brandiph0 - ✨🩵Cub✨🩵

She/her🎨Artist/ Editor 📑/ Gamer 🎮USA 🇺🇸 /Gacha kid ✨/ Capricorn ♑️

370 posts

Brandiph0 - Cub - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Putting Bell 🛎️ in Gravity circuit

Putting Bell In Gravity Circuit
Putting Bell In Gravity Circuit

I have watched gravity circuit and it was very interesting and very good so I came up with a idea to move bell from megaman to gravity circuit

Now she goes by Bella the ⭐️star circuit ✨

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5 months ago
Sorry For Taking So Long. Real Life Got A Lot In The Way.
Sorry For Taking So Long. Real Life Got A Lot In The Way.
Sorry For Taking So Long. Real Life Got A Lot In The Way.
Sorry For Taking So Long. Real Life Got A Lot In The Way.
Sorry For Taking So Long. Real Life Got A Lot In The Way.
Sorry For Taking So Long. Real Life Got A Lot In The Way.

Sorry for taking so long. Real life got a lot in the way. 

Aran is going back to Ireland to spend Christmas and the New Year’s festivities with his family.

Hondo and Tiger are going to spend some ~quality time~ together.

5 months ago

🎀Min 💉


Min: are you ready for your check up?

Gender: fluid

Pronouns: he/she (any)

Nationally: Japan 🇯🇵

Job opportunity: nurse/ bot

Creator: Xander ( occupied)

Crush: Flash man ✨

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5 months ago

Don’t do it Moxie

Dont Do It Moxie
Dont Do It Moxie

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5 months ago

Flirting and messing with ring man on

Ch.Ai -w-

Flirting And Messing With Ring Man On
Flirting And Messing With Ring Man On
Flirting And Messing With Ring Man On
Flirting And Messing With Ring Man On

I was used google translate to mess with him too


Greed man can be flirting to ring man on his duty sometimes it might get….too much addictive

👀💧of jewelry

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6 months ago

Greed man💠 and envy man🐍

Greed Man And Envy Man
Greed Man And Envy Man

Only 3 more to go and the rest of the gang will have their own fun to begin

(( looks like snake man has a reptilian buddy to mess with toad man for the rest of a day ))

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6 months ago
6 months ago

Don’t eat Yuni’s pancakes 🥞

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6 months ago

🌀Sloth man🌙

Sloth Man

The lazy cozy sin bot of the sloth he’s love to watch snail racing and looking at slugs at the evening. He’s abilities cloud swirl to slow down his enemies and to get hits from his opponent.

He’s ultra attack he can use his slime to trap and splash them with a jump shot and take advantage of his speed.

Likes: slug and snails

Dislike: hard work/ chores

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6 months ago

Yuni is ready to take the mavericks down

Yuni Is Ready To Take The Mavericks Down

Yuni: nothing can defeat the power of the lolli staff

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7 months ago

Fire man🔥and lust women 💕

Fire Manand Lust Women

She wants his warm flames or his justice

Or both I guess will never know

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7 months ago

❤️Lust women ❤️

Lust Women

(( I’m making a mega man story very soon is called “Mega man and the the robots of sins and is going to be very interesting to make it happen when I’m through with it and yes it will have battle and a swell love connection but let’s just hold on for now ))

Meet lust women she the master of love

She loves to keep her heart desires of her own mind and she plays hard to get with her allies but she couldn’t help feeling herself to fight for love 💕

Lust women was created by Marisa Albert wily’s ex wife after she divorce him and tried to take revenge for the betrayal and mistreatment she had heard about her father addiction of taking over the world she couldn’t let him do that so she had to take matters of her own hands

Her attack lust used her love flare to strike at targets, slide dashes and her super attack is raining of love 💕, sometimes she can heal her soulmates when there hurt and damage.

Like: 🔥Fire man 🔥

Dislike: bad reputation

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7 months ago

SMG4 Lawsuit Arc but it’s Mega Man

SMG4 Lawsuit Arc But Its Mega Man

Blaze Girl: Aiden, I’m scared….

Ignis Frost: Guys, this is our only best chance of winning this trial.

Ignis Frost:  So lets give it our all!

Aiden: Yeah, Ignis is right, let’s give it our all’s!!

Butterflette: We can do this!

Cryo Man: We’ll kick their axx!!

Quake Woman: Ok WIthout further ado... LET’S BEGIN~!

Gift for @flowersofstarlight , @brandiph0 , and @purplequeeneve

7 months ago

XD man this brings me back the old memories 😂😭

Blaze girl: * playing with her toys * me go save the princess from the monster :3

Combust man: * just meditate in his room *

* Blaze girl stop playing toys and go to combust man’s room *

Blaze girl: uncle combust man can you be the monster?

Combust man: (evil happy face) of course Blaze just close your eyes and turn around

Blaze girl: ok * she close her eyes and turn around *

* then combust man scared her with his blue fire wall and growl at her, Blaze girl was run out crying *

Combust man: haha

Blaze girl: auntie the blue spirit monster scare me ;-;


(I tried drawing Blaze Girl and Combust Man in my style XD)

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7 months ago

Static man (new and improved )⚡️💥

Static Man (new And Improved )

And he’s still a snarky half brother to fuse man as always 🤣

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7 months ago


7 months ago

It’s good to see blaze girl again

Its Good To See Blaze Girl Again

She still a little fragile little girl 🥹🥰

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7 months ago

I see why she wants a divorce from wily

I See Why She Wants A Divorce From Wily
I See Why She Wants A Divorce From Wily
I See Why She Wants A Divorce From Wily
I See Why She Wants A Divorce From Wily
I See Why She Wants A Divorce From Wily

Marisa created a poison woman after she left him and taught her something that her father will never do /…poison woman is friends with megaman and his pals to cross paths to avoid evil

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7 months ago

I haven't seen your guys for a long time.😅 Will the students have new images like their parents? ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Yes they sure do whatever what journey they going to when they get older they will have their own potential to fulfill their dreams and fight evil and keep the world safe and secure

I Haven't Seen Your Guys For A Long Time. Will The Students Have New Images Like Their Parents?

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7 months ago

Me as a human

Me As A Human
Me As A Human
Me As A Human

I usually disguise myself when I’m out In the city to be a bit greedy and mostly get some ingredients for my potions from the forest 🌳

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7 months ago

What a beautiful day to hang out with the heroes of goo jit zu

What A Beautiful Day To Hang Out With The Heroes Of Goo Jit Zu
What A Beautiful Day To Hang Out With The Heroes Of Goo Jit Zu
What A Beautiful Day To Hang Out With The Heroes Of Goo Jit Zu

Marinette: uhh is he always like this

Blazagon: all the time around break days

(( sorry I don’t watch MLB 🐞 it might not be my favorite show but it’s cool to let Marinette to hang out with the goo pals))

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7 months ago
Also Did A MH X MM Thing Because.
Also Did A MH X MM Thing Because.
Also Did A MH X MM Thing Because.
Also Did A MH X MM Thing Because.
Also Did A MH X MM Thing Because.

also did a MH X MM thing because.

7 months ago

🔥Blaze bug 🐞

Marinette: ready for this ?

Blazagon: heck yeah let’s do this

Tikki: this will be amazing for the cool fusion

All: miraculous Jit zu!!

Blaze Bug

* they combined together as the others see them transform into a miraculous goo fighter warrior*

Zya: ooo this looks so good

Juni: The goo pals are gonna be jealous when they see this

Zee: I agree there’s no way there would ever be debate on a goo warrior fusion with a super hero before

Mai: what’s with the- woah

Thrash: is looks so radical that i ever see in the game

Mai: like a flame spark

Juni and Pantaro: simple as always

Blaze Bug
Blaze Bug

Blaze bug: Taa da

All: woah

Mai: that’s so cool

Pantaro: I must say I’m very impressed with this fusion

Zee: what is your hero name since your half goo now?

Blaze bug: let’s see I am a ladybug and got goo flames how about Blaze bug

Juni: sounds good me

Pantaro: same here

Thrash: awesome maybe you beat those bad guys with the flaming hot yoyo blade and slice them off with a strike

Mai: and given a big cosmic fire ball

Blaze bug: I don’t think that’s works like that we still got a lot of training to do

Zee: alright let do this

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8 months ago

✨Goo jit zu 🥋X monster high 💀🎀

( cross over)

Goo Jit Zu X Monster High

Rock jaw: ack! Stupid little kids!! Just wait until I get them…

Lagonna: he too scared to handle off, you got any ideas?

Xanny: yup and this might be a risky but you think you can handle him ?

Lagoona: of course not… I couldn’t even barely get a load of that guy he’s a wanted criminal

Xanny: ikr but it’s a tough one but I your the only one you can handle I’ll get you some help in no time

Lagoona: Xanny you can’t be serious

Xanny: sorry goona every ghoul for themselves right?

Lagoona: yeah I guess you’re rig-

Goo Jit Zu X Monster High

Xanny: *push Lagoona to rock jaw* opps see ya *runs away*

Lagoona: Xanny! Get back here

Goo Jit Zu X Monster High

Rock jaw: hey! Watch where you-…ah how wonderful you must be new here swap lady what brings me to destroy your heroes pals and get rid of this dump

Lagoona : what are you talking about gator punks cause what part of plan you’re talking about is not going to scare me

Rock jaw: that a shame missy because we got a lot of stuff to do, once I’m taken care of you

*he grabs her and walks off with her as she yells out and starts crying out*

Goo Jit Zu X Monster High

Lagoona: let go of me!! This is not cool at all!

Rock jaw: oh I’m not gonna hurt you doll I’m just gonna a little chat with you and bring your friends to come rescue you

Lagoona: grrr! You won’t get away with this!!

*7 hours later*

Toralei: I’m sorry you want me too rescue her ha give me a break already the swamp princess can do it herself

Xanny: I’m not saying that you should but you know you’re the only one who was there for her and I guess you can say I know about your secret soulmate

Toralei: your bluffing it couldn’t be

Xanny: yup before she was dating gill that time you was talking about what you was about to do if you was in gill’s place and want to be all close to her

Goo Jit Zu X Monster High

Toralei: tch! That’s so long ago and you’re bringing it up now to rub it in my face

Xanny: like that time you help her pick out to wear for the picnic party and hang out with her friends and even though yall don’t get along together, did you remember that Tori ?😏

Toralei: I thought we agreed not to call me that

Xanny: remember that time when Lagoona was on her period and Gill was cheating on her with his siren chick?

Toralei: yeah I remember that

Xanny: and you and the girls have to get that chick and make her into a seafood dish do you remember then.

Toralei: Xavier we thought we can’t let anyone disgust this

Xanny: so are you going help me save her or am I have to tell the ghouls you been was having a sweet connection of you and Lagoona and you left her alone getting kidnapped

Toralei: ok ok fine I’ll do it, how are we gonna stop this gator guy?

Xanny: I know a great friend who gonna help

So they go in the attic and fine the staff that opened a portal and it opens it, so they went in and go out of the portal and see the new city

Xanny: holy smokes I never see this before

Toralei: me neither is looks so different than boo York and our home

Xanny: I have a feeling this might be a my favorite town I get to goof around any day

Toralei: forget about that we just need to stop that awful gator before something terrible happens to her

Zee : you mean rock jaw the leader of the wilders

Both: a human?

Xanny: You know all of this stuff?

Zee: yeah and you guys must be new goo pal too?

Toralei: no we’re ghouls we live in monster high is a school full of monsters and I run this school

Xanny: not really and monster and human don’t get along together at our home but hey at least is better than chaos

Zee: my gosh I never knew that, but my pals they can protect humans and the world from bad guys and criminals and they also help me to protect myself too even though human and creature are don’t have in common of each other and the goo jit zu are my family too me

Xanny: wow that so heart warming, I’m Xanny and that’s Toralei she a lesbian cat

Toralei: shut it

Zee: I’m zee and I’m a lesbian too with my girlfriend

Xanny: is she a fighter like you are ?

Zee: almost it takes a few steps to get into another level but I think my pals could help save your friend

Toralei: that’s purr-ect let’s do it

So a few hours later they met the heroes Xanny and Toralei explained what happened to Lagoona that she was kidnapped by rock jaw

Goo Jit Zu X Monster High

They were amazing about this situation , and they agreed to help and give them some training for a couple weeks before the battle started.

Zeni: of course will help you but one connection , you have to use your jit zu powers for good measure

Toralei: I promise

Xanny: heck yeah!

Goo Jit Zu X Monster High

Then training starts and everyone is getting together more often well almost every day

Pantaro: be careful when you use your flames blaygo

Blaygo: ok Papa I promise

Xanny: aw there’s so cute ☺️

Zee: ikr is warm my heart see them playing along well

Xanny: does that happen often?

Zeni: mostly we send the little ones into daycare while we fight wilders so they don’t get hurt or injured and we rescue goo kids from the wilders as well

Zee: Chouko usually watches them when we’re out saving the city

Xanny: that is amazing

•a few minutes later as they finished training they herd a alarm and they see lagoona was hostage by rock jaw•

Toralei : holy smokes that is him with lagoona

Zeni: and he gonna make her a wilder ghoul is not gonna be pretty

Pantaro: that’s not gonna happen

Xanny: we can’t let him do that we got stop him with a sweet tricks

Blazagon: heck yeah that a perfect plan let’s go do this

•as the hero go in the hideout and battling the wilders, rock jaw still holding lagoona hostage and keeping asking her to join him but she still refuses to join him•

Goo Jit Zu X Monster High

Rock jaw: is that so?

Lagoona: yeah I bet you can even try it, you filthy gator you don’t have the guts like a fish

Rock jaw: I’ll show ya a big guts like a fish swamp lady !

*he picks her up as lagoona tries to struggle her way out*

Lagoona: ugh! My friends will be there to stop you !!

Rock jaw: chatter all you want sweetheart they’re not gonna save you as we rule the world together

Toralei: I don’t think so slimy alligator. Hah!! *she kick him*

*as Xanny helps lagoona gets free and leaves for Toralei and Rockjaw to fight*

Lagoona: Toralei, Xanny your here

Xanny: just forget the time I let you get captured by a wilder criminal

Lagoona: apologies accepted xan let’s get out of here

Xanny: good enough

•Rockjaw knocks Toralei to the ground tries to destroy her but she gains control and she unlocks her chakra and she uses her claw strike at him•

Goo Jit Zu X Monster High

•as she put him down defeated as she get up in victory•

Toralei: sleep you later alligator

•she leaves out and everyone is cheering for her as lagoona hugs her•

Goo Jit Zu X Monster High

Xanny: heh I knew that kitty cat will be snuggled up by her sweet princess

Toralei: oh shut it

*everyone starts laughing and they get together, then they hang out together•

(( the end))

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