I love male body swaps and transformations. I love it even more when things go wrong or have a twisted ending
112 posts
The Promotion
The Promotion

- Hey are you there ... did you get the file.
- Yeah, I just looked over it this morning.
- And...
- Well, these doctor records show that you have become fat enough ... overachiever lol, but send a picture so I can see if you look fat enough.
- WTF dude. You just told me to get fat. Never said anything about looking fat "ENOUGH." If you don't hold up your end...
*Picture Sent*
-Damn what happened to you ;) lol. You don't have anything to worry about, your size is just right. Well, I guess you could always get bigger. More money in it for you.
And I wouldn't be making threats to anyone, with that massive gut. Might get a heart attack. You aren't getting any younger lol. Plus, I can ran circles around your fat ass lmao. See you at work tomorrow, and wear something sexy.
- Fuck you, I'm not your new sexy toy and I'm not even gay.
- Don't worry give it some time. I like playing the long game. And I'm serious, be careful about your stress; I don't want you dying on me ;)
After the phone call, I threw myself on the bed. It creaked with the massive weight that just suddenly hit it. Oh shit I forgot; I need to be more gentle, I thought to myself. Looking down all I could see was my massive gut. I felt blood move quickly through my veins and my heart beating fast. Still worked up from those text from my boss. What the hell did I do to myself? Was it all worth it?
It's been a little before a year since this journey has began. If you could believe it, I was at peak fitness. My arms were massive, with muscle. I didn't have this gut, jiggling with every step I took. No, I had abs that anyone would kill for. My legs were powerful. Now they used what ever power is left to carry my fat ass.
I worked for a big company, for about ten years. I started when I was in my mid 20's. Yeah I would get pay raises, but I wanted more. I wanted to move up in the company. I've seen coworkers move up. Mostly women. A few men. And those men all ended up fat. I always told myself, I wouldn't let that happen to me. But, I know better now. I know the deal they made.
To put it simply someone had a heart attack and a position opened up. I saw my opportunity and went into my boss's office demanding that promotion. He was a man in his late 50's but was incredibly fit. If you didn't know better, you might mistake him for being in his mid 40's. However impressive his body was, mine was greater. His aging body required more work and focus. Something running a busy life doesn't leave you. Maybe if he was younger, he would have a body the rivaled mine.
He looked up at me and smiled. "Close the door, so we can continue this conversation," he said. I explained all the reasons I was qualified for the promotion. But. I could tell he wasn't paying attention to my words. He eyes were focusing on my body. He had lust and rage in his eye.
"Okay, I heard enough" he finally interrupted. "Let me tell you the truth...I'm jealous of you. Why do you think you haven't been promoted in the 10 years you have been working here. You are probably one of the best employees, and it is because of all that charisma and fucking hot body. I hate you ... but, I love you. That's why I just give you enough to want to stay. Every year I wait, for you to slip up and let your self go. But, no you keep getting more fucking ripped and hot. How is that even possible? Where do you find the time?"
I just sat there dumb founded. My boss's voice ringing through my ears. A mixture of trying to convince me of something and yelling. I never heard him talk like this. I finally cut in "What the fuck is all this about."
He stops and pulls himself together. "Well right now, I realized you are the perfect man for the promotion. My new right hand man. But, I need to tell you. I have a fetish. I love watching men that are fit, healthy, and younger than me let themselves go. I like to see them get fat. This is the one condition for your promotion."
"Your fucking sick. What the hell is wrong with you. I can go to HR right know!" I responded.
"Yes you can. And, I will probably lose everything or for every pound you gain you get this added to your yearly earnings..." He stops and starts writing something on a slip of paper. He hands it to me.10,000 dollars. He continues, "And the minimum weight I want you you to gain is 50 pounds. So, you would be making half a million dollars every year."
I stood there in shock. My mind weighing all the options. I could quit and be stuck with no job. Get my boss fired and lose out on this deal. Or be rich, save up money for a few years and then quit. And, lose the weight I would gain. "Okay, I'll do it."
My boss smile and brought out a scale. I went on and it would read 187 pounds for the last time. I signed the paper work and he explained that to start off I would go on a 6 month cruise. To help me fatten up. And so I went along with it. I showed up with my bags packed. I even bought myself some bigger clothes, for my expected weight gain. I noticed my ticket was different. Printed on blue paper, and when I got to the front it was clear I was a "special guest." The staff brought me straight to the medical room.
I waited for a while. Then finally a doctor and nurse entered the room. The nurse was pushing a tray with a syringe filled with blue liquid. "Mr. Fuller?" The doctor asked. "Yes I respond." The doctor nods and ask me to take off my shirt. He sees my muscled up body and shakes his head, in pity. "And are you sure you want to do this?" I nod. He sighs, "I guess if I was offered that deal too, I would have a hard time turning it down." He grabs the syringe and brings it closer to my arm.
"Wait was is that for." I motioned to the syringe. "Weren't you told what was going to happen." The doctor asked quickly pulling the syringe away. "Yeah? My boss wants me to get fat." I responded. "Damn, he always pulls this shit. Nurse get Mr. Sterling on the phone." He says before turning his attention on to me. "And how do you think that is going to happen?" He asked. “By coming on this cruise and eating?"
The doctor shakes his head ... "That is only part of it. Based on those abs ..." he begins to rub and examine parts of my body " this body is going to need help to gain weight. See, we are not going to be baby sitting you making sure you get fat. This is all on you and how much work you put in.Your stomach is not use to eating beyond its limits. Also based on your body, you are not one to just sit and relax. So any work you do in trying to gain weight will just be worked off. Also, there is the requirement of having to maintain a 50 pound weight gain. Just .01 pounds off at any moment and the contract can be void. So this shot will help with all of that. It will make you hungry. When you are full it will be less painful. It will help your stomach stretch, it will make you slightly lazier. But, with the cost that any weight you gain will be permanent. All these symptoms will be removed after the trip, when we give you the antidote, but like I said any weight gain prior to the antidote will be permanent."
"Doctor Mr. Sterling is on the phone." The nurse chimed in. "You think about everything I said." The doctors said as he left the room. I could hear him yelling at the phone. "You fucker! You brought me another ill informed client ..."
His voice zoned out ... as I weighed this new information given to me. I signed the paper ... all that money is just one shot away. But, is fifty permanent pounds worth it. I would be 230 pounds. With all that money I would be making ... would I even care about being 50 pounds heavier. I mean I am getting older ... I wasn't going to be fit my whole life. The doctor came back in.
"I'm ready." I said. He looked at me and halfheartedly gave me the shot. "If it ever seems to much for you we can stop at any time. I will give you the antidote early. If you want you can come in for monthly weigh-ins. And I will give you the antidote when you hit the 50 pounds you need to meet the requirements, so you don't gain any unnecessary permanent weight."
The first month went on. I Stuffed my face eating everything I never let myself eat, before. I was always eating, always had a snack bag. I did try to stay active. Swimming, running, and using the gym. But each day, my body would be able to do less.
(I would spend hours every day at gym. Now I could barely do 3 hrs a week. I know I am never going to lose this weight, but I just like the way I feel after working out. It reminds me of who I use to be. I did have to leave my old gym. First because a lot of people knew me. I would always have to answer a million questions about my weight gain. They would also give me the pity: well just keep working out you'll have your body back in no time. But, I could never tell them the truth. Secondly, the the gym was more for hardcore people. So, I would always get disgusted looks. The last straw was when I was using a treadmill mill and some asshole came up and said "are you done yet fatty you,re wasting my time. Stop hogging the treadmill, that gut isn’t going anywhere anytime soon." Luckily I did find a fat friendly gym)
By the end of the first month I gained 10 pounds and had a panic attack. Did I really want to do this? I felt depressed. I realized these weigh ins were not good for my mental health. I told this to the the doctor and he was understanding, but still wanted me to come in. However, I didn't go back until the trip ended.
I spent months eating, sleeping, laying around, and watching TV. I also tried exercising, to no effect, when I had the energy. By the end the biggest clothes I bought were tight and barely able to cover my body. I couldn't fit into my underwear. I kept my pants unbuttoned. My shirt hugged every new fat curve of my body. Every thing was skin tight. I went back to the doctor and he weighed me. I told him I didn't want to know. The damage was done no matter what. He gave me the antidote. And I went home, on a Sunday. I climbed on my scale and it read 270. I felt my heart sink. I gained 83 pound. 33 more than I needed. And to be honest, I cried the rest of the day. Mourning my old life and getting use to my new one.
The next day, I called up the office. My boss told me to use the next 3 months to become adjusted to my new life. He saw my paper work from the doctor and gave me the full years check. 630,000 dollars. At the end of the 3 months I would need to send an update from a doctor he recommended, a new doctor that would understand my case.
So, I did what he suggested. I went out in public. I bought myself new clothes. Joined a new gym, knowing I will never lose this weight. I was able to gain some new confidence in this body. The trip to the doctor was a new experience. He explained to me that this weight I have gained had real side effects on my body. It turns out 1% of users gain health problems. I was one of them. My cholesterol levels raised, but with constant exercising and eating right I can reduce them. But, I learned I now have permanent high blood pressure.
The doctor continued to squeeze my fat and I got new sensations I never felt before. I did numerous test. A Stress test where I ran on a treadmill. Unluckily, it was in front of a mirror and I saw how ridiculous I looked running.
I will have to watch what I eat. Which is okay, after the antidote shot my appetite returned to normal. But it sucks having having a fat body with out the benefits of being able to eat whatever I want. I will live the rest of my life as a healthy person living in a fat person's body.
Now, I am just laying here, waiting to see what happens tomorrow. And, thinking of all the money I will be making. Was it worth? I guess time will tell.
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More Posts from Bodyswapmischief
Buddy Swap (Part 1)

"Dude are you awake?" I heard as my eyes remained close. I could hear my friend moving closer to my bed. But, I turned away from his voice, as waves of nausea rolled throughout my body. The aftermath of the last night's party must have been affecting me. My body felt heavy and tired. -Yup I'm hungover- I said to myself.
"What fuck do want ... just leave me alone." I groaned. I felt pressure on my bed as my friend sat next to me. He placed his hand on my massive stomach and jiggled me awake. Every roll of fat was shaking. "Well it's kind of important." He said sheepishly. -My massive gut!?- Adrenaline rushed through my body, I flipped on my back and opened my eyes. I saw this massive mountain of fat where my abs used to be. Two hills of fat flesh created boobs on my once flat chest. I looked at my friend only to see my body looking back at me.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!" I yelled as I attempted to sit up. My ball gut flinged me back on the bed. My original body quickly got off the bed. I rolled to my side and finally succeeded at hoisting my huge body off the bed. I was standing next to my bed, off balance and with a headache. "Johnny don't freak it's me, Spencer. You are in my body. I can explain everything" My friend said, in my body.
"You fucking better." I threatened as my eyes became watery with fear. He began speaking, but watching my body talking to me is just to fucking weird. "I found this potion that swaps bodies and snuck it in your beer last night. Don't worry it shouldn't be permanent. It will reverse when we both wake up tomorrow."
"What the FUCK! Your not making any sense. Potion? ... What? ... Why?" I tried to get words out, but nothing made sense. I didn't know what to say. Magic is real? I mean I am in my fatass friends body, ... but it's not possible. "I met this girl online. But, I have been using pictures of you. We have so much in common, but she likes active guys." My friend explains.
"You are going on a date in my body?! You better think again!" I said as I walk toward my friend. My friend backed up to my bedroom door and put my bodies hands in the pockets of the jeans, he was wearing. With my bodies seductive smile he said, "Come on it's just one date; I'll probably blow it anyways." Seeing him use my face, I felt enraged and turned on. I tried to run and stop him from leaving, by tackling him down. But, not used to the new weight, I fell to the floor. My friend saw that I was struggling and came back in the room, "well I'm going need a few other things, too." He proceeded to pick out a nice shirt, shoes, my wallet, and keys. "I better get my body back." I yell as my friend leaves. All I heard, in response, was the appartment door open and close.
Shit! You guys ... ran into some car problems, while finding a body to swap with. So, I decided to kill two birds with one stone. I'll be there any minute. And, sorry in advance for being sweaty, musky, and greasy.

Bruhhh… I just stole the body of the biggest, dumbest looking bro I could find at the gym. I’m fucking smelly as fuck, I’m all jacked up on the dude’s pre-workout, and I’m looking for some fun… You home?
Monkey Business: Part 2 of 3

Damn, I’m fucking hot! I’ve been going out to the gym alot lol. It’s a turn on watching my muscles be covered by my thick fur.
After getting this new bod, I haven’t been shy about showing it off. The old me, Lewis, would never have been this fuckin confident. And, this hasn’t been the only change.
The first real change was at, Lewis’ old job. It was my first day back and I had to wear a dumb ass suit. It clung to my hairy bod; making me itch. It was suffocating me. In addition, my mind was being tortured by how boring the work was. I need to be active, energy was building up. I started getting hot and sweaty. I couldn’t fuckin stand it anymore. I ripped the suit off bod, exposing my furry self. The only thing left on me was my tight briefs outlining my huge package. The buildup of musk filled the room. The men of the office kept looking at me, lust in their eyes. Some guys even had to excuse themselves to the bathroom to beat one out. This was going to be fun or so I thought.
My attention turned to some of the women. Some gagging. They commented about a horrible smell. I guess they just can’t handle the smell of a real man. The men just ignored them as their interest in me and each other increased. I could tell the office was about to explode into an homosexual orgy, right before some bitch came and sprayed me with perfume. “What the fuck! Put your clothes on nobody wants to see that shit. And learn to take a fucking shower.” She said, as she did it. Right after, I was called into the office, my boss staring at my shirtless body. “Look, I … um can’t have you here in this office. Ahhh …There has been complaints and you are being to … um distracting. I’m sorry but, your fired.” He said in between rubbing in himself and moaning. He quickly left most likely to rub one out.
I went home feeling pissed; the anger turning into energy. I had to just fucking move. I spent days at the gym working out and fucking wannabe alphas. They were intoxicated by my musk. However as days passed, I became depressed. The money in my bank account started to run low. I needed work, but in a place that could meet up with my needs. So one day, I just fucking started running around my apartment complex, shirtless and in shorts. Going around the whole complex multiple times. Multiple neighbors watching me, talking about me. Thoughts entered my mine. I love this fuckin attention. Of course people are going to be looking. Why wouldn’t they? But, I can’t stand people who hold some kind of speciesism towards me. Those fuckers who are jealous of me and my human-monkey hybrid body, so they try to take it out on me.

In the midst of my workout, I saw him. His fuckin beautiful brown skin toasting in the sun, as he worked around the complex. I would later get to know his name, Enrique. He mowed the lawn with those powerful arms. Sweat ran down his hairless, shirtless body. He continued working, making repairs to broken fences and did other maintenance work around the complex. But, through all this work he always looked at me, as I ran by. A smile appearing on his face each time he saw me. A smile that turned me on. He finally waved at me, calling my attention.
“Damn you have a lot of energy. This is like you 50th time around. Maybe you can use some of that energy to help me out.” He spent the rest of the day explaining everything about his work to me. He was a maintenance worker at multiple apartment complexes. The more time I spent with him the more I felt there was something about him. I mean he could never be as perfect as me but, he was pretty great for a human. He loved the work I was able to do, and loved my monkey characteristics. As, the hot day progressed, I let the smell of my animalistic musk evade my mind. I could only think of working out and fucking now.

Enrique saw this and invited me to his car, where are bodies united. Bumping and grinding on each other. Hair on skin. Muscle on muscle. He didn’t seem to be affected by my musk, like other men were. He let me fuck him out of pure love. We both wanted more, and I told him about my situation. He hired me, both knowing we were going to have a lot of fun. This job was going to be perfect. Working out, being shirtless, and being with someone I loved.
I made my way home and decided to go on the computer, my day with Enrique still fresh in my mind. When suddenly a dialogue box opened “Hello Logan … The time has cum hahaha.” It was morphmaster and I knew the price for my existence need to be paid.
(I know you guys love my stories, but if your interested on the picture please, follow my other page @malereblogmischief. There, I post the images with links to the original source, if I can find it. Or, I re-blog from where I found it on Tumblr.)
My Dad’s Dad Bod

My parents had me when they both were still teenagers. My father didn't stick around. So, my mother had to work hard, for the both of us. And, she raised me to do the same. The phrase "never become your father stuck in my head." And, for the most part, I didn't. In high school, I got good grades, was in sports, and extracurricular activities. I distanced myself from any bad influence. Until, I went to college.
At college, I didn't have my mom to nag me and remind me of my father. I just wanted to have fun. And being sociable, I got to know where all the parties were at. My first year there was filled with beer and sex. My grades started sliding, as my only focuses were having fun and maintaining my fit body. And, it felt good. It was like my genetics were made for this kind of life. But, then dumb luck hit and I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I was caught underage drinking and was kicked out of school. My mom was called, to handle the situation.
I waited at the campus police station, until my mom came to pick me up. I could imagine her anger, as she yelled at me. But, when the time came, she didn't. In her place was my step dad. He told me that my mom was furious. She said "If I wanted to act like my father, I could go live with him." I was devastated, knowing she had given up on me.
The rest of the ride, my stepdad tried to lecture. "You were such a good kid ... what were you thinking." I couldn't give him an answer. I knew he was right. I messed up my whole life ... everything I worked for. I got a taste of what I promised to never become. And, the scary part is that ... I actually ... I liked it.
We finally reached my dad's apartment and my stepfather wished me luck. He said he would try and calm my mom down. Maybe, I would be able to come back home.
I got off the car and could tell I was in a bad neighborhood. The apartment complex looked rundown. The halls smelt like piss and shit. In the distance, I could hear a couple fighting. I got to my dad's door and knocked. He opened it. His face still looked young, but extremely tired. His shirtless body looked worn out and gave away the fact he was in his 40s, if not older. His chest sagged with fat. His belly stuck out and any strength from his youth was gone. You could tell by the sad way he carried himself, he lived a hard life.
My father was never really in my life. He never came to see me. However, there were only a few times my mom was desperate enough to leave me with him. From those visits I got to know him. He was a player. He loved girls, partying, and drugs. At least, he was in his 20s. By the age of 30 he had 4 childern from 4 different women. He owed hundreds of dollars in child support each month. The stress he created caught up with him. Now he was just a sad single middle age man who worked all the time and struggled to get by.
"There is my little man," he smiled. I just looked at him. "We'll you did a number on your life .... welcome to club." He laughed. "So, you'll be here in the living room. You can put your stuff in some of the bins here." He continued. I looked around. The inside was just as dirty as the outside. The small one bedroom apartment mirrored how I felt, like complete trash. "Well, I'm gonna be leaving in a while for my shift at the gas station and then afterwards I got the graveyard shift at McDonalds. So you can get yourself settled in. And, don't plan anything tomorrow ... we gotta do some bonding." He smiled.
As soon as he showed me around, he left. I was left alone to contemplate what I've done. Having nothing to do, I went on my phone. I had a couple of friends in the area and it just so happened they were throwing a party.
After my night of drinking and sex, I came back home at 6 AM. It just happened that my dad was coming home to. I was buzzed and expected him to be mad. He looked tired from nonstop working. He just laughed "wow ... look at you. Living life for the both of us. Reminds me of me when I was your age. Learn from my mistakes though and wear a condom." In my drunk haze I laughed back "Oh don't worry, I did."
The next day, my dad wake me. "Get up were going to the beach." He said. My head still sore from last night. On the way there, we stopped to get something to eat. I ordered a burger, fries, and a shake. My dad looked at me and ordered the same. "Can't have my son show me up." He nudges me. We eat as he drives, giving us time to get caught up. A few bites in my dad puts his burger down. "Here son you can have mine. The burger is not agreeing with my old stomach." He laughs a little trying to hide his pain. Feeling still hungry, I finished his food.
When we get to the beach, I feel really bloated and fat. I helped my dad take the cooler onto the sand and feltl extremely exhausted. My body started feeling itchy. I took off my shirt, preparing to get into the water to cool off. I can hear my dad laughing "Hey there old man." I look down and see my dads body where mine used to be. My arms, legs, pecs and abs were replaced by the flabby body of my middle age dad. I quickly grabbed my phone and looked. My face was still the same.
It created this weird contrast of a young face on an older body. I look at my now shirtless dad and saw my body. The abs and muscles I worked so hard for. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my knees, which cause my already weak body to sit down on one of the folding chairs. "Okay very funny ... I don't know what's going on ... but, give me my body back." I laughed trying to hide the fact that I was freaking out.

My father's demeanor changed as he squatted down next to me. "Damn squatting is easy with these young knees." His voice becomes quieter, as not to catch attention "Look you little shit. This is your punishment. I agree with your mom. You fucked up your life. Did you not learn anything from mine. My stomach is shot out. I've become lactose intolerant. I have irritable bowel syndrome, erectile dysfunction, and my body hurts all the time. Now you can expirence that and see what your future holds."
"No you gotta give it back. I can't be like this. We almost look the same age now. Are we stuck like this? What if I die like this? Oh ... shit ... I think I'm having a heart attack." I start panicking, as a burning sensation fills my chest.
My dad laughed, "Your not having a heart attack. It's heart burn from the greasy ass food you ate .. And, if you wanna get this body back then here's what your gonna do. Your gonna get your fat ass to the community college and register for classes. Keep your grades up for a year and you'll get your body back. Fuck up and, not only won't you get your body back, I will swap our ages." His eyes flash blue. I freaked out. He is not the man I knew or... thought I knew.
"What are you!" I cried. He looked at me and laughed. "I'm your father and a body swap magician." Nothing was making sense, in my racing mind. "Then why did you stay in the body if a sad middle age man." I asked trying to calm down from dealing with my achy body and heart burn. "Well ... when you lived as long as I have sometimes you just want to expirence a sad boring life." He answered. "And, why would you give my body back," I asked "Well you are my actual son. I was in this body when you were conceived. I don't want to harm my own blood and I want the best for you. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I just got to wrapped up in this life, and seeing how much I could fuck it up. But, you have to live your first few lives right, or else you'll be corrupted by your powers." He explained. "You mean I have your abilities." I was amazed. "You should ... they don't start kicking in untill your first body starts becoming old. As my son I expect a lot from you. You wouldn't imagine how many corrupt kids of my mine I had to end."
He gets ups and stretches "Damn it feels good being young. Now excuse me while I enjoy the attention this body is going to get." He walks to the cooler and grabs a beer. "Oh and stay away from these. That belly can't handle beer anymore. Now you can sit there or if that old body is up to it go for a swim, but don't wear yourself out old man." He laughs as he walks away.
Fuck him, I think to myself. I push pass my bodies pain and go to the cooler. I open up a beer and down it. I feel my stomach start to rumble. Oh shit, I say as I rush to the restrooms praying I don't go in my pants. Maybe, I should start listening to him.
(In the process of finding sources and blogs the pictures from all my stories came from. So follow me @malereblogmischief)
What!? That came out of nowhere! When I first started writing, I wouldn't have imagined 500 crazy people would have like my stories so much that they would wanna stick around for more.
It's crazy! I'm happy to have this chance to share my weird and wacky mind with all of you. And, I'm even happier that you all let me.
I feel bad that I didn't have anything special planned. But, I am, currently, in the middle of series. And, I promise to write more.
So, stay, relax, and enjoy becuase there is more to come.