bobthefred - hy There sil lies 🫵
hy There sil lies 🫵

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A redesigned world map of the continent 'Pyrrhia', from the book series "Wings of Fire" by Tui T. Sutherland.
It takes on a new shape still vaguely resembling a dragon with it's wings extended, tail curling into a chain of islands. 

The placement of the kingdoms is just about the same as what's presented by the books; IceWings in the far northwest, SandWings just south and southwest of the IceWings, SkyWings across the mountain range spanning vertically across the landmass, MudWings to the southeast of the mountains, RainWings south of the MudWings, and SeaWings to the farthest east. 
The NightWings' volcanic island is also present in the far northeast.

Roughly 1.5x the size of North America, Pyrrhia is the largest continent inhabited by dragons. Despite it's monumental size, very few areas on the map are considered un-owned territory, with even fewer areas being considered unexplored entirely.

Thanks to the continent's huge climate range, Pyrrhia has the most dragon tribe diversity of any landmass, hosting seven tribes in their entirety.

This includes: SkyWings, IceWings, SandWings, MudWings, RainWings, NightWings and SeaWings.


IceWing Territory

A small screen capture of the map of Pyrrhia including just the Ice Kingdom, with additional labels indicating different points of interest.

Points of interest include: The IceWing Palace, the Diamond Caves, the Great Ice Cliff, and several towns.

Towns include: Where-the-Whales-Leap-at-Dawn, Where-the-Terns-Fly, Hamlet-That-Worships-the-Whales-Who-Sing-at-Night, Where-No-Dragon-Goes-Hungry, We-Remember-and-Venerate-Caribou, Village-of-the-Plentiful-Seals, and Blaze's Stronghold.

The Ice Kingdom, inhabited primarily by IceWings, is a large peninsula in the far north, also including a smaller cape just slightly south. It borders both the Sky Kingdom and the Kingdom of Sand.

While a large portion of IceWings live within the walls of the Ice Palace (an extravagant city compared to most other palaces), the majority live in villages and towns along the Ice Kingdom's coast. This is ideal for most, since the primary food source of IceWings are fish & sea-faring birds and mammals. However, it's not uncommon to find an IceWing family or two living further inland, hunting elk and other land-dwelling prey.

While only a relatively small portion of IceWing territory remains snowy year-round, the entire territory all the way down to Where-No-Dragon-Goes-Hungry can be seen blanketed in ice and snow during the winter months.


SkyWing Territory

A small screen capture of the map of Pyrrhia including just the Sky Kingdom, with additional labels indicating different points of interest.

Points of interest include: The Sky Palace, the SkyWing Outpost, Under the Mountain where the dragonets were raised, the Indestructible City and the Diamond Spray River.

The Sky Kingdom is home to the SkyWings, and is the largest land-based dragon-claimed territory on the map, give or take. Their territory borders several other kingdoms, including the Kingdom of the Sea, Ice Kingdom, Mud Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Sand.

Being quite physically big and territorial compared to most other dragons, SkyWings demand much more space (and use of such space) than their neighbors, despite there being much fewer of them overall. By technicality, the Sky Kingdom encompasses the entire Pyrrhian mountain range; although the SkyWings living any farther south than the Diamond Spray Delta tend not to argue about where borders are drawn, so long as they get a good night's sleep.

SkyWings tend to live solitarily or in pairs/family units, with the exception of those living in the Sky Palace working for the current Queen. Due to this, there are very few dedicated SkyWing towns or villages, with most SkyWings opting instead to pick out an ideal cave in the mountains to call home. This is of course not absolute, and there are many SkyWings living in harmony in bordering towns and cities with other tribes, some being SkyWing dominant.


MudWing Territory

A small screen capture of the map of Pyrrhia including just the Mud Kingdom, with additional labels indicating different points of interest.

Points of interest include: The MudWing palace, the Burnt Scavenger Den, the Indestructible City and the Diamond Spray Delta.

The Mud Kingdom is home to the MudWings; the tribe of the largest land-dwelling dragons in the world. Their kingdom borders the Sky Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Sea and the Rainforest Kingdom.

Despite their size, they actually don't hold the largest amount of territory. Being rather sedentary, they typically never need more than the average pond to themselves and their siblings.

MudWing territory consists of a variety of land types, with the standard swamps and marshes; but also including bamboo forests, floodplains, sparse rainforest and grasslands. This variety in biome gives them plenty of agricultural opportunity, making MudWings one of the largest exporters of both plant and animal produce.

Their rich land also provides an abundance of earthen materials that other tribes covet for their own uses in construction, pottery and other types of craftsmanship; including kaolinite and other clays, calcite, etc!


RainWing Territory

A small screen capture of the map of Pyrrhia including just the RainWing Kingdom, with additional labels indicating different points of interest.

Points of interest include: The RainWing village, the NightWing village, the Winding Tail River, the NightWing animus portal tunnels, and Jade Mountain far off to the northwest.

The Rainforest Kingdom is home to the RainWings, the tribe of the smallest and most numerous dragons on the continent. Their kingdom borders the Mud Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Sea.

RainWings live communally, and thus are not separated into several towns. Rather, all RainWings (for the most part) share a single village that extends quite far throughout the rainforest, held together by the Queen's Royal Pavilion (marked on the map as the RainWing Village).

Although, since the events of the NightWing exodus from the Volcano, there lies a single other village amongst the jungle. Some RainWings find it comfortable enough to live there with the NightWing refugees, but don't prefer it.

The rainforest is a dragon's ultimate destination for near any kind of exotic fruit, flower, or animal. While RainWings used to be the top exporter of their tropical produce, these days the MudWings have taken on the task of growing orchards and vineyards, while the RainWings keep to themselves.


SeaWing Territory

A small screen capture of the map of Pyrrhia including just the SeaWing Kingdom, with additional labels indicating different points of interest.

Points of interest include: The SeaWing Deep Palace, Blister's Outpost, the Summer Palace, and the Island Palace.

SeaWing territory, home to the SeaWings, is technically the largest dragon-claimed territory on earth; this is because the vast majority of their inhabited space is underwater, and thus there is very little competition for territory. The land they control however, is the smallest compared to any other tribe, consisting mostly of small islands and islets. Their territory borders the Rainforest Kingdom, Mud Kingdom and Sky Kingdom.

Despite being the largest kind of dragon on the planet, they are incredibly numerous due to the abundance of food and territory. SeaWings live communally, but are spread across several habitable zones, including the Deep Palace and Summer Palace (their primary homes), and various island caves, huts, deep sea trenches, and sea stacks.

They are also partially migratory, spending warmer springs and summers in the Summer Palace, and living deeper underwater through autumn and winter.


SandWing Territory

A small screen capture of the map of Pyrrhia including just the SandWing Kingdom, with additional labels indicating different points of interest.

Points of interest include: Burn's Stronghold, the Great River, the Scorpion Den, the border town of Possibility and the border town of Sanctuary along the SkyWing kingdom border, Jade Mountain to the southeast and Darkstalker's Teeth; the mountain range dividing the kingdom from the City of Night.

The Kingdom of Sand, controlled by the SandWings, is the third largest land-based dragon territory on the continent. Consisting of vast dunes and open savannas, this desert environment isn't suitable for most other tribes. Their kingdom borders the Sky Kingdom and the Ice Kingdom.

Despite their large quantity of land, SandWings are actually not very high in population; more than SkyWings or especially NightWings, but fewer than most. SandWings are largely nomadic, not living in one particular place for their whole lives; instead relying on sparse oases and rivers spread throughout the desert, and traveling around for food.

Some SandWings, particularly those seeking refuge and safety from war, may choose to spend most of their time in small cities like the Scorpion Den, or border towns like Possibility and Sanctuary. Even then, many prefer to stay on their feet and travel often, reserving their town homes for sleep, rough weather or retirement.

Similarly, many SandWings working for royalty may choose to live in the Stronghold.


NightWing Territory

A small screen capture of the map of Pyrrhia including just the NightWing island, with additional labels indicating different points of interest.

Points of interest include: The NightWing fortress and the animus tunnel to the rainforest.

NightWing territory, the smallest and most uninhabitable, is home to the declining population of NightWings. It does not directly border any other kingdoms, but does have an animus-conjured portal to the Rainforest Kingdom.

Despite all the odds, NightWings manage to survive here on the small (near completely ash-polluted) ponds dotting the island, and by using desalination devices to convert seawater into drinkable water.

The prey on their volcanic home is close to non-existent; consisting almost entirely of occasional seabirds, crabs, beached sea turtles, and fish caught far out at sea using nets; although as time goes on, fewer NightWings are in good enough health to carry fish-filled nets back home.

Their fortress is half-collapsed due to a volcanic eruption, and the air is so hot, heavy and sulphuric that one might find it almost impossible to breathe if you hadn't been born there. What a pity.


Version with ALL Points of Interest

A copy of the map shown at the top of the post, but with all points of interest visible.

Blank Version

Another version of the whole map, but blank of all points of interest, kingdom labels and icons.

*You may use the blank version of the map for personal things as long as credit to Thorne & I is given! Tag me if you do :D I'd love to see!

This has been in the works probably the longest of anything I've made in relation to my WoF headcanons. I swear I've redone this entire map 3 or 4 times. After a year and a half, hopefully this is the last!!

I hope y'all like it!!

Huge thanks to my friend Thorne for her contributions to the climate placing, I wouldn't have been able to make it look at ALL natural without her help.

If you have any questions or suggestions for edits/additions please let me know! My ask box is open too.

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5 months ago

I’ve needed this for so long but never had the dedication to do it!

Yes I'm Serious, No I'm Not Okay
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(I'll be tagging this and further parts as #buzzkill aquatic so feel free to use that tag too if you use my aquatic expansion in your art/animations/fanfics etc)

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Tagging this and any previous/further parts as #buzzkill aquatic. Feel free to use that tag whenever you use my aquatic expansion in your ow

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5 months ago

Freckle colors among different tribes

Icewings - blue

Sandwings - brown

Nightwings - white

Skywings - yellow

Mudwings - green

Seawings - gray

Rainwings - orange

Hivewings - black

Leafwings - red

Beetlewings and Silkwings - any colors


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