birthdaycakeplate - Eating birthday cake all night
Eating birthday cake all night

🎂🧽 28 Pan/ Suddenly struggling with my correct pronons/ Twitter: @BirthdayPlatingTwitter is: @BirthdayPlating 🧼Welcome 🎂🧽

208 posts

Your Art Style Is So Cute!!

Your art style is so cute!!


🥺Wow, thank you!! I didn’t expect to hear from anyone on here, and that was so nice😭

I appreciate the heck out of that✨

More Posts from Birthdaycakeplate

2 years ago

I think too much about AUs where Elita can not only coexist as a techno-organic with her boys again, but where Optimus gets his friends back, and Sentinel is shown through his example that a bot‘s spark is more important than the sum of their parts. Whatever they’re made of. The miracle of Sentinel learning anything, tho...

I Think Too Much About AUs Where Elita Can Not Only Coexist As A Techno-organic With Her Boys Again,
I Think Too Much About AUs Where Elita Can Not Only Coexist As A Techno-organic With Her Boys Again,

(I tried two angles to get this thing to not be so blurry. It’s not like I enjoy making you all squint, I am trying to be a better botfriend to you)

(Also frag it. This can definitely be seen as romantic, so I’ll tag it)

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3 years ago

🐝✈️:) <3

3 years ago

First I bastardize two amazing shows by combing them without logic, then I give up coloring as soon as I start. This is what you can expect from me going forward, now that I’ve discovered Transformers.

First I Bastardize Two Amazing Shows By Combing Them Without Logic, Then I Give Up Coloring As Soon As
First I Bastardize Two Amazing Shows By Combing Them Without Logic, Then I Give Up Coloring As Soon As


I can’t even see these without my glasses, and I only made it so I could draw Hyena Blitzwing

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3 years ago

Fixing boredom and killing time

Fixing Boredom And Killing Time
Fixing Boredom And Killing Time