bewjibu1012 - All the things!
All the things!

Occasionally I’ll post my hobby stuff on here, but this is low-key my poetry dump(She/her), 25 years old. Bi

101 posts

Thoughts On Episode 1 For TWEWY

Thoughts on Episode 1 for TWEWY

- the art style is really good

- hearing “Calling” after all these years makes me wanna AHHHHH it’s so good

- the pacing for the show is kinda all over the place, for the first episode, we really jumped to day 3 already

- We missed out on the Hachiko dog statue plot, and how the scanning thing is important, like how focusing on certain thoughts really helped . I know minor characters can’t be Dwelled on too long but still, interacting with others in the games was important and showing the weird connection between the underground and the real ground was crucial

- we also missed out on the characters urgency with almost missing their timer, kinda bummed but the fight was still cool (referring to day 3)

With all my complaining I think the first episode is about average, the changes in the plot make me feel some type of way but i’m hoping the plot will get a bit slower and paced better by next episode! See you guys then!

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please reblog and spread the word if you can't donate.

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3 years ago

Thought on TWEWY episode 3

- oof the cgi is starting to kill me a bit

- rhyme’s erasure feels like it had a bit more impact with the CRONCH but like after that I feel like the pacing for the characters was again meh

- I miss the reaper banter but what can you do

- hopefully we’ll see more mr.h in the next couple episodes because he’s ug dad

- the fight scenes are meh but that last hit with neku and the game master was pretty cool

- it’s for the drama but like, I kinda wanted to see neku see Shiki off in that glow and let her go up, but the choice to let him know she’s his 2nd entry fee now is okay too

- overall, not a bad way to wrap up shiki’s week. I feel rushed still and I can feel like they’re trying to get this show over and out with up to like 12 episodes so so maybe that’s why? We’ll see if the pacing will ever get better. My nostalgia is sorta clouding me a bit but i feel like even if I had no reference for the games, the attachment that I have to the characters would still be the same which is about ‘meh’ right now.

Let me know how you’re feeling about the show in the comments!

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