-20-Bit of a nerd-Entered the Undertale fandom in January -Like to do my own research-Is a cat person(but still loves my dogs)
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With Horror
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You heard sounds coming from the kitchen as you rounded the corner, letting you know that Horror had started lunch. Rounding the corner, you found him making sandwiches.
“Hey, Horror.” You greeted, coming up beside him.
He nodded back, “Hey.” keeping his eyes on his work. You leaned in, obviously not leaving anytime soon. Horror noticed and sighed. “Like . . . Killer.”
You gasp in mock offense, slapping a hand to your chest. “How could you??” He chuckled, pushing you away from the food. “Wait! I’m sorry! I want to help!”
Horror hummed at you and relented, pulling out a cutting board for you. “. . . Tomatoes.”
“Yessir.” You mock salute before grabbing a tomato and a knife.
“Hmm. . . Killer.”
“Oh my God!”
Horror chuckled.
You sliced tomatoes and cucumbers while Horror set up a snack tray to go with lunch. When you finished slicing, you reached into the fridge and pulled out turkey and cheese. Unfortunately, due to you being allergic to pork, the gang had supplemented ham for turkey. You insisted that it wasn’t necessary but everyone agreed that it was the safest option.
Handing Horror the turkey, you looked down at the cheese slices and had an idea.
“Hey, Horror?”
“Can I have a slice of cheese?” You said, before correcting. “Without eating it?”
Horror froze. His eye light shrank and slowly looked at you. You heard him start growling.
“I can explain!!” You said quickly. “I can explain!!”
He stopped growling and squinted suspiciously. “. . . Explain.”
You looked around before leaning in to whisper to him your idea.
His face slowly relaxed as he listened. When you finished, Horror huffed in amusement and turned back to making sandwiches.
“. . . Yes.”
You let off a sigh of relief and a nervous laugh. “For a second I thought-”
You froze as Horror spoke, tensing back up.
A grin split across his face as he looked over his shoulder at you. There was no mirth in the expression. “No waste.” He growled lowly, pinning you with that one eye light. “Understood.”
Though he didn’t ask it like a question, you nodded quickly. Best not to anger him, even if it meant eating dirty cheese. “Yes, sir.”
“Good.” Suddenly, as if someone had turned on the lights, the room seemed infinitely brighter when Horror turned back to the food. He held out his hand. “Cheese.”
You quickly handed him the cheese and helped finish making lunch. Your idea could wait until later.
“I’m telling you! There is something in there! Every time I go in there, it’s different!” Killer exclaimed at Dust who huffed.
“Please.” He said, exasperated. “You rarely enter the library. Of course it’s different every time. Me and Boss rearrange the seating.”
Killer narrowed his eyes and pointed at an unaffected Dust. “That’s just what you’d want me to think if there was something going on in there!”
Nightmare sighed into his tea. “Must you be so loud?”
“Yes!” Killer said with a smirk on his face and his hands on the table.
Nightmare pinched the bridge of his nose from where he sat at the head of the table. You chuckled at the chaos Killer was already making as you helped Horror set the table. Supper was lasagna which you’d been craving for weeks before letting it slip to Horror who immediately made some. Turns out, Horror is exceptionally good at learning new recipes. He looked over the recipe once and you didn’t see him look at it again. You smiled, your skeleton friends are so cool.
You and Killer jumped at the sound as Cross burst in the doorway. He locked eyes with Killer and shook a book at him. “WHAT IS THIS?!?” He snapped.
Everyone looked down at the book and you barely held back a snort at the cheese stuck to the cover. Horror’s mouth twitched upwards as he turned back to the food. Nightmare’s eye snapped between you and Horror as you composed yourself.
“I told you that was a cheesy romance, Cross.” You managed to say without breaking face. Nightmare’s face twisted into a mix between amusement and disgust.
Cross’s attention switched to you as he stared in disbelief. Killer broke the silence by laughing himself out of his own chair with a crash. Dust finally laughed, pointing at Killer’s vacant seat as Horror started chuckling. You even thought you heard Nightmare let out a small laugh at the whole situation.
You confidently held Cross’s betrayed look.
“Wh-What??” His face turned slightly purple as he tried to piece together what just happened. “Did you just… what???”
You took the book from his hands and pat his skull. “Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.” He swatted you away with a glare. You laughed again and headed towards the doorway when suddenly Horror was in front of you. You stopped short of hitting him and looked up at him, confused.
He pointed at the cheesed book. “Here.”
You froze, realizing what he wanted. “Horror,” You lowered your voice. “In front of everyone? Can’t I eat it outside?”
Horror grinned widely, both in amusement and anger. “No.”
“What’s up, H?” Killer said, having recovered and noticed the conversation in the door. His comment brought everyone’s attention to you and Horror.
Horror’s grin got slightly more sinister and he pushed you towards the table. “Y/N has something… they need… to show you.”
Your face went red.
Killer noticed and the grin on his face spread. “Whatcha need to show us, kiddo?~” You glared at him, making him giggle.
Sighing, and seeing no way of escape with Horror towering over you, you resigned yourself to your fate and lifted the book. Most in the dining room watched in horror as you ate the cheese off the romance novel. Killer’s eyes widened before propping his chin on his hands with a smug grin on his face. The cheese wasn’t actually that bad, but it was very stuck to the book, making you spend more time than you intended in front of everyone. By the time you finished, the lasagna was much colder than you’d like. Horror nodded at you and moved back to serving everyone. You quickly left the room to put the book back in the library as laughter erupted behind you, making your face flash red again.
Maybe that wasn’t worth the prank…
POV: You started thinking what if Error was almost the exact opposite. As in, he loves touch and is happy all the time. And all of a sudden there's a destroyer running around in your head giving people hugs and buttons. Like, he somehow has a collection of buttons that he just gives to people he thinks needs it! And if he gets too excited he crashes.
And now there are two gremlins in your head because if Error crashes when he's happy then Ink pukes when he's stressed.
Now there's an Ink with anger issues that hates how loud Error is. Ink is lazy and tired all the time but can still hold himself up in a fight if need be. He still creates but now he creates so much in one space that the au’s start running into each other and tearing each other apart. Error comes in, saves who he can and destroys the merging au’s before they form an amalgam universe.
Error and Core Frisk have their own secret alliance because everyone still sees him as the destroyer but Core knows why he has to.
Core has many gift buttons.
I woke up thinking this.
With Horror
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You pulled your hands away from the cutting board and the strawberries you were slicing. That stings!
Horror looked up from the cupcake batter at your exclamation. His eye focused on the hand you held to your chest.
You moved to the sink and started cleaning the small cut in your hand.
“Bleeding.” Came Horror’s gruff voice behind you.
“Yeah, but not much.” You responded, gently drying your hands. You turned around, intending to go get a bandage or something, when you jumped at Horror’s proximity to you. “Geez! Horror! You gotta stop that!”
“Human blood…” He growled.
Confused, you looked into his eye and stopped. This wasn’t the Horror you knew. Something was wrong with the way he was staring at you. As if he didn’t recognize you. “Uh… Horror? You there, bud?” You ask, suddenly noting the strawberry knife in his hand.
Horror towered over you, his smile void of sanity as he grabbed at your arm.
You pulled back, narrowly avoiding his grab, and bumped into the sink. “Horror. It’s me, Y/N. We’re in the castle.” No response. “Can you hear me?”
The knife rose above his head.
“Horror?? Listen! You’re okay! You aren’t there anymore!” You weren’t sure what you were saying but you had to do something. “Horror!”
Horror growled as his arm was grabbed by a black tentacle. He spun towards Nightmare, drooling and snarling like a wolf. Nightmare didn’t react as his tentacle slowly pulsed on Horror’s arm. Horror grabbed the appendage and chomped down on it. You flinched as Nightmare hissed but didn’t stop him.
“Leave, Y/N.” Nightmare said. “I’ll take care of this.”
You hesitated, watching how Horror tried to tear apart Nightmare’s tentacle, his blown eye light crazed, and drool pooling from his mouth. When you moved towards the door, he immediately noticed and tried to charge at you. He was yanked back.
“Now. Y/N.” Nightmare growled.
“Hold on! I have an idea!” You opened the fridge and reached in.
“Y/N!” He grunted at a particularly viscous bite. “I’ve done this before! LEAVE!”
“Just let me try something!” You yank out the sliced turkey, ignoring Nightmare’s protest. “Hey, Horror!” He looked back at you and his eye locked on the food in your hands. “Catch!”
You tossed it at him and he snatched it out of the air with his free hand. He ripped the bag open and devoured the turkey inside. His eye dilated as he looked up at you again, this time hopefully. You tossed him another bag, this time chicken. He did the same thing as before but slightly slower.
As he finish the last bit of chicken he slowed to a stop and went still. Nightmare let out a relieved sigh and loosened his grip on Horror’s arm. Horror looked at Nightmare’s damaged tentacle and shrank into himself.
“Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry” He started mumbling, dropped the bag and held his head.
You stepped forward, earning a pointed glared from Nightmare as Horror noticed you. He looked at you through his fingers as if searching you. His eye settled on your finger that bled slightly during the commotion. “I . . . hurt you?”
“No.” You said, moving closer. He recoiled. “You didn’t hurt me, Horror. I didn’t realize how sharp the knife was while I was slicing the strawberries. It wasn’t your fault.” Despite Nightmare’s warning looks, you stepped even closer to Horror who seemed like he wanted to run from you.
“No. Y/N.” Horror stressed. “I can’t…” He stepped back. “You’re not… safe here.”
You stopped within arms reach and held out your hand, moving the cut hand behind your back. “How about this, I’ll wash that knife off and visit with Dust real quick, and then we finish making cupcakes for everyone? Sound good?”
Horror looked down at the knife in his hand as if he hadn’t noticed that it was there. He looked at the ingredients on the counter. “Cupcakes…” Nightmare and you shared a look over Horror’s shoulder. Nightmare was definitely going to talk to you after this. Horror looked back to you, setting the knife gently into your hand, trying not to touch you. “Deal.”
You nodded, smiling at him. “Cool. Now, would you mind working on the batter?” He nodded and went back to the counter, picking up where he left off. You quickly washed the knife before setting it to dry and leaving with Nightmare.
As soon as you were out of earshot from the kitchen, Nightmare broke the silence. “What happened.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a command for a report.
You sighed. “I cut my finger while slicing strawberries and went to wash my hands. When I turned around, Horror was in my face with the knife from the strawberries in hand. I tried to calm him down after noticing that something was wrong when he lifted his arm and you showed up.” You said, letting him fill the blanks from there.
“What were you thinking?”
You rolled your eyes. “That I had to get my friend back.”
“No.” Nightmare stopped you with a tentacle. “I told you to leave! Yet you stayed and even approached Horror, like an idiot!”
“I don’t see how helping was being ‘an idiot!’” You snapped. “It’s not like he would actually mean to hurt me!”
“But he would!” Nightmare snapped back. “You’re a human! He would have torn you apart and served you to the gang if I hadn’t stepped in! Do you not know the amount of real danger you were in just then? You are insanely lucky that I noticed your proximity to him in his fit! He. Would. Have. EATEN. YOU.” He jabbed a finger into your chest at the end of his rant.
You froze, searching Nightmare eye as if he would lie to you. “But… Horror wouldn’t…”
“Horror wouldn’t. But trauma makes people do insane things they would never do.” Nightmare rubbed the bridge of his nose. “And he’s not the only one. If any of the boys don’t look like themselves, get away or hide. I’ll need to react sooner than I used to since you live here now. But-” He glared at you. “You need to learn to obey in a situation like that. If I tell you to leave, you LEAVE.”
You held his glare. “It worked tho.”
“Feeding him. He calmed down with food.” You hesitated, breaking eye contact for a second. “What happened to him?”
Nightmare sighed. “That is not my story to tell. But you’re avoiding the subject.” He waved the topic away. “Can I trust you to obey in the next crisis? Or will you continue to contradict me?”
You shrug, a smirk appearing on your face. “Depends on if I can keep you from hurting more or not.”
His eye narrowed. “That was stupid luck.”
“That was deductive reasoning.” You shot back.
You held each other’s glare until Nightmare pulled his injured tentacle away from you. You broke eye contact first, turning down the hall.
“It seems we both need to see Dust.”
Nightmare walked with you.

Part One.
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