braveburned - β˜† β€” π™Žπ™π™‹π™€π™π™Žπ™π˜Όπ™ !!
β˜† β€” π™Žπ™π™‹π™€π™π™Žπ™π˜Όπ™ !!

* β€” π™Šπ™ƒ π˜Ώπ™€π˜Όπ™, I'm so sorry .... that you grew up too soon. ❜

973 posts

Braveburned - !! - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago
8 months ago
You Can Plan For All The Devastating, Terrible Possibilities You Can Imagine, And Itll Always Be Those
You Can Plan For All The Devastating, Terrible Possibilities You Can Imagine, And Itll Always Be Those
You Can Plan For All The Devastating, Terrible Possibilities You Can Imagine, And Itll Always Be Those

You can plan for all the devastating, terrible possibilities you can imagine, and it’ll always be those tiny, unexpected things that get you.

independent and selective multi muse with muses from dc, dead boy detectives, crazy fun park, mean girls, and more. by ant (she/they). doc. template.

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8 months ago

all of my grief says this same thing β€” THIS ISN'T HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE, THIS ISN'T HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE. and the world laughs, holds my hope by the throat and says: but this is how it is. oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head.

( independent rosemary winters of the resident evil franchise. highly selective and heavily headcanon based. as adored by lune. )

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9 months ago
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𝙸 πš†π™Έπ™»π™» 𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴 πšˆπ™Ύπš„ πš‚πš„π™΅π™΅π™΄πš, πš‚πš„π™΅π™΅π™΄πš 𝙻𝙸𝙺𝙴 πš‚π™Ύ π™Όπ™°π™½πšˆ 𝙾𝙡 πšƒπ™·π™΄ π™Ύπšƒπ™·π™΄πšπš‚.

𝑙𝑒𝑑'𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑒 β„Žπ‘œπ‘€ π‘šπ‘Žπ‘›π‘¦ π‘‘π‘–π‘šπ‘’π‘  π‘¦π‘œπ‘’ π‘π‘Žπ‘› 𝑏𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 π‘Žπ‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘‘, π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ 𝑝𝑒𝑑 π‘π‘Žπ‘π‘˜ π‘‘π‘œπ‘”π‘’π‘‘β„Žπ‘’π‘Ÿ π‘Žπ‘”π‘Žπ‘–π‘› . . .

( burned by : sonia . twenty 6 . mdni . graphic Β© )

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9 months ago

happy father’s day to uhhhh . michael afton I guess?

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9 months ago
 Stares. ".... Do You Think He Knows About The Room With The Vent?"
 Stares. ".... Do You Think He Knows About The Room With The Vent?"

β˜… β€” Stares. ".... do you think he knows about the room with the vent?"

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9 months ago

following in morgan's example and bringing back my IC wire as !! I'll be mobile bound for most of the evening but I have so much muse. feel free to bug him !

Following In Morgan's Example And Bringing Back My IC Wire As !! I'll Be Mobile Bound For Most Of The

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9 months ago

β€œI’m the only one OUT of the loop it seems”


β˜… β€” It's been a little over a month since the sudden shift in Gregory's routine ; since he stopped coming home straight after school, claiming to be out with Tony and Cassie instead, since he started bringing his own groceries home with no sign of where the extra money to pay for them was coming from ( he doesn't steal β€”β€” as much, anymore ), since the tension he'd first carried out of the pizzaplex all those years ago had begun to seep back into his shoulders, a wary eye given to the shadows of their small apartment.

Michael had noticed. Of course he had, Gregory knew he had, but he'd clung to his lie, clung to his friends as an alibi. It was only a matter of time before his guardian called him out on it.

He can practically hear Cassie's I - told - you - so in the back of his head.

Panicked look towards Tonyβ€” who shrugs, raising his hands to signal that Gregory's on his own here, the assholeβ€” before letting his gaze flicker back towards his guardian. Nope, can't do that. Unable to look Michael in the eyes, Gregory falls back into old defensive habits ; furrows his brows, frowns, looks deliberately off to the side, arms folded across his chest and shoulders curling inwards, making him seem smaller despite the fact that he's close to Michael's own height by now.

"Maybe! So what, it wasn't like you would've heard me out anyways!"

( behind Gregory, Tony raises a hand to his face in disbelief ).

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9 months ago

❛ There’s always a flaw in the system. ❜

inbox summer cleaning / in some miracle I think this one is only six months old

β˜… β€” More and more often, Gregory has found himself spending his nights tucked into the shadows of the ruined remains of the pizzaplex ( supposedly being repaired for an eventual reopening β€” the thought makes him scoff, the place is falling apart ), dimly illuminated by the soft glow of a computer screen.

His brows are furrowed as he scans over code, looking for anomalies ( things that scream this isn't safe! ), inserting his own to wall a piece off from the rest. Familiar routine ; he's getting good at this, the strings of numbers and executions feeling like a second language. Combination of self - taught and guided instruction, the goal becoming more and more tangible the longer he spends in the darkness.

Attention flickers to the small pop - up of text in the corner ( long grown used to the watchful gaze of the second entity, much more hidden than the first he encountered ), the ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. A piece of code is highlighted with the AI's appearance β€” a helping hand, and Gregory's quick to change it, nodding in agreement.

"I know. I think I'm getting close."

Spoken to the open air despite no one being around, but he knows the program can hear him. He leans back, un - glueing himself from the screen.

"If you can get the kill code, I should be able to get you into the game. Vanessa, too β€” since it won't let her play."

Of course, choosing to ignore the risks of this plan he and Vanessa had come up with. If he's in the headset, playing the game, he's vulnerable to Glitchtrap itself, giving it access to his mind the same way Vanessa had. It's a risk he's willing to take ; but one he's not sure the AI that's been guiding him will agree with.

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9 months ago

πŸ‘š +


Send πŸ‘š + an Item of clothing that my muse has no choice but to wear to see their reaction


β˜… β€” He's wearing this to school tomorrow!

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9 months ago


Send πŸ‘š + an Item of clothing that my muse has no choice but to wear to see their reaction


β˜… β€” Can't help the snort that sounds, a little breathy half - laugh as he rolls his eyes with a fond, mischievous twinkle. As if showing her pick off to her, he spins around a couple of times, with his arms held loosely out to his side.

"It'd be kinda hard to lose me in the first place if I'm wearing something this bright. Sorta defeats the purpose?"

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9 months ago

πŸ‘š + a roxanne wolf t-shirt gyhujiko

Send πŸ‘š + an Item of clothing that my muse has no choice but to wear to see their reaction

 + A Roxanne Wolf T-shirt Gyhujiko

β˜… β€” For it being just a regular shirt from the pizzaplex gift shop, he's being unreasonably overdramatic ; obviously tense, his brows furrowed, nose crinkled in distaste. Arms are held slightly away from his side, straight out with no bend so that he isn't touching the normal shirt she's given him. He looks pitiful.

"Seriously?" ( a groan of annoyance ). "Why Roxy? She hates me!"

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9 months ago
Send + An Item Of Clothing That My Muse Has No Choice But To Wear To See Their Reaction

Send πŸ‘š + an Item of clothing that my muse has no choice but to wear to see their reaction

Send + An Item Of Clothing That My Muse Has No Choice But To Wear To See Their Reaction

β˜… β€” Wrinkles his nose a bit, fiddling with the bill of the hat, adjusting his hair underneath it. He doesn't hate it, but β€”β€”.

" β€”β€” didn't you already stick a beanie like this on my head before?"

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9 months ago

πŸ‘šthis but it looks like freddy

This But It Looks Like Freddy

Send πŸ‘š + an Item of clothing that my muse has no choice but to wear to see their reaction

This But It Looks Like Freddy

β˜… β€” "Stop! I don't need a backpack leash! I'm in the fifth grade!"

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9 months ago

πŸ‘š +


Send πŸ‘š + an Item of clothing that my muse has no choice but to wear to see their reaction


β˜… β€” Gnawing and scratching and pulling at the child leash let him GO.

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