blackcherri-stuff - blackcherri

Art and other things // 24 // she/they // Autistic

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Blackcherri-stuff - Blackcherri - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Hair for thought: a little mini lesson

I know this blog may seem more geared towards art than writing, and admittedly, I am pushing for visuals because I can be a very visual creator myself, so the two converge for me. So that may be an issue of communication on my end.

However, I do want people to consider that the way you "see" your character in your mind affects how you write them! So if you're here to learn to write better Black characters, the way you picture them has an effect!

For example, let's say you're writing your character. You want them to have a 4C afro. Do you know what 4C means? Do you know what that looks like? How it feels? How it changes under different environments and circumstances? How can you describe those things to give your reader an adequate picture of your character if you don't know what that looks like? How can you get creative with their looks if you don't know your options?

If you have a loving moment between your characters, and you want one to touch the hair of the other. First, do you know the importance of the vulnerability of touching your Black partner's hair? Second, how will you describe that, if you don't know the texture of the hair and what it looks like? You can't often "run your fingers" through it! You have to be able to know and describe the curl pattern and what could happen with it!

Again, I'm using hair examples because that's the next lesson, but this still works in general! Skin color, the way the light plays on the skin- if you understand lighting on brown skin visually, you can describe it! Our lips, the way they feel in a kiss! Pubic hair texture, for the nasty!

One major example I have of this is that once, a few years ago, I did a test in one of my favorite fandoms. I took about 100 stories, and I asked myself: how far can I get into this fic while assuming My Blorbo is Black? (I.e., how often do we assume that whiteness is the default and don't feel the need to properly describe our characters?)

The answer: through most of them 🤣 "Brunette with brown eyes" is the majority of Black people.

We have to be willing to address the unintentional bias in our minds that treats Whiteness, and therefore white features and the habits that come with them, as the default. It doesn't seem like it matters because it's "normal", except for I and other Black fans! It's not our norm! You have to understand how we look, and how we may interact with the world culturally (and again, we're not a monolith! But there are some consistencies!) and how that may "look" (be described) in a story.

I hope this may help clear up some confusion 😅 and again, I'm sorry if I didn't make my goals clear. I'm new at this.

5 months ago

i have tourettes where I say sudden funny things but never any slurs because I am good boy 😇 I have OCD but not the one that makes me really concerned about piss and shit but the movie one that makes me line things up properly nice and neat because I am a good boy 😇 I have bipolar but not the one that makes me act embarrassingly in public because I am on the highest point of a downward curving emotional pendulum swing, but the one that makes me creative af via safely utilizing my tendency towards extreme emotions in my art (because I am a good boy 😇) I have autism but it's the one like from the movies where I'm good at math or being a detective, and not the one that makes other people hate me so bad they want to kill me because I am annoying to them. because I am a good boy 😇 I have schizophrenia too but I also don't, because somehow in the cultural lexicon no one who has schizophrenia is a good boy and there is rarely a stylistic bullshit depiction of the condition, but I'm still a good boy 😇 society knows this. society knows this.

5 months ago

Rewatching gravity falls rn and this is one of my favorite jokes in the entire show

5 months ago

“Try to dig a perfect hole. I know that sounds really weird. Who cares if your hole is perfect? But if you’re going to be out there six hours a day, you have to give yourself a purpose. You can either groan about how stupid it is to dig a hole, or you can tell yourself you’re doing something important. You’re digging the best hole anyone’s ever dug. […] When you’re done, stand over your hole. Take time to admire it, no matter how tired and sore you feel. You worked hard digging that hole, and you should take pride in a job well done. And then spit in it. Because, after all, it’s just a stupid hole, and you are better than that.”

— Stanley Yelnats’ Survival Guide To Camp Green Lake

5 months ago

disabled intersex trans lesbian needs help paying for bills while sick with gallstones

hello, i'm equinox. i'm a mixed disabled intersex trans lesbian. i am dealing with gallstones, one of which is lodged in the neck of my gallbladder and causing immense pain and digestive issues. i'm struggling to keep down food, some days i can't at all. i am also dealing with an injury in my left wrist that makes it very difficult to use, flare ups from hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome and psoriatic arthritis. i am struggling with my health and am in need of help as working has become very difficult and i'm being urged to rest while i await my gallbladder removal surgery

today i was told that the surgeon i was referred to can't work on patients above a certain weight and that i would need another referral to a surgeon who is used to working with fat bodies. i already waited a month to see this person, now i have to wait again. i have bills to pay, and i'm struggling to make ends meet right now due to my low energy from dealing with my health as is

i have been bed bound lately and my body has been so exhausted to the point of nearly passing out in public several times. i have been so tired i have been falling asleep against my will. i struggle to cook some days due to being so exhausted. i'm behind on housework, and i need certain cleaning items. i'm struggling to eat regularly, as sometimes i can get sick and throw up for no reason at all.

i had 4 GI procedures this month, all of which were helpful and informative, but it's wearing on me. my mental health is very fragile at the moment as my care is being prolonged for no reason. i am frequently in tears due to how tired this has been making me. i am frustrated beyond belief because i just want to be able to eat normal meals again. i can barely eat. i can barely stay awake

i currently have to pay for my electric bill, and my internet bill:

Disabled Intersex Trans Lesbian Needs Help Paying For Bills While Sick With Gallstones
Disabled Intersex Trans Lesbian Needs Help Paying For Bills While Sick With Gallstones

if you are interested in helping me, you can do so in the following ways:

pay pal: glittergraphicnightmare @ gmail. com cash app: $glitterGraphix venmo: $Equinoxian chime: $Equinoxian

Click here for my eBay shop!

Visit Equinoxian's Ko-fi Shop!
I've opened a Ko-fi shop. Come take a look!
Donate to Disabled Trans Man Needs to Escape Unsafe Home, organized by Alicia Adamson
Hello, my name is Johnny. I am a disabled trans man who is currently liv… Alicia Adamson needs your support for Disabled Trans Man Needs to
5 months ago

ik no one asked but lemme share my opinion anyway

if you're one of the people who say "omg fangirls and fujoshis and cringe people who make weird art are ruining the fandom!" sorry to break it to you , but you're ruining the fandom ( talking about literally any fandom )

fandoms are supposed to be weird they were never meant to be "normal" or "not cringe" , oh and news flash , unfortunately the general public already views you as weird for being in most fandoms , they don't care that you're "one of the good ones"

5 months ago
5 months ago

Support community reparations for Autistic People of Color through the Autistic People of Color Fund!

5 months ago

Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive🙏🙏

Hello my dear friends. I am Baraa🍉🇵🇸. I suffer from severe allergies and I need immediate treatment or at least an inhaler because the swelling in my face and neck causes me shortness of breath and accelerates my heartbeat. I hope you will donate or participate in any small contribution that will help save my life and the life of my family.💔😔🙏🙏

@ibtisam-d @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @7amaspayrollmanager @fairuzfakhira @fallahsart @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly @sar-soor @dimostheniskapa @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-macher @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @commissions4aid-international @7amaspayrollmanager @ghost-and-a-half @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @flower-tea-fairies @4ft10tvlandfangirl @flower-tea-fairies @the-stray-liger @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @communistchameleon @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl @90 ghost

5 months ago

PSA to any nonhumans/otherkin/voidpunks who want a fang piercing to affirm themselves!!!

Do NOT do this:

A close-up photo of a person with a "smiley" piercing. The jewelry being worn is an oversized circular bar with large spikes extending to the bottom lip to simulate fangs.

This is a “smiley” piercing (a horseshoe bar through the frenulum); fang bars are NOT proper jewelry to wear in them! Their size and shape can increase the risk of gum recession and tooth chipping (and are at a higher risk of being torn out by mistake!), plus they’re difficult to live with when it comes to eating, drinking, and sleeping.

Do this instead:

A closeup photo of a person with vertical angel bite piercings. the bars have small spikes on the ends to simulate fangs.

These are vertical angel bites (AKA “angel fangs”), using a standard curved barbell with a spike on the bottom. They don’t extend into the oral cavity at all, which means your teeth won’t be damaged and there’s a lesser risk of injury. This piercing is also easier to live with so you can keep your fangs full-time (as long as the spikes you use aren’t TOO long, I’d recommend 3 to 4 mm).

Pls remember to affirm yourselves safely (especially with body modification), and only wear jewelry that’s meant to safely go in your piercing! 💕

(This is a safe space for MOGAI, otherkin, voidpunk, and nonhuman identities! Any offending or bigoted comments will be deleted and blocked. Please be respectful in the comments!!)

5 months ago

Hi everyone! Here's your Daily Reminder to Click for Palestine!

It only takes a couple seconds!

5 months ago

If you are disabled and impacted by recent hurricanes and need help, call or text the Disability and Disaster Hotline at 800-626-4959 or email

5 months ago
Another Option:

another option:

Another Option:

turning it into a windows 95 logo is also acceptable.

Another Option:
5 months ago
blackcherri-stuff - blackcherri
5 months ago

'all age gaps problematic' people are so wild. "what can a 19 year old and a 28 year even have in common??? what do they talk about??" BITCH THEIR HOBBIES???????

5 months ago
This Is Insane

This is insane

5 months ago

There's a pattern I've noticed with mixed-race fictional characters - the Black parent is almost invariably the dad. If this isn't selection bias on the part of the media I'm familiar with, I'm guessing this is tied to gendered stereotypes about Black people?

I mean, if you want my honest answer about the combination in general, it's because Black women are not deemed equivalently valuable partners, if valuable humans. That intersection between "Black" and "woman" drives home that this is the least desirable combination in our society.

Yes, there are plenty of stereotypes of the types of mothers and wives that we make, despite the fact that people then turn around and want us to solve the world's problems. Everyone wants us to fix, but no one wants to love us for the fixing and the doing. Everyone wants to mock us for being "ghetto welfare queens" or "loud and mean", to the point that the idea that we're normal ass people capable of love is unbelievable to some.

And be honest- how many times have we watched media where the Black girl or woman was the romantic interest of a white man, and it got extreme hate? Entire shows have been affected by fans' vitriol towards a Black woman on screen being loved by a white man (Merlin, Sleepy Hollow, The Flash, Arcane). People don't want to see Black women in that role; it's not "relatable" or "exciting". In order to see more Black women in these roles, people would have to see Black women as worth loving, as good parents, as good wives. As valuable characters.

And yes, the history of white women's vitriol and resentment towards the status of Black women in particular is longstanding, centuries before "fandom" as we know it today.

5 months ago

to whomstever transformative work writers it may concern -

this is plagiarism.

"Once upon a time, a beautiful vampire lord lived in a splendid palace in a seaside city with his seven lowly spawn, whom he starved and kept in perpetual terror." vs "Once upon a time, a gorgeous vampire lord lived in a splendid palace in a seaside city with his seven sad spawn, whom he starved and kept in perpetual terror."

(almost word-for-word the same sentence and scenario, no true distinguishing features, probably not a sentence two people would uniquely come up with in its entirety)

this is derivative.

"Once upon a time, a beautiful vampire lord lived in a splendid palace in a seaside city with his seven lowly spawn, whom he starved and kept in perpetual terror." vs "Before our story truly began, there were seven poor vampire spawn who lived in constant fear under their beautiful, but terrible, master in the seaside city of Baldur's Gate."

(same scenario or trope, similar voice/phrasing, but a wholly unique work, with clear nods to the influencing material)

this is two writers with a similar voice.

"Once upon a time, a beautiful vampire lord lived in a splendid palace in a seaside city with his seven lowly spawn, whom he starved and kept in perpetual terror." vs "In times of old, a bustling city full of trade sat beside a sea, and in it lived a vampire lord of most evil repute. This is not his story."

(similar tone and voice, dissimilar approach)

this is none of the above.

"Once upon a time, a beautiful vampire lord lived in a splendid palace in a seaside city with his seven lowly spawn, whom he starved and kept in perpetual terror." vs "Cazador Szarr made a deal with the devil. That's how this whole thing started. Part of that deal? Find seven pretty suckers and carve a contract into their flesh. Keeping them as slaves in his shitty basement was just a bonus, really."

(same source material, same scenario, but unique voice/approach/style)

in case you needed to review the difference. stop hassling people because they used the same trope/scenario/word that you did. it's embarrassing. and it's the mark of an amateur, tbh.

5 months ago

don't fucking laugh at people for getting phished.

you are not immune to phishing. it only takes one mistake.

one single mistake where you're stressed out, the message coincided with events to make it seem more legit, or the phish came from someone you trust but got compromised.

it doesn't matter how smart you are. you are not infallible.

you should not laugh at people for being fallible.

5 months ago


5 months ago

look, guys, this may seem ironic coming from a person with Verbose Disease, but I'm about to tell you the secret to winning social media: shutting the fuck up. you have a controversial discourse opinion? shut the fuck up and no one will know. can't participate in a boycott for various reasons? shut the fuck up and no one will know. you think or do something Problematic that has no bearing on anyone but yourself? shut the fuck up and no one will know. you haven't been keeping up on a pressing social issue? shut the fuck up and no one will know. your mind is a wonderful place where you can have all the bad takes in the world and they're all perfectly insulated from everyone and everything unless you try to excise them on a grand scale. you can take the mental L all by yourself without using a public platform as a confession booth and face zero repercussions and it'll be just fine. open up a damn diary and explain yourself there.

5 months ago
blackcherri-stuff - blackcherri
5 months ago

I once studied American Football- something I never cared for- including positions, titles, plays, and watching games, for weeks in order to write symbolism in a fanfic. I once studied how to play poker, practiced how to count cards, and played Spades more often just so that I could include them in a fic. And I am ass at math.

But if I can do those things, you are perfectly capable of putting in the far more important work and research to depict Black hair textures, including styles and hair care. While there are plenty of resources to lead you in the right direction, there is no bypassing the work and time required. Art as you currently do it took you time to learn- why would this be different?

I feel like I disappoint people on here kinda often when I don't have some link of a massive collection of "how to depict and understand Black hair". You're not just learning hair, you're learning an entire culture, as well as breaking biases you didn't even know you held- ofc it's not going to be an immediate process.

It's worth it. Be willing to commit to your Black characters.

5 months ago

hot take incoming: revolt and revolution doesn't create a fair and equitable society. it creates a power vaccum, which is terrifying because it is incredibly fertile ground for all sorts of warlords, aspiring tyrants, paramilitary extremists, and imperial powers to swoop in and start doing atrocities over it. You can put a new society in a power vaccum, but so can anyone else, and most of those potential outcomes are going to be horrifying, not to mention to the hellscape interim period.

To create a fair and equitable society you need to know civics, administration, diplomacy, and yes, statecraft. Yes they're boring and unglamorous and icky and gross. But i promise that you need them. They are mandatory. Not optional.