blinddreams24 - Kinda Just Doin’ My Own Thing
Kinda Just Doin’ My Own Thing

-20-Bit of a nerd-Entered the Undertale fandom in January -Like to do my own research-Is a cat person(but still loves my dogs)

196 posts

I Drew My Seahorse Siren Dream!

I Drew My Seahorse Siren Dream!

I drew my seahorse siren Dream!

From this chapter

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More Posts from Blinddreams24

7 months ago

Lore Dump! (TroubleAU addition)

Cause I’m bored :p

The Bad Sanses homeschool Bean which leads to… complications…

Bean never thought anything was wrong. She was always a happy and smart kid, and she knew she was loved. The Bad Sanses took care of her, got her toys, played with her, et cetera. They would even sit with her and help her do her schoolwork.

She looked at the paper with confusion as Killer explained.

“See, it says it at the top of the page… ‘Find the odd one in the group.’” He pointed at the pictures on the paper. “So, what do you see right here?”

She leans closer. “A car, a boat, a bus, and another car.”

“So which one doesn’t belong?”

“……The boat?”

“Yes! Good job!” He offered her a high five which she smacked with a grin.

She looked back at the page. “But why can’t the boat be part of the group?”

“Well, it’s different. So it doesn’t belong.”

“Oh.” She continued to stare at the boat on the page. It was very different, but it was still part of the group.

…wasn’t it?

“You think you got this, kiddo?” Killer leaned forward to see her face, his eyelights barely visible in his sockets.

She nodded. “Yeah, I got it! Thanks, Kili!”

He smiled and walked around the table to talk to Dust which would probably end up with him teasing Dust and getting his butt whooped again. Bean turned back to the page.

Then she looked at her hands. Her hands were pretty small, especially next to Horror’s hands, but that didn’t bother her this time.

……Her hands didn’t look like her brothers’ hands. In fact, she didn’t look like her brothers. They were all made up of bones and magic but her? She was all squishy and soft. She was different, wasn’t she? The odd one. The one that… didn’t belong…

She looked back up at Killer and Dust. Dust had summoned a bunch of attacks and was sending them flying at Killer who expertly dodged them and countered with his own attacks. She couldn’t do that either. Summon attacks. Use magic.

The words on the paper glared at her. ‘Find the odd one in the group.’

“Well, it’s different. So, it doesn’t belong.”

She was different.

She didn’t belong.

After she finished her schoolwork, she locked herself in the bathroom and tugged at her skin for several hours. Nightmare found her and got her to open the door but she refused to answer any of his concerned questions.

So basically the poor girl has identity issues that leads to some very bad outcomes I’ll explain one day. But I kinda wanna leave y’all on a cliffhanger so this is all you’re getting for now.

Love y’all! Stay safe!

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6 months ago

Sturgeon dragon mayhaps? 👀

They are one of my favorite fish, and look very mythical to me

Sturgeon Dragon Mayhaps?
Sturgeon Dragon Mayhaps?

Bruh! I love these lil sniffers!

Sturgeon Dragon Mayhaps?

There he is! I love him!

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7 months ago

No need to apologise I just was curious since I couldn't find it anymore

Write what you want to 💙💙

Oh! I have the link to it on my pinned post as well!

In case that’s what you meant

10 months ago


A Mermay Prompt


Prev / Next

“Hey. Heeeyyyyyy. Y/n. Pspspsps.” You were poked awake from your nap on a rock.

“Where did you even learn that?” You turned to face Killer. The siren had apparently taken a harpoon to the soul as well as his shoulder and back. How he took an attack to the soul and lived, you couldn’t understand. Wasn’t the soul extremely fragile? Especially when touched? However, none of Dream’s other attacks seemed very physical. They hit him, sure, but there was no cut when the harpoon was removed.

You wondered if the lack of physical damage had anything to do with how Killer was acting now.

“Don’t remember. Don’t care. Hey! Do you remember that thing you brought with you from the land?” He chittered, constantly swimming around you in circles.

“The frisbee?” You asked. You gave that to Cross, right? Where did he put it?

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Killer whistled excitedly. “Where is it? Do you want to play again? Can we show the guys? I want to see them try to catch it!”

You gave him a blank look. “You want to do an activity that requires you to push yourself immediately after getting wounded? You’re crazy.” You laid back down.

“I’m not wounded!” Killer defended, a smile stuck to his face. “I’m just hyped up on energy from Dream’s attacks and I need to MOVE!!! Y’know! Like when I gave you that candy! I have too much energy! I need to do something!”

Oh. “Dream’s attacks give you energy?”

Killer shook his head in a so-so manner. “Not exactly. Dream’s attacks are filled with positivity. When hit, that positivity forces you to be excited in small doses which can turn into a frenzy if hit too many times. However! Ya boi was hit directly in the soul! So all that positivity hit me at once, sent me into a frenzy, and I was in and out of consciousness for a while. Sorry if I scared ya!” He winked. “But since Nightmare helped me steady out, I shouldn’t enter a frenzy or pass out! So I get to hang out with you!” He had spun around you so many times, you were starting to get dizzy.

You sighed. “I have to ask Cross where he put it, but sure. We can play with the frisbee.” Maybe it would help him expend some energy and calm down. It was like dealing with a child.


You found Cross and the frisbee relatively quickly and convinced him to come with you to play. Killer swam off to get Horror and you and Cross went to ask Dust if he wanted to try.

Dust stared at the frisbee with an unimpressed look. “…Killer put you up to this?”

“No, actually.” You smiled. “I thought you might want to join, since it is a challenging game.”

He raised a brow. “Your little disk is challenging? How so?”

“Well, when you throw it, it flies-.”

“I’m in.”

You hesitated, glancing at Cross who looked just as confused as you. “Wh- Really?”

Dust stretched and started leaving his den. “Yep.”

“But I didn’t even-.” You started.

“I might not play. But I want to see this.” He interrupted again.


The three of you met back up with Killer and Horror, who was confused but excited to be involved.

“Alright!” You say, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Killer already knows how to play so I’ll explain it to the rest of you. This is a game where you throw this frisbee to each other in the air. No one really wins or loses, but there are ways to succeed and fail. If I throw the frisbee to you, you have to catch it. If you have the frisbee, pick someone to throw it to and they have to catch it.” You explained how to properly throw the frisbee, how not to throw the frisbee,(don’t chuck it at peoples heads, Killer) and vaguely explained what to expect when the frisbee was in the air.

Killer giggled and fidgeted the entire time, unable to keep still, until you announced you were ready to play. He was the first to the surface with only his tail visible for a second before he splashed back into the water. The shark siren acted like an excited puppy.

The first throw of the frisbee went about as expected. Cross and Horror were too close and the frisbee went flying over their shocked expressions. Killer caught the disk with ease after it arched to one side.

Dust floated next the you and watched, his glowing eyes the only indication he was paying attention under the dark of his hood.

“What was that?!” Cross complained.

Killer grinned and chittered. “That was you failing, Cross! Go long!” He threw the frisbee past you and you sped after it.

As the sun steadily crept towards noon, the four of you played, throwing the frisbee at each other and learning to catch it.

“Comin’ at ya, y/n!” Killer grinned.

“I got it!” Your tail started moving faster to lift you out of the water and…

You missed.

It sailed over your head and hit something behind you with a thump. You turned to find Dust looking over the frisbee with interest, twisting it in his hands and waving his hand under the bottom.

He glanced at you and smiled. “Duck.”

You submerged yourself just in time for the disk to be launched across the water at Cross.

“Hell yeah, Dust!!!” Killer cheered.

The game continued with Dust stealing the disk for you when you swore you had it until you moved further away from him. You made sure to mix up who you threw the frisbee to, much to Killer’s frustration.

Horror wasn’t the best at catching with his hands so every now and then a tentacle would shoot out of the water to catch the frisbee. He was precise when he threw it though. He would sit there for a few seconds before the frisbee would shoot out at someone with precision and speed. He absolutely melted at your encouragement, sinking into the water every time.

Killer acted like a professional. His prior experience sure made him look like a professional to the others. But you could see that he was far too excited for his own good. His patience was short an he kept trying to jump out of the water to catch it, leading him to fumble with the frisbee or get hit directly in the face. By the end of the day, his nose was red from how many times he got hit. His throwing was bad though. He either didn’t throw it hard enough and it wobbled out of the air or he threw it at an angle and it immediately shot into the water. That didn’t dampen his mood though as he greeted every failure with a bright grin. Especially when you yelled encouragement across the water.

Cross caught on quick. He figured out how to get the frisbee to balance in the air rather quickly and kept chucking it at Killer. Hence the red mark on the shark’s nose. Catching was more complicated with Cross. He either caught it perfectly or he dodged it. It took a lot of explaining and encouragement for him to start reaching to catch the disk.

Dust was a natural. Coiled just below the water’s surface, Dust would spring out of the water if he needed to. The frisbee could not escape him. It was taken out of the air and shot with accuracy at his next target. It always floated perfectly wherever he wanted it.

Dust also started smacking Killer with the frisbee. When you asked them to stop, Killer just laughed and said it was fine, that they were just messing with him, and then got hit square in the face cause he wasn’t paying attention.

It was a wonderful day.

You were glad you got to spend it with your boys.

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9 months ago

call me what you want, I got thick skin