blinddreams24 - Kinda Just Doin’ My Own Thing
Kinda Just Doin’ My Own Thing

-20-Bit of a nerd-Entered the Undertale fandom in January -Like to do my own research-Is a cat person(but still loves my dogs)

196 posts

The Power Of NYEHs Seemed To Have Won Over The Bad Sanses, But Would It Work On The Star Sanses?

The power of NYEHs seemed to have won over the Bad Sanses, but would it work on the Star Sanses?

Oh it would definitely work on the Star Sanses just not for the same reason. They’d just think she’s cute.


Now this is not canon, the Stars meet Bean much later, but I made some interactions with baby Bean.

The Power Of NYEHs Seemed To Have Won Over The Bad Sanses, But Would It Work On The Star Sanses?

Dream, honestly the most responsible, would do little movement workouts to keep Bean healthy and strong as she grows. Dream is the only Star Sans that understands that Bean needs small workouts like stretching her arms and legs. He would be the best influence to Bean as she grows.

Blue/Swap would take Bean everywhere. Ink would eventually give him a carrier to free up Blue’s hands which only encouraged him more. He cooks with her, he exercises with her, he lectures her on the importance of staying fit, and goes on runs with her. From the safety of her harness, Bean thinks it’s the best thing in the world. Blue would be the strongest influence.

Ink is a bad influence and so is Bean. They copy each other constantly. Of course, Ink tries to teach her to draw, and she does scribble for a little while before sticking a crayon up her nose and then Ink tries to eat a crayon and they both get in trouble. Ink is, by far, the worst influence.

Close ups under the cut

The Power Of NYEHs Seemed To Have Won Over The Bad Sanses, But Would It Work On The Star Sanses?
The Power Of NYEHs Seemed To Have Won Over The Bad Sanses, But Would It Work On The Star Sanses?
The Power Of NYEHs Seemed To Have Won Over The Bad Sanses, But Would It Work On The Star Sanses?
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More Posts from Blinddreams24

1 year ago

Please take a few minutes to read this!

For those of you who can’t donate, I understand and no one is forcing you. If you can’t help with money, you can help with awareness.


Spread the message.

I hope everything comes together @lover-of-skellies and I hope your mom is doing okay.

Rambles about heavy subjects under the cut

So uhhhhhh

I never thought I'd have to make a post like this, because it just feels weird and I'm not sure what to do or how to phrase things, but

My grandpa died yesterday. I wasn't there when my mom received the call from the hospital, I just heard about it from my sister. My sister and I were never really all that close with him because of some issues within the family, and our mom wasn't too close with him for a while either, but she'd made amends with him. She'd go see him, pick him up for holiday dinners and gatherings so he could be with us and be a part of the family again, and then she'd take him home. He was a diabetic, so she'd even taken on reminding him to take his meds and things, whenever he was with us. I can't tell you how many times she went to the little bar where he liked to go sing karaoke every Tuesday night (I believe. I think it was Tuesday, but it could've been another day of the week, too)

Even though my sister and I weren't really ever close with him, he meant practically the world to our mom. She's been talking to some people, since he didn't have a will or anything written up. His passing was sudden and unexpected, so now everyone's scrambling to figure out the details for what to do with him

We don't have a lot of money. Sometimes it's hard scraping by, as is. My mom works at a hospital, my sister started working at a pet store, and I'm fighting with the social security people to try getting disability. I've been denied probably 3 times already, but I'm still trying my hardest to get through to them

The cheapest option for funeral stuff for my grandpa is cremation, but even then, that's $3000. We don't have that kind of money. His girlfriend's pastor chipped in maybe $500, I think, but beyond that, I'm not sure. I feel like I need to do something to help this situation, since my mom absolutely doesn't need this financial issue on her shoulders. She has a lot to worry about already as things currently stand, and I feel bad that I can't do more for her, but. All I can do is this. Making a post, rambling about the situation, and maybe asking if people could consider donating a little to my Ko-Fi

Donations would help a lot tbh, and I think my current donation goal was set to like... $200 - $250, something like that, but. It's a start. There are some things in my shop you can buy, I'm gonna try to add more soon, and I have commissions open, even though I haven't drawn in ages

I feel really icky about doing this and asking for donations, because I know that for a lot of us, money is tight, and I understand that things aren't cheap anymore. $300 used to get you a heaping cart of groceries that'd last a while, but now, it barely covers enough to last 2 weeks

I.... don't really know how to finish this post off, or how to properly close it, so. Again, donations would be greatly appreciated and it'd help a lot, and I'd be so, so grateful for every cent of it. It's not an obligatory thing by any means. You don't HAVE to donate, and if you can't afford to, I completely understand

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1 year ago


Part four. End of Prelude.


First / Prev / Chapter One Cover

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11 months ago


(Click for better quality)

From my AU; Ashes & Flesh (more on that some other time)

Ashes Sans is from a genocide timeline. His counterpart being Bones Sans from the pacifist timeline; Skin & Bones(also more details some other time)

Sans’ scarf can be controlled, stretched, and shrunk by the will of the wearer. Papyrus made himself, Sans, and Dr. Gaster these scarves. (Scarves are not sentient)

His clothing choice is tough gloves, cozy blue slippers, his scarf(obviously), and a reversible cloak that’s dark grey one way and stark white the other. While dark grey, Ashes wears his scarf over the hood. While white, he hides the dark blue scarf under the hood. The cloak was made specifically for hiding in Waterfall and Snowdin. It’s already difficult to see in Waterfall but Snowdin will not hide you unless you are just as bright.

Might show the white variant someday.

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1 year ago
An Unstoppable Force
An Unstoppable Force
An Unstoppable Force
An Unstoppable Force

An unstoppable force

Part two


First / Next

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1 year ago

Why you gotta call me out like that?

blinddreams24 - Kinda Just Doin’ My Own Thing