blinddreams24 - Kinda Just Doin’ My Own Thing
Kinda Just Doin’ My Own Thing

-20-Bit of a nerd-Entered the Undertale fandom in January -Like to do my own research-Is a cat person(but still loves my dogs)

196 posts



A Mermay Prompt


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“Hey, y/n!” Killer greeted.

You gave him a halfhearted nod and returned back to your food. It was weird only eating fish and sea weed. Not that it was bothering you.

Killer leaned over your shoulder to nip at the fish in your hands. You swatted him away without a sound and Killer backed up. “…You okay, suckerfish.”

You nodded and smiled at him. No. No you weren’t okay. But it was fine. It had only been a week since you’d moved in. And you still couldn’t speak properly. But it was fine. You’d figure it out.

“Killer.” Nightmare called from the crevasse.

Killer shot away with a singsongy, “Yes, Boss~?” and disappeared into the trench.

You sighed through your nose. You were jealous. Yes, jealous. Killer was always talking and singing all the time, and the others did too, but you couldn’t even sing a siren song yet. All you could do was chirp and whistle.

A few minutes later, Killer swung by to tease you again on his way out. That was another thing. The boys could leave the trench for one reason or another, sometimes the Boss would send them on missions you weren’t allowed to know about, but you couldn’t leave unless absolutely necessary. No one let you go anywhere, especially by yourself. Even now, Dust was watching you from his cave, ready to stop you if you tried to leave.

“Y/n.” Called Nightmare.

You shivered and looked over at Dust, who shooed you with a hand. You gently set the half-eaten fish down and cautiously swam into the trench. You hadn’t been to see Nightmare by yourself before and you were terrified.

“I’m not going to bite you. Calm yourself.”

Right. Negativity. You took a few deep breaths as you descended to the floor of the trench, stopping when you were level with his eyes.

He smiled kindly at you. “It has come to my attention that you have not been using your voice, refraining from speaking even in casual conversation.”

You sank a few feet in embarrassment. He wasn’t wrong.

“If you do not practice, you will not develop a voice or a call. Do you know what that means, y/n?”

You shook your head.

“It means you will never become independent. If you cannot use your voice, you will die if you get separated from your pod. Either from starvation or because a larger predator attacked you. Your voice is very important. So I’ve decided to teach you.”


You looked up at the kraken in confusion. He was going to help you? He wasn’t upset that you’d failed to even try?

“As I understand it, you have made quite the impression on my pod. Usually after I’ve rested, Horror would be all over me. He has only come to me twice without being called. The others are sharing food with him too. Cross and especially Killer haven’t shared their meals in decades. And Dust, though you hadn’t met him before, has been visible almost constantly since you arrived, sitting in the edge of his den instead of the very back.” Nightmare encouraged softly. “You have fixed multiple problems, that I have spent years trying to fix, within a few weeks. I wish to thank you. So I am offering my help in your speech therapy. Do you accept?”

You nodded furiously. You’d given up trying to speak to the others. If he could fix your voice, you wouldn’t say no to that. Do you know how hard it is to communicate with someone when you can’t use your voice and don’t know sign language? It’s stupid difficult.

Nightmare grinned. “Good. Now, let’s start shall we?”

Nod nod nod.

Killer swam over you and poked your head. “Hey, suckerfish~!”

“Hhhhey.” You managed back around your food. ‘H’s were hard.

Killer flipped out and spun back around to face you. “What? Y/n, what? What did you say?” He was excited.

You took a moment to swallow. “Hhhey.” You grinned.

A sharp whistle pierced the water and Dust flinched away as Killer cheered you on. “You did it! I knew you could, suckerfish!” He hugged you, shoving you to the side.

You chirped angrily at being manhandled until he stopped. “Mmm- Mmmmnnn- Nnnniiigh…d…mmmmaaaare…hhhhep mmmme.” Scratch that. ‘N’s were harder.

“Wait. Boss helped you?” You nodded and Killer looked even more confused. “Huh. He doesn’t normally do that. Whatever. What have you learned?”

“Sssssssssounnnnndsssss.” You struggled. “Nnnnnnothhhhhhh- thhhhh- iinnnnnng b-big.” ‘Th’s sucked too. You actually gave up on that sound. “Jussssst worrrrdssssss.”

“Liiiiike? C’mon, suckerfish! Give me details!”

You frowned at him. “Toooooo mmmmmuch.”

“Too much what?”

“Too much overstimulation, Killer. Leave them alone.” Dust growled, speaking for you where you could not. You didn’t know how he knew what you meant but you appreciated it.

“When did you become the y/n expert?” Killer snapped. “You’ve barely met them!”

Dust, not caring for Killer’s fit turned to address you. “Was I correct?” You nodded. “I rest my case, Killer. Talk their ear off for all I care but don’t force them to talk when it’s already hard enough.”

Killer struck his tongue out at Dust who ignored him in favor of lying down in the entrance of his den. Without someone to mess with, Killer turned on you and started getting in your space. He tried to grab your food and you slapped his hands away.

“Get yyyyyourrr ownnnnn.” You snarked, pushing him away from your fish.

“Aw, c’mon!” He twisted away from your hand and tried to come back for your food again.

Being trained to deal with sharks, you decided to try something on him. Killer darted forward and you dropped your food to grab him with both hands. You flipped him with his tail upright and he stopped moving, stunned. You happily dug back into your food. Get rotated.

“What did you do??” Dust exclaimed, staring wide eyed at a frozen Killer who couldn’t even speak like that. “He’s quiet! What did you do to him?”

You smiled at Dust and continued eating without answering.

Dust looked excited and worried at the same time. “…Can you do that to all of us?”

You almost choked on your food as you laughed. Dust looked more and more concerned as you didn’t answer.

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More Posts from Blinddreams24

10 months ago


A Mermay Prompt

(Note: ugly crying and mentioned character death of a family member)


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“No, mom, I-.”


“Mom, I want-.”


“…Please, just listen-.”


“…Okay. I’m sorry. Bye.”

You hung up the call. You didn’t want to think about it. Don’t think about it. Just… do something else. Your knee bounced with the leftover extra energy from that candy.

Right. Candy. Killer.

You could go visit one of the boys. That’d make you feel better. You made sure to pack extra food and grabbed your keys.

The ride there was painfully slow. Nothing but trees and grass until you reached your destination. Nothing to think about but…

Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it.

You practically ran to your little beach when you parked the car, bag slung over your shoulder.

“Oh! Hey, y/n!” Cross greeted with a smile. His eyes caught on your face and he hesitated. “Y/n?”

You gave him a big fake smile. “I’m okay. Just zoned out for a second there! Sorry! I brought food!” The lifted the bag.

He was obviously still concerned. “…What’d you bring?”

“Sandwiches!” You exclaimed with a dramatic flourish as you pulled out one of the sandwiches. “The ones you said pizza was better than!”

“Uh huh.”

“Well, you get to try them now!” You shoved one in his hands.

He… didn’t eat it. He just gestured for you to hand him the bag, put the sandwich back inside, and turned back to you.

“Y/n.” You shrank at the stern yet concerned voice. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong.” You folded your hands behind your back and rocked on your heels.

His disbelieving glare pinned you in place, making you sweat.

“It’s nothing.”


“Cross. I’m fine.”


“……I…I don’t… Cross…”


“…I don’t want to talk about it…”

His glare relaxed. “Y/n. You’re all caught up running from something. Please,” He pleaded. “You need to talk about it. Come here.” His hand pat the ground next to him.

You hung your head and followed his directions. When you sat, his arm went around you.


“You’re the opposite of my mother.”

Cross blinked at you. “Uh… is that a good thing?”

“Yes. She’s… never been particularly nice.” You looked away from him. “It took me a long time to realize that…”

“…Your mother. She… lives nearby?”

“No. She hates the water. Dad always…” You stopped yourself. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it.

Cross didn’t let you. “Your Dad always what?”

“…He loves… loved the ocean.” You corrected yourself. It was fine. You could keep it together. Just don’t think about it. “He would always take me to the beach. We’d play in the water, he taught me to scuba dive, and we always cleaned up after. He made it fun.” You tried not to sniffle.

“…Did something happen?”

“…” You tried so hard, but your voice cracked anyway. “Yes… I… Mom just told me… He… He died last week. They’re ha-having his funeral tomorrow… She…” You choked on your next words. “She told me not to come… That I was disowned.”


“…I don’t have a family anymore, Cross. She kicked me out.” A hot tear rolled out of your eye, betraying you.

“O-Oh…” Cross hugged you. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” You sniffled. “Sh-She never liked me… This w-was a long t-time coming. Dad was the last… the last person holding me there. And now…” You couldn’t finish that sentence.

Cross finished it for you. “And now he’s gone.”

Tears streaked down your face. You nodded.

“…It’s okay if you need to… what was it? Cry?”

You laughed. “Yeah. It was cry. I…” You laughter melted into something harder. “I don’t… Why?”

Finally broken, you leaned into Cross’s hug and sobbed. He was surprisingly warm for an aquatic skeleton.

Letting you cry, Cross started rubbing your back and humming, just letting you vent.

“Why? Why him?! I didn’t even get to say goodbye!!” You screamed into his chest. “He was the only one left!! Cross! What am I supposed to do now?! I- I didn’t think it’d happen so soon… Cross.”

He let you pull away to look him in the eyes. Ugly tears made your cheeks glisten at him in the sunlight. “The only place left is the sea…”

His expression turned sad. “Y/n. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“Horror told me about it.” You sniffled and rubbed the tears and snot off your face. Gross… “After Killer gave me that candy.”

“Killer made you a monster candy?”

“Yeah.” You grabbed your sleeve and pulled it up to reveal the lack of scars to your companion. “Healed most of this. Apparently, he accidentally wanted to convert me or something when he added the intent. Horror noticed and explained the situation. Cross.” You grabbed his arm. “I can’t live up here anymore. No one but you guys know I exist. If I died… no one would know… or care.”

“Y/n…” He leaned down to hug you again. “It’s a big decision. You can’t just-.”

“Cross.” You interrupted him. “I’ve already thought about it. I have no one else. Please.”

He sighed heavily. “…Okay. But it will take a while and you’ll need to adjust your diet before diving in head first.”

“…Was that a diving pun?”

You could feel him grin over your shoulder. “Maybe~.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

10 months ago


A Mermay Prompt


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Recycle day!

You tossed your custom, tightly woven nets over your shoulder and lifted your gear out of the car, a smile on your face. While you hated that there was junk in the water, you had to admit it was fun to collect trash like Easter eggs. The water would push and hide everything in different places and you just had to search. That’s what the nets were for.

Most of your gear was already on when Cross showed up. You heard him beach himself behind you.

“Hey, y/n. What are you-?” His voice cut off with a splash.

You turned around to see him much further away than normal, staring at you with his head being the only thing out of the water. He was almost glaring at you.

“Y/n.” He almost growled, his voice low and tense. “Why do you have a net?”

You glanced at the nets you’d set on the ground. “Oh! It’s recycling day. I like take a few nets and try to clean up as much trash as I can from the water. I don’t… I don’t hunt or anything. I use nets because trash bags are hard to carry around in the water while nets are much easier.”

“Mmm.” He kept his distance and didn’t speak as you finished putting on your gear.

Once that was done, you slowly grabbed the nets, careful not to scare Cross, and just as slowly waded into the water. You glanced at him and he stared back with a guarded expression. “…Would you like to help? You don’t have to.” You offered one of the nets to him and turned slightly away, leaving yourself open and unthreatening.

His eyes narrowed and glanced between you and the net before backing up.

You shrugged. “Your choice.” Nozzle went in your mouth and you got to work.

The first part was always the easiest. Large clumps of trash could easily be scooped up into your net leaving you to grasp for the smaller pieces that tried to drift away. Plastics, styrofoam, metals, and glass all made their way into your net. You were careful to keep the fish out of the trash in your hand. The other nets were tied to your belt(no fanny pack this time) and gave you a little resistance as you swam. Nothing you couldn’t handle.

You felt Cross follow close behind you, watching you work, and figured looking at him while he was skittish would probably scare him off so you didn’t.

Until he swam at you.

You didn’t have time to turn around before an arm hugged you from behind to hold you still, something on your belt clicked, and he darted away again.

He didn’t speak and when you turned around you couldn’t find him. You checked your nets. One was missing.

Maybe he decided he would help.

When your net was full, you tied it off and headed back to the beach. Hauling yourself and the heavy, water-laden net was difficult but you managed. Once done with that, you went in for another round, this time without a companion.

Your net was halfway full when Cross came back, hauling a full net of trash. Your smile beamed at him as he sheepishly approached.

“I… I saw that you closed yours.” He looked down at his bag in embarrassment. “I don’t know how to close it.”

At least he was trying.

You gestured for him to hand you the net and you slowly showed him how to tie it off. Then you offered him another net.

He snatched it and shot off towards the beach.

The rest of the day was spent collecting trash and teaching Cross a few things when he had questions.

Until you found an intact glass bottle.

You gestured excitedly at Cross and swam up to the surface of the water. He was going to love this! He followed you.

Water ran down your face as you surfaced and pulled the nozzle out of your mouth to talk to Cross. You poured some of the water out of the bottle. “These bottles make cool sounds when you blow on them! Watch!” You took in a breath, put the bottle to your lips, and blew.

The same eerie tone from the other day filled the air but this time you could feel the small spike of fear you had at the sound. Your breath wavered and broke out the sound, overwhelmed by the memory of the strange siren. He’d almost killed you, hadn’t he? His hand had reached for you and there was nothing you could’ve done. You weren’t afraid of him when he approached because of the song. Was that how he normally hunted? Sing you into a state of peace and attack you while you didn’t understand what was happening? You could still hear that haunting tone.

The bottle was yanked from your hands.

“What do you think you’re doing, y/n!?” Cross snapped, worry lacing his voice. “Do you have a death wish?!?”

You just stared down at your now empty hand. He’d almost taken your life and you might have just called him. What were you thinking?

Cross seemed to finally notice your expression and his hands grabbed your shoulders. “Y/n? Have you heard that sound before?” His eyes searched your face.

You didn’t look him in the eye. You just nodded.

“Was it from a siren?”


“….Holy shit, y/n.” He sighed and hugged you. “How are you alive?”

You found your voice but it cracked. “I… I brought you food… heheh, he ate it all. Sorry.” You leaned into the hug.

“You have got to be the luckiest little urchin I know.” He gave a breathy chuckle. “Are you okay? Did he touch you?”

“I’m fine. He…” You blushed in embarrassment. “…He pet me…”

“Pfft!” Cross laughed and pulled away to look at you. “He pet you??”

“Yes! I don’t know why! He… He just… He said ‘thanks’ and then left.”

“Woah! He talked to you? What did you feed him?” Cross grinned at you, his genuine smile calming your nerves.

“Just some homemade sandwiches. Nothing special.” You shrugged it off.

“Yeah, pizza is better than whatever you could make.” He teased.

You punched him. “Rude! My food is awesome!”

He chuckled at you and grabbed your fists as you swung at him. “Sure. Live in your denial. I’m not changing my mind until I taste it.”

“Fine!” You were now trying to get your comically small hands out of his with little success. He kept grinning at you as you struggled. “I’ll try to get some to you, if the others don’t eat it first.”

“Others?” Cross became serious again. “Did you meet a different siren?” His voice strained with worry.

You shrugged. “Just Killer. He’s been surprisingly nice to hang out with for the past few days.”

“Killer came back?!?” You yelped when Cross yanked you forward to check every possible surface he could find, which finally freed your arms. “Did he hurt you?? Are you okay?? Oh my stars, y/n!!” He fussed.

“Cross! It’s fine! He didn’t hurt me.” You weren’t going to tell him about that night on the cliff. “We played with a frisbee the other day. He’s chilled out since then.”

Cross deflated into the water with a sigh, his head still peeking out. “You’re gonna give me a soul attack. I’m gonna die.”

“Oh you big baby.” You teased, slashing water on his face. You glanced down at the half-full net on your belt. “C’mon. I still have work to do. You can yell at me while I clean.”

He did.

Cross lectured and fussed over you for the rest of the day, constantly touching you on your arms and shoulders as if he expected you to disappear.

At least he wasn’t avoiding you and your nets anymore.

You smiled.

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10 months ago


A Mermay Prompt

(Note: aggression(it has begun))


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“No! Nope! Nu uh!” You shook your head and pulled away. “I’m not eating what is basically sea grass! Do I look like a cow to you?”

Cross held out the kelp to you. “A what?” His head tipped to the side like a big puppy.

“A cow.” Realizing that wasn’t an explanation, you gestured how big a cow was. “It’s a big land animal with four legs that eats grass. The bulls have these long curving horns so they can fight off predators.”

His eyes widened. “It has four legs and weapons??”

You snickered at his reaction. “Yeah, there’s a whole sport around bull fighting. It’s really dangerous even though cows aren’t predators.”

“They’re not predators… and they’re dangerous? Have… Have they killed anything?” His eyelights were tiny in his sockets.

“Oh, yeah. I don’t know the details, but I know that many people and animals have died to a rampaging bull. It’s not fun.”

Cross didn’t respond.

Looking back at him, you finally noticed why. The guy looked absolutely terrified. Of cows? Well, you hadn’t done the best job explaining their softer side. You cleared your throat. “But they can be really gentle. When I was little, I went to a ranch and got to feed one. That was fun.”

“Mm…” He mumbled, still staring into space.


His eyes snapped to you, he shook his head and sat straight. “Anyways! You still have to eat this.”

“Noooo!” You stepped out of his reach. “You can’t make me if you can’t catch me! Ha!”

Cross grinned smugly at you. “You remember how you learned about this type of conversion?”

Your eyes narrowed suspiciously. “…Yeeaahhhh? Horror told me. Why?”

“Heheheh.” Came a familiar chuckle behind you causing a chill to go up your spine.

You spun around to face Horror, who had sat himself right in your pathway.

He waved his fingers at you. “Hi.”

A glare was shot at Cross. “Two against one is unfair.” You pouted, earning another chuckle from Horror.

Cross shrugged. “I planned ahead. And Horror was the only one of us that can get on land without getting stuck.”

You crossed your arms, careful to keep an eye on Horror’s curling tentacles, and grumbled. “I still don’t want to…”

A sigh came from Cross. “Y/n. If you want to be a siren, you have to ease into the diet. If you convert without preparing, you’ll throw up everything we feed you. It’s an annoying process but a necessary one.”

Horror hummed in agreement.

“Uuuggggghhhhhhh! Fine! But it’s gross!” You stormed over and carefully took the soggy greens. “…..Gross.” Your nose wrinkled at it.

Both sirens laughed at you and waited patiently, looking away for your comfort.

It looked and felt so gross. Your gag reflex had you sticking your tongue out and looking away. It was necessary. It wouldn’t hurt you… right?

An idea came to mind.

You spun on your heel, much to Cross’s confusion, and marched back to

Horror. His tentacles moved out of your way as he gave you an amused look. Splitting the clump of kelp vaguely in half, you offered him half and his eye dilated at the offer.

“Y/n, he doesn’t-.” Cross started.

“Shut up, Cross. If I’m going to eat this, I’m going to share.”

You could have sworn Horror’s eye flickered into a heart for a second. He gently took the clump and held it close. He grabbed a droopy leaf and held it up, waiting expectantly for you to do the same.

With a small groan, you lifted up a piece, maintaining eye contact, and copied him as he ate his.

Oh, that was salty!

Your face pursed at the taste, gaining another chuckle from the tall siren. Once you got past the sea water… it didn’t taste… bad. Just like a sea salad.

Horror smiled and encouraged you to continue. You both ate your section of sea weed without much other than a few tense expressions as you bit into the next leaf.

Before you knew it, your hands were empty and Horror was licking his fingers.

“Was that so hard?” Cross teased his eyes darting between you and Horror.

“Yes.” You snapped back. “But… it wasn’t… terrible.”

Horror chuckled again and leaned over you. “Lil… baby.”

You gasped, offended. “Excuse me?!?”

Horror was leaning over you and… purring? Was that purring or a different type of whistle? And how did he do that? You could feel the sound in your ribs. When you looked at him, his eyes were closed as he leaned towards you.

A growl from Cross startled you.

“Horror.” Cross threatened. His claws were digging into the beach as if he would come after you.

Horror’s eye opened slowly and you shivered. His eye blazed with a protectiveness you hadn’t seen before as he glared at Cross.

The purr melted into a growl.

That… wasn’t good.

You were between two aggressive sirens. And neither of them seemed to notice you, fully focused on each other.

Deciding to back out of this situation, you slowly stepped away from Horror. Surely they wouldn’t start a scuffle randomly, right? You didn’t want to risk it.

You bumped into a writhing tentacle.

It immediately gripped your leg, Horror’s attention shot to you with a glare that could kill, and you froze. Would he hurt you while he was like this?

With a small gasp, Horror’s expression snapped from angry to scared. Him and his tentacles reeled away from you.

“…Horror?” You asked. Was he okay?

With a whine and a pained look, Horror turned and retreated into the water with less than a splash, leaving you staring after him.


What just happened?

“Are you okay?”

You looked over at Cross. There were marks in the beach where his hands had dug into the rocks.

“What happened?” You asked, still tense.

Cross’s face gained a purple hue. “Uhhh, Horror forgot himself for a second… It’s okay. He, uh,” He gave the water a quizzical look. “He didn’t want to hurt you.”


“You sound surprised.” You raised an eyebrow at Cross.

“Well, he,” Cross grumbled. “He doesn’t like people. Except for Nightmare, I guess, but Nightmare spoils him.”

“Spoils him?”

Cross waved his hand dismissively. “He helps Horror hunt. Which is du- unnecessary, Horror can hunt for himself, and Boss doesn’t help anyone else.” He grumbled and crossed his arms. “It feels like he only helps Horror because Horror’s an octopus too.”


Big boy was jealous.

When Cross finally looked back at you, he startled at your glare.

“Cross.” You growled slowly. “Do you know why I met Horror? How I learned that whistle?”

He shook his head.

“Because he was starving. I sat on this beach and waited for one of you to show up when he found me. He was hungry and he saw an easy target. Do you remember why I survived?”

“You fed him?” He answered, uncertainly.

“Yes. And when I offered the first sandwich, he stopped whistling. I was terrified. But I offered again. I can only imagine what it was like for him. Starving for days maybe weeks, when, what you thought was going to be your next meal, offers you food instead of running away when they had the chance. How would you feel if you were starving, attacked someone, and they gave you pizza?”

His mouth opened and closed a few times before he answered. “…Horror was starving?” You nodded. “But… he can lure, right?”

“If you mean lure like ‘sing and people will walk off a cliff for you’, no.” You shivered. “Horror can’t lure. His whistle only removes fear. I could have walked or run away at any moment, even while he sang, and he could do nothing to stop me. Cross, he can’t hunt like you and Killer. Didn’t you know?”

Cross shook his head. “Sirens can’t affect other sirens, so we never knew. He had a whistle, we assumed it worked. He never told any of us otherwise.”

You looked back across the water. “From what I’ve seen, he doesn’t like talking around you. He talked to me, a lot, the other day. Maybe he talks to Nightmare too?”

“That… would make sense.” Cross said. “Oh my stars, this entire time…? And we never noticed? No wonder I’ve never seen him eat when Boss is asleep.”

The birds and waves filled the silence for a moment.

“…Are you okay?”

You looked back at the siren and shrugged. “Better than I should be, worse than I could. Why?”

“He grabbed you.” Cross’s face was tense with concern.

“Yep. And let go immediately after. His tentacle didn’t hurt me, Cross.” You scolded.

He didn’t look sorry as he changed the subject. “Come here. I need to give you some magic for the conversion.”

Your face wrinkled humorously as you walked toward him. “You make it sound weird.”

“The anti-drowning siren maker then.”

“Nope! The last one was good!”

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10 months ago

Sharp Teeth

A Mermay Prompt


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“Uh, Dust? You awake?”

No answer.

Cross shot you a concerned look from the opening of the dark cave. “I brought a new friend. If… you wanted to meet them.”


“…Okay. We’ll leave you alone.” Cross swam back to you. “I guess Dust isn’t up yet and neither is boss so you can’t meet them just yet. For right now you can stay in my cave until we find you a better one.”

You nodded. It was really cool down here. Last time you were here you just saw Cross’s cave, your human eyes unable to see much farther than what was in front of you. Now, you could see that his cave was settled next to several others with a small crevasse in between that got deeper in one direction. You couldn’t see the bottom of the crevasse in that direction, it just turned black at a certain distance.

Cross had sent Killer and Horror out hunting, prompting them to share, before showing you around. He didn’t enter anyone else’s cave and encouraged you to do the same. Not that you wanted to. Especially with two unknown sirens in the mix. That didn’t mean you weren’t curious.

After following Cross back to his cave, he laid down to rest and encouraged you to as well wherever because you needed rest after all that. His cave was plenty big enough and gave you a lot of space to choose from as he settled down.

You awkwardly settled yourself next to him. Not close enough to touch but not too far away. Cross smiled at you before closing his sockets to sleep.

You closed your eyes too.

Several hours later, you realized that you couldn’t sleep. You had too much energy. Killer’s magic was still stirring in your system, and there was so much you hadn’t seen yet. You could breathe underwater! A gift like that was not to be wasted.

Careful not to wake Cross with your movement, you slipped out of his cave to explore a little.

The crevasse wasn’t quite as pretty as Cross’s den, but that didn’t matter all that much. Little fish darted around the caves in schools and, when you looked close enough, you could see crabs and shrimp picking food particles out of the water. They all shied away from you when you got close but the curious shrimp came back. When offered, they inspected your hand and started cleaning it. You let them for a minute before moving on. You had energy. You needed to move.

Inspecting the terrain, you swam up and down the crevasse a few times until something shiny caught your eye. You looked over to see something in the darkness of Dust’s cave glittering at you. You slowly approached to get a better look but made sure not to enter the cave.

The little shiny thing shimmered and moved. Maybe it was a small fish? That would make sense with it being such a bright blue color. A red one joined it a little to the left. You smiled. It was cute. They almost looked like eyes staring back at you.

They blinked.


You reeled back as the eyes shot at you a hooded skeleton launched into view. He grabbed your tail when you tried to get away and opened his mouth to bite.

His teeth looked sharp as needles as you noticed something strange in his mouth.

A second jaw.

In a whirlwind, something tackled Dust and sent you both in different directions.

“Hey, Dusty~! How’s it going?” Killer sang as Dust shoved him away.

“You can’t keep every kill to yourself, Killer.” Dust snapped.

When you finally got a good look at your attacker you realized you still couldn’t see all of him. His eel half was stretched out to reach where he was but he still sat comfortably in his den.

Killer gave him a cheeky grin. “I’m not~.”

A hand gently grabbed your elbow and you turned to see Horror next to you. He nodded at you and Dust noticed.

“Horror. What is going on? Who is that?” Dust questioned.

Horror tipped his head at you. “Friend… We helped her… convert.”

Dust sighed. “Well, keep a leash on your pet. I thought they were an intruder.”

You squeaked in indignation. A pet!?

“Heheh.” Killer chuckled. “Maybe we should get a leash.”

You screamed at him as Horror held you back. You were gonna kill him. Oh my stars.

“Not pet… Y/n is a friend. Helped… me.” Horror defended. He seemed surprisingly comfortable talking to Dust.

The eel raised a brow at you, still addressing Horror. “Well then, let me know if you need any help with them.” With that he retreated back into his den. He didn’t turn around though. He just backed up, his long coiled end pulling him in.

It was creepy.

He flashed a toothy grin when he caught your eye before vanishing in the darkness.

You shivered.

“Wow.” Killer commented. “That was fast.” Horror nodded.

Confused, you trilled in question, hoping they’d understand you.

Killer turned towards Cross’s den. “Dust likes you already. He offered to help. Dust never offers to help.”

“You.” Horror butted in with a smirk. “You make helping… hard.”

Killer shrugged. “Skill issue.”

You laughed.

Killer and Horror led you back to where Cross was still sleeping. Killer pounced on him.

A flurry of bubbles and a roar was all you could make out of the chaos that happened before Killer hurried back to you.

“KILLER!!!!!” Cross roared.

“Crossy~!” Killer sang. “Dust almost killed y/n and you were too asleep to do anything about it!”

You blushed at Killer’s bluntness. It was your own fault. You shouldn’t have left.

Cross’s eyes found you next to Horror. “Are you okay, y/n?”

You nodded but Horror pushed your face to the side. You squeaked as he unceremoniously flipped you over by the tail and showed Cross the small scratches you got from Dust grabbing you.

Horror’s voice came out in a slight growl. “Someone wasn’t… watching them.”

“They were supposed to be asleep.” Cross deflected.

You chittered in annoyance and gestured aggressively at Killer, indicating that his magic made it hard to sleep.

Killer gave an innocent grin. “I’m sorry, y/n. What did you say?” He teased.

You screeched and thrashed in Horror’s hold, trying to get at Killer for the second time today.

“Would you look at that. It hasn’t even been a full day and you already can’t stand Killer.” Cross pointed out. “Welcome to the pod.”

“Hey!” Killer glared playfully. “I’m the life of the party and you know it!” Horror shoved him.

“You yourself are a party, Killer.”

You froze as the new voice boomed around you and the currents of the crevasse grew quick and violent. What was that?

“Boss!” Killer cheered. “You’re up!”

Still upside down, you stared with wide eyes down at a singular cyan eye in the darkness of the trench, the eye itself was huge. It narrowed when it saw you.

“What is this, Horror? Why is there a stranger in our home?” Came the voice of the darkness. You shivered and curled towards Horror.

Horror let you go and you hid behind him. “This is…y/n. We met them… on the shore. Befriended… Killer and Cross… Fed me. They asked to… be siren.” He said slowly yet proud.

The narrowed eye softened and blinked at you. “Ah. Welcome, y/n. Let me introduce myself.”

The currents violently shifted again as the darkness rose from the trench, becoming solid in the form of giant black tentacles that reached out and pulled a giant skeleton siren out of the trench, which you could see the bottom of now that he wasn’t there. As he came into the light you noticed that one eye was covered in a thick substance that looked like it was dripping.

“I am Nightmare, guardian of negativity and the darkness. I am proud to be the first leviathan to welcome you to the oceans.” He tipped his head politely.

You chirped back as politely as you could.

Seeing a kraken on a regular basis was going to take some getting used to.

10 months ago


A Mermay Prompt


Prev / Next




“Y/n, I said no.”

“Pretty please!”


“…Pretty please with a cherry on top?”

“What is a cherry?”

“It’s a candy that grows on trees.”



“Fine!” Cross snapped, throwing his arms over his head. “But you have to do anything and everything I tell you without question or hesitation or I will haul you back here myself and you’ll never leave again! Are we clear?”

You nodded furiously. “Yes! We’re clear! I will do whatever you say for as long as we’re out there!” You spun around him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“Don’t thank me.” Cross grumbled. “I don’t want to. You’re just difficult.”

You gave him an innocent smile. “I don’t know what you’re talking about~.”

“Ugh. Let’s just go. Stay close to me.”

Cross led you out of the trench slowly. Like, really slowly. He went half his normal speed, obviously upset that you’d talked him into it. Instead of pushing him to go faster, which would most likely end in him moving slower, you just swam dizzying circles around him.

It was exciting! And you were sure Cross was excited too. He just had a thing about security and paranoia.

But it would be fine.

You’d met the townsfolk before. Surely they’d recognize you.

You had a plan. You’d just wait by the docks where no one could see your tails through the rippling water, ask if anyone could share their food, and get out of there before anyone questioned why two young adults were in the water for so long.

It was flawless.

You think.

“You’re sure about this?” Cross asked.

“Yep!” You whistled. “They should recognize me enough for us to grab something. It’ll be fine!”

“Don’t jinx it.” He grumbled.

“Well, I can’t jinx it if we don’t ever get there, slow poke!” You teased. “Are we close?”

He sighed. “Yeah. Just a little further.”

You trilled happily. “Can we go a little faster? I wanna see if anyone has some leftover pizza!”

Despite his grumbling, Cross moved faster after that, motivated by his favorite food.

You arrived at the dock in… not record time, but something. It took some convincing, but you finally got Cross to follow you under the docks to surface. Local chatter and footsteps filled the air as people hurried about their day. You could smell the bakery from here.

“I told you nothing bad would happen.” You splashed him.

He didn’t flinch, just glanced around suspiciously. “You say that now. Just don’t get too comfortable.”

“Relax!” You waved his suspicion away. “You just gotta be calm! Watch!”

“Wait! Y/n-!” Cross reached to stop you.

You drifted out into the open and spun a few times in the water. A few people glanced at you, smiled, and went back to their own business. You smiled back before turning to Cross who was barely glaring out of the water. “See? No one cares. Now come out here!” You shot water at him again.

He moved further under the docks, practically seething with caution.

You shrugged. “Suit yourself.” You spun a few more times, giggling and splashing in the water.

“Y/n? Is that you?”

You looked up at the man on the docks. He held a bag in one hand. “Oh! Hi, Ron! Water you doing?”

“Oh my stars.” Cross groaned at the pun, a smirk tugging at his face.

Ron looked worried and glanced down at the dock. “Are you okay? I haven’t seen you in town for weeks! Where did you go?? Is everything okay??”

Cross glared up at the wood that separated him from this new person.

“I’m fine, Ron. Better than ever actually. I’ve just been… taking a break from everything. Some things came up at home.” You paused.

Cross came closer to you. When you looked at him, he offered you a smile. You smiled back.

“Is someone down there?” Ron asked, kneeling on the dock. Cross growled and backed up again.

“Yeah. He’s a friend of mine. He’s just shy without his shirt.” You winked.

“I’m not shy!”

Ron chuckled. “I can tell.” He sat and kicked his legs off the dock, inches from the water. “So how long have you known y/n, pal?”

Cross grumbled. “I’m not your pal.”

You winced. Maybe bringing the least social siren to see people wasn’t a good idea.

Ron didn’t seem bothered. “I’m sorry. I just don’t know your name.” He set his bag next to where he sat.

“You don’t need to.”

Ron’s face twitched. “I’m not going to hurt you, buddy.”

Cross growled again. “I doubt you could.”

“Cross.” You sighed.

He looked at you sheepishly and stopped growling. “Cross. I’m Cross.” He crossed his arms under the water.

Ron nodded. “And how long have you known y/n?”

“A couple months I guess? How long have you known her?”

“Since we were little. Her and her Pops would come down to the shop every now and then. Speaking of the ol’ cow, how is your Pops?” Cross flinched at Ron’s choice of words.

Oh… right.

“I… Dad is gone, Ron. About a month ago…” You sank a little in the water.

Ron’s eyes widened. “Oh! I’m so sorry, y/n! If I had known, I never would have brought it up!”

“It’s fine. You didn’t know.”

“Dang… I didn’t think he’d go so soon. That man was a fighter. What happened?”

“…I don’t know. I was disowned and mom won’t tell me anything. Wouldn’t even let me go to the funeral…”


“Woah. I always knew your mom was a bitch, but like, disowning? Damn. What did you do?”

You scowled at how he’d phrased that. Like it was your fault. “I don’t know. She never said. Why don’t you go ask her if you’re so curious.”

Cross’s low growl accented your glare perfectly and made Ron scoot back onto the docks.

“…I’ll keep that in mind.” Ron said somewhat awkwardly. “When’d you and your friend decide to go swimming?” He changed the subject.

“Just like, an hour or two ago.” You lied easily as Cross stared at you, concerned and nervous.

Ron chuckled. “You always did love the water. I wouldn’t by surprised if you grew fins and swam away one day,” Cross’s eyes went wide and you hoped neither of them could see you sweating. “Have you had lunch yet?”


“No, I don’t think so.” You answered innocently enough. “I guess I got distracted.”

Ron sighed, a fond smile on his face. “You’re gonna starve yourself one of these days, you know that? Someone needs to keep an eye on you. You hear that, Cross?” Cross startled when Ron leaned forward to peek under the dock and locked eyes with the terrified skeleton. “If I can’t, I need you to make sure they’re eating. They get their head stuck in the clouds sometimes and need someone to reel them back into reality.”

“…What?” Cross looked dumbfounded.

Ron smirked and explained his analogy. “They get so busy they forget to eat. But! Lucky you! I just happen to have some tacos on hand. The taco guy managed to hustle me into buying more than I could logically eat. Here!” He pulled a taco out of his bag and offered it to you.

You happily accepted the food. “Thank you! Cross?” You offered him the taco.

Cross stretched himself as far as he could to take it and you pulled back.

His eyes locked with yours in cautious confusion. “Y/n?”

You smiled. “Come out here first. No one’s gonna hurt you.” Ron chuckled at your mischief.

Cross grumbled and slowly drifted over to you, keeping an eye on Ron the entire time. When he wasn’t under the dock anymore, you handed him his taco and took the offered second for yourself.

Oh my stars! Normal food was so good! You hummed happily at a smiling Ron.


Both you and Ron looked over in time to see Cross’s taco crumble and fall into the water. He stared at it, his hands still near his mouth where the taco had been seconds ago. You couldn’t help but laugh at his lost look of confusion.

“Yeah, tacos do that, Cross. Here, watch me.” You showed him how to bite the taco without it shattering in your hands. It was a delicate art but you did your best to teach him.

Ron offered Cross another taco which he took, too focused on you to be suspicious of Ron at the moment. He carefully copied your movements and took a large bite out of his taco.

His eyelights twinkled into stars and spun. The rest of the taco disappeared in his maw and Cross licked his fingers as you laughed at him.

Ron looked stunned for a second. “Woah. I mean, I knew monsters ate food differently but damn. You inhaled that sucker. Want more, big guy?” He offered another.

It was snatched and consumed as well. Over and over, as Ron would offer more, Cross would devour each taco without mercy or shame.

“You like it, Cross?” You giggled, careful to keep your taco out of his reach.

He spared you a glance and grinned between bites. “Better than your sandwiches.”

“Hey!” You splashed water on his skull. “I don’t see you making actual food!”

“Actual food? Is that what you call that stuff you fed me?” He teased back.

“Excuse me!! I’m sorry for feeding you!! Next time I won’t show you the wonders of fast food! See how much your uneducated tastebuds cry over something you can never reach!”

A small wave had you sputtering.

“Why, you-!”

“While I hate to interrupt…” Ron glanced between the two of you. “..whatever this is. I actually have to be somewhere. It was nice checking up on you, y/n. Keep them safe, Cross. Bye, you two!” He waved and yanked his bag away from Cross, whose hands were sneaking into the bag, before leaving the docks.

“Bye, Ron!” You called after him and sighed. That was really nice of him to share so much of his food with Cross. And nothing bad had happened, just like you’d predicted.

“…Your food’s still not as good.”


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