bradys-01 - Brady the AOC Dem
Brady the AOC Dem

Here because Twitter is going down. Kind of a politico 🤷‍♂️ Measure 110’s strongest soldier, don’t care how many people think I’m crazy, I will not back down from my stance that drug possession should not land you in jail. Mostly photography, politics, geography, etc.

116 posts

Why Is It That Portland And SF Liberals And Even LA Liberals And NYC Liberals Are Becoming So Reactionary

Why is it that Portland and SF liberals and even LA liberals and NYC liberals are becoming so reactionary but Chicago and Minneapolis are staying more progressive? My guess is that rents being lower in Chicago and Minneapolis means fewer homeless people than those other cities so the libs there are less negatively polarized and also it has to do with the fact that those bigger coastal cities have higher home values so liberals there can be more reactionary to protect their windfall gains on their property values.

More Posts from Bradys-01

1 year ago

David Frum really got negatively polarized from social Democrat to center right because he had a bad experience with people to his left. I may have had bad experiences with some people to my left but I didn’t drop all of my values and become a conservative. Like dude at least just become a normie lib lol. Why a Republican?

David Frum Really Got Negatively Polarized From Social Democrat To Center Right Because He Had A Bad
1 year ago

If an American Dem politician said something like this, they would be tarred and feathered by their own party. That’s why I refuse to believe that Dems are all center right when the “centrist” party in France is raising retirement age and going against “woke”, as far as banning hijabs. I think Dems are center to center left with left wing and center right factions since it’s a big tent against the right wing to far right party

If An American Dem Politician Said Something Like This, They Would Be Tarred And Feathered By Their Own
If An American Dem Politician Said Something Like This, They Would Be Tarred And Feathered By Their Own
If An American Dem Politician Said Something Like This, They Would Be Tarred And Feathered By Their Own
If An American Dem Politician Said Something Like This, They Would Be Tarred And Feathered By Their Own
1 year ago

Joe Biden became the first sitting president to join a picket line. Well done

Joe Biden became the first sitting president to join a picket line. Well done

1 year ago

I was wondering if they would impeach Biden for “the border” and then I remember that if I ever entered politics and somehow got as far as Biden, I would be tarred and feathered for basically defying immigration law and going over the visa limits set by congress and telling them to shove it and then if I went down I would adopt some lib version of the dark maga mentality with “in reality, they’re after you, I’m just in the way” mixed in with Lula’s “those in power can kill one, two, or even 100 roses, but they can’t stop the coming of spring”.

1 year ago

Vivek Ramaswamy is GOP Michael Bloomberg