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Bitterborne - A LOST SON IS ALWAYS A KIND OF DOG. - Tumblr Blog
MICHAEL RECOILS LIKE HE’S BEEN STABBED. ACTUALLY, THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN KINDER: instead, buzzing fills his ears, loud and insistent static trying to block out the rabbit’s words. You can piss it off, a part of him whispers encouragingly, if you can do that, you can destroy it too. It’s nice thinking, but Michael — Mike — is busy shoving uselessly at the mounting horror in his chest to pay it much attention. As long as you are alive, he will come back. That can’t be true. And yet his eyes fix on the glitch, and its stupid, stupid grin tells him that it’s not lying.
“ Kept him trapped, though, didn’t I? It was pretty cathartic, watching him run back and forth in that old building looking for a kid that didn’t exist. ” He barely has the ability to force the words out, and they emerge from his scarred throat tired and gritty, but there’s a tone of derision in his voice too. Mike has no respect for what his father has become. None whatsoever. And he sees him as especially pathetic here. “ Sure, so maybe I didn’t kill him. But even if he comes back — if I don’t manage to stop you first — it’s not really him. ” The weary smile is only slightly bittersweet. “ You wouldn’t get it, ” he adds, “ ‘cause he made you. But the real William Afton has been dead since he died in that fucking rabbit suit, and everything else is a pathetic copy. I mean, look at you. ”
( Growing in energy and strength, Mike’s gaze fixes on the rabbit and finds itself disgusted. Contemptuous. Almost pitying. )
( Does his best to hide the lingering fear that maybe he’s exactly the tool Glitchtrap needs to save his father. Because there will always be some version of his father living inside his bones, and every day Mike is terrified someone realizes that. )
“ You’re a copy, and a shitty one at that. The thing you’ll bring back won’t be anything more than a weed in a garden. Do yourself a favor — do him a favor. Destroy yourself and let him rot in hell. ” Mike steps in, jaw clenching automatically at his own action. “ No amount of effort will bring back the man that created you. Only another piss - poor mimicry of him. ”
@bitterborne from ☆

The virus lets out a laugh -- grating as it becomes filled with static, its own form seeming to glitch out of reality as it does so. Glitchtrap had been programed to be loyal, crafted from a piece of its creator's soul. It knows no loyalty but to William Afton. Not to some company that tries to steal its creator's achievements ; not to the children of its creator. Loyal to a terrifying degree. If it cannot find a proper shell -- if it cannot find its creator's old body -- then it will find a fitting vessel. . . “I only listen to him. You may look similar, ᴍɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ, but you are not him.” The remark about the child still standing when the father is dead, does get the virus angry -- so much like its creator. The rabbit suit tears in some spots, bits of inky blackness seeping out. Little rabbit-like faces that disappear as quickly as they appear out of the shadows. Then, in the blink of an eye, Glitchtrap returns to its unnervingly calm state, that grin ever wide. “Every part of him? You didn't ki-- [ ᴇʀʀᴏʀ ; ɪᴍᴘʀᴏᴘᴇʀ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʀᴇꜰᴇʀʀɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴏʀ ]. Your hand did not do the deed,” it tilts its head to the side, never shifting its focus away -- dead set on the miniature version of its creator, “Haven't you thought about it deeper, little spawn of his? -- if you are capable of such a thing~” A snicker, “You are still here, just like me, and you're not the only one who can see me either~ oh no no no~” The virus has been busying itself, finding new followers, new puppets to play with. It has started to infect others, to remove the possibility of failure. It knows all about the plans ; It is the failsafe, the method to find its creator and bring him back. It is as eternal as technology. As long as it survives, William Afton will return. “As long as you are alive, ʜᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋ.”
He can’t quite meet his eyes. Gaze downcast, heart crawling up his throat traitorously, Michael nods shortly, struggles to get words out past his burning lungs. When he manages to reply, it’s strained. “ ‘Course, ” he mumbles: Jeremy wouldn’t be saying that if he knew the truth ——— “ Thanks, man. ”
❓ “would you ever forgive me if i did you wrong?” [ from @bitterborne :’) ]
![Would You Ever Forgive Me If I Did You Wrong? [ From @bitterborne :) ]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/818cd111f379b008e1170be5e39f3953/bf337065991d3145-f9/s500x750/7bf820b0ea223b69ac6fff46aa77d4a090c220df.png)
ask meme | reply to @bitterborne
![Would You Ever Forgive Me If I Did You Wrong? [ From @bitterborne :) ]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/818cd111f379b008e1170be5e39f3953/bf337065991d3145-f9/s500x750/7bf820b0ea223b69ac6fff46aa77d4a090c220df.png)
oh , Mike ... ❝ whatever you're thinking it is not true . you'd have to knowingly and completely betray me to ever push me to unforgiveness ... ❞
IS IT ANY WONDER HE’D TAKEN ONE LOOK AT HIS SISTER AND DECIDED IMMEDIATELY THAT SOMETHING WAS HAPPENING ? There’s really no other option: other than binge - watching whatever shitty shows he can find on TV, the only person he has is Ollie, and staring at her now, it seems he barely even has her either. She’s not who he remembers. Maybe he’s remembering wrong ?
But he doesn’t think so. He’s certain something isn’t right; certain something has changed, and not for the better. He’s gazing at her now, an unusually hard look in his eye though it’s aimed at anyone but her. “ Oh yeah ? ” he says, though it comes out more abrasive than he means it. Wincing at his own idiocy, Michael starts over: “ I mean, that’s good. Obviously. But Jesus, Ollie, you look like death warmed up. And coming from me, that’s saying something. ” Decaying appearance hidden under layers of clothing, he doesn’t feel the need to cover up what little of him is visible when it’s only Ollie here. It serves as reminder of what their father is willing to sacrifice for his plans, beyond their shitty childhoods, beyond the horrendous upbringing. Serves as a promise neither of them will ever get mixed up in their dad’s shit again, right? It doesn’t even cross his mind that she would be forced into exactly that.
He’s tackling this all wrong. She’s always been stubborn, and clashing with her over this isn’t going to help anything. Mike sighs, shoulders slouching a little mulishly. He’s never been great at putting thoughts and feelings into words, and though the urge to snap at and fuss over her until she told him what was bothering her is strong, it’ll get him nowhere. So he switches gears, tries to go for a less confrontational approach:
“ How’s the band doing anyway? I feel like it’s been months since you spoke about them. Anything fun happening ? ” A quiet pry into her life as subtly as he can. Hey, at least he has a solid alibi for his questioning — other than heading out for essentials, Mike can’t remember the last time he’d left his apartment. Easier to be a living corpse when you don’t go outside. “ Give me something new. ”
![@bitterborne: You Look Like You Havent Slept In Days. [for Glitchtrap Verse ?!]protective Prompts / Accepting](https://64.media.tumblr.com/31e714792cde10ce03c51e65b429db9b/249c779b937af711-9c/s500x750/ea72368665e0b6aebcd642d7b35c7d5492327f98.png)
@bitterborne: “You look like you haven’t slept in days.” [for glitchtrap verse 👀?!] protective prompts / accepting
Of course she hasn't told him what happened. How she's now been split in half between who she is and the loyal daughter. It seems the one united front between both sides is not wanting him to know. He wouldn't understand, he'd just try to stop it. Her and their father need time to show their work to Michael first. She doesn't want him to get caught in this, doesn't want him to end up like her. Is what's happening to her really so bad?
At least she has her old habits and reputations to use as excuses for her more strange behavior. Easy to claim she'd been out partying all night when she'd really been working. Easy to dismiss any strange behavior as just her typical strange behavior or the sort of erratic decisions she used to make before. If anything, sometimes she seems better than ever. Other times...well she seemed like a wreck. Right now she's somewhere between the two.
"What? Like that's rare for me?" She tries to seem casual about it, letting out a chuckle. "Been a string of cool shows recently, some of those bands were crazy good." She doesn't remember the last time she got to see or play at a show. She's past that now, time to grow up.

We used to play outside his office. I think because we wanted him to hear. And he would come out and he was so terrifying. He’d come out and he’d yell at us to be quiet. What he was doing in there was so important. We couldn’t conceive of what it was. You know, presidents, and kings, and queens, and diplomats, and prime ministers, and world bankers.
SUCCESSION (2018–2023) S04E09: Church And State
he has bad posture

part two of my au! enter vanessa 👀
check out the prev part here!
HIS FATHER’S WORK OOZES FROM VANESSA LIKE OLD CIGAR SMOKE, AND MIKE ISN’T YET SURE HE CAN HELP. Isn’t sure there is anything to be done: the woman in front of him is clearly exhausted, and he doesn’t think he’d be wrong in saying she’s feeling the heat. Mike’s own eyes stay firmly fixed on his cig, cap pulled low over a mess of fake curls and purpling skin ( though make - up is a godsend for making that slightly less conspicuous, thank God for the twenty - first century ); doesn’t pay her focus at all, like a hunter trying not to startle a cornered rabbit, more than mildly concerned about spooking her away. HERE’S HIS GENIUS PLAN: move slow, start a friendship with her. Or an acquaintance with her, whatever works. Figure out what he can about how to tear his father down one last time and help an innocent person escape his grip. And if Vanessa can be freed, be there if she needs him. It’s far from a solid plan, he’ll admit, but at the moment, one week into work, it’s impossible to have anything else.
Lighter clicks, cig inhaled. The rush of nicotine does little to warm him from the cold that seems to perpetually follow him now, but hey, it’s a small comfort at least. He’ll take what he can get.
ONLY THEN DOES HE TURN TO HER. Keeps his expression casual, oblivious. He’s treading slow here: has to see the extent of the glitch virus on her before he does anything to act. The last thing he wants is for her to alert his father that someone is onto them. “ I’m Mike, ” he tells her, and belatedly realizes his hands are full, “ I’m the — hang on — ”
Shoves his lighter back into his pocket, offers an awkward gloved hand to her in greeting. “ I just started working here last week, ” he says, and that’s not a lie: as soon as he’d heard the name Fazbear he’d immediately suspected some fucked - up shit to be taking place ( though this is a little worse than he expected ). “ I’m the, uhm, the new technician. Mike Fritz. You’re Vanessa, right ? ” No point acting overly familiar. If he comes off weird now, he might just blow everything.
“Mind if I smoke?” — @bitterborne !!
&. 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.
✧ . * 。 ⋆ — Vanessa is exhausted.
That much is clear to see ; her demeanor is reminiscent of a fawn, helpless in the unfamiliar surroundings of her new world, wide - eyed, jumping at the slightest of noises, and looking as if a strong wind might be enough to blow her over. Weak. ( in need of saving protection ). There's bags under her eyes.
Moments of solace are hard to come by, between the chaos of the pizzaplex and the static of her own mind. She's tucked herself behind the building, citing a need for a break — management certainly won't be happy, but Vanessa couldn't give less of a fuck. Arms wrapped around her torso, as if trying to shield herself from the elements ; but there is no comfort to be found in such a gesture. ( how can she possibly comfort herself, knowing what she's done? ).
The sudden voice makes her jump. ( everything seems to make her jump ). Lets wide - eyes flicker to the newcomer, before shrugging half - heartedly.
"Sure — go ahead."

tell me everything that happened |
tell me everything you saw |

moments before disaster

guys please write more of michael going back in time it’s my favorite

ITS SISTER LOCATION ANNIVERSARY (and also my birthday I guess 🙄)
MICHAEL LIGHTS UP WHEN HE SEES THE GIFT THE UNIVERSE HAS BROUGHT HIM — AND AT THE BREAKFAST. Jeremy’s smile is reward enough for his shitty minimum wage job and even makes the other baggage shrink for a moment: hastening his way towards his friend, Michael greets him with a faint smile of his own, brimming with delight to see him. “ My hero, ” he says, stifling a yawn and tugging off that night security vest, “ what’d I do without you, huh ? ”
He’s always found his uniform constricting. How could he not? Working in a place with more memories than he cares to admit, for a man he knows deep down is a monster. Night shift is kinder to him than day shift, where he cannot shrink away from the bright sunlight and the knowledge that what his father does what he does is hurting innocent people. When he’s the only one there, he can stew in those thoughts in peace . . . If he’s not being attacked by animatronics from all sides, obviously.
But being with Jeremy — well, when he manages to forget about his injury, about the brimming fears that his own and his father’s tampering had been the cause of the Mangle malfunction — gives him a chance to breathe. To feel a modicum of normalcy again. “You’re literally my favourite person of all time, I hope you know that,” he says, dismissing his thoughts and nodding towards the bag, “ it hit 4am and I got hungry as hell. ” Gone is the heavy weight on his shoulders, the stoop of his posture: around his friend Michael stands a little taller, regains a light in his tired eyes. “ But hey, I survived. How was your night? ”
❛ i know who i am when i’m alone. i’m something else when i see you. ❜ / tossing michael (@bitterborne) at you first ! !!
❝ I know who I am when I'm alone / I'm something else when I see you ❞ | prompt by @bitterborne !

the uniforms changed when the toy animatronics were stashed ... what's what Jeremy was told at least . yet he still held onto his uniform . one set stained crimson - the other in perfect condition ...
those pastels stood out to him every morning . sitting on the edge of his dresser . colours he wouldn't forget .
Michael's uniform held a darker scheme . deep midnight colours and black . blending in with the nights he patrolled .
Jeremy didn't like that uniform . but it seemed to suit Mike . whom ; after his shift , Jeremy had met up with . providing food and company .
he didn't fit in with the sun . Jeremy knew that . where he basked in the sunlight and beamed even after his injury . Mike held the night with him . his friend was a solemn creature .
yet . observant as he was , he took notice of that bit of sunlight .
much like this morning when he greeted him . a bag of breakfast burritos in hand and a beaming smile . he saw the change in body language in his presence .
" another night come and gone ~ I got you an extra hashbrown . "
Trick or treat!!

Trick :]]]
Happy Halloween try not to lose your head
"Oh, spawn of the creator~" Glitchtrap muses as it kicks its legs while sitting upon the countertop, "Do you really think you'll be something more than just a shadow of him?"
IT KIND OF FEELS LIKE BEING SCOOPED. AGAIN. Michael’s breath ( unneeded ) catches in his ( torn ) throat, and something ugly ( childish ) holds his tongue for a moment too long. The rabbit sure knows where to kick a dog when it’s already down, and Michael has barely recovered from the nasty surprise of seeing it in the first place. For a moment, he’s sixteen again – tall, but never as tall as his father – strong, but never as strong as his father – trying so hard to be good, but never good enough – and lost for words. All he can do is stare at the glitch for a torturous second, before laughing. Harsh, rough. Resigned.
They’re the same, aren’t they ? Both created by him. The thought is laden and sour in his throat when he speaks:
“ I guess he didn’t have time to code you with some kind of command to shut the fuck up. ” Not that Michael really thinks his father would have done that anyway. He always seemed to like the sound of his own voice too much. But he’s bitter, brash with his next words. “ I’m literally nothing like him – ” ANYMORE. “ – and hey, look who’s still standing. It’s sure not him. ”
That, at least, makes him smile, even if it is a hollow victory. Steps forward, despite all instinct, towards the rabbit, his upturned lips mocking and hard, and adjusts the mask so it can see his scarred grin.
“ At the end of the day, I’m the one that survived. Guess the world really wants me to eradicate every last memory, every shadow, of him, huh ? ” And Glitchtrap is next, if he doesn’t shut up. Deep down, a part of him still itches for a bit of destructive violence, and even if smashing up a computer monitor won't hurt it, it sure as hell would feel good.

Ballerina (2023) dir. Lee Chung Hyeon

fnaftober day 9 - breaking & entering. Here's jeremike fucking around and finding out

The urge to redraw all my old fnaf art is sooooo strong

everything mike :)
A British boy was suspended from school this morning for causing the biggest fight in school history. His father was furious and threatened to kill him if this happened again.

his big doleful eyes and violently self-destructive tendencies have captivated me

i hc that henry and michael were really close which makes this funnier i think . idk