Snek - Tumblr Posts
Kenyan Sand Boa at my work (the bedding has been changed to a different one cause that one molds easily when it gets wet)

What if Crowley could change his species of snake at will? 🐍
In Aziraphale's defense, Crowley wasn't a rattlesnake when he put him in the box. Crowley could obviously get out whenever he likes, but it’s actually kind of fun.
Stop everything you're doing and look at the Arabian sand boa. You're welcome.
Snakes in order of appearance: Red-bellied black snake, blunthead tree snake, eastern hognose snake, Arabian sand boa, African egg-eating snake, eastern diamondback rattlesnake.
Also -
You ever make something and go, "This is it, my finest work. My magnum opus. I've peaked as an artist."?

This is that moment for me.

Lady Obanai now hehehe
(Pls forgive me I don't often draw sneks 😭)
trick or treat 🎃
I'm really sorry, this little snot-nosed kid in a skeleton hoodie ran to my door and took all the candy from the "take one" bin with an evil cackle.
I can offer you this rubber snake they dropped as they ran away?

Happy Halloween! :D
I found a goober

I mean just look at him

What a little dude
Watch "King and god and sacrifice" on YouTube

Probably the best pmv I made tbh... which isn't a lot

I didn't know they could do that. Huh.
Salem was out, esploring, like a good snek do, looking for his mice, which were a whole day late, on account of hims needin to finish shedding. But while he was sploring all of a sudden! A CHAIR! Snuck up behind! So he CHOMPED THAT CHAIR 'cause he a good kingsnek and good kingsneks always be doing a chomp.
I have a standing wardrobe in my snake room and when I let my ball pythons 'splore, at least one usually climbs up and hangs out on the top bar like a little tree snake. I think people confuse the fact that they are usually not the most agile climbers (and sometimes downright clumsy) with a lack of interest.
Miriam Monday: someone needs to tell this girl that "ball pythons don't climb!"

The myth that ball pythons won't climb is total nonsense - if you give them vertical space, they'll use it.

Bonus: almost managed to catch her in a yawn. Was only able to photograph the very end, which I call "the scrungle"

Nadia displays her excellent hiding skills. Very sneaky snek.
Snakefruit cookie

The new update has cool cookies, and snakefruit is cute
![[insert Very Vague Virals Reference] Pretty Ophiuchus Girl?](
[insert very vague Virals reference] pretty Ophiuchus girl?
Hey guys, this noodle's real!

You're welcome, and have a good day!