Nightmare Sans - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Hello this is my post I hope you like it ☺️☺️

Hello This Is My Post I Hope You Like It

This is a canvas painting that I did of Nightmare. You can't really tell but the background is a mix of black and purple. If you want just ask and I'll try to paint a picture of your favorite sans.

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11 months ago


With Dust


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“Dust?” You asked. He stopped just as he passed you in the hall. He didn’t turn to look at you but seemed like he was in a hurry. “Where are you-?”

“Stay with Horror.” He commanded roughly. “He’s in the kitchen. Don’t leave him.” He started marching down the hall again.

“Wait, is something wrong? Aaaand you’re gone. Nevermind.” You huffed and started towards the kitchen. Maybe Horror needed help? Or he was having another episode? But ‘don’t leave him’ implied that if that were the case, Nightmare would have been called instead. Unless Dust thought you would do better? Just in case, your pace sped up.

You rounded the corner into the kitchen. “Horror, are you okay?” Your slightly panicked state blurting out the first thing that came to mind.

Horror looked up from the stove where he was currently making macaroni and chicken nuggets, Killer’s favorite. In his hand was a wooden spoon, his grin was casual, and him eyelight focused on you in recognition. His brows furrowed as he processed your question.

“Mm… yeah? Are… you okay?” He shot back at you. “You’re… stiff.”

You sighed. “I thought… I don’t know. Dust said to come find you and not leave you. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Definitely not that he was biting into Nightmare’s limbs again. Nope. Not that.

The grin on Horror’s face widened. “You thought… I was feral… again.” He chuckled.

You sputtered. “I-! Horror-!”

“Nah.” He interrupted before you could deny his claim. “It’s… fine. You weren’t… hurt. That’s… important.” He turned back to the stove.

Awkwardly, you shuffled over to peer over his shoulder at the food. You took note of the salt and pepper shakers nearby. “Soooo… do you know where Dust went?” You hoped he wasn’t mad at you after the other day. Your arm was still dramatically swaddled in bandages that itched. You couldn’t come up with a good reason for him to be mad at you, he had looked rather upset with himself actually, but that didn’t stop you from speculating. Was it the knife? Had that set him off more than you thought? Was he avoiding you because you’d reminded him of his past?

“Dust? He went… on a mission. Took Killer… and Cross. He’ll be back… later.” Horror shrugged. The wooden spoon was tapped on the side of the pot and set down before Horror turned to face you.

“Oh.” That made sense. They had things to do and couldn’t afford to carry you around like the dead weight you were. Really, you’d only slow them down. Though, Dust seemed rough when he talked to you. Maybe it still had something to do with you.


Your attention snapped to Horror as you realized you’d spaced out. He looked concerned.

“What is it?” He asked slowly.

“I…” I’m fine. It’s nothing. I’m sorry, I just spaced out for a second there. I’m fine, really. “I don’t know. Dust was… rough when he left. I… Do… Do you think he’s mad at me? For the other day? I didn’t mean to scare him. I just… I didn’t know.” You shrank under the taller skeleton’s gaze and looked at your feet. “I’m sorry.”

A chuckle shocked you as Horror turned back to the food. “Dust isn’t… mad.” He stirred the noodles again before seeming to approve the consistency and walked the pot to the sink. You helped him scrape the noodles into the strainer-“Colander.”-colander with the wooden spoon and he dropped a stick of butter into the still hot pot.

“It’s called a colander?” You peeked into the sink.

“Yeah.” Horror tapped the bowl. “Strainer’s the thing… with wires. Better for… sifting flour. Not noodles.” He chuckled at you as the timer on the stove went off. You handed him the oven mitts and stepped back.

“…You’re sure Dust isn’t mad?”

Horror’s laugh echoed through the castle. “Yes! Have you seen… Dust angry? He doesn’t… beat… around the… bush.” He set the tray of chicken nuggets on the stove and turned the over off. “If he… was mad… everyone would know. Especially you… But he’s not… mad. Not… at you.” That last sentence sounded like an afterthought.

“…What do you mean? Not at me? Who’s he mad at?” You questioned.

Horror shook his head. “Not… important. Dust can tell you… later. Here.” He handed the spoon to you and picked up the stra- colander. With your help, he carefully poured the macaroni noodles back into the pot.

You dropped the topic of Dust at the promise of information later. That didn’t stop you from worrying but now you were content to wait.

Lunch was eaten, Nightmare came out just long enough to eat before dismissing himself back to his office, and you and Horror were watching a movie in the living room when Cross’s portal opened in the hallway. You bounded off the couch to peek around the corner at them, Horror giggling at you. Someone you didn’t recognize was talking.

“-come b-b-back for th-that favor-or-or l-later, a-abomination. D-D-Don’t forge-get that.” Growled a voice that glitched terribly.

You looked around the corner where Cross stood over a panting Killer, who was splayed across the floor and dripping hate. Dust was still on the other side of the portal, talking to someone out of sight.

“I won’t.” Dust answered, curt but not rude. With the conversation apparently done, Dust entered the castle as the portal shut behind him. He kicked Killer softly. “You good?”

“I hate you.” Killer groaned back.

“Anything new?”

“Shut up. Let me die.”

Cross chuckled, turned away from the two, and saw you in the doorway. “Hey, y/n. Wassup?” Killer groaned.

You glanced between the three skeletons. “Uhh… Hi? What did you do to Killer?”

Dust grinned and kicked Killer again. “Nothing.”

“Stop.” Killer complained.

Cross laughed at the beaten skeleton. “Killer just took on an entire au by himself. He’ll be fine.”

That didn’t calm you at all. “What?! Killer are you okay?!?” You rushed to his side. He had hundreds of cuts, big and small, and several forming bruises. At least, from what you could see. No doubt there was more damage under his clothes.

He grinned weakly at you. “Aw. You’re concerned for lil ol’ me? I’m flattered, kiddo. You can blame Dust for the, well, dust. It was his idea.” His head lifted to look at Dust. “Are you done with me now?”

Dust folded his arms and looked at Cross, who shrugged. “Yeah, sure. Go get yourself cleaned up, Killer.”

Cross helped Killer to his feet and headed towards the infirmary. You took a step after them but stopped when you glanced over your shoulder at Dust. He stood with his hands in his pockets, watching you, waiting for you to make a decision on who to follow.

You stepped back. “Dust.”

“Y/n.” He nodded. “I assume you have questions.”



You rocked on your heels. “Uh, what exactly did you do today?”

“Destroyed an au.”

That made you freeze for a second. “…uhhhhhh… well, um, how’d you do that? Doesn’t Nightmare try not to destroy whole worlds?”

“I called in a favor with a… friend. And I got Nightmare’s permission for that.” Dust’s nonchalant attitude had you at a loss for words. He sighed. “Look, I called in a favor but it came with conditions, Cross had to be transport cause my ‘friend’ wasn’t going to taxi me and Killer around. Basically, if I didn’t let anyone touch him and offered him a favor later, he’d help us completely destroy Lustswap. As it turns out, it was some sort of multiversal traffic hub. Bastards. I had Killer clear them out ‘cause,” He gave your arm a pointed look. “he needed to fix a mistake. Me and Cross stayed back to guard Er- my friend. That’s why Killer’s so messed up. That make sense to you?”

Your thoughts were racing. He helped destroy a whole au, made Killer do most of it, and Cross was a taxi? No, wait, he didn’t say that. “I… you… Why?” Was all you could get out.

Dust raised a brow. “Why what?”

“…Why’d you destroy it? I don’t understand… I mean, I’m… relieved… that it’s gone but… why?”

“Y/n. We did it for you.” You froze. “Did… Did you think it wasn’t for you? That we just randomly lashed out at one au specifically?”

You fumbled for your words. “Why?”

Dust’s face scrunched up in concern. “We… Y/n, we love you. You’re family. Why wouldn’t we?”

We love you.

You’re family.


Dust hugged you, startling you from your thoughts. You found your voice. “I don’t deserve it. Your love.”

A rumbling growl came from the skeleton. “You shut up. You’re not allowed to talk bad about yourself, you hear me? No bad talk, no judging. That’s not your job.” He squeezed you gently. “It’s mine.”

You hugged him back. There was silence for a few minutes before you spoke. “…Thank you.”

“No problem, kiddo.”

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10 months ago

Headcanon Time!!!

When Nightmare reads, if he’s not turning the pages, he will fidget with/scratch the closest thing to him. The little wooden paperweight duck that Dust carved for him has been worn down with how much Nightmare will twirl it in his hands while he’s distracted. Grooves from him drumming and picking at the desk are deep and old.

However, if you happen to catch Nightmare sitting on the couch in the living room, you will find yourself sat beside him while he rubs/scratches your back. To the other skeletons in the castle, those who lack muscles and thus muscle soreness, the scratching is very uncomfortable and they tend to avoid Nightmare while he reads.

But for a human, it’s heaven. It’s even better if you’re Nightmare’s love interest.

Nightmare, after noticing the positivity coming off you while he rubs your back, will search you out whenever he has time to read and just plop you down beside him and disassociate. He doesn’t even hold you there like he would the others. Just lets you melt into the back rubs while he reads. If you’re lucky, he might even read aloud.

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10 months ago

Mermaid bean? And reactions of the bad Sanses perhaps?

Ooooooooh! I’ve been meaning to draw this one!


I kinda turned it into its own au…

Mermaid Bean? And Reactions Of The Bad Sanses Perhaps?
Mermaid Bean? And Reactions Of The Bad Sanses Perhaps?
Mermaid Bean? And Reactions Of The Bad Sanses Perhaps?
Mermaid Bean? And Reactions Of The Bad Sanses Perhaps?

And then Killer named her Bubble.

Mermaid Bean? And Reactions Of The Bad Sanses Perhaps?

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10 months ago


A Mermay Prompt


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“Hey, y/n!” Killer greeted.

You gave him a halfhearted nod and returned back to your food. It was weird only eating fish and sea weed. Not that it was bothering you.

Killer leaned over your shoulder to nip at the fish in your hands. You swatted him away without a sound and Killer backed up. “…You okay, suckerfish.”

You nodded and smiled at him. No. No you weren’t okay. But it was fine. It had only been a week since you’d moved in. And you still couldn’t speak properly. But it was fine. You’d figure it out.

“Killer.” Nightmare called from the crevasse.

Killer shot away with a singsongy, “Yes, Boss~?” and disappeared into the trench.

You sighed through your nose. You were jealous. Yes, jealous. Killer was always talking and singing all the time, and the others did too, but you couldn’t even sing a siren song yet. All you could do was chirp and whistle.

A few minutes later, Killer swung by to tease you again on his way out. That was another thing. The boys could leave the trench for one reason or another, sometimes the Boss would send them on missions you weren’t allowed to know about, but you couldn’t leave unless absolutely necessary. No one let you go anywhere, especially by yourself. Even now, Dust was watching you from his cave, ready to stop you if you tried to leave.

“Y/n.” Called Nightmare.

You shivered and looked over at Dust, who shooed you with a hand. You gently set the half-eaten fish down and cautiously swam into the trench. You hadn’t been to see Nightmare by yourself before and you were terrified.

“I’m not going to bite you. Calm yourself.”

Right. Negativity. You took a few deep breaths as you descended to the floor of the trench, stopping when you were level with his eyes.

He smiled kindly at you. “It has come to my attention that you have not been using your voice, refraining from speaking even in casual conversation.”

You sank a few feet in embarrassment. He wasn’t wrong.

“If you do not practice, you will not develop a voice or a call. Do you know what that means, y/n?”

You shook your head.

“It means you will never become independent. If you cannot use your voice, you will die if you get separated from your pod. Either from starvation or because a larger predator attacked you. Your voice is very important. So I’ve decided to teach you.”


You looked up at the kraken in confusion. He was going to help you? He wasn’t upset that you’d failed to even try?

“As I understand it, you have made quite the impression on my pod. Usually after I’ve rested, Horror would be all over me. He has only come to me twice without being called. The others are sharing food with him too. Cross and especially Killer haven’t shared their meals in decades. And Dust, though you hadn’t met him before, has been visible almost constantly since you arrived, sitting in the edge of his den instead of the very back.” Nightmare encouraged softly. “You have fixed multiple problems, that I have spent years trying to fix, within a few weeks. I wish to thank you. So I am offering my help in your speech therapy. Do you accept?”

You nodded furiously. You’d given up trying to speak to the others. If he could fix your voice, you wouldn’t say no to that. Do you know how hard it is to communicate with someone when you can’t use your voice and don’t know sign language? It’s stupid difficult.

Nightmare grinned. “Good. Now, let’s start shall we?”

Nod nod nod.

Killer swam over you and poked your head. “Hey, suckerfish~!”

“Hhhhey.” You managed back around your food. ‘H’s were hard.

Killer flipped out and spun back around to face you. “What? Y/n, what? What did you say?” He was excited.

You took a moment to swallow. “Hhhey.” You grinned.

A sharp whistle pierced the water and Dust flinched away as Killer cheered you on. “You did it! I knew you could, suckerfish!” He hugged you, shoving you to the side.

You chirped angrily at being manhandled until he stopped. “Mmm- Mmmmnnn- Nnnniiigh…d…mmmmaaaare…hhhhep mmmme.” Scratch that. ‘N’s were harder.

“Wait. Boss helped you?” You nodded and Killer looked even more confused. “Huh. He doesn’t normally do that. Whatever. What have you learned?”

“Sssssssssounnnnndsssss.” You struggled. “Nnnnnnothhhhhhh- thhhhh- iinnnnnng b-big.” ‘Th’s sucked too. You actually gave up on that sound. “Jussssst worrrrdssssss.”

“Liiiiike? C’mon, suckerfish! Give me details!”

You frowned at him. “Toooooo mmmmmuch.”

“Too much what?”

“Too much overstimulation, Killer. Leave them alone.” Dust growled, speaking for you where you could not. You didn’t know how he knew what you meant but you appreciated it.

“When did you become the y/n expert?” Killer snapped. “You’ve barely met them!”

Dust, not caring for Killer’s fit turned to address you. “Was I correct?” You nodded. “I rest my case, Killer. Talk their ear off for all I care but don’t force them to talk when it’s already hard enough.”

Killer struck his tongue out at Dust who ignored him in favor of lying down in the entrance of his den. Without someone to mess with, Killer turned on you and started getting in your space. He tried to grab your food and you slapped his hands away.

“Get yyyyyourrr ownnnnn.” You snarked, pushing him away from your fish.

“Aw, c’mon!” He twisted away from your hand and tried to come back for your food again.

Being trained to deal with sharks, you decided to try something on him. Killer darted forward and you dropped your food to grab him with both hands. You flipped him with his tail upright and he stopped moving, stunned. You happily dug back into your food. Get rotated.

“What did you do??” Dust exclaimed, staring wide eyed at a frozen Killer who couldn’t even speak like that. “He’s quiet! What did you do to him?”

You smiled at Dust and continued eating without answering.

Dust looked excited and worried at the same time. “…Can you do that to all of us?”

You almost choked on your food as you laughed. Dust looked more and more concerned as you didn’t answer.

Tags :
10 months ago


A Mermay Prompt


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“Uuggghhhhhh!” You groaned, lying dramatically across a boulder. It had been so long since you’d read something and it’s not like you could just find a book. You lived in water now. You know, the one thing paper can’t touch. And reading online was out of the question too. Water and electricity mixed just as well as water and paper. Beaching yourself to ask someone on land wouldn’t end well unless you were insanely lucky and you were starting to like those odds.

“…What is it, y/n?” Nightmare interrupted your thoughts.


If Nightmare had glasses, he would have looked over them at you. “If it was nothing, you wouldn’t be acting dramatic about it. Either tell me or go groan at Killer.”


“. . .”

“Mmmm-Do you know what books are?” You propped yourself up on the rock you had draped yourself over.

Nightmare looked down at you, amused. “You miss your old hobbies.”

Stars that was fast. “Yeah. You know what books are?”

He smiled. “Little one, I was alive when they invented the printing press. Yes, I know what books are. I’m disappointed they haven’t made one that can exist in the sea.”

“Right? It’s stupid and frustrating!” You huffed, flopping across the rock again.

Chuckling echoed through the water. “Grow to be as old as me, and you won’t need new stories. I know more tales than you could have possibly heard in your lifetime.”

You perked up and looked at him. At your sudden positivity, Nightmare gave you a side eye. “…Can you tell me one? Please?

He laughed. “I guess I could since you were so polite. Hm… Did you know that the oceans weren’t quite so big originally?”

Intrigued with a dumb smile on your face, you shook your head.

“Well, as I said, the oceans used to be much smaller. For every drop of water there was an inch of land and all the land was connected. A land dweller could traverse the entire world on foot if they so pleased. Among those on the land were the gods and goddesses, only four of which I will speak of in this story for time’s sake.

“The goddess of life and the god of creation brought flora and fauna to the land and sea, bringing beauty and grace to an otherwise barren canvas. Their work echoed down for thousands of generations into the life you see today.

“However, the god of death brought rot and violence for all things must come to an end with time. He left much space for Life and Creation to work with before a person died of old age as he became complacent in his job and would rather rest than work.

“The last goddess, the goddess of emotions, took the emotions of creatures and beings and gave them empathy, letting them understand each other better. A man would grieve and another’s empathy would encourage them to comfort him.

“Because of the gods’ efforts, the world entered a state of peace and balance. Many lived on the land and in the water and trade existed between the two. Some of the gods also decided to change form to live in the water.

“But human and monster kind misunderstood the goddess of emotions’ responsibility. They believed she was the reason they felt pain and anger so they attacked her.

“Nym, the goddess of emotions, was gravely injured and, with help from Life, was turned into a tree by the water that you may know now as the Tree of Life. Before she perished, Nym split her power in twain, placing them in the form of two brothers of the sea. The guardian of positivity and the guardian of negativity.”

You gasped. “This is about you??”

Nightmare gave you a patient smile. “It is but a story, little one. As I was saying;

“The goddess of emotions managed to live in the form of the tree. Life looked after the Tree and it bore fruit of two kinds, dark and light, respective to Nym’s children, that had powerful capabilities when consumed. Life set the children in charge of each type of fruit, claiming that they were in charge of protecting the fruit and the Tree together.

“But the men and monsters discovered the Tree that Life guarded and argued amongst themselves. ‘Surely, if Life herself guarded the Tree, it must have the key to immortality!’ They said. ‘But let us not make Life angry, lest she forget us and leave us in the hands of Death.’ So they approached as friends. Life was fooled by their friendly faces and introduced them to the children of the Tree. Upon meeting, the men and monsters tried to befriend the guardian of positivity, all the while the guardian of negativity avoided them. He did not feel safe near them.

“One day, the guardian of negativity was beached under the Tree and Life and the other guardian weren’t nearby. The men and monsters of the land, seeing only one guard by the Tree, attacked the child and cut down the Tree, taking its fruit. Half dead, the guardian of negativity ate one of the fruit and it gave him power. But the power came at a cost.

“The guardian went into a frenzy and grew into a leviathan that dripped with hate. He tore apart the land dwellers and ate as much fruit as he could find before attacking the Tree that gave him life and vanishing into the deep. When his brother arrived he found his mother destroyed and Life weeping over the stump. He somehow found one last apple and, in an effort of revenge, ate the apple and pursued the guardian of negativity.

“The goddess of life cried over the loss of her friend for so long that the skies opened and it rained across the entire world. A great flood of tears drowned the world in water and salt, making the oceans toxic when consumed. The sudden growth in tide tore apart and destroyed the land, devastating entire kingdoms.

“The guardian of positivity was still chasing his rampaging brother, getting closer as time went on. The fruit had made him a leviathan as well, granting him powers he had not yet used. When he finally caught his brother, he was met with a monster the likes of which none had seen before. A snarling beast that destroyed everything in its path.

“When he called to his brother in challenge, the beast turned on him, ready to destroy. The fiercer of the two guardians easily overpowered his brother, forcing the guardian of positivity back against the shore where, when he was struck, he was turned into a statue of stone for five hundred years.

“Enraged and slightly wounded from the fight, the corrupted guardian retreated into the depths of a great crevasse where he finally came to his senses and realized what he’d done. Grieving the loss of his family, the guardian didn’t leave the crevasse for six hundred years when a stupid shark siren ignored the territory markings and entered the leviathan’s domain. However, despite his stupidity, the siren was rewarded for his bravery with a guardian by his side. The leviathan ventured out into the world for the first time since his frenzy to gaze upon a vastly different ocean.

“He quickly discovered that his brother was alive and had escaped his stone prison as that very brother attacked him on sight. Another battle was raised by the twins that flattened and sank part of the land.

“But the corrupt guardian lacked his rage from his last fight and had another problem to look after. The stupid shark siren was attacking his leviathan brother!”

You giggled.

“Cease your laughter. The idiot could very well have died.” Nightmare gently scolded. “The guardian learned that day that someone else’s life is more important than an old grudge. The guardian, for the first time in his life, turned tail and fled, the shark siren in tow.

“The grudge between to two brothers still hasn’t ended, but they each found their own new family to care for.”


Nightmare turned back to whatever he had in his hands.

You shot upright. “That’s it??”

He raised a brow at your outburst. “Were you expecting some sappy ending full of forgiveness and reconciliation?”

“Have you talked to your brother?? Maybe he misunderstood what happened! You couldn’t have just stopped talking to him because of a fight!”

“Do land dwellers not cut ties over complications such as these?”

You paused. “…They do. You’re right. But you should still talk to him!”

“What is there to speak of? He attacked me after the Tree fell.”

“Sounds like you attacked each other.” You pointed out.

Nightmare looked down at you. “If you wish to pick apart my tale, I will not share another with you. Now go. The boys are waiting on you.” He shooed you away.

You huffed but obeyed, swimming away in the direction you could hear Killer chattering someone’s ear off.

Nightmare had a brother. And a mom and adoptive mom by the sounds of it. Though you didn’t know what happened to Life besides that she cried the oceans into existence. You hoped she was okay. If Nightmare was still alive, maybe she was too.

And Killer met Nightmare first, apparently. Crazy shark tried to get himself killed twice. Once by Nightmare and once by… if his name was Dream, you were gonna punch the god of puns or something. Positive and negative. Oh my stars. If his name was anything but Dream you’d be shocked. Everyone had a weird name down here.

Behind your tail, Nightmare smirked as he sewed the last few words of his tale into a sheet of kelp, careful to get the spelling correct.

“New family to care for.”

Tags :
10 months ago


A Mermay Prompt


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“Killer.” Nightmare’s voice rumbled through the water. You stirred from your rock at the noise. Had you dozed off? You rubbed your eyes and looked up to see Nightmare had stretched his tentacles out to surround you and the boys. For the others, they either sat on top of or under a tentacle. But the tentacle Nightmare had stretched to you only wrapped around the boulder you sat on, not quite touching you.


Where did Horror go? You could have sworn he was there before you’d closed your eyes.

“Yes, boss~?” Killer chirruped.

Killer’s tentacle pinned him to the sea floor. Nightmare smirked as he struggled. “Be still. You’re being disruptive.” The cyan eye glanced at you. He almost sounded as tired as you.

Oh. Oh, it was because you were passing out wasn’t it?

“I’m sorry.” You yawned. “I don’t know why I’m so tired. I can go back to Cross’s den if I’m bothering you.” You stretched and lifted off your rock.

Cross shook his head at you. “Don’t go in my den, y/n. It’s not your den anymore.”


You froze and stared at Cross’s blank expression. Was… Was Cross kicking you out? Did you do something wrong? Was it because you’d talked to Dream and Ink? Did he think you’d betray them to their enemies? You hadn’t even talked about the boys! Dream didn’t even know you were part of the group until after Killer attacked him. There wasn’t anything you could have done!

You’d only just met Dream and Ink outside of the pod and you didn’t really want to see them again. Where would you go? Where could you go?

Cross’s tentacle slapped his head. “You’re scaring them, idiot.” Nightmare scolded. “Either explain or choose your words wisely.”

Cross blushed under the appendage but didn’t push it off his face. “Sorry. Y/n, we have a surprise for you.”

Your nerves were only slightly calmed at Boss’s actions but you were still anxious. Did he just change the subject? “You do?”

“Yep. If you wait here until Horror gets back, we’ll get straight to it.” Cross yawned and the tentacle left his face, resting under his arms. “Just, wait a little bit. I promise it’s a good surprise.”

“…Okay…” You drifted back to your rock, no longer tired. He hadn’t corrected himself, so there was a chance he was actually planning on kicking you out. You didn’t have anywhere to go, even if you could go back to the land. There was nothing left for you.

You hugged yourself.

Nightmare started humming. A lullaby you weren’t familiar with. It caught your attention and you glanced up to see Nightmare’s tentacle in front of you. You glanced at the Boss but he wasn’t looking at you. The tentacle gestured at the rock you sat on, as if asking to sit next to you. Maybe his tentacles felt more comfortable off the sandy floor.

You scooted over to give it space. Without hesitation, the tentacle filled the space you just emptied, flipping suckers-up next to you like an open invitation. You looked over at where Dust and Cross laid across or hugged their offered tentacles. It seemed to be a comfort thing.

Cautious, you reached out and grabbed the tentacle similarly to how you would hold someone’s hand. It didn’t sting you or shock you or drag you away. It just wrapped around your hand in a gentle squeeze and didn’t move again.


You shifted into a more comfortable position and yawned. This wasn’t so bad. You were safe. You were surrounded by sirens that cared. And Nightmare, despite what Dream and Ink might have said, was one of the nicest people you knew.

You hummed softly as Nightmare’s lullaby lulled you to sleep.

“Y/n?” Someone whispered. “Hey… Wake up.”

“Mmh?” You mumbled, looking up from where you were curled up. Horror’s blurry face appeared as your vision cleared. Stars, you must have slept really well if it was taking this long to wake up. “Whazzit?”

Horror grinned. “I don’t think… you should sleep… here.”

You snuggled back into the pillows. “Nooooo. And Cross kicked me out. I don’t have a den.”

“Not if… you keep hugging… Boss.”

What? Hugging-?

Your eyes shot open and you heard Nightmare chuckling behind Horror. You had snuggled your face into the tentacle that you had apparently started hugging some time after falling asleep.

The tentacle was immediately released. It curled playfully and drifted back to you, opening up for you to hold again.

“I’m sorry, sir.” You blushed, keeping your hands away from the appendage in favor of covering your face.

“It is quite alright. You needed it more than I did.” He chuckled, still behind a smiling Horror. “Also, you do not need to call me sir or boss. Those are nicknames, not titles. Call me what you want.”

“Yes, sir.” Where was everyone?

He chuckled as Horror reached forward to touch the rock you were on. “You… ready?”

Ready? “For what?”

His grin split his face. “Surprise~.”

Oh, yeah. Cross said something about a surprise.

“Oh! Uh… do I need to… get ready?” You asked, uncertain. Did they want to kick you out? Were they throwing a party? What was going on?

Horror shook his head. “We can… go see it now.”

‘See it.’ Okay. So it was a gift or something.

“Okay. Um. Let’s go then, I guess.” You weren’t the most enthusiastic, but Horror seemed happy, so you would follow him.

He happily led you into the trench, past everyone else’s dens and in the darkness. The darkness of the trench was weird. You should logically be able to see in the depths(you’d gained night vision when you converted) but you could never make anything out unless Nightmare told you to look at something. It never felt malicious though. You just avoided swimming into the darkness without a guide.

Speaking of guides, Horror offered you a hand to hold as he guided you into the deep. You obviously accepted. You weren’t about to follow him on sight alone.

“Horror, where are we going?” You asked, testing the waters.

“Almost… there.” Was all Horror offered in response. He continued to pull you in a firm but gentle grip. So gentle, that you knew you could break away if you wanted to. He wasn’t forcing you to follow him and was giving you every opportunity to back out.

You followed, encouraged by that fact.

“Watch… your head.” He gently guided you into what felt vaguely like a cave. You weren’t sure. “We’re here.”

“Ok.” Came Cross’s voice from in front of you, making you flinch. “Boss?”

The darkness suddenly vanished and you blinked. You were in a cave, not quite as big as Cross’s den but definitely spacious. Cross had stuffed himself in the space that was small for him and Killer vibrated next to him. When you turned to Horror, you saw Dust halfway in the cave and Nightmare’s glowing eye and grin outside.

The cave was decorated. Little bits of coral, shells, and nets were strewn about in the corners and cubbies of the cave, giving it all the homey feeling of a seaside house. What stood out to you though was the red ringing frisbee tucked against a bed of sea weed.

“Surprise!” Killer cheered.

You blinked again slowly. “Oh. Uh. I… I don’t understand…” You admitted, embarrassed.

Dust and Nightmare chuckled softly as Cross spoke up. “This is all yours. We figured you might want your own den so we tried to make it as comfortable as possible. Feel free to move things around, get rid of whatever, and add stuff. It’s all up to you.” The orca siren smiled at you.

Did you hear that right? “I- You- This is for me?”

Killer’s expression turned sarcastic. “Nah, it’s for the frisbee.”

“Yes, it’s for you.” Cross shot Killer a dirty look. “If you don’t like it, we can-.”

“I love it.” You grinned. “Oh my stars! I love it! Thank you!” You shot forward and hugged Cross. Cross, shocked for a moment, laughed and returned the hug.

“Hey! …whataboutme?” Killer whimpered.

You laughed and broke away from Cross to hug Killer. Killer grinned and immediately squeezed you, laughing when you squeezed back.

“…So are we all getting hugs or…?” Dust asked. Horror looked like a kicked puppy as he watched you hug the shark siren.

And so everyone got hugs. Because you knew Dust was fine with waiting, you hugged Horror next. He was very careful, keeping his grip loose and his tentacles suckered firmly to the cave floor so he wouldn’t grab at you.

Dust gave you a normal looking hug, as if you were passing friends that saw each other all the time. But you could feel how his strength twitched to squeeze you. From what you could tell, he was probably stronger physically than any of the other boys.

It was a good thing he acted the most mature and self controlled. Oh my stars, he could crush you with his hands.

Before anyone could figure out what you were doing, you shot out of the cave and collided with a leviathan’s shoulder, hugging Nightmare too.

“Thank you! All of you!” You whistled excitedly. “I thought you were kicking me out of the pod!”

Killer burst into laughter.

“No! Y/n, we would never!” Cross gasped, clearly not realizing how he’d phrased his words earlier.

Strong yet gentle pressure pressed against your back as Nightmare hugged you with his hand. “You’re very welcome, little one. Though, it was Horror’s idea.” Nightmare’s chest vibrated deeply as he spoke.

“Thank you, Horror!” You called, still hugging Nightmare. He was too big! You had to give him a hug to do his size justice!

“Mm… you’re welcome, y/n.” Horror said proudly.

The rest of the next hour was spent constantly thanking everyone and fawning over every little detail in the den. Your den.

You swam full force into the bed at one point and stopped moving.

Cross, worried, peeked back into the cave. “Y/n?”

You didn’t answer and Nightmare chuckled.

“They have spent their energy. Let them sleep.”

“Oh.” Cross whispered as you melted into the seaweed, already unconscious. “Okay.” He slowly turned and swam away so he wouldn’t move the water enough to disturb you.

Dust and Horror followed Cross out of the den and back to their own dens.

Nightmare turned back to your new den.


“Coming!” Killer shot away from the nets in the corner and down the trench.

Tags :
9 months ago


A Mermay Prompt


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Startled, you spun towards the familiar voice and brandished a small shell in your hand. You weren’t expecting the voice you heard when you felt someone follow you after you left the trench.

“What do you want?” You asked, cautious but not rude.

Dream blinked at the shell and ignored it. “Easy there. I’m just here to talk. If it makes you more comfortable, I can swim a little further back. I understand your discomfort with seeing me again.”

“Can’t imagine why.” You quipped, gesturing for him to back up.

At your prompting, he moved further away from you until you were satisfied with the distance.

“Where’s your friend? Is he hiding?” You questioned, glancing around at the surrounding boulders. With the ability to change color, he could be anywhere.

“No. No, Ink is busy in one of his creating moods. I couldn’t get him to leave his work if I wanted to.” Dream smiled. “I am sorry that he scared you. That was not his nor my intention.”

You scoffed. “Speak for yourself. Ink knew what he was doing when he puffed himself up like a balloon. His intent was intimidation and it worked. Don’t speak for him when his actions contradict your words.”

Dream nodded solemnly. “You’re correct. I’m sorry. I spoke out of turn.”

He lapsed into a silence he seemed comfortable with that you did not.

“Have you met Killer, Dream?” You asked.

The seahorse siren looked confused. “I… Yes? You saw him attack me the other day. We’ve met before.”

“No, I mean, do you know Killer?”

“…I do not believe I am understanding your meaning…” Dream admitted.

You sighed. “Have you seen Killer play? Have you seen him when he’s excited? When he wants attention? When he’s playful? Have you seen his eyelights or the way his soul morphs into a heart when he’s calm? Have you seen him nuzzle into Nightmare’s tentacles when he’s sleeping? Have you heard him cheer? Have you heard him whistle through the dens just because he’s in a good mood? Have you heard his voice break when he’s overwhelmed? Have you heard him whimper when he wants a hug? Have you felt him spin around you? Bump you? Nip at your food? Have you felt his voice purr through the water while he talks? Have you met Killer?”

At your intense glare, Dream broke eye contact and glanced around at the sea floor. “…I will admit, I haven’t ever really had the time to officially meet the Killer you just described. I’ve only ever been on the receiving end of his teeth.” He winced. “Not that I gave him a reason not to attack.”

Your eyes narrowed. “Killer recognized your attacks and held back to avoid getting shot. You’ve hit him before.”

Dream looked up at you. “He… He hesitated? I didn’t feel him hesitate.” He mumbled.

“Were you paying attention to how he felt?”

The seahorse tail curled up underneath him, making him look embarrassed. “…No. I wasn’t.”

He looked so sad…

. . .

Oh my stars, you couldn’t stay mad at these sirens.

Sigh. “Why did you want to talk to me?” You reached down to pick up the net you’d dropped. It was recycle day and being a siren wasn’t going to stop you from cleaning up.

“Oh! Yes!” Dream straightened with a loving smile. “I would like to offer you my protection should you get separated from your pod. I am not asking to replace your pod or be considered more important than anyone you already know. I’m offering this as a last resort type of thing, if you can’t go to anyone else.” He tipped his head in a half-bow. “As an apology for causing you so much trouble the other day. A shrill whistle is all you need to call me.”

Oh! An apology!

“I-uh- Thank you? I’m not sure if you’ll be able to hear me if I’m too far away, though.” You pointed out.

Dream chuckled a lighthearted laugh. “I will hear you, but only if you intend to call me. Same with Ink and Nightmare.”

“You’re telling me I could have called Nightmare the other day when I was hiding from you?” You asked with a face that said; ‘really?’ It felt weird to think of the leviathan moving outside of the trench for anything. Especially with how tired he’s been.

Dream flinched at your words. “Ah. Yes. I’m glad you didn’t. Nightmare gets very… possessive. I haven’t been able to talk to Cross since he left. I…” Dream looked so very sad as he broke eye contact again. “…I made many mistakes. And I haven’t gotten the chance to apologize for them.”

Dang, what a sad, centuries old boy.

“…He talked about you the other day.” At Dream’s glance, you clarified. “Cross. He’s not mad at you. He doesn’t think it was your fault.”

A soft smile was your reward for your words. “He doesn’t?” You shook your head. “Stars.” He breathed in awe. “How is he? Is he okay? I only ever see him when we fight.”

“He’s good. His fins have a few scrapes from Killer’s frenzies but other than that, he’s been great.”

“Oh.” Dream seemed hesitant to speak before finally asking. “And… how is Killer?”

You smiled. It was nice to see him try. “Killer’s better. Nightmare helped him steady out so now he’s just excited. Like a child with too much sugar. I’m pretty sure he’ll crash when the energy wears off.”

Dream’s eyes widened. “Nightmare… what? Did… Did he absorb my magic?”

You didn’t like how scared Dream sounded. “I don’t know. I’m not a magic expert. Why? Would that hurt you?”

“No! It would hurt him!” Dream worried his tail into the sand. “Nightmare can’t have too much positivity at once, just like I can’t have too much negativity at once! Have you seen him since that happened?”

Your own eyes widened at that and your tail twitched. You forced yourself to calm down. “He was fine when I saw him. We were just chilling under the dens and they gave me a den. He didn’t seem hurt but he also seemed more tired than usual.” You fidgeted with the net and shell in your hands. “Will it get worse? Like, is he sick?”

Dream shook his head. “It shouldn’t get worse, that I know of. I don’t know if positively works different than negativity but it would only hurt for a few days as my magic would fight the negativity off. It doesn’t really get worse unless someone nearby got really upset.” He looked nervous. “He, uh… do the other sirens get excited easily?”

No hesitation. “Killer does. And the boys have been very happy and pleasant for as long as I’ve been here.” You started drifting back towards the trench. “Is there a way you got better faster? Something that helped you heal?”

Dream didn’t hesitate either. “Blue. He’s a positivity beacon. Him just being near helped me more than any magic ever could.”

You were certain Dream could see your gears turning. “Is there someone that’s always upset? Someone I could bring to help Nightmare?”

Dream flinched again. “I don’t think you’d want to meet him… He’s very aggressive.”

You nodded, determined. “Good. Then he’s angry. How do I get him to follow me?”

“Uh… you don’t. Unless you want to meet Reaper before he wants to meet you. Listen, y/n, messing with Error is the last thing you want to do. He’s the destroyer. He will kill you.” Dream sternly lectured.

“The destroyer?” You raised a brow and a smirk played on your face. You had an idea. Dream grew suspicious. “You said you knew Blue? How would I get to him?”

Tags :
9 months ago


A Mermay Prompt


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“U-U-Ugh!” Complained the glitchy voice of your new companion. You were starting to understand why his name was Error. “Wh-Why did-d you ha-ha-have t-to nest-st s-so far away-ay-ay-ay?” It was like a broken record. You tried not to let it get to you but it was really annoying that every few minutes he’d complain like a fussy child. Big man baby ribbon eel.

“We’re Only One More Mile Away Error!” Blue chirped. He didn’t seem phased in the slightest by Error’s behavior. “Thank You For Agreeing To Come! It Really Means A Lot To Me!” He swam closer to Error but not close enough to touch. Error had been very strict about touch when you’d met him. So much so that he’d almost immediately attacked you even though you hadn’t even approached him. Blue had gotten between you and calmed Error with surprising speed. Error didn’t threaten you again after that.

“M-M-Mmh.” Error grumbled. “Wh-Whatever. You o-o-owe me-me f-f-for this-is.” He didn’t clarify what exactly Blue owed him. He also didn’t seem like the type ask favors of people, opting instead to get his own hands dirty.

Blue’s smile didn’t waver. “Of Course, Error! You Know I Love To Help!”


It was weird.

You could see the power in this beast. The way the water rippled and sharpened around him into silvery blue strings that whipped around in his agitation. The way Dream had immediately put Blue between him and Error before retreating back to his den, leaving you in Blue’s more than capable hands. The power blazing in his mismatched eyelights that made Nightmare’s cyan eye look tame. The way he didn’t hesitate in any decision because he was certain nothing could stop him anyways.

And yet he was easily calmed by your fellow dolphin siren.

Not completely calmed, Error still growled and hissed and was overall aggressive, he was just less likely to do anything rash while Blue was talking. Which encouraged you to keep Blue talking.

“So, uh…” You rubbed the back of your neck. “How are you both doing?” It felt dumb to ask, but you didn’t know either of these people really.

Blue chirruped. “I’m Doing Great! Thank You For Asking, Y/n! And How Are You? Does That Spot Still Itch?”

“Yeah, a little bit. But it’s not as bad as earlier. Thank you, by the way.”

“Of Course! I Am Always Glad To Help!”

“Wh-Wh-What a-are you ta-ta-talking about-out?” Error grouched, his brows furrowed at being left out of the conversation.

“Y/n Had A Suckerfish Stuck To Them And I Helped Them Get It Off.” Blue supplied.

Error laughed and his eyes locked onto you even though he was still talking to Blue. “A-A-Aww, Blue-ue-ue! Y-You c-c-could have-ave l-left it for a-a-a-a f-few min-min-minutes longer! I-I-I would-ld-ld h-have enjoy-joy-joyed th-that!”

Blue scowled sternly. “Error, We Don’t Leave People In Pain Just Because It’s Funny.”

“Y-Y-You don’t-t.” Error grinned, baring his sharp teeth.

Blue responded with a heavy hearted sigh. “Let’s Not. How Are You Doing, Error? Y/n Did Ask Both Of Us.” He turned the question on the destroyer curiously.

Error scoffed. “M-M-My peace-eace was int-interup-rup-rupted b-b-by two abom-ominations an-and an annoy-oy-oying dolphin-in. I’m ter-ter-terrible.”

“Aw, Thanks!” Blue whistled happily at the insult.

Okay. There was either something terribly wrong with these two or you were missing important information.

You had a feeling you wouldn’t get an answer to that.

“Y/n? Wait, Blue?!”

“Cross!” You and Blue chirped at the same time, turning toward the voice.

Cross caught sight of Error and hesitated as he came closer. “What are you doing here, Blue?” He asked, reaching out for your hand.

“Mweheheh!” Blue laughed. “I Am Here Because Y/n Invited Me! How Are You Doing, Cross?”

“Uh, I’m good, I guess. Y/n, what’s going on?” Cross’s tense gaze didn’t leave Error and the eel gave him a big toothy grin. He pulled you closer to himself.

You let him pull you. “So, you know how Killer got hyped up on positivity and Nightmare helped him balance out? And now Boss has been acting really tired?”

Cross’s brows scrunched together as he looked down at you. “…He has been really tired… but what does this have to do with Blue and Error?” His eyes shot back to the destroyer, who was starting to look annoyed.

Blue noticed Error’s frown. “Mweh! Would You Like To Answer That, Error?”

At the attention, Error relaxed and scoffed. “Y-Y-You t-tell him, B-B-Blue. I d-don’t care-are.” He crossed his arms and looked away.

“Of Course.” Blue smiled, as always, and turned to address Cross. “Y/n Had The Amazing Idea Of Inviting Me And Error Over To Help Nightmare Get Rid Of The Lingering Positivity In His Body. Dream Has Had A Similar Problem Before And Asked Me To Help As Well.”

Cross’s eyes darted between the three of you, more concerned than confused. He pulled you away. “I’d like to talk to y/n real quick.”

“Mweh! Of Course! We’ll Be Right Here When You’re Ready!” Blue chirped

“Sp-Sp-Speak f-for yourself-self.”

As Blue started entertaining Error, you and Cross took a sidebar. Cross pulled you around and held you by the shoulders.

“Y/n. What were you thinking? You left the pod and went to get Blue and Error all by yourself? Are you insane?” He snapped. You could see the worry behind his anger.

“I wasn’t alone. Dream helped me-.”

“That’s worse! Do you not remember what happened the other day?”

“I remember!” You shoved him away. “I’m the one that went through that! But Ink wasn’t there this time and Dream has only ever been nice to me. He just wants to fix things with Nightmare. Cross, he wants to help. Isn’t that a good thing?”

Cross hesitated and glanced back at your guests. “…Maybe. I’d say he has good intentions, but the guys… they won’t believe him for a second. He could just make things worse.”

“That’s why he’s not coming. Cross.” You pulled his focus back to you. “I brought Error and a message and I haven’t delivered either. Could you please help me?” You pleaded.

He glared at you, his eyelights dilating at you. “You’re ridiculous. Fine, I’ll help. I’ll let the guys know what’s going on. Just wait here and don’t do anything stupid.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll try. Be safe.”

Cross turned to your guests. “Blue, I will be leaving for a little while. Guard y/n, would you?” You punched Cross’s arm. You could take care of yourself!

Blue smiled. “I Will Help In Any Way I Can!” He chirped happily.

With that, Cross sped off for only a few minutes before returning with Dust. They escorted you and your guests into the trench while Error kept puffing up proudly and flashing his colors every time he glanced at Dust. Sure Dust wasn’t as pretty, but he didn’t have to rub it in.

You and Cross crested the edge of the trench first and you froze. Now that you knew, it was much easier to spot Nightmare’s exhaustion but you would have noticed anyways. The leviathan was laid out on the bottom of the trench, Killer circling his head and Horror worrying at his hand. Despite the worry from the boys, he had a comforting smile on his face as he tried to soothe them.

His eye was half-lidded.

“Boss.” Cross called carefully. “We brought help.”

Nightmare looked up and his eye caught on Error. The eel sneered at him, smug. Boss sighed. “I did not need help, Cross. I told you, nothing is wrong.”

“Y-Y-You look l-like a dying-ing st-st-starfish.” Error observed.

“Error!” Blue scolded.

“A-A-Am I wr-wrong??”

Ignoring the chaos that came with Error, you swam forward into the trench. Nightmare watched you swim all the way down. Killer and Horror didn’t acknowledge you in their worry.

“Nightmare,” You started. “I know you’re not okay. We know you’re not okay. Please let us help.”

Nightmare glanced between the four other sirens of the pod. He sighed. “If it will make you feel better.”

“Also, I have a message.”

Nightmare smirked at you. “Oh~? A message? From who?”

“From Dream.”

Everything stopped.

Killer, Horror, and Nightmare were staring at you with varying expressions of shock as Error cackled like a glitchy witch behind you.

“Y/n.” Killer said, tense. “You were talking to Dream?”

“Yes.” You responded boldly. “He’s been very helpful to me. He had a simple request, I said I’d do it.”

“Still.” Killer growled.

“Killer.” Nightmare warned. Killer backed off and swam down to join Horror. Nightmare looked back to you. “What is the message?”

“He said he wants to negotiate peace and I quote; ‘I swear on my apple I will let you have the first say.’ And said you can bring whoever.” You supplied. “Out in the dunes by Blue’s place.”

“What’s an apple?” Killer piped up.

“It’s a fruit on land. I don’t know why Dream was talking about it though. I’ve never seen or heard of an apple-like plant in the water.” You said, just as confused as Killer.

Nightmare hummed vaguely. “It’s not a normal apple. Y/n, did he set a date?”

“Uh… no. I think he wanted me to ask you.”

“Good. I will take time to recover and then I’d like you to be my messenger, y/n, to discuss a time to meet with my brother.”

“What?!?!” Yelled four sirens at once.

You smiled. “I’d love to, Nightmare.”

Tags :
9 months ago


A Mermay Prompt

(Note: kind of a short chapter, sorry)


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The next few weeks were full of pleas and complaints to get out of the meeting with Dream. Nightmare reminded each of them that they didn’t have to come which sent them grumbling about danger and not leaving the Boss to deal with Dream by himself.

Of course, everyone came.

Wherever Nightmare went, everyone followed. It was cute, you thought. Like a bunch of ducklings following the first adult they see. Ducklings with teeth. To be fair, you were one of those ducklings now.

Heh, ducklings with teeth.

. . .

Maybe that image wasn’t as cute as it sounded…


Today was the day. The meeting was set up, the time was picked, and everyone was anxious.


“Killer, for the hundred twenty-seventh time, no. We’re going to the meeting, discussing peace, and not stabbing anyone.” Nightmare glared. “For today, no shenanigans. I don’t care how much you want to. If you so much as bare your teeth unprovoked, I will send you home. Understood?”

Killer pouted. “Yes, Boss…”

“If you must talk to anyone, be courteous and respectful. No dark jokes or gruesome stories. Polite conversations only.”

“Yes, sir.”

“That goes for all of you.” Nightmare glanced around at the others. “Y/n, feel free to roam how you wish. You and Blue are our neutral party. So get comfortable, we’re going to be there a while. As for the rest of you, if you leave my sight, you’re going home. If you start to go into a frenzy, you’re going home. If you taunt or threaten anyone, you’re going home. This is a professional setting and I need to trust that you will act like it.”

“Yes, sir.” Everyone echoed.

Nightmare nodded. “Good. Let’s depart now. We’ll be late if we don’t.”

The trench and currents shook as Nightmare lifted himself out into the open waters. Thick black tentacles curled and struck out to heave him into the open and out of the magical darkness in the trench.

He was…

Smaller than you imagined.

The darkness had definitely done him a few favors but now that he was in the open, he wasn’t quite as intimidating. Sure, if it was your first time meeting him, you’d be scared. But the darkness of the trench added to his intimidating appearance and twisted his form to look more mysterious and vague. Which was terrifying to the untrained eye.

While everyone swam out of the trench, Horror struggled to pull himself over the edge fast enough to keep up, his tentacles flailing. Nightmare turned, scooped Horror into his hands, and continued, Horror hugging his fingers.

You smiled.

He might look terrifying, but he was still just a big softy. If people saw how he treated the guys, they’d think he was a father. He might as well be.

Blue, Ink, and Dream were already waiting. Dream was not in his leviathan form that he apparently had. He’d showed it to you the other day. It was weird seeing a kraken-sized seahorse. He hadn’t moved much either, scared of accidentally smacking you with his tail while his head was too far away to see you properly against the grey rocks, and quickly shrank again when he got anxious.

He spotted you coming and waved. You smiled and waved back.

Blue was entertaining Ink whose body was a rippling grey with streaks of yellows, greens, and blues. You recognized those as his happy colors. Dream had obviously talked to him because when he looked up and saw Nightmare coming, he grinned and waved happily. Cross and Killer sheepishly waved back. Ink was very excited and hurried over to chat with Cross.

Blue seemed a little tired and very relieved when you arrived. When Ink shot away, he drifted over to Dream to properly greet you.

Nightmare stopped right in front of Dream, towering over him. “Dream.” He greeted.

“Nightmare.” Dream nodded.

The water was tense. Well, except for Ink, who was darting between each of the boys and chatting. He eventually ended up following Killer around as the shark desperately tried to avoid him.

Nightmare hummed. “It was self defense, Dream.” He started. “And I did not touch her. She was already dead when I ate the first apple. I would have told you this if you’d asked. But you never did. Dream, you came at me in a frenzy. We were both in a frenzy. What did you think would happen?” He scolded.

Dream nodded again. “I wasn’t thinking…” He gave Nightmare space to continue.

“They attacked me. I very nearly died. Dream, the people you trusted were vile from the beginning. Why do you think I stayed away from them? I could feel their intent. They wanted the fruit. They wanted her dead. And we were just obstacles. They even hated Life. Why did you leave me with them? They beat me, Dream. They broke my skull and dashed me against the rocks I had so foolishly beached myself on. Where were you? Why weren’t you there? What was so important that you left me to die?” Nightmare accused. The boys grew agitated but a stern look from their Boss shut them up.

Dream bowed his head. “…I was but a foolish child, Nightmare. I was looking for flowers. I had been for weeks. One of the land dwellers, a young woman, told me that she’d given her sister a flower when she was upset…”

Nightmare’s scowl slipped. “…so you were looking for a flower… for me?”

“Yes. But turns out the ocean doesn’t really have flowers so I was kinda grabbing at the horizon for stars. I did not mean to leave you in danger. I did not believe you were in danger.” Dream’s tail curled and fidgeted. “I am sorry for my foolishness.”

“Hm. It seems we both lack the ability to communicate. Let us discuss in private before continuing negotiations. Boys.” He addressed his group. “Give us a moment, stay in sight.”

Multiple ‘yessir’s were given, no matter how grumpy, and you all moved a distance away so the brothers could talk, including Blue and Ink at a nod from Dream.

“Why does your soul stick out of your chest?” Ink interrogated Killer.

“Why does your tongue stick out of your mouth?” He grumbled.

“There’s stuff leaking out of your eyes. Are you crying?”

“Am I what?”

As Ink went on to explain and loose his train of thought again, Blue approached you.

“So, How Are You Doing, Y/n?” He asked politely.

You smiled. “I’m doing great, thank you. How are you? You look exhausted.”

He sighed. “I Am. Ink Has Been Very Excited All Day. So Excited The Stretch Kicked Him Out Of The Den. Stretch! My Lazy Brother! He Doesn’t Get Up To Clean Anything And Ink Managed To Make Him Move.” He sighed again. “I’ve Been Distracting Him All Day, Trying To Keep Him Off Dream, Because Lord Knows He Doesn’t Need More Problems Today.”

“Sounds like it sucks.” Came Dust’s voice beside you. He glanced over, as if noticing you for the first time, and nodded. “Hey, Blueray.”

You burst into laughter even as Blue sputtered.

“I’m Not A Ray, Dust! I’m A Dolphin!” Blue puffed his chest up.

Dust gave you a knowing grin and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

“Do you even know what a blueray is, Dust?” You questioned.

He smirked. “S’a type of DVD.” He answered easily, as if it was common knowledge to him.

You stopped laughing. “How do you know that?”

His grin widened. “Do you really wanna know?”

“Yes?!? How did you know that??!?”

He just laughed and swam away.

“Wait!! Dust!!! What do you mean?!?” You called after him.

Killer swam between you and Dust, startling you. His usual grin was pressed into a thin line as Ink chased him.

“Why does it wiggle so much?” Ink was asking. “Does it hurt? Why doesn’t it look like a heart? Can I touch it?” And on and on.

Killer swam faster.

Blue sighed. “Poor Killer. Though, I Wouldn’t Switch Places With Him. I’m Done For Today. He’s Stuck With That.”

You also sighed. “I should help him.”

“Nah, leave him. That’s the quietest I’ve ever seen Killer. He’ll be fine. How you doin’, Blue?” Cross drifted into the conversation.

“Mweh! I’m Doing Well, Cross! Thank You For Asking!” Blue puffed up proudly. “And How Are You, Friend? It Feels Like Forever Since We’ve Been Able To Talk On Good Terms.”

“It has been a while, hasn’t it? Sorry about that, by the way.” Cross smiled nervously.

Blue waved it off. “Don’t Apologize, Cross! You Did A Good Thing Following Nightmare! Dream Never Did Have Time To Listen.”

The orca looked confused. “What do you mean?”

Blue gave a knowing smirk. “Dream Had To Learn That You Couldn’t Be Hauled Around Everywhere. He Would Not Listen To Me. Always Moving Around And Working. Busy, Busy, Busy. You Woke Him Up To Reality. It Was Only After You Left That He Listened To Me. Also, Why Do You Think Nightmare Offered In The First Place?” He grinned and looked over at the twins.

Cross stared in shock. “…You didn’t.”

“Don’t touch me!!” Killer finally snapped, yanking his tail away from Ink.

“Ah, Looks Like My Help Is Needed Elsewhere.” Blue nodded to you and Cross. “It Was Nice Talking To You Again. Now If You’ll Excuse Me. INK!!!”

You both stared after Blue. Each in a different state of shock.


“. . .”

“You okay, Cross?”

“…I don’t know anymore…”

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9 months ago


A Mermay Prompt



Despite the rocky start, the two groups bonded quickly. Dust and Horror especially enjoyed Blue’s company and started treating him like a part of the pod almost immediately. Ink followed Killer like a shadow and Killer let it get to his head. Ink and Killer now worked together to cause chaos and mischief everywhere they went. You still weren’t to sure about the cuttlefish, but seeing Killer laugh with Ink always made you smile.


They were still both menaces.

At one point, Blue vanished to go talk to Nightmare. No one knew what was said, but the next day Nightmare offered to merge their groups into one. Dream hesitated, not because he thought it was a bad idea, but because it surprised him. It surprised everybody… but Blue.

You were starting to think he wasn’t exactly as innocent and oblivious as you thought.

Dream accepted the idea with excitement, as did Ink and Killer, which immediately made everyone suspicious but no one was willing to put a downer on the idea of peace. Even if it meant sweating while the two whispered and giggled together.

While it was nice to see the two bond so quickly, literally everyone wanted them to hate each other again.

A noise outside your den broke you from your thoughts. Speak of the devils. “Ink. Killer. Leave.”

Simultaneous “aw”s echoed outside your den and the two poked their heads into view.

“Hi, y/n!” Ink waved.

“Whatcha doin’?” Killer asked.

“Trying to rest. Out.” You said blankly.

Killer grinned. “I’m not in~.”

You grumbled. “You’re such a little brother…”

“A what?”

“Killer! Ink!” Nightmare’s voice boomed through the trench and Ink flinched. “Leave y/n alone! Your shenanigans have gone too far today! Both of you! Back to your dens!”

“Yessir…” Killer pouted. Ink happily waved goodbye and followed Killer back to their side of the trench.

You sighed. Finally. Peace.

“Hey, y/n?”

You groaned. “…What’s up, Cross?”

He hesitated. “Uh… are you okay?”

“I’m fine. It’s just,” You gestured past him into the trench. “Killer and Ink being… Killer and Ink.”

“Ah. Yes. They’ve become double the trouble together.” Cross shook his head at them. “Makes me almost wish they still hated each other.”

“Same.” You grumble. “They’ve been such a hassle. They were easier to contain then. Now? I’m done. I hope Nightmare buries them at the bottom of the trench.”

Cross chuckles at you. “Yeah. I know the feeling. Hey, so Dust and I were wondering if you still had that, uh, freebie?”

“Frisbee. And yeah, I still have it. Why?”

“Do you think we could show Blue how to play?” He was using those puppy eyes. He looked so hopeful.

You smiled and stretched. “Yeah, just let me wake up first. I’ll meet you guys up there.”

“Yes!” Cross pumped his fist and swam away.

You chuckled and then yawned. Pushing yourself out of your bed, you grabbed the frisbee and headed out, calling out to Nightmare that you were going to hang out with the guys. A hum acknowledged you and you swam away.

They were pretty easy to find. Dust’s tail hung down from the surface where you could hear them chatting away. You smiled. It was nice to see them all getting along. Even though you never saw them fight, with the frenzies you’d seen Killer in, you could imagine it.

Everyone greeted you when you broke the surface. Blue was excited.

“Mweheheh! Good Morning, Y/n!” He greeted with a smile. “Cross And Dust Have Been Telling Me About Your Flying Device! I Am Very Curious!”

You lifted the frisbee up and shook the water off of it. “Yep, this is it.”

“Oh…” He managed to look disappointed somehow. “It Uh, It Sure Looks Curious.”

You and Cross laughed. “Here. Cross?” You aimed into the distance.

“Got it.” Cross quickly swam in that direction.

You threw it.

Blue gasped as it glided across the air seemingly by itself. It arched perfectly and lined up with Cross, making it the perfect catch.

And then Cross dodged it.

“Cross!” You snapped at the orca as Dust belly laughed himself back into the water. “Stop dodging!!”


Blue chuckled.

“Send it back!” You called. It was thrown to you and you caught it. “So!” You turned to Blue. “Let me show you how it works.”

After a quick lesson and a few demonstrations, Blue was ready to go. He was very good. Like, as good as Dust. They got competitive. Dust and Blue grinned at each other from a distance and the frisbee flew back and forth with more and more speed. You and Cross carefully backed up out of their way after getting hit too many times with force.

The frisbee never hit the water. It was shot back and forth between to two in friendly silence, grinning like idiots. You don’t think you’d ever seen Dust smile so much.

Just as Blue reeled back his arm again, you noticed color shimmering under the water’s surface between the two competitors.

“Blue, wait, there’s-.” You started.

The frisbee left his hand at the same time Ink’s head shot out of the water.

“Hey, guys! What’s- Ack!” He was hit directly in the face and fell backwards into the water.

“Oh My Stars, Ink!” Blue rushed forward as Dust cackled at the cuttlefish’s misfortune.

“I’m fine!” Ink rubbed at the bridge of his nose. “What was that?”

Blue grabbed the frisbee. “This Thing. I’m So Sorry, Ink. I Shouldn’t Have Thrown It So Hard.”

Dust laughed. “Thrown it harder next time! You might actually shut him up!”

“DUST!!!” Blue looked appalled.

Everyone else laughed.

. . .


This was nice.

You smiled as Blue scolded the boys for laughing.

This life was going to be a good one. And you couldn’t wait to see what it had in store for you.

The End

Thank you so much for sticking with me this long! It has been a long ride and I’ve enjoyed every twist and turn with y’all. I might not write for a little bit, I need to rest these aching fingers, but I will keep posting.

To those who sent asks, they’re coming! I promise! I love every ask I get and will try my best to get them out in a timely manner!

Again thank you all!

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9 months ago

Hello boys!! Who's more likely to get their heart squeezed by how cute Bean is? :3

Literally or figuratively?

Hello Boys!!Who's More Likely To Get Their Heart Squeezed By How Cute Bean Is? :3

Cause either way it’s Killer

(I’m sorry I took so long to answer this! I colored it for you to make up for it!)

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9 months ago

Monster under the bed.

Day 1. Dust (tbd)

Day 2. Cross

Day 3. Horror

Day 4. Killer

Day 5. Error

Day 6. Nightmare

Day 7.

These Men Are Under Yo Bed-/jj

These men are under yo bed-/jj

(I wish I could keep this art style GRRR)

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7 months ago

We’ve been at this for 2 months now and I’m very proud of where it’s headed.

It might take a while to write and edit the first chapter, so stay tuned!

I’m excited! I hope y’all are too!

Hello everyone just wanted to let you all know that @blinddreams24 and I have been talking a lot and we decided to make a story with our OC'S. It started out just for fun but then grew into something more, so please join Blind and Mal on their adventures.

Fangs & Frost

What started out as Blind and Mal/Mallory hanging out and having fun slowly became something more as time went on. Blind gets a glimpse at Mal’s dark past and Mal discovers that Blind isn’t living the life she acts like she is.

On this journey, we follow these adoptive sisters as they try to free each other from their past.

Oh and Nightmare, Swad, and Nightjar tag along.

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1 year ago

I'm snowdin right now. Heh, get it. But as soon as I can. Go to the store and buying more materials to make more crochet dolls. So far I have a plan for fell, Swap, And error. But I'm also planning on making nightmare, horror, dust, killer, ect. And I know there's gonna be a few characters that will be on the more difficult side. Dream, for example, his outfit will be a bit hard.

Also I want to make Papyrus (maybe multiple) But I need to figure out how to make the doll taller. Because if I'm gonna make a Papyrus he has to be taller than Sans.

Also once I'm done with the crochet, I also want to make rag dolls. I've already made one rag doll before. And I'd love to make like several. also of aus.

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6 months ago

Ngl I’m currently just watching some of people from my media interact on discord rn, and it’s silly and fun :)

Do they know this? No, and I don’t plan on saying anything because it’s someone’s channel and I don’t have permission

Plus I’m a lurker

So watching the sillies interact instead :3

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2 years ago

Dreamtale's Brothers video 💓

My Tiktoks:



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