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Seriously, this. As a pretty much lifelong toy collector, I really, really hate scalpers. They hurt everyone.
Stop and read this if you collect Monster High dolls, I swear this information will help everyone involved.
I’m sure most of you are familiar with the jerk-move practice of buying and reselling new dolls at about three times the price on eBay and I know even with the hiked up practice this is tempting but please please please STOP BUYING THEM AT THOSE RIDICULOUSLY HYPED PRICES.
I know, I know I want the new ghouls as much as the next collector but every time you buy from someone doing this you’re supporting people that are doing this. It will only make them do it more. If you stop buying from the eBay sources the people that are buying and hiking up the prices will have to stop.
They’re not going to keep bulk buying and reselling these dolls if no one buys them and then you can just get them at the store for a normal and reasonable price.
It’s hitting more than just collectors you know. There’s got to be at least one little girl out there whose crushed she can’t get an Abbey or a Toralei doll because of people buying them all to resell.
I don’t like to ask for reblogs but this information should be circulated so please reblog if you collect, know a collector or even just want kids to be able to get their favorite doll.
Now, I actually do like a few things in BeachGirlNikita's shop and don't want to be construed as going after her personally on this, but it is not a 'need to look harder' deal for a lot of the people complaining-- not all my dolls can fit the selection she has. In fact... most of them wouldn't fit most of her stock.
Starrshine Designs made a fantastic pair of pants, reasonably priced, that fit my MNF BOY great (she's down for the moment but the shop info says she's slated to reopen in the next couple weeks), great quality, and there were things in her shop he'd wear. But most MNF things are for girls, and a lot of those things wouldn't fit a boy even if he was the girly sort (mine is, but he still needs his pants to be made to fit HIM, he couldn't borrow pants from my sister's MNF girl).
Nubanded does adorable stuff for tinies! Great looking stuff. Great for tinies who are little kids, and mostly on the girlier side. Super cute, not bank-breaking.
Well, I mentioned before, there is not really anything out there for the nYID boy, not much for any of Iple's guys, and barely more for their nYID girls. Here and there you see stuff for EID/Feeple girls, once in a blue moon I might see something for an SID... but there are a lot of 'odd' sized dolls that people don't really sew for. Because I don't have a nine to five and tend to just be glued to the internet when at home, I have searched through EVERY listing that comes up when I search a lot of BJD-related terms, and there's a lot of dolls that you can't find good affordable clothes for on etsy. (I've seen so much out-of-scale crochet, I have seen so much bad, bad crochet, oh man. It isn't all bad, but the very word 'crochet' can put a bad taste in my mouth at this point because as with many things, you see SO MUCH CRAP for every good thing)

"No where sells affordable but quality clothes that will fit my dolls!" ETSY ETSY ETSY ETSY ETSY ETSY ETSY
Image by BJDConfessions
My sister and I have both had good experiences with Denver Doll! We got our orders at the time they said we would, everything was in order, no damage... Nothing on the customer service end to put them above and beyond other companies we’ve ordered from/through, maybe, but also nothing worse, just a solid company to deal with based on our experiences. And the selection that they have gives them major points.
Featherfall was, I think, the company that my sister had a really hard time with and would not go through again.
(and JunkySpot is a major fave for me when it comes to things like eyes and MSC and just... seeing what they’ve got. I’ve gotten a wig through them as well. Plus that’s where I get my Hujoo animal doll fix)
But yeah, DenverDoll has been good.

Can anyone tell me if they have had bad experiences with Denver Doll? I’ve had both good and bad, so I’m not sure whether I should stop buying through them or if the couple mistakes were anomalies.
Image by BJDConfessions

~~Tiny units~~ wrapped in Christmas fabric in a mini rocking basket! Eeeee! 🧺
Dolls and Dummies (Logan Bennett)
When I was a kid I always had a fear of dolls and dummies. My friends took me to see a ventriloquist show one night, and that night will always be marked as the worst night of my life. The moon was out , the wind was cold and it was about that time for me and my friends to head to the show. “C'mon guys I don't wanna go, you know I hate dolls”. I said slightly irritated. Being kidnapped by my friends could have gone in a completely different direction, we could have gone to the bar to get shit faced at least, but instead I was shoved into the back of my friend's car and driven to the show. “Logan it’ll be fun i promise you, maybe you could even meet a girl after the show”. One of my friends said laughing. “Fuck off”. I said, giving him the finger. The ride to the show was draining, and I felt like throwing up and getting hit by a bus, then seeing a doll or dummy insult a crowd to make you feel even more worse about your insecurities after the show and then laugh about it. Once we got there the crowd was already packed and full of people stuffing their faces with popcorn, but mainly adults drinking to suppress their stress about their kids not behaving properly and kids with cotton candy smeared all over their faces and talking about how the show is gonna be a good one. “Hey Logan, front row seats man”. I felt like dying there and then, I wished I could just leave but they were my ride home and the drive took at least an hour. I ended up sitting next to a lady wearing a black Victorian dress with a black veil covering her entire face. I wondered why the hell she would be at a place like this if she was in mourning. Then again if this show is truly entertaining like the town describes, maybe it’ll be funny enough to make this poor woman laugh. The lights went dark and a low voice crept over the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls welcome to tonight's show, please make yourself known to the exits on your left right and in the back of the auditorium”. I for sure made myself known so I could make a quick escape if I got spooked or even looked like a bitch. Once the lights became brighter, looking to my right the lady was gone. “What the hell”? I looked around but she wasn’t there anymore. “Guys did you see that lady”? I asked, looking slightly insane. “What lady dude”? My friend asked. “I- nevermind”. I sank lower into my chair already feeling uncomfortable, now the only thing to make matters worse was a high pitched squeak that almost sounded like a voice. “Hello”? I looked around but saw nothing. “Dude quiet, we are trying to watch the show”. My adrenaline began to pump and I started to slowly freak out. “Guys i…I don't like this, I wanna go”. The lights became dim once more and this time I was the one on the stage. My body felt weird, it felt as if I was stiff as a board and couldn't bend normally. “What…what the hell is this”? I looked out to the audience and saw my friends staring back at me, but they didn’t notice anything wrong. It was like I was the only one who could comprehend the problem. I felt a sudden lift from under my armpits. I was in the air and sat upon the lap of someone who looked familiar. It was the lady I saw before the show. “W..what's going on”? I asked in a shaky tone. “My little one, you are my puppet, and I am your puppet master”. I felt so sick and nauseous, the fear that I had came true but was even worse due to the fact that I became my own worst nightmare.