95 posts
i can see other people's dreams. I don't know what it is, but....when I was young I had a vision of my father. He was the keeper of dreams. He took care of those who needed him, and the fashion of how he controlled how ones dreams would turn out astonished me. My name is Lyric, I'm a 23 year old girl who has the power to visualize ones dreams without them not knowing and not only that but...I'm a dream walker. Don't get me wrong it's amazing knowing what people dream of these days but, it takes a lot out of me knowing that...well knowing that I am the daughter of dream. The sandman was my father.
And I am the keeper of dreams now
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Dolls and Dummies (Logan Bennett)
When I was a kid I always had a fear of dolls and dummies. My friends took me to see a ventriloquist show one night, and that night will always be marked as the worst night of my life. The moon was out , the wind was cold and it was about that time for me and my friends to head to the show. “C'mon guys I don't wanna go, you know I hate dolls”. I said slightly irritated. Being kidnapped by my friends could have gone in a completely different direction, we could have gone to the bar to get shit faced at least, but instead I was shoved into the back of my friend's car and driven to the show. “Logan it’ll be fun i promise you, maybe you could even meet a girl after the show”. One of my friends said laughing. “Fuck off”. I said, giving him the finger. The ride to the show was draining, and I felt like throwing up and getting hit by a bus, then seeing a doll or dummy insult a crowd to make you feel even more worse about your insecurities after the show and then laugh about it. Once we got there the crowd was already packed and full of people stuffing their faces with popcorn, but mainly adults drinking to suppress their stress about their kids not behaving properly and kids with cotton candy smeared all over their faces and talking about how the show is gonna be a good one. “Hey Logan, front row seats man”. I felt like dying there and then, I wished I could just leave but they were my ride home and the drive took at least an hour. I ended up sitting next to a lady wearing a black Victorian dress with a black veil covering her entire face. I wondered why the hell she would be at a place like this if she was in mourning. Then again if this show is truly entertaining like the town describes, maybe it’ll be funny enough to make this poor woman laugh. The lights went dark and a low voice crept over the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls welcome to tonight's show, please make yourself known to the exits on your left right and in the back of the auditorium”. I for sure made myself known so I could make a quick escape if I got spooked or even looked like a bitch. Once the lights became brighter, looking to my right the lady was gone. “What the hell”? I looked around but she wasn’t there anymore. “Guys did you see that lady”? I asked, looking slightly insane. “What lady dude”? My friend asked. “I- nevermind”. I sank lower into my chair already feeling uncomfortable, now the only thing to make matters worse was a high pitched squeak that almost sounded like a voice. “Hello”? I looked around but saw nothing. “Dude quiet, we are trying to watch the show”. My adrenaline began to pump and I started to slowly freak out. “Guys i…I don't like this, I wanna go”. The lights became dim once more and this time I was the one on the stage. My body felt weird, it felt as if I was stiff as a board and couldn't bend normally. “What…what the hell is this”? I looked out to the audience and saw my friends staring back at me, but they didn’t notice anything wrong. It was like I was the only one who could comprehend the problem. I felt a sudden lift from under my armpits. I was in the air and sat upon the lap of someone who looked familiar. It was the lady I saw before the show. “W..what's going on”? I asked in a shaky tone. “My little one, you are my puppet, and I am your puppet master”. I felt so sick and nauseous, the fear that I had came true but was even worse due to the fact that I became my own worst nightmare.
A (Not So) Typical Friday Night
It was Friday night twelve o'clock in the morning to be exact, you had nothing to do but drink alone and take your nightly walk from the bar back to your apartment. During the walk back though you discovered a torn down decrepit building that looked like it should've been torn down but somehow it was kept up. "what the hell is this doing here". You thought to yourself. Already knowing that the choice you were about to make would become a horrible idea of regret later you finished the rest of your beer and headed straight for it. You did hear stories about the building being haunted or something about a deadite or woman who got possessed by some demon creature living inside, and tears guests to shreds but truth be told you've seen and found worse. Opening the door to the apartment building you walked inside and got slapped in the face by the worst smell imaginable. Rotting corpses with blood stains smeared all over the walls and floor followed by a high key screech that could make someone deaf. "What the fuck was that?". You asked yourself. You finally found the elevator, although it didn't work. It slammed open and shut several times as if repeating the same pattern it has repeated for years. Not really caring, you decided to take it anyway and headed up to level thirteen. "Hello"? You called out softly. Nothing, not even a whisper of a soul present. "must be abandoned for sure then". Taking two steps forward from the elevator a small clicking sound echoed through the halls. "hello"? You called once more. Nothing. You took a few more steps and soon felt something breathe on the back of your neck. It was warm and cold at the same time. "Jesus." You yelped, jumping forward turning around at a neck breaking pace. "why are you here little one". A very gargled and low voice echoed through not only the hallway but your entire being. "um ....I uh…I'm just trying to explore the building". You said rubbing the back of your neck. Turning every which way to try and pin point the voice to the person. Finally you stumbled upon the room that started it all. Opening the door and walking in felt like you were signing your own death sentence. "hey um sorry for just barging in, I just wanted to explore the building but I think I'm just gonna dip". You said already halfway out the door. All of a sudden a hand colder than ice latched onto your wrists, turning you around at lighting speed pinning you against the wall. "woah"! You screamed, finally seeing the voice that matched with the face. "Wh-at is a suc-culent…delic-ious…body doing in my house?" She asked, almost slurring her broken words. "I told you already" you said trying to release yourself from her iron grip. "Fuck she's strong" you thought to yourself. Though you've never seen a woman like her before, her skin was leathery yet almost dry at the same time, her hair was red and Matty but also very very soft. And her eyes were like icicles, like knives digging into your soul almost piercing every inch of your being. She smelled like the world had literally quite ended, but it didn't seem to bother you. It sort of comforted you. She loosened her grip just a bit. Enough for you to not feel trapped but not loose enough to let you go. "stay with me" she said looking into your eyes almost like a lost puppy. Not being able to even muster up a sentence you feel her nose softly press against your throat, dangerously close to your jugular. Almost hearing her purr or is that a growl? What the fuck is this woman. "w…what um…what happened to you? You asked. The question was so quiet due to the fact you didn't want to trigger her. You didn't even know if she could hear. A long hot wet tongue journeyed its way from your throat to your jaw. A whimper slipped through your lips from the feeling, you hadn't been touched in a long time so let's just say you craved more than you thought. "p…please". You whispered softly grabbing onto the woman's shoulders. She twitches and backs away slowly observing you like her next catch. "What does my sweet little maggot want me to do to her baby?" she whispered in an almost demonic monotone voice. All of a sudden it clicked. The stories that you heard about the family that got killed all in the newspaper dug it's way into your brain. "no way, your Ellie" you said noticing the tattoos on her arm and the pictures around the apartment. The demon smiled widely showing her rotted teeth wreaking of blood and gore. She pressed her body against yours yet again putting her arms on either side of your head trapping you in her wake. Nothing you could say could explain why you decided to take the action you took, but you did. You softly pressed your lips against her wrapping your arms around her neck. The sound that rumbled through her chest could've woken the devil himself. The growls the strength and the act of animal instincts. It almost set your heart ablaze. She picked you up with her unhuman strength walking you to the couch the best she could in her hosts body dropping you on the couch crawling on top of you. She clicked and growled yet again making you shiver and shake with excitement and anticipation. Not knowing what she could do to you yet not caring what even happens. Kneeling down she crawls between your legs not daring to break eye contact. She wants to see what she does to you. "I wonder h-ow you taste little mag-got" she said lowly chuckling as she rips your pants off sniffing you through your underwear. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when she decided to remove her shorts as well and lay on top of you grinding her hips into yours with no care of what it would've done to you. At this point you were her plaything. Her toy. Hers. "Ugh fuck, god El" you said digging your nails into her back. She let out another growl "mommy loves you". A long shiver slowly made its way down the back of your neck to your tailbone. Her body started to tremble as if grinding into you awoke the demon within. Her tattooed hand took hold of your throat and lightly squeezed. You could already feel the pressure building from the beat of your heart through her hand and from your orgasm that's about to send you straight to the kandarian islands. "E…Ellie" you studdard, choking on your moans and whimpers. Ellie kept the dangerously slow pace making you feel every single ounce of her being. Marking you, making you hers. But it was at that moment you screamed in pleasure when she removed her underwear with a swift movement just to proceed rubbing herself against you. The screech that she released from the depths of her chest sent you to the edge of no return. She didn't want to hurt her plaything so she gripped the sides of the couch tearing into the cushions with each thrust she made. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, only this time the tracks you made on Ellie's back cut deeper than before and she loved pain. "does little maggot love when mom-my takes her"? She asked in a distorted tone. "yes please" you screamed. A few more deep strokes and you were seeing colors You never knew existed behind the hood of your eyelids. "Fuck mom-my!!!!" You moaned. Ellie let out the most primal scream you've ever heard. Like a lion finally proving to the kingdom that he is the alpha male. Coming down from your high you were sweating harder than you thought. All you wanted to do was explore and instead ended up having sex with a deadite, but what else would you have been doing exactly? Getting drunk and high in your own apartment by yourself until the next day then go to work? Nothing could've ever been better than this moment right now. "little maggot stay" she said grabbing hold of you and cuddling you close as if thinking she would lose you if she didn't hold on tight. "little maggot stay" you whispered before you knocked out from exhaustion.
Dream Walker
y/n: how did you know I liked you?
Lyric: I can see others dreams
Y/n: ok well then *thinks what color is my underwear*
Lyric: purple
Y/n blushes: p...purple wha-
Lyric: your underwear
Y/n violently flustered:......
Y/n: t...that wasn't a dream.
Lyric: I can read minds too *smirks*
Move in day
"I'm so sick of this, every time I have to pack shit up I have to unpack it right back. It's enough to drive someone insane". You said snapping at your own self. You just came back from a road trip with your friends to try and find out where to move after years of living off of others. You wanted independence, freedom of your own. So you decided to take matters into your own hands and move to a new apartment. Moving was probably the hardest process you ever had to do. You had your friend help you and rented out a U-Haul. "I can't wait to finally lay the fuck down, everything hurts". You said in the U-Haul stuffing your face with a burrito. Finally the truck pulled up to the apartment building but it looked absolutely nothing like the apartment building you saw on the listings. "Jesus Christ Y/N, is this where the listing took you? Your friend asked. "I….I mean yeah but-" the building looked like it had fallen to bits, like it got destroyed by a tsunami or a hurricane. Light posts had broken light bulbs and mold began to grow on the side of the building. "y/n it looks like death, I'll help you bring the boxes up but after that I'm out k"? He said, smiling like an ass. Parking the U-Haul and bringing up the boxes was a living nightmare. First off the elevator wasn't working and your feet were already killing you as it is. "Thanks for helping me dude I'll pay you the rest when I get a job hopefully" you said flopping down on the couch. "don't worry about it, I promise you it was my pleasure". Your friend said, patting your back. "Have fun in the haunted house," he laughed. Once he left you looked at the living room surrounded by boxes and clothes. "Well, time to order take out," you said, pulling your phone out. Upon looking at your phone you got an alert from the news sending out a warning for a redheaded woman who looks like a complete nightmare that killed her entire family including a few of the neighbors. "what the hell"? Your brows furrowed as soon you took a good look at the address of the location where the killings took place. Wide eyed and almost on the verge of throwing up you gasped and dropped your phone. "shit, my friends were right, this is the exact place Ellie Bixler slaughtered her entire family. A few moments of trying to reflect you heard screeching from down the hallway of the apartment building. "what the fuck" you whispered with wide eyes. A few loud bangs and screams sent your adrenaline to a whole other level of fight or flight. Scraping sounds made its way from the other side of the building straight to your door. "Hey, I heard you're a new neighbor, just wanted show my appreciation". The voice said. It almost sounded warped and distorted, as if it was struggling to stay human. "u…I'm yeah. If you have any food you can leave it by the door. I'm kinda busy" you said trying to get them to go away whoever it was. Still freaked out you decided to ignore them and go to your room. Slowly taking off your clothes letting the cool air hit your skin you felt freer than ever. "That's the last time I wear this bra again" your ears twitched the second you heard creaking on the floorboards of your apartment. "I'm just gonna leave the cookies on the counter" the voice said lowly growling. "I promise you I will-" you grab your baseball bat walking out to warn the person that you were armed. But when you stepped outside you saw nothing and heard nothing. "what the" strong hands pinned you to the wall along with a demonic growl. "you helpless little bird. What makes you thi-nk you can scare me." The woman said, looking into your eyes with her piercing ones. Struggling to try and get away you still took a good look at the women in front of you. "no way, y…your Ellie bixler" you whispered. The woman looked at you with curiosity as if trying to ask why you weren't scared of me. She let go of you curiously sniffing you and looking you over once more. "y..you're not afraid" she asked. "Well of course I'm scared as shit I'm speaking to a demon but-" you never could've imagined why you'd say these words out loud. "a very attractive one at that" you said, biting your lip. The demon took in your words and pinned you down once she discovered you had a different idea in mind. "Mine," she said, licking your face and leaving open kisses near your jugular. Moaning embarrassingly you wrapped your hands around the demon's hips pulling her closer. "please" you begged trying to find a hint of friction or something to release your stress. The demon growled and clicked picking you up making sure your back was against the wall. You stuck your fingers in her already matted yet oddly soft hair. "E…Ellie" you whined softly. Her hand made her way to your shorts sticking her fingers through the open leg of them wanting to mark you. "scr-eam for me" she purred. She slowly entered a slender finger inside of you, not breaking eye contact. "Ellie, wait-" you held onto her shoulders burying your face into her cold neck. Her fingers were none chilling. Almost like ice. Pretty soon she had you moaning and screaming eyes rolling through the sockets of your head seeing nothing but black. " "God Ellie please fuck! You screamed, feeling your stomach about to snap. The feeling was like nothing you've ever felt before. Feeling hot and ice numb at the same time not even comprehending what the fuck is taking place right now. The growls that emanated from Ellie's chest made you fall completely off the edge. Your back arched and toes curled making her fuck you even harder. "fuck yes yes yes….I'm almost there mommy" you whispered into her ear. Ellie snapped and with one last thrust the feeling ignited an entire wave of pleasure and pain through your veins. You went completely limp feeling the connection between her fingers pulling out and her carrying you to lay you down on the couch. "fuck, did I just fuck a demon"? You thought to yourself. "mine" she growled, kissing you softly. You kissed back and blushed. "I guess moving here was a good idea.
Sleepover at the bixler house be like
Bridget in her room with Y/N: so what do you wanna do tonight?
Y/N: not sure, but hey I saw your mom crawling around in the kitchen earlier is that normal?
Bridget: only on Fridays
Y/N: um tonight is Monday