🦚🌸Lilac 🌺

(( she was inspired by 🌵 spike 🌵 and 🌸Sakura 🌸))
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More Posts from Brandiph0
🖤Yuni 🐰🌟

Class hunter : C
Gender: female
Eye color: magenta
Favorite food: rib sandwich
Weapon: lollipop staff
Friends: Axl, umaza, storm eagle , chill penguin, zero and X
The woods of darkness
*One evening the gooey kids sneak in the woods to see what sparkle cave , but Blaygo is to worry about the cave because Blazagon and Pantaro told him not to go in the woods, some say if you go in the woods of darkness you be trapped in fear and sadness *

Blaygo: uhh Aoxi are you sure we can go in the woods ?
Aoxi: yeah I’m sure will go to the cave in a little bit and will be back home in no time
Mimi: what if our friends find out we’re not home ?they’ll be worried if we go in the woods of darkness
Aoxi: oh Mimi I’m sure we’ll be fine and trust me those creatures won’t no what hit it
Blaygo and Mimi: ok
* so the gooey kids head out in deep woods , but Aoxi ran a little too far and Blaygo and Mimi are catching up him.*
Mimi: hey Aoxi slow down we’re gonna end up in a circle!
Aoxi: we’re almost there I can see it!
Blaygo: geez Aoxi are you listening?
Mimi: don’t worry I’ll have perfect plan for him

Blaygo: ok I’m in
Aoxi : we’re here !
Blaygo: wow is so beautiful
Mimi: Aoxi omg you almost got us lost
Aoxi: I’m sorry I just want to see the cave but look at this beautiful place!
Mimi: * shocked * wow I never see it so ….shiny before
Blaygo: I’m speechless …but let’s have a little bit of and head back
* they play in cave for hours and hours, Blaygo picking out the berries and double check if is not spoil, Aoxi swimming in the pond and the the other fish and Mimi is looking at her reflection the water *
Blaygo: * looks at Mimi* Mimi are you ok?
Mimi: yeah I’m just thinking about my parents and I know hard enough for me to about it.
Aoxi: * here Mimi and Blaygo talking * huh?

Blaygo: no is ok I’ll listen
Aoxi: * goes to them and sit down * I’ll try to pay attention
Mimi: that’s good we’ll it hard to say but when was little baby sheep my parents told me about the cave it will guard you from danger and protect you from the wilders I been there every day until… the wilders broke in my home and they were trying to eat me
Blaygo and Aoxi: * shocked *
Aoxi: oh no
Mimi: yeah and mommy told me to go in the cave while dad was fighting the wilders and I jump out the window and I ran into the cave and I lay down crying I been in the cave for almost a year then I got out and back home and see… there gone
Aoxi: …..* looks at the water in sadness *
Blaygo: I…I’m sorry for your loss Mimi but I’m glad you safe with us and our friends and family
Mimi: thanks I I’m glad you and Aoxi are the side of good and is getting late we should go back home
Blaygo: yeah besides my fathers and Kichi are getting worried that I’m gone, hey Aoxi you want to head back?
Aoxi:…in a minute I’ll catch up with you
Blaygo: ok don’t stay here too long
Aoxi: I won’t
* Aoxi had been in the for a hours and while he was out of the sparkle cave he released the woods have turned dark and he was so scared and worried he ran in and out of the woods 8 times but no luck *
Aoxi: * started to cry * Blaygo…..Mimi…. I’m….sorry I should have been listening to you guys about the dark woods….*sobbing * I just wanna go home
* then his tears had been made a whirl pool portal in his eyes *

Aoxi: woah … did I…made a portal?
* he went in the portal and he remembered what Blaygo said about family and friends as soon as he got out of the portal he sees Chouko, mimi and Blaygo and he was excited to see them again and he hug them. Aoxi apologize for not listening to them *

Chouko: you promise you’re gonna listen to me and your friends?
Aoxi: I promise can we go home please
Chouko: sure
The end
Heroes of dimensions pt 1- the Beginning
long long time ago there was a goddess who rule over the demomsions her name was Queen Neiva. when Queen Neiva was here and some pure Evil among us there was Another goddess who was evil but the dimension Queen didn't know what to do so then war started both of goddess use last of there power the war stopped and everyone has turn to stone but time went on there some people who knew this story and some didn't but people know the evil goddess will come when she does some people well stand up and rise....
Taffy: hmm what should I do I'm so bored!..
( hears Knock the door)
Taffy: I'm coming! *Wakes to the door*
Taffy:* opens the door* huh!? hello? Is anyone there-oh whats this?
*Close the door behind her*

Taffy: it could a prank😑 well if this is a prank I'm getting the police💢
*Opens the Envelope*
Taffy: here it goes Who ever reading this letter is going to be Teleported!?
(Release there was a portal)
Taffy: No no!!! (taffy gets in to portal) Aaaaaaa!

Taffy: yes I'm OK thanks
Alien: how many fingers I'm i holding up?
Taffy: ten.
Alien: *sigh* thank goodness...

Alien: no problem.
Taffy: are you from around here?
Alien: i got teleport here Couple of minutes go.
Taffy: oh I forgot to introduce myself my name is taffy and you?
Alien: my name is Alien nice to meet you.
Taffy: you too.
*Screen turns on*
Alien: huh it's says heroes of dimension?
Taffy: huh who are they?
(Release some one got transport here and it was @flowerofstarlight/ Connie)
Taffy: Connie!?
Connie: oh hey Taffy!
Taffy: did you get teleported as well?
Connie: yeah what is this place? There's a lot of people!
Taffy: yes. Connie I want you to meet Alien!
Connie: hello Alien.
Alien: hi its great to meet you connie^^
Connie: same here^^
Taffy: hey! Who's that!?
Alien: Shh!
Taffy: *wipsers* why do want be quiet?
Alien: *wispers* because no talking that's why I'm saying be quiet!
Inaaya: hello everyone my name is Inaaya as all know I teleport you all here for a reason its because evil is among us and we need your help to along side us will you join us?
Connie: Evil?
(Everyone shouts yes)
Inaaya: Very well welcome to dimension academy you all have rooms tonight here's the application form there's a cafeteria a power class Science class PE class math class history class English class art class so I hope enjoy this place see you all tomorrow goodnight.
Taffy: looks like we need to find our room
Alien: yes come on!
*Runs to the dorms*
Alien: which one is our room number?
Connie: I think it's 1302
Connie: yup!
*After Couple minutes later*
Taffy: are we there yet?....
Connie: yup!
Taffy: finely thank god!
*Go's in there rooms*
Connie taffy and Alien: whoa💕
Alien: this place is beautiful
Connie: I'm going to sleep goodnight.
Alien: yeah were going to sleep as goodnight!
*Turns out the lights*
Taffy: what a crazy day this has been *go's to sleep*
To be Continued
@brandiph0 @flowersofstarlight and @ailenthefox and me / @inaaya and new people will be in pt 2 like @nase-91 so I hope you enjoy^^
Your beautiful just the way you are

And is true
Tara: you’re beautiful you don’t have to be like the others
Taffy: aw thanks Tara I need that advice :3
Tara: you’re welcome Taffy

Age: 3
Favorite food: fries
Favorite hobby: swimming, and play pretend
Ability: water splat
Friends: 🐉🐱Blaygo 🔥, 🐉🐱Kichi, ❄️, 🦝Ronnie , Mimi 🐑