blackinkparty - Rick Roll On Em’
Rick Roll On Em’

Leo25Anime trash Ask me shit! (If you want to)Video game trash

387 posts

Took Me A Fuckin Hour And Thirty Minutes To Do This Shit.

Took Me A Fuckin Hour And Thirty Minutes To Do This Shit.

Took me a fuckin hour and thirty minutes to do this shit.

More Posts from Blackinkparty

8 years ago
This Was My Sisters Reaction To The Saitama Pic I Sent Her

This was my sisters reaction to the saitama pic I sent her

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9 years ago

the series has actually never said they were, but you're right. They do show some kind of relation ship. Keiji inafune just wanted them to have a strong relation ship ( even though much of the dialogue begs to differ) kind of like brothers. But it's fun to let fans do what the want. I myself never caught on to it as a child but now that I'm older I can't help but laugh my self to death at the dialogue, it's absolutely perfect.

Replaying Megaman X3, 5, and 6 is just… like, WOW, their relationship is EXTREMELY homoerotic.

Like, is X actually gay? Is that confirmed??? He is constantly making references to how important Zero is to him, and I feel a little bad for the guy because however much he cares for Zero, Zero doesn’t seem to quite feel the same way. Of course, Zero is a little more stoic, so he might care and you would just never know.

9 years ago
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, And What Everyone Else Celebrates.:)

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and what everyone else celebrates.:)

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9 years ago
I Don't Know If Y'all Can See This, But Apparently Sakura Likes To Think That ANY Form Of The Robots

I don't know if y'all can see this, but apparently Sakura likes to think that ANY form of the robots dr light created can INDEED have children. So that means light made robo dicks for the robots and a a full female anatomy for the girl robots. What do y'all think?

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