Tw // Injury - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

"Bloodied is The Crown"

"Bloodied Is The Crown"

Been meaning to draw something Cult of the Lamb related since i got back into it. This is completely and unnecessarily gorey (and slightly rushed) but hey, it got me out of art block. I'll draw something nice with the bishops soon, though. TW tagging, to be safe.

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2 years ago

my foot is broken: what i've learned after a few days on crutches

shit I didn't know/even think about before edition

your armpits are NOT supposed to be resting on the crutches. you are supposed to use the handles, straighten your arms, and the top of the crutches are supposed to be about an inch or two lower than your armpits- the rubber is just there because otherwise it'd really fuck up your upper arms. crutches make your PALMS hurt, not your armpits.

default hospital aluminum crutches can fuck you up. they cracked my damn phone screen. they will crack your head open if you let them.

carrying/holding shit with crutches is HARD. like, near impossible if you're trying to hold a medium sized thing in your hand. if your friend is new to crutches and tries carrying something while clearly struggling, please help them.

also heavy backpacks are fucking nightmares in crutches. do they give you more momentum? yes. do they make your palms hurt even more because they're not supporting 120 pounds of person but now 15 more pounds of pure academic beef (and candy)? YES. also my boot is heavy so that's like an extra 6-7 pounds. that's 20 extra pounds, y'all.

being able to put some pressure on your foot is a GAME CHANGER. y'all if one of those feet is not touching the ground you're either swole or need to take breaks because damn I did that for a whole day and I was so goddamn tired by the end of it (remember, I'm also a regular rock climber- this was definitely more tiring than going to the gym, to say the least)

being injured has made me really appreciate how good my body is at compensating. can't use the foot? knee. can't get up to throw something away? it's a 3 pt shot. need to sit down but you're facing the wrong way, on one foot, and your crutches are across the room? balance and spin around! it's a flourish and also fun! every new thing I need to adjust to is just a quick problem solving task with multiple right answers.

yes, you can't do menial tasks like you usually do. yes, you'll be frustrated that you straight up can not do some things. but listen, able-bodied people whose injury isn't permanent, you're literally going to heal. you have the rest of your life to do everything like you did before. have fun with doing it differently for a few months.

this is by no means exhaustive (I actually have a helluva lot more written down) and definitely not reflective of people who live with mobility aids on the regular- just some things I hadn't realized as an able bodied person who's also never needed a proper mobility aid before

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10 months ago

New Fursona + Small Update!

This is my new fursona Tyler!

New Fursona + Small Update!

Update under the cut.

Update time;

I managed to give myself a repetitive stress injury by drawing too much, so updaates may be slower than usual.

I've been really busy with school recently and busy with helping out my grandmother, that's why I haven't been able to post with any regular posting schedule.

Thank you for reading this!!!

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4 years ago
Last Doodles Of William For Now.
Last Doodles Of William For Now.
Last Doodles Of William For Now.
Last Doodles Of William For Now.
Last Doodles Of William For Now.
Last Doodles Of William For Now.
Last Doodles Of William For Now.
Last Doodles Of William For Now.
Last Doodles Of William For Now.
Last Doodles Of William For Now.

Last doodles of William for now.

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7 months ago

Help my baby please

🍉I am Hala, a Palestinian from the besieged and destroyed Gaza Strip 😭😭. I fled the war with my husband to Egypt..

The story began on March 21, 2024 when my beautiful child was born.. He was a wonderful and special child.. Suddenly, a week after his birth, my child Abdul Aziz's belly swelled up a lot and I visited several doctors without discovering the reason.. After another week of the child's suffering, I took him to a specialized hospital and the doctors there discovered a blockage in Abdul Aziz's colon that prevented him from excreting stool.. It was decided to perform a surgical operation consisting of an opening in Abdul Aziz's belly to temporarily remove stool from his intestines until the affected part of the colon was removed in another complex surgical operation that cost thousands of dollars..😭😭

I am speaking to you now with great sadness about my child's condition and I ask you to help me and donate to me to collect the costs of the operation within a month from now.

I appeal to everyone who can donate any amount, no matter how small, because it will save my child and give us hope.

Please don't leave my son alone to suffer and struggle in these difficult days alone.. You can support my campaign by donating what you can or share my posts to reach others who can help us by raising the cost of the surgery you are helping in the life of an innocent child with your small contribution. ❤❤🍉🍉

Every donation makes a difference in his very difficult life

Sure thing.




Donate to Donate for my baby please, organized by Ahmed Azeez
On the vernal equinox, March 21, 2024, my beloved baby was born and I named him Abdul Aziz. He w… Ahmed Azeez needs your support for Donate

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1 year ago

Nanami "Recently" Edit

New edit! Though I haven't watched Season 2 due to loosing Nanami in it which I sadly knew earlier on, I felt this song really fit him so I started editing it. I hope you like it!

Also t.w. there is a little blood and eye lose/injury shown at the end so please take care if its a trigger. Also C.W fade flashing.

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3 years ago
More Drawings For This Au, Which Im Calling (and Tagging As) Moonbite Au (shes Not The Main Focus But
More Drawings For This Au, Which Im Calling (and Tagging As) Moonbite Au (shes Not The Main Focus But

 more drawings for this au , which im calling (and tagging as) moonbite au (she’s not the main focus but I wanted a name)

 She hated and feared humans. How could it be different? A human took away her freedom and made her live for blood and death. All she hoped for, every single day, was that the needles in her neck would break so she could finally kill him and fly with her own wings, her own mind. But he was cautious and smart, and she felt more and more hopeless each day, and less willing to fight the venom. Why not just let it consume her mind fully, and live in an eternal haze like the other poisoned dragons?  But then, another human appeared.  A prisioner, just like her. She didn’t care for him at first. Humans and her petty fights weren’t her business, after all. But then... She noticed how he always whispered in soothing voices for the other imprisioned dragons. How he was willing to let the grisly human break all of his bones, even, if that meant no other dragon would suffer. So, she started staying by his side at the lonely late nights. Out of curiosity, at first. And he talked and talked about his human and dragon friends and how this “toothless” would love to meet her. And he kept saying how he would get them both out of there. How he would give her back her life.  She didn’t really think he could. But she knew she was willing to protect him just as much as he was to protect the dragons.

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1 year ago

Hoo boy, here we go


Hoo Boy, Here We Go
Hoo Boy, Here We Go
Hoo Boy, Here We Go
Hoo Boy, Here We Go
Hoo Boy, Here We Go

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5 months ago
Hey! This Is Jack The Dalton Speaking. Probably Couldnt Catch Your Call Due To Doing Cool Bathroom Tile

“Hey! This is Jack the Dalton speaking. Probably couldn’t catch your call due to doing cool… bathroom tile salesman… stuff. Leave a message and I’ll hit you back up. Ciao!”

“I don’t know where I am right now.” Mac mumbled. He was aware he was slurring, slightly. He felt like he weighed a million pounds, or maybe like he’d been welded in place into his car. Immovable. Lethargic. His skin felt damp, he didn’t know if he was sweating or bleeding. He felt too cold to be sweating. “But I need help. Can you…”

Mac closed his eyes. Can you what? Find me? Not leave me? Just talk to me?

The voicemail beeped, marking an end to the message.

Mac redialed.


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2 years ago

Uh ohh, scar wouldn't eat his lil buddy would he?

Uh Ohh, Scar Wouldn't Eat His Lil Buddy Would He?

:) Grape Juice

Un-chromatic aberration version under the cut:

Uh Ohh, Scar Wouldn't Eat His Lil Buddy Would He?

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1 year ago

TW // Blood; Injury

TW // Blood; Injury

Some more Phantom Realm Barron AU. Around his 3rd or 4th night he gets a pretty nasty injury on his leg, when a phantom grabbed him while he was running away. He got away, but was clawed pretty good in the process.

Also, forgot to mention in my first post: He has phantom blood stains on his face and neck that kinda just stayed there. There's not much significance to it, it's just kinda there.

Besides that, he pretty much spends his first week alone, since he isnt aware of the Savannah group or any other people in the PR. Again, this takes place after the arcade fight, so he doesnt have nearly as much experience.

I feel cringe posting this uhh have these too </3

TW // Blood; Injury
TW // Blood; Injury

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1 year ago

Molly and Charlie almost get arrested! :D ✨

Part 1/2

Molly And Charlie Almost Get Arrested! :D

Don't think too much about the heights... cuz neither did I when I drew it, as you can see-

This was supposed to be just the Barbie movie meme at first but then I ended up making it into a story, the first half of it is under the cut.

You'll get the second part whenever I finish it-

Charlie is the type of person who's always up for a fight if one is necessary. She wouldn't initiate one without a good reason behind it.

In this instance, someone probably took Mr. T. Bear away from Molly or made fun of her or something, and Milo wasn't around to fight with words so Charlie did it with her own form of fighting. Those small hands can pack a surprisingly good punch-

Charlie has a concerningly high amount of pain tolerance, she could be dripping with blood and somehow still be standing as if nothing happened.

So here she's happy that she won the fight, and Molly is very concerned about multiple things at once, she's not sure what exactly happened because Charlie told her to close her eyes while the whole thing was happening.

Man, I wonder how the other two will react when they hear what happened.

Guess we'll see that in part 2...

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1 year ago


To participate:

During the 21st - 28th of January...

Do not shop/online shop

Skip school/work if you are able to

Be present & active on social media and uplift Palestinian voices

Draw, write, sing, create art for Palestine

Repost & boost Palestine related content on social media

Educate yourself about the issue

We have been asked to strike during these days by the lovely & hardworking journalist Bisan from Gaza. Let's all try our best for a people being tested with the harshest conditions imaginable. The occupation must be held accountable.

We're in this together!!

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1 year ago

i LOVE your tma au but why make coomer the flesh and not the vast?

TW/Body Horror, Blood, Injury

I actually never considered The Vast before! Or any other entity now that I think about it- The Flesh was kind of just an instant choice for me

It mainly came from the whole cybernetic enhancement bit, as it was the most long running Coomer specific bit asides from his messed up dialogue, and the whole 'climbing into your arm to wear you like a skin suit' thing just screamed Flesh to me. (Stranger too, but Tommy already had that role)

In the story, Coomer kind of functions like Jared Hopworth, being able to steal parts from people(typically dead) and add them to himself, which meshed well with the clones aspect since in canon anytime he killed one it would 'grow his power'

I LOVE Your Tma Au But Why Make Coomer The Flesh And Not The Vast?

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