What Is Their Ship Name? - Tumblr Posts

They have my whole heart actually.
Ming Fan did not consider himself to be a main character.
Let's be honest here, he was second in his family and overshadowed by both his older and younger siblings. He wouldn't inherit the family business, he wouldn't go and become the next influential scholar in the Capital. People could barely recognize him. It was, in short, a miracle he even got into Cang Qiong, much less Qing Jing Peak.
Which was the second peak.
He's not complaining. Ming Fan loves it much better than home, and for once, he's first in something. As the most senior of them all, he basically was in charge. He can control things now.
Except, as time goes on, he can't.
His Shizun changes completely from a qi deviation that he should've been able to prevent earlier. How, he has no idea, but surely there could've been something.
His youngest shidi outshines everyone and eventually becomes the reason for his Shizun's death before having the audacity to marry him.
All of a sudden, he sees everyone around him less and less as more paperwork is shoved to him on top of all his classes. Eventually, he basically becomes an unofficial peak lord before ascending to become the peak lord.
All because Ning Yingying didn't want to.
Was it out of pity? Was it out of boredom? Was it out of fear of what the title peak lord truly meant?
Ming Fan has officially become the very top of Qing Jing Peak. And it's lonely.
Ming Fan knew himself to be many things, but out of all things, he still considers himself a side character in his own life. He looks around at the house he inherits and spots a congratulatory bouquet before laughing. He's basically the baby's breath of bouquets.
It takes a few years to get used to being called Peak Lord instead of just Da-Shixiong. It takes a few years before he starts accepting disciples, it takes a few years before he fully embraces the role, and it's a few years before he meets Gongyi Xiao again.
The man's beautiful as always, and for some reason, Ming Fan still looks up to him as the person he ought to be. Strange how Gongyi Xiao thinks the exact same thing to Ming Fan.
They end up becoming accidental pen pals after a diplomacy meeting. One after another after another, before an entire shelf is dedicated to just Gongyi Xiao's letters.
Ming Fan, somehow, is in love. And he is torn apart when he is constantly reminded of the Little Palace Mistress always following behind Gongyi Xiao.
In any case, it takes a few years before Ming Fan finally messes up and confesses. He waits for a rejection only for arms to encircle his being and comfort his soul. Gongyi Xiao looks at him and he looks back, seeing themselves in the other's eyes.
It takes a few years before Ming Fan realizes that although he may be the baby's breath of bouquets, he is still beautiful when you look closely. All it takes is the right person and the right time. He may be second in many things, but in Gongyi Xiao's heart?
There is no other competition.
I'm playing Jedi: Fallen Order for the first time (it was on sale on the EA app for 5 bucks, I couldn't resist) and omg I've never had so much fun. So here's just a little rambling and opinion dump
I'm about halfway through the game? I think???
•I've landed on Dathomir and Merrin is currently trying to kill me because that's how wll all great love stories start
• I spent the entirety of Kashyyyk cussing out Saw but i think getting to drive a At-At as shoot things is the highlight of my life
• Still don't know what all the combat button smashs. I just spam F and hope for the best
• Double bladed lightsaber is AMAZING
• BD-1 is my favorite little guy I don't want to live in a world without him
• There's something off about Cere, like I know her Padawan is the Second Sister and all, but I just get a kinda odd vibe about her
• Merrin: "YOU WILL PAY FOR THEIR DEATHS!!" Girl your sending zombies at me THEY'RE ALREADY DEAD
• Sometimes when a Trooper says "You've kill them all" I feel kinda bad for killing them all
• Saw better not show up again or I will riot
I think too much about AUs where Elita can not only coexist as a techno-organic with her boys again, but where Optimus gets his friends back, and Sentinel is shown through his example that a bot‘s spark is more important than the sum of their parts. Whatever they’re made of. The miracle of Sentinel learning anything, tho...

(I tried two angles to get this thing to not be so blurry. It’s not like I enjoy making you all squint, I am trying to be a better botfriend to you)
(Also frag it. This can definitely be seen as romantic, so I’ll tag it)
NingXian Omegaverse AU Where Wen Ning Was Wei Wuxian’s Worshipful Alpha Before Lan Wangji
I dropped this idea in the GDC Discord chat already, but I’ll drop it here, too.
There’s just something appealing about such a gentle man treating his love with considerable care and reverence. Imagine it: Wen Ning pampering his pregnant spouse with what little resources are available to him in their situation, Wen Ning going absolutely crazy the day of their son’s birth but doing his best to be in control; Wen Ning crying like a baby when the actual baby is born, and Wei Wuxian laughing good-heartedly.
Of course, what’s an AU like this without a little bit of tragedy?
Only three years after Wen Yuan is born, his mother is defeated atop Luanzang Hill, his family’s home, and his father is...of unknown identity.
The Gusu Lan sect, being the compassionate sect that they are, then takes the child under their wing, and he’s renamed Lan Yuan.
Today, he’s called Lan Sizhui, and little does he know that he’s already been reunited with his mother after the incident at Mo Village.
Tapp and Sing kissing while lawrence cries about his. Stupid fucking lawsuit I’ll draw them kissing
was debating on posting this on my side or main but I decided everyone needs to see this.

I’m only on season 4 (episode like.2?) but i know they are yaoiful
can’t believe I just listened to mom and dad fight while sounding like cartoon characters
Every time Richard and the Duke of Buckingham should’ve kissed in Shakespeares Richard III
Not a kiss, but in Act 1 Scene 3 where Margaret warns Buckingham to ‘Take heed of yonder dog,’ and Richard asks Bucking what she said, Buckingham replies that it is, ‘Nothing [he] respects,’ referring to Richard as his ‘gracious lord.’ Here, as he rejects Margaret’s warning which will come to fruition, he goes over to Richard and Richard places a jealous arm around his shoulders. Besties that kill together stay together… until one kills the other.
Side note: Margaret even warns that Richard will ‘split [Buckinghams] very heart with sorrow.’ Sound like a breakup? That’s cause it is.
…over a disagreement on whether to kill some kids, but nevertheless.
Act 2 Scene 2, after Buckingham convinces the assembled to let him and Richard and only a few others fetch young Edward to London (unknowingly to his death), Richard and Buckingham are left alone on the stage and share a moment. Richard calls Buckingham his ‘other self… [his] oracle, [his] prophet,’ between which he kisses him in his excited villainly.
Act 3 Scene 1, Buckingham mocks the concept of ‘Sanctuary children in order to remove the young York from the arms of his mother, definitely turning Richard on with his skilled argument.
May the end of this same scene, Richard and Buckingham are once again left alone. They now work as a firm team, and Richard offers Buckingham the earldom of Hereford once he is king. Buckingham replacing that he will ‘claim that promise at your graces hand,’ kissing said hand before kissing the man himself. Indeed, after they ‘sup,’ (take supper) together to plot some more - their favourite shared hobby.
Act 3 Scene 4, Buckingham convinced Hastings that he knows Richard much better, arguing that they ‘know each others faces… [not their] hearts.’ This is an ironic lie even when read as platonic from Buckinghams perspective. He believes it a lie - it will be revealed as the truth towards the end of the play.
Act 3 Scene 5, as they brag about their acting skills they are close and teasing, though never kiss, aware the Mayor and Catesby are just around the corner.
For a while now, they speak but are too concerned with plotting and gaining the crown for Richard to truly be intimate.
However, an interpretation of Richard as queer makes his bastardisation of ‘holy writ,’ to ‘clothe [his] naked villainly,’ all the more telling. Just like with his ‘deformity,’ he cannot live as he wishes to without prejudice, and perhaps in the case of his queerness, his skilful acting becomes all the more important.
As Buckingham convinces the citizens, he implores to Richards, ‘tender… heart and gentle, kind, effeminate remorse.’ Ironic in the face of Richards cold hearted villainly, but also hinting towards their relationship.
Crucially, and symbolically, it is not Anne, his wife’s, hand which Richard holds as he ascends to the those but canonically Buckinghams - metaphorically Buckingham was the one to help him to the throne, but equally, it shows a deeper relationship. (Here I consider Phillippe (‘Monsieur’) Duke d’Orlean and The Chevalier from Versailles - he has a wife who is aware of his proclivities, but is privileged enough that no one comments on the open secret of his relationship)
Furthermore, high on their victory, Bucking calls Richard his ‘loving Lord.’
This all changes however - Richard ‘wish[es] the bastards [The old King Edwards’ children] dead.’ And Buckingham is ‘all ice.’
His pause for ‘some little breath.’ Consigns him to his fate. Richard is fickle, and has lost interest in Buckingham just as he has with the crown. His only wish now is to continue his ‘villainly.’
The next time Buckingham tries to speak to Richard he is ignored and spoken over- dismissed like just another servant when trying to claim the previously promised earldom. He knows he will die by Richards hand at this point and runs.
When Richard sadistically petitions Elizabeth (mother of the princes in the tower he killed) for her to marry her daughter (his niece) to him, he does not speak of triumph against his adversary for the crown, Richmond, but Buckingham.
Buckingham is now a ‘petty rebel,’ and ‘dull-brained.’ Indeed, Elizabeth’s daughter will be replacing him in ‘a conquerors bed.’ He is almost petty in his revenge against Buckingham after he is told ‘no’ for the first time - attempting to make him jealous though his replacement.
Buckingham begs to speak to Richard one last time before his execution, calling him the ‘whom I most trusted.’ As Margaret predicted, Buckingham recalls, his heart is ‘split with sorrow.’
Finally, Buckinghams appears to Richard as a ghost in Richards dream, calling on Richards ‘guiltiness.’ Richard regrets his actions, despite his calls of ‘coward conscience.’ He knows that from beyond the grave, Buckingham fights on Richmond’s side, as Richard ‘falls in the hight of all his pride.’
Thank you for coming to my TED talk on why Tumblr should diversify its Shakespeare interests from just Julius Caesar one day a year <3
my secret useless hobby is looking up randoms books from my high school English curricula on Ao3 to see what the most popular ships are from said novels.
my most notable discovery was the popularity of arthur dimmesdale X roger chillingworth slash in the very tiny The Scarlet Letter fandom.

Hellooooo Silvergray nation
i’m sick of pretending harry wouldn’t date the shit out of neville. he becomes the DADA professor while neville teaches herbology and they flirt with each other disgustingly during teacher meetings. half of the student body has a betting pool on wether they are already dating or when they will start dating. the other half of the student body is like “ewww i don’t want to think about old people dating” and harry overhears it one day and goes WE ARE THIRTY?
post breakup nickjess on the cruise aaaaa theyre so cutesy hehe
Yooooooo did you like pry this from my brain cavity space because I swear I imagined this while at work 😭 Like... They would go on a date, I feel... And you don't gotta agree just hear me out... They would start talking and eventually the conversation would lead to talking about sexual activities openly (not doing it in public I mean), although Gnarly would probably be the one to open up about what he wanted to do more... Probably involves some degrading type shit ... And Charlie's just all like "cool cool, but I ain't putting on a maid dress, then we cool 😎" And how would they kiss?????LMAO AAAAAAAH why did I say all this I feel like a complete idiot now okay byeeee *flies away*

day 53
contenders for my favourite illustrations from the anniversary edition of the wishing spell

Jessica helping Amy put on her necklace :>