I forgot I even had a tumbler?? crazyshe/theyaroace
10 posts
Bluesnowgalaxy - Bee - Tumblr Blog

(First time trying to use alight motion,,)

The absolute insane struggle I've had with this has been unreal 😭💀 I need to actually learn how to use animation programs instead of just slappin something together with no direction lmao
(Second version is just FireAlpaca, his tail looks wonky either way,,)

I didn't spend that much time on the butterflies so they look a lil goofy,, just ignore that 🥲👍

Life is too hectic, I would like to hide away and draw instead, that would be nice

I hope we get to see his goofy lil mushroom hat again

I imagine he has a lot of thinking to do after everything

I realized far far too late that he's in the wrong fit,, just pretend it's the right one 😭😭

I feel like he's going to be a lonely lil guy waiting for the weekend
(trying to keep a consistent art style is harder than it should be)

dirt time!
Is there a way I can link the comment to this? I never use tumbler and am cluelesss
regardless, very funny, made me laugh

Absolutely adore this funky lil guy, so excited to see where the story goes next!
(first time trying to make a gif, no idea how to make it not low quality??)