Prince Siegfried - Tumblr Posts
Hc that Mytho is absolutely precious and adorable when he laughs.
And since he's been living without emotions for so long, his other three friends (mostly Ahiru and Rue but especially Rue) just do anything to make him laugh. Jokes, stories, even tickling.
My boy has likely gone years without laughing properly just give him the happiness he deserves ffs
Whenever I see a Princess Tutu Beauty and the Beast AU, it's usually Fakiru.
Which of course isn't a bad thing, buuuuuut-
Why hasn't anyone done a Ruetho Beauty and the Beast AU? Like, the parallels are right there.
Now usually people would (at least, theoretically) make Rue the beauty and Mytho the beast... because well, he kinda turned into a raven beast at some point? I guess?
But the way I see it? Yeah, no.
Mytho is Belle all the way.
Rue's the fucking raven beast.
Like, really think about it. Rue has been gaslit all her life and led to believe that she's ugly and unworthy of love, making her cold-hearted and selfish.
Mytho is always putting others before himself. Taking someone else's place (*ahem* Fakirissomeoneelse—) as a captive in return for them to go free? I can easily see him doing that.
Look, you can't convince me that Mytho is somehow not a reskinned Disney princess, okay?

"Anyone can write their own ending of their story. But one cannot erase ink from a page once it is dried. They can only keep writing forward, whether they like what they've already written or not."
-:- -:- -:- -:- -:-
So yeah it's really hard to find some good Mytho-centric angst in this fandom. Seriously it's like finding a needle in a haystack.
So I said "fuck it, I'll do it myself" and created this monstrosity.
I always wondered how (post-canon) Mytho would deal with the fact that he was essentially corrupted and did some pretty bad things throughout the second half of the series. After all, he was supposed to be a hero, wasn't he?
But while the other three characters of the main cast had a written story role that they went against for the greater good, Mytho had gone against his role as a heroic fairytale prince in one of the worse ways possible.
He knows it wasn't his fault that he tried to sacrifice the hearts of poor innocent girls. He was under the effects of raven's blood.
But it wasn't the Raven who did those things. It wasn't the main antagonist of the story who committed those crimes.
It was him.
And now he has to live with that fact, because that's how the finalized story of The Prince and the Raven was written.
TL;DR: someone please give this poor boy a hug.

I wasn’t happy with Siegfried’s original ref sheet so I’ve redone the entire thing and added more to it, not only as a reference but hopefully a really thorough representation of what I can offer for commissioned ref sheets too.

“May those who accept fate find happiness, and may those who defy fate find glory”
Both hellebores (especially species commonly referred to as Christmas roses) and snowdrops are associated with hope and new beginnings as they tend to bloom early in spring. This bit of symbolism ties nicely to Mytho and Rue, who are able to escape their fate within Drosselmeyer’s story, and at the end of the show are seen dancing freely together as prince and princess, enjoying their new lives together. 💕
Speaking of something new, as some of you know, moonie_fan_collections on Instagram is working to convert some of my Sailor Moon designs into enamel pins. She’s also expressed a potential interest in the Princess Tutu designs as well! This is still very tentative and there is currently no timeline in place, but if you are interested please give her a follow on Instagram and message her to let her know you are interested!
Princess Tutu series parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 & 10 / 11 & 12
Princess Tutu Edit ~ ‘He Wrote.’
I hope this turned out alright!