Robot Master Oc - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

A gorgeous flower is marvelous like you

A Gorgeous Flower Is Marvelous Like You

Gigi: aww thank you , you’re so sweet charming man

Gemini man: oh stop don’t make me blush

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2 years ago

Just a hang out party

Just A Hang Out Party

Happy new year 🎈🎊🎆

(( spirit woman belongs to @ministar100 ))

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2 years ago

Daycare attendance: we have your child.

Torch man: what do you want me to do!?

Daycare attendance: pick your child up!!! It's literally 6:00 p.m.

tundra man: hey torch man combust man?

combust man:?

tundra man: have you seen blaze girl?

combust man:.............

Torch man: Tundra promised don’t be upset

Tundra man: my love I would never be upset with you why would I-

🎵Siren woman🧜‍♀️: combust man didn’t pick up Blaze girl from daycare and he forgot about it

Combust man: * whispers to siren woman * why did you have to lie to him?

🫧Itzuki💧: …….

❄️Tundra man ❄️: …..oh 💢

🔥Torch man 💥: itzuki you might wanna step out of the room for a second this might get messy

🫧Itzuki💧 : ok

* 4 hours later *

🔥Torch man 💥: sorry you have to wait for so long , did you have a great time at daycare?

❄️Blaze girl 🔥: yeah all the kids were being whiled so the teacher had to calm them down for a bit so what happened to uncle Combust man?

🔥Torch man 💥: don’t worry about him he’s a little….lazy

Combust man: ……don’t rub it in

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2 years ago

what was blaze girl's first steps like?

Well she was struggling to get up at first but she kept wobbling and wobbling until she stopped and she walking to touch and tundra man they were so happy to see her little baby walk for the first time is a adorable 🥰

What Was Blaze Girl's First Steps Like?

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2 years ago

Eeee!! I love it thank you so much 😊 is beautiful 😻

Eeee!! I Love It Thank You So Much Is Beautiful
Peacock Woman X Quartz Woman

💚Peacock Woman x Quartz Woman💖

It was supposed to be posted on Pride Month, but I couldn’t wait that long. Anyway, I really love Peacock and Quartz as a couple. They are cute together. I hope you like it @brandiph0 😊💖💚💕💝🌟✨🌸🌼🌹🌷

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2 years ago

If my fictional game characters meet each other

If My Fictional Game Characters Meet Each Other

Block man: who are you?!

Ash: I was about to ask you the same thing !

Gigi: ….this looks…. Pretty uh….different

Demma: yeah it is

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2 years ago

My sweet race car 🏎️ 💖💕

My Sweet Race Car

Happy Valentine’s Day 💘💕❤️

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2 years ago

Happy birthday to @ministar100

Happy Birthday To @ministar100

Squirrel woman: * pet her head* here’s a flower for you

Spirit woman: a flower? For me?

Squirrel woman: yeah flowers make you feel more relaxed and cheerful

Spirit woman: oh thanks you shouldn’t have..I mean I love it 💕

Squirrel woman: I’m glad you love it

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2 years ago

🐺Louis 💕


Real name: Louis

Nickname: Lu Lu

Siblings: Plant man ( older brother)

Favorite hobby: gaming, cooking, playing in the woods

Ability: claw strike , shock wave, plasma laser

Sexually: Demi romantic, bisexual

Pals: Chain girl ⛓️ Leaflets🍃 , drill man , Block man 🧱 ( her crush)

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1 year ago

Just having a good time

With 🐺🐾Lu lu 💕 and Block man 🧱

Just Having A Good Time

Lu Lu: haha this show is so over rated

Block man: yeah I know right?

Lu Lu : yeah, so what do you want to tell me?

Block man: uh nothing is just I like your sweater it matches your style

Lu Lu: aww why thank you 😊

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1 year ago

“ you don’t test my brain “

 You Dont Test My Brain

Psychic man fear’s nothing but losing his friends

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1 year ago

tundra man:hey let me see what you have

Blaze girl:a knife!

tundra man:NO!

Minty: hey Blaze girl stay calm give me the knife

Siren woman: * freaking out in tears *

Blaze girl: * gives the knife to minty*

Minty: that’s good

Siren woman: omg

Itsuki : * hugs siren woman *

Tundra woman: oh blaze girl don’t scare us like that 😭

Blaze girl: sorry dad

Tundra man: is alright sweetheart

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1 year ago

Ice Man: Ready Blaze Girl, kick the baby!

Blaze Girl: Don’t kick the baby. >:(

Ice Man: Kick the baby! *kicks Blaze Girl like a football knocking down 4 mailboxes*

Ice Man: Ready Blaze Girl, Kick The Baby!

Minty: alright who hurt blaze girl !?! >:( 🧹

Ice man: 0-0…..

Launch boy:….

Jinx woman: it was heat man

Launch boy : yeah I saw him do it

Ice man: definitely heat man

Heat man: no I didn’t!!! Uh oh 😰

Minty: come here lighter box bot 😡🧹

Heat man: * runs away from Minty*

Minty: * runs after him * get back here now!!!

Ice man: are you okay blaze girl?

Blaze girl: I’m ok

Ice man: don’t tell your fathers about this

(( note to self don’t harm a baby bot 🤖)))

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1 year ago

Shader stone ✨💥

(( corrupted✨ glitter women ✨))

Over 7 years ago the heroes and the Gear sisters are doing their normal activities, Galilei was feeling down and looking the picture of her younger self and Gigi as Kana and Psychic man sees they told her what’s wrong and Galile told them Gigi hasn’t been home for days is getting her feeling worried the rest of the robot masters hear including Millie

Ziska tried calling her but she didn’t answer, Koki tried connecting with her but nothing happened. Flare thinks someone or something is controlling Gigi but they don’t know if it’s true.

Impact man : “ let’s have a search party and split together and look for her”

Leaflet: that’s a good idea I’ll stay back with Millie and give you the information to let you know

Psychic man: that sounds fine to me will be back

Millie: alright be careful out there she’ll might get a little sick

Frozen woman: yes Millie

Dead fly woman: you got it

* After hours and hours of searching one of the group found Gigi on the beach stand floating up shaking and crying while everyone was in traumatized and shocked *

Shader Stone

Flare women: i knew it

Voltage women: you always knew everything

Flare women: not like the typical fabric geniuses who overlook it

Voltage women: oh ha ha don’t you ever….

Roll: knock it off you two! We have to calm her down without her power gear destroying the city

Psychic man: or hurting us she not someone who is in control is the dark gear that is controlling her all this it wants her to feel rage , fear and depression, I felt the same thing when I was in pain

Koki: ….omg

Kana: what happened to her other power gear necklace?

Psychic man: it was getting repaired after that cave mission so she had to wear that dark power gear necklace while is repairing

Dead fly woman: oh yeah

Roll: I’ll go battle her while you guys try to get the others

Ziska: right!! now you two play fair and good luck

Roll: no need to worry I be just fine Gigi

Gigi: huh?! Roll what are you doing here you have to get out of here before you know what’s gonna happen to you

Roll: no I’m not leaving without you I know you’re in fear of that gear consuming you but I’m leaving no other choice to battle you or let’s us help you please Gigi we need you come back home

Gigi: Roll… I Ahhhh!

Roll: Gigi!!

* the dark gear has transformed her into a ultimate corrupted weapon *

Shader Stone

Minty: I don’t believe it what did it made her

Turquoise man : shader stone!

Shader stone: you can’t stop I am fear and unstable!! If you want to have a battle so be it

Roll: * suit up * your on

Shader Stone

* they begin to fight back and forth meanwhile the 11th robot masters come in and see the battle *

Blast man: that bot looks wicked

Launch boy: definitely

Psychic man: that bot is Gigi don’t hurt her

Acid man: I don’t think even if- whoa

Tundra man: ahh * tumbles *

Torch man: tundra!! * catches Tundra man* got ya

Tundra man: oh thanks 😊

Bounce man: weeee!! I’m getting dizzy 😵‍💫

Psychic man: hold on * used his force field bubble to avoid the quake *

Lu lu: are you ok

Psychic man: yeah

Lu Lu: where’s fuse man?

Fuse man: dahh Is spinning in circles

Static man: make it stop!!

Psychic man and acid man: * sigh* brothers

Shader Stone

Roll: * down to the ground and injure *

Shader stone: you may be unable to fight me but you are not matched to my power

Roll: I know but there’s one thing glitter woman can do to defeat you

Shader stone: what would that be spark ?

Roll: no love block man now!!

Shader stone: huh

Block man: * gaint form* Gigi!!

Chain girl: * wrap her legs in chains * Gigi you always have my back when I’m not around I’m not leaving without you cousin we’re here

Shader stone: !?!?

* The 11th robots and the gear sisters hold shader stone and bounce man gives her a big hug *

Kana: Gigi you didn’t have to do this for yourself all you have is our own path and I know you have to

Fuse man: Gigi you taught me to never have to hide my emotions and I know you can’t hide it to

Impact man: my sewing glamour I love you so much you hear me?

Shader stone: !?!? * starts crying *

Psychic man: we love you sis

Gemini man: * jumps in her shoulder *

Shader stone: * see Gemini man * Gemini??

Gemini man: Gigi you been through so much pain and that must have been hard on yourself but don’t worry we’re going take care of you just like you take care of us .. I don’t have your powers but..* kiss her gently *

Shader stone: * crying * * turns herself back to normal *

Splash woman : is she ok?

Turquoise man: yeah she just needs time to heal

Splash woman: that’s understandable

Shader Stone

Gigi: * groan* is it over?

Gemini man: yeah is over

Gigi: * giggles softly *

* next morning everything was normal Gigi and Gemini man are at the park having a swell date together and cuddle together *

Gemini man: uh Gigi there something on your face

Gigi: where I don’t see -

Gemini man: * kiss her* got you

Gigi: ^\\\^ oh * laughs *

Shader Stone

* Gemini and Gigi kissing and hugging each other *

(( this was based on the Steven universe feature finally episode and I almost started to cry when it’s ended))

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1 year ago

The Lu Lu dance

The Lu Lu Dance

Lu Lu: * howl * let’s boogie :>

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1 year ago

A new look for a Snip ✂️🩷 bot 🤖

( Trans cut woman AU)

A New Look For A Snip Bot

Jinx woman: you looking good cut woman

Cut woman: thanks I never been dressed up like this before

Jinx woman: well I guess you can say “ a glow up “ is about being your true self and letting out your true colors not magically but rather just get out the closet and be free

Cut woman: oh I never thought of it before I guess I’ll give it a try ..or somehow

Jinx woman: you know I’ll be here for you whenever happens

Cut woman: thanks jinx I needed that

Jinx woman: no problem pal

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1 year ago

👸Fuchsia 🕷️


Robot Name: spider queen

Creator: Gabby Crossack

Siblings: 🩵Itsuki 💧, Bell 🛎️ women

Weapon: spider staff

Sexually: lesbian 🩷🧡🤍❤️

Ability: web bomb and laser shock

Crush: siren woman

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