bodyswapmischief - Body Swap Mischief
Body Swap Mischief

I love male body swaps and transformations. I love it even more when things go wrong or have a twisted ending

112 posts

A Recipe For Rekindling Love

A Recipe for Rekindling Love


Tyler and Ryan were a matched made in heaven. From the outside they had a perfect relationship. It was one of those relationships that make you incredible jealous. And, in fact it was a perfect relationship, at least until these last couple of years.

Tyler and Ryan met in high school and were the ultimate power couple. Tyler was a wrestler and Ryan a football player. They would spend their time together hanging out, working out, and playing video games. Where ever one went the other would sure be there.  Everyone thought they were the best examples of friendship, if only they knew. It was during the day of their graduation when the truth was let out. Tyler lead Ryan back to the locker room.

“This is where we first met. Where I feel in love with. Through the sea of hot bodies that filled this room, I fell in love with you Ryan. All the times we spent here after hours. The love and magic are bodies made. I got to know you and you me. I know we are young and right now we are not in a situation to come out, but I want make a promise. I will always love you and when we are ready will you marry me?”

Ryan was shocked but he felt the same way, “Yes, I will always be here for you … I love you, too.” He lean in and began kissing Tyler. Both of them getting in to it. They started making out, embracing both of their powerful bodies. They used their hands to feel every muscled curve of each other’s body. With swift sexual motions they help each other remove their clothes.

However, a group of jocks walked in and caught them in the act, and truth spread out like wild fire. Through the halls of the school. In the whispering done in the seats of the graduating class. The conversation and gossip filled social media. When each boy returned home, they realized their parents knew. Arguing happened; The boys tried to explain, but their words would not be able to penetrate the deeply religious minds of their parents. They were told to leave their houses, as soon as possible

A year passed and both boys had to grow up fast. They became men. Being disowned they couldn’t go to college and live the lives they wanted, it would be put on hold. For a couple of months they were homeless, but over time they found jobs and got on their feet. Ryan found a job at a fast food restaurant right by their soon to be new apartment. While, Tyler ended up find a well-paying construction job, one that could support both him and Tyler. So, he pressured Ryan to go back to school doing something with his life. To get their lives back on track. When Ryan became successful, it would be Tyler’s turn to better his life.

Once Ryan finished college, the problems started. Ryan was having a hard time finding a better job. All this education and he still worked at the fast food restaurant. Tyler grew angry. He felt like Ryan had wasted so much of his time. He was doing nothing with his life. And it showed in their bodies. They years of construction has turned Tyler’s body into a sculpted god, but Ryan’s college life/ part time job left no room to work out. He began to gain weight and become fatter. Fat covering every inch of his body. Now that he was done with school, the weight gained seemed to be worst. Everyday Tyler would come home to Ryan doing nothing. However, Ryan always argued about how starting up a business is hard and sooner or later it was going to lift off. But, the resentment of Tyler and guilt from Ryan began to taint their relationship. Love had left Tylers’ eyes and he saw Ryan in a new light. The only thing Ryan seemed useful for was cooking and eating. Ryan was fat and disgusting. Sex began to feel like a chore. Tyler missed when they were still young and their two fit powerful bodies would unite with passion.

“You’re not happy Tyler” he told himself. “You got to just break up with him; it’s not worth it. Yes you spent so much time with Him, but sometimes things don’t work out. Besides he’s fat a disgusting now. We just out grew each other. Well he out grew you.” He laughed in front of the mirror. “FUCK!! Why can’t I just break up with him?”

Ryan heard everything. He was in shock. Yes they had their problems, but what relationship didn’t. Ryan didn’t think it was already this bad. He let some time past, while thoughts raced in his mind. He laid their pretending to still be asleep. Tyler walk out on his way to go to work, he looked at Ryan and sighed. As soon as Tyler left,  Ryan broke down crying. For the first time feeling how fat he truly has become. His moobs and rolls of fat squishing each other as he sat up in bed.

I couldn’t stand it anymore. Let’s just say I love love. And Thomas and Ryan were perfect for each other. Someone just had to reignite the flame.  And, that someone was going to be me.

Time passed and Ryan did not leave the room, until he started smelling food coming from the kitchen. He fell into a trance and followed it. His belly and moobs shaking with each step. Laid out in the kitchen, was a set of pots and ingredients. Nothing was cooking, but Ryan felt the need  to cook what he was smelling.  With each chop and stir, Ryan’s body was transforming. Fat was melting of him, as now a strong muscled man was standing in the kitchen cooking under a trance. Each motion causing a group of muscles to flex and then relax. His body was an instrument of muscles.

On the flip side, Tyler came home. He was greeted by his shirtless boyfriend, his abs on full display. Something was not right, but Tyler couldn’t focus, as the smell of the food entranced his mind. All he could think about was how much he loved Ryan. All the good times they had … and how hungry he was.  Every spoonful started changing Tyler’s body. His hard earned body started to get cover in fat. His belly started sticking over his lap straining his sweat shirt.

Tyler’s mind snapped revealing his belly, as he started to laugh hysterically. “You took my body!”

“I didn’t mean to, I don’t really know how this happened.” Ryan responded.

Standing there Ryan didn’t care how big Thomas was now. He actually liked Tyler’s new body. He looked cute, soft, and squishy.  He came over to Tyler, “I still love you and I always will.” He kissed Tyler and a flame ignited deep in their hearts. Tylers hands felt  their way across Ryan now rock hard  body. Feeling the power in his movements. Ryan enjoyed the padding and squishiness that Tyler’s body now offered. With his strength, Ryan got Tyler to bend over. Unleashing his new powerful cock up Tyler’s thick ass. Each thrust reminded them of their  love; all the good times they had.

Over the next few days their lives changed. Ryan’s online business picked up; let just say I help with the advertising. And with his new body he had the energy and drive to keep up with demands. Tyler went back to work. His co-workers were surprised by how fat he got. Their minds couldn’t comprehend the magic the occurred, so new memories flooded their mind. To them, Tyler was slowly getting fat over time. They just finally realized it. Now, he was too big to fit in the spaces he need to, he didn’t have the same stamina, and he was creating safety hazards. But, the team didn’t want to leave their man behind. As a group they decided that Tyler’s ten years of working for the company should be rewarded with a promotion. Now he is the fat stereotypical supervisor spotted at every construction site.

Their live were different, but they are happier than ever and they love every part of each other. Ryan cooks for his big man and they enjoy new adventurous sex life. They were meant for each other; they just had to get over some bumps in the road.

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More Posts from Bodyswapmischief

6 years ago

Monkey Business: Part 3 of 3

Fuck! I just realized I haven’t showed you my face. I have been teasing you all these time, with my fucking furry and sexy bod.


We’ll there it is. The fuckin picture of a real man. My bod has gone through a lot of fuckin changes and it all has been for the better. The gym workouts have layered my body with a set of powerful muscles. My new wardrobe, shirtless and in shorts, have caused the sun to tan my skin in a beautiful tint. And, the fur that covers every inch in my bod collect both the sweat and pheromones my body produces; creating an intense musk. And, this musk …plays an important part in why I was created.  

When I came back from my time with Enrique, Morphmaster, was waiting for me online, and he explained everything to me. He is a shifter that has the ability to turn people into hybrids. And, I was chosen through pure dumb luck. I was in the right place at the right time. Being his creation, my purpose in life was to create more of my kind. Infecting people with my seed and musk. Corrupt their genetic code, and make them into monkey men. 

I was left dumbfounded. The human part of me didn’t want to do this. I love Enrique; I didn’t want to fuckin cheat on him. And, I already have fucked multiple men, in the past. None of them have turned. How would I even accomplish this goal?


I spent the next few months ignoring what Morphmaster had said. In this time, my relationship with Enrique had grown. We moved in together. We fuck every day … three times a day. I loved when I would wake up to find Enrique out on the Balcony. His ass out on display in his tight underwear.  His skin glowing in the morning sun. It always got me in the mood for our morning bang. Our muscular bodies uniting. Our strong arms embracing each other. Our hands exploring every inch our bods had to offer. His hairless bod rubbing against my fur. The power of our bods being felt through every movement. Our motions start of slow and filled with love. With each thrust the passion increases, as does the speed. Our bodies going through a rollercoaster ride of sexual passion.

Then something started going wrong. Everything was routine. Don’t get me wrong I love Enrique and my life, but something was missing. I was working out one day, when a guy came up to me. “Fuck! When did we start letting apes in. Disgusting! Why work out, you can’t even see the muscles covered by that body hair.” He spent my work out session insulting me, fueling my workout with anger. He followed me into the locker room and I had enough. I grabbed his head and rubbed it against my chest, instinctually. The musk from my work out affecting his mind. He became high and focused on sex. He stripped ready for me to take him. And, I did. With anger in my eyes, I destroyed his ass. Each thrust giving me a pleasure I never felt before. This experience was not filled with love, like before; my body raged with a different frequency of energy. My seed explode in him, as I start to notice his body changing.  Becoming big and fury.

And this has been my life since then. I love my life with Enrique, but I get a high from fucking and turning assholes into creatures like me. I hope Enrique never finds out, or I might have to change him. He might think I’m cheating, but it’s my nature. Changing him may be the only way to get him to understand why I have to do the things I do. I don’t want to change him, but it might be the only way we can stay together.

(He is the picture from @outkast1728 that helped inspire this series.)


(I know you guys love my stories, but if your interested on the picture please, follow my other page @malereblogmischief​. There, I post the images with links to the original source, if I can find it. Or, I re-blog from where I found it on Tumblr.)

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5 years ago

The Interview


(Although not a part 2. This story is linked to The promotion) 

If you can believe it ... before today, my body looked completely different. I was ... for the most part hairless. And that worked for me. It showed off the curves of my muscles. My six pack, biceps, and chest glistened after every work out. But, now everything changed.

It all started because, I really needed a job. I applied to everything  I could find. But, no one ever called back. Until I got a call from Transform Inc. They were a really big company, in the city. I didn't even think I applied to them. I knew it was a mistake. But, never turn down an opportunity... or so I thought.

The day of the interview, I dressed in my best. I wore well fitted slacks and dress shirt. It hugged my body and outlined my well earn muscles. I hope I was interviewed by a woman or gay man. I might not be the smartest person or have the most experience, but with my body I could seduce the pants off of anyone.

Reaching the building, I quickly realized I was out of my league, job-wise. I went up the elevator and was immediately greeted by a lady, at the front desk. She was insanely attractive and led me through the office. As we walked, I started noticing the people in the office. All the women were attractive, and the men would have been too, if they were in better shape. They had a range of different size bellies. From a little bloated to full size beer belly.

I finally reached the office. "Your interview will be held in there." She said, as she walked away. I walked in and saw the biggest fattest guy in the office. He seemed stressed and tired. His face seemed young, but the weight added age to him. His beach ball belly rested on his lap and pushed against his small desk. His dress shirt struggled to contain his stomach and his equally large pair of fat boobs. His beard hid what I could only imagine was a double chin. He looked at me, like he was caught of guard. "Oh, please take a seat." He said as he clean off his desk. On his desk was a salad and a water bottle. I laughed in my head (Yeah like that's gonna help you, fat ass). His name plate read: Steven Fuller. (Yup the name fits) I continued to laugh to myself.

I sat down, keeping my eyes on the big fat blob of a man, in front of me. He was gross and every part of me hated him, for doing that to his body. I was snapped back to the present with the creaking of his chair, as he moved. It was screaming to get this fat-ass of it. He was also looking at me. Checking my body out, but trying not to get caught. He started looking for something, but stopped as his face turned red, from embarrassment. He lifted up his massive gut and pulled out a file. "I forgot, I put this on my lap before my lunch." He shyly said.

I started laughing. The comedy of this fat pig in front of me was just to much to take. He looked hurt by my reaction. "Yeah, kid don't get fat ... it sucks." He weakly smiled, as he started reading the file. "Don't worry I won't" I winked. He immediately puts down the file and looks at me, straight into my eyes. "Do you care about your body?" I was thrown back a bit. "Yeah ..." I replied confused. "Then this is not the job for you. I recommend leaving now." he starts to put the file away. "But ... look...I'm sorry I laughed... it's just..." I tried to explain. He looked at me, "No ... you look, I know you. I've been you. In fact my body was in better shape then yours and now look at me. I am ... begging you, just walk out that door and leave."

I lost it and everything I felt just came out. "I'm sorry you don't like what you did to your fat ass body, but I am not you." I started flexing under my shirt. "You wished you had this body. But, you can't. That gut is massive and no amount of salad is going to change that." Anger filled his eyes. But, suddenly the door opened and an older man walked in. His body made of muscle, which made him look younger than he probably was. "Hello, I'm Thomas Sterling and I will be finishing the interview, in my office." He motioned for me to follow. I turned to look at Mr. Fuller. He shook his head in disappointment.

We reached Mr. Sterling's office and sat down. "I'm sorry about that." Sterling said "He shouldn't have told you to leave." His powerful arms pulled out a box. "Well, he hasn't been the first person to be jealous of my body." I said. "Oh, and you do have a good strong body. 7% body fat?" He laughed in delight. The way he talked about my body was making me nervous. But, his tone was soothing. "No ... 5%" I answered. He opened the box and revealed doughnuts. "Here take one." He whispered. "I shouldn't." I said looking at the doughnuts. "Just one won't hurt." He said. I took one and bit into it. Blue filling gushed into my mouth. It tasted so sweet and good. Sterling smiled.

Slowly my stomach felt bloated and pushed against my shirt. (I did have a big breakfast) I thought to myself. "You have the job." He smiled. He quickly got up to get some paper work. The muscles under his clothes, showing off with every move. I wanted to be like him when I got older. "Help yourself to another doughnut, in celebration," he cheered. And, I did. My shirt and pants started feeling tighter. A tingling sensation started spreading through my chest.

"Sign these papers and you can start working tomorrow." I quickly signed, every paper. "Good, Good, Good ... I'm happy to know your happy with getting as fat as I want you to." My throat choke up a bit. I looked down and saw what was happening to my body. My pants were skin tight as they squeezed my legs. My softer chest was squeezed by the now tighter shirt. My flabby stomach was peeking out of my straining buttons. "What the Fuck! What happened to me." I screamed.

Sterling laughed. "It's all part of the contract." He brought out a syringe of blue liquid and injected it into a doughnut. "You will eat 3 of these donuts every month, and gain 5 pounds of permanent fat, for each. For every 5 pounds you will be paid 10,000 dollars. That will be 30,000 a month. This will go on for a year. Then you will have an option of staying on and getting promoted or leaving the company, if you wish. If you do stay on, you will be paid 100o times your weight per year. It was written down on those paper, you signed."

"You can't do this. I quit! These documents won't hold in court." I cried out. "Aw, I thought this might happen. That's why I created this new formula. It will make you more obedient. Now, finish the last doughnut for the month." He said as he handed me the freshly injected doughnut. My hand grabbed it on its own and brought it closer to my mouth. I scream for it to stop. But my hand forced it in my mouth. As soon as the blue goo reached my tongue, I started unwilling chewing. It really was the best thing I ever eaten. I felt the effects immediately take place. My expanding ass caused my pants to rip. The buttons on my shirt popped, as my belly jiggled, now having space to expand and sit in it's full size. My skin became itchy has my hairless body started sporting hair everywhere I could and couldn't see.

"Oh, that's a side effect, I haven't worked out yet. But, I can't say it doesn't make me happy. Now my bear in training go home and get some rest, because tomorrow you start work. And let's keep this contract our little secret." He smiled at me. I started walking out and bumped into Mr. Fuller, waiting right outside. My eyes red from wanting to cry. "Before you leave ... you should come to my office." I followed him. By the way he wasn't freaking out, I already knew that he understood what went on.

He helped sneak me into his office so, no one saw me. Once there, he pulled out some clothes. "Here these should fit you." He said. "Why are you doing this." I said with a shaky voice. "I was mean to you ... I got what I deserved, maybe worse." I felt embarrassed, changing my clothes in front of him. I hated showing off the new fat rolls that I could feel on my body. "You aren’t the only one that made a deal with that devil. I wasn't lying. I was like you. About 180 pounds of  pure muscle. In my first deal, I shot up to about 270. With a little more convincing, he has me at 300 pounds." He said rubbing his swollen stomach.

The numbers started running through my head. 3 donuts each month for a year. 15 pounds every month for 12 months. That would be a 180 pound weight gain. I'm was currently 180. I would double my size with pure fat. I would be 360 pounds. 60 pounds heavier than the man in front of me. I started crying. Mr. Fuller came closer to hug me. His belly pushed tight against mine. He started talking " Look, I don't know how many pounds you signed up to gain. But you are not alone. I'm the fattest guy in this office..." (not for long) I thought to myself "And, I still live an active life. I might not be as fast or have as much stamina, like when I was in shape. But, I am able to keep my weight down to my permanent weight and not an ounce more. Just eat right and exercise. In fact some of us guys from the office go to workout everyday, you should come" He let me go. I calmed my self and started walking out "what's the point" I said. As I walked out the door, I hear him yell out " You can always be fatter than you have to."

Those words still ring in my ear, as I stand here exploring my strange new 195 pound and counting body. Imagining how I would look fatter. The door bell rings. It's a pizza delivery guy. "Order for Eric, from Mr. Sterling." He unloads 2 large pizzas, a 2 liter bottle of coke, and a cookie cake. My stomach starts to rumble. Might as well eat because, this stomach is going to get bigger whether I like it or not. I can always got to the gym tomorrow.

(Follow my second blog @malereblogmischief, where I re-blog the sources for the picture in my stories.)

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5 years ago

Buddy Swap (Part 2)


I couldn't believe it, as I finally balanced my new weight and picked myself up. I kept telling myself this was a dream or a trick.

I sat back on the bed, feeling Spencer's body jiggle as I tried to get comfortable. I closed my eyes and opened them back up, repeatedly trying to wake up. But, no matter how many time I did it, I opened my eyes to see Spencer's fat body.

"Ok, so, it's not a dream," I said to myself in defeat. "Maybe its a trick." I looked at Spencer's huge stomach and squishy chest, scared to actually touch it. I tried to convince myself it was fake. Then an idea popped in my mind.

"Those assholes," I said to myself. "I must have gotten so drunk last night that my friends were able to put this realistic fat suit on me. And, then found a look alike to wake me up this morning." It was a crazy thought, but I was desperate for this not to be real. I put my hands on Spencer's stomach and tired to push it off of the body. But, it was stuck tight. I could actually feel it send it's jiggly sensations throughout Spencer's body. Spencer's boobs slapping the top of the stomach. His thighs were shaking with piles of fat. His double chin jiggling. His dick was vibrating, as I felt that it was buried in a pad of fat surrounding the pelvic area. All this sensations were telling my brain that this was really happening.

I felt confused, sad, and scared. But, I finally understood it was real. And, I calmed myself down by remembering that Spencer said it was not permanent With all the adrenaline that surged through me, my new overweight body became extremely tired and I feel asleep.Mindlessly, I woke up and decided I should get dressed. I was adjusted to my new weight; but I was in a sleepy haze. Although I could I see I was in Spencer's fat body, my mind act like I was still in mine.

I walked to my closet, got my workout clothes, and put them on. They were extremely tight and couldn't fit over Spencer's mountain of a stomach. "Why didn't they fit, I asked my self," then I looked in the mirror inside my closet and saw my fat friend's reflection, staring back at me. "Oh," I sighed to myself, in defeat. I walked back to my bed and sat down. My tight clothes stopping most of the fat jiggles, but Spencer's uncontained belly still bounced up and down.

"Well, working out is off the table today," I said as I brought Spencer's hands to his face. I looked at his fat body in disgust. "Well, I guess all my plans are off the table today ... It still barely 12 PM, so I have a long time to spend in this fat body." I got up and started walking out of my room. "I guess I'll just spend today inside, becuase there is no way I'm going outside like this."

I start walking to livingroom, my clothes squeezing Spencer's body tight. So, I decided to take them off. Unfortunately, I saw what my friend was working with. His dick buried in fat, with only the tip of the head sticking out. I couldn't spend my whole day looking at that, so I decide to stop by his room to get some of his underwear.

I walked in and saw clothes laid out. There was a note: "Here are the most comfortable clothes I have. I also ordered from all of my favorite restaurants and stocked the fridge with food. My body gets really hungry and it can eat a lot. I know you always watch what you eat, but today you can just let go. You have my tastebuds so I know you will enjoy everything. Just try having fun being a fat slob today. And, I'm sorry I did this to you."

I just grabbed the underwear. I was still mad at him but noted how sorry he seemed. I kinda felt bad for him. But like he said, I was feeling really hungry. I walked in to find bags of food just waiting for me. The smell making me more hungry. I spent the whole day giving in to the fat body. Eating nonstop, playing videos, watching TV. Gorging myself was turning me on, for some reason. It must be the body's muscle memory. Throughout the day my dick would become raging hard. It got to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't want to, but the urge kept calling me. Slightly disgusted, I jerked off. Using Spencer's hands to dig his fat pad off my dick. It was more work then I was use to, but it got the job done. I cummed and was wrap in a sensation of ecstasy.

It was getting late and my Spencer walked in with a smile on his face. Then he saw me sitting, watching TV, and eating. He look worried about what I might say. "I'm not mad at you." I finally said "I enjoyed your body, but I am ready to get mine back after tonight. So ... how was your date?"

My friend looked at me and smiled. "It went good ... and I had SEX!" I was a little weirded out by the thought of him using my body for sex. But, I let it slide. After all seeing his dick and dealing with it, I felt like he deserved some fun. "I can't believe I just lost my virginity ... well I guess I didn't becuase it was your body and you have had loads of sex." He says as he walked closer to me. He looked so cute, being so happy. Looking at my body was turning me on. I was imagining my fit body fondling Spencer's fat body. "Oh and don't worry, I'll break it off with this girl. It was just so cool to expirence your body. But, it's yours and ... oh ... um ... oh no."

I see my face get worried and I start to panic. My friend brings my muscular hands to his cum stained crotch. Using my fingers he rubbed his pelvic area, causing his dick to pulse to attention. Then he puts my fingers in my mouth. "What the fuck. Don't do that with my body ...." I screamed. "Fuck, it's cum. Fuck, fuck, fuck. The swap is permanent ... SHIT! We both cummed. I didn't mean to ... and why did you? By both of us cumming it like saying we both agreed to make the switch permanent. It's like a blood pact, but I guess a cum pact. I didn't tell you because I didn't think I was gonna have sex, and I really didn't think you were going to rub one out."

I sat there motionless, dropping everything thing I was holding. My heart was beating fast. It wouldn't have surprised me if this fatass body decide to have a heart attack. I could hear my friend's voice, but it sounded muffled and distant. He sat next to me and rubbed my back. " I' m so sorry. I'm so sorry ...." he kept repeating over and over. "Plaese say something". But the only thing repeating in my mind was "I'm stuck like this."

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5 years ago

Silver’s Sauna: Nerd to Sliver Fox


Just moments ago, I was a nerdy high school senior. Now, I'm almost an actual senior at 55 years old. Yes, I have one hell of a body, but was it worth 37 years of my life.

I was always made fun of, in school. First I was, too short ... But, once puberty hit, I grew taller. To bad my muscles didn't get the growth memo. I was a tall, pale, nerdy skeleton. And jocks/bullies at my school never let me forget how much of an outcast I was.

With college coming up soon, I saw my chance to start over. I could work on my self now and become the person I wanted to be in college. So, I joined a gym, where I knew my classmates wouldn't bother me. Silver's Gym was mainly advertised to older men. The mascot was a fox. So ... the whole Silver Fox motif wasn't lost on me.

I walked up to the front desk. And, there was Mr. Edward Silver. He was the youngest and fittest man in there, in his early 30's. He was curious why I wanted to be at this gym. So, I told him my story. He understood and even gave me a discount. For the past few months I went, but saw no results. Mr. Silver tried to give me tips, but I just couldn't gain weight to build muscle. Exercising became a form of meditation for me. And working out next to overweight business men was a real confidence booster.

Today, I was working out when I saw a bald and severely obese man walk in. His clothes and the way he carried himself shown that his gluttonous appetite came from his extremely wealthy life style. Mr. Silver came, out of the back office, and greeted him. They started talking and the old man handed Mr. Silver a brief case. Mr. Silver motioned to me and the old man nodded. My gut told me I needed to leave, immediately.

I stopped what I was doing and rushed into to the locker room. My heart was racing and it felt like being back at school, running from my bullies. As I struggled to get the locker open, Mr. Silver walked in. Being bullied at school, I considered him my only friend, based on the interactions we had. But, now standing in front of me, he was different. He stared at me like a predator that had cornered his prey. I didn't know what he was going to do, but I knew he had me trapped. "Aw Eric! Glad I found you." He said in a fake cheerful tone. "I wanted to congratulate you, myself. You won the gyms surprise lottery. You got yourself a free trip to the sauna."

"That's great," I let out, fear shaking my throat. "But, I can't do it now ...  Can I comeback..." Mr Silver interrupted me, with his fake cheery tone. "Oh, we both know you're not gonna want to miss this opportunity." He grabbed me and forcibly led me to the spa area. I tried to break free. Even though Mr. Silver was shorter than me, his ripped body easily slammed me into the locker. With his ripped physique pressed against me, he looked at me straight in the eyes, his silent message was clear. I wasn't escaping. I stopped fighting back and let him take me.

He led me into the basement, with two glass chambers. The chambers were set up like saunas, except for the 3 glass walls. In one chamber sat the fat old man, with a towel across his legs. "Strip down and here's a towel." Mr Silver commanded. Understanding that I couldn't do anything to escape, I followed his command. He opened the door to the other chamber and I walked in.

The fat old man looked at me at smile. "Hello, I'm Theodore Hutchinson. And, I appreciate what you are about to do for me." I was confused. "What's going on!'" I order Mr. Silver to explain what was happening. "Years ago, I discovered these particles that I have infused into this mist. When properly charged these particles can overcome the obstacles of time and space. However they need to be balanced, or else ... bad things happen" Mr. Silver began to explain.

As he was talking, I witnessed what was happening to Mr. Hutchinson. Fat was melting of his body. Hair was growing back on his head. His body was becoming less hairy. His skin started to tighten and his body was being pumped with muscle. Once the steam cleared he looked like he was now my age. He looked like the buff jocks that made my life a living hell. His towel dropped to the floor revealing his hard cock. He started laughing in disbelief, while feeling up his body. The laughs turned into moans and he started rubbing his cock. His body pulsing with pleasure as as he felt up his now younger body.

The machine started violently shaking, as Mr. Silver walked back to it. "See. These little guys are fighting to regain balance. They need somewhere to go." He said deviously. Steam started filling up my chamber. I panicked, looking at  Mr. Hutchinson younger body. I subconsciously put one hand on my stomach. I brushed the other hand through my hair. Mr. Silver laughed. "It doesn't work like that. It's not a body swap machine. In Mr. Hutchinson’s case it naturally de-aged him to his senior year of high school. When he was a muscled up jock. You on the other hand, It will age you as if you kept living your life naturally. What you will look like ... well who knows. That's the fun part. Maybe you will get fat and bald like he was and maybe you won’t. Only time will tell." Mr. Silver Flipped  the switch.

The steam surrounded my body. Although I could still breathe, I felt suffocated. My body was heating up. Suddenly, I felt a pressure on my stomach and saw it start stretching. My chest became flabby and my stomach jutted out. " Looks like some gained the freshman 15," Mr. Silver playfully said.

Part of me was happy that I was no longer a skinny skeleton. But I worried how fat I was going to get, as the weight kept piling on. "Someone discovered beer on their 21st birthday." Mr Silver Chimed in.

Suddenly I feel my arm getting stabbed over and again. A tattoo appeared on my arm. My body was still chubby, but muscle was beginning to developed. My biceps started painfully pulsating, as they increased in size. My chest became more defined. " Look's like 25 was a good year for you." Silver seemed amused.

My body kept increasing in size and my belly became flatter. I begin to feel stabbing in my other arm and neck. More tattoos appeared. "Damn your looking good in your 30's, most guys I’ve seen let themselves go, by now." Silver said, not hiding the fact he was getting turned on.

My skin started to tan and finally an eight pack formed on my stomach. My body looked like what you might imagine an ancient gladiators body would look like. I was in the best shape my life. "So you are one of the it gets better with age guys, huh." Silver said, with a big smile on his face. He was really enjoying this.

The mist kept swirling, but my body only went through minor changes. A little more muscle gain and a pricking sensation as stubble appeared on my face.  But, then I started to feel drained. I was more tried. My body felt heavier. It felt like more work to carry all this muscle. The steam cleared. I looked down at my body. I was insanely fit and hot and my body wasn't changing anymore. With a body like this, I had to still be in my late 30's, at the most. Confused, I asked "why am I still in my 30's ..." I stop, shocked by how old I sounded. Silver chimed in, "It would look like that, doesn't it." Silver smiles. "But you are now 55."

My heart beat fast in disbelief. Mr. Silver held up a mirror. Although my body looked strong, I still felt heavy. I slowly got up feeling pain in my lower back and knees. I made my way to the mirror. I looked at my reflection and saw an old face staring back. Wrinkles on my face and grey in my hair and stubble.

"It looks like you are in great shape  ... but as an older man you are going have to live differently to keep that body tight. There will have to be diet changes and working out twice has hard and twice as much, compared to a man now half your age." Mr Silver smiled, checking out an analyzing the work he did to my body. I stumbled back to my seat, reality setting in. I'm an old man now. A hot Silver Fox, but still an old man. "What's going to happen. I can't go back home like this." I cried out. 

"Your past is taken care of. To everyone you knew ... you are dead. A bus crush that should happen any moment, now. As for the future ... you are now a father. Your son is that young man over there, Ted Hutchinson. As per his contract, he has given you his life and all the wealth that comes along with it. You will continue to work in his company and make money. And, you will have time for fun too, so don't worry about having to work to much. After all, you have 10 more years until retirement is an option. Your new son will get to live like the rich kid he always wanted to be, instead of the self-made billionaire he had to be. And, once you die, you will leave everything to your son. Do we have an agreement?"

With tears in my eyes, I nodded. I didn't have choice. My whole life was gone. If I said no, I'd probably end up on the streets, with my parents not believing I'm really me and a lack of work experience to get a job. Who's going want to hire a 55 year old man with no work experience or proof of being a citizen.

My life was over. Not that it was great, so far. But, it was mine. I missed out on so many experiences. It seemed like my 20's, 30's and 40's were going to be great. But, now I would never know. I mean with how in shape I am in, I'd probably live into my 90's, assuming something else doesn't go wrong in my body, but now that is only 40 years away. Silver comes back and brings me the contract. I sign it.

My new son, Ted, walks in. I feel angry about what he did to me. "I'm lucky my new daddy is so hot" he says as he enters my chamber. He walks closer to me. His body less muscular than mine, but still hot. He starts feeling up my aged body. And, I start feeling his, my anger turning to lust. "Don't worry I'll take care of you dad" Ted said, removing my towel and exposing my old but still impressive cock. He bends down and starts sucking it. I moan in pleasure.

I could get use to this. I mean there's nothing I could do about it now. I might as well enjoy it ... while I'm still alive. Being a Silver Fox can have it’s benefits. 

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5 years ago

Buddy Swap (Part 5)


The next day, I woke up on a bed, a little to small for my body. I looked around and saw Alex sleeping on an orange chair, in the corner of the room. His perfect body relaxing and contracting, with every sleep-filled breathe. I analyzed his body, noticing every curve of muscle. I wanted him; I wanted to be him. In that moment I knew what I needed. Despite the amazing sex we had, I needed to fit again. I need to have a body like his.

"What are you doing sleeping over there," I asked. Alex slowly woke up and smiled at me. He stretched and his muscles bulged. "Well there wasn't enough space on the bed, with this in the way," He yawned as he walked over to pat my stomach. I just keep looking at him, envious of his body. "What's wrong ... you look like you have something on your mind," he continued. I told him everything. I told him I enjoyed our time, but I still wanted to lose weight. I could see disappointment form in his eyes. "Okay ... okay ... I understand. But, I don't care. Getting to know you last night was great. I feel something between us. A connection. I don't what it is. I still want to get to know you. Heck ... I'll even help you lose weight," Alex said looking deep into my eyes.

Having Alex in my life, was important to my mental state. As in a few months, my life with Spencer would change forever.

Before he proposed, Spencer wanted him and Jess to have time living with each other. He would be leaving me in the apartment all only. As sudden as he told me his plan, it was time for him to move out. I huffed down the stairs with his last box of his belongings to his car. The weight of the box and my heavy body was more than a workout. I saw, Spencer fitting the mess of tetris pieces into his car. And, he heard me coming, with my heavy breathing.

He looks at me and smiles. "You need to lose some weight before you kill yourself," he says, laughing, as he takes the box from me. "Shut up. I actually went down a size, since working out with Alex." I said sucking in my gut, a bit. "Are you sure about that," he looked at me confused. "Yeah ... Alex has been keeping track of my weight and buying me new clothes." I snapped back. "If you say so. I guess I've just been to busy to notice any change ... in your body. I'm just glad your finding happiness." He responded. "Yeah, I am happy. I never thought I would have been, after we swapped." I happily sighed.

An awkward pause formed between us. "Well that was the last box ... I guess this is it," I continued. He looked at me, guilt started filling his face. "I'm sorry about everything ... I tired looking for a fix ... just kept running into dead ends ... missing information ..." he started to ramble. I grab him. My large squishy stomach beginning to touch his flat hard fit one. "Look, it's okay. Listen to me. Even if you found away, I wouldn't accept it. You finally found happiness. I mean your using my body better than I did. I slept around. I didn't have a plan for life. But, you do. Your working out this body better than I did. You're starting a life." I explained. He hugged me. His powerful arms tried to reach around my large body.

I hugged him back. I wouldn't have believed it if you told me. We were both misfit toys, from a backwards small town. We both struggled in our own way. But those struggles are what lead us to being friends. Together we escaped that place and moved to the city. And, now we were facing a new chapter of our lives. My eyes became watery and he must have been thinking the samething. Because once we let go of each other, I could see his eyes become watery, too. "You are still my best buddy ... your ... really ... my only buddy," he said trying not to let his emotions consume him. I walked with him to his car door, as he got in. "I won't even be the far away ... it just a 30 minute drive. I'll be back and hangout all the time," he smiled. I smiled back hiding the fact that we both knew it was never going to be the same. "If you ever need me call me," he continued. I nodded, and told him the samething. I backed away, as he drove off, to his new life.

After some time passed, I called Alex. It felt nice hearing his voice, after sitting in silence. He was on his way to pick me up; he had something special planned. "I have to go pick something up from the mall, first," he said when he arrived. I was okay with that, as long as I got to spend time with him. "There's food in the fat ... I mean back seat," he motioned to the greasy paper bags. Most of the food look like it was already eaten. Although he was trying to help me lose weight, he would try and sabotage me with food. Most of the time, I would deny it. I pretty sure that made him frustrated, becuase in those months he started eating more. His flat abs, became a starter belly. But, he was still firm with muscle from his workouts. Even, while gaining weight he was hot as hell.

"It might take awhile," he said as we arrived at the mall. "Go ahead and grab some food or something," he insisted. I complied and started walking to the food court ... but then something hit me. I wasn't hungry. He just wanted me to break my diet. I decided I should just go with him, instead. I tried shouting for him, but in the crowd of people, he was to far ahead. I tried walking a little faster, but my heavy legs couldn't keep up to him.

Finally, I saw him turn a corner and I kept following him. As I turned, I didn't see him anymore. All, I saw was an entrance to a weird looking store, and I walked in. The store was filled with antiques, spices, plants, and other trinkets. However, there was no one else inside. (I guess I made a wrong turn) I thought to myself. "Aw your back ...," I hear an old voice calling out. "So you found away to reverse it did you?" I turn to see an old man talking to me.

"I'm sorry, I think you got the wrong person," I explained. "Oh ... I see ... I see, your the friend ... yes ... yes. It's clear now," he smiled. Then it all clicked, "Your the man ... the old man that gave Spencer the potion!" I exclaimed. "Why didn't I come here sooner?" I started rambling to myself. "Hush now ... hush now. That's the effect of this shop. You can't just find it ... you have to be ready ... ready, so it can appear to you ... call to you. It will bring you here when it wants you." The old man chimed in, bringing me out of my confusion. "So, I'm here for a reason," excitement started rising in my blood. "You can help me. You can undo this," I took my hands and jiggled my belly. My eyes getting watery, with happiness.

"Undo that," he laughed. "No, no, no. I cannot undo that. Are you mad. That potion is to strong. Your stuck in that body. The potion cannot be affected by any other magic, not even my own. No body swapping spell would ever work on you again." I sighed feeling all the hope drain away. "Then why am I here?" I cried. The old man just looked at me as if I just said the most stupidest thing he has ever heard. "So, I can help you," he shouted. "But, you just said..." I tried to chime in. "I help people. People who deserve it and curse those you don't. Like I helped your friend. Good man ... good man. But, he was in a dark place. Did you know he was about to take his life. And where where you. Best friends ... ah! You were sleeping with any guy you could find. You started leaving him out of your life..." he continued shouting. His words weighed on me. I collapsed on a near by chair, my body jiggling from the impact. He was right, in those days before the swap, I wasn't there for him. But, I didn't know how bad he was. He never told me. I never asked.

The old man started to calm down " I wasn't sure about you ... I'm still not. But, after the swap you tried. Most people would not. But, your friendship grew again. And, in that time I saw you grow. Deep down your also a good man. A little broken ... maybe alot broken. And you should be rewarded. But, first a gift from your friend. He wanted me to make this. It's for you." The old man pulled out a gold necklace with a green gem stone. "It will protect you," he finished. I tookit and put it on ... I felt nothing. There was a pause ... "So how exactly are you going to help me," I finally asked. He looked annoyed "Don't be hasty, don't be hasty. All in due time. There's more magic out there than silly ole body swapping," he said pushing me out the door.

I felt him stop and turned around. Everything was gone. The store was an empty space at the mall. "There you are!" I turn around to see Alex. "I was looking everywhere for you ... I tried calling you" He said worriedly. "Are you ready to go ... I got you some of that tea you liked." I was silent, lost in my thoughts and grabbed the drink. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded, still unsure if I really was. I look down to see that I was still wearing the necklace. As we walked back to the car Alex held me tight. He pushed his body into mine, as we walked side by side. His arm on my shoulder. I could tell he didn't want to lose me again.

(If your interested on the picture I have been using, follow my other page @malereblogmischief. I am starting the process of posting the images with links to the original source. Or, I re-blog from where I found it on Tumblr.)

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