birdworm - Yield Your Eye Socket To The Mango Man
Yield Your Eye Socket To The Mango Man

I am drowning in the inevitable circumstance called life.

199 posts

Whoever Invented The Car Alarm And Allowed It To Be Able To Go Off In The Middle Of The Night Unprompted

whoever invented the car alarm and allowed it to be able to go off in the middle of the night unprompted needs to see me in the ring not for anything serious I just wanna fight

More Posts from Birdworm

6 months ago


birdworm - Yield Your Eye Socket To The Mango Man
8 months ago
If You Don't Think There's Bot Inference In The US Election, Here's Your Proof.

If you don't think there's bot inference in the US election, here's your proof.

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8 months ago

Adding on here. this also transfers over to Aussies as well where I work has a big range of people with different job types and I can say with certainty all of the tradies (construction, carpenter, labouring class) who come in have the thick Aussie accent that you hear in a lot of movies with the token Australian character.

However those who work in office jobs or never been around the accent simply don’t have it, I know this because I don’t but when I’m around my friends who do my own accent gets thicker and more slang comes out. Didn’t realize it was a working class thing. Good to know.

why are british people always so mad when people make jokes about their accents. sorry you say yewchube. it’s funny though innit

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8 months ago

i don’t know about you guys but the main reason i am still on tumblr in 2024 is BECAUSE it is the most cloutless least influential social media app out there and that is the experience i am after. absolutely none of this will ever translate into significant attention or real success in my life and that is so beautiful.

6 months ago

jack of no trades. master of fuck all