Mini Rant - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

A very very pessimistic rant

6/1/24: "And who are you, Victoria Spring? I can’t think of anything to say because that is what my answer would be really. Nothing. I am a vacuum. I am a void. I am nothing." - Alice Oseman

I wish I had anything interesting about my life. Literally everybody is part of some sort of community (fandoms, pride, social groups,etc) and I don't have anything similar. I wish had an excuse for this, but I really really don't, I can socialize with people fairly easily, but I have one friend. So my second option is to join a fanbase but I'm not nearly interested enough in anything currently going on. Anything I am invested in has a dead community. So my third option is to connect to people who are trans, but fucking NOBODY is trans and I cant connect with people online because only the trans people who are happy and successful seem to be online. I don't think other people see the world the same way I do.

I wish I was part something it doesn't even have to be bigger than myself. Literally just a genuine connection or shared a genuine appreciation with someone.

Its not even that the connections I have are bad, its just not enough.

Love you, poet

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9 months ago

Just A Shitty Day

6/2/24:“There’s a time and a place for being normal. For most people, normal is a default. But for some, like you and me, normal is something we have to bring out, like putting on a suit for a posh dinner.”- Alice Oseman

I had no motivation to do anything today. I didn't even watch T.V I literally did nothing today, I wanted to write a short story but I couldn't find my laptop. It would have been somewhat bearable if I slept or just scrolled all day, but I just didn't do anything.

Radio Silence folks.

Love you,


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1 year ago

Agreed, it would’ve been perfect, and also WHY mint *chocolate chip* thats the worst type of mint ice cream! All the chips get stuck in my teeth and its gross because i cant taste the chocolate part since im to busy trying to pry them out with a toothpick. Ugh

i am so disappointed that the splatfest theme isn't vanilla/strawberry/chocolate like neopolitan, but is instead 'vanilla/strawberry/mint'


I Am So Disappointed That The Splatfest Theme Isn't Vanilla/strawberry/chocolate Like Neopolitan, But

like... come on, guys, the classic 3 that are always pitted against one another were RIGHT there!

(but the colors are going to be very pretty, so that's a positive)

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3 years ago

YALL, i just watched thel latest owl house episode and i am SCREAMING.

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8 months ago

i hate everyone rn like tf u mean u can block me bc ‘u dont like me today’ screw urself u dumb ass bitch with ur brain span of a 2 year old looking ass. litro i can see my reflection in that big ass shiny like diamond forehead

im done ranting xx

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11 months ago

A common argument that I hear from conservatives is that "people of the past were not so sensitive like people of today"

Mf people in 1950's America threw a tantrum because someone of a different skin color wanted to drink at the same fountain as them. Don't give me this bs about how people back then "weren't sensitive".

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11 months ago

Conspiracy theory mfs can be some of the most annoying people on planet earth.

The second you point out any flaw in their logic, it's always "your giving into the propaganda man". Or, if you ever call them a insane dumbass, they will always say "wow, my ideas are making you mad, it must be because you know I'm right" thinking they are witty.

I'm not afraid of conspiracies because I don't want to hear the truth, I am afraid of conspiracy theories because they are very much capable of spreading dangerous misinformation as fact and harming people in the process.

I am willing to listen to any ideas, but you can't just present your far-out speculation based on cherrypicked evidence and get mad when people have the nerve to question your ideas.

Anyways, that's my rant. Just decided to blow off some steam because I got into an argument with some right-wingers on reddit who were going off about the "Jewish elite".

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11 months ago

A small rant

I hate how right-wingers try to excuse spreading hateful or ignorant ideas as "just a joke" or "I'm just asking questions". Like they somehow think that jokes or questions cannot be rhetorical.

It's like some people think that ideas just don't affect the real world in any tangible form. Like they are just having a purely theoretical conversation that effects nobody at all.

People on the right need to realize that rhetoric is very capable of inspiring violence. Saying shit like "trans people are groomers" is the kind of shit that gets trans people killed.

And public figures who advocate hateful rhetoric will always try to distance themselves from the consequences of their words, saying shit like "I never said I condone violence", even when violence is the natural logical conclusion of their words. Yall cannot act like implying that Jews run the world is not a call to action to commit violence against them, that is pure bullshit.

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8 months ago

Capitalism has ruined our basic humanity

The fact that the large majority of people in America look at a homeless person and think "ew, get this trash out of my sight" rather than empathizing, wanting to help that person, and reflecting on the systematic flaws that allow this to happen is a sign that your civilization has fundamentally failed at being civil, and is more comparable to savagery.

Always remember that anyone who owns little to no capital is your ally, not your enemy, and thinking so means you've bought into capitalist propaganda like a sheep.

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8 months ago

Chuds on twitter getting mad about Joe Biden stepping down because it "betrays the democratic voters" is a prime example of how reactionary the right is.

Republicans have been degrading, and systematically trying to prevent democrats from voting for YEARS, and now they suddenly care about the rights of democrat voters? I call BS

This is a prime example of moving the goal post. They always have to be mad about something. They can't just let him step down peacefully (as they and everyone else have been pleading him to), it has to be twisted into some moral failing on him and the democrats.

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7 months ago

"Sleeping like that is bad for you! Stop it!"

I hate these kinds of articles, we know Captain obvious. Unless you have a magical cure for my insomnia, that is not happening. I'd much rather have a fucked up back and neck rather than having a sad fucked up brain from getting no sleep.

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3 years ago

oh shit … same ray same i like that jumin is just straight up his whole route even when going through emotional turmoil he’s completely honest with you if you ask if he’s okay when he’s not but social cues means he should say yes that’s what he tells you literally he says that in one of the chats. it’s so nice to not have to worry about are they angry and not telling me are the upset but won’t say anything if i ask him what he thinks he will absolutely give me an honest methodical and multifaceted answer. he won’t say something just to make you feel better but he will tell you he doesn’t want to hurt you.

also i imagine he’s the kind to like really go in depth into hypothetical and i enjoy that shiz if i ask you what mythological creature you’d want to be i want a 15 min verbal essay of what you chose why and when you learned about them like that kind of thing makes me so happy and i think he’d be like that.

Reasons Why Ray Is The Best Character:

reasons why ray is the best character:

1. jumin stan

Ray thinks it's Jumin because Jumin is matter of fact. He's easy to read because he's not got so many social cues that Ray doesn't even begin to understand... he's got a way of speaking that you couldn't ever misunderstand because he means what he says and he says what he means.

Compared to Yoosung or Zen who can be much more pointed, yeah, it's clear why he picks Jumin.

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2 years ago

I did a presentation in class yesterday in my anthropology, sociology, and psychology class about misophonia and, unsurprisingly, no one other than one other student - who also has misophonia, in my class knew anything about it.

I told them about my own experiences, and how it's very hard to diagnose or be taken seriously because of how unknown the disorder is, as it was only "discovered" in two thousand one. I also told them to, as gently and bluntly as possible, shut the fuck up and stop whispering to each other in the middle of class when you're supposed to be doing other shit because it really gets to me.

The other student who has it said that she was very glad that at least now a room of people knows some things about the disorder in a world where hardly anyone knows anything about it, and they and the teacher both thanked me for my presentation.

Everyone gave me a round of applause afterwards, and I felt both kinda freaked out (/n) since it was all directed at me, but kinda good at the same time. I'm not all that special though since everyone else also got applauded for their work, but I was the first person to present at all so I felt special in the moment.

If you don't know what misophonia is, it's where someone is less tolerant to certain person-made noises. These noises can oftentimes lead to people's fight-or-flight responses being triggered or just becoming incredibly distressed, which sucks balls since you usually have to put up with the noises and response until they finally stop. This is just a small explanation, so it's best you do your own research if you want to learn more about misophonia.

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2 years ago

Things I Wish Were In Stardew Valley (Might Update Later)

1. More dialogue. Specifically for certain triggers, like say, you just came home after being out of the farm area with low energy and/or health and your roommate/partner exclaims how beaten and battered that the farmer looks and that they should rest. Or when you're wearing an article of clothing made out of something that they love, the villager could comment on your look.

2. An option to change your pronouns to be outside of just she/her and he/him. Like, I don't personally need this feature, but it would still be nice to have for inclusive purposes.

3. The ability to customise a sprite for your farmer for when you can choose what they say, or when that text after events come up talking about how much fun that they had.

4. The ability to gift people clothes. They would then wear it the next day, or depending on what it was that they were gifted, certain seasons because WHO WEARS A DRESS, SKIRT, OR SHORTS IN THE WINTER-??

5. The ability to dye your hair, or parts of it, without having to spend five hundred gold on the statue in Wizard's basement.

6. Wearing feminine clothes as a male character won't give you tits, and wearing masculine clothes as a female character won't flatten your tits.

7. More pants. For example, ripped jeans, sweat shorts, and capris.

8. Full-body outfits, like onezies, costumes, and capes/clokes, instead of having to make both pieces of the outfit and hope that it looks good. Or, just the ability to make two parts of an outfit combine into one full piece so that you can find them both easier.

9. The ability to get Kent and Shane into therapy and have it affect their schedules so that it genuinely feels like they're getting the help that they need.

10. When you catch Lewis at a good time in the Saloon, he'll tell you stories about Grandpa, and Willy will tell you stories about his time on the sea, or of other sailors and pirates and such.

11. Anniversary dates are saved in the calender.

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1 year ago

Y’all imma be honest. I don’t give a shit about new phones being brighter and brighter. I just got a new phone and I dispise the brighter screen. I never have ever had my brightness at full with any device before and now if I try to use my phone when it’s dark I get fucking blinded, even at min brightness + reduce white point + night shift. My phone battery died over night and in the early morning I could use the dead battery screen as a damn flashlight. Stop making them brighter give them the ability to be dimmer. Cannot believe my fucking trash ass chromebook is more considerate than my iphone.

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1 year ago

Imma just start sending people passive aggressive songs when I’m upset at them at this point.

Specifically for the titles, but then they can listen to good music and maybe it’ll pull the stick out of their asses.

Imma Just Start Sending People Passive Aggressive Songs When Im Upset At Them At This Point.

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1 year ago

Can people please please please PLEASE stop tagging protocol stuff under the Tma tags?

Maybe it would help to have a tag dedicated to posts about both? I’m just as excited about protocol as the next guy, but sometimes I want to see just the tma stuff, but I can’t because it’s flooded with protocol. I know a lot of you are also talking about jon and Martin in your protocol things and drawing comparisons to tma and protocol, but I still feel like due to the amount of people doing that you just shouldn’t tag it under tma because it will flood the tag.

I’m personally trying to enjoy protocol and tma as separate works, so I personally would like for the tags to be separated, so I can enjoy them separately.

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11 months ago

I’m at this weird stage in my art where, yes, I’m pushing myself to do new things, but that has caused some issues. I’ll think of something I want to draw, and it used to just be, oh hey I want to draw this character. Easy. But now it’s, oh hey I want to draw these two characters doing X thing in X location. No longer easy. Now I have to do backgrounds and props any time I actually want to draw, and I didn’t used to do those things so now I’m struggling more.

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8 months ago

can we stop drawing mal like covered in blood abt to kill some1


the worst he did was push cameron down a hill n break ppls stuff, what did bro do to deserve that fanon vers of himself

scarlett actually tried to kill everyone on pi n she doesnt get the killer treatment??

draw him being the silly guy he is

draw him hugging it out w/ mike after they confront eachother

draw him watching the stars from the top of a large tower

draw angst abt his past man

similarly, i keep seeing these mal x (mostly reader) that depict him as not physically affectionate n super possesive, n i dont agree with that tbh

what if he was tired of being so cold hearted all the time that he needed a place where he could be himself, which just so happened to be ur arms? what if he learns to accept that not everything can b his n his alone, n he becomes happy simply sharing ur epicness w/ the others? what if he, get this, wasnt an abusive boyfriend??

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1 year ago

we're not saying people with npd, aspd, ect cant hurt you or abuse you

we're saying disorder =/= abusive

people with npd, bpd, aspd, infact, ANY cluster b disorder CAN abuse you. HOWEVER, having those disorders dosent instantly make you an abuser

dont be abelist.

people with ANY disorder can abuse you. that dosent mean they WILL abuse you. the fact that they have that disorder dosent mean theyre an abuser. it dosent make them abusive. they can be abusive, that dosent mean suddenly every narcissist is evil, suddenly all aspd people are threatening you, all bpd people are rude and abusive. stop throwing around the word abuse like its nothing. stop specifically linking it to personality disorders. thats blatantly abelist.

ihope all cluster bs have a lovely lovely day please ignore the hate and abelism yall are so gorgeous treat yourself to your comfort food

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