were switched on. While initially used for military and intelligence purposes, a private company named MindStream offered well-off individuals a chance to inhabit the body of their dreams. Bodybuilding shows like this one turned into meat markets, where those willing to pay could walk the show floor as their favourite fitness influencers.
Jace hated using a MindStream. While sex wasn’t allowed, he had come back to his body last year to find his dick rubbed raw after his swap partner had spent the whole convention furiously jerking himself off for the entire day. But the pay was just too good and he needed the money to fuel his campaign for his next shot at the Olympia title.
So here he was again, taking a photo with Danny, the skinny 18 year old son of some software tycoon that would have control of his body for the next 8 hours. “Shall we do this then?” Jace grumbled. He wanted to get the day over and done with as soon as he could. “Hell yeah man!” Danny replied enthusiastically as he pulled out his phone and opened the MindStream app. “Do you mind?” Danny asked, holding out his expensive-looking phone to Jace, “I can’t reach the chip past your traps”. Jace scoffed and snatched the phone out of his hands before holding it up against the back of his neck. He then roughly grabbed the boy by the shoulder and pushed his head down so he could scan the chip on the back of his head. Once both chips had been scanned, a dialog box opened, asking the two to consent to the stream. Danny accepted immediately, and looked up at Jace, eagerly waiting for him to do the same. Danny sighed and clicked the confirmation button.
The stream initiation process was always pretty jarring. As the chip redirected the neural signals of his brain, Jace’s vision blurred back and forth between his view looking down on Danny’s beaming face, and Danny’s view looking up at his sneering, hulking form. Finally, after a few nauseating moments, his vision stabilised and Jace found himself staring up at himself. “Holy shit dude, I’m huge!” Danny explained as he ran his hands all over his borrowed body. It must be such a rush to feel so much raw strength coursing through your veins for the first time. Jace had spent years building his muscular physique to perfection, while Danny had felt those gains wash over him in mere seconds.
Jace looked down at his temporary home. An oversized gym tee draped over his skinny form like a tent while his former abs had been replaced a small paunch. An unfamiliar feeling of weakness came across him as he looked at his pencil-thin arms. At least it was only 8 hours.
“Right, guess I’ll meet you back here in 8 hours so I can make the slot for my exhibition workout?” Jace said, the high-pitched tone surprising him. “Fuck yeah bro,” Danny said he tore his attention away from tracing each of his new cobblestone abs with his new meaty fingers. Danny took a few awkward steps in his giant-sized gym shoes as he got used to his heavier, longer stride before turning to Jace with an ecstatic look on his face. “How do you even walk with this thing slapping halfway down your leg!” he laughed before he walked off into the crowd.
Jace collapsed into a nearby chair. What the hell was he going to do for 8 hours? Out of curiosity, he pulled back the waistband of his borrowed pants, only to find the kid didn’t have much going on down there either. At least it was only 8 hours.
8 hours passed and Jace was getting impatient. Where the hell was this kid? If he wasn’t here in the next 10 minutes, Jace would terminate the Stream himself and the kid would be banned from the app. He just hoped the kid wasn’t doing anything dangerous in his body when he stopped the stream.
15 minutes later, Danny was still nowhere to be seen. Enraged, Jace pulled out his phone to cancel the stream, only to find that the phone in his pocket wasn’t his, it was the one Danny had earlier. Luckily it unlocked with facial recognition, and he went straight to the MindStream app. He pressed the cancel button - and waited. After a few moments, an error appeared “no active stream session located”. What the fuck!
The next half hour went by in a fit of panic. He called the MindStream helpline but they were adamant that they had no record of a stream taking place on his account that day. The kid’s bank accounts were empty and there was no record of a stream payment being made. Finally, he resorted to trying to find the kid’s contact information online, only to find no traces of him anywhere. A quick Google search told him the kid’s supposed billionaire father only had daughters.
Jace was furious, he stormed around the expo floor to see if he could find the kid. He finally spotted him working out on the main exhibition stage. His old body was shirtless, his muscular torso pumped and glistening with sweat. A crowd of fans cheered as he flexed his colossal chest, bouncing each of his huge pecs along with the music. The crowd roared in delight at the display, something they weren't used to seeing from Jace. The kid seemed to be enjoying himself as well, with most of the crowd transfixed at the sight of his raging hardon that was snaking down one of the legs of his gym shorts. Jace would normally have been more modest, but the imposter was taking every opportunity to flaunt his obscene package.
Jace slowly pushed his way to the front of the crowd, his current state making the progress slow going. Before crowds had parted for his massive form. Now he had to squeeze himself through the tiniest of gaps between the mass of bodies.
His old body saw him approach as he finally got to the front. “Give me my body back!” Jace tried to scream over the roar of the crowd and the thumping music. The imposter smirked before leaning closely towards Jace. Jace’s senses were bombarded by the potent smell of sweat coming off the beast of a man. Did he always smell like this after a workout? Jace’s tiny prick rose to full mast his pants. “Enjoy your new life, loser,” the imposter said quietly to him before standing back to address the crowd. “Hey everyone, this is the guy I swapped with today, let's give him a big cheer for helping me make it to Olympia this year!” his former body said as it roared over the crowd. The crowd erupted into applause, drowning out Jace’s protests. Danny gestured for the crowd to settle down. “But I’ve decided that today’s swap is going to be my last MondStream, the technology just creeps me out you know?” Danny said to the disappointment of many in the crowd. “I’ve dedicated my life to building this body to what it is today, and it’s that dedication that’s gonna get me to Olmpyia this year!” Danny roared as he pulled a most muscular pose, his entire body swelling with power as he flexed, angry veins popping out all over his skin. The fabric of his pants was pushed to the limit as they struggled to contain his engorged member.
The crowd roared as it surged forward as people tried to get a picture or an autograph with the future champion, leaving Jake staring up at everything he had lost.

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Short Story: Mismatched
What the fuck dude! I stare dumbfounded at Rich as lifts his hoodie revealing a cut six-pack and huge meaty pecs. “What?” he replies as he rubs his meaty hands down his tanned torso, feeling the light dusting of hair underneath his calloused hands.
“Look at your legs dude!” I exclaim. He pulls up the legs of his gym shorts revealing a massive set of quads, covered in a web of veins pulsing just beneath the skin. “Ohh shit,” he says as he strokes his hands along the smooth slightly pink skin of his lower body.
“You must have grabbed the wrong set of shorts!” I yell angrily. “Well how was I supposed to know?” he complains, his submissive posture looking strange with such a masculine physique. “Well those shorts don’t go with those pants, so now your upper half doesn’t go with your bottom half!” I scream, panicking that our entire plan might have been compromised, “We have to sneak back in and get the right bodybuilder’s shorts!”.
“Maybe not just yet” he smirks as he looks into the waistband of his gym shorts. He moans in relief as he heaves the biggest, thickest, angriest cock I’ve ever seen out of his shorts, its deep red colour standing out against the tanned skin of his hands. “Maybe not just yet,” I mumble as I drop to my knees and take the huge mushroom tip into my mouth.

If you like my stories and want to support my writing, please consider shouting me a coffee over on ko-fi.