bezierballad - oops my hand slipped
oops my hand slipped

20 / She/Her pronouns / Just your usual multifandom person I guess / Black Butler fan mostly / No I do not ship Sebaciel

882 posts

Hc That Mytho Is Absolutely Precious And Adorable When He Laughs.

Hc that Mytho is absolutely precious and adorable when he laughs.

And since he's been living without emotions for so long, his other three friends (mostly Ahiru and Rue but especially Rue) just do anything to make him laugh. Jokes, stories, even tickling.

My boy has likely gone years without laughing properly just give him the happiness he deserves ffs

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More Posts from Bezierballad

1 year ago

Btw if we do so happen to finally know what O!Ciel's real name is I'm still gonna call him Ciel idc idc

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1 year ago

It doesn't feel that good to critique Hazbin Hotel, I want to give it all the support I can, but...the story just isn't living up to the hype.

I was expecting, wanted, a story about what it really means to be redeemed. About self-improvement and learning, that instead of continuously yearning for a better place "grass is greener on the other side" style you should try to make the place you're in better, be the change you want to see and find the strength to do so in your loved ones and family. And once you make the place you are in and yourself happier you fight to defend it.

Instead, we get a rushed story about hell vs. heaven with an idealistic (to the point of feeling dumb) and underdeveloped disney princess protagonist with side characters who I vastly prefer to her. There are plot holes, the original premise of the pilot gets shoved to the backseat. A good mystery is set up only for it to be mostly solved a bit later and for the deed to have been done by a character we don't even know. We are told a sinner has made great progress and they don't even fucking show how he got there, just that he somehow did. And two episodes prior this character wasn't even near being redeemed! They lean a lot on the popularity of the pilot and don't try to build the characters or develop their relationships, we're just left to assume that they do grow closer when we're not looking.

Hazbin hotel has its merits. The songs are great, the style is amazing and unique, I like the side characters, the story has stuff that I like, too. I will watch it to the end. But I can't help but feel that the original premise, the one we were promised, is being trampled in favour of a narrative without depth and little to no cohesion. It's not the discussion of morality and self-betterment and found family I wish we had instead.

You can disagree with me. Rather, I wish you do. These are just my thoughts and I'm sad I have them. But I wanted to get them out there. Hopefully you won't rip me a new one.

Thanks for listening to my screams, void

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1 year ago

Just wanted to state at least one of my personal gripes with Hazbin Hotel so far: the pacing seems to move at breakneck speed.

We're only on episode four and we're already getting into Angel Dust's issues, when it feels like it should've been brought up later on. Sir Pentious getting found out in his scheme and then redeemed was done in as little as two minutes.

It's like they're trying to cram in the entire story they want to tell (which would span for at least two or three seasons) into a single season with eight episodes before finding out "oh wait, we're getting a second season? uhhhh... okay then.."

Of course, I could be missing something (I myself know nothing about how this whole process works and what went on during the making of this show) but it just feels a bit off to me.

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1 year ago
Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays, Heres Duck And Fakir In The Nutcracker

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, here’s Duck and Fakir in the Nutcracker ✨🎄

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1 year ago

It seems like the Hazbin Hotel series has been usually doing a lot more telling than showing, and one of the things that especially suffers from this is Angel's path to healing.

Episode 4 marks the start of the process; Angel starts to talk to and confide to others about his personal problems.

Episode 6, however, tells us "yeah, he's doing pretty good btw". They even show us him standing up to Valentino and shit.

Which, don't get me wrong, I'm always happy to see people giving Val the ass-kicking he deserves but like-

h o w ?

We barely see any progression of Angel Dust resolving his personal issues. Again, he learns to talk to others about his problems in Episode 4, but that's about it. And Episode 6 wants us to believe that he's been pretty good breaking his old habits (it's supposed to serve as proof for the angels in heaven that "yes, sinners can change and get better.")

Angel has been dealing with his personal addiction since even before his death (reminder that he died from an overdose in 1947). He's even chosen to name himself after a drug.

Drug rehabilation is a very slow and gradual process. Addiction to drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc. isn't something you can just turn off with the flick of a switch. It's not a habit you can easily break within a week or even a month. People say that they're going to quit, but they don't. Because they can't quit. Not without a steady rehabilation process and therapeutic/medical help.

We don't know how much time passes between each episode of the show. No matter how long the time gap between episodes 4 & 6 is, the fact remains that we're only seeing the beginning of a healing process (episode 4) and either a "third act" or the ending to that process (episode 6.)

The series shows us the beginning of the pathway to healing but then suddenly jumpcuts to a much later point.

It's like giving us a book with 80% of the pages missing.

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